I found your channel looking for info on x men grand design and dawn of x like yesterday (6/25). So happy I did! The next thing I started watching was this series and I can’t believe it’s wrapping up! Amazing job!
I haven’t read any new X-Men comics since 2006. Astonishing X-Men was good, the last ones I read. Now I’m actually going through all the old stuff from the 70s and 80s… and will work my way up! I’ll read everything!
Omar is greatness! No one can deny the love this man has for comics! Living legend 🍻 just received my Kull Omni and 3 Conan omnibus, now I need to find the first one... Before I start X-Men 😏💸
Awesome effort, Omar! That X-Men Black with the one-shots sounds interesting. I definitely recommend the Dawn of X TPBs. They are the better value, and a great way to sample the other titles in the world of X. Collecting them, I found that I REALLY LOVE X-Force, and I also enjoy Hellions and Marauders... :)
It may be too early to wish for this but I do hope David Gabriel and company at Marvel would highly consider Dawn of X Volume 1 and Volume 2 omnibus. Maybe early to mid 2022 hopefully! Btw, so jealous you have the Kotobukiya Emma Frost !
Man these reading orders does make me happy that we have a new era of x men wiping the slate clean as I am 22 and want to commit fully to x men now but before so many series to read to catch up so overwhelming
This is amazing, love watching it. Now that Krakoa is over, would you please do a special reading order just for the series. From HOX/POX to Fall of X Omnibus (please, I need help, especially after Trials lol)
Thanks a lot for these. I’m actually planning on binge-watching Part 1-6 this coming weekend now that the entire reading order run is complete. So Omar, should we expect Part 7 later this year ? 😂
I own the House of X Powers of X hardcover and I'm thinking about getting the Hickman xmen Omni, is there a lot of overlap between those two? I really want to continue that story line without having to hunt down a dozen different books. Thanks
out of the 6 episode is the best jump on point for new readers i dont want to go all the way back to the start as of i do not have the finances for all of that
Thanks again Omar, looking forward to getting to the Hickman stuff soon, though there’s a couple of books in it I might skip I think. Hellions sounds interesting with Sinister and Madeline Prior.
Will there be a reading order #7? A lot of new books have come out since this video (Hellions, X-Force, Marauders, Hellfire gala, X lives of Wolvie, etc)
Yes, it's almost a complete reboot for the status quot, and it contains pieces of context for the older stuff it's using in its story. If you're interested in jumping into Hickman's era, make sure to read HoX/PoX as the first thing, as it kicks off everything that comes after.
Great videos as always. I have picked up all the hardcovers since Hickman took over and I was wondering what order would you recommend to read. Thank you
I've been reading the Powers of X/House of X book and it's pretty enjoyable for the most part so far. I've made it farther in that book than I have with any of the Bendis X runs. I would like to continue reading it, but now it's getting all kinds of confusing since as you showed, there are now multiple different titles to obtain after it. Why couldn't they just keep Powers and House going with 7+?????? As for the Hickman Omnibus, why the hell are Powers and House not included in it? Isn't that like important to the story? Also, why are issues 12-15 missing for X-Men 2019?
I think same reason Hickvengers didn't include Secret Wars. It kicks off/ends the era, but isn't necessary. 12-15 are contained in the X of Swords OHC.
Charles Soule never lands an ending on a 6 issue plus run. That Astonishing X-Men run started out so well (like most of his work) and whiffed like anything longer than 6 issues like the rest of his runs...
@@NearMintCondition 🤣 I meant needed for the gold and blue plot. Of course I'm still reading and enjoying it (when I've finished the uncanny x men omnibusses of course) 😊
Where does Weapon X, the 2 Gen X and the 2 Jean Grey books fit in? Jean Grey happens before RessurXion but does it happen before or after Venom/X-Men Blue? Also, thanks for the videos, these were amazing, very helpful and very well done. Never regret taking your time talking about these books. We're here with you listening and reading along! My current dilemma is what to buy next. After Gold, Blue, Red, Black, Mr. Mrs. X, X-Men Disassembled, and Wolverine & Cyclops I swore no more softcovers (too expensive and I like hardcovers & omnis). I got HoX PoX hardcover. I wish there would be a Dawn of X omnibus rather than just the upcoming Hickman X-Men omnibus. Looks like X of Swords is going to be out of print soon?
