I'm at the point where I hope ken gets nerfed not because I hate playing against him (quite the contrary if anything I'm most comfortable fighting him bcs my brother mains him), but so that tokido switches.
It's a practice game they've arranged. There were six sets in total, and XIAOHAI played three sets each with Bison and Akuma. The practice games with RYUKICHI was also arranged in the same way.
What a good match! ✌🏾
Wow pero ese bison esta potente!
I'm at the point where I hope ken gets nerfed not because I hate playing against him (quite the contrary if anything I'm most comfortable fighting him bcs my brother mains him), but so that tokido switches.
I think you forgot add the: (M Bison/Akuma) in Xiaohai.
Tokido should switch to akuma already.
Xiaohai is not supposed to change character after winning a game. Only when someone losing a game, he is allowed to switch to another character.
It's a practice game they've arranged. There were six sets in total, and XIAOHAI played three sets each with Bison and Akuma.
The practice games with RYUKICHI was also arranged in the same way.