@@MrGold-zn9db indeed sir. Lies surrounding the current status of the covid-19 crisis as of recent have been spreading like fire and being believed by a staggeringly large amount of people. It’s insane how many people ignore objective statistic provided by not only mainstream media, but a multitude of countries, and independent researchers. The ability to claim the falsehood of direct evidence in favor of a viewpoint support by anecdotal evidence at most is nothing more than saddening as I’m sure you would agree.
Well no shit Sherlock... what would you expect a member of the KKK to ride inside the court. Not that I'm saying it depicts humour but.. it might be the reason that was just a symbol of it. But in reality it would be unlikely
"Did you know they're 500 different species of chicken they're all different in their way yet they still all act like chickens, Yet there's only one species of human and yet we act like different species than what we call ourselves man"
did you know they can talk comparing a chicken to a human did you know that there is many species of ants and they will invade, kill and kidnapped baby ant to use for slave .
You’re one of the main reasons I actually decided to open a channel, your messages are so uplifting and everything positive has to be shared to the rest of the world
that mother pushing her child back after the child tried to communicate with the black girl, that got me. Reminds me of how the idea of racism can be given to a child through their parents.
I'm just a teenager And someone told me that other kids are learning to be racist from there parents and I have been told that I have the mind of my own and I wish that some of those other kids could just think their own mind instead of thinking there parents mind
So well directed. Keep spreading Love sir! Many of us in the Christian community can also learn from this. How many of us claim to be followers of Christ yet act with hateful prejudice? Jesus himself would be appalled. We see why in Jesus’ day, he avoided many of the “religious circles” and spent time with everyone else. There were hateful/racist religious Pharisees then, and there are many among us today...
Ikr, he needs to speak out in every school. But the only bad thing is that, students will just make fun of people who speak about something important or not care, or laugh at the whole speech. Some kids just don’t understand this. They will most likely not take it seriously and be immature about it. I hate that, but this is the world we live in, today.
Not really. I don't think anyone will change after this video. It will just make you black people more racist towards whites. But that is what you like, victims 4ever ✊🏿
This video is worth a million of my words, discussions, and FB posts. Mankind has gone through the cycle of "rinse and repeat" without addressing "root cause". This brightens my spirit as I see light at the end of my tunnel. My daughter and my family's futures are that much brighter. If we can offer ladders of hope built with rungs of truth to those high upon fragile foundations built of deceptions and falsehoods, we may be able to work together. Some need ladders with rungs of truth not sledge hammers or wrecking balls of truth to bring folks down to reality. Thank you for this.
The original commenter is correct, one’s skin color is derived from the amount of a pigment in said individuals skin, which will absorb certain colors and reflect others giving the appearance of being darker. What you’re bringing up is factors correlated to skin color so heavily that one factor can directly predict another, in this case darker skin results in some kind of blood or something (idk exactly what ur talking about cuz ur kinda vague). Also this video is the most ignorant video I’ve ever seen, but that’s not related to this thread ig.
@@jantheman6159 ...Culture is the reason for prejudices, not so much color. Racism towards the White Race is based on Lies of the Amoral Nihilistic Left. The majority of people on earth are people of Color and not Caucasion. The Western Hemisphere is 80% Hispanic and Black and they call the White Race Racist when it is they who come into the States and 30 years later are quick to turn on the Host and cry FK America...Racist White people . Is there White Supremacy in South America, Africa, ASIA?...no!...I believe a lot of hatred towards White people is based on Jealousy. Blue, Grey, Green, Hazel, and Brown eyes,. And hair color being Blond, Brown, Aurburn, Blond,and Red hair only the white race has these qualities. Men probably don't care but females must long to have the diversity in Hair color and eye color....My opinion.
@@adorablyadorable5665 most true shit they choose to leave Africa and come to our white countrts then complain about shit, if you don't like it go back to Africa then.
I agree when applying to colleges they should not know our race. I believe it should be fully based on merit. I do not believe any race should get special privileges.
Is it common in the us to ask for the race? As an european, i cant imagine that. We never have to tell anybody things like religion, race, etc. Its just unbeliewable for me
@@user-gi1mk2ef7w oh I’ve had that on my profile a long time ever since I started RUclips a long time ago. And watcha mean so what if i have a cat on my profile pic that doesn’t matter at all. And you do realize I’m not the only one that thinks Prince EA is stupid it’s a really popular opinion in one of his videos he said milk can break your bones and he gives shitty sources and also he made a fucking school where he scammed millions of people.
Diversity is fine, it makes the world colorful and vibrant. Human ego and arrogance that tend to make anything they associated/identified themselves with superior than other IS the problem. Always has been.
I believe this is an important step we will eventually climb and surpass, the human race will sooner or later evolve past our primal instincts of division and aggression towards ourselves.
