Middle school teachers go through shooter simulation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • The Indiana State Police launched an active shooter simulation inside East Noble Middle School Friday morning. Their hope was to train teachers how to respond to a gunman by creating a scenario that was as real as possible.

Комментарии • 4,1 тыс.

  • @kenziekay934
    @kenziekay934 7 лет назад +723

    1:34 someone had way too much coffee

  • @CementCakeisboss101
    @CementCakeisboss101 8 лет назад +4121

    I would play dead because I'm stupid and can't think of an idea

  • @MrProfessorLightyear
    @MrProfessorLightyear 7 лет назад +2037

    What if there was a school shooting during the school shooting simulation?

    • @beachservers8528
      @beachservers8528 7 лет назад +53

      MrProfessorLightyear 🤔

    • @Spidey-ek4sy
      @Spidey-ek4sy 7 лет назад +120

      The police are there sooo

    • @cobra2saucy855
      @cobra2saucy855 7 лет назад +79

      what if there was a shooter simulator that no one knew about while the real shooter simulator was going on while a real shooter came in the school

    • @qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn
      @qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn 7 лет назад +22


    •  7 лет назад +50

      *player 2 has Joined*

  • @nancyvolokeini1245
    @nancyvolokeini1245 4 года назад +477

    1:44 this dude be looking like doctor phil

  • @naudalyke
    @naudalyke 7 лет назад +1373

    My right ear is educated

  • @betenoire757
    @betenoire757 7 лет назад +3550

    Kindergarten-9th grade...
    Principal: "Just huddle up with your classmates in a corner away from the windows where they can't see you."
    Me: "...so that when they walk in, they have us all where they want us, right?"
    Freshman year...
    Police Officer: "Get someone to hide behind the door. When the shooter walks in, have them knock a chair over his head. And when he's down, you all beat the shit outta him!"
    Me: "THANK YOU!!!"

    • @catpowercupcake2161
      @catpowercupcake2161 7 лет назад +112


    • @asht1480
      @asht1480 7 лет назад +17

      Jennifer Grim lol same

    • @realmofdreams4017
      @realmofdreams4017 7 лет назад +48

      Donald Sanders I know some kids in 6th grade who could kick an adults ass, so it really isnt the grade that matters. And some people like my older brother, he is 18 and he's a string bean.

    • @kennedymolo7061
      @kennedymolo7061 7 лет назад +7

      Violet Knight
      The best way to do that shooting ever

    • @sachyaxii6099
      @sachyaxii6099 7 лет назад +8

      Donald Sanders
      True, but then the teacher would still be able to hide behind the door

  • @eragonilo87
    @eragonilo87 7 лет назад +163

    1:31 girl on the back remembered she left her kid in the car.

  • @vebvin
    @vebvin 4 года назад +920

    My teacher was talking about lockdown drills the other day and mentioned that “we don’t hide because we think they don’t think we’re here, we hide because they’re looking for an unlocked and large class so they could get the highest body count.” And I think about that a lot.

    • @sacrore9
      @sacrore9 3 года назад +57

      thank you for giving me a new perceptive. I always thought it was useless to hide but it has a very good reason

    • @axtrvhalo38
      @axtrvhalo38 3 года назад +6

      thank you, poopy fart lover

    • @algorhythmic3904
      @algorhythmic3904 2 года назад +3

      Correct. Most of these shootings don’t even come close to lasting longer than 10 minutes. A typical active school shooter will not spend large amounts of time hunting for hidden students or trying to break through barricades

    • @TheeGreenApple
      @TheeGreenApple 2 года назад +17

      Ngl I didn't know this was the reason I was always like what's the point of hiding if they already know we are here

    • @dontputyourpenisinthetoast1981
      @dontputyourpenisinthetoast1981 2 года назад +3

      What in my class we have the most students in our school...

  • @Ivan-bb7bf
    @Ivan-bb7bf 7 лет назад +1346

    What if the man acting as school shooter is an actual shooter ?

    • @charlieputhfan850
      @charlieputhfan850 7 лет назад +58

      Ivan the introvert ...