For your initial question, a bunch of the books in this era were pretty disconnected and doing their own thing, other than when they explicitly crossed over like Gold and Blue did for the Mojo Worldwide story, and most started within two months of each other, so they can be read for the most part volume for volume along with the other titles, or all at once without much problem. Weapon X ran concurrently with Gold/Blue, as did Generation X before it got cancelled early. Jean Grey is the only one that has a little wrinkle - it ran alongside Blue and is basically Jean stepping away from the team to not only get a break from the other four guys, but to deal with her own stuff. However, the very last issue takes place during the Phoenix Rising: The Resurrection of Jean Grey mini series. So I think I'd read it all before X-Men Blue vol.3, then the Phoenix story. The Venom/X-Men trade is explicitly after X-Men Blue vol.3 as it contains X-Men Blue Annual #1, and issues #21-22. And yes, you're probably correct about X of Swords going out of print soon. The hardcover is already gone from the usual discount trade locations, although it is still available on Amazon for a little less than MSRP. I'd grab it sooner rather than later if you're interested in collecting Hickman's era in hardcover.
@@HawkEyeTS Yo. Thanks for the info! Mapping X-Men is so hard sometimes. I keep hearing mixed reviews about X of Swords, but I loved HoX PoX so I think I wanna continue. I'm not up to date because I don't buy and read single issues.
Ive loved the Magik character since i first discovered X-Men My exBro n law gave me a few of his old books when i as a kid They were the first xmen books i ever read . They’re from the 80s including UXM 160
I know you said you were gonna do a video on it so I can wait for that but was wondering where would you put Rick Remenders uncanny x-force run in here and when does Old Man Logan enter the 616 so I can put all that run before that. If it's addressed in an upcoming video I can wait too. Thanks Omar this was a huge help! Greatly appreciated!👊
There's an issue of Journey Into Mystery in *Marvel Universe: Time & Again* that has Sgt. Fury & the Howling Commandos on Krakoa sometime after WWII... Or maybe Vietnam... Sliding timescales 🧐
I was not that much of an X-men fan, I loved the reboot by Claremont and Cockrum, but as their popularity grew Marvel just kept pumping out more and more X titles and quality suffered, so I stopped reading. But I love what Hickman's being doing with the X titles. i love the Dawn of X anthology series, coming from England that's the way our home-grown comics are done, 4-5 pages in each issue per story per week. Even our reprints of Marvel and DC titles were done like that. So that's the way I'm collecting them, Hardcovers for the big events like Hox/Pox and X of Swords etc. Then the anthology books for the in-between issues, Hickman is my new Alan Moore, he's doing god's work.
Omar did you forget xmen gold vol 0 and xmen blue vol 0 or was they in part 5 video , I cant remember as I'm going to attempt to buy them a and saw a vol 0 for each , I've just ordered dawn of x vols 1 -16
I feel good that after Secret Wars, I skipped to the Multiple Man, Dead Souls, Extermination section of the timeline. It doesn't seem that I missed out on too much.
Honestly, I feel like the quality of content takes a steep dive after Age of Apocalypse finishes up, but there's still some decent stuff in the "Road to Onslaught" period, and the Onslaught event is... well if you read the road content you might as well read the finale. After that it meanders enough that I quit reading as a teen and didn't come back for a very long time. I've been catching up on the various eras though, and Grant Morrison's New X-Men run is definitely worth picking up after that though. I also REALLY enjoyed the Messiah Complex/Second Coming era, which along with Kamala Khan's Ms. Marvel, and Superior Spider-Man, are what brought me back into comics collecting.
What is your personal preference? Dawn of X anthology format for completists? Or hold out for the Hardcovers for House of X/Powers of X and for X of Swords?
