If you read through the master documentation, the Head Judge is responsible for determining unsporting conduct, but it seems that in this case it was not deemed significant enough to DQ.
@VeiledshotSWU I competed in this very tournament. I was playing tables down from the incident. My friend was the one who had the card thrown at him. The behavior was completely inexcusable. The problem is the gold medal was already handed out. The DQ or the ban or whatever should’ve happened right then and there. But here we are, waiting for FFG to say something.
I didn’t call a Judge cause of the Health Dispute, I called a judge cause he tossed his showcase across the table and it landed in the middle of my mat. While saying I don’t know what Iden does and said Read it
@@travfresh7340HJ is downplaying to save his ass. He’s a good dude but unfortunately not a good judge. It’s not personal, but I think we need the best guy for the job that won’t crack under pressure. Again, we love the dude but, seperating knowing the guy and being a judge, it was just not good judge work. And I’m sad to see other friends and other players affected so much from the lack of spine. It’s very unfortunate situation
By his account of events, this Head Judge lacks the maturity to be a Head Judge at this time. He is responsible for as much of this drama as the poor player
Just want to add that this player has a history of being toxic from his previous games. I don't even play Star Wars but I heard about the drama from some friends and none of us were surprised. Back in 2023, I played vs this player at a World Championship Qualifier for the Final Fantasy TCG he won the die roll and I asked if he wanted to go first. He responded "Are you F****ing Stupid?" and then proceeded to insult and belittle me the entire match. We ended up having multiple judge calls and they sided with me each time. He really shouldn't be allowed in any card game community.
The point system is ridiculous! It should be ZERO TOLERANCE! Thank you Veil, you are spot on with everything. I was defending Allen on Reddit, but now that he responded, I can’t defend his response. He failed to do the right thing.
The head Judge went into full "Cover my own ass" mode after botching a very obvious DQ. Owning up to what is clearly a huge mistake would have helped him earn back a lot of credibility and respect in the community.
I have to agree. I was defending Allen (The HJ) on Reddit, but now I can’t. He should have gave an apology and said he would learn from this and become a better judge. Now, I’m truly doubting his ability to judge.
Hey @VeiledShotSWU excellent video as usual. This is the head judge for the Las Vegas PQ Allen L. responding and it's great that I'm hearing your thoughts on this, everyone's feedback is welcome, even the more negative ones since they will help me take this position even more seriously going forward. I also hope this controversy doesn't deter players from competing in future Las Vegas PQs or playing the game. The community and the locals here are great, everyone helps each other out, they are very welcoming to new players, and they know almost everything about Star Wars if you ask them. For this event, I admit that I wasn't strict enough and that was a huge mistake on my behalf. It upsets me that I didn't know about the previous incidents at other PQs and card games from this player because if I did, I wouldn't have let him get away with what he did. It makes it even worst when they are good at the game but still act disrespectful and condescending after multiple major events to their opponents who just want a solid non disruptive game. Whatever transpired during the event was a failure on my end and I should've definitely dished out a harsher penalty immediately, but it wasn't as obvious as some of you would like to think. I'll give my reasons below, some of you will say these are mere excuses and that's fine, but I need to defend myself a bit and learn in the process of doing so, while giving my own personal perspective.
Being a head judge isn't a straight-forward experience since at the end of the day I need to make some tough decisions. The program is relatively new and not everything has been fully fleshed out, it also gets extremely hectic with so many other calls going on. Judges need to remedy a solutions almost immediately and make decisions right away because a fair amount of policy hasn't been fully articulated in the Tournament Regulations or Master Event Documents, players are on a time limit, there are deck checks happening every round, and calls to constantly respond to, sometimes you just want players to just agree and get to the point but it's not always simple, some players will sometime levy policy or judge calls to their advantage just try to other players disqualified without sufficient reasoning. Disqualifying a player is the last thing a head judge can ever do, and it requires multiple incidents of disruptive behavior (besides physical assault and stealing) in order to initiate one. Were taught to remain neutral, impartial, avoid favoritism, and never to abuse our power, but people sometimes expect us to act without hesitation. Players would need a fair warning, perhaps leading to a game loss or round loss before having to disqualify a person. My reasonings for not disqualifying THAT player right away follows: 1. I Did not have a single person prior to the incident walk up to me and inform me about his behavior, no one told me to keep a watchful eye. I can't be everywhere at once and we had at least 2 extra floor judges and staff members in the proximity, so they would've caught notice of it, but nothing was reported at all. 2 I did not catch him insulting and attacking, screaming, prior to the incident like some have stated on other online social media forums, he did seem to have an arrogant demeanor after the first judge call but that's not a rational justification for issuing a warning, plus he was mostly silent. 3. I wasn't aware of his terrible behavior in prior card games or events until after everything transpired 4. The multiple instances of berating the floor judge and mentioning that he "threw the leader for his opponent to read" happened all in one intermittent period. Yes, I should've at least issued a game loss looking back, but I felt that since he didn't cause any issues prior, or after the incident, a warning was fair enough, which I regretfully shouldn't have taken back and should've been more severe. 5. We are obligated not to abuse our power that means that if we can resolve a player's behavior without having to DQ, then we should do that first before having to enact one. The players in the community have the very right to be upset with my decisions, and hopefully some of you can emphasize with my perspective. Some of you will think it's all just made-up excuses and that if you were in my position, you would've incurred a DQ without hesitation. That's fine, even negative feedback serves as good feedback which in turn serves as fuel and purpose going forward. I'm fairly new to the program and I was chosen as head judge because the store chose me as the candidate given that I was able to handle the previous event without too many issues not because I necessarily knew how to deal with a heated situation like this one, but because I was prompt at answering as many gameplay/policy questions that came up as well as deck checks, score reporting, etc. This was really the first serious unfamiliar incident that I was ill equip at handling, but it is all vital to ensuring that I don't mess up again.
As a judge for a different game, it really is a shame that people are calling for your head regarding this, especially when they haven't judged a major event. It's similar to school vs real life: judge tests are all theory, but when it comes to the real thing, it's a whole different monster. I've had my own share of bad judge calls, and I treated them like a learning experience. The best thing that can come from this is that you learn from this and come out a better judge. I agree with the calls you made other than taking back the warning. That should have stuck.
FFG needs to step in. Judge needs to be removed. Seriously, if they are not looking into this right now its a mistake, because Greg won't stop, he will be causing issues again and people are not going to stand for it.
In the defense of Greg he is competitive I’ve played a million games with him sometimes I loose sometimes I win Greg has an energetic play style he never throws anything people are over exaggerating when he passes his leader for you to read it’s a big tournament everyone wants to win so there will be always be a bunch of offended players for minor things that aren’t a big deal. Second I was there in Las Vegas PQ and I did notice how floor head judge was rude to players even bummed into me and didn’t even say sorry. I also noticed that deck checks were mostly outside players like my self and players from the group I was there with. 3rd I felt that judge was being favorite to players he knew if you know judge been like that All tournament wouldn’t you want head judge since regular judge is trying to screw you . Greg won and you can’t take away his win even though players were being cry babies. Head judge you did your job and keep it up people fly out there spend money and time to get disqualified for exaggerated minor issues. Players couldn’t handle Greg taking the win especially those players that know him from fantasy you can’t bring issues from another game just drop it and grow up and practice hard if you want to beat Greg you lost so take the lost and move on.