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves." - Prophet Muhammad pbuh last sermon
Full sermon “O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today. O people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abd Al-Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived… Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O people, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except bypiety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O people, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qu'ran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people”. (Reference: See Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1623, 1626, 6361) Sahih of Imam Muslim also refers to this sermon in Hadith number 98. Imam al-Tirmidhi has mentioned this sermon in Hadith nos. 1628, 2046, 2085. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has given us the longest and perhaps the most complete version of this sermon in his Masnud, Hadith no. 19774.)
This hit hard and cut deep to the core. We are all one species (Human)) packaged in different pigments and appearance that can be scientifically proven as to why we look different. But greed, hubris , jealousy and hate is what has divided us. This is a lesson so many people refuse to learn. The end result of this will be our extinction as a species. Irony is it won't be carried out by a natural disaster, but by humanity itself.
People always found it weird when I talk to ppl, the last thing I notice is their skin color. I could have a whole conversation with a stranger and if someone where to ask me their skin color most of the time I genuinely won’t remember
There's nothing wrong with noticing skin color. That's what people, including you, don't understand. You're overcompensating and causing more of a problem with that way of thinking. The idea is to not attribute NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS to that skin color.
@@Riptionatorit’s not that i don’t choose not to see it. I’m completely alright with acknowledging it. It’s just i grew up in a healthy household my mother being black and dad being white. It’s because i grew up in healthy households i never really seen color or rather it’s so insignificant it’s not what tend to notice first
Truth. Honestly, that Europe (a so called "first world" country) still has the concept that some people deserve better treatment than others because of who their parents are is disgusting.
"Its not about Black History month, let's make Human History" Me who has to take 15 different Chapters about Human History and a test on them every month: You underestimate my *power*
Well honestly most of the stuff people learned constantly gets changed every certain amount of years so no you should never believe them and you also shouldn't believe that everybody in the world came from Africa.. This is a pathetic defense video 😂
@@BM-ch9ut Delete your so called "reply" because thats not a reply thats just a virus trying to eat us that is even unworthy of eating my shit you punk, say sorry and act like a human. Have manners.
I won 7 minutes in my life. Thank you, sincerely. Thank you really much for the heart Prince Ea. I have a question, what did you study to come with these awesome videos?
Well recently I just heard Louis Hay say something very powerful, she said, "A soul has no colour and it has no gender" Also, Ktee Shibambu, this African Female Poet wrote, "There is only one cure that can heal every sickness that separates humanity, and that cure is love, for love, love is powerful" Thank you my African Prince!
"Pure blood only exist in Harry Potter" Called it Amazing video like always ^^. The amount of work put into this is a lot and I can tell that, I'll await the next one!
This is my favourite video that you have made. It just reaches a different place and gave me a different way of thinking. As a black person myself I have faced the exact same problems that you have explained. There needs to be a change.
I actually gave my students a reflection activity about "I AM NOT BLACK" and this video will be for another reflection paper about social inequality, discrimination and racism. THANKS Prince EA for motivational and inspirational video to fight against INEQUALITY!
People also need to stop demonizing the word "discriminate." Do you know, what's the word one uses (or at least used to use) instead of the phrase "tell the difference"? It was the word "discriminate." For example: Can you discriminate between an apple and an orange? Can you discriminate between a dog and a cat? Can you discriminate between a male and a female? Can you discriminate between these two twins? Can you discriminate between these two coins? If one wishes to use "discriminate" to refer to social prejudice i.e. racism (which doesn't really exist according to this video), then the phrase "seperative discrimination" should be used instead. Separative Discrimination is when discrimination is used to separate common individuals to the point of making them 100% different from each other.
I have always believed that we need to stop defining people by race and checking them into boxes. We need to just exist as one human race and stop labeling each other into different groups. Glad I'm not alone. Thank you.
This was a great video, thank you. We are one species living together on a the same Pale Blue Dot. We gotta stop hating on each other based off arbitrary categories. And while things have gotten better, we have a long way to go!
One of my favorite lines in a book was about this runaway kid who was oblivious to race it said something like he didn’t see black he saw amber, dark tan, or brown but never once did he ever see a black person
Resism is such an important movement for building a more inclusive and compassionate world. It’s all about recognizing our shared humanity and supporting each other, no matter our differences. Let’s continue to spread kindness,understanding, and equality, and work together for positive change
I am incredibly impressed by the ability of you and your team to take the concept of "race" and condense the critical learning into 7+ minutes. This is what's needed to help those who are prisoners of their whiteness to start reconsidering the lies upon which their entire identity is built.
You missed the ENTIRE point of the video. This wasn't about anti-whiteness. The point was that race itself doesn't exist. We are all one race, the human race. The sooner we get passed this made up concept that is race, the sooner we will be able to find common ground amongst ourselves, regardless of the color of our skin. The fact you attacked "whiteness", shows you believe in "White Supremacy", meaning you believe in "Race". Listen closer to the video, and you'll understand it's always been a tool used to exploit the poor, regardless of skin color. "Race" doesn't exist. We're all human, we all bleed the same, we're all the same on the inside.
