I was on depression meds for a couple decades but after going Keto 8 years ago, all of my depression went away as did my type 2 diabetes and gout. On zero meds now going on 9 years and 61 years old. It's amazing how much diet combined with an exercise lifestyle can completely change everything. I also lost 190lbs and have kept it off 8 years. I am a new person and life is great!
I’m curious, are people on a true Keto diet or sometimes low-carb, not measuring ketones. Can these benefits come from low-carb or is a keto diet necessary?
@dianemoore1184 I was strict keto for about 2 years until my metabolic system was fully healed. Now, I generally stay rather low carb generally under 100 to 125 grams per day and cycle between that for a couple weeks and if I get a bit puffy I go back to less than 40 grams carbs per day which gets me in ketosis fast. I eat berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries mainly for my fruits as well as an avocado per day. Veggies mainly consist of broccoli , cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and salads with a homemade dressing with avocado or olive oil and vinegar.
@dianemoore1184 the key is to get plenty of quality proteins, REAL food and stay away from processed foods and seed oils. Anything that says Keto on the package I stay away from because it's generally highly processed food for dirty keto. It's really a delicious and easy way of eating to follow and I don't feel restricted at all. Red meat,eggs, chicken, pork, elk, bison, dairy such as cottage cheese, cheese,plain yogurt,and salmon around 3x a week. For me low carb and ketosis is so easy to follow because I am almost never hungry so I generally do intermittent fasting 18/6 or 16/8 . It's so easy and non restrictive I never use the word diet!
@@chrisedler6758 Thanks for the reply. While I don’t have a weight or diabetes issue, as I get older, I’m interested in the overall health benefits for body & brain.
@@dianemoore1184- I would imagine it would vary by person, just as some can do keto to heal everything and others need carnivore to clear everything up, but then can start adding some food back (and others can’t).
😊 43:52 I have schizophrenia. Been carnivore for about 3 months. My dr begrudgingly agreed to reduce my ziprasidone from 80mg BID to 60 mg BID. Because I insisted I felt over-medicated on the 80 mg. I am doing fantastic. I feel so much better now.❤
My schizophrenic friend takes 500 MG NIACIN with each large meal to avoid the Niacin flush and 1800 mg NAC which helps enormously as he cannot keep off the carbs! The Niacin cure was discovered by Dr Abraham Hoffa and the NAC discovered in 1947. Psychiatrists need to educate themselves and stop being drug pushers! Doctor Yourself, website has the information. Namaste 🙏
My schizophrenic friend cannot quite give up the carbs but does very well with 500g Niacin with every meal and 1800 mg NAC.. the information on the Niacin cure by Dr Abraham Hoffa is on Doctor Yourself website and the NAC research from 1947 I discovered on Psychub, not sure of the exact name. He also benefits from amino acids like GABA. Off drugs at least three years, no drinking, just smoking. Well done with your Carnivore, I am struggling with it but determined for my MPD/ADHD, really optimistic! Namaste 🙏
Dr Chris Palmer is my absolute hero!! He has compleately changed my life - if you have any mental disorders, listen closely and do everything he says! I've been blighted by mental illness my entire life, receiving my first diagnosis in earliest childhood. I've always felt flawed, defective and broken. After implementing his advice earlier this year I am now in full symptomatic remission, for the first time ever my brain feels like it's switched on and working. I feel healthy, whole and balanced, and for the first time I no longer feel broken. Thank you soo much Dr Plamer!
@naomi8097 Around 2 weeks I started to feel a reduction in my anxiety symptoms, I called it a calm that radiates from the inside out- the only other time I felt like that was when I started taking SSRIs. In 3 to 4 weeks I felt a lifting of my depressive symptoms and was confident enough to ask my doc to help me start tampering my medications. I started theraputic Keto in April and have been fully off antidepressants for over a month now!
Doctor Palmer is a true HERO. I have worked as a Mental Health Care Coach for over thirty years Both here in the USA and in London with the same type of patients he works with. My job Is to help these clients learn to manage their Physical and mental health to reduce the negitive outcomes of chronic mental health. My passion has always been towards the most severely mentally ill with psychosis for similar reasons... It makes me angry How the world treats people who have these conditions. Dr. Palmer's work is bringing such hope Into a field that had very little. ❤❤❤
@@4u2consider50 I have a background as a mental health nurse and a degree in Occupational therapy Where I practice in mental health settings When I lived in the UK. When I came back to California the mental health system here was non existent or worse than horrible SO I went to work for a private company just starting up who wanted to provid in home wrap around care services for the mentally ill. Goal to keep people out of institutions, get healthier and have more satisfying happier lives. The founder of that company and I created that title Care Coach to resolve a licencing issue. There is no licensing required to be a coach. Even though I was a licensed therapist I could not provide " therapy" Under the current legislation for in home care providers, but I could provide "coaching". We had a set of requirements ( Minimum bachelor's level in a Psychology/ health based degree, And several years work experience within cognitive impairment / mental health/ demintia) for staff to work for us under that title. Being able to identify Risk , behavioral patterns , Monitor health both physical and mental. Set goals and work one on one with client to achieve those goals. Work as an advocate for the client cimunicating with all their other providers To either resolve issues or prevent problems from happening in the future.
@@4u2consider50 I'm not sure. Why the first answer I posted here hasn't posted but a short version is. I took my experience as a Mental Health Nurse and Mental Health Occupational Therapist and created the Mental Health Care Coach title and job discription using that combined skill base. Part of the job is coaching the client with the mental health issues.But a big part of the job is identifying Environmental factors that may be causing the problem... And relaying that to the people who provide care for them So they can Make adjustments as needed. An environmental problem can be anything that triggers undesirable behaviour like the way somebody/ staff/ other residents interact with the client,, Poor communication, Really crappy diet, over stimulating or underestimating environments...etc.
Keto cured me of my bouts with depression. Don't rely solely on studies. Just ask people who've been on the keto or carnivore diets. Many will tell you it's improved their mental health.
Diet is everything, T2 and I control through Keto/Carnivore, plus A1C self test too! Walking & walk aerobics for seniors I have notice my mood has been better plus weight loss, and less body pain ❤ Dr. Eric Westman’s white-coat YT was the start of my journey 💖
@@afanasymarinov2236would I love to pick your brain. Psychiatry destroyed my brain, presentation- high stress and anxiety, situational working in healthcare during pandemic. 4 years later I ca no longer work and don’t recognise myself. Awful mental and cognitive symptoms. Severely polydrugged, straight swapping between different drug classes. Complete personality change, akathisia Once a beautiful, fit, active compassionate and passionate person, si, broke, now bedbound and lost everything. Apparently I’ve suddenly manifested multiple psych diagnoses. A tragedy
Thank you I went from 180 pounds and 60 units of insulin to now 120 pounds. No insulin and my mental health is amazing. I had been on meds for depression. I cannot tell you how grateful that you are doing this work thank you.
