@@fc7307 - there are some places that say a girl as young as 1 should have their own room from siblings of the opposite sex. When I was in the military there was a rule that said all potty trained siblings of the opposite sex could not share a room. I was overseas at the time when I heard that one. I don’t know if it was a base rule or the country we were in law.
Yes it took me a lot of time to make out who the father was. First I thought it was the one holding the baby; then I thought it was the one behind mommy; then I discovered him in the far left 😂 such proud brothers. An army she has at her disposal.
There is a picture of this family when baby #13 was born of the entire family on the floor or a bed in a circle with the baby only being 2 days old in the oldest's arms.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
I’m afraid cyber-bullying is too subtle to be magicked away by older brothers. Also, if it’s other young girls bullying her what are they going to do? Threaten them?!
When baby #13 was born a picture was posted of the boys in a circle on the floor of a bed with the 2 day baby being held by the oldest with the biggest smile on his face. The ones that could be her father are gonna make great fathers one day.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@bellasofia7120 nah I remember stealing my little brothers super Mario shirt 😂 we got a 7 year age gap but I was super super skinny and small so it fit perfect
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
Alot!!! my husband and I have 6 kids together. He had 2 and I had 2, together we adopted 1 and then had the youngest. 4 boys and 2 girls. I have 4 kids with me on a daily basis and the other 2 on weekends. When I go to the store I have 2 overflowing carts with me and that barely lasts us for 2 weeks. It's about 400$ every 2 weeks.
All these comments about how protected she'll be by her brothers, but honestly though, growing up with all brothers she'll probably know how to hold her own. My little sister is the youngest and only girl of 7 and tough as hell. She is married now, but we always joked growing up that her boyfriend should be more scared of her than of us.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@newjerseylion4804 when she is in school someone will ask “how many siblings do you have” and she will say “I have 14 older brothers” and everyone will turn and make this face🤭😮
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@一•二二四七四四八七一三九 Eh personally I think most of that is BS as parents its easier to split the job. My wife makes more money than me so it would be stupid for us to have her quit. And I make money too, so if I work some of the time and take care of the kid, same with her, we can get both done.
@一•二二四七四四八七一三九 That's some serious bullshit. Fathers also should be involved in household tasks and raising the kids. Wasting all their life on this "bread winning" mentality will make them sad at the end. And for women, to stay at home will also destroy their mental health.
@@_blank-_ Ikr it's 2021, women are not just baby vessels and housewives anymore and husbands shouldn't be the only ones to provide, both parents need to equally be involved in taking care of their children and bringing food on the table.
21...... wow that’s a good portion of her life being pregnant. Well at least they’re not living off the government and the children are healthy and happy. Some people can’t even take care of one child properly!
"Anyone have fourteen layers to get through before even get to her..." Slayed 🔥 by brother "It's like a locker room,so we don't want a princess to live there" loved by father... And that's all you want.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@ch3rryxo Um... I think you should clarify this with your mother or another relative. It sounds like this is more something that is specific to you and your situation rather than something cultural. For example, I call my mother’s siblings “brother” and “sister” (in more affectionate forms though) because she was the oldest sibling by quite a lot, so when she had me my aunts and uncles were young enough that they wanted to be called as older siblings instead of aunt/uncle. So that’s how they taught me to address them. But that’s not something that’s part of our culture; it is actually very unusual, so I often have to explain to people why I call my aunts and uncles as siblings instead of what they actually are when they hear me address them for the first time. Additionally, normally in my culture your parent’s first cousins are your aunts and uncles. However, on my mom’s side, I am in the same generation as my mom’s cousins due to odd age gaps. That’s why I address them as brother/sister/by name (for same age ones) as well, even though I should technically be addressing them as aunt/uncle. This is more common, but it still doesn’t mean that it’s in our culture to address our parents’ siblings or cousins as siblings! And look, I don’t know your culture. Maybe it’s exactly as you say it is. But personally it sounds to me as if you’ve confused some of your personal situations as being part of the overarching culture, and you might want to fix that confusion to prevent misunderstandings in the future. Being from a very similar culture (from a country neighbouring Bangladesh) I know all too well the social consequences of improperly addressing someone!
If a boy ever cheats on her he will be dead before he could say "It's not what it looks like". God bless her she has 14 guardians for the rest of her life
@Nenethegreat WI didn't mean to offend you. Where I come from there's no way siblings won't stand up for one another at any situation. It doesn't matter if have a brother or sister, I know I have my sister's back and she has mine no matter what. Sometimes you need someone by your side other than your friends or parents to help you out, not to protect you necessarily, but to also hold you back from making decisions you're going to regret later.
Wow when she graduates High School all her brothers are going to be in their 40s basically all her nephews are going to be her age. They’re all going to grow up together.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@imhere1303 exactly kids are gonna be kids either way now shes gonna be restricted from having fun like a kid because they want her to be a little princess in pink.
@@creativesparks2164 dude its not that deep. I'm positive when she gets older she can wear whatever she wants. And do whatever she wants (within reason) For now she's a baby so whatever mom dose goes. What harm is it doing to anyone for wanting to treat her like a princess? She's literally the only girl besides the mom in the family can you really blame them for wanting to spoil her?
@@trinitymoore339 so tha means treat her differently..? what harm? a lot when she grows up wishing she could always go outside and rough play with her siblings or play sports with them shes gonna think she has to be a boy to be able to do that. Shes gonna think she wants to be a boy just cause she sees them getting to act like humans while she has to sit there and be their "princess"
It’s pretty sad that we think it’s a good thing that a little girl’s personality will be completely changed due to the gender of her siblings. She should be free to develop into who she wants to be, free of their influence or aggression.
@@layunic shes is still a baby you don't know that I mean maybe her brothers could tease and bullies because that's what brothers are for lol but when she got bullied by someone or have a boyfriend damn
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
To everyone saying they could've just adopted a girl a long time ago: maybe they didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, and just wanted another baby. Then it turned out to be girl Edit: sorry yall I didn't mean to start anything
I actually live in the same place as they do. After a few boys, they tried to have a girl; they refused to adopt because they simply wanted to have one biologically.
