First Time Ever..!! A Tong Dramatic CRY Tantrum Anqry Mom Touching Him
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- #monkey #lovely
First Time Ever..!! A Tong Dramatic CRY Tantrum Anqry Mom Touching Him
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This woman is insane.
She has no relation to normality
No se tomó los medicamentos. ...
она также нормальна как и вы, или также ненормальна, как и вы, она показывает, вы смотрите, не нравится , не смотрите
She is far from normal. There's something wrong with her.
@@valerie2827100% agree
@@Вертикальныйгоризонт you are a fool
That monkey hates you and your voice just like the rest of us!!!!
Pobrecito, que DESAGRADABLE ESCUCHARLA !!!!!!!!!!
She’s a laughing hyena witch and bitch, a dangerto animals and humanity!
Sure, hide from the truth remove comment and live with your guilt
Your comment is so funny. I laughed so hard that I about peed myself.
He is being abused. That is not a tantrum, but fear.
He hates her.
💯 percent correct
Got S A
No he isn't. He wants his way. He wants to be held
Woman just yells so loudly in the traumatized baby's face.. she is super annoying and the poor monkey does not love her..
И что теперь?😂 Макака не любит хозяйку!!!!
Срочно поменять??.
До абсурда доходит,маразм у людей
Да будет вам известно,что она не кричит-они все так громко разговаривают-такая их культура😂
So you know who this woman and her monkey really are?
Have you watched him since your comment??
@t.s.3731 what's to know.. its easy to see that baby is freaked out and not only that, if baby becomes attached to this woman it isn't because he loves her it's because baby has no choice but to behave in the way the woman trains baby to be so baby will get the food and warmth of a care taker.. as proof just witness these babies once they are grown. They love their mommies so much that they maul the care taker and chew off their noses and fingertips.. we are all animals and WE ARE ALL SHAPED BY OUR ENVIRONMENT PAST AND PRESENT.
It's obvious without seeing anything more than the video. That poor monkey is scared to death and possibly hungry and she's just using him as click bait. It's disgusting. @@t.s.3731
You make the monkey anxious by being so loud.
Whoa. At the end when he’s holding onto the basket and looking at nothing - he is dead in the eyes, just dead. I don’t even know if he’s sad, I think he’s well beyond that - it’s just absolute despair and he has no choice except to just give up.
I concur..
Ухоженный и сытый лодарь ждёт такси ,не хочет пешком ходить ,вот и все
Would love to be able to watch and see more of what you're talking about, but RUclips covered his face
Какая то чокнутая, а ещё женщина, покорми его, он успокоится, а не верещи
Ужасный канал! Зачем ты дразнишь малыша, вместо того, чтобы накормить и согреть его, зачем кричишь своим отвратительным резким голосом , пугая его?
Eu já disse outras vezes que o macaquinho não suporta a voz dessa mulher chata
Die Leute haben entsetzliche Stimme.Leute schaltet doch ab,!!!!😢
Ta małpa jest już duża
he wants milk not some stupid empty pacifier
They always want milk. You don't give into a child's "wants" simply because they demand it. The same prolly holds true for viewers like you (bars).
Poor baby is starving and needs affection
her fake attitude is like finger nails on a chalkboard irritating gives you the creepy crawlers
Instead of your loud voice all you need to do is make your voice soft and hold that baby
Скольких же животных погубили эти люди.
Причем тут животные, тут всего лишь мерзкие макаки которых не особо и жалко.
Животных? Может макак ? И не погубили а давали соответствующее наказание.
Хватит их на много лет😂
Он истерит,только его мать которая в лесу,его давно бы привела в чувства и был бы тихий
Si. Sabes como. No? 😂
Я не его мать имне все равно как его приводить в чувство,пакость она и есть пакость но он в "хороших" руках,она его приведет
Его мать прижала бы к своей груди. И не отпускала бы от себя ни на минуту.
@@ТатьянаСерова-т2о не видила таких макак,а вот как мордой о землю макашпт возят,их предостаточно на этой платформе,и потом они очень тихими становятся
@@ТатьянаСерова-т2о и титьку дала, а над ним издеваются. Над беззащитным ребёнком.
Чего он колотится, как припадочный?
Соску надо было бы ему поглубже в пасть запихнуть...припадки бы сразу закончились! )))))
Porque tiene miedo a esa mujer, que no cesa de martirizarle. en todos los videos hace lo mismo. Cunado no lo tira desde lo alto de una tapia.
아줌마 가싫어서
He's hungry! Feed him!
DALE UNA MEME DE UNA VEZ !!!!!!!! SE MUERE DE HAMBRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She belongs in a asylum and far away from baby monkies
She’s crazy as a loon and dangerous as a viper!
She’s crazy as a loon and dangerous as a viper!
Instead of showing her videos and allowing her to profit from abusing MONKIES why don’t you turn her over to the authorities?
Накормила бы чем давать пустую соску😊
Надо не кормить а лупить. Оно не заслуживает исполнения желаний а только хороших наказаний
Лучше не кормить а лупить.
@@TRULILULI Calla, idiota.