Oh thank you so very much for this art that speaks!! I've admired your work and appreciated your message for a while, but fell out of touch with the social media. I'm so happy to see my favourite creators are loyal to the truth!
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 ✝️🙏
*“There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.”* - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Just my take on it, but to probably show that the racist can't come off this "High Horse" mentality. The horse is also probably black to give a visual representation for the definition of racism. Not sure why it's in the court room though. 😂 Prob reading too deep into it idk.
Thank you! Just because Race is a social construct (made up), it doesn’t mean that what we call Racism isn’t real. Call it whatever you want, but prejudice and bigotry against ppl based on skin color, ethnicity, culture, religion, country of origin, language (other than English in the U.S.) IS REAL. This video is being used by Fox News watching, Glen Beck loving RACISTS as propaganda to support their racism. “See! This black guy said there’s no such thing as race, so we can’t be racist!”
What blows my mind is when I say the same thing I am called a racist. It's strange. I gave up trying to convince people that the more we focus on race..the further it will divide us. Sad. Just treat everyone with kindness. It's really not that hard. Peace.
People don't want to become one, they all want to say they are up for "uniting as one" but they really deep down don't because then they can't be victims of racism etc and be pampered and given all the attention.
@@punkrock1989 Nope. Black ppl want to end racism. If you got rid of racial categories tomorrow, we'd still have racism. That's why "color blindness" never worked. Once racism is defeated, race will fall away. Not a hard concept unless you're part of the master race.
@@jazminbelenrodriguez-chave3459 Well Obama's precedency, to be honest, wasn't that great at all. He bombed the middle east all day. This video is saying to treat people like humans and the same as everyone else. Obama didn't really follow through with that message....
I just came across a video by Prince Ea this morning. This was the first time I had heard of him. It was a video about education. It echoed everything I have been saying for years as a mother of 3 gifted but different children. So, I went to his channel. The content, creativity in delivering a message so spiritually. Reaffirming my own personal beliefs, the message and truths that I speak and teach to my children. The validation that comes when you learn you’re not just one. I align with your thoughts 100 percent, from evolution to checking a box to acknowledge a concept that was created to compare and divide. Please keep making videos. I will keep sharing them.
After viewing this video and a couple of others, I conclude Mr. Prince Ea that you are brilliant. The world should know you...The world WILL know you!!
This needs to played on all national news and world wide news. Great work i always felt that we as humans were 1 of the same not multiple like the media plays us out to be.
This is one of the best and most important video i have watched! Such a clear cut message, everyone can get behind, unless the ideology of "race"ism is too entrenched in their mind
Brilliant absolutely brilliant! I can’t believe how mean some people can be do different races, these facts you showed are amazing I had no idea about some of them!!
I just wanted to tell you that I am alone and avoided . I am always hated and sad. Depressed and sadness kills me everyday. No one supports me all alone everytime and even my own family call me useless everyday
Remember that you are loved and that you are not alone. I want you to remember that someone out there cares and I’m one of those people I support you I’m here for you if you need any thing
You are worthy of anything you desire in life. Do not let other people dictate the terms of your life, even family, because you are the one that has to live it. You have a voice and it will be heard. You are strong, but humble. Compassionate and tolerant of others. Acceptance is the key to everything. Change how you think and you will change how you feel. Go forth and be who you want to be. You never have to walk alone or be alone. Helping others is the fastest way to finding yourself.
_These_ are the types of videos that should be presented I'm schools. _These_ are the types of videos that really teach you the meaning of important matters. I learned more from this than in school, which is saying something...
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
Adolf hitler said that btw
@@200-PG surprisingly.
@@anandisarkar8549 lol
@@MrGold-zn9db indeed sir. Lies surrounding the current status of the covid-19 crisis as of recent have been spreading like fire and being believed by a staggeringly large amount of people. It’s insane how many people ignore objective statistic provided by not only mainstream media, but a multitude of countries, and independent researchers. The ability to claim the falsehood of direct evidence in favor of a viewpoint support by anecdotal evidence at most is nothing more than saddening as I’m sure you would agree.
@@200-PG he used it too lol
Judge: don’t turn my court room into a circus, racist man: rides a horse into the court room
this deserves more likes!! 😂😂
Hahahah your right
Well no shit Sherlock... what would you expect a member of the KKK to ride inside the court. Not that I'm saying it depicts humour but.. it might be the reason that was just a symbol of it. But in reality it would be unlikely
he's not a racist man, he is race
"Did you know they're 500 different species of chicken they're all different in their way yet they still all act like chickens,
Yet there's only one species of human and yet we act like different species than what we call ourselves man"
Well said 👏
did you know they can talk
comparing a chicken to a human
did you know that there is many species of ants and they will invade, kill and kidnapped baby ant to use for slave .
@@Blue-uw2lu Cringe text face found!
