Age of Empires 2: DE Campaigns | Alaric | 5. A Kingdom of Our Own

  • Опубликовано: 17 дек 2019
  • Back to Hard difficulty xD Anyway, I guess just don't build the Castles until the end?
    In this scenario, we round off our adventures as the Visigoths by invading Gaul and Iberia to finally gain our own land. To do this, we must build Castles in three large cities and maintain them. Saraus and the Roman Army also must be dealt with as well!
    Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / ornlu_aoe
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Комментарии • 101

  • @chapteriv3053
    @chapteriv3053 3 года назад +54

    i saw sarus had the highest score everytime i lost but didnt know he had "this much" impact... without sarus this mission %90 more easy...

    • @Cra3ier
      @Cra3ier 2 года назад +4

      yup Sarus is one of the strongest army lol

  • @mrbatukhan6791
    @mrbatukhan6791 4 года назад +52

    For slower players like me: Just lure Saurus & kill with crossbows & the initial army using the transport ships. Then return all your units back to base & build an economy while defending. Build two castle, one at the north & one south of your base. North to protect the flank from Yellow. Next, take out the red base using LC & Skirms. Avoid using Gold heavy units. Once Red is destroyed, leave only his dock/ Market Intact & start building plenty of trade cogs. Use these trade cogs to get free gold ^^. No one will build any ships now, you only left yellow & cyan as enemies. Yellow doesn't build any heavy siege except scorpions so the castle at the north should defend it well. Garrison Crossbow inside for faster attack. Though u may want to keep a few halberdiers & LC & monk.
    Don't build castle on the red base. Keep many LC in the south to destroy Cyan Trebutchets that come along. By now, your economy should be booming & you should have a huge stockpile of food & wood while gold starts streaming in. You should be able to afford all upgrades tech by now.
    Go to the north & start wrecking his base, your south is well defended once all your research is completed. Once yellow falls, go to cyan by spamming out infantry & rams & trebs. They're be wrecked by now.
    As long as no enemy is defeated, the roman empire won't come looking for ya. Just keep their market alive will do.

    • @drakekingblackheart5481
      @drakekingblackheart5481 3 года назад


    • @blastass
      @blastass 3 года назад +4

      If you take out the two towers northeast of the map and build a palisade wall early on yellow will try to path around it and send their units all the way around through the south of the map, that way you only have to worry about attacks from one side. As long as there's no buildings in sight they won't try to take down the walls. You can then place your castles together for extra protection. I placed four of them, it was a meatgrinder lol.

    • @drakekingblackheart5481
      @drakekingblackheart5481 3 года назад

      @@blastass i tryed that i faced an unending wave of enemys

    • @blastass
      @blastass 3 года назад

      @@drakekingblackheart5481 Did you kill purple early? They produce the most units. It's fairly easy too as you only have to kill Saurus himself(the hero unit). If you aggro him he just marches to his death towards your castle and resigns.
      Once purple is gone you can just build a gate on the wall and march your army to yellow mostly unopposed.

    • @drakekingblackheart5481
      @drakekingblackheart5481 3 года назад

      @@blastass after 1 restart i did it do the other ais make more units if he is left alive becuse it feels like it ( i spent 4 hours on that also i learnd that defeating an enemy means that the romans attack you that slowed me down so much)

  • @komasdfg
    @komasdfg 4 года назад +20

    i left sarus at the start, didnt think could kll sarus that way. man, he was giving me tough time in this campaign, ridiculous army spam from sarus.

    • @omgwaffles09
      @omgwaffles09 4 года назад +12

      I find it hilarious the description says defend and then use your superior numbers once things "settle down". All that happens is Sarus gets to the point where it goes full goth spam if you don't kill him off while you have to defend from the rest. There's no outnumbering that since he's basically replicating whatever you can produce.

    • @DidYaServe
      @DidYaServe 2 года назад

      Yeah, I left Saurus' army alone and they became really strong. I was just about to quit and then I saw the king himself trying to raid one of my defensive castles so I took him out. After that I gradually killed off every other army including the Romans. You don't have to actually build three castles in the requisite spots. Deathmatch victory can win you this level.

    • @muatring
      @muatring 2 года назад +3

      @@omgwaffles09 The secret to beating Sarus Goth spam is by spamming champions, since Sarus will deploy a mix of huscarls/halbs/champions, while champion is better than both huscarls and halbs in melee, so a full stack of champions will steamroll over sarus waves and you'll be able to move towards his base while grinding away at his army.