Lol paying for a babysitter? What's that. You've got a perfectly healthy 17 year old that can take care of your little spawns of Satan while you go to work 😭
My husband and I have 3 children, and that was enough! The thought of having 15, I couldn't even begin to imagine. This lady had 10 less children than my grandmother. My grandmother had a total of 25, and her sister had 18. I wouldn't think that would be still happening today. Congratulations to the family!
And THEN have a girl😂 I live in a houseful of girls and we're a lot of work and I have a younger brother that comes up in the summer and he's a handful so I do not know how she does it😂
@Valentine’s lady yeah, that is probably true, but at the same time the husband still should be home for a decent amount of hours a week to be there for parenting as well, it's not constantly the mom alone. I just think that some credit she be given to the dad as well
I am mother of 5 sons. I never knew ahead, but when asked I'd say, I want the baby I'm carrying. Our oldest was 14 when our youngest was born. I was 40 and all our sons are good friends. Our first 5 grandchildren were girls, then two grandsons and a 6th granddaughter! We are blessed!
I hope so. My husband forgot a few months after our daughter potty trained and she fell in the toilet. He hasn't forgotten since. I think it was the shrieks of terror that got to him.
Idk why guys like the seat up (I’m a guy), it barely changes the hole size for peeing when the seat is down plus always having the seat down is good for when you got to take a poo so you never have to move the seat
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 what does that mean? She could have been pregnant with even 3 boys at the same time. My cousins are twins (born 2 days apart) and they look NOTHING like each other. But still
@@NOONE-cd4gu well I research it already and I it said that they don't have twins and I even saw a comment in the 14 outdoorsmen channel asking whether they have twins and they replied that they don't have twins I think before I replied I don't assume things but I still don't know how on earth she has 15 kids without twins.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@TwinSisiPlayzRoblox_ you can go take your absolutely obnoxious religious talk somewhere else, clearly no one wants to listen to a guy inspired by some long dead middle eastern scam artist
When I was a kid (in the 70's) there was a family on our block that had 12 boys, then the dad was in a huge trucking accident, a year later the mom gives birth to the one and only girl. She used to say the accident shook his sperm up.
Congratulations to you all. Mum you are one hell of a Super-Woman and you still look great. You can tell there's so much love, respect and happiness in this family . This little daughter/ sister is going to have such a happy life . ☺️👏💖💖💖💖🙋♀️🏴🇬🇧
@@Dean_W1nchester. I feel you Buddy. Nothing better than LAN at home for hours (... instead of homework :D) Thanks to Steam aso there are still possibilities to game with others, but the feeling is just not the same.. :(
The poor woman. She probably stopped asking what the gender is years ago Lol. Wow this is crazy and beautiful. That young lady will have her own security team.
@@hayleymarse2853 Im sure she is too but I also think that after so many boys she probably had little hope she was ever going to have a daughter. I dont see what was so wrong with my original comment that you felt the need to add that 2cent.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
Loll just got back here again only to notice another thing... The other brother (next to the hat-thrown brother) blinked when the hat hit the hat-brother lmaoo Theres something new everytime 😂
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
These comments are epic. I concur with all of them. I always wanted 7 boys but only had 2 and wished I had older brothers what a joy to this family 15!!! Children amazing but even fantastic 14 sons you are all truly blessed 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
@@imthecoolest50 some parents just love having many kids. I mean, I have 6 siblings and my mom is pregnant again, and my parents wouldn't have it any other way. They love each and every one of us because we're all so different, and invaluable.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
By the time she’s old enough to have her own room I would think that at least 8 of her brothers will be out of the house. Some of the ones still at home will have a room of their own also.
The ones in their 20s most likely have moved out already, and if not probably soon. By time she is a teen any of the teens in the family now will be grown up and moved out also. Probably even some of the middle school aged kids will be moved out or moving out. She won't have many of her brothers there by time she goes to high school.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
I’m happy for them!! How exciting!! The father seems like a great man and she’s also a great wife. You can tell they did an amazing job raising their children. When he speaks they all turn and look at him
@@Bluntbunne or man that is a man that identifies as woman so he changes body to look like woman but now his brain stopped working because he becomes confused and thinks he is an actual woman when in reality he is a man a biological man since birth.
I know a lot of big families and a some of them have dads who work for airports or are lawyers. Others are in the military. None of them make a ton of money but they are able to provide their kids with the necessities!
A woman once told me, “people hold off having kids because they think they don’t have enough money, but once you start having kids, money just shows up.”
They seem like a kind, intelligent, loving family. Lucky girl. As a woman who grew up with practically no male influences, i can't even imagine this girls perspective when she grows up 🙂
I’m going to say she will be spoiled and she has so many brothers that will be overprotective. Haha. She will be tough as nails because she has 14 competitions too! 😅
I can't imagine. 6 was enough for me- knowing how each subsequent pregnancy & l&d goes, after ur 3rd/4th- I can't even fathom how she was able to! That's probably the toughest woman, any guy would meet🙂
I went to school with a girl who had 11 siblings. To her having a big family was absolute hell. She was an introvert so she needed space for herself, where she could relax and recharge but there was just always people around her - all the time. She also didn't get to spend much time bonding with her parents because they were always busy, so her older sister was like a mom to her. I think that's why I personally have always thought of having many kids as selfish. There are only so many hours in a day, how can you evenly give love and attention to 10+ kids?