The Dawn/Reign trade paperbacks do NOT contain the HoX/PoX and X of Swords 'events', and the hardcovers for both of them have already been released. So if you want to get them, I'd act quickly. Both are out of stock already at the cheaper shops like CheapGraphicNovels or InStockTrades, but you can get House of X at a reasonable price still from third party sellers, and X of Swords is still in stock at Amazon (albeit at only like 20% off MSRP). The anthology and stand alone series paperbacks slot in-between those 'event' books, so you can pick whatever format you want for them, but personally I love what's been done with the era almost across the board, so I recommend the anthology versions.
greetings I'm a little lost and I was wondering if you could locate me. I bought X-Men The animated series The adaptations that contains X-Men Adventure 1992 (1-15), X-Men Adventure 1994 (1-13) and X-Men Adventure 1995 (1-13) And thinking that it is a continuation of that omnibus I bought X-Men 92 the Saga continues which contains X-Men 92' (2015) 1-4, X-Men 92' (2016) 1-10 and X-Men 92: House of XCII 1-5 Could you consider that there is a correct chronology having these two omnibus? Thanks for any help
Thanks for posting this. I only am collecting the Hickman story, but don't understand HOW any reading order could be complete without the "Dawn of X" collections; I really wish Marvel would put out the omnibus for "Dawn of X", rather than a useless "X-Men" omnibus, which suggests they'd put out omnibi for each title separately. If they end up doing that, there'd be no way of knowing the reading order and we'd have to jump between omnibi; a "Dawn of X" series of omnibi would be the easiest and clearest way. Then again, they're making more money putting out omnibus in softcover form first because people have no idea if there'll be an omnibus of those ever coming out. I hope there will be. I've only read "Dawn of X" 1, but I found the X-Men titles the least interesting, though I enjoyed them all; the Kitty Pryde one was probably my favorite; X-Force was great, too.
The dawn of x trades only map out issues that came out in release order, not chronologically. The individual series in the dawn of x barely cross over with each other so it’s fine just reading those series on their own. A dawn of X isn’t an ideal reading order as you think it is.
@@UltimatePower01 Thanks for your advice, but I think you might be wrong. For example, X-Men is the first issue in each "Dawn of X" volume until Volume 4, where it's placed at the end. This implies a specific reading order and not merely release dates. However, that's still preferable to having everything in separate Omnibus volumes.
@@Muldfeld It's a little bit muddier than that. For the first six volumes each book has one issue of each of the six series that launched Dawn of X in them. Some of it makes sense, as there are a few references to things happening in other books, but there's definitely a smoother reading order that could be made for them. However, that stops at volume 7 - at that point they start grouping together issues where the story might effectively be a two or three parter. For example, one of X-Force's stories takes place over three issues, so they placed two at the end of one volume, and the third at the start of the next. Because of this grouping style, volumes 7 through 16 do actually have a pretty solid reading order that SIGNIFICANTLY deviates from when they were published. I would hope that they'd try to rearrange the content of the first six volumes to be a smoother experience if/when it ends up in omnibus form, but yeah, everything else could be copied exactly as they are in the trades.
@@HawkEyeTS I've only read volume 1, but my volume 7 has 2 Excaliburs and Volume 8 has 2 Wolverines and, I think, 2 X-Force issues. Thanks for explaining that things are "muddier" than the Dawn of X order, but I think we can agree it'd certainly be a better reading order than if Marvel persists in just releasing Omnibi of each title separately.
X-Men gold was atrocious for me. I lost interest in Blue when Bloodstorm came around. It really felt like the X-men were treading water for years waiting for Hickman to come take over.
I'm just going to say it. I HATE Jonathan Hickmans X-men. For 2 reasons: 1) The X-men are no longer X-men. 2) The idea of a Mutant island or state is not original. 1) The main core of The X-men (in my opinion) is that they are different, and humanity hates them for being different. As long as you have that in your run, its an X-men story. Hickmans X-men Saga doesn't have that facet. He has lost the core. 2) Just to repeat what I have said above, The idea of a Mutant island or state is not original. Hickman himself has dabbled with that idea in the Ultimate Universe with Tian. And we actually had a Mutant nation on an island, until Grant Morrison destroyed it. I know lots of comics are unoriginal, but the concept of the Mutant refuge has been to overused in my opinion.
“That, as they say, is that.” Never has that phrase been earned so much. You deserve a vacation after that!
These reading orders are life savers, thank you for them !
Yeah I'm not even someone who reads in chronological order but I think it's neat to know where books go
Thank you for all your time, hard work and dedication on this project! X-Men Forever!
Cannot believe that you showcased over 200 book for X-Men reading order😯
Watching the reading guide from 1 thru 6 is so satisfying! Cany wait for the reign of x to come out! Thank you so much Omar!!
