Fico admirado com tanta dedicação à arte. Parabéns, Mestre, por apresentar uma parte do seu conhecimento. Não canso de assistir esse vídeo. Vai ficar na minha playlist dos favoritos eternamente.
Buenos días , este arte es muy hermoso , me gusta por su manera de construcción y sus accesorios , espero que sí tienen algún curso para aprender este arte me escriban y me lo den a conocer gracias y buenos días hablo español
I am an artist sculptor, inventor and great handyman since childhood. A 76 year old grandpa. For months, I have been bothering to cut bamboo blades with a plane and files to make Asian, Turkish, Mongolian arches etc. I won't hide from you that to hand plan a 9mm bamboo blade to arrive at 4 and 5 mm thick, moreover with a change in thickness along its length, it's a hassle. File in one hand and caliper in the other. I don't have a circular saw and an electric planer, damn. I have just bought from a seller of archery equipment in France large (reconstituted bamboo blades 5 cm wide and 1.90m long and 2mm thick.) For the manufacture of several bows for my little ones children and my daughter. the problem is, i'm broke and these bamboo blades cost me an arm even both. Can't find the original manufacturer which I think is from China? "It is not a certainty" I am looking for a distributor and the Asian manufacturer of these large reconstituted bamboo blades. Thank you Why are the handles of Turkish arches the other way around? I can't seem to get a good answer on this topic. ??? Can you help me find this maker? Thank you. Yours truly Patric
The handle of the very short Turk bows, are placed on the side away from the archer, simply to give a bit longer draw. If it was on the side against the archer, the draw-length was about in inch shorter. This is normally not a problem, with the longer bow types, so they normally has the "handle material" on the side against the archer. The typical handle on the short Turk bows, will feel unpleasant, if we hold it, "like we hold a Longbow"... We need to tilt the hand a bit so the index finger points up, about 45 degrees, so the handle press against the entire thumb-muscle, when we curl the three lower fingers around the handle. That will feel strange at first, but it actually works fine. To shape the bamboo blades, with the needed varying thickness, you can first shape a wooden beam, to have the needed curve, (upwards on the middle), so when placing the bamboo blade on that, with both ends tied down with string or tape, you only need to file / rasp / sand / grind the blade, to have a totally flat surface... Then it is thinnest at the middle, as needed. That will also help you to make many blades with the exact same shape... I salute you for trying to make traditional "Asian Bows"... It is like "living archaeology" which helps keep the old knowledge alive... But you also need to learn the special way to shoot those bows right... It is best to place the arrow on the right side, and not the left side, like Longbow archers and "modern recurve" archers do... You might study the videos made by Armin Hirmer, as he is one of the best English-speaking instructors on RUclips. He also shows how to draw the string correctly with the thumb... Best regards Dan
조선 대다수의 군인들은 대나무나 나무로 만든 죽궁 또는 목궁을 썼고, 활을 잘 쏘는 궁수들만 각궁을 쓴걸로 압니다. 그리고 장군이나 특별부대는 철로 만든 철궁을 쓴걸로 압니다. 조선시대 썼던 활 종류가 7가지인데, 제일 많이 쓴게 목국/죽궁, 그다음 각궁, 그다음 철궁. 그 외 기계식으로 당기는 엄청 큰 활도 있었습니다.
Etymology of education: E DU characters (English alphabet) systematized by Seolchong (person's name) in ancient Korea. 《EDUCATION = 이두깨쳐느》 The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region. It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters. Latin means Slavic language. This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea. Etymology of Education: The modern English alphabet was created by a man named Seolchong (human name) in ancient Korea who systematized the letter E DU. 《EDUCATION = Awaken your head (dictionary meaning) 》 Etymological meaning: The birth of a baby. The ancient Koreans expressed this in writing. The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region. It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters. Latin means Slavic language. This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea 🇰🇷. Etymology of Education: The modern English alphabet was created by a man named Seolchong (human name) in ancient Korea who systematized the letter E DU. 《EDUCATION = Awaken your head (dictionary meaning) 》 Etymological meaning: The birth of a baby. The ancient Koreans expressed this in writing. The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region. It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters. Latin means Slavic language. This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea (🇰🇷). People all over the world should thank Seol Chong. This is far greater than the creation of Hangeul by King Sejong the Great. This should be set as a global anniversary. It is very worrying that people around the world still believe in the colonial history that King Sejong invented Hangeul. This is fake history. #etymologist, #etymologyeducation, #etymology, #COREAN, #CHOSEN, #koreahistory, #origin of english, #Origin of the English Alphabet, #etymologist, #etymologyeducation, #etymology, #COREAN, #CHOSEN, #koreahistory, #origin of english, #Origin of the English Alphabet, All of the English alphabet pronunciations have Korean linguistic pronunciations. Meaning is also the linguistic meaning of Korea. The present English alphabet was systematized by Seol Chong (monk) in ancient Korea. This is the letter E DU created by Seol Chong.