every family is different just because your friend doesn't get the equal love and attention it doesn't mean that it's the same to every large family I also come from a large family of 10 kids but I never felt that I didn't get the same amount of love and attention again every family is different they seem like a happy family and the kids are raise well if they weren't abuse starved and the parents aren't druggies then I'm fine with it
Not all big families are like your classmate just cause she doesn't get the equal attention from her parents it doesn't automatically mean that all big families are like that never giving much attention to every kids as long as they can afford it to love and take care of them then it's fine by me I actually know this family cause I went to the same church and was friends with one of the kids they were really nice the kids are all polite and raise well
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 And I guess that's my point. Yeah, they are doing good. And that's great. But what about my friend? It's like she isn't allowed to feel bad about growing up in a big family because others are doing good. The child who is the quiet, non comforming one is the one at fault - the one in the wrong. I just don't think it's fair. Yeah, life isn't fair blah, blah. But she is still allowed to think that it sucks. Her experience is just as valid as those who love living in a big family. I'm not trying to start an argument btw, just standing up for my friend and her experience. No offense to the family in the video, I'm sure they are nice people :)
@@novanettle7497 I actually feel bad of your friend she is allowed to feel what she want well people are different and have the right to let their emotions out she is also allowed to feel that it suck although I'm pretty sure that her parents do love her even tho they fail to give her the attention she needs and I could see you are a great friend based on your comment I'm only saying that not all big family are like that but if you want to start a big family you have to make sure that you can afford to give each of the kids the same amount and equal love and attention I'm also not trying to argue ( well I never liked arguments anyway ) so have a great day
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 thank you :) I really appreciate your polite tone and open mindedness (rare to find in any online comment section, haha). And totally agree; if you have the time, love, space and money to raise a big family - no hate from me, I hope you live a happy life. Have a wonderful day :)
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
So she has a football team for security for life.
I love this comment doesn't have a bf theme
Maybe she will want to join the team herself.... 🤷🏾♀️
I think she is self sufficient to secure her life 😁.. I hope her brothers also contribute to make this world a better place for her!
@Lennie Minder ya.. That's nice.. Thinking positively is really something nice, which I guess I have
@@cayk9444 nope
Wait till the younger boys find out she will get her own room.
Finally a clever comment that doesn't mention the boyfriend theme 👌🏻
Most of them would have moved out when it is time for her to get her own room.
@@fc7307 - there are some places that say a girl as young as 1 should have their own room from siblings of the opposite sex.
When I was in the military there was a rule that said all potty trained siblings of the opposite sex could not share a room.
I was overseas at the time when I heard that one. I don’t know if it was a base rule or the country we were in law.
@@auntiem873 To the best of my knowledge most places rules like that are just for foster care and adoption.
*girl gets bullied*
Brother: Avengers... assemble.
I- 😂
🤣🤣. I think you mean brothers with an S
No one will even THINK of bullying her. Her fame will precede her everywhere! 😜
Thought her brother was her dad at first😂😅😂. He looks so proud and full of love for baby sis.🥰
Yes it took me a lot of time to make out who the father was. First I thought it was the one holding the baby; then I thought it was the one behind mommy; then I discovered him in the far left 😂 such proud brothers. An army she has at her disposal.
Me too. Couldn't find the Dad 😂
Same here!😄
There is a picture of this family when baby #13 was born of the entire family on the floor or a bed in a circle with the baby only being 2 days old in the oldest's arms.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
she can't get bullied,
that's a fact
The bullies will be the brothers, or herself probably lol
I’m afraid cyber-bullying is too subtle to be magicked away by older brothers. Also, if it’s other young girls bullying her what are they going to do? Threaten them?!
😂😂😂 absolutely
15 children, 9 months: 135 months pregnant, 11 years pregnant... let that sink in...
That is a hell lot
Bye. 😅
As a mother of 4 - I thought deeply about this. 😳
I only had 2 and honestly 2 was enough there is no way you can be good parents with these many kids no time for every single one
She is the literal definition of “If you wanna mess with me, your messing with my family.”
I have never heard anything more true!!!
Imagine some guy messing with her and a minibus pulls up and 14 guys jump out
I love how the older one was holding her he was so nurturing
@@BK-tp6jf The second oldest son is married. The one holding her is the oldest but he is engaged 💍❤.
When baby #13 was born a picture was posted of the boys in a circle on the floor of a bed with the 2 day baby being held by the oldest with the biggest smile on his face. The ones that could be her father are gonna make great fathers one day.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
He took her like his own child. She sure has many fathers who are her brothers.
When she grows up she can tease her brothers that their parents saved the best for the last
that is unless they have another
The mom is pregnant
@Mike V she isn’t pregnant 😂 she just had a baby in that video, after a female gives birth your stomach doesn’t go flat just like that
@Mike V you
Imagine how many hoodies she can steal!
it’s... it’s OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!
Guess who's jealous
Hoodies of ALL sizes!!
🤣🤣 yesss
i like the way you think ma dude
Probably the only child that wont be getting hand-me-downs lol
Oh yes she will. You are vastly underestimating the comfort of all the hoodies she can steal.
right now i am wearing my brother s old pijamas
Probably? The only thing she would get from her many older brothers would be a hoodie like, “Hey *choose a brother* I’m taking your hoodie/shirt”
@@bellasofia7120 nah I remember stealing my little brothers super Mario shirt 😂 we got a 7 year age gap but I was super super skinny and small so it fit perfect
I have a brother and i often steal his clothes when i was younger lol
"I'm glad it's a girl and i'm glad it's a baby" could have been an adult makes sense
"Oh thank god it wasn't another demon."
Well L.bruh Jones born an adult man
@GraffitiTurtle i wasn’t but shhh let’s not tell them
@GraffitiTurtle 😭 no
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
Can you imagine how much food those boys eat, that’s crazy
Yeah man
I was just thinking the same thing. I have three boys so I can only imagine.
Alot!!! my husband and I have 6 kids together. He had 2 and I had 2, together we adopted 1 and then had the youngest. 4 boys and 2 girls. I have 4 kids with me on a daily basis and the other 2 on weekends. When I go to the store I have 2 overflowing carts with me and that barely lasts us for 2 weeks. It's about 400$ every 2 weeks.
The juice usage too omggggg
They probably hunt which is good bc it would be so expensive otherwise
This woman has been pregnant for 11 years of her life. Shocking.
Not if she had twins
@@Johannasz doesn't seem like it tho
I would scream but be happily blessed but scream
Beautiful. She looks so happy and fulfilled.
All these comments about how protected she'll be by her brothers, but honestly though, growing up with all brothers she'll probably know how to hold her own. My little sister is the youngest and only girl of 7 and tough as hell. She is married now, but we always joked growing up that her boyfriend should be more scared of her than of us.
That's hilarious! I have 3 older sons and a 6 yr old little girl. She's turning out the same way lol
I have 1 older brother. But him and his friends taught me to hold my own. If I can't reach my brother I call his friends and they come to the rescue.
