Pastor Joel has a massively better understanding of political & cultural issues than any other pastor or priest I've ever known & it's not even close. The insistence with always speaking touchy feely words & soft rhetoric is embarrassing. And you know what? Sometimes it's a good thing if what someone says angers you, maybe it'll inspire positive change within your life. And this applies to all of us. God did not create us to be in a constant state of blissful euphoria like we're doped up mice in the Calhoun experiment. Christ brought a sword & He still wields it as He so chooses
idk what he hopes to achieve inside the US. That nation has already decided what it wants to do and his decisions weren't a part of the agreement, and to make a claim that he could just come into the table and demand a seat won't go so well with them. I wouldn't recommend going down this path it will end badly for you and you guys will never make a true impact on the nation
@@RoyalProtectorate Step 1 was putting the donkeys out to pasture which we accomplished. Now that the adults are back in the room we'll see what the Lord has for us.
PPft, who cares? Doug Wilson is 20 times better than Joel at this yet none of that matters since it's all just idolatry. What matters is The Gospel and all of that is NOT The Gospel. These are just two petulant sides trying to prove which is right and trying to get God on THEIR side, absolutely reeking of pride.
Your reference to Christ driving out the moneychangers, and specifically how he is showing gentleness to those being ripped off, reminds me of a quote- "Those who are kind to the cruel will end up being cruel to the kind." The problem is not gentleness and kindness. The problem isnthat we are directing that gentleness and kindness at the wrong people, and by doing so, we are being cruel and indifferent to the plight of those who are truly wanting to serve God. When we are gentle and nice to those who want to mutilate kids, we are being cruel to the kids. When we are gentle and nice to the women who want to delete their children, we are being cruel to the children. When we are gentle and nice to the grapist and deleter who crossed our borders illegally, we are being cruel to their victims who are kidnapped and sold into vile wickedness. When we are gentle and nice to the two or three men who want to get married, we are cruel to the kids who those men will raise. Yes. We need to be gentle and kind to those who are being oppressed while standing against those who oppress and destroy. Jesus didn't come to say nice words to the devil. He came to destroy the works of the devil. Thank you. Thank you so much for articulating this so much better than I ever could.
Too often Christians have been reluctant to show everyone who the fools are by publically rebuking them: Proverbs 26:5 (ESV) 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
I love how obvious it is when Joel tries to redefine what love is and misinterprets Bible passages. Just have a read through the Epistles to get an idea of how the apostles instructed Christians to love and it sounds nothing like what Joel is spewing.
At times, it most certainly does. The church in Corinth handed a brother over to Satan in 1 Corinthians - as instructed by God through Paul. They threw him out for unrepentant sin, specifically sleeping with his father's wife - which Paul says is an affront even among the pagans! After God does his work and brings this very same man back to repentance, the church forgives this man (as does Paul) and welcomes him home in 2 Corinthians. We are under zero obligation to tolerate sin and evil, particularly within the body of Christ. The difference being that we, as the church, have the ability to exercise biblical authority over those who claim membership. God is the judge of those outside, but we are warned not welcome them in unrepentant as a little yeast can spoil much bread.
You have no idea what it means to love, then. Is it loving to permit someone to hurt those under your protection? Is it love which drives the hired hands to leave the sheep to the wolves? Is it love to leave your posterity a markedly worse nation? How loving is it to the distressed man throw himself off a cliff?
Amen, well said. Considering just how soft the church has become the first passage that came to mind was ‘All your fortresses are fig trees with figs that ripened first; when shaken, they fall- right into the mouth of the eater! Look, your troops are like women among you; the gates of your land are wide open to your enemies. Fire will devour the bars of your gates.’ Nahum 3.12-13
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. You would not lie to yourself if you knew that lie could damn your soul. You guys are spot on! Jesus said repent and sin no more!