@@rogerflores7936 None of what you said holds any weight. It is sounds like it was written by an employee Greg offered a free Big Mac to write some kind words. Can’t bring problems from another game into it ? So ignore this players history of this exact behavior when determining credibility? This is clearly a pattern and has been backed up by multiple people from places including his own store (where he participated in a tournament as an owner which is not allowed btw). It is not our job to ignore his past, it is Greg’s to show he has changed. Clearly he hasn’t. This is the attitude of a silver spoon clown who’s never had to face consequences for his actions. The fact he still sits in hiding with no actual defense for his actions speaks volumes. He never once took responsibility for any of it and still doesn’t. What about the kids at that event that witnessed that and were deciding if this TCG is for them? As a business owner, TCG community member and a human being, he should understand he is a representative at all times. We all get competitive or we wouldn’t play in a competitive play space. If you cannot contain your emotions and be a respectful human being under those circumstances, then stick to kitchen table and weekly play. Greg should have been, and still should be DQ’d.
One of the first things they focus on with Judge training is the integrity of the tournament. Judges are there to make sure *everyone* has a good time. It's arguably the most important job of the judge team at an event like this. If there's a jerkoff acting like a school yard bully and - what *seems* like - is making the floor and head judges kowtow to this guy...I'd say that ruins the good time of everyone but the bully. If I were that floor judge, I'd never agree to work with the head judge again. One of the *first* things a head judge should do is get the floor judge's back. I'm not saying the FJ can't be wrong...of course not. But you can't let a player walk all over a fellow judge like that. Why would a FJ want to subject themselves to that sort of treatment by a player - and then have it reinforced by their head judge? If I were a part of the decision making team with the Cascade judge team, I'd demote the head judge back to a lower level. He's proven he can't handle a big stage. Let him work his way back up running local events.
Love your vids veiled shot. As a casual player who is growing more curious about joining the competitive scene, behavior like this would most definitely turn me off from participating. I imagine toxic local store players x1000 Thanks for covering!
A disrespectful, hostile, bully arguably cheated his way to winning. This cannot be allowed to continue, it's a disgusting look for the game and an official statement is desperately needed from FFG so that things can move forwards and players do not have to deal with this kind of thing in the future.
"There was too much going on, so I decided to focus on the gameplay issue first" ?????? Bro you're the HEAD JUDGE! Did they not vet this guy? It's a massive tourney you better be able to handle a lot of things going on at once
Here's the deal with damage, it's counted with "damage counters" which are placed on the card and then subtracted from the HP written on the card itself (see 1.11.6 in the comp rules). Subtracting from the HP without placing the counters on the card and representing what's left with a die is not just bothersome, it's wrong. Keeping notes is also absolutely the best way to deal with disputes or your tokens getting knocked around because a table got jarred. The document the judge is talking about is the tournament policy document which tells players what is expected of them when they attend a tournament. Tokens or an "acceptable replacement" means you are using official damage tokens, dice, or something like different denominations of coins where both players can determine the value without issue. It can be several things as long as the game state is clear to both players. I don't know if using an electronic device is appropriate, but it's only explicitly disallowed to use to take notes. Having something for a judge to use to repair a game is always important in comp play. I know this wasn't necessarily a big part of the video, but I feel like it's important to point out.
Yeah. I always stop my matches and make sure base damage is being counted up. Usually it’s not an issue. It’s just players being taught the game wrong. Like the ones I have to constantly correct that ready resources before they draw. It could matter.
So throwing a card is OK so long as the player is not "attacking his opponent"? And there were notes about this guy's history before the tournament? And there's no chance that his erratic behavior influenced his opponents' play? This is such BS. Based on his comments after winning the PQ, the guy is a narcissist who purposely creates ambiguous situations (ex: not keeping track of damage on base, rushing his actions) so he can gaslight his opponent & the judges for favorable rulings. Dude deserves at least a year ban from competitive play.
I faced him on the seventh round before top 8. most annoying guy you can think of. tried to rule shark and lied his way on 2 different mistakes He made, saying it was allowed and I knew nothing. He was supposed to be DQ and I probably should had been in the top 8
Oooh boy. This does not make the HJ for the Vegas PQ look good - at all. Let's be honest here; everything the HJ described tells me the player, let's call them 'Greg', knows how to manipulate people. He was gaslighting judges and ultimately the HJ to get them on his side. He was also nice to the HJ knowing that by doing so, the HJ would treat them in a more positive light, regardless of their toxic behavior. Now the HJ is trying to justify their poor decision making and overlooking behaviour. Hate to say it, but this HJ shouldn't be a HJ. They sound like they don't have a backbone and allow themselves to be manipulated. I believe they tried to do what they believed was right at the time, but unfortunately just wasn't good.
For reference, there is no head judge or floor judge role in the discord. Current qualification levels (roles) are Level 1 (teal) and apprentice (green). To be a judge or head judge, there currently isn't a requirement for a certain certification level. Level 1 certification has only just begun to be available. TOs are responsible for finding/selecting judges available. In the future as more certification and training info is available, certification will be required. Judges here do appear to have L1 but more as a point of reference. Especially for people calling for demotions is a bit much
There’s good people, and then there’s good judges. Most of the time they can be both. However, when selecting judges, we can just select who we like, or maybe HJ had a crazy test score who knows. But on paper isn’t the same as IRL. We have lots of local judges who at large, are thought of as a better candidate for HJ and I think 90% of us were shocked. But without getting long winded, HJ is a nice guy, but not a sufficient judge. It’s nothing against him as a person, but I think there’s more qualified people to be HJ, we can’t have a repeat of this with such a new game and trying to make a positive and healthy competitive community. At locals he’s a great judge but with this much pressure, it seems it got the best of him. He meant well and did his best but we don’t need his best we need the correct handling of the situations. Had to be said
I’m actually shocked Allen (The Judge) didn’t simply apologize and say he will do better in the future. We all would have gladly forgave him. Instead, Allen went the other direction, and that’s a huge disappointment because I like Allen as a person.
This isn't a response on what happened. This is a report that the HJ wrote that was sent to FFG and Cascade Games. These types of reports are used by both groups for training and improvement purposes. Essentially, what areas need improved by the TR and MED, what education content does Cascade Games need to produce, etc. These types of reports are also useful for the improvement of the judge and other members of the program, such as airing mess ups so that way others know what not to do. In PQ seasons beyond season 0 of the OP program, level 3 judges will be required to run PQs. Currently Cascade Games has only released level 1 certifications. Level 3 is planned for EY25. As it currently stands, training for judges is focused entirely on game mechanics. The plan for the coming months is for training to help de-escalate and correct issues such as those in Vegas, the role of the HJ, and how to run large events such as PQs. Edit: Blue names are L1 judges, Green are Judge Apprentice. Jonah Kellman is the judge program lead for Cascade Games.
I’ll be the one to say it. Greg was a jackass, the judges were a bunch of wussies and because ffg lacks balls nothing will happen to prevent this in the future.