Facts 😂
That’s awesome
I laughed out loud when I read this. Hilarious! 😆
Omg she’s like one of those action girl characters who are like “Yeah I learned how to fight because I grew up with big brothers”
I grow up with lots of brothers so I learned how to handle my self
Yvonne Johnson good for you!
Ginny weasley
@@abcxyz- I hade sisters as well am the baby of the family
No no I meant ginny weasley from Harry Potter was like that.
No matter how small their house ever is, she will always have her own room😭😭😭😭😭
I don't have my own room ;-;
As a boy in a house of girls, i can say you are wrong.
@BTS OT7 your 20. Get an aprtment
@@SystemReboot easier said than done
I’ve worked three part time jobs at 18 right after high school still couldn’t get one with roommates either.
The oldest brother is in dad mode already. He has imprinted on her. So beautiful
They did say they had a granddaughter as well so maybe he’s the one with a daughter
How do you know who the oldest is? There's so many of them. At least three have facial hair.
@@honeyhearts4844 because Tyler is the oldest! Tyler is the one holding the baby. Just Google it. It's public knowledge.
Don't say imprint
Twilight has ruined that word
He took Care of most of the boys in there.
Sister: **falls onto floor** **starts crying**
Brothers: **beats up floor**
They gonne break the floor lol
Haha perfect 😂😂😂
Or they just laugh at her. You guys acting like brothers always protect their sister.
Girl’s boyfriend when he steps through the front door: *Current Objective: SURVIVE*
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
That's not a family that's a CLAN.
This needs more votes
This is literally true for my family. I have 4 parents and 10 siblings and some have their own kids.
We call ourselves The Clan... So funny.
@@anerdwithglasses7429 Where are you from ,if it's not too invasive or personal?
@@aminbinsalim1995no problem, I am a kiwi from the beach side of New Zealand.
@@anerdwithglasses7429 I see, thank you for being kind enough to respond:)
Welp goodluck with her future boyfriend
14 older brothers oh boy
@@newjerseylion4804 when she is in school someone will ask “how many siblings do you have” and she will say “I have 14 older brothers” and everyone will turn and make this face🤭😮
@@newjerseylion4804 her boyfriend's gonna regret dumping her or cheating on her🤭
My Mom had 5 older brothers and she always said it was tough. I don't know how my Dad made the cut 😄
@@LaurenInJersey hahahahha He Got Lucky 😂😂😂
“I’m glad it’s a girl and I’m glad it’s a baby.”
I wanna know what other option was if not a baby 🤣🤣🤣
In his little country accent lol so cute
I was imagining a doll while in the car going to the hospital to see my new baby sister :)
@@nessyness5447 could be a robot like Mark 👀
Glad it's not a piece of bread 😐
The brother holding her the whole time, you can tell he just loves her so much!
The boyfriend will be extremely faithful since he won't know where or when he might bump into any one of the 14
@@blueshoes5145 😁
15 i would say since her dad would protect her too
Hahahahaahha this had me 🤣😂🤣😂
@@NOONE-cd4gu lol if he's still alive when she's at that age.
I wouldn’t mind having 14 brothers and being the only girl. What a blessing. That little girl is lucky.
Yeah until you are treated like the odd man out all the time ironically lol
Remember Ginny with 6 brothers?? Who didn't let her even ride a broom? Yeah no, i am ok with one brother and one sister 😂
She is the blessed baby 👶💕❤
It's a blessing and a curse really
Depends on how nice they are...my ONE brother gave me enough emotional and mental scars for life
Ain't NOBODY gonna bully her
Except for her brothers. They are going to bully her 😂
So sad, so true.
Honestly I did that to my sister I tease and bullies her a lot of times but when someone mess with her I always said nobody bullies my sister but me
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 Awe. Golden siblings 😂😂
@@kiriki4558 stfu
Lil bit rude
Guy with the long beard beard LOVES his baby sister. ❤️❤️
Oh that's Tyler the oldest
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
I can’t even imagine having that many children. That woman is so strong.
Mom is from a family of 14 kids.
@一•二二四七四四八七一三九 Eh personally I think most of that is BS as parents its easier to split the job. My wife makes more money than me so it would be stupid for us to have her quit. And I make money too, so if I work some of the time and take care of the kid, same with her, we can get both done.
You mean she is so ridiculously stupid, the husband as bad
@一•二二四七四四八七一三九 That's some serious bullshit. Fathers also should be involved in household tasks and raising the kids. Wasting all their life on this "bread winning" mentality will make them sad at the end. And for women, to stay at home will also destroy their mental health.
@@_blank-_ Ikr it's 2021, women are not just baby vessels and housewives anymore and husbands shouldn't be the only ones to provide, both parents need to equally be involved in taking care of their children and bringing food on the table.
People be like: she's protected. She's never going to get bullied.
Me belike: she's going to get bullied by her brothers.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a good relationship with my brother.
I mean the older older brothers might stop their younger brothers from doing that
Doubt it
Me brother and I are best friends but also bullies lol
@@rosesweetcharlotte I too don't have a good relationship with my brother. We can't stand each other. Being 7 years apart doesn't help either.
🎊The mama birthed 15 babies.
Her physical strength is amazing.🎊
I can’t even begin to imagine she must be strong physically and mentally :)
@@courtneyhawkins4072 check out Radford family they have 21 children
I can’t imagine trying to take care of and give each of them individual attention. I’m not judging though, if it works for them it works.
21...... wow that’s a good portion of her life being pregnant. Well at least they’re not living off the government and the children are healthy and happy. Some people can’t even take care of one child properly!
And she looks like it's gonna be 16...
"Anyone have fourteen layers to get through before even get to her..." Slayed 🔥 by brother
"It's like a locker room,so we don't want a princess to live there" loved by father... And that's all you want.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
Shes probably gonna be an aunt within the next couple of years lol
2:07 it says they have a granddaughter so...she was an aunt before she was born! lol!
@@DrFeelGoood ohh i didnt catch that! wow lol
@@ch3rryxo Oh? How does that work? Does it go purely off of age order instead of generation?