HealingLoveALL My 14 year old granddaughter is suffering terribly... Rest of family is concerned for my keto carnivore diet... I watched my mother evolve into the thorazine shuffle… Bless YOU both HealingLoveALL
Share this video with them! But I understand, many in my family too have what I call “carb brain” & are completely incapable of reading studies or watching a full length video like this.😞
What a privilege it is to be able to see/listen to two pioneers in the field get together and discuss the success of therapeutic carbohydrate reduction strategies...great stuff
You hit a nerve. My poor mom in 1967 committed suicide --no viable help for her then --my brother suffered bipolar all this life, and NOW--is standard treatment any better? Don't think so. Its all just SO sad. There is hope--but it is NOT in the mainstream solution. Thanks for this video!
It's great to see these two talk about mental illness. Both Westman and Palmer had early cases with schizophrenic patients who had symptoms lessen to an extreme degree. It's one thing to see depression cured, however amazing that is, but it's mind-blowing to have schizophrenia reverse. We've been taught that such conditions are lifelong afflictions.
Love listening to Dr Westman and Dr Palmer ! Had problem with arthritis, weight and I was pre diabetic in 2023 but after doing the intermittent fasting and keto diet ( with occasional cheating esp on holidays ) I lost over 30 lbs in over 3 months and continue to maintain a healthy weight until now . My A1C ( 5.5) and other blood works are normal now . I’m a 76 year old retired nurse and I never felt better like this before ! Thank you Dr Westman , Dr Ken Berry and Dr Sten Ekberg !
Wow! Retired psych nurse here. I've been carnivore for over a year now with amazing results with depression/anxiety myself. I am so excited to have heard Dr. Palmers interview. So spot on with the description of these tormented people. Having had such remarkable results with my own journey, I can easily see how impactful this way of eating could be to inpatient people. My career was in an institutional setting, and unfortunately, I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to convince the powers that be. (state hospital)
My understanding is that there are about a dozen studies on keto and mental health ongoing at the moment; I’m hoping that enough good data will turn the tide. It will take forever, but hopefully in my lifetime inpatient programs will get on board. 🤞
My daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 17 and I'm so glad I have found this. Thank you both for sharing this information ❤ Dr. Palmer what a Blessing!
I am haunted by the memory of an intellectually disabled woman who had seizures multiple times per day and was on a slew of medications. I suggested the keto diet to her house manager once, but even if she were interested, they were required to follow doctor recommended diets. I so often wonder about her and others who could have been helped and had a much better quality of life if they had been put on a ketogenic diet. It's so heart breaking.
Same! I worked in a rehab facility & they literally fed them processed Walmart food, Koolaid w red 40 & a TON of sugar & id watch the clients go on serious bipolar episodes, mood swings, rages & gain literally 30lbs in 2 weeks. I confronted upper management about my concerns about the high carb & sugar content & they said, “ most of these patients are coming off the streets, they’re just lucky to put anything into their stomachs “ & concerning meals prepared by the facility which were ALL HIGH CARB- “We have to follow state guidelines for meals” 🥴🫠 I quit soon after. It was so deplorable. Addiction therapy should START with removal of carbs & processed sugars
This is the message I really needed to read. I had lost some weight on lower carbs, but my Brain Fog has gotten worse! I have only been on carnivore for a few days now, and already feeling better. It’s scary to wake up and wonder what day it is! I hope carnivore diet will be my answer. Thanks for your comments
For me I have had bouts of deep depression since 16 I'm now 58 ...keto is nothing but amazing I wake up with what I only know as joy ,joy? Me the person who was so depressed
I was fortunate enough to benefit from Dr Palmer's advocacy, starting therapeutic ketosis for bipolar 18 months ago. Dr Palmer is a rock star to me! This is a really nice interview. Thank you for spreading the word about diet and lifestyle in support to serious mental illness. There are so many suffering that may benefit from this message. Cheers, Michael
Lithium OROTATE. The natural mineral not the drug is fantastic for bipolar. Dr John Gray of “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus” fame has a good short video on utube after working for years on his own issues. Namaste 🙏
How long did it take you to notice anything? I have put my audhdh/bipolar 2 son on a ketogenic like diet. What‘s the difference between keto versus a therapeutic ketogenic diet?
We live in Southern Ontario…just outside of Toronto. Last summer our 26 year old son his worst episode ever and was hospitalized. The psychiatrist told us he had brain damage! We knew this wasn’t the case after listening to Dr. Palmer! Thank God! We would have lost all hope. The problem we have is trying to convince our son to do the Medical Ketogenic diet….because the Doctors don’t think it is worth it.
I'm 50 years old and on keto/carnivore for 19 months now ,for mental health .I wish I had known about keto before , because I now am trying to play catch up for the last 30+ years . Starting keto sooner means less damage to try to undo, later on.Please don't stop trying to convince your son .
Look into the Carnivore diet and overwhelm his diet with savory Meat, eggs, butter & bacon. I don’t know if he’s still living with you, but when you fill up with nutritious Whole Foods, you’re eventually not hungry for junk foods anymore, and his mood & mental health will change.
Keep encouraging him! Just tell him to replace foods step by step- find keto options that match the craving. I have a schizo brother who I’m just encouraging to switch out his Mello Yello for Zevia (just as an example) baby steps, right? There’s a plethora of recipes, just make sure to stay away from any products labeled “keto” Wishing your family full recovery on your health journey! ❤
The more I learn about how diet can affect our bodies the more amazed I am about how wonderfully made our bodies are. I've been low carb since Oct 2021 and remitted my diabetes. I have lots of great benefits from it. The most unexpected thing that has happened is that my hair is returning to its original colour; ie I'm not as grey as I used to be. I had no idea that this might happen but have had responses to this comment and others have had the same thing happen. One lady was disappointed that her hair was changing because she liked it the way it was.
I'm a very angry woman. Luckily I'm keto nowadays so my anger just bounces away and I feel good. But, nevertheless, I know I'm angry. I was a good girl and ate low-fat, rarely ate red meat, cooked lots of veggie meals, and went pre-diabetic and all that. You know the score: high triglycerides, low HDL, A1C 2 points off being declared actually type-2 diabetic. Had ups and downs, snored, was brain-fogged, tired, under-achieved. Suddenly I saw the light (my blood test shone arc-lamps... bit like St Paul on the road to Damascus) and went keto. But where was I for 69 years? I'm now 71 and feel totally with it, alive, sharp. Blood results back to normal. And I never have a day down in the dumps. Miracle! Oh, and I've stopped snoring. Yay! (But why did NO doctor or the bloody government ever tell me I was poisoning myself by adhering to dietary guidelines? Why no test to check for upcoming sneaky insulin resistance? Did they leave me tired and brain-fogged deliberately? The brain-fogged are too tired and confused to complain? Is that it? Well, the powers-that-be are no doubt happy to have a docile braindead population on medications>>>they probably have shares in the drug companies and ultra-processed food mega-corporations. Yay! Win-win for them! (Oh and by the way, my carb cravings crept off into some corner of the back of my mind after 24 hours with no carbs. I admit that they are back there somewhere... one slice of cake and I'd be like an alcoholic after 'just one drinky' ... so no cake for me. I can't handle it. But luckily that voice 'eat me, eat me' is so dim and distant I have no trouble ignoring it. I'm a carbaholic, I admit it, and I'm on the wagon permanently. As I said, with those carby voices mere sickly echoes of themselves, I need no will-power. A little self-control, yes. But no will-power. They are very different things!)