I'm afraid Pastor Joel has again misused scripture to support a theology that is sadly askew. At 5:32 in the video Joel says Jesus is, "...Fashioning a whip of cords when his people are being oppressed." This is simply not true. John 2:14-16 tells us that Jesus said it was because the sellers had made the temple (His Father's house) "a house of trade." I believe Joel loves to quote this passage because it can be easily used to defend his inflammatory rhetoric. Joel sadly neglects preaching about Jesus and instead preaches a gospel of America and politics that fails to glorify Christ and what He's done. I am deeply saddened and am praying for these men.
The Jesus these people worship is an idol. Their “loving” God of liberalism doesn’t exist. The God who prescribed the death penalty for homosexuality is Jesus Christ. Those who love him keep his commandments
I have no clue who you are or why you randomly showed up in my feed, but i do know if i could possibly agree more.👏🏻 well said, i wish more Christians realized this.
I've been told the true meaning of 'nice' is foolishness and also weakness. Love is strength. Love is wisdom. Accordingly, I esteem all that is not nice.
God BLESS YOU for this video. If only we Catholics had more of our leaders speaking like you (which is like many of our own saints did in the past, mind you)…
Please forge ahead and take the gospel message to the world. All of this rhetoric is designed for one thing, to divert you from sharing the truth. Thank you for your ministry, May God bless.
I ask a question about what caused America to go wrong. As in the American church. The only time I ever heard anyone bring this up and ask the question was Rush when he was still alive. Bless his heart. It doesn't even occur to any pastors to even ask this question.
Tolerating evil has only made things worse. Loving His church and protecting the innocent requires men of God to stand up and be counted in this generation.
America has been going wrong since 1960. The church is supposed to be the light of the world by the believers walking with and submitting to Jesus. Of having repented all their sin. What is America's sin, or should I say, the American church's sin that caused this. If you don't know, then how is the church supposed to repent and be restored by Jesus. And until this sin is identified, then how can you win the spiritual battle when the devil has a legal right to america and its believers until they confess and repent of this sin. Answer me this. And I purposely didn't reveal the sin because you're blind and need to ask the Lord to heal you. To give you sight so you can repent and be healed. Because you don't recognize this as sin, but a hundred years ago american christians would have.
Long suffering patience does not mean everlasting, eternal, ongoing, never-ending patience. At some point judgment and reckoning for unrepentant sin must happen. The Church is the tool that the LORD uses to do many things. One of those things is to publicly proclaim the Judgment of GOD on the unrepentant. That requires harsh words. The same type of harsh words that John the Baptist used against the Jews Pharisees and Sadducees as recorded in Matthew chapter 3 verses 1-12. Verses 1-2- "Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Verses 10-12- "The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
Sincerely, In the gospels, was Jesus ever harsh with His believers/followers? Yes, He was harsh with pharisees, but believers? A pastor taught, _"Don't beat His sheep!"_
Hebrews 11:1 for Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence that things not seen. Hebrews 11:6 now without faith, no man can please. God for those that come to him must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him Start with Jesus.
@@kingnull2697 nope. He mimicked Musk's salute at the end of a pro-life meeting. That got him into hot water. I don't ankle-bite. I like Calvin. He should leave his tradition now. Maybe go Eastern Orthodox or (better still) Lutheran/other protestant denomination.
@@what-about-bob yeah, that's the bri'ish version of dunking on the libs. He's trolling stubborn fools like you, got some nice applause for it. He even explicitly said, "my heart goes out to you". This is still the definition of ankle-biting, & for a much, much worse than over praying to Mary.
Can you please let us clip your videos with the actual clip feature ? I keep wanting to share your stuff but you don’t let us clip your RUclips videos and normies refuse to watch time stamps. They need the clip handed to them in a silver platter
This is the "what then" of Christian life in our current age. Politics has been (wrongly) pushed on every breathing man, woman & I-don'-wanna-grow-up. You might not be interested in it, but it is interested in you.