On enlève Kaka et Mit a leur famille mais il n arrête pas les abuseur☹️
2:03 he actually frowns like he has the worst life of all monkeys.....
He’s not far off with her 😂
He does.
It's actually 2:06
Stop yelling
He hates his life but hates her pointing her finger even more god bless him
He also hates when she sits there and watches while the big monkeys terrorize him. She's disgusting.
Зачем забираете их у матерей ради наживы.Там бы он был бы накормлен.Вы издеватели
Вы в своём уме? Эти крысы вредители и переносчики инфекции! Их там массово уничтожают а не выращивают
Они хорошо относятся ко всем домашним животным,,, кроме макак
This monkey is about 7 months old now. He hasn’t changed at all. The wild troupe would have fixed this long ago lol!!
finally! someone who gets it!! baby macaques dont care about 'shrill voices'. This one was picked because it has a bad attitude and a face that always looks sad. It pulls at peoples heart strings. The VOs made a great choice in order to get lots of views and comments.
Привлечь эту мамашу нужно за жестокое обращение с животными
Why won't you give him something to drink. Baby Monkeys don't like loud noises. I gather you'll cage him after you finish videoing him. So sad he is.
в джунглях всегда много громких звуков, там нет ни минуты тишины, и в стае макак полно визгов. воплей и криков, так что ваше мнение о том, что его раздражает громкий голос, ошибочно
The woman sounds like an angry goat. Pupu’s mom speaks in a gentle soothing tone when speaking to the monkeys.
Не люблю бибизьян мужского пола, тапком прибила бы.
Чтобы не работать, забирают маленьких деток, а ухаживать извините. Накорми его и он успокоится, какого чёрта сидеть орать, как потерпевшей. Садисты.
Не кормят? Он бы сдох тогда. Его даже каждые 5 минут корми, и он всё равно будет истерить, манипулируя человеком. То на руки надо, то есть, то на улицу, то спать. Он заслужил, чтоб ему прислуживали? Отлупить, раз - два. Потом перестанет командовать. Это вам не кошечка. Наглый и хитрый с рождения зверь.
Qué video tan desagradable y manipulador con algo tan esencial como es la alimentación
Those rats are lucky they get fed and bathe so what is the complain
❗️❗️❗️He is angry because you don’t touch him and don’t cuddle him and don’t love him. All babies needs it because they won’t be healthy without it. He didn’t ask you to buy him or take him from the wild life.
Il n'est pas en colère mais dans un état de stress intense. Les cris et les mouvements saccadés sont une réaction physique à cet état de stress.
Pauvre bébé singe.
Si petit et déjà tellement malheureux😢
Cette femme est une malade perverse et maltraitante qui torture psychologiquement ce malheureux bébé 🤬
But what he really needs is his real mother.
@@jacquelinebaucom1409that had certainly been eaten in some restaurant for HER brain ...
pay atention, they are Cambogian Kmerr ...
The baby is hungry and thirsty… oh, you are is loud and obnoxious!
Como sera el maltrato detras de camaras con esos animales tan rebeldes
Ещё под хвост дадут 🍆
o es un animal rebelde; es un animal provocado y maltratado.
he does not like you
Devia estar com sua màe na floresta...coitadinho ❤❤❤❤
Nobody does!! LOL
I don't like her either, I reported her I hope everyone does
@@gloriajjohnson920I also report her….she one hateful person.
Il saute sur la tétine 😢il a tellement faim 😢😢
Elle rit 😬😬😬😙😙😬🤪
Die Alte hat ja auch ein Dachschaden!🤑🤮🤮🤮
Deberían quitárselo a esta mujer. Sólo busca provocarlo para hacer reír a la gente.
His poor mouth is so dry,we can tell.Give him liquids.😢
Z głodu nie ma siły smoczka zsac
Baby wants love milk and love ❤❤❤❤❤
Can't bear to watch this s*** should go to jail
Trzeba iść po rozum tylko trzeba wiedzieć gdzie szukac
He's scared too death my gosh
He only wants to eat
Oh no it's you again, YUK! How disgusting you are, I feel sorry for the poor baby.
Der Kleine hat Hunger und braucht keinen Schnuller und eigenartige Geräusche sondern Liebe..
The only thing it needs is the FOREST🙄
Te demony są zawsze głodne Będą wymiotować z przejedzenia i dalej będą żreć to co zwymiotowały
It's so obvious that this woman dislikes tan tan and she expesses it when he only gently touches her hand or arm she wont allow tan tan to touch. Her. which reminded me of all he signs and the obvious behavior and cruel treatment. These animals endure under her care
This is A Tong, not TanTan.
What is wrong with you?
Kobieto włóż sobie do buzi ten smoczek a malek malpce daj jeść
He had better get over being touched if he wants to eat. That Prima Donna behavior will not go over well with humans who have the food. I can see him acting this way, where he wants food but still fights off humans who change his diaper and give him formula to drink
He wants you to hold him and give him some love. And give him some milk 😢
Er ist schon verstorben
Aweeee Really 😢😢😢
He needed his REAL MAMA same as every other CAPTURED BABY 🤬🤬🤬🤬
All this baby monkey wants is to be held and cling on you
He's crazy too
It wants its mother, so bring it back to the jungle
The Goblin is Not amused 😂😂😂
Meu Deus oque tu fez, tirou um bebezinho de sua mãe biológica, pra torturar, se fosse aqui no meu país,tu pegaria alguns anos de jaula😢
is this a new type of rat or smh
Что за тупое обращение с малышом? Он кушать хочет! Издевательство!