Sounds like we need some cantina bouncers so the judges dont get intimidated. I love SWU and im a former Bouncer for nightclubs. Hire me and ill come out and take care of it!
For counting damage on base or units its critical, because of units with Grit or Anakin leader its impossible to get grasp of how much power enemy might have.
Honestly, players with behaviors like this are why I havent gone to a competitive TCG event in years. I really dont want this mess to stifle this game we all love, but it really feels like a possibility at this point :(
Damage up is in the Comprehensive Rules - any play that is not in accordance with the CR document can (but doesn't necessarily) warrant a penalty depending on the event (competitive vs casual, higher tier of event, etc). Penalties are point-based and escalating (per the judges comments)
One small thing. The Top 8 player was accusing the judge of being partial, not impartial. I agree with you on most of this, judge called over ruled against Top 8 player gameplay wise and the Head Judge didn’t. Something there seems to be a bit partial, but top 8 player seems like a prick who doesn’t belong
Right that's what I said. If a judge is called and makes a ruling. Greg immediately yelled I disagree I appeal accuses them of bias and the head judge comes over and immediately rules in favor of Greg because "he was the only one with notes and the evidence points to him being right" the initial judge could've only ruled against him with bias
Follow up Mr. Veil, what’s your opinion on a store owner/ employee playing in their own store showdown, koth, competitive event, and taking prizing. Because Greg does this at his own store, “The Light” and that seems shady to start.
If the owner buys into the event with his own personal money I don't find too big of an issue with it, but that's only if the community is ok with it. One of the local store owners I have is pretty biased with how he handles a lot of situations so I don't find it comfortable to play at that store since he plays.
@@Raptor4184 My bad, I misread your earlier statement. I did not see the "competitive" part, I was referring to more casual events, I do not think the store owners or employees should be playing. They are responsible for running the event.
Many of my friends were there (I was supposed to go, but new job so couldn't) and witnessed this. Two of my friends made top 4 (2nd and 3rd respectively). Head judge needs a backbone. And the rude guy, should learn respect- and probably been DQ'd from the event, way before top cut.
When I started this game I was adiment about counting damage down. BUT then I learned how modifiers work and it just made sense to count up. I was dumb, and its still dumb tk count down. And even more dumb to staright refuse to change to what the RULES say
I’m an official level 1 swu judge so I have more insight than most into how this works. First and foremost. That post isn’t a response to anyone. That is a tournament report where the head judge talks about the event in general. As judges we shouldn’t (and sometimes aren’t allowed to) discuss specific people. Rest assured, there are systems in place to deal with people that behave badly during tournaments. The FFG Master Event Document lists penalties for unsporting conduct as well as aggressive behavior. But judging is really hard! You have to make judgments calls all the time. Oftentimes based on limited information. All we can do is talk to people to get as clear an image as possible of the situation and make our call based on that. This judge team didn’t find enough cause to DQ this player. That’s really all there is to it. If you weren’t there, please stop speculating. If you were there and you think the judge team did a bad job, contact FFG.
No offense, but that’s a cop out… you can not let a player be physically aggressive at an event; to be honest, y’all are lucky that another player didn’t respond in kind and hand that Greg dude his a** in a sack. I really wanted to test my mettle at a PQ event, but this has left a sour taste in my mouth. Judges should do better or don’t take on the responsibility of being a judge.
@@Zatoichiisimmortal35 I understand that. And I agree that any type of aggression should be handled swiftly and not be tolerated. It’s also what the official documents say and what the official judge lessons say. But there are two things that make this complicated. First is that the judges can only go off what they know. It sounds to me like the judges weren’t aware of how big the issues with this guy was. In the HJs mind it wasn’t fine, but it wasn’t bad enough for DQ. The second thing is that the HJs are not employees or in any official sense representing FFG/Asmodee. We are taught to represent the game and the hobby. But in the end we’re just people. The tournament organizers can use anyone they want as their head judge. In this case the head judge is a level 1 judge but that program is very young and it only says that this judge knows the rules of the game and of running tournament to some (pretty small) degree. It says nothing about experience or suitability. I don’t know if this head judge had prior experience judging or if they are suitable. All I know is that the tournament organizer for this PQ thought so.
@ I appreciate your honesty and insight on this matter. Hopefully this becomes a moment where FFG steps up to ensure that this type of situation doesn’t happen again. Have a great day!
Thank God we have you veiled shot, since all the other content creators kiss the ring of ffg for their free trips and swag at least we have you that puts the community first!!!
So, without having been there and knowing for certain the palyer's behavior, if the reports are correct, then I am 100% in your camp here. There is no place for this kind of behavior in our community. I also do not understand how the head judge justifies nearly any of his rulings. It is that guy's job to make sure it is a fair, fun, and SAFE event. It sounds like he failed at this job. While there is a lot of blame to go onto the player who behaved this way, in public... it is also on the judging staff for allowing it to happen.
It sounds like a head judge who is more concerned about advancing his standing as a judge. He seems by his own admission to bend over backwards to "both sides" the situation and say "look how impartial and fair I was".
The points system clearly doesn’t have a way to deal with aggressive behavior, however the store should have a code of conduct. By the stores rules the player should have been disqualified and kicked out of the store.
So i haven't got into this full video yet but i did watch the last one. Im always cautious of these stories because a lot of times it's just that. I work at a lgs that has been review bombed twice and even went as far to contact Asmodee to try and get us removed. Luckily for us their lies were easily disproven. We take photos and videos of our events and winners so when they claimed we didnt give out prizes and sold when i split the grogu promos across 2 events instead of 1. Was easily dispelled. What was even more funny was same group called our distribution rep directly to tell him we were selling set 3 early when he hadnt even sent our order yet. I saw their discord where they rallied people who weren't from our area and completely lied. They left negative reviews on all media they could. When they came in for an event i told them they werent allowed in the store because i wasnt going to risk another run of lies the dude cried and removed his reviews and tried lying some more. So who knows what really happened
I could be complete wrong but it really felt like The head judge was manipulated by the player saying they were against him. After that point he didn’t want to “make him right” and was using baby gloves, even implementing things that judges aren’t supposed to do (give a warning and take it back if you behave).
Just reading the bit from the player -> 'players are acting spiteful against him simply out of jealousy'... what an absolute narcissistic sociopath... along with the 'well my friends would say the opposite'... you mean the sycophants you've surrounded yourself with? Massive red flags. It really feels like the head judge (HJ) is way too lenient and soft to be HJ. As the HJ, you are the boss... and if someone is being rude/disrespectful to your people it's your job to stop that. If this player cut off a judge in front of you (when he'd called you over and cut the floor judge off when he went to explain it...), you should have shut him down there and warned him straight away. Nasty player :/ wrong call from the HJ. I really hope I don't have this at the tournament I'm going to on Saturday... maybe I should start calling people who are rude Vegas... or Greg XD 'Alright Greg'
What restrictions? There are only embargoes on preview stuff. Other than that we're clear. We didn't talk about it because we're about as far away from Vegas as we can get and we have no insight other than forum complaints.