Part of your mistake is that you wanted the governament to help you. The governament doesn't care about you, the government only care about the government
I can tell you that I'm in early peri, started increasing protein, reducing carbs and my acute symptoms have decreased dramatically. I'm also on HRT, exercise daily. Get Dr. Marie Claire Haver's book, there's a lot to learn here.
Dr Palmer could have called this patient by my sons name. It is exactly, exactly my sons story except for the healing. He has the exact voices and delusions. I have started connecting these with what he eats. I have suspected he is his triggered by carbs and now I am even more convinced after reading Dr Palmers books and watching his videos. Gives me hope. I pray that my son will be willing to try this. 27:30 patient tortured by schizoaffective disorder. 38:00 keto diet
Dr Palmer you are doing Gods work. My brother has schizophrenia he is 30 years old and has had it since he was 19. New treatments like yours with diet/keto I pray becomes common practice and soon. I’m trying my best to move him in this direction but I don’t live with him, he lives with my mom and my mom would benefit from this diet as well due to her chronic conditions. I’m going to send them this video and pray they watch it. Right now he is somewhat stable on meds but that changes a lot.
The application of very low carbohydrate with healthy natural fat from animal sources included has magnificent potential including with teenagers, women with menopause symptoms and those with lymphatic problems such as Lipedema.
I began my keto journey in 2016, Dr. Westman was one of the prominent and trustworthy voices in the science and application. I feel that, as Dr. Berry calls it, we have all stumbled upon the Proper Human Diet. Is it any wonder that humans being properly fed would see such dramatic improvements in every aspect of health? I don’t know how long it will take for the medical field to catch up, but when they do, we will enter a much better world.
All docs should consider for patients of all ailments. I had severe pain in my right knee for 3 months and my ortho doc was no help. Changed my diet and no more walker and little to no pain in about two weeks.
Thank you, Dr Westman and Dr Palmer. This was one of the best podcasts yet on Dr W's channel. My library doesn't have Dr Palmer's book; I will put in a request.
Three days??? You have given me the incentive/motivation I need. I struggle to eat without potatoes or rice or pastry or sourdough! Not much but find meat/fish alone really disgusting! I struggle to eat the same meals as my dog 😂😂. I was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder in my forties, and now at 77 have just realised that all my most life challenging issues are actually caused by undiagnosed ADHD which I have unknowingly self-medicated for years. Hating myself for procrastination etc. I think in my case it may have been caused by childhood injections and antibiotics plus trauma as my father was a Doctor. Would make sense that it could be caused by a damaged microbiome? Thank you so much for your feedback, I can do THREE days….. eating like my dog, except she is raw! We have scrambled eggs and bacon together!! Namaste 🙏
@@tumbleweeduk7479 you're on the right track with the microbiome. The microbiome lives on what we feed it. It seems to be responsible for emotional problems like anxiety depression PTSD and worse.
My lifelong low mood/subclinical depression has been completely banished with carnivore. I wake up early each morning feeling absolutely great. It's a game changer!
In my opinion it is better to predict something will take longer than to say it will happen quickly. For me it took at least two weeks until the cravings even began to subside. This made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I agree with Dr Palmer and his approach. But psychology/counseling is my field.
It’s heart breaking to read all the comments here of people who have lost loved ones to mental health reasons. How amazing is it we live in a time where information like this is made available and public. Thank you for the work you do Dr P & Westman 🙏
This is SO exciting!!! It will be these kind of doctors that will help to bring the Keto diet into the mainstream and give people that have been failed by the current medical system HOPE! Thank you!
@@MillersLeatherShopArkansasI would like to stick to beef more . Why ch cuts do you use? How do you cook,? Can I ask if you know any sources to gain different ways of cooking it, or different types of beef, palatability etc? I have limited vision when it comes to beef and can't find anywhere that will provide variations within carnivore beef. Hope I make sense. Thank you. All new and very exciting to see what can be achieved.
I probably would have before I stumbled into MOUNTAINS of people saying it helped them. I would have felt angry because my issue has always been trauma. I’m a week into keto and it’s becoming clear that all of the therapy wasn’t resolving the trauma because the conditions just weren’t there. I attributed my low/unstable moods to trauma alone, but my mood is fine so far. And my sleep! I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in over a decade! So yeah, I was always annoyed at the diet claims, it felt like people were dismissing my trauma. But I think I was wrong.
The mental image of Chris's mum calling her son "Doctor Palmer" really made me laugh. God bless Eric Westman And Chris Palmer. Thank you both for all you do.
Thnx Allot.😃 Our daughter is currently hospitalized with a recent 'Neurological' episode. We're just now beginning the process of trying to figure it out... Our family has been 'kinda' keto for about a year now. I think we'll need to take it beyond the 'RUclips Keto' stage.👊
Hello Eric Westman, Dr. Chris Palmer, Thank you for the great work, and for sharing your knowledge and how it all changed your life, Knowledge is Power, its practice proves its efficiency or its fragility Seek knowledge tirelessly about how to nourish your body and mind, then put it into practice and you will see life in an incredible way. Unfortunately, a lot of lies are being told at least 100 years ago, and making people increasingly sick, fragile and sad . *Depression, schizophrenia among other brain diseases is a malnourished body, a malnourished body is Depression and Schizophrenia among other brain diseases*
Does keto or carnivore help with brain injury or drug abuse? I have worked in mental facilities but am retired. I would love to keep abreast of this type of treatment.
Ketosis seems to have an anti-addictive affect. I know that going low-carb not only cured my decades of depression.. It also decreased the food addictions, constant brooding, obsessive behaviors, emotional reactivity, and impulsive buying. I felt more free to make other choices and try new behaviors. It improved my mood, energy, and motivation so that I was able to make other healthy changes and stick to them.
Search Keto Mojo and look for the chart that shows GKI. It compares Glucose to Ketones and shows a number that is good for traumatic brain injuries along with other benefits.
So should all Psychiatrists, Psych Nurses, Social Workers and GPs on the front line and Mental Health catering services meal providers take Nutrition training ? Maybe through Nutrition Network or maybe Dr Eric Westman’s programs.
12:25 "Your Cravings will go away. They really will. Just get through a couple months of it and you won't crave this stuff anymore. It's not hard for me anymore to give it up just the shade I I say after a couple days the craving will go away."