@@ch3rryxo That’s interesting. Seconding @Litany, what culture is that? I’d like to read more about it
@@ch3rryxo Um... I think you should clarify this with your mother or another relative. It sounds like this is more something that is specific to you and your situation rather than something cultural.
For example, I call my mother’s siblings “brother” and “sister” (in more affectionate forms though) because she was the oldest sibling by quite a lot, so when she had me my aunts and uncles were young enough that they wanted to be called as older siblings instead of aunt/uncle. So that’s how they taught me to address them. But that’s not something that’s part of our culture; it is actually very unusual, so I often have to explain to people why I call my aunts and uncles as siblings instead of what they actually are when they hear me address them for the first time.
Additionally, normally in my culture your parent’s first cousins are your aunts and uncles. However, on my mom’s side, I am in the same generation as my mom’s cousins due to odd age gaps. That’s why I address them as brother/sister/by name (for same age ones) as well, even though I should technically be addressing them as aunt/uncle. This is more common, but it still doesn’t mean that it’s in our culture to address our parents’ siblings or cousins as siblings!
And look, I don’t know your culture. Maybe it’s exactly as you say it is. But personally it sounds to me as if you’ve confused some of your personal situations as being part of the overarching culture, and you might want to fix that confusion to prevent misunderstandings in the future. Being from a very similar culture (from a country neighbouring Bangladesh) I know all too well the social consequences of improperly addressing someone!
If a boy ever cheats on her he will be dead before he could say "It's not what it looks like". God bless her she has 14 guardians for the rest of her life
14 guardians for the rest of her life? Not if I have anything to do with it! *viciously starts stabbing brothers*
@@jaws7575 Yandere mode activated..?! Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
I don't think a girl needs guardians. Especially not in America. And that's a good thing.
@@nilssneijder8568 Girls are strong but a guardian makes us stronger. My brother is my guardian. And that, is a good thing.
@Nenethegreat WI didn't mean to offend you. Where I come from there's no way siblings won't stand up for one another at any situation. It doesn't matter if have a brother or sister, I know I have my sister's back and she has mine no matter what. Sometimes you need someone by your side other than your friends or parents to help you out, not to protect you necessarily, but to also hold you back from making decisions you're going to regret later.
Girl: *Brings boyfriend to meet her family*
Boyfriend: "Why do I hear boss music?"
*14 different musics*
Why do I hear 14 editions of boss music,,, all together
What's boss music ?
@@dragons8822 Like, in video games, during the boss fights (or even before), you'll hear dramatic ominous music playing. XD
Wow when she graduates High School all her brothers are going to be in their 40s basically all her nephews are going to be her age. They’re all going to grow up together.
She also has brothers who were close age with her
My older brothers were teenagers when I was born. By the time that my brother was born, he was already an uncle by several years
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
That is a very, *very* patient mother. That ‘locker room’ should have had room for a female from the beginning.
She could also just not be a stereotype and have no problem with it. They don't seem junky. Just rowdy like any household of kids.
@@imhere1303 exactly kids are gonna be kids either way now shes gonna be restricted from having fun like a kid because they want her to be a little princess in pink.
@@creativesparks2164 dude its not that deep. I'm positive when she gets older she can wear whatever she wants. And do whatever she wants (within reason) For now she's a baby so whatever mom dose goes. What harm is it doing to anyone for wanting to treat her like a princess? She's literally the only girl besides the mom in the family can you really blame them for wanting to spoil her?
@@trinitymoore339 so tha means treat her differently..? what harm? a lot when she grows up wishing she could always go outside and rough play with her siblings or play sports with them shes gonna think she has to be a boy to be able to do that. Shes gonna think she wants to be a boy just cause she sees them getting to act like humans while she has to sit there and be their "princess"
@@trinitymoore339 they never said spoil putting a kid in uncomfortable clothes that they cant play in isnt being spoiled... thats being restricted
that little girl with 14 brothers won't be a fairytale cliche princess-type kind of girl, she'll be a warrior princess-type of girl.
@Toki Warheart i'm not even thinking of Harry Potter when i made that comment. I was thinking of my own experience lol
It’s pretty sad that we think it’s a good thing that a little girl’s personality will be completely changed due to the gender of her siblings. She should be free to develop into who she wants to be, free of their influence or aggression.
@@Mehk it's pretty mind blowing to me that there are people who could take offense to that statement. Being tougher is a trait ANYONE can benefit from
@@Mehk Bruh LIFE is all about being sculpted by what's around you xD
@Toki Warheart She could do all of the above and still be a warrior lmao
Imagine bullying this girl and you see her army of brothers advancing at you... would you even survive
Her brothers bully her
@@layunic shes is still a baby you don't know that I mean maybe her brothers could tease and bullies because that's what brothers are for lol but when she got bullied by someone or have a boyfriend damn
Army 💜💜🇧🇩
@@handle797 bruh
@@scarecrowjones1 what 💜💜
20yrs down the road, random guy starts hitting on her a bit too much at a bar.......entire bar turns around. 😂
Don’t worry sweetheart, you’re safe!
😂 😂 😂
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
To everyone saying they could've just adopted a girl a long time ago: maybe they didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, and just wanted another baby. Then it turned out to be girl
Edit: sorry yall I didn't mean to start anything
I actually live in the same place as they do. After a few boys, they tried to have a girl; they refused to adopt because they simply wanted to have one biologically.
my mom always wanted a little girl, but she had 8 boys before me :)
@@msMuffet. I'm the baby of the family. My parents didn't know our genders until we were born!
@@msMuffet. 🥺
@@secretagentnerd754 damn what’s so bad about not having a biological kid? I mean good for them I guess with all those kids just to have a girl
I bet the oldest son is closer to his parent's age than his youngest sister's age.
Lol something to think about
Read she's 45 had her first at 17
It used to be normal once upon a time , my youngest uncle is slightly younger than my first cousin
I'm closer to my parents age than my baby sister 😂
Lmao hajdkdbsks
I feel like this is the real life “The Loud House” except it’s reversed (instead of having majority of sisters it’s brothers)
I was thinking the same '
Was looking for this comment
I honestly love The Loud House so I had to make a reference
it’s crazy that they are a bigger family haha
@@maude. yeah it’s kinda crazy!