Well a racist is our president 🙄 🤷
@@The_Chess_GM Wait which one
You’re one of the main reasons I actually decided to open a channel, your messages are so uplifting and everything positive has to be shared to the rest of the world
“Do you think your’re going to beat me with facts”
My dude, it’s a courtroom
Lmfao exactly
@@Solbashio how don’t you understand or do you mean by the sentence
The only thing that should be separated by colour is laundry...
Like this so it will go up
and people
And unconnected lego pieces
@@luvtotk5986 Nope, "Colour," is for Canadian English, "Color," is for U.S English
that mother pushing her child back after the child tried to communicate with the black girl, that got me. Reminds me of how the idea of racism can be given to a child through their parents.
Yeah, we're not born to believe we're different, it's cultural. Unfortunately there are bigots in all cultures.
I'm just a teenager
And someone told me that other kids are learning to be racist from there parents and I have been told that I have the mind of my own and I wish that some of those other kids could just think their own mind instead of thinking there parents mind
If my parents were racists, I'd just stop associating with them!
@@ttcooms3985 is call brainwashing It like teaching a kid to pray for some magical sky daddy
@@doglover-xg1kh exactly
That guy is truly incredible, he destroyed racism in smithereens. We need more people fight against racism! #EndRacism
The blm is just stoping racism and starting a new racist movement
@@obamafan6949 explain.
So well directed. Keep spreading Love sir! Many of us in the Christian community can also learn from this. How many of us claim to be followers of Christ yet act with hateful prejudice? Jesus himself would be appalled. We see why in Jesus’ day, he avoided many of the “religious circles” and spent time with everyone else. There were hateful/racist religious Pharisees then, and there are many among us today...
Hey AOC network how's it goin?
@@josiahondohasianlihardomar1120 hi 🙋♂️
@KRISHNAN NAIR im good how are u?
@@aocnetwork hey man i just subb you and I'm very interested about the anti Christ that you said
We don’t need religion we need a relationship with God Jesus is lord
the b word came during slavery
that is a very disturbing facts
I just hope Twitter don’t find out
Prince ea your talking is fact I appreciate you
what's the b word
@@changedmynamebcyallwouldnt.. bi***
You are very gullible...
Can this guy come talk at my school? He would make so many people realize what life really is about
Ikr, he needs to speak out in every school. But the only bad thing is that, students will just make fun of people who speak about something important or not care, or laugh at the whole speech. Some kids just don’t understand this. They will most likely not take it seriously and be immature about it. I hate that, but this is the world we live in, today.
Thank you so much!
He scams people for money. He's been caught dozens of times and is a liar.
@@loathy4528 I’m starting to think you’re a racist
@@ionizedtech1354 ah yes because this man has been caught stealing and scamming young people that I hate all people of color. That's ridiculous.
“A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has the chance to put it’s pants on.” -dont remember who
I believe that's Churchill...
@@dovahbear0 that church is perfectly healthy wdym
@@jesusshrek1271 Churchill... you know, Winston Churchill? What the hell are you talking about? Do you not history?
But if truth walks, earth is turning beneath their feet.
Before the truth can get his boots on.
He is so underrated.... He deserves much more attention
no he doesn't
@@trollge8598 ?!
@@bolognaboy5294 he's a troll. He wants attention
@@dgtzmusic9352 k
@@bolognaboy5294 sry if I sounded rude. Just saying 🙂
This video is pure gold. Deserves way more views than it currently has. This has to be spread.
Not really. I don't think anyone will change after this video. It will just make you black people more racist towards whites. But that is what you like, victims 4ever ✊🏿
I think the titles are the issue, for me it came across as annoying due to clickbating
4 years ago:
Teacher reacts to Prince Ea suing school system!
Racist reacts...
Do you have the link on racists reacting to this vid ...... want to watch it
Ngl lol
Did you hear about the new virus in Africa thats un known
@@themix4115 Where link
Trump reacts to Prince EA suing Racism
This video is worth a million of my words, discussions, and FB posts. Mankind has gone through the cycle of "rinse and repeat" without addressing "root cause". This brightens my spirit as I see light at the end of my tunnel. My daughter and my family's futures are that much brighter. If we can offer ladders of hope built with rungs of truth to those high upon fragile foundations built of deceptions and falsehoods, we may be able to work together. Some need ladders with rungs of truth not sledge hammers or wrecking balls of truth to bring folks down to reality. Thank you for this.
The darker your skin, the more melanin it has. Now why the hell do people use melanin to judge others, like??
The original commenter is correct, one’s skin color is derived from the amount of a pigment in said individuals skin, which will absorb certain colors and reflect others giving the appearance of being darker. What you’re bringing up is factors correlated to skin color so heavily that one factor can directly predict another, in this case darker skin results in some kind of blood or something (idk exactly what ur talking about cuz ur kinda vague). Also this video is the most ignorant video I’ve ever seen, but that’s not related to this thread ig.
@@jantheman6159 thank you 💯💯 someone finally speaking facts
@@jantheman6159 ...Culture is the reason for prejudices, not so much color.
Racism towards the White Race is based on Lies of the Amoral Nihilistic Left.