  • @omgwaffles09
    @omgwaffles09 4 года назад +12

    I followed the wikia strategy to beat this. You immediately go for Sarus with everything bar 3 villages which you leave to build up an economy in the normal place. You build a castle (by using the market) once you kill the tc and the 2 towers in their base. When you kill sarus their castle just disappears so you can set up another tc immediately. That way all the enemies attack your middle base which you can focus on defending and leave your first base untouched for the whole scenario so you can boom without the harassment interfering with your main economy. You also get another gold supply once what you start with runs out. It worked really well although Telosa is a b*stard with the trebs when attacking the middle... he uses a choke point surrounded by trees so you can't kill them fast enough with your infantry before telosa brings your castle down.

  • @nemiejaugan636
    @nemiejaugan636 4 года назад +11

    Valentia became Valence, Tolosa became Toulousse and Narbo became Narbonne, and they are all in France.

    • @quieresmuslo
      @quieresmuslo 2 года назад

      Thanks! was looking for this and could not find Valentia.

  • @MonsieurWatcher
    @MonsieurWatcher 2 года назад +12

    I usually like to take my time to fortify my army and economy when playing a mission, but doing it in this particular scenario really backfires mostly because of Sarus
    My first base, the one you get after crossing the sea, got destroyed so I had to fall back to that small piece of land where you start the map. I had to put all my houses in there plus farms, and one of each military building plus monastery and market and a castle all crammed into that piece of land
    My strategy against red was to spam a lot of galleons to do as much damage to his structures and units (plus Sarus' units that came in to help him) from a distance after destroying his docks and camping at that spot, then I delivered many waves of huskarls to destroy what was out of range. My castle got destroyed so I gave up on castle placement up until the very end
    Then I tried to take back my intended base that I lost at the beginning but that place got swarmed by purple, blue and yellow units (plus romans which by now where also coming for me). By now everyone was maxed out on military unit buffs so it took me a long time to clean up. They would also swarm in other parts of the map
    Then I went in for yellow starting slow but then gave up in favor of facing Sarus' base. A major pain in the butt that was, but I used a lot of galleons to surround his small island and did multiple waves of petards by boat that had to travel all the way down from the start of the map, where I had my castle and dock
    In the end I chose to destroy every single base and enemy except for one red hussar and one roman paladin that were lost on the map. So satisfying after this very strenuous scenario. Couple thousand units killed

    • @deyanpetrov4447
      @deyanpetrov4447 2 года назад +1

      this mission took me 8 hours lol (then again my 2x speed isn't working for some reason)

  • @tanveersakib2494
    @tanveersakib2494 4 года назад +7

    "The huns are coming.."

  • @Hasjasja
    @Hasjasja 3 года назад +4

    Start like Ornlu with sending your initial troops to Sarus to attack his town centres, while using your villagers to build a castle directly under his mill. After you defeat Sarus, use his island to build your town, not the starting place across the river. Wall off the northern and southern entrances with palisade gates.
    Then pick the weakest enemies one by one. The key here is to wait to build the castles until you destroyed at least two bases, because then the other enemies won't attack those.
    Not too hard this way, it's just takes some patience to build your eco and army.

  • @gustavorestrepo6512
    @gustavorestrepo6512 6 месяцев назад +1

    I followed a similar strategy - moved my initial troops to Sarus base, destroyed some of his towers and buildings, tried to engage Sarus who was standing next to his castle but I was afraid of the castle's barrage of arrows so I retreated towards the entrance to his base. Sarus did not follow me so I was not able to lure him out. I went ahead and created 4 barracks right next to his base, recruited around 20 huskarls. For some reason Sarus then opted to leave his base and attack my starting base all the way to the northeast of the map! Not sure if the AI bugged or what but he was not accompanied by a big army, he had maybe 4-5 other units with him so I overwhelmed him with my huskarls and killed him.
    The strategy of camping on your initial position and trying to build your economy and military before engaging anyone will backfire very quickly because if you let Sarus build his base, he will overwhelm you with elite troops later on.

  • @DidYaServe
    @DidYaServe 2 года назад +2

    OMG I had some ordeal playing this level.
    I managed to get a castle down in the yellow base twice only for them to be taken. With stone running out on the map, I couldn't build any more castles but out of stubbornness, I continued to play as I had the highest score and didn't feel like quitting.
    I proceeded to take down each opposition army, one-by-one, by spamming with halberdiers and skirmishers whilst selling off wood and food to make trebs from my remaining defensive castles.
    After hours of play, I managed to find two tiles of stone all the way over on the west side of the map but it wasn't enough to build three castles.
    Thinking I had failed, I decided to kill off a few remaining cyan woodcutters and, lo and behold, I was awarded victory against my expectations!
    Not the best way to win but certainly an endurance contest.