    • @goldentoast_yt2079
      @goldentoast_yt2079 6 лет назад +58

      Well there are fake rounds and can't kill anyone so if they were the gun would be useless...

    • @matthewnavarro6150
      @matthewnavarro6150 6 лет назад +45

      GoldenToast_YT but he could have fucking used a real gun dumbass

    • @goldentoast_yt2079
      @goldentoast_yt2079 6 лет назад +11

      Okay, dude chill out!

    • @guestroblox4235
      @guestroblox4235 6 лет назад +1

      Ivan the introvert I think my 5 period class need this during a red code practice they started laughing

  • @starichu9427
    @starichu9427 8 лет назад +608

    It's depressing that this needs to happen

    • @bowserjrstaff4686
      @bowserjrstaff4686 8 лет назад +24

      +Johnjp2561 lol and? just because their illegal doesnt mean you cant get them

    • @challengeaccepted8835
      @challengeaccepted8835 8 лет назад +5

      +BowserJr Staff they're*

    • @liveleaky7571
      @liveleaky7571 8 лет назад +5

      guns are*

    • @koscherpotatoes4873
      @koscherpotatoes4873 8 лет назад +16

      Asides from poor English how narrow can one be to say *"It's awesome we don't have school shootouts in Europe"*, and disregard all the other tragic events such as Paris, and Nice. Sickening.. These shooters are the same reason why people choose to conceal carry to begin with.

    • @takesthreetospillthetea5151
      @takesthreetospillthetea5151 7 лет назад +3

      if white parents whooped their kids asses harder and more often
      less School shooting would occur

  • @rog9723
    @rog9723 8 лет назад +1336

    At 1:56 the lady to the left "HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND"

    • @catgirl5343
      @catgirl5343 8 лет назад

      BabbyGemini your funny

    • @SamFreedom
      @SamFreedom 8 лет назад +1

      ElitE RydeR did you come to talk to her again?

    • @lurkme5246
      @lurkme5246 8 лет назад

      ElitE RydeR Z

    • @lovelylovelylandonlovelylo2181
      @lovelylovelylandonlovelylo2181 8 лет назад

      ElitE RydeR fyyfu

    • @lovelylovelylandonlovelylo2181
      @lovelylovelylandonlovelylo2181 8 лет назад

      ElitE RydeR udguofuoy0r4jhbgjkrky
      tnhbfhniofenjortuoijoeryoierynklwrtjigp4wtnjo ig3tipjgwetogni3s

    @ILOVEFRIES-q2y 3 года назад +267

    I think this is wise. It may be scary, but it gets them prepared for a real life situation. I’m sure those teachers will do an amazing job protecting the kids.

    • @marcella1279
      @marcella1279 2 года назад +1

      They do this at my school now! I was talking to my school counselor and she told me about it!

    • @timetellnolies9425
      @timetellnolies9425 2 года назад +1

      Some teacher

    • @Zazasgs
      @Zazasgs Год назад

      Jamal is in the chat

  • @helixforce9929
    @helixforce9929 7 лет назад +99

    1:31 when you are having Vietnam flashbacks.

  • @ChungMyers
    @ChungMyers 8 лет назад +2157

    My right ear sure did enjoy this.....

  • @ridhoirvan1070
    @ridhoirvan1070 7 лет назад +744

    1:35 me looking at my exam question

  • @Xxkxkdkkskxxk
    @Xxkxkdkkskxxk 3 года назад +105

    1:33 me when the smart kid starts to panic in a test

  • @Suiseiseki00Rozen
    @Suiseiseki00Rozen 9 лет назад +1613

    1:34 someone has had waaayyy too much coffee

  • @vuguchi2526
    @vuguchi2526 8 лет назад +273

    What's going on with that women on the right!!
    I think she drunk too much coffee.

