I've been using AreoPilates preformer for several years on and off, but recently every other day for 4 1/2 months. Fastest change was my posture! Huge difference. I also dieted from that same ammount of time and have lost 20lbs. My core, legs, arms and shoulders feel so much stronger. I am 62 yrs old, 5'7 and now 130 lbs. My question is that even though I am so much stronger...even my core...I dont use the rebounder cuz it hurts my lower back! I really want to use it. I dont know if I have arthritis or not...any suggestions on how to use it and progress in using it without my back hurting? Thank you!
I've been using AreoPilates preformer for several years on and off, but recently every other day for 4 1/2 months. Fastest change was my posture! Huge difference. I also dieted from that same ammount of time and have lost 20lbs. My core, legs, arms and shoulders feel so much stronger. I am 62 yrs old, 5'7 and now 130 lbs. My question is that even though I am so much stronger...even my core...I dont use the rebounder cuz it hurts my lower back! I really want to use it. I dont know if I have arthritis or not...any suggestions on how to use it and progress in using it without my back hurting? Thank you!
Can you tell me what you have on your door? Love your clear cueing and directions.