I found your channel looking for info on x men grand design and dawn of x like yesterday (6/25). So happy I did! The next thing I started watching was this series and I can’t believe it’s wrapping up! Amazing job!
Thank you so much for being here with us! :) that as they say is that. :)
Always start the afternoons off on a high note when a NMC notification appears!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed making these videos, because I sure enjoyed watching them...!
A valuable resource. Thanks!!
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort that you put into your videos and for making it fun to be an X-Men fan!
I haven’t read any new X-Men comics since 2006. Astonishing X-Men was good, the last ones I read. Now I’m actually going through all the old stuff from the 70s and 80s… and will work my way up! I’ll read everything!
I’m doing the same it’s been fun collecting but expensive lol
Omar is greatness! No one can deny the love this man has for comics! Living legend 🍻 just received my Kull Omni and 3 Conan omnibus, now I need to find the first one... Before I start X-Men 😏💸
Thank you so much for this, Omar. A Herculean effort in reading this lot and giving us these reading orders. Just brilliant. 👍🏻❤️😀
Awesome effort, Omar! That X-Men Black with the one-shots sounds interesting. I definitely recommend the Dawn of X TPBs. They are the better value, and a great way to sample the other titles in the world of X. Collecting them, I found that I REALLY LOVE X-Force, and I also enjoy Hellions and Marauders... :)
It may be too early to wish for this but I do hope David Gabriel and company at Marvel would highly consider Dawn of X Volume 1 and Volume 2 omnibus. Maybe early to mid 2022 hopefully! Btw, so jealous you have the Kotobukiya Emma Frost !
I've watched this one four times. Just an awesome video, Omar!
Thank you so much
Nice work!!! Love it!!
After read X-men grand design where should I continue? Because I can’t find where x-tinction ends exactly to continue 😅
Thanks for the reading order, Omar.
Excellent Omar thank you. I guess reading order 7 will be sometime in the future. Cheers
Congrats on the epic conclusion!!! 6 parts! Should be a record somewhere lol 🥳
Man these reading orders does make me happy that we have a new era of x men wiping the slate clean as I am 22 and want to commit fully to x men now but before so many series to read to catch up so overwhelming
This is amazing, love watching it. Now that Krakoa is over, would you please do a special reading order just for the series. From HOX/POX to Fall of X Omnibus (please, I need help, especially after Trials lol)
Can you do a X-23 comic reading order next please?
Thank you so much omar it's cleared things up for me?
Thank you so much. I'm glad it helped.
Thanks for all the hard work my friend - excellent job! Top 20 anime next?!
Brilliant series!!
Thank you.
@@NearMintCondition You're welcome! Btw, could you tell me what's in reign of x and what's coming after it?
thank you so much for making these videos!!
Thank you so much for watching them.
Thanks a lot for these. I’m actually planning on binge-watching Part 1-6 this coming weekend now that the entire reading order run is complete.
So Omar, should we expect Part 7 later this year ? 😂
I would also throw in the Juggernaut miniseries during Dawn of X.
I own the House of X Powers of X hardcover and I'm thinking about getting the Hickman xmen Omni, is there a lot of overlap between those two? I really want to continue that story line without having to hunt down a dozen different books. Thanks
Y'all should make a playlist of these videos for ease of access. :-)
There is a reading order playlist. Or did you mean just X-men my dood?
@@NearMintCondition Nope, I meant a playlist of just these X-men guides 1-5. :-)
I have been looking forward for this one. Thanks Omar🙂 Whats going to be the next reading order?
out of the 6 episode is the best jump on point for new readers i dont want to go all the way back to the start as of i do not have the finances for all of that
Thanks again Omar, looking forward to getting to the Hickman stuff soon, though there’s a couple of books in it I might skip I think. Hellions sounds interesting with Sinister and Madeline Prior.
Will there be a reading order #7? A lot of new books have come out since this video (Hellions, X-Force, Marauders, Hellfire gala, X lives of Wolvie, etc)
Awesome video. And I see that you went for the tpb of dawn of X. Do you think that is the best way considering there isn't a dawn omnibus?
Would house of x/powers of x be a good jumping on point?
Yes, it's almost a complete reboot for the status quot, and it contains pieces of context for the older stuff it's using in its story. If you're interested in jumping into Hickman's era, make sure to read HoX/PoX as the first thing, as it kicks off everything that comes after.