The majority of people on earth are people of Color and not Caucasion. The Western Hemisphere is 80% Hispanic and Black and they call the White Race Racist when it is they who come into the States and 30 years later are quick to turn on the Host and cry FK America...Racist White people . Is there White Supremacy in South America, Africa, ASIA?...no!...I believe a lot of hatred towards White people is based on Jealousy.
Blue, Grey, Green, Hazel, and Brown eyes,. And hair color being Blond, Brown, Aurburn, Blond,and Red hair only the white race has these qualities. Men probably don't care but females must long to have the diversity in Hair color and eye color....My opinion.
@@adorablyadorable5665 most true shit they choose to leave Africa and come to our white countrts then complain about shit, if you don't like it go back to Africa then.
why are there skull differences between the races?
When the judge threatened to put EA in jail, then turned to wink at Mr.Racist, I got goosebumps!!😭🙏
it's not mr racist he is race itself
That's called bribery
I thought the judge was under the mask of the racist
I agree when applying to colleges they should not know our race. I believe it should be fully based on merit. I do not believe any race should get special privileges.
@@emmettchretien6335 how does wanting equality in the education aspect of life a problem for you snow flake?
Is it common in the us to ask for the race? As an european, i cant imagine that. We never have to tell anybody things like religion, race, etc. Its just unbeliewable for me
Does that actually happen in the US? None of the Colleges I applied for here in the UK asked for race or even Gender
@@mbs4 because Americans are racist
“They basically did us like hunger games, got playing” 😂lmao very accurately true😭
1:35 Imagine going to jail for cussing🤣
That is actually sad. However, that is RUclips now.
Its coz hes black amd its about race
Here in the UAE, you can be punished by law for saying words to insult others like 'stupid' and other stuff, yeesh
@@jay3252 good
@@mujtab8siddiqu1 What?-
He proves a great point
ruclips.net/video/0W37JMgA2uM/видео.html ye right
ruclips.net/video/kL4q2FqWjsA/видео.html Enough ! Petition! Change!🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏how many centuries must we wait?
prince ea : 1
racism : 0
You don't know what checkmate is do you?
Racism : 9
@@Cheese-gs7wu stfu
@@Cheese-gs7wu stfu
Lol, you guys can only say "stfu"?
This is the most truth I have heard in forever! We all should wake up and live this.
When a rapper switches careers to become a lawyer.....
Lol xd 🤣
He’s not even a rapper he’s just a lying wrong cringey source telling dumbass
@notislmao me?
@@VaughnOfficalMusic shut the hell up my nigga you have a fucking cat on your profile picture
@@user-gi1mk2ef7w oh I’ve had that on my profile a long time ever since I started RUclips a long time ago. And watcha mean so what if i have a cat on my profile pic that doesn’t matter at all. And you do realize I’m not the only one that thinks Prince EA is stupid it’s a really popular opinion in one of his videos he said milk can break your bones and he gives shitty sources and also he made a fucking school where he scammed millions of people.
Hey Mr ea, I want to say that if you continue like this all of earth will actually listen to you to change this world
i really hope so
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
brown people LOLE
@@Brandovichie mate you good XD
@@Brandovichie meanwhile your stuck In that mentality, many people will move on
Diversity is fine, it makes the world colorful and vibrant. Human ego and arrogance that tend to make anything they associated/identified themselves with superior than other IS the problem.
Always has been.
I believe this is an important step we will eventually climb and surpass, the human race will sooner or later evolve past our primal instincts of division and aggression towards ourselves.
In truth human diversity destroys diversity, mixture of peoples destroys the unique cultures and traditions of the world
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves."
- Prophet Muhammad pbuh last sermon
Full sermon
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abd Al-Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O people, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.
O people, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except bypiety (taqwa) and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O people, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.
Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qu'ran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people”.
(Reference: See Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1623, 1626, 6361) Sahih of Imam Muslim also refers to this sermon in Hadith number 98. Imam al-Tirmidhi has mentioned this sermon in Hadith nos. 1628, 2046, 2085. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has given us the longest and perhaps the most complete version of this sermon in his Masnud, Hadith no. 19774.)
@Julio Cesar progress is not a synonym for good and diversity has done no good for anyone except leeches
This hit hard and cut deep to the core. We are all one species (Human)) packaged in different pigments and appearance that can be scientifically proven as to why we look different. But greed, hubris , jealousy and hate is what has divided us. This is a lesson so many people refuse to learn. The end result of this will be our extinction as a species. Irony is it won't be carried out by a natural disaster, but by humanity itself.
Guys, we all poop the same color.
Me and you shit in the same toilet at different times, we are declared brothers
I....don't .....think.....so🤣
Me with blue dye cupcake: *I am five parallel universes ahead of you*
Imagine being hired to play the person in the KKK
Bro I think he was sad for getting that role . Poor him
I would be happy
@@Cheese-gs7wu why
What is KKK I don't know can you say it
@@sudhavalliammai380 its a group of people(cult). That kills people of color.