  • @VdWck
    @VdWck 4 года назад +10

    Nice! This helps a lot, as the mission is so hard.
    Oh, it is settled in Gaul (France), not Spain :)

  • @ChildericWilson
    @ChildericWilson 2 года назад +2

    Basques were not a Celtic people. They lived in Gaul before the Celts (and Romans, and Goths, and Franks...) arrived. Hence their bizarre language.

  • @alishawai2180
    @alishawai2180 2 года назад

    man what can say you are amzing thanks to you i almost finsh most of campaigns

  • @hay4664
    @hay4664 Год назад +3

    The first time I beat this mission it took me 6.5 hours.

  • @emilyding2496
    @emilyding2496 3 года назад +5

    Simplified version of the Alaric Campaign: GOTH SPAM.

  • @valentinmaican5744
    @valentinmaican5744 4 года назад +5

    Why u no trade guilds at the start of the scenario? Great video, more please!
    P.S. After building the Visigothic Empire, tear it down in the Berber campaign!

  • @AcidOverseer
    @AcidOverseer 4 года назад +11

    Jesus sauros was a pain in the ass in this mission didn't know you could just pull him to your base.

    • @inconemay1441
      @inconemay1441 4 года назад

      I was planning to rush to his base with my initial forces plus trebs, but he came to my TC and pretty much sealed his fate there

    • @gamerdanger7717
      @gamerdanger7717 3 года назад

      @@inconemay1441 lol

  • @masterpc-9845x
    @masterpc-9845x 3 года назад +7

    I had trouble with this mission for months and you video helped. Thank you!
    Here’s what I did:
    1. I also sent my huskarls near purple and then Sarus appeared like what you did. He then went on a suicide mission and I had one less enemy afterwards.
    2. I disabled red’s military production by destroying all of their buildings. I didn’t defeat them as it will trigger blue to attack me. I kept red’s market standing so I can trade with them.
    3. I sent a huge army to destroy teal’s castle. I managed to destroy it although I lost my whole army doing it. Still, it made the scenario a lot easier.
    4. After I rebuilt my army, Yellow and teal were the next to get disabled. Again, I just leave their town center standing until the last. The scenario is peaceful from that point onwards.
    5. I sent my villagers to build the castles simultaneously and I won before blue got activated.

  • @Leon.Stanic
    @Leon.Stanic Год назад +1

    Amazing mission, nice challenge for better players.

  • @mundolincurve7577
    @mundolincurve7577 2 года назад +3

    Sarus is a monster in this campaign ... I had to play with navy only while gathering wood on the starting island to win this campaign haha

    • @tunezmusic661
      @tunezmusic661 8 месяцев назад +1

      I only using Hussar to win this campagin :v

    • @MrDeeb00
      @MrDeeb00 8 месяцев назад

      wow really? amazing lol I will try it @@tunezmusic661

  • @Comando115
    @Comando115 3 года назад

    Damn man i spent hours fighting against Saurus endless waves, then restarted and I growth as soon as possible to defeat the yellow (the easiest one) but I needed to defend my village af, then I discovered a glitch were u can wall some villagers far from cyan trebuchets then they won’t touch you anymore in order to fight against purple and red more chill (still hard but not impossible) and finally went to cyan empty city (because his troops are trying to get walled villagers) and gg
    Dude the most complicated mission after 6 campaigns in hard, this is awesome.

  • @felixcroc
    @felixcroc 4 года назад +5

    Valentia is Valence, France
    And the Basques aren't Celtic. They're actually related to the people who lived in Europe before the Indo-Europeans came.

    • @nemiejaugan636
      @nemiejaugan636 4 года назад

      They are more of a Gallic descendant though, which means they are Frankish with Celtic cultures.

  • @akiraigarashi2874
    @akiraigarashi2874 4 месяца назад

    Sarus was such a pain. I don't like to spam infantry, but he annoyed me so much that I built like 6 barracks and just sent a ton of champions against him. He literally never stops producing units

  • @SusanRavenwolf
    @SusanRavenwolf Год назад

    This mission gets me crazy

  • @apocalypt397
    @apocalypt397 4 года назад

    What are the requirements for the achievement? It says destroy all roman castles before 30 min. Does this mean you have to destroy the blue player? Or does everyone count as roman as the scenario plays in roman Gaul?