I'm going with 2 from my local group to my PQ so at least we can back each other up if there's any nonsense like this As I'm going with Lando I think I'm mainly concerned if the judges don't understand how he works with the smuggle discount and resource destroy, it could completely ruin me 😂
This does not bode well… hopefully this will all blow over and people will forget about this in 3 months but if it happens again it’s going to be really detrimental especially if it happens in an even higher level tournament.
They need a general rule that if you are being a dickhead then you dont get to play. Playground rules for childish behavior. They can play Hearthstone if they cant play nice with others.
That should already be on the game stores code of conduct. Judges should be advised to follow stores codes of conduct. I inquired to my local judge about the incident and he said that any aggressive behavior would warrant penalties but also would never be tolerated based on the stores code of conduct and the store manager would throw out anyone breaking the rules at the future PQ.
I would like to know the win loss ratios of greg for this event. Did his frequent calls, agressive behavior, unnecessary appeals and such result in him as a control player stalling more time? Did he have an excessive ammount of 1-0 wins? This could have been his strategy to get into top 8, melee will weigh those wins higher than 2-1. He could have been attempting to exploit that system to his advantage. Especially considering he claims to "play at a higher lvl." Minor calls for things as simple as a 1 life discrepancy can be resolved quite easially without judge involvement.
In your previous video (and possibly in this, im currently about half way in), Collusion alone is grounds for a DQ. Removing a penalty for "good behavior" is not in the rules and this should not have happened. If i were the judge at this event, i would have DQ'd this person. Collusion is deciding an outcome of a match with the roll of a dice/flip of a coin. In a tournament i attended, the judges announced this at the start, and at the end of round a player said out loud they wanted to roll a dice to determine the outcome.
So hold on the judge was called over ruled against top 8 player. Top 8 player accuses judge of ruling on bias. Head Judge comes over and reverses the call because the top 8 player was the only one who took notes on the thing and such had the only evidence. So how did the first judge issue the basis of their ruling if the only evidence was contrary. That does sound like bias
I played vs pre side board guy too,actually lost to him rd 5...wouldve won but i thought he was fixing his sideboard from previous game,learned about him a round later pre side boarding and realized he did the same to me 😂😂😂 that guy pre side boarded 6 rounds before being caught/called out jango TT player, he literally did it 6 rds before he aas caught
If a judge fails to even consider the human side of playing a literal in person card game then they don't deserve to be a head judge. If you are unwilling to consider the emotions of players and only look at the gameplay side of things then the event will obviously be received poorly. Regardless to whether or not the games played were legal, if your players are miserable then they will not continue to go to your events/play the game. Terrible behaviour.
He threw the card at the guy because he passed after Trav took initiative,i was 2 tables down...he didnt heal then passed,then picked iden up and started complaining about life point total (he didnt heal) threw his Iden and said read what the effing card does....then trav called the judge thinking it would be handled because he was about to throw Greg out himself but he didnt want to be dqed himself over an assault....Greg was awarded the heal and he wouldve lost to mill damage by 1,and probably wouldnt have made top 8...wouldve been Gregs 2nd loss in rd 5...Greg had 3 or 4 warnings taken back btw before top cut!!
No bracket for top 8 either,top seed didnt start with initiative, Greg loses first rd too cut to yellow palp if they bracket,the girl who ran the PQ has played at Gregs shop before too,has pictures with him....not saying collusion but makes sense why they randomized top 8 instead of bracketing
ffg should bring the hammer down. dq the player after the fact. put 9th into 8th, and 2nd to first, etc. ban the player in question for 6 months, and demote the HJ to FJ.
How is accidentally including your sideboard cards in your main deck an offence? It's still a completely legal deck (minimum 50 cards, no maximum). That just makes it a worse deck. What's the problem?
Because at the start of each round your main deck must match the deck list you submitted for the event. Otherwise it would potentially allow players to "pre-board" if they see what their opponent is playing when they sit down and conveniently "forget" to de-sideboard from the last round, especially if they were facing a similar style of deck. Obviously having the entire sideboard in with the main deck would more often than not be worse than what I noted above, but it can still provide an unfair advantage (being more resistant to mill, for instance). The rule is in place to avoid any potential abusing of the system, since the penalty of a game loss is a pretty big deterrent.
@ isn’t the point of the sideboard that you can sub cards to better deal with what your opponent may have? Are you saying you have to play your first game without sb and only swap cards for your second (or third) game?
@@whittaker007 The point of the sideboard is to be able to adapt in Game 2, and potentially Game 3, to the strategy your opponent is running. You are not allowed to sideboard prior to Game 1 in a match. This is why sideboarding decisions are crucial and also why you usually see more situational cards in there. Stuff that isn't relevant against enough decks to run in the main board but are things that could really help you in certain matchups.
I don’t think you know what ‘impartial’ means. Being impartial means being fair. Impartial adj treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just. "independent and impartial advice"
Keep getting my comments and posts deleted by mods on Reddit but this type of player shouldn’t be allowed to represent the community. Being new to TCG and going to events can be intimidating for new players. Having some smug, disrespectful, try hard player bully his way into winning is gross. No one wants to be at a table with a jack ass, no one wants to get yelled at by some temu Bruno mars.
Wow, this much be the most useless head judge ever! Sounds completely incapable of reading the room! Warning, game loss, match loss, DQ, BAN! Learn from MtG!
If you read through the master documentation, the Head Judge is responsible for determining unsporting conduct, but it seems that in this case it was not deemed significant enough to DQ.
@VeiledshotSWU I competed in this very tournament. I was playing tables down from the incident. My friend was the one who had the card thrown at him. The behavior was completely inexcusable. The problem is the gold medal was already handed out. The DQ or the ban or whatever should’ve happened right then and there. But here we are, waiting for FFG to say something.
@@griffinfox2343thrown at him? The showcase was toss to his playmat. The judge and your friend commented it was a toss.
I didn’t call a Judge cause of the Health Dispute, I called a judge cause he tossed his showcase across the table and it landed in the middle of my mat. While saying I don’t know what Iden does and said Read it
I've never thrown a trading card in my life. It's insane.
It was the craziest thing that I’ve ever seen in a card game and the HJ failed me and every other player in the PQ that day
@@travfresh7340HJ is downplaying to save his ass. He’s a good dude but unfortunately not a good judge. It’s not personal, but I think we need the best guy for the job that won’t crack under pressure. Again, we love the dude but, seperating knowing the guy and being a judge, it was just not good judge work. And I’m sad to see other friends and other players affected so much from the lack of spine. It’s very unfortunate situation
It was a common game during elementary school during the Pokemon craze in the 90's
I was next to this while it happened it was incredibly disruptive and you are completely in the right
Typical double blue villainy behavior 😂
By his account of events, this Head Judge lacks the maturity to be a Head Judge at this time. He is responsible for as much of this drama as the poor player
Just want to add that this player has a history of being toxic from his previous games. I don't even play Star Wars but I heard about the drama from some friends and none of us were surprised. Back in 2023, I played vs this player at a World Championship Qualifier for the Final Fantasy TCG he won the die roll and I asked if he wanted to go first. He responded "Are you F****ing Stupid?" and then proceeded to insult and belittle me the entire match. We ended up having multiple judge calls and they sided with me each time. He really shouldn't be allowed in any card game community.