21:20 "Patient says, 'I'm depressed. I'm lazy. I'm just not going to do it. I don't want to hear the words exercise out of your mouth anymore.' So I was like okay. Loudly heard and I am not going to ever bring up exercise. Within a month of starting of actually being in ketosis she comes in smiling grinning one day says Dr. Palmer guess what I did like what *.*.* I joined a gym *.*.* "
40:07 "I'm still on the diet I'm like something changed what is it he went out and bought these supposedly ketogenic chocolate bars oh no ketogenic it says keto right on it so he thought he could have it yeah but it was not ketogenic it clearly threw him out of ketosis it clearly made him gain weight and the weight gain that he gained with probably a lot of water weight um because when you start replenishing glycogen you you start getting you know some water with that so the 10 pounds wasn't 10 pounds of fat weight gain it was probably a lot of water and fluids"
43:44 "Paradox is that the people with really severe crippling disorders it's pretty close to if I can get them to do the diet three months and have ketones for three months that's a big if is not everybody can do that but if they can do that it's above 90% of people who have Improvement in symptoms and usually not just a little bit of improvement usually a dramatic with that that sort of percentage effect a study of just of take 20 of the worst of the worst put them in a step down Ward or or it doesn't have full-blown hospitalization but control what they're eating you know with permission and all you don't need randomized trials if it's that hour like when there was menitis everyone died so when you introduced penicillin there was no need for a randomized trial ."
59:46 "Lauren Kennedy who has schizo affective disorder and she has a RUclips channel called *.*.* 'Living well with schizophrenia' *.*.* and she has been out there publicly for years talking about how to live the best life possible with schizophrenia. She actually interviewed me well over a year ago and had tried the keto diet on her own and said it didn't work and gave up. For the past four months she's been working with a ketogenic diet clinician and her own psychiatrist doing a much more regimented and of medical grade neurology grade ketogenic diet and for the first time in years *.*.* her symptoms are in full remission *.*.* ."
Are there any studies underway that actually test Keto/Carnivore for impact on mental illness? I'm actually thinking of large scale but I suppose some small one might convince others of funding, but it always gets back to money.
There has already been some research on mental illness, going back decades. Of course, it's been used for neurocognitive disorders like eplieptic seizures for more than a century. But it does seem like the mental health focus has only become more significant in recent years.
The 110 blood sugar sounds like you are in ketosis, it’s called glucose sparing. My blood sugar is always in that range and I’ve been keto for 11 years this month. If you’re measuring ketones using pee strips, I’d advise replacing them with a blood monitor like KetoMojo.
How long have you been on the keto diet? Did you measure ketones using Keto Mojo? You have to reduce carbs to near zero as far as possible and increase fat intake. It may take a bit of time to transition to ketosis for some people. Also if you are measuring fasting glucose in the morning, the dawn effect can raise your glucose by a few points. It worked for me. Wish you good luck.
@@koushikray i’ve been on a keto diet for two years. I dropped 35 pounds. My BMI is perfect. My A1c is 5.9 my glucose fluctuates from 98 to 110 that’s after I fasted for 12 hours. I’m taking berberine three times a day. I was wondering, if sodium Sodium butyrate would be a good addition
Dr. Palmer where does One go to get the clinical version of the ketogenic diet? What type of clinician would One go to to get the same results as the young lady you mentioned . please advise.
Im applying this fir a few days now. Maybe feeling better.im vegan but eating now eggs, salmon and sardines. Cutting carbs l but eating fruits. Alit of leafy greens. Forwarding this and other similar videos.
Please contact me if they are still looking for people for the trial and or how can I find a psychiatrist that will work with my son using ketogenic therapy. Thank you.
AI Overview Benfotiamine is excluded from a pilot study on Alzheimer's disease that also excludes patients with bipolar depression. However, other B vitamins, including thiamine (vitamin B1), may be beneficial for managing bipolar disorder.
Anyone found the diet takes a while to work? I did strict clean keto for 3 months and didn't notice a difference. Despite severe depression/anxiety/ocd/depersonalization/tics and also physical symptoms. I did it for 3 months everytime I checked my blood ketones they were around 2mmol. Wondering if I should've given it longer but I definitely noticed no difference when flipping into ketosis, as well as staying in it for 3 months. Did lion diet for 3 weeks also and noticed no difference.
I was on depression meds for a couple decades but after going Keto 8 years ago, all of my depression went away as did my type 2 diabetes and gout. On zero meds now going on 9 years and 61 years old. It's amazing how much diet combined with an exercise lifestyle can completely change everything. I also lost 190lbs and have kept it off 8 years. I am a new person and life is great!
I’m curious, are people on a true Keto diet or sometimes low-carb, not measuring ketones. Can these benefits come from low-carb or is a keto diet necessary?
@dianemoore1184 I was strict keto for about 2 years until my metabolic system was fully healed. Now, I generally stay rather low carb generally under 100 to 125 grams per day and cycle between that for a couple weeks and if I get a bit puffy I go back to less than 40 grams carbs per day which gets me in ketosis fast. I eat berries such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries mainly for my fruits as well as an avocado per day. Veggies mainly consist of broccoli , cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and salads with a homemade dressing with avocado or olive oil and vinegar.
@dianemoore1184 the key is to get plenty of quality proteins, REAL food and stay away from processed foods and seed oils. Anything that says Keto on the package I stay away from because it's generally highly processed food for dirty keto. It's really a delicious and easy way of eating to follow and I don't feel restricted at all. Red meat,eggs, chicken, pork, elk, bison, dairy such as cottage cheese, cheese,plain yogurt,and salmon around 3x a week. For me low carb and ketosis is so easy to follow because I am almost never hungry so I generally do intermittent fasting 18/6 or 16/8 . It's so easy and non restrictive I never use the word diet!
@@chrisedler6758 Thanks for the reply. While I don’t have a weight or diabetes issue, as I get older, I’m interested in the overall health benefits for body & brain.
@@dianemoore1184- I would imagine it would vary by person, just as some can do keto to heal everything and others need carnivore to clear everything up, but then can start adding some food back (and others can’t).
Dr. Palmer needs a nobel prize.
Do you know what the criteria for the Nobel prize are?
Silly goose 🦆😂
😊 43:52 I have schizophrenia. Been carnivore for about 3 months. My dr begrudgingly agreed to reduce my ziprasidone from 80mg BID to 60 mg BID. Because I insisted I felt over-medicated on the 80 mg. I am doing fantastic. I feel so much better now.❤
51:57 so I have been on the 60 mg ziprasidone Bid for over a month now. No symptoms at all have manifested. So far so good!!😊
That's wonderful; I'm so happy for you!
That's really good to hear. Thank you for sharing your experience.
My schizophrenic friend takes 500 MG NIACIN with each large meal to avoid the Niacin flush and 1800 mg NAC which helps enormously as he cannot keep off the carbs! The Niacin cure was discovered by Dr Abraham Hoffa and the NAC discovered in 1947. Psychiatrists need to educate themselves and stop being drug pushers! Doctor Yourself, website has the information. Namaste 🙏
My schizophrenic friend cannot quite give up the carbs but does very well with 500g Niacin with every meal and 1800 mg NAC.. the information on the Niacin cure by Dr Abraham Hoffa is on Doctor Yourself website and the NAC research from 1947 I discovered on Psychub, not sure of the exact name. He also benefits from amino acids like GABA. Off drugs at least three years, no drinking, just smoking.