@@HawkEyeTS thanks!
Great videos as always. I have picked up all the hardcovers since Hickman took over and I was wondering what order would you recommend to read. Thank you
I've been reading the Powers of X/House of X book and it's pretty enjoyable for the most part so far. I've made it farther in that book than I have with any of the Bendis X runs. I would like to continue reading it, but now it's getting all kinds of confusing since as you showed, there are now multiple different titles to obtain after it. Why couldn't they just keep Powers and House going with 7+??????
As for the Hickman Omnibus, why the hell are Powers and House not included in it? Isn't that like important to the story? Also, why are issues 12-15 missing for X-Men 2019?
I think same reason Hickvengers didn't include Secret Wars. It kicks off/ends the era, but isn't necessary. 12-15 are contained in the X of Swords OHC.
Okay, that's very confusing then. Were House and Powers in an omnibus previoulsy?
Charles Soule never lands an ending on a 6 issue plus run. That Astonishing X-Men run started out so well (like most of his work) and whiffed like anything longer than 6 issues like the rest of his runs...
I got the entire gold, blue, red and black collection. I also got gold 0 and blue 0. Not sure if it's needed or even connected though 😕
Needed? It’s X-men so yes :) Not connected, though.
@@NearMintCondition 🤣 I meant needed for the gold and blue plot. Of course I'm still reading and enjoying it (when I've finished the uncanny x men omnibusses of course) 😊
Where does Weapon X, the 2 Gen X and the 2 Jean Grey books fit in? Jean Grey happens before RessurXion but does it happen before or after Venom/X-Men Blue? Also, thanks for the videos, these were amazing, very helpful and very well done. Never regret taking your time talking about these books. We're here with you listening and reading along!
My current dilemma is what to buy next. After Gold, Blue, Red, Black, Mr. Mrs. X, X-Men Disassembled, and Wolverine & Cyclops I swore no more softcovers (too expensive and I like hardcovers & omnis). I got HoX PoX hardcover. I wish there would be a Dawn of X omnibus rather than just the upcoming Hickman X-Men omnibus. Looks like X of Swords is going to be out of print soon?
For your initial question, a bunch of the books in this era were pretty disconnected and doing their own thing, other than when they explicitly crossed over like Gold and Blue did for the Mojo Worldwide story, and most started within two months of each other, so they can be read for the most part volume for volume along with the other titles, or all at once without much problem. Weapon X ran concurrently with Gold/Blue, as did Generation X before it got cancelled early. Jean Grey is the only one that has a little wrinkle - it ran alongside Blue and is basically Jean stepping away from the team to not only get a break from the other four guys, but to deal with her own stuff. However, the very last issue takes place during the Phoenix Rising: The Resurrection of Jean Grey mini series. So I think I'd read it all before X-Men Blue vol.3, then the Phoenix story. The Venom/X-Men trade is explicitly after X-Men Blue vol.3 as it contains X-Men Blue Annual #1, and issues #21-22.
And yes, you're probably correct about X of Swords going out of print soon. The hardcover is already gone from the usual discount trade locations, although it is still available on Amazon for a little less than MSRP. I'd grab it sooner rather than later if you're interested in collecting Hickman's era in hardcover.
@@HawkEyeTS Yo. Thanks for the info! Mapping X-Men is so hard sometimes. I keep hearing mixed reviews about X of Swords, but I loved HoX PoX so I think I wanna continue. I'm not up to date because I don't buy and read single issues.
This reading order made me realize that I am NOT going to read all of X-Men and that's ok lmao
And that’s okay.
Great video. We are wanting a Conan Reading Order video. Thanks.
This reading order is so awesome. It’s a lifesaver. Also will there be an update eventually for current X-men stuff like the Sins of Sinister?
Is there a reason why you don't have Volume 0 for the X-men Gold included?
Ive loved the Magik character since i first discovered X-Men
My exBro n law gave me a few of his old books when i as a kid
They were the first xmen books i ever read . They’re from the 80s including UXM 160
I love that issue.