    • @jimboslice7862
      @jimboslice7862 4 года назад +2

      previous scenario, friend

    • @apocalypt397
      @apocalypt397 4 года назад +5

      @@jimboslice7862 yeah. There is a translation mistake for the German steam achievement page ...

    • @d.6065
      @d.6065 4 года назад +1

      Anjin even for italian version

  • @jpturvey8898
    @jpturvey8898 3 года назад +1

    Send the Hussar to find the market. Send everyone by ship to Sarus camp. Kill the mangonel, Buy stone and wood to build castle and siege workshop. Send ram to lure the castle fire while you dogpile on Sarus. Then build camp on the island, then you can defend yourself purely with ships and castles while you pick off each city.

  • @thelonepainter4760
    @thelonepainter4760 4 года назад +7

    Any advice?? I cannot beat this level.😫

  • @laurentdietrich578
    @laurentdietrich578 2 года назад

    I don't think you're in Spain. Valentia here is the french one. You're inbetween Valentia and Narbo, to the East. That makes you somewhere near Avignon (west from it, other side of the Rhône)

  • @shalolo8572
    @shalolo8572 4 года назад

    How you kill Sarus so fast

  • @janisberzins1734
    @janisberzins1734 3 года назад

    You are right about Sarus. But speedrunner Tei makes it even easier in His guide.

  • @TheSpiritof76
    @TheSpiritof76 4 года назад +4

    Tried this a couple of times without killing Sarus early but can't see a way to beat it, seems like this "cheese" is the only way to win

    • @mrsimonb3
      @mrsimonb3 3 года назад

      it's possible but extremely difficult and time consuming. i couldn't find the sarus hero unit to trigger resignation so i fought them normally first time, took 3h40m :(

  • @shahriarchowdhury7871
    @shahriarchowdhury7871 3 года назад +1

    why does your DE visuals look more like the HD one?

    • @evanrudibaugh8772
      @evanrudibaugh8772 3 года назад

      He's got a mod to make the trees small. It makes it a bit easier to see everything... but it's a little visually weird, isn't it?

  • @mynmyself
    @mynmyself 4 года назад

    Tolosa is a city in northern Spain, in the basque country indeed. Im not fully sure about the celt heritage of the basques though. Celtic culture is more prevalent in the western side of the peninsula such as galicia and northern Portugal.

    • @nemiejaugan636
      @nemiejaugan636 4 года назад

      Basques descended from Franco-Gallic people. Both Franks and Celts are a good representation for Basques.

  • @AnthonyWilliams-gq2sw
    @AnthonyWilliams-gq2sw Год назад

    Currently using the starting island to build up eco my 1st target is Saurus

  • @paolomitoroga9652
    @paolomitoroga9652 4 года назад +2

    Hi, can you do the achievements of steam: Rome was destroyed in one day
    Destroy all Roman castles within 30 minutes of the start of Alaric's 5th mission, "A Kingdom of Our Own".?

  • @El.Sasquatcho69
    @El.Sasquatcho69 9 месяцев назад

    They made this harder on standard even. I had to blow up my forces to take out purple dude. Cause I literally did the same thing he never came an fought me til I came back and got the other Tc and castle hurting. But I literally did the exact same deal an when I got back with more troops he done had 5 barracks and was spamming me

  • @seleukosnikator7347
    @seleukosnikator7347 4 года назад

    Valentia = Valence in France. Near the Rhone

  • @waghprasad
    @waghprasad 3 года назад +1

    Omg lol I didn't even know Sarus was a actual NPC here. I just put a naval blockade on both sides of the mid island trapping him there. Guess my galleons killed him at some point. Really dumb AI, will spam endless units at you but will run away from any warship in their path. I guess I exploited the bug. Anyway for anyone who had it hard like me (I'm slow), kill Sarus's trade units with galleons and he will eventually resign when outta gold else be ready for endless torture. Took 3 hours on my first play though.

  • @zentecno4120
    @zentecno4120 4 года назад

    Why don't u get some cavalry?Focus resources?

    • @ianlese6190
      @ianlese6190 4 года назад +6

      Goths are an infantry civ. Their cavalry are sub-par. Huskarls are good, fast and powerful.