Well done with your Carnivore, I am struggling with it but determined for my MPD/ADHD, really optimistic! Namaste 🙏
Dr Chris Palmer is my absolute hero!! He has compleately changed my life - if you have any mental disorders, listen closely and do everything he says! I've been blighted by mental illness my entire life, receiving my first diagnosis in earliest childhood. I've always felt flawed, defective and broken. After implementing his advice earlier this year I am now in full symptomatic remission, for the first time ever my brain feels like it's switched on and working. I feel healthy, whole and balanced, and for the first time I no longer feel broken. Thank you soo much Dr Plamer!
He is amazing 🤩
How long did it take to feel result?
@naomi8097 Around 2 weeks I started to feel a reduction in my anxiety symptoms, I called it a calm that radiates from the inside out- the only other time I felt like that was when I started taking SSRIs. In 3 to 4 weeks I felt a lifting of my depressive symptoms and was confident enough to ask my doc to help me start tampering my medications. I started theraputic Keto in April and have been fully off antidepressants for over a month now!
I’m motivated! Love this Dr!
@@sofiaroman1844 Did/do you stick to 20 total or net carbs? Thank you for such an inspirational comment!
Doctor Palmer is a true HERO. I have worked as a Mental Health Care Coach for over thirty years Both here in the USA and in London with the same type of patients he works with. My job
Is to help these clients learn to manage their Physical and mental health to reduce the negitive outcomes of chronic mental health. My passion has always been towards the most severely mentally ill with psychosis for similar reasons... It makes me angry How the world treats people who have these conditions.
Dr. Palmer's work is bringing such hope Into a field that had very little. ❤❤❤
Thank you for your lovely comment, DebbieSue🌸 May I ask how you became a Mental Health Care Coach(interest in becoming one). 🙏🏻
@@4u2consider50 I have a background as a mental health nurse and a degree in Occupational therapy
Where I practice in mental health settings When I lived in the UK. When I came back to California the mental health system here was non existent or worse than horrible
SO I went to work for a private company just starting up who wanted to provid in home wrap around care services for the mentally ill. Goal to keep people out of institutions, get healthier and have more satisfying happier lives. The founder of that company and I created that title Care Coach to resolve a licencing issue. There is no licensing required to be a coach. Even though I was a licensed therapist I could not provide " therapy" Under the current legislation for in home care providers, but I could provide "coaching". We had a set of requirements ( Minimum bachelor's level in a Psychology/ health based degree, And several years work experience within cognitive impairment / mental health/ demintia) for staff to work for us under that title. Being able to identify Risk , behavioral patterns , Monitor health both physical and mental. Set goals and work one on one with client to achieve those goals. Work as an advocate for the client cimunicating with all their other providers To either resolve issues or prevent problems from happening in the future.
@@4u2consider50 I'm not sure. Why the first answer I posted here hasn't posted but a short version is. I took my experience as a Mental Health Nurse and Mental Health Occupational Therapist and created the Mental Health Care Coach title and job discription using that combined skill base. Part of the job is coaching the client with the mental health issues.But a big part of the job is identifying Environmental factors that may be causing the problem... And relaying that to the people who provide care for them So they can Make adjustments as needed. An environmental problem can be anything that triggers undesirable behaviour like the way somebody/ staff/ other residents interact with the client,, Poor communication, Really crappy diet, over stimulating or underestimating environments...etc.
Keto cured me of my bouts with depression. Don't rely solely on studies. Just ask people who've been on the keto or carnivore diets. Many will tell you it's improved their mental health.
3:00 @jimrutherford2773 you've got that right!!
yes, too much sugar in blood does affect thoughts
Diet is everything, T2 and I control through Keto/Carnivore, plus A1C self test too! Walking & walk aerobics for seniors I have notice my mood has been better plus weight loss, and less body pain ❤ Dr. Eric Westman’s white-coat YT was the start of my journey 💖
Yes. I'm a psychiatrist and I can confirm that.
@@afanasymarinov2236would I love to pick your brain. Psychiatry destroyed my brain, presentation- high stress and anxiety, situational working in healthcare during pandemic. 4 years later I ca no longer work and don’t recognise myself. Awful mental and cognitive symptoms. Severely polydrugged, straight swapping between different drug classes. Complete personality change, akathisia
Once a beautiful, fit, active compassionate and passionate person, si, broke, now bedbound and lost everything. Apparently I’ve suddenly manifested multiple psych diagnoses. A tragedy
Thank you I went from 180 pounds and 60 units of insulin to now 120 pounds. No insulin and my mental health is amazing. I had been on meds for depression. I cannot tell you how grateful that you are doing this work thank you.
That's really good. It's amazing how changing our diet can have such a beneficial impact on our health.
I see a bright future for many with mental illnesses! Thank you Dr. Westman for highlighting Dr. Palmer's important and life-changing work!
Dr Palmer is a hero ❤
I used to suffer from extreme anxiety. Since going carnivore I have had zero anxiety and have been able to handle daily challenges in a healthy way.
My 14 year old granddaughter is suffering terribly...
Rest of family is concerned for my keto carnivore diet...
I watched my mother evolve into the thorazine shuffle…
Bless YOU both
Share this video with them! But I understand, many in my family too have what I call “carb brain” & are completely incapable of reading studies or watching a full length video like this.😞
What a privilege it is to be able to see/listen to two pioneers in the field get together and discuss the success of therapeutic carbohydrate reduction strategies...great stuff
Agree-one of my favorite videos. Two greats together!
Can’t get enough of Dr Palmer!
You hit a nerve. My poor mom in 1967 committed suicide --no viable help for her then --my brother suffered bipolar all this life, and NOW--is standard treatment any better? Don't think so. Its all just SO sad. There is hope--but it is NOT in the mainstream solution. Thanks for this video!
Thx for this video. I'm 65, female. Started carnivore 6 mo ago and weaned off klon for severe anxiety. Am doing grrrrreat!
I went off the klonopin first and suffered severely but I've been eating meat and low carb veggies for 6 weeks now and doing much better.
It's great to see these two talk about mental illness. Both Westman and Palmer had early cases with schizophrenic patients who had symptoms lessen to an extreme degree. It's one thing to see depression cured, however amazing that is, but it's mind-blowing to have schizophrenia reverse. We've been taught that such conditions are lifelong afflictions.
Everyone needs to hear this.
Love listening to Dr Westman and Dr Palmer ! Had problem with arthritis, weight and I was pre diabetic in 2023 but after doing the intermittent fasting and keto diet ( with occasional cheating esp on holidays ) I lost over 30 lbs in over 3 months and continue to maintain a healthy weight until now . My A1C ( 5.5) and other blood works are normal now . I’m a 76 year old retired nurse and I never felt better like this before ! Thank you Dr Westman , Dr Ken Berry and Dr Sten Ekberg !
Wow! Retired psych nurse here. I've been carnivore for over a year now with amazing results with depression/anxiety myself. I am so excited to have heard Dr. Palmers interview. So spot on with the description of these tormented people. Having had such remarkable results with my own journey, I can easily see how impactful this way of eating could be to inpatient people. My career was in an institutional setting, and unfortunately, I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to convince the powers that be. (state hospital)
Retired nurse here also who worked in this field. I am totally intrigued and would love to keep this going and see where it leads.
Tptb will never implement carni
@@YeshuaKingMessiah look at you name. Tptb is GOD!