I know you said you were gonna do a video on it so I can wait for that but was wondering where would you put Rick Remenders uncanny x-force run in here and when does Old Man Logan enter the 616 so I can put all that run before that. If it's addressed in an upcoming video I can wait too. Thanks Omar this was a huge help! Greatly appreciated!👊
It is right after Second Coming
@@WiktorProsniak uncanny x-force?
@@bertfechner417 yes. And Old Man Logan enters 616 during/after Hickmans Secret Wars.
Omar you got to do a Wolverine reading order now 🙂
Oh. That will come :)
Hey.. the Jean Grey solo series.. where does it takes place?? is it during X Blue, before or what? thanks in advance
Ah yeah here we go my man!!
I did not expect them to shit out Omnibuses for the DXPX so quickly. That series is so damn good.
Sadly just X-men so far. :)
Where did you get that Emma Frost figure? That’s one of the best ones I’ve seen
Please Make a video on best X men Comic books
Man, it's so much to collect. I can't keep up. I love comics but they never have an end like mangas do.
There's an issue of Journey Into Mystery in *Marvel Universe: Time & Again* that has Sgt. Fury & the Howling Commandos on Krakoa sometime after WWII... Or maybe Vietnam... Sliding timescales 🧐
So wait where does Gen X, Weapon X, Jean Grey, cable and all those fit in?
Can I jump into the Duggan run with out reading any of the Hickman stuff?
You can.
I was not that much of an X-men fan, I loved the reboot by Claremont and Cockrum, but as their popularity grew Marvel just kept pumping out more and more X titles and quality suffered, so I stopped reading. But I love what Hickman's being doing with the X titles. i love the Dawn of X anthology series, coming from England that's the way our home-grown comics are done, 4-5 pages in each issue per story per week. Even our reprints of Marvel and DC titles were done like that. So that's the way I'm collecting them, Hardcovers for the big events like Hox/Pox and X of Swords etc. Then the anthology books for the in-between issues, Hickman is my new Alan Moore, he's doing god's work.
Hey thanks man, huge help!
You are so welcome!
27:53 surprised you didnt mention the krakoan language more often.
Psychic rescue
In progress"
Omar did you forget xmen gold vol 0 and xmen blue vol 0 or was they in part 5 video , I cant remember as I'm going to attempt to buy them a and saw a vol 0 for each , I've just ordered dawn of x vols 1 -16
lol they are in part 4 :)
😂Shows how much attention I pay , either that or my memory is getting a whole lot worse 😂
I feel good that after Secret Wars, I skipped to the Multiple Man, Dead Souls, Extermination section of the timeline.
It doesn't seem that I missed out on too much.
Yo Omar preciate it if you would do a red hood reading order
does anyone know if that new children of the atom series will be collected in the reign of x tpbs?
HOX/POX a great entry point for X-Men
Part the sixth, Inferno style.
I have a question whats a good stopping point post Claremont run in the 90s?
Honestly, I feel like the quality of content takes a steep dive after Age of Apocalypse finishes up, but there's still some decent stuff in the "Road to Onslaught" period, and the Onslaught event is... well if you read the road content you might as well read the finale. After that it meanders enough that I quit reading as a teen and didn't come back for a very long time. I've been catching up on the various eras though, and Grant Morrison's New X-Men run is definitely worth picking up after that though. I also REALLY enjoyed the Messiah Complex/Second Coming era, which along with Kamala Khan's Ms. Marvel, and Superior Spider-Man, are what brought me back into comics collecting.
What is your personal preference? Dawn of X anthology format for completists? Or hold out for the Hardcovers for House of X/Powers of X and for X of Swords?
The Dawn/Reign trade paperbacks do NOT contain the HoX/PoX and X of Swords 'events', and the hardcovers for both of them have already been released. So if you want to get them, I'd act quickly. Both are out of stock already at the cheaper shops like CheapGraphicNovels or InStockTrades, but you can get House of X at a reasonable price still from third party sellers, and X of Swords is still in stock at Amazon (albeit at only like 20% off MSRP). The anthology and stand alone series paperbacks slot in-between those 'event' books, so you can pick whatever format you want for them, but personally I love what's been done with the era almost across the board, so I recommend the anthology versions.
@@HawkEyeTS so get the HoX/PoX hardcover then!
@nearmintcondition how come there is no Spider-man Omnibus collecting Nick Spencer?
