If you want it complete, it originally came with a clear blue bag for the wrist strap, a clear bag for the system, a clear bag and twist tie for the ac adapter, and a piece of red foam sheet that goes between the two screens. I'm not sure if the extra stylus came with it's own bag or was shipped in the same bag as the wrist strap.
The DS lite is still my fave out of them all 🤣 its sleek and does the job for me 🤣🙏🏻
DS lite is one of the best. Stay tuned...
If you want it complete, it originally came with a clear blue bag for the wrist strap, a clear bag for the system, a clear bag and twist tie for the ac adapter, and a piece of red foam sheet that goes between the two screens. I'm not sure if the extra stylus came with it's own bag or was shipped in the same bag as the wrist strap.
This is great info for restoration projects to manufacturer complete/"true" complete. Thanks for sharing