@@esthersmith3341 tptb are those who think they are gods, hence their moniker given by those know better
They BE now becuz they do His good plan
My understanding is that there are about a dozen studies on keto and mental health ongoing at the moment; I’m hoping that enough good data will turn the tide. It will take forever, but hopefully in my lifetime inpatient programs will get on board. 🤞
I eliminated severe lifelong depression and anxiety issues by going animal based. Processed foods and carbs were the problem.
So grateful for this woe
My daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 17 and I'm so glad I have found this. Thank you both for sharing this information ❤ Dr. Palmer what a Blessing!
I am haunted by the memory of an intellectually disabled woman who had seizures multiple times per day and was on a slew of medications. I suggested the keto diet to her house manager once, but even if she were interested, they were required to follow doctor recommended diets. I so often wonder about her and others who could have been helped and had a much better quality of life if they had been put on a ketogenic diet. It's so heart breaking.
Same! I worked in a rehab facility & they literally fed them processed Walmart food, Koolaid w red 40 & a TON of sugar & id watch the clients go on serious bipolar episodes, mood swings, rages & gain literally 30lbs in 2 weeks.
I confronted upper management about my concerns about the high carb & sugar content & they said, “ most of these patients are coming off the streets, they’re just lucky to put anything into their stomachs “ & concerning meals prepared by the facility which were ALL HIGH CARB- “We have to follow state guidelines for meals” 🥴🫠 I quit soon after. It was so deplorable. Addiction therapy should START with removal of carbs & processed sugars
My anxiety, depression and brain fog dissapeared on a carnivore diet
How long did it take? And were you strikt with it? Thanks for your answer
@@anjac.6817 after 3 months I felt a significant diffetence, it only kept improving from there. More than 2 years now. I am strict.
This is the message I really needed to read. I had lost some weight on lower carbs, but my Brain Fog has gotten worse! I have only been on carnivore for a few days now, and already feeling better. It’s scary to wake up and wonder what day it is! I hope carnivore diet will be my answer. Thanks for your comments
So agree the carnivore diet is powerful 👏🫶👍
Yep, same here
For me I have had bouts of deep depression since 16 I'm now 58 ...keto is nothing but amazing I wake up with what I only know as joy ,joy? Me the person who was so depressed
I was fortunate enough to benefit from Dr Palmer's advocacy, starting therapeutic ketosis for bipolar 18 months ago. Dr Palmer is a rock star to me! This is a really nice interview. Thank you for spreading the word about diet and lifestyle in support to serious mental illness. There are so many suffering that may benefit from this message. Cheers, Michael
Lithium OROTATE. The natural mineral not the drug is fantastic for bipolar. Dr John Gray of “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus” fame has a good short video on utube after working for years on his own issues. Namaste 🙏
How long did it take you to notice anything? I have put my audhdh/bipolar 2 son on a ketogenic like diet. What‘s the difference between keto versus a therapeutic ketogenic diet?
@@Mindafter60beyond-wp2lxless than 20 carbs daily. Not net carbs but actual carbs
We live in Southern Ontario…just outside of Toronto. Last summer our 26 year old son his worst episode ever and was hospitalized. The psychiatrist told us he had brain damage! We knew this wasn’t the case after listening to Dr. Palmer! Thank God! We would have lost all hope. The problem we have is trying to convince our son to do the Medical Ketogenic diet….because the Doctors don’t think it is worth it.
I'm 50 years old and on keto/carnivore for 19 months now ,for mental health .I wish I had known about keto before , because I now am trying to play catch up for the last 30+ years . Starting keto sooner means less damage to try to undo, later on.Please don't stop trying to convince your son .
All diseases start in the gut, as per Hippocrates. Why doctors forget that, who knows.
Look into the Carnivore diet and overwhelm his diet with savory
Meat, eggs, butter & bacon.
I don’t know if he’s still living with you, but when you fill up with nutritious Whole Foods, you’re eventually not hungry for junk foods anymore, and his mood & mental health will change.
Keep encouraging him! Just tell him to replace foods step by step- find keto options that match the craving. I have a schizo brother who I’m just encouraging to switch out his Mello Yello for Zevia (just as an example) baby steps, right? There’s a plethora of recipes, just make sure to stay away from any products labeled “keto” Wishing your family full recovery on your health journey! ❤
@@kenadams5504 how is it going now? Was it hard to transition? When did you start feeling better?
Love his backstory and why he became a Doctor. He’s got the goods to speak the Truth
The more I learn about how diet can affect our bodies the more amazed I am about how wonderfully made our bodies are. I've been low carb since Oct 2021 and remitted my diabetes. I have lots of great benefits from it. The most unexpected thing that has happened is that my hair is returning to its original colour; ie I'm not as grey as I used to be. I had no idea that this might happen but have had responses to this comment and others have had the same thing happen. One lady was disappointed that her hair was changing because she liked it the way it was.
I'm a very angry woman. Luckily I'm keto nowadays so my anger just bounces away and I feel good. But, nevertheless, I know I'm angry. I was a good girl and ate low-fat, rarely ate red meat, cooked lots of veggie meals, and went pre-diabetic and all that. You know the score: high triglycerides, low HDL, A1C 2 points off being declared actually type-2 diabetic. Had ups and downs, snored, was brain-fogged, tired, under-achieved. Suddenly I saw the light (my blood test shone arc-lamps... bit like St Paul on the road to Damascus) and went keto. But where was I for 69 years? I'm now 71 and feel totally with it, alive, sharp. Blood results back to normal. And I never have a day down in the dumps. Miracle! Oh, and I've stopped snoring. Yay! (But why did NO doctor or the bloody government ever tell me I was poisoning myself by adhering to dietary guidelines? Why no test to check for upcoming sneaky insulin resistance? Did they leave me tired and brain-fogged deliberately? The brain-fogged are too tired and confused to complain? Is that it? Well, the powers-that-be are no doubt happy to have a docile braindead population on medications>>>they probably have shares in the drug companies and ultra-processed food mega-corporations. Yay! Win-win for them! (Oh and by the way, my carb cravings crept off into some corner of the back of my mind after 24 hours with no carbs. I admit that they are back there somewhere... one slice of cake and I'd be like an alcoholic after 'just one drinky' ... so no cake for me. I can't handle it. But luckily that voice 'eat me, eat me' is so dim and distant I have no trouble ignoring it. I'm a carbaholic, I admit it, and I'm on the wagon permanently. As I said, with those carby voices mere sickly echoes of themselves, I need no will-power. A little self-control, yes. But no will-power. They are very different things!)
Bravo!!! Love hearing these types of testimonies!❤❤❤
Giving so much hope! I am in early menopause, depressed, anxious and brain-foggy... Didi you count total 20 carbs in the beginning?
Part of your mistake is that you wanted the governament to help you. The governament doesn't care about you, the government only care about the government
I can tell you that I'm in early peri, started increasing protein, reducing carbs and my acute symptoms have decreased dramatically. I'm also on HRT, exercise daily. Get Dr. Marie Claire Haver's book, there's a lot to learn here.
So thankful for Dr. Palmer and Dr. Westman for helping educate us on a better way to better mental health!