Wait for the anniversary next year
I'm a little lost and I was wondering if you could locate me. I bought X-Men The animated series The adaptations that contains X-Men Adventure 1992 (1-15), X-Men Adventure 1994 (1-13) and X-Men Adventure 1995 (1-13)
And thinking that it is a continuation of that omnibus I bought X-Men 92 the Saga continues which contains X-Men 92' (2015) 1-4, X-Men 92' (2016) 1-10 and X-Men 92: House of XCII 1-5 Could you consider that there is a correct chronology having these two omnibus?
Thanks for any help
HoX/PoX, DoX, SoX, and here we are….. RoX.
the fight against the future....the only fight to fight
Omar. Deserves. An Eisner.
Muchas gracias, hermano.
Hey, Omar. We need a new updated here! Please, help us!
Times like this I'm glad I'm not an X completionist. I could easily skip most of these.
wait bloodstorm is storm?
From another dimension
Hopefully one day we get a X-Men Blue and Gold omnibus.
I was thinking the same and it seems easy to map. They can add red and black, and release the entire era in two volumes.
Thanks for posting this. I only am collecting the Hickman story, but don't understand HOW any reading order could be complete without the "Dawn of X" collections; I really wish Marvel would put out the omnibus for "Dawn of X", rather than a useless "X-Men" omnibus, which suggests they'd put out omnibi for each title separately. If they end up doing that, there'd be no way of knowing the reading order and we'd have to jump between omnibi; a "Dawn of X" series of omnibi would be the easiest and clearest way. Then again, they're making more money putting out omnibus in softcover form first because people have no idea if there'll be an omnibus of those ever coming out. I hope there will be. I've only read "Dawn of X" 1, but I found the X-Men titles the least interesting, though I enjoyed them all; the Kitty Pryde one was probably my favorite; X-Force was great, too.
The dawn of x trades only map out issues that came out in release order, not chronologically. The individual series in the dawn of x barely cross over with each other so it’s fine just reading those series on their own. A dawn of X isn’t an ideal reading order as you think it is.
@@UltimatePower01 Thanks for your advice, but I think you might be wrong. For example, X-Men is the first issue in each "Dawn of X" volume until Volume 4, where it's placed at the end. This implies a specific reading order and not merely release dates. However, that's still preferable to having everything in separate Omnibus volumes.
@@Muldfeld It's a little bit muddier than that. For the first six volumes each book has one issue of each of the six series that launched Dawn of X in them. Some of it makes sense, as there are a few references to things happening in other books, but there's definitely a smoother reading order that could be made for them. However, that stops at volume 7 - at that point they start grouping together issues where the story might effectively be a two or three parter. For example, one of X-Force's stories takes place over three issues, so they placed two at the end of one volume, and the third at the start of the next. Because of this grouping style, volumes 7 through 16 do actually have a pretty solid reading order that SIGNIFICANTLY deviates from when they were published. I would hope that they'd try to rearrange the content of the first six volumes to be a smoother experience if/when it ends up in omnibus form, but yeah, everything else could be copied exactly as they are in the trades.
@@HawkEyeTS I've only read volume 1, but my volume 7 has 2 Excaliburs and Volume 8 has 2 Wolverines and, I think, 2 X-Force issues. Thanks for explaining that things are "muddier" than the Dawn of X order, but I think we can agree it'd certainly be a better reading order than if Marvel persists in just releasing Omnibi of each title separately.
"Apocalypse Wars"
X-Men gold was atrocious for me. I lost interest in Blue when Bloodstorm came around. It really felt like the X-men were treading water for years waiting for Hickman to come take over.
I'm just going to say it. I HATE Jonathan Hickmans X-men. For 2 reasons:
1) The X-men are no longer X-men.
2) The idea of a Mutant island or state is not original.
1) The main core of The X-men (in my opinion) is that they are different, and humanity hates them for being different. As long as you have that in your run, its an X-men story. Hickmans X-men Saga doesn't have that facet. He has lost the core.
2) Just to repeat what I have said above, The idea of a Mutant island or state is not original. Hickman himself has dabbled with that idea in the Ultimate Universe with Tian. And we actually had a Mutant nation on an island, until Grant Morrison destroyed it. I know lots of comics are unoriginal, but the concept of the Mutant refuge has been to overused in my opinion.
How come they are not "different"
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