Fourteen big brothers to watch over their baby sister. So adorable.
they took the "be fruitful and multiply" to a whole new level
Yeah it was looking like a park out there
What a beautiful family.
Truth. Very good looking children.
Happy for them
That family hasn’t had to pay for a baby sitter in a very long time😂
As the third oldest of eleven, I can confirm.
Lol paying for a babysitter? What's that. You've got a perfectly healthy 17 year old that can take care of your little spawns of Satan while you go to work 😭
“I’m glad it’s a baby” 😂
not sure what he was expecting them to bring home but what a relief indeed!
That one really got me haha. Gotta love kid's minds
So cute!
Used tob a show on TV with host Art Linkletter "Kids Say The Darndest Things"
My husband and I have 3 children, and that was enough! The thought of having 15, I couldn't even begin to imagine. This lady had 10 less children than my grandmother. My grandmother had a total of 25, and her sister had 18. I wouldn't think that would be still happening today. Congratulations to the family!
I know a young lady with ten siblings. They were homeschooled.
Awwww her brother holding her is so in love! Good luck future boyfriends lmao also “we can’t have a princess in a locker room” 🥺 adorable.
I know right? I thought he was the dad at first.
....and he’s got the baby sway. Too adorable!
@@quix66hiya22 sameee
Or gf
I think he the one with daughter of his own but not sure
14 boys are CHAOS.. cant imagine how she can discipline all of them.. supermom..
And THEN have a girl😂 I live in a houseful of girls and we're a lot of work and I have a younger brother that comes up in the summer and he's a handful so I do not know how she does it😂
God, I don't even want to think about it! I have 10 week old twin boys & I start sweating when I think about them getting bigger. Haha.
She has a husband; the children also has a father
@Valentine’s lady yeah, that is probably true, but at the same time the husband still should be home for a decent amount of hours a week to be there for parenting as well, it's not constantly the mom alone. I just think that some credit she be given to the dad as well
@Valentine’s lady Yeah, you're right
'14 layers to get through before they can get to her.' ........my heart ❤.
I am mother of 5 sons. I never knew ahead, but when asked I'd say, I want the baby I'm carrying. Our oldest was 14 when our youngest was born. I was 40 and all our sons are good friends. Our first 5 grandchildren were girls, then two grandsons and a 6th granddaughter! We are blessed!
Keep the toilet seat down guys.
I hope so. My husband forgot a few months after our daughter potty trained and she fell in the toilet. He hasn't forgotten since. I think it was the shrieks of terror that got to him.
@@runningfromabear8354 im sorry, but I laughed at that.
No, she’ll have to learn to leave it up. That’s just far more efficient.
@@icturner23 So much for all those people saying she'll have super protective brothers.
Idk why guys like the seat up (I’m a guy), it barely changes the hole size for peeing when the seat is down plus always having the seat down is good for when you got to take a poo so you never have to move the seat
Imagine when she starts dating.....
Guy breaks her heart!!
14 brothers: you've chosen death ☠️.
Don't forget the dad
yeah cause every heart break warrants physical violence and retaliation...god the world some of you live in...
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 Or the Mam for that matter 😂
14 kids! I would never make it! Praise her ability to mother 14 kids and all boy but 1! God bless her!
Some are probably twins. But still they are a lot
yes, that's a feat few can achieve
@@NOONE-cd4gu they don't even have twins they are all 14 straight boys
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 what does that mean? She could have been pregnant with even 3 boys at the same time. My cousins are twins (born 2 days apart) and they look NOTHING like each other. But still
@@NOONE-cd4gu well I research it already and I it said that they don't have twins and I even saw a comment in the 14 outdoorsmen channel asking whether they have twins and they replied that they don't have twins I think before I replied I don't assume things but I still don't know how on earth she has 15 kids without twins.
15 children approximately carried at 9 months thats like 11 years of the mother's life being pregnant
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD? :)
@@TwinSisiPlayzRoblox_ you can go take your absolutely obnoxious religious talk somewhere else, clearly no one wants to listen to a guy inspired by some long dead middle eastern scam artist
@@TwinSisiPlayzRoblox_ Thank you. It's cool to learn more about Christianity and other religions.
The thing I'm most fascinated about is the mom giving birth to 15 children
Yeah. Like how does she deal with all them brats.
Lol wdym? My great grandma has 15 kids lol
Someone has 21
@@8luvbug Yeah, I think I have heard my friend tell me that his grandma have 21/22 sons. Amazing.
My mom has 13 :D
After 14 years the girl will write the story to My story animated as "I was born in a family full of boys"
she's gonna start an anime lmao
No they actually just generate their stories using a machine ahhahaha
When I was a kid (in the 70's) there was a family on our block that had 12 boys, then the dad was in a huge trucking accident, a year later the mom gives birth to the one and only girl. She used to say the accident shook his sperm up.
Congratulations to you all. Mum you are one hell of a Super-Woman and you still look great. You can tell there's so much love, respect and happiness in this family . This little daughter/ sister is going to have such a happy life .
*Perks about 14 older brothers*
1. U will not get bullied
2. Your ex is finna die
3. She have her bodyguards
4. She get her own room
Damn makes me wish i wasnt the oldest. And the only girl -_-
@Amanda Anderson
Your still stupid as always Amanda.....
Bullshit, the older brothers will bully the crap out of her themselves.
@Amanda Anderson lmaooo, it’s a joke, Amanda. You’re weird.
@Amanda Anderson not all families are like that lol
I’m curious to know how old the oldest child is and how old mom is.
Yaa and for a minute i had trouble finding the dad...
** My screen is shattered so its hard to see.
Yeah 45 for the parents would have been my guess. I also had trouble finding the dad, haha!
And I only see 13 boys....
@@gina2930 , He may be married or in college.
@@gina2930 at 2:08 you see them all , I think one was hidden in the first shot
Damn, if she ends up being a gamer she doesn't need to look for a squad especially for COD. I'm jealous...😲😊✌👄😢
True lol
Imangine the in house LAN Parties!
Damn, I miss living with my brother in the same household..