@ If you are really so myopic you don't think the state of our society, moved by the levers of mob politics in the age of democracy, is of imperative Christian concern: do it yourself, fund it yourself, crow about it from the rooftops - just get out of our way. Not all are given to evangelize, some are given to rule (and sometime rule demands you deal with it).
@ There is no christendom without christ. You will not have a christian nation without the gospel. You talk about changing the corrupt culture we have but refuse to utilize the sword that is given to slay it. You are on a fool's errand.
@@darthkitty6883 The sword is given to the magistrate, you utter incontinent. You are the one on a fools errand, because you refuse to acknowledge the tools God has declared for the purpose of maintaining public order. Go forth & save souls, while we make sure there will be a better society to save them in. This is clearly not your lane.
What did those comments have anything to do with everything else said? Who was criticizing Webbon for not being "nice" enough? Those critiques can be much more thoughtfully engaged. It has nothing to do with what the world order Mr. Rogers are doing.
The Beloved Disciple and His Book - “Then Peter, turning, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, Lord, who is the one who betrays You? Peter seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” Take your eyes off of him, and you do what Jesus Christ wants you to do. Then you will be His disciple.
The problem is that some of you think that your will is God’s will. You cannot usher in the City of God and/or defeat the City of Man through violence. Control your emotions and quit acting like women
What violence are you talking about? He's talking about speaking the truth of the word of God and pushing back the darkness that has engulfed us. I'm sure it includes intercessory prayer for our nation also. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal and they are acting the very opposite of women. Are you purposely misinterpreting just to sow discord?
@@thomasmilavec3754 no, it’s absolutely not, and easy to see that it’s not. We mut be watching different interviews, and you saw the one where he said something differently than in any other interview. What example exactly are you talking about?
@ Again, biting at Joel's ankles here. Leadership/speakership is not a democratic institution, or selected by God for perfection. Articulate a useful heuristic (like how the office of pastor itself conflicts with this ministry) or cease.
I disagree with most of what Joel says and his "Christian" theology and white nationalist garbage, but I gotta respect Joel replying to the commenters: "I don't care what you think." But, Joel, please find another example of Jesus as a warrior prophet (or whatever "masculine Messiah" you envision) than your usual illustration of Jesus "driving out the money changers with a whip." The text says Jesus "chased" them out, while the sheep and cattle were "driven" out, likely with the aid of the "whip." All Jesus did was turn over the tables of the money-changers, he did not strike them. All the pilgrims buying doves, etc. knew the Jewish Temple Authorities were corrupt, and the money-changers knew the people knew this and resented this illicit revenue stream, even if they were powerless to change it. Jesus changed it for them, by publicly shaming the money-changers and casting their tainted currency on the ground. Also, Jesus says in Mark "My house will be called a house of prayer for ALL nations." Even then, Herod's 2nd Temple was more than just a Jewish national cultic site.
Guess Revelation doesn't stick with you, does it? Further, David is an anticipation of Jesus, a reflection of part of His person "as through a mirror darkly". If David is a warrior-prophet-king, then those things are part of Jesus's character. David's great sin with Bathsheba comes when he is not properly acting as a warrior-king. The Christian Church is a house of prayer for all peoples. Jesus's temple is built of living stones. He has seen the 2nd temple torn down, & it has not been permitted to be rebuilt. Finally, your pedantry about the language surrounding Jesus's whip relies entirely on misunderstanding how threats of force rely on the ease of action. The possibility of a severe, well-deserved beating was absolutely on the table, & the money-changing scammers knew it.