  • @Agendo.
    @Agendo. 10 лет назад +1709

    1:31 I'm fucking dying look at those eyes xD

    • @oxy6689
      @oxy6689 9 лет назад +4

      Lol me to

    • @Leostunzz
      @Leostunzz 9 лет назад +22

      Mhkek Agendo Shes stoned lmao

    • @Ryan_Duckworth
      @Ryan_Duckworth 9 лет назад +6


    • @13unner
      @13unner 9 лет назад +18

      718 Dips That's like the polar opposite of the eyes of a stoned person xD

    • @Leostunzz
      @Leostunzz 9 лет назад

      13unner I was clearly kidding.

  • @karriaa
    @karriaa 6 лет назад +123

    this is so smart , even though you can’t be Necessarly ready for these type of situations its good to practice and give the kids a peace of mind of what could actually happen.

  • @F1reboy990
    @F1reboy990 7 лет назад +436

    They did this with our teachers but one of our teachers is an ex navy seal and he just took him out

    • @jakev9697
      @jakev9697 7 лет назад +2

      Sigma lol

    • @bababooey69yearsago21
      @bababooey69yearsago21 7 лет назад +5

      Lol tango down xD

    • @TD04_Trav
      @TD04_Trav 7 лет назад +36

      You teacher pulls out a m16 tactical with 900 accessories and wall bangs 7 school shooters through a classroom door

    • @irean9364
      @irean9364 6 лет назад

      Sigma WHAT THE HELL 🤬🤬

    • @AM-eu7ut
      @AM-eu7ut 6 лет назад +1

      Love it

  • @rice1436
    @rice1436 8 лет назад +202

    my right ear is violated

  • @denneledoe873
    @denneledoe873 8 лет назад +185

    My left ear is lonely

  • @shelleyautry4917
    @shelleyautry4917 2 года назад +74

    I was apart of a training like this. Still haven’t gotten over it. That was when I realized there was no way I could fit 35 kids in my closet. And there was not a corner that was safe to hide in because I had two different doors which allowed anybody to look into my classroom. It still freaks me out

    • @takigan
      @takigan 2 года назад +3

      History has shown that the body counts really start to rack up when the shooter enters a classroom full of helpless students. In those situations, with current protocols there's little you can do except just roll over and die. It would be far smarter to instill a groupthink in those kids that are stuck in the classroom, that when disaster strikes, to assume a position that's intended to engage the attacker head-on with makeshift weapons (scissors, pencils etc.) and overwhelm them with numbers the moment they step through the entrance to that classroom.

    • @paulfagan2141
      @paulfagan2141 Год назад

      ​@@takiganI say good

    • @visibletoallusersonyoutube5928
      @visibletoallusersonyoutube5928 8 месяцев назад

      ​@takigan parents often teach kids not to be heros which is kinda sad because without heros there's no heros...... redundant i know but true.

  • @wolfneqz1087
    @wolfneqz1087 7 лет назад +268

    "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run faster than my bullet"

    • @gorillameathorsemonkey6705
      @gorillameathorsemonkey6705 7 лет назад +13

      Wolf Neqz Just stop. That meme is irrelevant.

    • @guitaria6
      @guitaria6 7 лет назад

      Wolf Neqz -.-

    • @jonathanoxlade4252
      @jonathanoxlade4252 7 лет назад +2

      Too be honest I hope pumped up kicks never gets banned lol that song is so fucking fitting it needs to be addedbin the simulation lol

    • @wethenorth3695
      @wethenorth3695 6 лет назад

      "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run, better run, OUTRUN my gun ahahah!!!

    • @thedumboneout1459
      @thedumboneout1459 6 лет назад

      Stop joking around about such serious things its not funny

  • @amandaliu7439
    @amandaliu7439 9 лет назад +488

    My left ear is lonely :(

  • @baki5019
    @baki5019 7 лет назад +203

    I think they should have an undercover armed cop in a few classes per school just like they have an air marshal on every plane.

    • @bigfoothunter8080
      @bigfoothunter8080 4 года назад +9

      That's what SRO's are for

    • @DanielLopez-fs1xj
      @DanielLopez-fs1xj 2 года назад

      @@bigfoothunter8080 my school ain’t have no security

    • @zzzarkka
      @zzzarkka 2 года назад +8

      You don’t even know how dumb that sounds.