Sounds like greg
Idc how “passionate” someone gets, you throw a card at me you’re catching a hand.
He is severely affected by narcissism. He feels he is always right, everyone is against him, and he is a victim.
Greg and Allen shouldn't be allowed near any PQ. The scene will be better without Greg's toxicity and Allen's spineless calls.
The point system is ridiculous! It should be ZERO TOLERANCE! Thank you Veil, you are spot on with everything. I was defending Allen on Reddit, but now that he responded, I can’t defend his response. He failed to do the right thing.
The head Judge went into full "Cover my own ass" mode after botching a very obvious DQ. Owning up to what is clearly a huge mistake would have helped him earn back a lot of credibility and respect in the community.
I have to agree. I was defending Allen (The HJ) on Reddit, but now I can’t. He should have gave an apology and said he would learn from this and become a better judge. Now, I’m truly doubting his ability to judge.
Hey @VeiledShotSWU excellent video as usual. This is the head judge for the Las Vegas PQ Allen L. responding and it's great that I'm hearing your thoughts on this, everyone's feedback is welcome, even the more negative ones since they will help me take this position even more seriously going forward. I also hope this controversy doesn't deter players from competing in future Las Vegas PQs or playing the game. The community and the locals here are great, everyone helps each other out, they are very welcoming to new players, and they know almost everything about Star Wars if you ask them. For this event, I admit that I wasn't strict enough and that was a huge mistake on my behalf. It upsets me that I didn't know about the previous incidents at other PQs and card games from this player because if I did, I wouldn't have let him get away with what he did. It makes it even worst when they are good at the game but still act disrespectful and condescending after multiple major events to their opponents who just want a solid non disruptive game. Whatever transpired during the event was a failure on my end and I should've definitely dished out a harsher penalty immediately, but it wasn't as obvious as some of you would like to think. I'll give my reasons below, some of you will say these are mere excuses and that's fine, but I need to defend myself a bit and learn in the process of doing so, while giving my own personal perspective.
Being a head judge isn't a straight-forward experience since at the end of the day I need to make some tough decisions. The program is relatively new and not everything has been fully fleshed out, it also gets extremely hectic with so many other calls going on. Judges need to remedy a solutions almost immediately and make decisions right away because a fair amount of policy hasn't been fully articulated in the Tournament Regulations or Master Event Documents, players are on a time limit, there are deck checks happening every round, and calls to constantly respond to, sometimes you just want players to just agree and get to the point but it's not always simple, some players will sometime levy policy or judge calls to their advantage just try to other players disqualified without sufficient reasoning. Disqualifying a player is the last thing a head judge can ever do, and it requires multiple incidents of disruptive behavior (besides physical assault and stealing) in order to initiate one. Were taught to remain neutral, impartial, avoid favoritism, and never to abuse our power, but people sometimes expect us to act without hesitation. Players would need a fair warning, perhaps leading to a game loss or round loss before having to disqualify a person.
My reasonings for not disqualifying THAT player right away follows:
1. I Did not have a single person prior to the incident walk up to me and inform me about his behavior, no one told me to keep a watchful eye. I can't be everywhere at once and we had at least 2 extra floor judges and staff members in the proximity, so they would've caught notice of it, but nothing was reported at all.
2 I did not catch him insulting and attacking, screaming, prior to the incident like some have stated on other online social media forums, he did seem to have an arrogant demeanor after the first judge call but that's not a rational justification for issuing a warning, plus he was mostly silent.
3. I wasn't aware of his terrible behavior in prior card games or events until after everything transpired
4. The multiple instances of berating the floor judge and mentioning that he "threw the leader for his opponent to read" happened all in one intermittent period. Yes, I should've at least issued a game loss looking back, but I felt that since he didn't cause any issues prior, or after the incident, a warning was fair enough, which I regretfully shouldn't have taken back and should've been more severe.
5. We are obligated not to abuse our power that means that if we can resolve a player's behavior without having to DQ, then we should do that first before having to enact one.
The players in the community have the very right to be upset with my decisions, and hopefully some of you can emphasize with my perspective. Some of you will think it's all just made-up excuses and that if you were in my position, you would've incurred a DQ without hesitation. That's fine, even negative feedback serves as good feedback which in turn serves as fuel and purpose going forward. I'm fairly new to the program and I was chosen as head judge because the store chose me as the candidate given that I was able to handle the previous event without too many issues not because I necessarily knew how to deal with a heated situation like this one, but because I was prompt at answering as many gameplay/policy questions that came up as well as deck checks, score reporting, etc. This was really the first serious unfamiliar incident that I was ill equip at handling, but it is all vital to ensuring that I don't mess up again.
As a judge for a different game, it really is a shame that people are calling for your head regarding this, especially when they haven't judged a major event. It's similar to school vs real life: judge tests are all theory, but when it comes to the real thing, it's a whole different monster.
I've had my own share of bad judge calls, and I treated them like a learning experience. The best thing that can come from this is that you learn from this and come out a better judge.
I agree with the calls you made other than taking back the warning. That should have stuck.
What’s crazy is I haven’t seen one post or comment defending greg.
In their private discord they’re defending him and making a plan. We saw it before we got booted for calling him out
FFG needs to step in. Judge needs to be removed. Seriously, if they are not looking into this right now its a mistake, because Greg won't stop, he will be causing issues again and people are not going to stand for it.
Ban him from Worlds
Probably one of the smartest things to do. The guy already walked away with the promos and prizes for winning as well as the $400 store credit.
This PQ seems to be getting enough attention, that it may warrant a comment on the next FFG live stream
'Thanks Greg' is the first scandal/drama of SWU and I was here for it.
Actually it's the second! Last pq round had an issue too.
Thanks Greg is now the official SWU response to someone being a stanky butt sucker
Actually third Pasadena PQ he was supposed to be DQ by telling his opponent to give him the match because his tie breakers were higher.
In the defense of Greg he is competitive I’ve played a million games with him sometimes I loose sometimes I win Greg has an energetic play style he never throws anything people are over exaggerating when he passes his leader for you to read it’s a big tournament everyone wants to win so there will be always be a bunch of offended players for minor things that aren’t a big deal. Second I was there in Las Vegas PQ and I did notice how floor head judge was rude to players even bummed into me and didn’t even say sorry. I also noticed that deck checks were mostly outside players like my self and players from the group I was there with. 3rd I felt that judge was being favorite to players he knew if you know judge been like that All tournament wouldn’t you want head judge since regular judge is trying to screw you . Greg won and you can’t take away his win even though players were being cry babies. Head judge you did your job and keep it up people fly out there spend money and time to get disqualified for exaggerated minor issues. Players couldn’t handle Greg taking the win especially those players that know him from fantasy you can’t bring issues from another game just drop it and grow up and practice hard if you want to beat Greg you lost so take the lost and move on.
None of what you said holds any weight. It is sounds like it was written by an employee Greg offered a free Big Mac to write some kind words.
Can’t bring problems from another game into it ? So ignore this players history of this exact behavior when determining credibility? This is clearly a pattern and has been backed up by multiple people from places including his own store (where he participated in a tournament as an owner which is not allowed btw). It is not our job to ignore his past, it is Greg’s to show he has changed. Clearly he hasn’t.