@@kingnull2697 Revelation is the most abused book in the Bible (and only a sliver of the corpus of Scripture), and speculation about the "Second Coming" has led countless "believers" astray (Jesus says in Matthew 24:36, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only"). Revelation along with Ezekiel and Daniel are what every false, evil, pathological "Christian prophet" most often quotes to prove their own "anointing" and therefore "authority" so that their deceived hearers will send money to these false "prophets" like Mark Driscoll, Joni Lamb, Perry Stone, Robert Morris, Kenneth Copeland, John Lindell, Bill Johnson, etc. etc...the list goes on forever and encompasses every nation on earth...the devil stays busy through willful misinterpretation of Scripture by people seeking to exploit and control others. THESE are the people Jesus most strongly admonishes in Scripture (look at the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-8) and in some ways are the modern versions of the Temple money-changers Jesus chased out. David is not only an anticipation of Jesus, but a direct ancestor, and certainly Jesus is engaging in spiritual warfare while on earth, in hell for 3 days, and even after his resurrection. But the battle has already been won, and Jesus sits at the right hand of God. ALL evil beings, whether human or spiritual, shudder at the name of Jesus. Your pedantry around "threats of force rely on ease of action" does not impress me or make me see Jesus as an agent of violence. Also, I have no idea how your citing Paul's 1Corinthians13:12 "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face" somehow represents David's foreshadowing Jesus. The connection between David and Jesus is seen clearly throughout Scripture. For just one example, look at Psalm 22. Again, Jesus is part of David's human bloodline, a direct descendant.
Lot of bashing in the Christian community Read your bibles John 1: 1 Trust Jesus Christ John 14:6 Romans road Rom 10:9,10,13 Luke 13:3 1 John 1:9 2 Timothy 3:16 Gods word. Trust God. His Son
@@aaronwatson1973faith without works is dead. Martin Luther wanted to the epistle of James. Protestantism is a heresy and honestly a racist one at that. Of course true Christianity was lost until the white man found it. Never mind the Arab, middle eastern, and Ethiopian church’s were all too dumb to figure it out or were just under the thumb of the Roman bishop that they didn’t follow anyways. If Protestantism is true, then Christianity is false.
Pastor Joel has a massively better understanding of political & cultural issues than any other pastor or priest I've ever known & it's not even close. The insistence with always speaking touchy feely words & soft rhetoric is embarrassing.
And you know what? Sometimes it's a good thing if what someone says angers you, maybe it'll inspire positive change within your life. And this applies to all of us. God did not create us to be in a constant state of blissful euphoria like we're doped up mice in the Calhoun experiment. Christ brought a sword & He still wields it as He so chooses
@@thaimuayshoo1171 really appreciate it brother.
idk what he hopes to achieve inside the US. That nation has already decided what it wants to do and his decisions weren't a part of the agreement, and to make a claim that he could just come into the table and demand a seat won't go so well with them. I wouldn't recommend going down this path it will end badly for you and you guys will never make a true impact on the nation
@@RoyalProtectorate Step 1 was putting the donkeys out to pasture which we accomplished. Now that the adults are back in the room we'll see what the Lord has for us.
Lol yeah, right. dudes a normie douche bag. One of the biggest.
PPft, who cares? Doug Wilson is 20 times better than Joel at this yet none of that matters since it's all just idolatry. What matters is The Gospel and all of that is NOT The Gospel. These are just two petulant sides trying to prove which is right and trying to get God on THEIR side, absolutely reeking of pride.
Glad this was clipped. Got a hearty amen from me when I heard it live.
Tolerance of evil is evil!
I was planning to clip this part out of the main video myself. It needs to be shared by every Christian who claims to love their country.
This is the Right Response!
When the good guy holds his ground. Beautiful.
"We are done being tolerant." Absolutely! Well said, sir!
Your reference to Christ driving out the moneychangers, and specifically how he is showing gentleness to those being ripped off, reminds me of a quote- "Those who are kind to the cruel will end up being cruel to the kind."
The problem is not gentleness and kindness. The problem isnthat we are directing that gentleness and kindness at the wrong people, and by doing so, we are being cruel and indifferent to the plight of those who are truly wanting to serve God.
When we are gentle and nice to those who want to mutilate kids, we are being cruel to the kids.
When we are gentle and nice to the women who want to delete their children, we are being cruel to the children.