"If you tell a big enough lie and keep repeating it people will eventually come to belive" Imposter will remember that
People always found it weird when I talk to ppl, the last thing I notice is their skin color. I could have a whole conversation with a stranger and if someone where to ask me their skin color most of the time I genuinely won’t remember
You have like a Dory memory xd
the world needs more people like you
Same ngl
There's nothing wrong with noticing skin color. That's what people, including you, don't understand. You're overcompensating and causing more of a problem with that way of thinking. The idea is to not attribute NEGATIVE CONNOTATIONS to that skin color.
@@Riptionatorit’s not that i don’t choose not to see it. I’m completely alright with acknowledging it. It’s just i grew up in a healthy household my mother being black and dad being white. It’s because i grew up in healthy households i never really seen color or rather it’s so insignificant it’s not what tend to notice first
God told me that we humans are one ☝🏿☝🏾☝🏽☝🏼☝🏻
We are one
Made in his own image ♥️
Racist you forgot☝
If an imaginary person is speaking to you, you might wanna see a doctor
PEA: pure blood only exist in harry potter
queen elizabeth: *royal angry noises*
So underated
Truth. Honestly, that Europe (a so called "first world" country) still has the concept that some people deserve better treatment than others because of who their parents are is disgusting.
@@sdathomas5088 It happens here too. It’s not what you know it’s who you know.
@@sdathomas5088 disgusting alabama kind or the racist kind?
"Its not about Black History month, let's make Human History"
Me who has to take 15 different Chapters about Human History and a test on them every month: You underestimate my *power*
Do you learn human history or half history this video should make you ask that question
Well honestly most of the stuff people learned constantly gets changed every certain amount of years so no you should never believe them and you also shouldn't believe that everybody in the world came from Africa..
This is a pathetic defense video 😂
@@warriorchiefmussolini706 everybody did atleast 50,000 years racist you
I always hate it so much when no matter if someone tries to be racist or tries to very "non-racist" they end up dividing both nevertheless
@kubsonixd6845,, YOU And Those That Agreed, MUST BE INORGANIC/ELEMENTALS Or NPCs Because Your SOULLESS Feelings Are Hurt! PEACE&LUV
Love and best wishes to all! 💖 Great video!
Lol here is another shit
Delete this comment, I don't need a virus eating another virus
@@NQbIe your acting like RANDOMIZED CHANNEL ruined regans life
@@affordablex4914 lol
@@BM-ch9ut Delete your so called "reply" because thats not a reply thats just a virus trying to eat us that is even unworthy of eating my shit you punk, say sorry and act like a human. Have manners.
He's almost old enough to be President!!!
Please no
@@lorenzoluciani7458 Please elaborate on what you mean by "please no."
@@AMATCHALATTE He means that people will change by there power
@@hansgettheflamenwarfer55 Can you please elaborate on that? I still don't get it.
I won 7 minutes in my life. Thank you, sincerely.
Thank you really much for the heart Prince Ea. I have a question, what did you study to come with these awesome videos?
He studied at the University of Missouri-St. Louis with a full scholarship and a degree in Anthropology,
@@ebenezeradumarfo3745 Thanks
He probably study his own life ☹️
@Ayooluwa Adeleye honestly 💓
@Ayooluwa Adeleye yeah me too
how does this not have way more views? many people need to hear this, he is spitting nothing but the truth. People need to hear this
WOW... that was incredibly powerful! Thank you so much Prince Ea, for all you do .
Not what I expected, well done
*sheds tear*😭
I can not explain how I feel about this man, this man is a legend, a god, a beautiful man of nature, we all love you😀
Yeah he is not GOD
He is not a god there is only 1 God and that is our father
It says “a god”, not THE god, but A god
There is no 'god' worthy of worship except ALLAH.
There ain't any god, there is The God which is ALLAH.
I just realized racism is like saying a polar bear is better then a black bear. 🤦🏼🤦🏼
Well recently I just heard Louis Hay say something very powerful, she said, "A soul has no colour and it has no gender" Also, Ktee Shibambu, this African Female Poet wrote, "There is only one cure that can heal every sickness that separates humanity, and that cure is love, for love, love is powerful"
Thank you my African Prince!
Martin luther king would be proud
This is the reincarnation of martin luther king
@@Shinano1944 ok rasist person
@@zoeytheratcha8368 ...... wot
would he though you can't speak for a dead person
The moment where you said the DNA of humans has been tracked down to a tribe in africa shook me.
Great vid
You honestly didn’t know that?
@@sebastiancarrillo7083 yea until I saw the vid
@@sebastiancarrillo7083 obviously a lot of people don’t know that. Especially the s*itty racist people.
Some people don't know that?...
When they pulled the mask off of race the biggest goosebumps I have ever had happened
what is he trying to show by doing that?