광대싸리: 싸리는 아닌데 싸리 흉내를 내는 식물이라 하여 붙은 이름임. 무늬만 싸리나무고 실제로는 10m에 달하는 크기 명적鳴鏑 : 속이 빈 나무, 사슴 뿔 같은 것으로 만들어졌으며 옆에 몇 개의 구멍이 나 있다. 이것을 화살에 끼워서 쏘면 구멍을 통하는 바람 소리가 마치 피리와 같은 작용을 하여 요란한 소리를 내고 적을 놀라게 하는 것이다. 명적을 끼운 화살을 적시(鏑矢)라 한다. 효시라고도 불렸으며 우리말로 "울고도리" 라고도 불렸다. 효시嚆矢 우는살
Throughout the world different craftsmen in daily life was art indeed. Mass production has eradicated this art or reduced it to a very few individuals. The more we rely on machines the more our abilities die and reduce a human as a slave to external applications. Nowadays the young don't want to put any effort into anything resembling physical discipline in creating, but think money should come at the fingertips of clicking on the computer keyboard.
Me parece un estilo de construcción arqueristico muy tardado; ceremonial y derrochador de recursos. Pienso que los sumarios, originales constructores de este tipo de arcos no se andaban con tanta parafernalia.
It is bovine tendon. Place on an anvil and beat to remove fat and flesh. And sorted by hand. Tear it by hand as thin as a thread. They are classified as long and short according to length. Flush until clear water comes out.
우연히 만주족 자료를 찾다 알게된 자료입니다 umou(山楂) 산사나무 뜻하는 여진언어가 우모羽毛 입니다 여진족이 약용으로 쓰여진 열매 입니다 달단인(타타르족)들과 여진족 언어가 산삼을 오르호다(Orhoda)같다는걸 알수 있습니다, 우리 말에는 산을 오르다.. umou 열매그림이 고구려의화살촉 명적과 너무 닮아 있고 아래글 과 깊은 연관이 있음을 알수 있습니다 umou 우모 여진족언어 고구려의 조우관鳥羽冠’ umou구글에서 자료를 찾으면 羽毛우모 : 일본어 한자 羽毛 새의 깃과 짐승의 털 말한다고 나옵니다
전통 활의 제작 방법을 이해하는데 아주 유용한 영상입니다. 매 공정을 상세하게 설명해주니 좋습니다.
영사을 통해서 전통활 각궁의 제작과정을 상세히 배우게 되었습니다.
안녕하세요, 수고가 많으십니다. 이렇듯 복잡한 과정을 통한 공정과정이 잇는줄은 오늘에서야 보고 알게되었습니다.
과정이 매우 복잡한듯 보입니다.
배워보고샆은생ㄴ각도 절실한듯,, 기능의 습득과 또 궁사로서의 훈련도 해보고싶은 생각이 절실합니다.
자세하고 좋은자료 진심으로 감사드립니다.
우리 조상들의 지혜와 손재주와 품위에 할 말을 잊었습니다.
'전통' 속에 들어 있는 있는 것은 기술 이상의 것이 분명해 보이네요.
한국의 전통 공예는 원형으로 보존될 필요가 있습니다. 전세계에 널리 알리고 자랑해야 합니다.
정말 감탄밖에 안나오네요. 활과 화살을 만드는데 이런 엄청난 노력이 필요한줄 몰랐습니다.
저는 활이 나뭇가지에 고무줄만 붙이면 활인줄 알았는데 활만드는게 이렇게 오래걸리고 만들기힘들다는걸 알고가네요
정말 대단하신분이십니다.
좋은영상 감사합니다.
유럽활은 말 그대로 나무 막대기에 끈을 단게 맞고요, 우리나라 각궁은 첨단기술이 동원되죠. 그래서 우리나라 활과 궁사가 세계 최고였죠. 우리 각궁과 제일 비슷한게 몽골 각궁 활인데, 몽골애들은 말타고 각궁들고 유럽에 쳐들어가 아예 유럽 대륙을 발라버렸죠.
