The true meaning of GENDER

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2021
  • We hear a lot in our culture today about gender and gender identity. But what does gender have to do with our identities from a Catholic perspective? Where do we get the word gender? And what is its true meaning? Let's take a look.
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Комментарии • 45

  • @albertfuertes2794
    @albertfuertes2794 2 года назад +7

    How brutally complicated people are and how extremely simple is God… that’s why very often we don’t “connect”.

  • @PVCGunita
    @PVCGunita 2 года назад +3

    I first heard this from Christopher's talk with Matt Fradd in Pints of Aquinas. Still gives me goosebumps haha

  • @christopherthorkon3997
    @christopherthorkon3997 Год назад +2

    Excellent and important.

  • @cvs-podcast
    @cvs-podcast 2 года назад +1

    Truth. God bless.

  • @thomasinaction
    @thomasinaction Год назад +2

    Thanks for making so much sense haha

  • @michaelhansell1116
    @michaelhansell1116 2 года назад


  • @slhopf
    @slhopf 2 года назад +1

    What document did Benedict XVI write that in?

  • @carlswindelliv2701
    @carlswindelliv2701 Год назад +1

    I am so glad and happy that gender dysphoria was never a cross I had to deal with!!!!!!

  • @aprilchesnut4532
    @aprilchesnut4532 2 года назад +2

    Can you do a video on the limits within the sexual act of marriage stating what is allowed and not allowed?

    • @michaelmicek
      @michaelmicek 2 года назад +1

      I think he does cover that in "Good News about Sex and Marriage" (I seem to have misplaced my copy) and that the answer is, once you exclude contraceptive acts, there is very little of mutual consent that is definitively prohibited.
      It would be imprudent to attempt to make a list of everything that could possibly be permitted.
      (Which people can find scandalous.)
      The Church doesn't really say much about what married couples can do in their bedrooms, only that they must not render the act infertile.
      Check out "Holy Sex!" by Greg Popcak which goes into how to deal with this.

    • @JP2GiannaT
      @JP2GiannaT 2 года назад

      Ditto the recommend for "Holy Sex".

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 2 года назад

      You are definitely allowed to make babies ;)

    • @carlswindelliv2701
      @carlswindelliv2701 Год назад

      What's very interesting also that I picked up on is boy oh boy was pope Paul the 6th prophetic when he said in his encyclical Humanae Vitae that allowing contraception into society would basically lead to hell on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very wise!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can see the wicked fruit of contraception everywhere now!!!! People not wanting to get married!!!!!!!!!! Marriage being mocked!!!!!!!!! Gender being mocked!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men wanting to become women!!!!!!!!! Women wanting to become men!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @alphonsineclement1852
    @alphonsineclement1852 7 месяцев назад

    What will you say to the couple ( who’s married ) and don’t want to , or can’t afford to get pregnant (because of their financial situation) but is sexually active ( as husband and wife should be) . What advice would you give to that person who may get pregnant every time they have sex and get pregnant?
    And may already have five or so children.

    • @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute
      @TheologyoftheBodyInstitute  7 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your question. Christopher and his wife Wendy address more specific questions and give more detailed advice in their weekly podcast. Feel free to submit your question here:

  • @ArgyllPiper90
    @ArgyllPiper90 2 года назад +3

    First viewer 😎

  • @alinagumenuk6949
    @alinagumenuk6949 9 месяцев назад

    Im not sure that sex was ever purely linked to procreation. And people has always been driven by personal desires. I dare to say that men had even more freedom in that area and more privilege to do so. Sex has always been used to show power over another human being, to get pleasure and satisfaction for self, even through force - such as rape. So i find it hard to understand the "generation for next generation" sole purpose declaration ‏‪ ‏‪8:59‬‏

