That's a common concern! While the performance is often top-notch, many users prefer a more durable feel for the knobs. If you're looking for a robust alternative, there are many options available. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to call our specialists at 877-417-9000 or schedule a free video consultation!
very nice
hello Mr Yamaha, could you build and market a dedicated power amplifier please, thank you
Yamaha M-5000
Only negative about this Receiver is the Plastic knob! feels flimsy
That's a common concern! While the performance is often top-notch, many users prefer a more durable feel for the knobs. If you're looking for a robust alternative, there are many options available.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to call our specialists at 877-417-9000 or schedule a free video consultation!