Dr Palmer could have called this patient by my sons name. It is exactly, exactly my sons story except for the healing. He has the exact voices and delusions. I have started connecting these with what he eats. I have suspected he is his triggered by carbs and now I am even more convinced after reading Dr Palmers books and watching his videos. Gives me hope. I pray that my son will be willing to try this.
27:30 patient tortured by schizoaffective disorder.
38:00 keto diet
Thank you gentlemen. You’re both a blessing to so many. ❤
This is probably one of the most important videos to watch.
Mental Illness is the leading cause for disability in the US.
Thank You Dr Westman!
Chris Palmers is an inspiration to younger generation 🙌
Absolutely incredible!!!! Go keto, people. ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations to everyone who commented with their own success stories. You are all real heroes.
Epilepsy is definitely helped with extreme low carb, so it makes sense that it correlates with similar issues.
Dr Palmer you are doing Gods work. My brother has schizophrenia he is 30 years old and has had it since he was 19. New treatments like yours with diet/keto I pray becomes common practice and soon. I’m trying my best to move him in this direction but I don’t live with him, he lives with my mom and my mom would benefit from this diet as well due to her chronic conditions. I’m going to send them this video and pray they watch it. Right now he is somewhat stable on meds but that changes a lot.
The application of very low carbohydrate with healthy natural fat from animal sources included has magnificent potential including with teenagers, women with menopause symptoms and those with lymphatic problems such as Lipedema.
I began my keto journey in 2016, Dr. Westman was one of the prominent and trustworthy voices in the science and application. I feel that, as Dr. Berry calls it, we have all stumbled upon the Proper Human Diet. Is it any wonder that humans being properly fed would see such dramatic improvements in every aspect of health? I don’t know how long it will take for the medical field to catch up, but when they do, we will enter a much better world.
All docs should consider for patients of all ailments. I had severe pain in my right knee for 3 months and my ortho doc was no help. Changed my diet and no more walker and little to no pain in about two weeks.
My 31 y/o nephew took his life with schizoaffective disorder 8 years ago.... he'll never have this opportunity 😔
I'm so sorry
It's why this message needs to be spread.
How sad. I’m so sorry.
So sorry for your loss.
That is really sad 😢
Thank you, Dr Westman and Dr Palmer. This was one of the best podcasts yet on Dr W's channel. My library doesn't have Dr Palmer's book; I will put in a request.
The carnivore diet ended 30 years of mental illness for me in about 3 days!! And chronic bowel disease!❤💪🔥
Three days??? You have given me the incentive/motivation I need. I struggle to eat without potatoes or rice or pastry or sourdough! Not much but find meat/fish alone really disgusting! I struggle to eat the same meals as my dog 😂😂. I was diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder in my forties, and now at 77 have just realised that all my most life challenging issues are actually caused by undiagnosed ADHD which I have unknowingly self-medicated for years. Hating myself for procrastination etc.
I think in my case it may have been caused by childhood injections and antibiotics plus trauma as my father was a Doctor. Would make sense that it could be caused by a damaged microbiome? Thank you so much for your feedback, I can do THREE days….. eating like my dog, except she is raw! We have scrambled eggs and bacon together!! Namaste 🙏
@@tumbleweeduk7479 you're on the right track with the microbiome. The microbiome lives on what we feed it. It seems to be responsible for emotional problems like anxiety depression PTSD and worse.
Did you stop your meds?
@@luckyluciano1840 yes
@@luckyluciano1840 yes
My lifelong low mood/subclinical depression has been completely banished with carnivore. I wake up early each morning feeling absolutely great. It's a game changer!
In my opinion it is better to predict something will take longer than to say it will happen quickly. For me it took at least two weeks until the cravings even began to subside. This made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I agree with Dr Palmer and his approach. But psychology/counseling is my field.
It’s heart breaking to read all the comments here of people who have lost loved ones to mental health reasons.
How amazing is it we live in a time where information like this is made available and public.
Thank you for the work you do Dr P & Westman 🙏
This is SO exciting!!! It will be these kind of doctors that will help to bring the Keto diet into the mainstream and give people that have been failed by the current medical system HOPE! Thank you!
These two are TRUE HEALERS❤❤❤
I am hoping that Dr Chris will use the carnivore diet for his patients that do not have improvements with Keto.🙏
I agree as a carnivore myself, my mental health has improved so much. 🫶👍👏
Carnivore is the purest form of a ketogenic diet. I feel better on all beef most of the time.
@@MillersLeatherShopArkansasI would like to stick to beef more . Why ch cuts do you use? How do you cook,? Can I ask if you know any sources to gain different ways of cooking it, or different types of beef, palatability etc? I have limited vision when it comes to beef and can't find anywhere that will provide variations within carnivore beef. Hope I make sense. Thank you. All new and very exciting to see what can be achieved.
This is amazing!!!
Try telling prople with disease that a diet change could help them. They would get angry, especially parents.
I probably would have before I stumbled into MOUNTAINS of people saying it helped them. I would have felt angry because my issue has always been trauma. I’m a week into keto and it’s becoming clear that all of the therapy wasn’t resolving the trauma because the conditions just weren’t there. I attributed my low/unstable moods to trauma alone, but my mood is fine so far. And my sleep! I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in over a decade!
So yeah, I was always annoyed at the diet claims, it felt like people were dismissing my trauma. But I think I was wrong.
The mental image of Chris's mum calling her son "Doctor Palmer" really made me laugh. God bless Eric Westman And Chris Palmer. Thank you both for all you do.
You are both such a gift to medicine. Thank you for all you do!
Dr Westman, we understand the interviewer very well.
Dr. Palmer with Dr. Westman! What a great talk! Thank you!!!
Thnx Allot.😃
Our daughter is currently hospitalized with a recent 'Neurological' episode.
We're just now beginning the process of trying to figure it out...
Our family has been 'kinda' keto for about a year now.
I think we'll need to take it beyond the 'RUclips Keto' stage.👊
Amazing! A field that has been stagnant and paralyzed for ever is on fire! So exciting.
Thank you sooooo much for doing this interview
I loved this!! Thank you doctors!!
So grateful drs are standing up....i remember Abram Hofer spoke about niacin and vit c so many years ago
Incredible. God bless you both as well as others who are delving into this in the spirit of just wanting to help others.
Wonderfully helpful, hope-giving and inspiring. Thank you both and bless you for all the suffering souls you help.💜☮✝☮💜☮✝☮💜☮✝☮💜☮✝☮💜
Absolutely amazing interview!
Absolutely fantastic!!
Dr Palmer is amazing!
Hello Eric Westman, Dr. Chris Palmer, Thank you for the great work, and for sharing your knowledge and how it all changed your life,
Knowledge is Power, its practice proves its efficiency or its fragility
Seek knowledge tirelessly about how to nourish your body and mind, then put it into practice and you will see life in an incredible way. Unfortunately, a lot of lies are being told at least 100 years ago, and making people increasingly sick, fragile and sad .