When we are gentle and nice to the grapist and deleter who crossed our borders illegally, we are being cruel to their victims who are kidnapped and sold into vile wickedness.
When we are gentle and nice to the two or three men who want to get married, we are cruel to the kids who those men will raise.
Yes. We need to be gentle and kind to those who are being oppressed while standing against those who oppress and destroy. Jesus didn't come to say nice words to the devil. He came to destroy the works of the devil.
Thank you. Thank you so much for articulating this so much better than I ever could.
Thank you so much
Praise God for you gentlemen! We all need to hear this
this is not the channel of niceness, it is the channel of love.
Chills, great clip and much needed.
Too often Christians have been reluctant to show everyone who the fools are by publically rebuking them:
Proverbs 26:5 (ESV) 5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.
Really appreciate all that you guys are doing
As someone not Reformed and 66yo, I agree with what you have said EXCEPT Margaret has been replaced by Karen at most Churches.
Mr Roger’s reference was on point 👏
Great commentary. "Tolerance" of evil doesn't change the evil to good.
Man, this is an excellent answer! Praise the Lord for this kind of courage. No more tolerance. Let's go!
Love this!!!🙌
Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying civilization. - Aristotle
They are literally worshipping foreign gods at CPAC
Evil has no rights
Thank God!!!! And Thank You for Not being Ashamed to speak the Truth!!!!
Flipping tables is Christ-like.
I love how obvious it is when Joel tries to redefine what love is and misinterprets Bible passages. Just have a read through the Epistles to get an idea of how the apostles instructed Christians to love and it sounds nothing like what Joel is spewing.
At times, it most certainly does. The church in Corinth handed a brother over to Satan in 1 Corinthians - as instructed by God through Paul. They threw him out for unrepentant sin, specifically sleeping with his father's wife - which Paul says is an affront even among the pagans! After God does his work and brings this very same man back to repentance, the church forgives this man (as does Paul) and welcomes him home in 2 Corinthians. We are under zero obligation to tolerate sin and evil, particularly within the body of Christ. The difference being that we, as the church, have the ability to exercise biblical authority over those who claim membership. God is the judge of those outside, but we are warned not welcome them in unrepentant as a little yeast can spoil much bread.
You have no idea what it means to love, then.
Is it loving to permit someone to hurt those under your protection? Is it love which drives the hired hands to leave the sheep to the wolves? Is it love to leave your posterity a markedly worse nation? How loving is it to the distressed man throw himself off a cliff?
Amen 🙏🏼
Very well said, pastor Joel
We show them no quarter...
"thd Kingdom of Jesus Christ will overcome the world..."
The problem isnt even just tolerance. Its the redefining of love your neighbor as yourself into weakness, cowardice and effeminacy.
We need way more of this in America.
Joel is speaking truth into a culture who gets their theology from KLOVE radio.
KLOVE isn't very loving
Amen, well said. Considering just how soft the church has become the first passage that came to mind was
‘All your fortresses are fig trees with figs that ripened first; when shaken, they fall- right into the mouth of the eater! Look, your troops are like women among you; the gates of your land are wide open to your enemies. Fire will devour the bars of your gates.’ Nahum 3.12-13
Mr. Rodgers, faithful Presbyterian Elder, catching strays yet again
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. You would not lie to yourself if you knew that lie could damn your soul. You guys are spot on! Jesus said repent and sin no more!
Beautiful well said!
I'm afraid Pastor Joel has again misused scripture to support a theology that is sadly askew. At 5:32 in the video Joel says Jesus is, "...Fashioning a whip of cords when his people are being oppressed." This is simply not true. John 2:14-16 tells us that Jesus said it was because the sellers had made the temple (His Father's house) "a house of trade." I believe Joel loves to quote this passage because it can be easily used to defend his inflammatory rhetoric. Joel sadly neglects preaching about Jesus and instead preaches a gospel of America and politics that fails to glorify Christ and what He's done. I am deeply saddened and am praying for these men.