가끔 우울하면 보러오는 영상임
뭐랄까 유익하고 보는동안 아무생각이 안들고 맘이 편안해진다
만드는분은 힘드시겠지만
이땅 한반도의 멋진 무기입니다.
늦게 찾아 뵙습니다
영상 잘봤습니다
예술이다 예술 진짜 예술
시간 가는줄 모르고 봤네요. 정말 예술입니다.
진짜 우리민족 5000년 활덕질 인정해줘야함 활덕의 나라
다른 궁장 분들도 훌륭하지만 이분은 레벨이 다르다 사용하는 도구, 재료, 방법도 예전 그대로 인듯해 만드는 과정이 신비롭고 옛 조상님들을 보는거 같아 눈을 땔 수 없다
Как приобрести такой лук или навык изготовления его
Очень ценю корейский традиционный лук и стрелы. Самые лучшие мастера в корее!!!
멋진 활이 나올 수 밖에 없는 제조 과정이군요...장인의 손길 이란 것이 이런 거군요.
Fico admirado com tanta dedicação à arte. Parabéns, Mestre, por apresentar uma parte do seu conhecimento. Não canso de assistir esse vídeo. Vai ficar na minha playlist dos favoritos eternamente.
전통을 지키는 당신들이 진정 이 나라의 애국자 이십니다.
스페인어로 번역해주실 수 있나요???
활이 비싼이유가 있네
대단한 장인분이다
역시 우리나라가 자랑스럽다~ 활의민족이여!
서양활이나 일본활은 길이를길게해서 사거리를 늘리는반면 우리나라활은 탄성이 강한 나무에 물소뿔 쇠심줄 민어부레풀을 사용해서 사거리를 늘리죠
각궁이 관리하기만 편하면 정말 좋은 활인건데 습기에 약한게 정말 단점이죠.
우리나라 장인들이 많으신데
게속 이어나갈 제자가 없는 경우가 많다네요
I like this video. filming any details to making korean traditioanl bow...
Buenas noches te escribo desde centroamerica Panamá un hermoso arte
Buenos días , este arte es muy hermoso , me gusta por su manera de construcción y sus accesorios , espero que sí tienen algún curso para aprender este arte me escriban y me lo den a conocer gracias y buenos días hablo español
이건 진짜 감탄을 자아내게하는 예술이라고 밖에 말할수 없겠네요...
I am an artist sculptor, inventor and great handyman since childhood. A 76 year old grandpa. For months, I have been bothering to cut bamboo blades with a plane and files to make Asian, Turkish, Mongolian arches etc. I won't hide from you that to hand plan a 9mm bamboo blade to arrive at 4 and 5 mm thick, moreover with a change in thickness along its length, it's a hassle. File in one hand and caliper in the other. I don't have a circular saw and an electric planer, damn. I have just bought from a seller of archery equipment in France large (reconstituted bamboo blades 5 cm wide and 1.90m long and 2mm thick.) For the manufacture of several bows for my little ones children and my daughter.
the problem is, i'm broke and these bamboo blades cost me an arm even both.
Can't find the original manufacturer which I think is from China? "It is not a certainty"
I am looking for a distributor and the Asian manufacturer of these large reconstituted bamboo blades. Thank you
Why are the handles of Turkish arches the other way around?
I can't seem to get a good answer on this topic. ???
Can you help me find this maker? Thank you.
Yours truly
The handle of the very short Turk bows, are placed on the side away from the archer,
simply to give a bit longer draw.
If it was on the side against the archer, the draw-length was about in inch shorter.
This is normally not a problem, with the longer bow types,
so they normally has the "handle material" on the side against the archer.
The typical handle on the short Turk bows, will feel unpleasant, if we hold it,
"like we hold a Longbow"... We need to tilt the hand a bit so the index finger points up, about 45 degrees,
so the handle press against the entire thumb-muscle, when we curl the three lower fingers around the handle.
That will feel strange at first, but it actually works fine.
To shape the bamboo blades, with the needed varying thickness,
you can first shape a wooden beam, to have the needed curve, (upwards on the middle),
so when placing the bamboo blade on that, with both ends tied down with string or tape,
you only need to file / rasp / sand / grind the blade, to have a totally flat surface...
Then it is thinnest at the middle, as needed.
That will also help you to make many blades with the exact same shape...
I salute you for trying to make traditional "Asian Bows"...
It is like "living archaeology" which helps keep the old knowledge alive...
But you also need to learn the special way to shoot those bows right...