This is the attitude of a silver spoon clown who’s never had to face consequences for his actions. The fact he still sits in hiding with no actual defense for his actions speaks volumes. He never once took responsibility for any of it and still doesn’t.
What about the kids at that event that witnessed that and were deciding if this TCG is for them? As a business owner, TCG community member and a human being, he should understand he is a representative at all times. We all get competitive or we wouldn’t play in a competitive play space. If you cannot contain your emotions and be a respectful human being under those circumstances, then stick to kitchen table and weekly play.
Greg should have been, and still should be DQ’d.
One of the first things they focus on with Judge training is the integrity of the tournament. Judges are there to make sure *everyone* has a good time. It's arguably the most important job of the judge team at an event like this. If there's a jerkoff acting like a school yard bully and - what *seems* like - is making the floor and head judges kowtow to this guy...I'd say that ruins the good time of everyone but the bully.
If I were that floor judge, I'd never agree to work with the head judge again. One of the *first* things a head judge should do is get the floor judge's back. I'm not saying the FJ can't be wrong...of course not. But you can't let a player walk all over a fellow judge like that. Why would a FJ want to subject themselves to that sort of treatment by a player - and then have it reinforced by their head judge?
If I were a part of the decision making team with the Cascade judge team, I'd demote the head judge back to a lower level. He's proven he can't handle a big stage. Let him work his way back up running local events.
Love your vids veiled shot. As a casual player who is growing more curious about joining the competitive scene, behavior like this would most definitely turn me off from participating. I imagine toxic local store players x1000
Thanks for covering!
A disrespectful, hostile, bully arguably cheated his way to winning. This cannot be allowed to continue, it's a disgusting look for the game and an official statement is desperately needed from FFG so that things can move forwards and players do not have to deal with this kind of thing in the future.
"There was too much going on, so I decided to focus on the gameplay issue first" ?????? Bro you're the HEAD JUDGE! Did they not vet this guy? It's a massive tourney you better be able to handle a lot of things going on at once
Here's the deal with damage, it's counted with "damage counters" which are placed on the card and then subtracted from the HP written on the card itself (see 1.11.6 in the comp rules). Subtracting from the HP without placing the counters on the card and representing what's left with a die is not just bothersome, it's wrong. Keeping notes is also absolutely the best way to deal with disputes or your tokens getting knocked around because a table got jarred. The document the judge is talking about is the tournament policy document which tells players what is expected of them when they attend a tournament.
Tokens or an "acceptable replacement" means you are using official damage tokens, dice, or something like different denominations of coins where both players can determine the value without issue. It can be several things as long as the game state is clear to both players. I don't know if using an electronic device is appropriate, but it's only explicitly disallowed to use to take notes. Having something for a judge to use to repair a game is always important in comp play.
I know this wasn't necessarily a big part of the video, but I feel like it's important to point out.
Yeah. I always stop my matches and make sure base damage is being counted up. Usually it’s not an issue. It’s just players being taught the game wrong. Like the ones I have to constantly correct that ready resources before they draw. It could matter.
So throwing a card is OK so long as the player is not "attacking his opponent"? And there were notes about this guy's history before the tournament? And there's no chance that his erratic behavior influenced his opponents' play? This is such BS. Based on his comments after winning the PQ, the guy is a narcissist who purposely creates ambiguous situations (ex: not keeping track of damage on base, rushing his actions) so he can gaslight his opponent & the judges for favorable rulings. Dude deserves at least a year ban from competitive play.
I faced him on the seventh round before top 8. most annoying guy you can think of. tried to rule shark and lied his way on 2 different mistakes He made, saying it was allowed and I knew nothing. He was supposed to be DQ and I probably should had been in the top 8
Another reason that he should be DQ all the people he beat for some bs reasons or not, he was allowed to play and knocked good honest people out of
Greg champion from Vegas wining is winning practice hard to catch him at worlds he won fairly.
Oooh boy. This does not make the HJ for the Vegas PQ look good - at all. Let's be honest here; everything the HJ described tells me the player, let's call them 'Greg', knows how to manipulate people. He was gaslighting judges and ultimately the HJ to get them on his side. He was also nice to the HJ knowing that by doing so, the HJ would treat them in a more positive light, regardless of their toxic behavior. Now the HJ is trying to justify their poor decision making and overlooking behaviour.
Hate to say it, but this HJ shouldn't be a HJ. They sound like they don't have a backbone and allow themselves to be manipulated. I believe they tried to do what they believed was right at the time, but unfortunately just wasn't good.
PocariWet should get a free booster box as an apology.
For reference, there is no head judge or floor judge role in the discord. Current qualification levels (roles) are Level 1 (teal) and apprentice (green). To be a judge or head judge, there currently isn't a requirement for a certain certification level. Level 1 certification has only just begun to be available. TOs are responsible for finding/selecting judges available.
In the future as more certification and training info is available, certification will be required.
Judges here do appear to have L1 but more as a point of reference. Especially for people calling for demotions is a bit much
Ban Greg for life from the tournaments
You are the best SWU RUclipsr Veiled Shot!
If damage would be counting down, then Anakin's interceptor would be OP...
Hold people accountable for disrespect and shitty behavior.
There’s good people, and then there’s good judges. Most of the time they can be both. However, when selecting judges, we can just select who we like, or maybe HJ had a crazy test score who knows. But on paper isn’t the same as IRL. We have lots of local judges who at large, are thought of as a better candidate for HJ and I think 90% of us were shocked. But without getting long winded, HJ is a nice guy, but not a sufficient judge. It’s nothing against him as a person, but I think there’s more qualified people to be HJ, we can’t have a repeat of this with such a new game and trying to make a positive and healthy competitive community. At locals he’s a great judge but with this much pressure, it seems it got the best of him. He meant well and did his best but we don’t need his best we need the correct handling of the situations. Had to be said
HJ also doesn’t even play the game, while the two FJ actually play the game and are quite good and seem as the authority on all rulings locally
Sounds like the “head judge” is not a good judge and is trying to cover their arse.
I’m actually shocked Allen (The Judge) didn’t simply apologize and say he will do better in the future. We all would have gladly forgave him. Instead, Allen went the other direction, and that’s a huge disappointment because I like Allen as a person.
This isn't a response on what happened. This is a report that the HJ wrote that was sent to FFG and Cascade Games.
These types of reports are used by both groups for training and improvement purposes. Essentially, what areas need improved by the TR and MED, what education content does Cascade Games need to produce, etc. These types of reports are also useful for the improvement of the judge and other members of the program, such as airing mess ups so that way others know what not to do.
In PQ seasons beyond season 0 of the OP program, level 3 judges will be required to run PQs. Currently Cascade Games has only released level 1 certifications. Level 3 is planned for EY25. As it currently stands, training for judges is focused entirely on game mechanics. The plan for the coming months is for training to help de-escalate and correct issues such as those in Vegas, the role of the HJ, and how to run large events such as PQs.
Edit: Blue names are L1 judges, Green are Judge Apprentice. Jonah Kellman is the judge program lead for Cascade Games.