  • @Yourunkbob
    @Yourunkbob Год назад +3

    The word "gender", up until 1955, was synonymous and interchangeable with the word "sex". In 1955, John Money, a so called sexologist, decided to use the word to represent the characteristics of men and women which he says are socially constructed. Feminists in the 1970's adopted this interpretation of the word and now, it is widely accepted as the proper use of the word.
    However, when we discuss pronouns, who decided that pronouns refer to a person's gender? Especially considering there was no difference between "sex" and "gender" prior to 1955. Who is it that determined that calling someone "he" or "she" directly refers to one's gender? If we are to accept that gender is somehow different from sex, shouldnt there be some basis for "he" and "she" specifically referring to one's gender? Yet, there isnt.
    How come when we refer to animals as "he" or "she", its automatically accepted that we are referring to the animal's biological sex but when we do the same with humans, its now widely accepted in America and other nations that we are referring to a person's gender? How does that make any sense? Are we now "misgendering" our pets? Where exactly does the nonsense end?
    Before 1955, If I referred to a woman as "she", there was no question that I was referring to the sex of the individual. Why and how has that changed? Why is it that now when I refer to a biologocal woman as "she", that is automatically accepted as a reference to her gender and not her sex? Who created that rule? If the word "sex" still refers to one's biology then a WOMAN is a SHE and a MAN is a HE. Doesnt this negate the need for gender pronouns under the new age definition of "gender"? When was it concluded that pronouns cant refer to the biologocal sex of the individual? When was the rule created that pronouns have to refer to one's gender?
    We are living in a world where not only has a relatively new ideology become hard fact but now rules are being assigned to the ideology that further confuses things unneccesarily.
    I will stick to the facts. "Gender" and "sex" were never meant to have different meanings and for the vast majority of human existence, they did not have different meanings. Regarding pronouns, the idea is completely useless. If there can be new age gender pronouns then there can be sex pronouns as well. Explain to me how it is wrong refer to ppl as there biological sex. You can't force false meaning on people. If I say "he" in reference to a man's biological sex, what right does anyone have to call it a gender reference?
    Thats if you buy into all that bs. As far as im concerned, the definition gender has never changed. The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth.
    The concept of gender, in the modern sense, is a recent invention in human history. The ancient world had no basis of understanding gender as it has been understood in the humanities and social sciences for the past few decades.
    P.S. - Religion is a lie. Man isnt capable of proving or disproving the existence of a god. Study agnosticism.

    • @MsLadyK1987
      @MsLadyK1987 Год назад +1

      No one brings up John Money in these conversations enough!

    • @MsLadyK1987
      @MsLadyK1987 Год назад +1

      But right on for everything else you said as well😄

    • @Itsdasummer32
      @Itsdasummer32 11 месяцев назад +1

      Everything here is right except for the religion part I believe there’s actually proof God exists

    • @andresguevaracarvallo2039
      @andresguevaracarvallo2039 3 месяца назад

      Words are socially constructed though, pronous do not come embeded on your cromosomes, they were socially agreed upon to refer to individuals that appear in a certain way.
      Im sure you dont look at someones genitalia and then decide which set of pronouns to use, you look at a person and decide whether they look more like a woman or a man.
      But then the question comes back around, what does a man or woman look like? And that is most certainly something that is cultural and NOT biological, skirt, dresses, shorts, cargo pants those things do not come from a XY or XX set of cromosomes, yet people say that skirts/dresses are women's clothes.
      If we stick to the "facts" we wouldnt go farther than man has penis and woman has vagina. The set of social norms around gender is not fact, it is constructed

    • @andresguevaracarvallo2039
      @andresguevaracarvallo2039 3 месяца назад

      We can go further too, recent cientific studies have shown that sex isnt as simple as 'male' and 'female' and suggest its a spectrum, you can check 'The spectrum of sex' by Hilda Viloria or 'Sex redefined' by Claire Ainsworth

  • @h1o84
    @h1o84 2 года назад

    We have so many empty islands on or planet, transgender Island in stead of transgender WC

  • @yemakesbeats2858
    @yemakesbeats2858 2 года назад +1

    it is undoubtedly the case the the meaning of words changes over time; who, therefore, is to say that one meaning is more true than another?