    • @idiotkid3607
      @idiotkid3607 2 года назад

      @@zzzarkka ikr. Like imagine having a cop in your classroom all day for 8 years and is never used.

    • @kurtkolb7061
      @kurtkolb7061 2 года назад

      @@idiotkid3607 yall would say a complete diff thing if you went through anything

  • @olliexx
    @olliexx Год назад +20

    It shows how bad of a world we are in, when teachers have to train how to protect the kids at supposedly their safe place.

    • @bullcrap9409
      @bullcrap9409 Год назад

      Nope. It shows you what living in the US is like. To all the others western democracies with good anti-gun laws, what goes on in the US is sad. Gun nuts have given you a rate of gun deaths that’s several times that of any sane country. .

    • @deathhunter1029
      @deathhunter1029 11 месяцев назад +1

      The world? I think you meant the US

    • @modelmode8
      @modelmode8 8 месяцев назад

      It's not the world, this shit mostly happens in the USA.

  • @goobyplz9040
    @goobyplz9040 9 лет назад +97

    school shooter simulator? Where can I buy it on steam.

    • @thesneakybeaver6230
      @thesneakybeaver6230 7 лет назад +1

      It took me about 3 days just to learn how to download dayz on steam all because i bought the code

    • @nerfthis8744
      @nerfthis8744 7 лет назад


  • @sombererokid2947
    @sombererokid2947 8 лет назад +103

    1:34 that lady has seen some stuff

    • @dolphindude6214
      @dolphindude6214 7 лет назад +8

      Tannishnut4676 xd shes renmebering when she saw her grandmother naked in the room her grany told her not to go in when she opend the door the grandma saidnI TOLD U NOT TO GO IN THIS ROOM!

    • @lizbethquezada4019
      @lizbethquezada4019 7 лет назад

      Tannishnut4676 e

    • @gachablox3230
      @gachablox3230 7 лет назад

      Tannishnut4676 lol

    • @gachablox3230
      @gachablox3230 7 лет назад


  • @zaidaj2901
    @zaidaj2901 7 лет назад +65

    at 1:30 there's a girl teacher and her eyes look like they are popping out

    • @btslyrics794
      @btslyrics794 7 лет назад +1

      Zaida J. Yeah she scared me..!

    • @zakiaw4963
      @zakiaw4963 7 лет назад +5

      Zaida J. WTF is a girl teacher?
      It's a female teacher

    • @marisolburgos7120
      @marisolburgos7120 6 лет назад

      Zaida J. Lmao ikr it’s creeping asl

    • @edwinvalladares6761
      @edwinvalladares6761 6 лет назад


    • @izimari
      @izimari 6 лет назад

      Bat Cat, oh, so she teaches females and girls. Good to know.

  • @tacosoups
    @tacosoups 6 лет назад +2

    Its creepy to think that a future schoolshooter is probably watching this

  • @TeoAlilo_
    @TeoAlilo_ 7 лет назад +704

    1:34 when mom walk in on you

  • @susieqq3640
    @susieqq3640 7 лет назад +195

    1:34 me when I see my grades

  • @Ant0417
    @Ant0417 9 лет назад +51

    We lived in a pretty fucked up world that we even have to train for situations like this.

  • @Raghd-6
    @Raghd-6 Год назад +1

    1- Run from the windows if you can that is the best way
    2 -If you are not in the class do not try to go to one run away as fast as you can
    3- do not try to help someone or playing dead it will not work
    4 -if he is close to you try to break a mirror and use the sharp broken glass for protecting yourself
    -run from the window
    - do not try yo play dead or helping any body
    -use the broke glass from the mirror as knife if you can’t run away

  • @Bender1
    @Bender1 8 лет назад +350

    What to use to defend yourself? Chair to the face comes to mind. Maybe pair of scissors to the jugular.