The Jesus these people worship is an idol. Their “loving” God of liberalism doesn’t exist. The God who prescribed the death penalty for homosexuality is Jesus Christ. Those who love him keep his commandments
Joel is very kind and loving !
Thank you
I have no clue who you are or why you randomly showed up in my feed, but i do know if i could possibly agree more.👏🏻 well said, i wish more Christians realized this.
Excellent response. Well said.
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 YES!!!
Well done
Amen! Well said!!
Perfect, another good line is, whatever when dealing with some people.
Preach it brother. Either we destroy it or it destroys us.
Amen to everything you said!
Amen brother!!!
I've been told the true meaning of 'nice' is foolishness and also weakness. Love is strength. Love is wisdom. Accordingly, I esteem all that is not nice.
Nice actually comes from the word ignorant.
God BLESS YOU for this video. If only we Catholics had more of our leaders speaking like you (which is like many of our own saints did in the past, mind you)…
This was the best video done on this channel to date!!!
I have no respect for tone police people, they never have anything of substance to say and can never explain themselves.
We have no respect for you.
@ You made that obvious already.
Looking forward to the April conference!!
Please forge ahead and take the gospel message to the world. All of this rhetoric is designed for one thing, to divert you from sharing the truth. Thank you for your ministry, May God bless.
I've never once heard these people talk about the Gospel.
Very good
I ask a question about what caused America to go wrong. As in the American church.
The only time I ever heard anyone bring this up and ask the question was Rush when he was still alive. Bless his heart. It doesn't even occur to any pastors to even ask this question.
Tolerating evil has only made things worse. Loving His church and protecting the innocent requires men of God to stand up and be counted in this generation.
I like this pastor...
This looks like a Batman Origin video
BE MEAK , *NOT* weak
Yes sir!!!! Preach!
Welcome to the beginning of the end dude.
Boom. No More Mr. Nice Guy.
Great clip, amazing thumbnail
America has been going wrong since 1960. The church is supposed to be the light of the world by the believers walking with and submitting to Jesus. Of having repented all their sin.
What is America's sin, or should I say, the American church's sin that caused this. If you don't know, then how is the church supposed to repent and be restored by Jesus.
And until this sin is identified, then how can you win the spiritual battle when the devil has a legal right to america and its believers until they confess and repent of this sin.
Answer me this.
And I purposely didn't reveal the sin because you're blind and need to ask the Lord to heal you. To give you sight so you can repent and be healed.
Because you don't recognize this as sin, but a hundred years ago american christians would have.
Notice the scare-quotes around the word: Christian.
By God we’ll have our home again.
Long suffering patience does not mean everlasting, eternal, ongoing, never-ending patience. At some point judgment and reckoning for unrepentant sin must happen. The Church is the tool that the LORD uses to do many things. One of those things is to publicly proclaim the Judgment of GOD on the unrepentant. That requires harsh words. The same type of harsh words that John the Baptist used against the Jews Pharisees and Sadducees as recorded in Matthew chapter 3 verses 1-12. Verses 1-2- "Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Verses 10-12- "The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
Join the crowd lol. A lot of the so called believers tell me the same thing. I don’t care either
This doesn't make sense with calvinism
In the gospels, was Jesus ever harsh with His believers/followers?
Yes, He was harsh with pharisees, but believers?
A pastor taught, _"Don't beat His sheep!"_
Hebrews 11:1 for Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence that things not seen.
Hebrews 11:6 now without faith, no man can please. God for those that come to him must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him
Start with Jesus.
Thumbnail approved .
Margaret can KMA 😂
Calvin Robinson will be a great Gospel believing speaker?
Especially now his church has cancelled him.
Last I checked, Robinson got himself disinvited over his dust-up over Mary. Cease your anklebiting.
@@kingnull2697 nope. He mimicked Musk's salute at the end of a pro-life meeting. That got him into hot water. I don't ankle-bite. I like Calvin. He should leave his tradition now. Maybe go Eastern Orthodox or (better still) Lutheran/other protestant denomination.