@@amyaccount7935 same my brothers are both a lot older then me so they’ve both moved out 😭
@@Dean_W1nchester. I feel you Buddy. Nothing better than LAN at home for hours (... instead of homework :D)
Thanks to Steam aso there are still possibilities to game with others, but the feeling is just not the same.. :(
The poor woman. She probably stopped asking what the gender is years ago Lol. Wow this is crazy and beautiful. That young lady will have her own security team.
I think she is happy to have healthy children
@@hayleymarse2853 Im sure she is too but I also think that after so many boys she probably had little hope she was ever going to have a daughter. I dont see what was so wrong with my original comment that you felt the need to add that 2cent.
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
Her hubby finally give her an X) In my opinion, she should've just divorce him for a girl with another man, but it's her life👐
@@БогиняМироздания 🤣
Daughter: get bullied
The brother: so you have chosen death
You mean Brother𝐒𝐬𝐬𝐬
@@loxic98 You mean brothersssssssssssss
0:57 are we just gonna ignore the hat hitting him 😂
And the little angry "hey" from the bro holding the baby
I rewatch the whole clip to identify the sus but to no avail 😂
And that stare from the mother 😂
Loll just got back here again only to notice another thing...
The other brother (next to the hat-thrown brother) blinked when the hat hit the hat-brother lmaoo
Theres something new everytime 😂
I saw that too, the moms side-eye had me dead lol
I don’t even know who’s the dad and who’s the son.
Hey army💜💜💜
@@imeowu1772 You guys are magnets, aren't you?
@@sexualblaster yes, we are.
@@imeowu1772 That guy misspelled maggots
@@IkesPimpHand lmaooo
I have to say that this family makes me happy, bacause all of them looks so happy. Best wishest to them
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
Sis is going to have more security than the capital
Lmaoooo this comment 😂 Also, FELIXXX
Greetings, fellow stays
Wait, she's birthed into a family with 14 brothers and she's a Scorpio. A small legendary Queen in the making, wrap it up, ladies and gentlemen.
She's gonna be tough af
Astrology has nothing to do with how a person turns out🙄
@@ReauWynwhether you believe it or not its fun to joke about. Calm down Emily
@@ReauWyn yo, I'm a Taurus and I'm stubborn as f*ck, believe me, star signs are pretty accurate.
@@audreydoyle5268 I can attest to that. I'm a Scorpio sun, Taurus rising and Capricorn moon. Stubborn is my middle name 😂
Lol, was her plan to keep going until she had a girl? My friend stopped trying after 5 boys, this woman is committed
Maybe they wanted to have a big family anyway
No commitment here. One kid. Tough labor. C-section. That was enough for me!
3 boys and a princess for me that's enough no more
@Anna Johansson this right here.
@@crystalscrochet6484 same here. I had a girl after three boys, people always say she is lucky, but imagine 14 boys then a girl..
These comments are epic. I concur with all of them. I always wanted 7 boys but only had 2 and wished I had older brothers what a joy to this family 15!!! Children amazing but even fantastic 14 sons you are all truly blessed 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾
i could only imagine the fear on her future boyfriends face when she tells him she has 14 older brothers
Just imagine her birthdays
Rollar blades
Basket ball
My grandmother sister gived birth 13 kids
Having 14 brothers I’d probably forget their names
Everyone talking about how protected she is going to be
Me can't get over this 0:57
Stop it lmao
The poor mom looks so done lmao. 15 kids Jesus...
Same lol.
Edit: just noticed ur pfp!! (IM IN LOVE OML 💜💜)
@@kiahhall130 ARMY
@@chloeiscool130 ARMMY 💜
What an amazing family. You guys have done a wonderful job on your son's.
Girl: *Brings Boyfriend to the house*
Her brothers: *Pillermen Theme intensifies*
@Bethany Breen Thought the exact same thing lol. Who actually knows
Lmao the one little boy " Im glad its a baby." I feel ya bud if somthing else came outta there I'd be scared too
*Oh damn stop ... What else would come out of there like besides a baby what is that thing that would come out??*
I’m wondering what kind of job the parents have because that’s a lot of mouths to feed 🤷🏻♀️
Government the more kids you have the more money they give you specially taxes time
Really? That's how the government works?
@@Melly16yr10 technically speaking the taxpayers. Pay for it
@@sassysylalways6007 why are you making assumptions about the financial status of people you not only do not know? Very odd
@@sassysylalways6007 How do you mean?
Other girls: omggg I wish I had an older brother!!
This girl: try having 14
Or this girl can say, "Which one do you want to borrow?"
@@celiashen5490 lol
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
Yah I heard people complaining about 2 or 3 brothers, and I have 11, had 12…. 😂
"Alright, we'll stop when we get a girl"
No. Its just a gender changing.
They didn’t stop 😬
The mom is still pregnant. I don’t get how the dad doesn’t feel bad impregnating that many times.
@@imthecoolest50 some people just love to raise kids. It’s probably what they want
@@imthecoolest50 some parents just love having many kids. I mean, I have 6 siblings and my mom is pregnant again, and my parents wouldn't have it any other way. They love each and every one of us because we're all so different, and invaluable.
They look so happy to have a sister it's adorable 🥺
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
By the time she’s old enough to have her own room I would think that at least 8 of her brothers will be out of the house. Some of the ones still at home will have a room of their own also.
Exactly. I said the same thing on another comment. Half of them look ready to move out now, if they haven’t already.
Most of them look old enough to be on their own already
The ones in their 20s most likely have moved out already, and if not probably soon. By time she is a teen any of the teens in the family now will be grown up and moved out also. Probably even some of the middle school aged kids will be moved out or moving out. She won't have many of her brothers there by time she goes to high school.
1 brother: "Anyone would have 14 layers to go through before they can get to her"
The rest: "giggles"
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?
I’m happy for them!! How exciting!! The father seems like a great man and she’s also a great wife. You can tell they did an amazing job raising their children. When he speaks they all turn and look at him
Well.... the future boyfriend, good luck bro
He left the chat already.
Or gf
@@Bluntbunne or bf
@@Bluntbunne or man that is a man that identifies as woman so he changes body to look like woman but now his brain stopped working because he becomes confused and thinks he is an actual woman when in reality he is a man a biological man since birth.