It is best to place the arrow on the right side, and not the left side,
like Longbow archers and "modern recurve" archers do...
You might study the videos made by Armin Hirmer,
as he is one of the best English-speaking instructors on RUclips.
He also shows how to draw the string correctly with the thumb...
Best regards
wow...amazing craftmanship...
근데 궁금한것이, 물소뿔 한개로 각궁 한개밖에 못만드는 거라면, 조선시대 군용무기로 어떻게 각궁을 쓸수 있었을까요? 재료가 부족했을텐데. 게다가 이렇게 오래걸린다니... 정말 궁금합니다.
기록에 보면 세조7년에 일본에서 물소 암수 한쌍을 들여와서 사복시에서 키웠고 성종 24년에는 방목을 하여 농사에 쓸정도로 개체수가 많았다고 합니다.
사람들 편견과 다르게 조선도 아시아권 안에선 되게 무역교류가 많았던 나라... 넉넉하게 쓸 양은 안되도,, 외국에서 계속 사다 썼다는 기록이..
조선 대다수의 군인들은 대나무나 나무로 만든 죽궁 또는 목궁을 썼고, 활을 잘 쏘는 궁수들만 각궁을 쓴걸로 압니다. 그리고 장군이나 특별부대는 철로 만든 철궁을 쓴걸로 압니다. 조선시대 썼던 활 종류가 7가지인데, 제일 많이 쓴게 목국/죽궁, 그다음 각궁, 그다음 철궁. 그 외 기계식으로 당기는 엄청 큰 활도 있었습니다.
Would be nice with English subtitleвидео.html
Another video with eng sub.
Wäre es möglich das ich die einzelnen Maße des Bogen bekomme??? Das wäre überaus zuvorkommend. Vielen Dank
뿔을 불로구워 펴서 사용하는데
왜 음각은 버리나요??
잘 부러지거나 하는 그런게 있나요??
결국 1/4만 사용하는거네요
뿔2개가 돼야 활 하나를 만들수 있네요
해를 맞은쪽은 탄력이더좋고 튼튼해서였던걸로 기억해요
Etymology of education: E DU characters (English alphabet) systematized by Seolchong (person's name) in ancient Korea.
《EDUCATION = 이두깨쳐느》
The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region. It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters. Latin means Slavic language. This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea.
Etymology of Education: The modern English alphabet was created by a man named Seolchong (human name) in ancient Korea who systematized the letter E DU.
《EDUCATION = Awaken your head (dictionary meaning) 》
Etymological meaning: The birth of a baby. The ancient Koreans expressed this in writing.
The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region.
It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters.
Latin means Slavic language.
This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea 🇰🇷.
Etymology of Education: The modern English alphabet was created by a man named Seolchong (human name) in ancient Korea who systematized the letter E DU.
《EDUCATION = Awaken your head (dictionary meaning) 》
Etymological meaning: The birth of a baby. The ancient Koreans expressed this in writing.
The present English alphabet is the script used by the ancient Slavic tribes, and the letters were not systematized in each region.
It is the English alphabet that the ancient Koreans ruled as the imperial family and systematized the characters.
Latin means Slavic language.
This is systematized by a man named Seol Chong in ancient Korea (🇰🇷).
People all over the world should thank Seol Chong. This is far greater than the creation of Hangeul by King Sejong the Great. This should be set as a global anniversary. It is very worrying that people around the world still believe in the colonial history that King Sejong invented Hangeul. This is fake history.
#etymologist, #etymologyeducation, #etymology, #COREAN, #CHOSEN, #koreahistory,
#origin of english, #Origin of the English Alphabet,
#etymologist, #etymologyeducation, #etymology, #COREAN, #CHOSEN, #koreahistory,
#origin of english, #Origin of the English Alphabet,
All of the English alphabet pronunciations have Korean linguistic pronunciations. Meaning is also the linguistic meaning of Korea. The present English alphabet was systematized by Seol Chong (monk) in ancient Korea. This is the letter E DU created by Seol Chong.
have you got the original video? do you know where I can watch this in HD quality?
I don't know. Instead, have a look this link. It' a recent video.видео.html
@@딴짓은나의힘 thank you I know this one I have watched it it's very good
광대싸리: 싸리는 아닌데 싸리 흉내를 내는 식물이라 하여 붙은 이름임. 무늬만 싸리나무고 실제로는
10m에 달하는 크기
: 속이 빈 나무, 사슴 뿔 같은 것으로 만들어졌으며 옆에 몇 개의 구멍이 나 있다. 이것을 화살에 끼워서 쏘면 구멍을 통하는 바람 소리가 마치
피리와 같은 작용을 하여 요란한 소리를 내고 적을 놀라게 하는 것이다. 명적을 끼운 화살을 적시(鏑矢)라 한다.