@@what-about-bob yeah, that's the bri'ish version of dunking on the libs. He's trolling stubborn fools like you, got some nice applause for it. He even explicitly said, "my heart goes out to you".
This is still the definition of ankle-biting, & for a much, much worse than over praying to Mary.
@kingnull2697 I'm amazed by your attitude since this is a Christian channel. Perhaps you might benefit from a look at James 3:5-12.
frankly comes across as a little, nah, very idolatrous. in many cases he hasn't proven anything just parroting unfounded talking points
The objectors are confusing Christianity with wimpianity.
Can you please let us clip your videos with the actual clip feature ? I keep wanting to share your stuff but you don’t let us clip your RUclips videos and normies refuse to watch time stamps. They need the clip handed to them in a silver platter
Why do you suppose they don't want to watch time stamps?
@ well it’s an inconvenience. To scroll and find an exact spot on an hour long video
@@roberttrevino62800 If you advance the video to the point of interest and then send it doesn't it begin playing from there for the recipient?
@@solideomusical No lol
@@roberttrevino62800 You should look it up- you certainly can.
So what you are saying is that G-d can be litigation tricked?
But you miss the point. The Gospel is the power, not politics.
This is the "what then" of Christian life in our current age. Politics has been (wrongly) pushed on every breathing man, woman & I-don'-wanna-grow-up. You might not be interested in it, but it is interested in you.
@@kingnull2697 If you want to change the heart of america, preach the gospel.
@ If you are really so myopic you don't think the state of our society, moved by the levers of mob politics in the age of democracy, is of imperative Christian concern:
do it yourself, fund it yourself, crow about it from the rooftops - just get out of our way. Not all are given to evangelize, some are given to rule (and sometime rule demands you deal with it).
@ There is no christendom without christ. You will not have a christian nation without the gospel. You talk about changing the corrupt culture we have but refuse to utilize the sword that is given to slay it. You are on a fool's errand.
@@darthkitty6883 The sword is given to the magistrate, you utter incontinent.
You are the one on a fools errand, because you refuse to acknowledge the tools God has declared for the purpose of maintaining public order.
Go forth & save souls, while we make sure there will be a better society to save them in. This is clearly not your lane.
What did those comments have anything to do with everything else said? Who was criticizing Webbon for not being "nice" enough? Those critiques can be much more thoughtfully engaged. It has nothing to do with what the world order Mr. Rogers are doing.
The Beloved Disciple and His Book - “Then Peter, turning, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, Lord, who is the one who betrays You? Peter seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”
Take your eyes off of him, and you do what Jesus Christ wants you to do. Then you will be His disciple.
Harsh? No, more like juvenile.
We don't care, Margaret.
Thanks for providing an example.
Thanks for providing an example.
The problem is that some of you think that your will is God’s will. You cannot usher in the City of God and/or defeat the City of Man through violence.
Control your emotions and quit acting like women
What violence are you talking about? He's talking about speaking the truth of the word of God and pushing back the darkness that has engulfed us. I'm sure it includes intercessory prayer for our nation also. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal and they are acting the very opposite of women. Are you purposely misinterpreting just to sow discord?
But that’s not what anyone on that channel have claimed, if you are actually paying attention
@@outboardprsnlstndup Yet its their entire argument
@@thomasmilavec3754 no, it’s absolutely not, and easy to see that it’s not. We mut be watching different interviews, and you saw the one where he said something differently than in any other interview.
What example exactly are you talking about?
Tolerant with false gospel believing speakers?
Last I checked, Robinson got himself disinvited over his dust-up over Mary. Cease your anklebiting.
@@kingnull2697Even the idea of inviting Robinson was a mistake.
@ Again, biting at Joel's ankles here.
Leadership/speakership is not a democratic institution, or selected by God for perfection. Articulate a useful heuristic (like how the office of pastor itself conflicts with this ministry) or cease.