@@cobycarranza156 I think he was trying to show that we don't have to blame one "color" because some are racists
@@cobycarranza156 that racism itself is not a specific person, ANYONE can be racist, just like everyone can be good, decent peeps
@@mauriciovaldez4270 ^ Yeah that's definitely what he was trying to convey.
"Pure blood only exist in Harry Potter"
Called it
Amazing video like always ^^. The amount of work put into this is a lot and I can tell that, I'll await the next one!
The metaphors and facts you put in this makes it even more powerful. This is an extraordinary piece of art work.
This is my favourite video that you have made. It just reaches a different place and gave me a different way of thinking. As a black person myself I have faced the exact same problems that you have explained. There needs to be a change.
Were the comments only just turned on?
Yep, I was here 11 seconds after the vid was released, and comments were disabled
Yea it was....
Yesss! Glitches!
@@PrinceEa k
@@PrinceEa what about the likes ...
its still invisible
I actually gave my students a reflection activity about "I AM NOT BLACK" and this video will be for another reflection paper about social inequality, discrimination and racism. THANKS Prince EA for motivational and inspirational video to fight against INEQUALITY!
People also need to stop demonizing the word "discriminate."
Do you know, what's the word one uses (or at least used to use) instead of the phrase "tell the difference"? It was the word "discriminate."
For example:
Can you discriminate between an apple and an orange?
Can you discriminate between a dog and a cat?
Can you discriminate between a male and a female?
Can you discriminate between these two twins?
Can you discriminate between these two coins?
If one wishes to use "discriminate" to refer to social prejudice i.e. racism (which doesn't really exist according to this video), then the phrase "seperative discrimination" should be used instead.
Separative Discrimination is when discrimination is used to separate common individuals to the point of making them 100% different from each other.
I have always believed that we need to stop defining people by race and checking them into boxes. We need to just exist as one human race and stop labeling each other into different groups. Glad I'm not alone.
Thank you.
Genetically race does have more of an effect than just pigmented skin just like how some are genetically stronger or taller but I do agree with you
This was a great video, thank you. We are one species living together on a the same Pale Blue Dot. We gotta stop hating on each other based off arbitrary categories. And while things have gotten better, we have a long way to go!
“We are one people with many stories forget the categories” can I get a yessir
ye sir
@Espurrrxd You- you broke the chain..
I got goosebumps when he took the mask off ngl
One of my favorite lines in a book was about this runaway kid who was oblivious to race it said something like he didn’t see black he saw amber, dark tan, or brown but never once did he ever see a black person
Maniac Magee right?
@@bubba3484 yes that’s the one
Resism is such an important movement for building a more inclusive and compassionate world. It’s all about recognizing our shared humanity and supporting each other, no matter our differences. Let’s continue to spread kindness,understanding, and equality, and work together for positive change
I hope Everyone get this beautiful massage
U mean message
No he means massage
I'm sour and need a massage
@@Kingkodiakbear well I hope you got the massage and maybe a happy ending
@@pigeonmaster1361 you aswell
I am incredibly impressed by the ability of you and your team to take the concept of "race" and condense the critical learning into 7+ minutes. This is what's needed to help those who are prisoners of their whiteness to start reconsidering the lies upon which their entire identity is built.
You missed the ENTIRE point of the video.
This wasn't about anti-whiteness. The point was that race itself doesn't exist. We are all one race, the human race. The sooner we get passed this made up concept that is race, the sooner we will be able to find common ground amongst ourselves, regardless of the color of our skin.
The fact you attacked "whiteness", shows you believe in "White Supremacy", meaning you believe in "Race".
Listen closer to the video, and you'll understand it's always been a tool used to exploit the poor, regardless of skin color.
"Race" doesn't exist. We're all human, we all bleed the same, we're all the same on the inside.
Just called the ceo of racism. He’s quitting his job after he saw this.
Oh thank you so very much for this art that speaks!! I've admired your work and appreciated your message for a while, but fell out of touch with the social media. I'm so happy to see my favourite creators are loyal to the truth!
I guess this is where the saying “money is the root of all evil” comes from
Actually.. that quote is out of context. There's 3 words missing.... The actual saying is "The greed for money is the root of all evil"
James Charles knew we were sisters all this time....
And honestly, I think Prince Ea would be a really good lawyer..
In order to stop racism, we have to stop talking about it.
-Morgan Freeman
One of many steps
Pee pee poo poo chech
I don't think that's right..
" "
- Gordon Freeman
This should be on spotify
Why is their no comments for this amount of views?
They were only just turned back on, they were off before
or likes
Not much to say it’s just facts
hi peoples likes aren’t being shown
This man told the whole history of life
No the history of the human life.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28 ✝️🙏
Amen 🙏🏿😭
Amen 🙏🏽 ❤️
*“There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.”*
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
This video should get a few billion views.
The way he makes these into stories is amazing.