I'm just thinking what profession does the father have to be able to raise 15 kids.
They seem to live in the country, maybe they are farmers or own animals
I know a lot of big families and a some of them have dads who work for airports or are lawyers. Others are in the military. None of them make a ton of money but they are able to provide their kids with the necessities!
The mom may have a profession, too.
For real ! My mom had four kids and at that time she couldn’t even afford one .
A woman once told me, “people hold off having kids because they think they don’t have enough money, but once you start having kids, money just shows up.”
They seem like a kind, intelligent, loving family. Lucky girl. As a woman who grew up with practically no male influences, i can't even imagine this girls perspective when she grows up 🙂
Most protected sister in the whole world....💪💪💪
I’m going to say she will be spoiled and she has so many brothers that will be overprotective. Haha. She will be tough as nails because she has 14 competitions too! 😅
She gave birth to 15 kids, damn can you imagine? 15 times going through that horrible pain? Geez.. 😅 Is it her hobby or what? lol
I can't imagine. 6 was enough for me- knowing how each subsequent pregnancy & l&d goes, after ur 3rd/4th- I can't even fathom how she was able to! That's probably the toughest woman, any guy would meet🙂
Probably don't believe in abortion lol
Yes as said... simply they don't believe in abortion or birth control. Very religious people of multiple religions follow this.
I mean you can give birth unconsciously
@Jesus Christ Thanks jesus
I went to school with a girl who had 11 siblings. To her having a big family was absolute hell. She was an introvert so she needed space for herself, where she could relax and recharge but there was just always people around her - all the time. She also didn't get to spend much time bonding with her parents because they were always busy, so her older sister was like a mom to her.
I think that's why I personally have always thought of having many kids as selfish. There are only so many hours in a day, how can you evenly give love and attention to 10+ kids?
every family is different just because your friend doesn't get the equal love and attention it doesn't mean that it's the same to every large family I also come from a large family of 10 kids but I never felt that I didn't get the same amount of love and attention again every family is different they seem like a happy family and the kids are raise well if they weren't abuse starved and the parents aren't druggies then I'm fine with it
Not all big families are like your classmate just cause she doesn't get the equal attention from her parents it doesn't automatically mean that all big families are like that never giving much attention to every kids as long as they can afford it to love and take care of them then it's fine by me I actually know this family cause I went to the same church and was friends with one of the kids they were really nice the kids are all polite and raise well
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 And I guess that's my point. Yeah, they are doing good. And that's great.
But what about my friend? It's like she isn't allowed to feel bad about growing up in a big family because others are doing good.
The child who is the quiet, non comforming one is the one at fault - the one in the wrong.
I just don't think it's fair.
Yeah, life isn't fair blah, blah. But she is still allowed to think that it sucks. Her experience is just as valid as those who love living in a big family.
I'm not trying to start an argument btw, just standing up for my friend and her experience.
No offense to the family in the video, I'm sure they are nice people :)
@@novanettle7497 I actually feel bad of your friend she is allowed to feel what she want well people are different and have the right to let their emotions out she is also allowed to feel that it suck although I'm pretty sure that her parents do love her even tho they fail to give her the attention she needs and I could see you are a great friend based on your comment I'm only saying that not all big family are like that but if you want to start a big family you have to make sure that you can afford to give each of the kids the same amount and equal love and attention I'm also not trying to argue ( well I never liked arguments anyway ) so have a great day
@@estrellaashleywilliams4061 thank you :)
I really appreciate your polite tone and open mindedness (rare to find in any online comment section, haha).
And totally agree; if you have the time, love, space and money to raise a big family - no hate from me, I hope you live a happy life.
Have a wonderful day :)
Don’t mean to be stereotypical but...
*R.I.P her future dating life.*
@@joylynch5204 What dude wants to date a girl with 14 brothers? When you breakup with her you may get jumped by all of 'em.
@@EO18 not necessarily, just don’t cheat then he’ll get beat up 😭 but I’m sure growing up with 14 brothers she will be able to hold her own
Southerners love to take ownership of female family members. It’s creepy af
This gives me *strong* weasly vibes...
Except it’s two times the weasly fam
When you're committed to finally getting that girl
“You are Loved Beyond Measures”
Ephesians 3:19
“I’m glad it’s a girl and I’m glad it’s a baby” this had me dead 😂😂😂
I counted 13 sons until I realized one son was hiding behind the father lol
That's a strong mom right there. That's a lot of sons, and they even look all alike. Beautiful daughter too 😍
Imagine deciding to be pregnant for 11 years... and I thought 9 months would already be a struggle lol!
for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD, but the gift of GOD is eternal life with CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD"- romans 3:23 so you see that EVERYONE has sinned and none of us humans are righteous. our sinful deeds and desires bring death thats not a naturaldeath but the second death but "For GOD So loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM Should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16 GOD loves everyone, HE didnt want anyont to die and HE never wants anyone to! sin brings death but CHRIST gave HIS life, so we could find Life, HE was crushed for OUR iniquities, HE was hanged on that cross which WE deserved to,, But GOD LOVED US SO MUCH! JESUS was handed over by our sins and rosed up again to put us right with GOD. death couldn't hold HIM, YES HE IS RISEN!!! BY GOD HIMSELF! thats why GOD made HIM sit on the right side of HIS glorious throne. And gave HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES THE MOST POWERFUL NAME!! GOD showed HIS love through HIS SON! If we confess our sins to GOD HE IS JUST AND FAITHFUL AND WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND PURIFY US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS we can't ourselves earn our way to heaven cuz none is good , but CHRIST DID IT FOR US!! THE PRICE IS PAID! JESUS DID IT HE PAID THE PRICE FOR US! IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE YOU WILL FREE INDEED! and become GOD'S CHILD through HIS OWN SPIRIT! when GOD gives HIS HOLY SPIRIT you will be born again. and IF YOU CONFESS FROM YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD ROSED HIM FROM THE DEAD YOU WILL BE SAVED according to the scriptures, HE IS KNOCKING RIGHT NOW! will you be HIS CHILD?