I disagree with most of what Joel says and his "Christian" theology and white nationalist garbage, but I gotta respect Joel replying to the commenters: "I don't care what you think."
But, Joel, please find another example of Jesus as a warrior prophet (or whatever "masculine Messiah" you envision) than your usual illustration of Jesus "driving out the money changers with a whip." The text says Jesus "chased" them out, while the sheep and cattle were "driven" out, likely with the aid of the "whip." All Jesus did was turn over the tables of the money-changers, he did not strike them. All the pilgrims buying doves, etc. knew the Jewish Temple Authorities were corrupt, and the money-changers knew the people knew this and resented this illicit revenue stream, even if they were powerless to change it. Jesus changed it for them, by publicly shaming the money-changers and casting their tainted currency on the ground. Also, Jesus says in Mark "My house will be called a house of prayer for ALL nations." Even then, Herod's 2nd Temple was more than just a Jewish national cultic site.
Guess Revelation doesn't stick with you, does it? Further, David is an anticipation of Jesus, a reflection of part of His person "as through a mirror darkly". If David is a warrior-prophet-king, then those things are part of Jesus's character. David's great sin with Bathsheba comes when he is not properly acting as a warrior-king.
The Christian Church is a house of prayer for all peoples. Jesus's temple is built of living stones. He has seen the 2nd temple torn down, & it has not been permitted to be rebuilt.
Finally, your pedantry about the language surrounding Jesus's whip relies entirely on misunderstanding how threats of force rely on the ease of action. The possibility of a severe, well-deserved beating was absolutely on the table, & the money-changing scammers knew it.
@@kingnull2697 Revelation is the most abused book in the Bible (and only a sliver of the corpus of Scripture), and speculation about the "Second Coming" has led countless "believers" astray (Jesus says in Matthew 24:36, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only"). Revelation along with Ezekiel and Daniel are what every false, evil, pathological "Christian prophet" most often quotes to prove their own "anointing" and therefore "authority" so that their deceived hearers will send money to these false "prophets" like Mark Driscoll, Joni Lamb, Perry Stone, Robert Morris, Kenneth Copeland, John Lindell, Bill Johnson, etc. etc...the list goes on forever and encompasses every nation on earth...the devil stays busy through willful misinterpretation of Scripture by people seeking to exploit and control others. THESE are the people Jesus most strongly admonishes in Scripture (look at the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-8) and in some ways are the modern versions of the Temple money-changers Jesus chased out.
David is not only an anticipation of Jesus, but a direct ancestor, and certainly Jesus is engaging in spiritual warfare while on earth, in hell for 3 days, and even after his resurrection. But the battle has already been won, and Jesus sits at the right hand of God. ALL evil beings, whether human or spiritual, shudder at the name of Jesus.
Your pedantry around "threats of force rely on ease of action" does not impress me or make me see Jesus as an agent of violence. Also, I have no idea how your citing Paul's 1Corinthians13:12 "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face" somehow represents David's foreshadowing Jesus. The connection between David and Jesus is seen clearly throughout Scripture. For just one example, look at Psalm 22. Again, Jesus is part of David's human bloodline, a direct descendant.
Calvinists aren’t saved
Lot of bashing in the Christian community
Read your bibles
John 1: 1
Trust Jesus Christ John 14:6
Romans road Rom 10:9,10,13
Luke 13:3
1 John 1:9
2 Timothy 3:16
Gods word. Trust God. His Son
If only Joel was just as intolerant of Calvinistic heresy. ☦️
Rom 9
@@aaronwatson1973faith without works is dead. Martin Luther wanted to the epistle of James. Protestantism is a heresy and honestly a racist one at that. Of course true Christianity was lost until the white man found it. Never mind the Arab, middle eastern, and Ethiopian church’s were all too dumb to figure it out or were just under the thumb of the Roman bishop that they didn’t follow anyways. If Protestantism is true, then Christianity is false.