I’ll be the one to say it. Greg was a jackass, the judges were a bunch of wussies and because ffg lacks balls nothing will happen to prevent this in the future.
Sounds like we need some cantina bouncers so the judges dont get intimidated. I love SWU and im a former Bouncer for nightclubs. Hire me and ill come out and take care of it!
For counting damage on base or units its critical, because of units with Grit or Anakin leader its impossible to get grasp of how much power enemy might have.
Thank you for calling this out. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated
Honestly, players with behaviors like this are why I havent gone to a competitive TCG event in years. I really dont want this mess to stifle this game we all love, but it really feels like a possibility at this point :(
This guy shouldn't be a judge, let alone a head judge.
This is PQ and in Las Vegas, there should be streams somewhere, we need to see it for ourselves
"Don't be a Greg." should be added to the unofficial rules of play.
Damage up is in the Comprehensive Rules - any play that is not in accordance with the CR document can (but doesn't necessarily) warrant a penalty depending on the event (competitive vs casual, higher tier of event, etc). Penalties are point-based and escalating (per the judges comments)
100% agree with your stance on the matter. Judge seems to not want to engage in confrontation.
One small thing. The Top 8 player was accusing the judge of being partial, not impartial. I agree with you on most of this, judge called over ruled against Top 8 player gameplay wise and the Head Judge didn’t. Something there seems to be a bit partial, but top 8 player seems like a prick who doesn’t belong
I think I mispoke to be honest, but I don't remember what part/what times I said it because I was focused on the whole issue at hand, haha.
Right that's what I said. If a judge is called and makes a ruling. Greg immediately yelled I disagree I appeal accuses them of bias and the head judge comes over and immediately rules in favor of Greg because "he was the only one with notes and the evidence points to him being right" the initial judge could've only ruled against him with bias
@@VeiledShotSWU yeah, it happened a few times so I thought I’d point it out but it was easy to understand the point being conveyed. Great video
Follow up Mr. Veil, what’s your opinion on a store owner/ employee playing in their own store showdown, koth, competitive event, and taking prizing. Because Greg does this at his own store, “The Light” and that seems shady to start.
If the owner buys into the event with his own personal money I don't find too big of an issue with it, but that's only if the community is ok with it. One of the local store owners I have is pretty biased with how he handles a lot of situations so I don't find it comfortable to play at that store since he plays.
@ if they’re on the clock? I mean if it’s like Greg where they win almost every event, it seems like it would ruin the fun
@@Raptor4184 My bad, I misread your earlier statement. I did not see the "competitive" part, I was referring to more casual events, I do not think the store owners or employees should be playing. They are responsible for running the event.
@ yeah casuals nbd, but like koth, store showdowns, etc
Damage counting up is specified in Tournament Regulations 3.1.5 as mandatory.
Many of my friends were there (I was supposed to go, but new job so couldn't) and witnessed this. Two of my friends made top 4 (2nd and 3rd respectively). Head judge needs a backbone. And the rude guy, should learn respect- and probably been DQ'd from the event, way before top cut.
When I started this game I was adiment about counting damage down.
BUT then I learned how modifiers work and it just made sense to count up.
I was dumb, and its still dumb tk count down. And even more dumb to staright refuse to change to what the RULES say
I’m an official level 1 swu judge so I have more insight than most into how this works.
First and foremost. That post isn’t a response to anyone. That is a tournament report where the head judge talks about the event in general. As judges we shouldn’t (and sometimes aren’t allowed to) discuss specific people.
Rest assured, there are systems in place to deal with people that behave badly during tournaments. The FFG Master Event Document lists penalties for unsporting conduct as well as aggressive behavior.
But judging is really hard! You have to make judgments calls all the time. Oftentimes based on limited information. All we can do is talk to people to get as clear an image as possible of the situation and make our call based on that.
This judge team didn’t find enough cause to DQ this player. That’s really all there is to it. If you weren’t there, please stop speculating. If you were there and you think the judge team did a bad job, contact FFG.
No offense, but that’s a cop out… you can not let a player be physically aggressive at an event; to be honest, y’all are lucky that another player didn’t respond in kind and hand that Greg dude his a** in a sack. I really wanted to test my mettle at a PQ event, but this has left a sour taste in my mouth. Judges should do better or don’t take on the responsibility of being a judge.
@ sounds like you think I was there. I wasn’t.
@@PontusWelinyou are correct… I apologize. I was speaking about judges in general, and I have edited my comment.
@@Zatoichiisimmortal35 I understand that. And I agree that any type of aggression should be handled swiftly and not be tolerated. It’s also what the official documents say and what the official judge lessons say.
But there are two things that make this complicated. First is that the judges can only go off what they know. It sounds to me like the judges weren’t aware of how big the issues with this guy was. In the HJs mind it wasn’t fine, but it wasn’t bad enough for DQ.
The second thing is that the HJs are not employees or in any official sense representing FFG/Asmodee. We are taught to represent the game and the hobby. But in the end we’re just people. The tournament organizers can use anyone they want as their head judge. In this case the head judge is a level 1 judge but that program is very young and it only says that this judge knows the rules of the game and of running tournament to some (pretty small) degree. It says nothing about experience or suitability.
I don’t know if this head judge had prior experience judging or if they are suitable. All I know is that the tournament organizer for this PQ thought so.
@ I appreciate your honesty and insight on this matter. Hopefully this becomes a moment where FFG steps up to ensure that this type of situation doesn’t happen again. Have a great day!
I made a big post on Reddit about mods silencing discussion on thus so yeah thanks for expressing our concerns.
Thank God we have you veiled shot, since all the other content creators kiss the ring of ffg for their free trips and swag at least we have you that puts the community first!!!
Hopefully, this will not be the head judge at the Worlds Event
So, without having been there and knowing for certain the palyer's behavior, if the reports are correct, then I am 100% in your camp here. There is no place for this kind of behavior in our community. I also do not understand how the head judge justifies nearly any of his rulings. It is that guy's job to make sure it is a fair, fun, and SAFE event. It sounds like he failed at this job. While there is a lot of blame to go onto the player who behaved this way, in public... it is also on the judging staff for allowing it to happen.
He should've been DQed as per the rules the judge program tells us.
Lessons learned - don’t be a Greg
It sounds like a head judge who is more concerned about advancing his standing as a judge. He seems by his own admission to bend over backwards to "both sides" the situation and say "look how impartial and fair I was".
The points system clearly doesn’t have a way to deal with aggressive behavior, however the store should have a code of conduct. By the stores rules the player should have been disqualified and kicked out of the store.
So i haven't got into this full video yet but i did watch the last one. Im always cautious of these stories because a lot of times it's just that.
I work at a lgs that has been review bombed twice and even went as far to contact Asmodee to try and get us removed. Luckily for us their lies were easily disproven. We take photos and videos of our events and winners so when they claimed we didnt give out prizes and sold when i split the grogu promos across 2 events instead of 1. Was easily dispelled. What was even more funny was same group called our distribution rep directly to tell him we were selling set 3 early when he hadnt even sent our order yet.
I saw their discord where they rallied people who weren't from our area and completely lied. They left negative reviews on all media they could.