불렸으며 우리말로 "울고도리" 라고도 불렸다.
효시嚆矢 우는살
엄청난 자료네요…
예술이네요. 조선에서 궁장들 대우는 잘 해줬나요?
Pure Art!
Throughout the world different craftsmen in daily life was art indeed. Mass production has eradicated this art or reduced it to a very few individuals. The more we rely on machines the more our abilities die and reduce a human as a slave to external applications. Nowadays the young don't want to put any effort into anything resembling physical discipline in creating, but think money should come at the fingertips of clicking on the computer keyboard.
옛 조상님들은 대단합니다..
How much does it cost.
And How I can get one.
Any hope of English subtitles?
Thank you!
Muito bom seus vídeos
500년 전통 원조 나무깎기 asmr
제갈량이 엄청 대단한 일을 해낸거였네.... 저렇게 만들기 어려운걸 10만개나 꽁으로 얻었으니...
요즘은 죽시오니에 도피를 안 감아주는 곳이 많은데 따로 구매해서 붙여야겠네요
...헐, 이건 병기가 아니라 예술이네요. 다 만틀기도 전에 전쟁 끝나겄네......ㅠㅠ
그러니까 미리 만들어 놔야죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
십자군 전사는 영국장궁을 사용하죠
Me parece un estilo de construcción arqueristico muy tardado; ceremonial y derrochador de recursos. Pienso que los sumarios, originales constructores de este tipo de arcos no se andaban con tanta parafernalia.
이건머 다 예술품 ㄷㄷㄷ
신라 .각궁 .쇠뇌
몰소에왕국 신라.
What is the total cost of a bow😀
키야 진짜 예술
활은 좋은데 나레이션을 거지같이 입혀놔서 동시녹음이랑 뒤죽박죽이네요 ㅡㅡ;
Çok gūzel sūper.
오로지 이분만 진정한 궁시 장인
이후론 그저그런
국방나무 가 곧 대나무 였으니
국궁은 곧 강한 활 이고 당김도 빡쎈 예술품 이다
장모정신 대단합니다.
영국의활은 2미터가넘어서 숨어서쏘기힘들죠
29:54 what is this?
It is bovine tendon.
Place on an anvil and beat to remove fat and flesh.
And sorted by hand. Tear it by hand as thin as a thread. They are classified as long and short according to length.
Flush until clear water comes out.
ox sinew
Soy de Ecuador y estoy interesado en la construcción de arco ya es este país no hay
저 활 가격이 허덜덜 하겠는데
Que tipo de cola que é usado para colar as laminas ?
On another post they said the glue was made from seaweed
@@davidcascadian4105 nono
minnow swim grassвидео.html&feature=share
생선 부레
fish baptism
자기를 사포처럼 사용하시네 테크닉 쩌심
l want this bow
Indian Indian language mein bhi RUclips Dala karo
저 할아버지 고인 되셨겠네
노끈자를때 카터칼이 인상적이엇읍니다.
2번째 살 만드는 분은 뭔가 어설퍼 보이네요~
와 신기해
영국의활은 우리활처럼휘어지지가않죠
우연히 만주족 자료를 찾다 알게된 자료입니다
umou(山楂) 산사나무 뜻하는 여진언어가 우모羽毛 입니다 여진족이 약용으로 쓰여진 열매 입니다 달단인(타타르족)들과 여진족 언어가 산삼을
오르호다(Orhoda)같다는걸 알수 있습니다, 우리 말에는 산을 오르다..
umou 열매그림이 고구려의화살촉 명적과 너무 닮아 있고 아래글 과 깊은 연관이 있음을 알수 있습니다
umou 우모 여진족언어 고구려의 조우관鳥羽冠’
umou구글에서 자료를 찾으면 羽毛우모 : 일본어 한자 羽毛 새의 깃과 짐승의 털 말한다고 나옵니다
이래서 언제 만들어.. 어휴~~
왜놈들이 다 배워 같겠네,,,,
이런 이런 ,,,,
이런 고귀한 기술을,,,
왜놈들이 다 배워 갔겠네,,
언제쩍거냐 저할배이제 죽었겠네
돌아가신건 맞는데 개새끼네