*Depression, schizophrenia among other brain diseases is a malnourished body, a malnourished body is Depression and Schizophrenia among other brain diseases*
The answer to the title is… yes
Thank you so much! This may be life changing and life saving 🙏
Thank you so much for this video.
❤ you deserve a noble prize.
Wow! What a powerful interview! Thank you both for leading the way! ❤
Wow ............... I am so happy I am alive to see this.....Nobel Prize Palmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! ❤❤❤
Does keto or carnivore help with brain injury or drug abuse? I have worked in mental facilities but am retired. I would love to keep abreast of this type of treatment.
Ketosis seems to have an anti-addictive affect. I know that going low-carb not only cured my decades of depression.. It also decreased the food addictions, constant brooding, obsessive behaviors, emotional reactivity, and impulsive buying. I felt more free to make other choices and try new behaviors. It improved my mood, energy, and motivation so that I was able to make other healthy changes and stick to them.
Search Keto Mojo and look for the chart that shows GKI. It compares Glucose to Ketones and shows a number that is good for traumatic brain injuries along with other benefits.
Keep up the good work 🙏
I’m curious those who have are on keto how did you feel when healing was happening?
I did not get the name of the hospital where it will be possible to get treatment with ketogenic diet. Can you share it with me?
Excellent! This is so significant.
So should all Psychiatrists, Psych Nurses, Social Workers and GPs on the front line and Mental Health catering services meal providers take Nutrition training ? Maybe through Nutrition Network or maybe Dr Eric Westman’s programs.
Yes quite obviously
Fantastic discussion. Thank you. Chris’s book is excellent.
Great work Chris, great interview/interviewer
Incredible information! Thankyou so much.
Same with my mother, at about the same age.
Great doctors!
12:25 "Your Cravings will go away. They really will. Just get through a couple months of it and you won't crave this stuff anymore. It's not hard for me anymore to give it up just the shade I I say after a couple days the craving will go away."
21:20 "Patient says, 'I'm depressed. I'm lazy. I'm just not going to do it. I don't want to hear the words exercise out of your mouth anymore.' So I was like okay. Loudly heard and I am not going to ever bring up exercise. Within a month of starting of actually being in ketosis she comes in smiling grinning one day says Dr. Palmer guess what I did like what *.*.* I joined a gym *.*.* "
40:07 "I'm still on the diet I'm like something changed what is it he went out and bought these supposedly ketogenic chocolate bars oh no ketogenic it says keto right on it so he thought he could have it yeah but it was not ketogenic it clearly threw him out of ketosis it clearly made him gain weight and the weight gain that he gained with probably a lot of water weight um because when you start replenishing glycogen you you start getting you know some water with that so the 10 pounds wasn't 10 pounds of fat weight gain it was probably a lot of water and fluids"
43:44 "Paradox is that the people with really severe crippling disorders it's pretty close to if I can get them to do the diet three months and have ketones for three months that's a big if is not everybody can do that but if they can do that it's above 90% of people who have Improvement in symptoms and usually not just a little bit of improvement usually a dramatic with that that sort of percentage effect a study of just of take 20 of the worst of the worst put them in a step down Ward or or it doesn't have full-blown hospitalization but control what they're eating you know with permission and all you don't need randomized trials if it's that hour like when there was menitis everyone died so when you introduced penicillin there was no need for a randomized trial ."
59:46 "Lauren Kennedy who has schizo affective disorder and she has a RUclips channel called *.*.* 'Living well with schizophrenia' *.*.* and she has been out there publicly for years talking about how to live the best life possible with schizophrenia. She actually interviewed me well over a year ago and had tried the keto diet on her own and said it didn't work and gave up. For the past four months she's been working with a ketogenic diet clinician and her own psychiatrist doing a much more regimented and of medical grade neurology grade ketogenic diet and for the first time in years *.*.* her symptoms are in full remission *.*.* ."
'Living well with schizophrenia' ruclips.net/video/dwnkzHvRPLc/видео.html
Amazing video !!
I went to his website but didn't see any list of dietitians. Where can I access that list?
This is how medicine is supposed to work. Congratulations. 🎉
Are there any studies underway that actually test Keto/Carnivore for impact on mental illness? I'm actually thinking of large scale but I suppose some small one might convince others of funding, but it always gets back to money.
Harvard recently received a large grant from a single donor to do such a study, should be starting soon if it hasn't already.
There has already been some research on mental illness, going back decades. Of course, it's been used for neurocognitive disorders like eplieptic seizures for more than a century. But it does seem like the mental health focus has only become more significant in recent years.
On all keto diet, but I can’t get into ketosis for the life of me and my blood sugar is about 110 which scares the heck out of me🤦🏼
Maybe Go carnivore or try the lion diet...you will find Information with Dr Ken Berry or other mds.
Increase your fat and low your carbs.
The 110 blood sugar sounds like you are in ketosis, it’s called glucose sparing. My blood sugar is always in that range and I’ve been keto for 11 years this month. If you’re measuring ketones using pee strips, I’d advise replacing them with a blood monitor like KetoMojo.
How long have you been on the keto diet? Did you measure ketones using Keto Mojo? You have to reduce carbs to near zero as far as possible and increase fat intake. It may take a bit of time to transition to ketosis for some people. Also if you are measuring fasting glucose in the morning, the dawn effect can raise your glucose by a few points. It worked for me. Wish you good luck.
@@koushikray i’ve been on a keto diet for two years. I dropped 35 pounds. My BMI is perfect. My A1c is 5.9 my glucose fluctuates from 98 to 110 that’s after I fasted for 12 hours. I’m taking berberine three times a day. I was wondering, if sodium Sodium butyrate would be a good addition
Dr. Palmer where does One go to get the clinical version of the ketogenic diet? What type of clinician would One go to to get the same results as the young lady you mentioned . please advise.
Im applying this fir a few days now. Maybe feeling better.im vegan but eating now eggs, salmon and sardines. Cutting carbs l but eating fruits. Alit of leafy greens.
Forwarding this and other similar videos.
Efficacy and safety of palmitoylethanolamide as an adjunctive treatment for acute mania: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Please contact me if they are still looking for people for the trial and or how can I find a psychiatrist that will work with my son using ketogenic therapy. Thank you.
Have Dr. Palmer come back to discuss how his program can be implemented by vegetarians. In trying to help family members, I find this very difficult.
Did the brain scans for the schizophrenic patient show that the fluid pocket had shrunk over time while on this ketogenic diet?
Wondering about the connection between “measuring glucose/ ketones” and measurements from the “Lumen” app/gadget
AI Overview
Benfotiamine is excluded from a pilot study on Alzheimer's disease that also excludes patients with bipolar depression. However, other B vitamins, including thiamine (vitamin B1), may be beneficial for managing bipolar disorder.
Anyone found the diet takes a while to work? I did strict clean keto for 3 months and didn't notice a difference. Despite severe depression/anxiety/ocd/depersonalization/tics and also physical symptoms. I did it for 3 months everytime I checked my blood ketones they were around 2mmol. Wondering if I should've given it longer but I definitely noticed no difference when flipping into ketosis, as well as staying in it for 3 months. Did lion diet for 3 weeks also and noticed no difference.