No he is a God
No .. He is an actor .. stupid ass
@@netwhiz2199 ok
@@sanmarino8605 Not a God
@@nassseerrrr4605 ya he is
Ok but besides the point why the hell is a horse in the court lol
It looks badass
Just my take on it, but to probably show that the racist can't come off this "High Horse" mentality. The horse is also probably black to give a visual representation for the definition of racism. Not sure why it's in the court room though. 😂 Prob reading too deep into it idk.
@@cuhhheesecuff419 or maybe Mr race was just lazy to walk
I think is a metaphor
One of the best videos on RUclips, great work brother, thank you
He's not calling "Racism" to the stand. He's calling "Race" to the stand.
Thank you! Just because Race is a social construct (made up), it doesn’t mean that what we call Racism isn’t real. Call it whatever you want, but prejudice and bigotry against ppl based on skin color, ethnicity, culture, religion, country of origin, language (other than English in the U.S.) IS REAL. This video is being used by Fox News watching, Glen Beck loving RACISTS as propaganda to support their racism. “See! This black guy said there’s no such thing as race, so we can’t be racist!”
@@maryalyce1151 Racism is real BECAUSE of the social construct of race.
What blows my mind is when I say the same thing I am called a racist. It's strange. I gave up trying to convince people that the more we focus on race..the further it will divide us. Sad. Just treat everyone with kindness. It's really not that hard. Peace.
People don't want to become one, they all want to say they are up for "uniting as one" but they really deep down don't because then they can't be victims of racism etc and be pampered and given all the attention.
@@punkrock1989 Nope. Black ppl want to end racism. If you got rid of racial categories tomorrow, we'd still have racism. That's why "color blindness" never worked. Once racism is defeated, race will fall away. Not a hard concept unless you're part of the master race.
How is he not president?
Cause when white people got Barak Obama they thoght it was the worst thing to happen
Because he's not "pure blood"
Because he's smart and doesn't have a lot of money
People only listen to dumb people with all the money in the world
@@jazminbelenrodriguez-chave3459 Well Obama's precedency, to be honest, wasn't that great at all. He bombed the middle east all day. This video is saying to treat people like humans and the same as everyone else. Obama didn't really follow through with that message....
I just came across a video by Prince Ea this morning. This was the first time I had heard of him. It was a video about education. It echoed everything I have been saying for years as a mother of 3 gifted but different children. So, I went to his channel. The content, creativity in delivering a message so spiritually. Reaffirming my own personal beliefs, the message and truths that I speak and teach to my children. The validation that comes when you learn you’re not just one. I align with your thoughts 100 percent, from evolution to checking a box to acknowledge a concept that was created to compare and divide.
Please keep making videos. I will keep sharing them.
After viewing this video and a couple of others, I conclude Mr. Prince Ea that you are brilliant. The world should know you...The world WILL know you!!
This needs to played on all national news and world wide news. Great work i always felt that we as humans were 1 of the same not multiple like the media plays us out to be.
That was amazing, you really nailed it with the science part.
This person is the first one I’ve ever seen to actually see the world in a different way best of luck for you and your RUclips channel prince ea
This is one of the best and most important video i have watched! Such a clear cut message, everyone can get behind, unless the ideology of "race"ism is too entrenched in their mind
@Joel Alex Damn straight!
“When we identify where our privilege intersects with somebody else's oppression, we'll find our opportunities to make real change.” ― Ijeoma Oluo
It’s crazy to think that in a world full of humans, the hardest thing to find is humanity
I am waiting for that one day that the whole world gon know your name prince ea 👑
Brilliant absolutely brilliant! I can’t believe how mean some people can be do different races, these facts you showed are amazing I had no idea about some of them!!
I just wanted to tell you that I am alone and avoided . I am always hated and sad. Depressed and sadness kills me everyday.
No one supports me all alone everytime and even my own family call me useless everyday
Remember that you are loved and that you are not alone. I want you to remember that someone out there cares and I’m one of those people I support you I’m here for you if you need any thing
You are worthy of anything you desire in life. Do not let other people dictate the terms of your life, even family, because you are the one that has to live it. You have a voice and it will be heard. You are strong, but humble. Compassionate and tolerant of others. Acceptance is the key to everything. Change how you think and you will change how you feel. Go forth and be who you want to be. You never have to walk alone or be alone. Helping others is the fastest way to finding yourself.
The people of the RUclips comments are here for you!
God bless.
I am 15 and I was inspired by you, know I am a motivational speaker
I love this man’s writing ✍️ 🙏
This was beautifully written and executed. Extremely informative and needs to be shared.
This is a beautiful, inspiring, amazing, piece of art.
This hasnt been seen by nearly enough people. Respect bro.
This is gonna be played in schools across the world in 50 years the same way we learned about the I have a dream speech
He actually did it boys. He sued the CEO of racism.
This is a joke btw
I love his videos! Because he is so motivational!!!
_These_ are the types of videos that should be presented I'm schools. _These_ are the types of videos that really teach you the meaning of important matters. I learned more from this than in school, which is saying something...
Other then the message, this was a nice throw back to your school video, I was like “omgggh it’s da judgeeeeeee”