    • @JamesUlliane
      @JamesUlliane 2 года назад +6

      Words are created to communicate mental conceptualizations of reality. Reality doesn’t change. Human body’s, minds and souls haven’t changed. Therefore the correct verbal distinctions are the ones which accurately subscribe to the reality of the human body, which I’d say is here the Catholic church’s proposal of human nature based on the way the body and psyche are designed to function.

    • @blackquiver
      @blackquiver 2 года назад


    • @trinitarian100
      @trinitarian100 2 года назад +1

      I would say that there is a difference between words evolving and - what we do now - distorting them for our own purposes.

    • @tonyamarie5971
      @tonyamarie5971 2 года назад

      Here is the read on why same-sex marriage is NOT a sin. And how the Bible NEVER said it was.
      I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and my preaching will bring world peace. Acts 3:23 says anyone that fails to listen to me will be destroyed from among the people. Stop selling anything using the name of Jesus and stop teaching the LIE of monetary tithing or you CHOOSE to spend eternity in Hell. Yes, people have free will and some people will not listen to me and that means they CHOSE to go to Hell.
      Here is the read on why same-sex marriage is not a sin. But it pretty much comes down to gender, which is located in your brain. Eunuchs did not marry in Biblical times because of the religious man-made laws. God wanted religious hypocrites to think Eunuchs referred to castrated men so that religious hypocrites wouldn't take it out of the Bible. Remember, Jesus breaks religious man-made laws to heal people. He healed on the Sabbath, He talked to a Samaritan. He talked with a woman with an issue of blood. Those were all against the law. I have an identical twin sister that is female in gender; I am male in gender. I have already had 2 prophetic words that my same-sex partner and I will have miracle babies!! This revelation came through experience as well. God showed me how I was going to marry a man that was female in gender, but, since I was molested, it will not be a man, but a woman that is female in gender. I asked God when was I made male in gender and He said, "At birth." Here is the read now. Please start sharing this so people know the truth. I almost died because of church lies.
      The Bible does NOT say same-sex marriage is a sin.
      Sodom and Gomorrah was about rape. Go reread it. They were trying to rape the angels. Nonconsensual sex is not the same thing as consensual sex unless every married couple rapes one another every time they have sex.
      And it doesn't mention monogamy in marriage of any kind.
      Plus, everyone knows that rape actually has nothing to do with sex; it has to do with domination and power. That's why they didn't want to have consensual sex.
      Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong. Mr. Graham and a guy by the last name of Taylor changed the words.
      Leviticus and Timothy are referring to the practice in Roman times when adult men would take boys as they reached puberty and have sex with them. It's referring to molestation and pedophilia.
      The German version of the Bible actually says "men who molest boys." The translation comes from the Hebrew word "arsenokoitai."
      The word "effeminate" from "Malakos" in Corinthians (Hebrew translation) isn't even referring to sex. Malakos is saying that it's a sin for men to act as people thought women acted in those days. They devalued women and treated them as property back then. Women were seen as lazy, impure, and submissive. It's simply saying men should not be lazy, impure, or submissive and is actually a quite prejudiced statement towards women.
      If a woman was on top in a sex position, it was seen as a sin back then. Women are no longer considered lower-class. Back then, it was pretty much seen as a sin if you were a woman.
      The word "homosexual" was NEVER in the Bible. It wasn't even a word until the late 1800s. Mr. Graham and a guy by the last name of Taylor changed the words of the Bible. According to the Bible, they should be in Hell. Now, I don't think they are, but according to the Bible they should be.
      Male or female is determined by GENDER, located in the brain, not sex characteristics. Gender is designated at birth. God never said if Adam had a penis or vagina. And He always tells us to look on the inside of someone.
      The Passage in Romans.
      It's speaking about orgies. Furthermore, it's addressing people who were worshipping pagan idols. But, remember male or female is determined in the brain. A male-oriented person always ends up with a female-oriented person and vice versa; It has nothing to do with outward sex characteristics.
      Therefore, if a person who is male in GENDER has sex with someone who is also male in GENDER, it's going to be shameful.
      Vile affections are people of the same GENDER having sex. That which is not natural is when two people of the same GENDER have sex.
      The passage in Romans is not referring to transgendered people either. All of the males had sex characteristics that matched their male-gendered brains. And all of the females had female sex characteristics and feminine brains. God is even the one who gave them over to same-gender attraction because they were trying to procreate during orgies!
      You also have to use discernment in cultural norms. Timothy said women shouldn't talk in church and we know that doesn't apply anymore. That's why it's ok for women to be on top in sex positions now. And that's why the passage in Deurotomy about men needing to dress as men and women needing to dress as women doesn't apply anymore either.
      And Roman Catholic men threw out the entire book of Mary Magdalene just because she was a woman.
      Then read Mathew
      . This is referring to people in the LGBTQ community and it implies they were set apart for kingdom of heaven!!!
      The Bible even says the one who can accept this should accept it!
      "For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
      Eunuchs that were "born that way" are people who are transgender. Eunuchs that were made that way were molested, raped, or abused (It doesn't happen to everyone who is abused). Eunuchs that choose to be like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that end up with someone of the same sex, but opposite in gender. Male or female is determined by gender located in your brain, given at birth, not sex-characteristics.
      ****People that think they got delivered from same-sex attraction merely met someone of the opposite gender; perhaps, they did get delivered from same-gender attraction. .****
      Stay blessed my same-sex couples and trans-gendered brothers and sisters!!
      Everyone stay blessed!
      And Remember:
      God is free and so is love!
      P.S. Male or female is determined by gender; therefore, in actuality, no one is homosexual, gay, or lesbian --> Because we all end up with partners that are opposite in gender. Hermaphrodites still have one gender or another.
      So that is the read on why same-sex marriage is not a sin. God absolutely knew what He was doing when He gave me an identical twin sister that is female in gender. I am male in gender. We were both molested at a young age. It did not effect her the same way it effected me; she did not "turn" like some people do. God showed me who I would have married if I had not been molested; he was man that is female in gender from Africa. God showed me I would have married him but because I was molested, I will marry a woman that is female in gender instead!
      Therefore, I fall into the first 2 categories of what an Eunuch is. I am transgender - born that way. And I was made that way by others - molested.
      P.S. Eunuchs still had sex back then, but they had to go in closets so religious hypocrites wouldn't kill them. Hence the term, "COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET!"