Жрать они хотят день и ночь, но есть приятные, а это капризный лентяй. Разбаловали донельзя . Или наказывать, или в лес
Stop screaming & cuddle the baby …if I had to listen to you screeching I would throw a tantrum too
Mire a los monitos hay que quererlos mucho como a los bebés este mono no es feliz con usted,, regales el usted a alguien
I love how so many of you have diagnosed her with "mental illness" simply by watching an 8 minute video. What would her diagnosis be? Yes, her voice is loud and annoying but she's establishing herself as the alpha. This monkey is pissed off with not much fear of being punished for it. She's also correct in giving it a nipple rather than letting it suck it's thumb because of health and development issues.
Stop screeching that monabusing key!
That voice would scare anyone
He's so dadblain CUTE! Wish I could hold him and give him milk
Isnt he absolutely adorable I wish I could feed him milk
He is a monkey get a life or a human baby too feed
@@dominiquefamulari9251he is the cutest and so little! I’d love to hold him close and feed him.
Why doesn’t she feed him, rather than have him suck in all that air?
Cry Face is scared of Big Face!!!😂
God is watching you so you better be careful what you do to that baby!!
Reported for cruelty
he makes such cute sounds.
How about feeding him he's hungry don't give her the empty nipple get him a bottle chop chop babe!!
If I had to listen to that voice 24/7, I'd be throwing tantrums, too.
Er ist und bleibt der süsseste kreischende temperamentvolle Äffchen ....ich liebe dieses wundervolle lebeweschen ❤
Can't just hold him, I know that I wouldn't
I think that his tantrums are due to the woman leaving him alone too long. She enjoys watching his tantrums.
She knows exactly what she’s doing 🤦♂️
Id cry too at that voice
урони со стола,может дергаться перестанет.Желательно несколько раз.
Obviously he’s hungry, give him a damn bottle😡😡
Is she afraid of the baby you need to hold him.and love him❤
He is so hungryThat is why he is acting like this she shows him the bottle to tease him an make him upset and stressing him over an over
Из-за переизбытка жратвы? 😂
Do you think the monkey understands her? LMAO 😂
¡Es posible que aún no se haya reportado a esta mujer? No se puede maltratar más a un monito inocente. Tan pequeño el infeliz, y en los huesos. ¿Es que tampoco le da de comer? Si solamente oír sus berridos ya es un martirio para el pobre animal.
Abusers never show their faces? Interesting!
This is absolutely tragic just listen to the sounds coming out of this Baby monkey the poor thing is Stressed Out lack of security lack of comfort Scared out of its little wits
Why not give him the bottle with milk instead of teasing with air? He is obviously hungry😢
Какой истеричный! Ужас!
Angry, not anqry. Really, angry is right.
Give him a blanket
4:33 You can tell he most likely thinking of when use to nurse on his real mother and look up into her eyes and the bond formed
Dacă tot câștigi bani după aceste clipuri, dă-i mai bine lapte în biberon, nu suzetă !
Dude, brush your rabbit teeth. They're all yellow.
This lady is just aggravating this bc any and others she has had she doesn't need to have these babies
Cuidar muito desses bebezinho fazendo comida para ele o leite é muito pouco quer você Dar para ele cozinhe legumes faca uma sopinha de legumes coloque na madeiras ser para o bebezinho Tomás todos os dias bjs de Paty Salvador Bahia Brasil
Omg! This woman is totally obnoxious! This poor baby does not like her!
Il te déteste laisse le .
Too sad! The woman is clueless, her endless shrieking is obviously highly disturbing to the baby.
It's OK baby We don't like her either, we would cry to if we had see and hear her in-person everyday. She is the stuff nightmares are made of
You're a horrible person.taking it fromz its mother just to torment it.makes me sick
I'd Freakout Also If I Had The UGLY MUG If A Face In Front Of Me...
Poor Babies Are So EFFING ABUSED😢😢😢😢
His Eyes Are So Full Of Fear & Sadness 😢😢😢
This baby is so scared, cold, hungry,
they don't like it when you put them on thier back, or sides.
Giving baby a bottle nipple, to use like a
pacifier. The nipples have holes, which means,baby is sucking down air,
which means baby will get " collic".
That means baby will get painful cramps.
When you feed baby pick it up, & hold it. Please. you
taken on the responsibility of caring for it. So do it, the best way you
can . Good luck.
gosto do seu jeito de cuidar do seu bebê macaco você cuida com amor .
Hay algún tipo de infección en la boquita y en el pitito.
Эту пакость в расход что бы не истерила
Pauvre BÉBÉ 😢 LA FOLLE ELLE ARRIVE. Elle peut pas fermer sa gueule 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
3:02 he’s frowning and crying he’s horribly traumatized already look how it jerks
The baby needs to be comforted.