    • @LegendKingY2j
      @LegendKingY2j 2 года назад

      @@ianlese6190 true but in my case i massed some light cavalry to ambush the enemy trebuchets before they could damage me

  • @vibepatinus5879
    @vibepatinus5879 9 месяцев назад

    The romans coming after you defeat someone makes it more harder because of their fucking legionary decimating my huscarl horde

  • @ferrousallotrope
    @ferrousallotrope 9 месяцев назад

    They've beefed up Sarus in DE so sending the initial troop to kill him doesnt work anymore. 400 HP, 20+2 attack at least 5/2 armor

    • @mercenarymudcrab
      @mercenarymudcrab 6 месяцев назад +1

      You need to immediately build a blacksmith and research Blast Furnance to reliable kill him.

  • @ComfortingColourlessLight
    @ComfortingColourlessLight 4 года назад +2

    You can just kill Sarus, you don't need to destroy the TC.

    • @jsk3911
      @jsk3911 Год назад

      if he stands near the castle it's hard because castle will kill huscarls quickly

  • @donjunior
    @donjunior 3 года назад +1

    Leave Saurus develop, kill Red first, be against 5 enemies.
    It took me freaking 3h15mins on hard. Won by conquest.

    • @LegendKingY2j
      @LegendKingY2j 2 года назад

      same but i left everyone alive and played defense lol

  • @organicspectroscopy7242
    @organicspectroscopy7242 4 года назад +2

    Your face reveal though.. :P

  • @EmilioVentura-sh8yi
    @EmilioVentura-sh8yi 2 месяца назад

    man, watching you play, i feel like an ass, i can't pass this stage. congratulations.

  • @themissingpeace7956
    @themissingpeace7956 3 года назад

    Valentia becomes the french city of Valence.

    • @Bleifuss88
      @Bleifuss88 3 года назад

      That's correct, but there is also a Valentia which became Valencia, it's all a bit confusing

  • @Ryu-br4tx
    @Ryu-br4tx 2 года назад +1

    It legit took me 4 and half hours to finish this mission holy shit, the blue spamming paladin's, scorpions and trebs are so so annoying...

  • @coola3428
    @coola3428 3 года назад +1

    The goths have a kingdom of it´s own today kind of it´s is calld Sweden. I read it on wikipedia

    • @XMehrooz
      @XMehrooz 3 года назад

      I thought they were Vikings, but what do I know? I'm not a Swede countryball. :(

    • @victort.9466
      @victort.9466 3 года назад

      Spain, you mean. Visigoths are the ancestors of the spanish. Sweds are vikings.

    • @coola3428
      @coola3428 3 года назад

      @@victort.9466 Read some facts. I made a frikeaing video

    • @victort.9466
      @victort.9466 3 года назад

      @@coola3428 link ?

  • @lewwy.j9865
    @lewwy.j9865 4 месяца назад

    Bari is the the hardest? Mate look at this one I can't even catch a brake they just keep coming 😫😫

  • @mikesully110
    @mikesully110 4 года назад +1

    Villagers are OP every game everyone just spams them

  • @liveridge2696
    @liveridge2696 3 года назад +1

    Thought will get over this in around 30 minutes and get back to study but the ai 27'd me....

    • @elmo4672
      @elmo4672 3 года назад

      what does 27'd means?

    • @liveridge2696
      @liveridge2696 3 года назад

      27= You played two hours to die like this??

  • @aureliuspro6448
    @aureliuspro6448 Год назад

    the whole map is in France dude, not Spain, tolosa = toulouse, narbo = narbonne, valentia = valence

  • @tsartomato
    @tsartomato Месяц назад

    and this is why you don't allow fans to make fanart maps

  • @manoflowmoralvalue1560
    @manoflowmoralvalue1560 4 года назад +1

    Galicia is like Scotland in Spain, the people also reflect that attitude.

    • @nemiejaugan636
      @nemiejaugan636 4 года назад

      Gallic represents Roman Age Gaul. More like Frankish one.

  • @AerthManolo
    @AerthManolo Месяц назад

    Oh man. I really wish Sarus offed himself in my TC fire so i wouldn't spend 3 hours straight defending against infinite goth post imp spam

  • @Bafio24
    @Bafio24 2 года назад

    Sarus brings the Onagers which pretty annoying

  • @sidthekid1170
    @sidthekid1170 3 месяца назад


  • @RadekCrazy1
    @RadekCrazy1 3 года назад +1

    Without Saurus this map is pretty easy. With him tho. I spent few hours killing infinite trash unit spawm. This fucker cheats no way he has that much gold!!

  • @gabrielmarcelino570
    @gabrielmarcelino570 Год назад

    noooo 😢i want to see broadcaster's face 😢

  • @barbarosa3d239
    @barbarosa3d239 3 года назад +1

    Gosh, this scenario is soo badly designed and balanced.. one of the worst.