When they came in for an event i told them they werent allowed in the store because i wasnt going to risk another run of lies the dude cried and removed his reviews and tried lying some more. So who knows what really happened
Will make less people play the pq and the game gg
I could be complete wrong but it really felt like The head judge was manipulated by the player saying they were against him. After that point he didn’t want to “make him right” and was using baby gloves, even implementing things that judges aren’t supposed to do (give a warning and take it back if you behave).
Just reading the bit from the player -> 'players are acting spiteful against him simply out of jealousy'... what an absolute narcissistic sociopath... along with the 'well my friends would say the opposite'... you mean the sycophants you've surrounded yourself with? Massive red flags.
It really feels like the head judge (HJ) is way too lenient and soft to be HJ. As the HJ, you are the boss... and if someone is being rude/disrespectful to your people it's your job to stop that. If this player cut off a judge in front of you (when he'd called you over and cut the floor judge off when he went to explain it...), you should have shut him down there and warned him straight away.
Nasty player :/ wrong call from the HJ. I really hope I don't have this at the tournament I'm going to on Saturday... maybe I should start calling people who are rude Vegas... or Greg XD 'Alright Greg'
Ask your judge to clarify expectations before starting
This guy will now be at Worlds as he won a PQ, doubt this is the last time this will happen :(
What restrictions? There are only embargoes on preview stuff. Other than that we're clear. We didn't talk about it because we're about as far away from Vegas as we can get and we have no insight other than forum complaints.
ALSO... Damage up is PER THE RULES. Cards speak to damage on base.
I'm going with 2 from my local group to my PQ so at least we can back each other up if there's any nonsense like this
As I'm going with Lando I think I'm mainly concerned if the judges don't understand how he works with the smuggle discount and resource destroy, it could completely ruin me 😂
This does not bode well… hopefully this will all blow over and people will forget about this in 3 months but if it happens again it’s going to be really detrimental especially if it happens in an even higher level tournament.
They need a general rule that if you are being a dickhead then you dont get to play. Playground rules for childish behavior. They can play Hearthstone if they cant play nice with others.
That should already be on the game stores code of conduct. Judges should be advised to follow stores codes of conduct. I inquired to my local judge about the incident and he said that any aggressive behavior would warrant penalties but also would never be tolerated based on the stores code of conduct and the store manager would throw out anyone breaking the rules at the future PQ.
I would like to know the win loss ratios of greg for this event.
Did his frequent calls, agressive behavior, unnecessary appeals and such result in him as a control player stalling more time? Did he have an excessive ammount of 1-0 wins? This could have been his strategy to get into top 8, melee will weigh those wins higher than 2-1. He could have been attempting to exploit that system to his advantage. Especially considering he claims to "play at a higher lvl." Minor calls for things as simple as a 1 life discrepancy can be resolved quite easially without judge involvement.
In your previous video (and possibly in this, im currently about half way in), Collusion alone is grounds for a DQ. Removing a penalty for "good behavior" is not in the rules and this should not have happened. If i were the judge at this event, i would have DQ'd this person. Collusion is deciding an outcome of a match with the roll of a dice/flip of a coin. In a tournament i attended, the judges announced this at the start, and at the end of round a player said out loud they wanted to roll a dice to determine the outcome.
So hold on the judge was called over ruled against top 8 player. Top 8 player accuses judge of ruling on bias. Head Judge comes over and reverses the call because the top 8 player was the only one who took notes on the thing and such had the only evidence. So how did the first judge issue the basis of their ruling if the only evidence was contrary. That does sound like bias
I played vs pre side board guy too,actually lost to him rd 5...wouldve won but i thought he was fixing his sideboard from previous game,learned about him a round later pre side boarding and realized he did the same to me 😂😂😂 that guy pre side boarded 6 rounds before being caught/called out jango TT player, he literally did it 6 rds before he aas caught
8:58 the player counting down is completely wrong. It's in the basic rules.
If a judge fails to even consider the human side of playing a literal in person card game then they don't deserve to be a head judge. If you are unwilling to consider the emotions of players and only look at the gameplay side of things then the event will obviously be received poorly. Regardless to whether or not the games played were legal, if your players are miserable then they will not continue to go to your events/play the game. Terrible behaviour.
He threw the card at the guy because he passed after Trav took initiative,i was 2 tables down...he didnt heal then passed,then picked iden up and started complaining about life point total (he didnt heal) threw his Iden and said read what the effing card does....then trav called the judge thinking it would be handled because he was about to throw Greg out himself but he didnt want to be dqed himself over an assault....Greg was awarded the heal and he wouldve lost to mill damage by 1,and probably wouldnt have made top 8...wouldve been Gregs 2nd loss in rd 5...Greg had 3 or 4 warnings taken back btw before top cut!!
No bracket for top 8 either,top seed didnt start with initiative, Greg loses first rd too cut to yellow palp if they bracket,the girl who ran the PQ has played at Gregs shop before too,has pictures with him....not saying collusion but makes sense why they randomized top 8 instead of bracketing
ffg should bring the hammer down. dq the player after the fact. put 9th into 8th, and 2nd to first, etc.
ban the player in question for 6 months, and demote the HJ to FJ.
How is accidentally including your sideboard cards in your main deck an offence? It's still a completely legal deck (minimum 50 cards, no maximum). That just makes it a worse deck. What's the problem?
Because at the start of each round your main deck must match the deck list you submitted for the event. Otherwise it would potentially allow players to "pre-board" if they see what their opponent is playing when they sit down and conveniently "forget" to de-sideboard from the last round, especially if they were facing a similar style of deck.
Obviously having the entire sideboard in with the main deck would more often than not be worse than what I noted above, but it can still provide an unfair advantage (being more resistant to mill, for instance). The rule is in place to avoid any potential abusing of the system, since the penalty of a game loss is a pretty big deterrent.
@ isn’t the point of the sideboard that you can sub cards to better deal with what your opponent may have?
Are you saying you have to play your first game without sb and only swap cards for your second (or third) game?
@@whittaker007 Yes.
@ well, today I learned!
@@whittaker007 The point of the sideboard is to be able to adapt in Game 2, and potentially Game 3, to the strategy your opponent is running. You are not allowed to sideboard prior to Game 1 in a match. This is why sideboarding decisions are crucial and also why you usually see more situational cards in there. Stuff that isn't relevant against enough decks to run in the main board but are things that could really help you in certain matchups.
I don’t think you know what ‘impartial’ means. Being impartial means being fair.
Impartial adj
treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.
"independent and impartial advice"
I think I mispoke to be honest, but I don't remember what part/what times I said it because I was focused on the whole issue at hand, haha.
Keep getting my comments and posts deleted by mods on Reddit but this type of player shouldn’t be allowed to represent the community.
Being new to TCG and going to events can be intimidating for new players. Having some smug, disrespectful, try hard player bully his way into winning is gross. No one wants to be at a table with a jack ass, no one wants to get yelled at by some temu Bruno mars.
No big deal. You said “he accused the judge of being impartial” maybe 20 times though. Lol
Wow, this much be the most useless head judge ever! Sounds completely incapable of reading the room! Warning, game loss, match loss, DQ, BAN! Learn from MtG!
😂😂😂😂 what a joke