    • @JP2GiannaT
      @JP2GiannaT 2 года назад

      ...Ok, I REALLY need to re-read 1984 now. This exact question is sort of the point of that book.
      Also, this is why the Vatican uses a dead language (Latin) for all it's official documents, because it DOESN'T change over time. Linguistically speaking, it's trapped in amber.

  • @AnnularFrisson
    @AnnularFrisson Год назад

    "the neutering of our humanity..." Lovely phrasing, doesn't even attempt to shroud its dehumanization of trans people. You continue on your path. You'll feel self-righteous and fulfilled while filling your pocketbook selling books that hurt people who just want to go about living their lives. How easy that must be, how confident you must feel. Just know that you're bringing pain into this world, and with a sickly smugness. No sense in even trying to change your mind, as you have a book that thinks for you.

    • @carlswindelliv2701
      @carlswindelliv2701 Год назад +1

      And I am sure u have a book that fits for u as well everything is relative there is no absolutes!!!!!!!! Everything is gray!!!!!!!!!! Nothing is black and white!!!!!!!!!!

  • @tonyamarie5971
    @tonyamarie5971 2 года назад

    Delete these messages ,and you CHOSE to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that also means YOU CHOSE to spend eternity in Hell.

  • @pogher9081
    @pogher9081 2 месяца назад

    You obviously no idea about gender studies and its main concerns. Gender Studies is not simply about reproduction, but about discourses on power and performative acts. Your are not questioning the power dynamics behind gendered expectations, but simply reduce gender studies to the act of reproduction. Maybe remind yourself that the gospel is a liberation story of the oppressed and then rethink your take on the meaning of gender, as it only perpetuates mechanism of gender oppression. Best wishes