  • @7avden
    @7avden 7 лет назад +197

    Me: * Stays Quiet *
    School Shooter: all
    (Why was I like this 3 years ago lmao)

    • @1114tammyify
      @1114tammyify 4 года назад +2

      Me with nikes on👁👄👁

    • @graceconnolly2266
      @graceconnolly2266 4 года назад

      lol good one

    • @7avden
      @7avden 4 года назад +5

      I typed this when I was like 11-12, I’m 15 now 💀

    • @lixzium1234
      @lixzium1234 4 года назад

      Bc u was weird as fuck

    • @dobyma
      @dobyma 4 года назад

      @@7avden 😶

  • @anapple6061
    @anapple6061 8 лет назад +67

    im now keeping a sharpened pencial, a pen in my desk now permanatly

    • @lydiab178
      @lydiab178 8 лет назад

      +Mareo Lister CX

    • @Lhamb
      @Lhamb 8 лет назад +1

      I have a butterfly knife in my desk, don't tell ;)

    • @anapple6061
      @anapple6061 8 лет назад +3

      nowall you need, is a french accent, and a mask with an invis watch

    • @elenajuarezkingjames23mamba
      @elenajuarezkingjames23mamba 8 лет назад

      same lol

    • @spyciorange
      @spyciorange 8 лет назад

      R U serious they have guns and bombs

  • @lillia.rae07
    @lillia.rae07 3 года назад +1

    1:33 When your mom is yelling at you and your trying not to laugh:

    • @ResurrectSky
      @ResurrectSky 3 года назад

      The mom the next day we will see how u laugh when we drop ur friends ded at school

  • @leahbrinkley9117
    @leahbrinkley9117 7 лет назад +116

    1:32 yikes women calm your farm

    • @f.b.i8027
      @f.b.i8027 7 лет назад +18

      Stripey Lee then again at 1:58

    • @fa99681
      @fa99681 6 лет назад

      Stripey Lee is

    • @adrungus2719
      @adrungus2719 6 лет назад

      Panda Designs lol

    • @isa3948
      @isa3948 6 лет назад +1

      Panda Designs ikr

    • @M1necraftLover20
      @M1necraftLover20 6 лет назад +3

      Panda Designs Damnnn, does she even blink? Fucking hell

  • @Sterlin876
    @Sterlin876 7 лет назад +14

    This is very smart. Putting someone in some sort of stress training gives a perspective of what to do in this scenario and what it feels like.

  • @Spw1471
    @Spw1471 9 лет назад +29

    They caught the gunman... Having a quick nap by the lockers

  • @johnrotten3268
    @johnrotten3268 Год назад +1

    Loooool this is insanity...

  • @NarutoUzumaki-ss9ym
    @NarutoUzumaki-ss9ym 7 лет назад +17

    1:31 When you see someone bald for the first time.

  • @rustybooty8978
    @rustybooty8978 9 лет назад +31

    How about shooting back and challenging the shooter?

    • @bigbradytv2135
      @bigbradytv2135 9 лет назад +4

      Schools are gun free zones for students, teachers and any non-law enforcement personnel so I don't see how that would work. I don't Not recommend bringing a gun to school even for protection. lol.

    • @rustybooty8978
      @rustybooty8978 9 лет назад +8

      +Big Brady I know. I wish they would change the law.

    • @James-hy6oj
      @James-hy6oj 8 лет назад

      +Rusty Shackleford walk around with a mini gun go in class and the teacher asks why have you got that and he reply for protection

    • @vladen14
      @vladen14 8 лет назад +4

      +Rusty Shackleford please tell me you're kidding.

    • @grimthereaper9762
      @grimthereaper9762 8 лет назад

      Because it's a school teachers are allowed to carry knifes in some but not guns that's just stupid and unnecessary so maybe think before you post

  • @ivandiaz9743
    @ivandiaz9743 7 лет назад +1110

    I hope I never get in a lockdown

    • @Boohonk
      @Boohonk 7 лет назад +9

      Little Gamer who does

    • @ronydapony976
      @ronydapony976 7 лет назад +27

      Little Gamer I hate lockdowns. Im had one in second grade. A shooter ran towards campus to hide from cops. They went into the track

    • @mayarangel3237
      @mayarangel3237 7 лет назад +8

      Little Gamer we had a lock down a few weeks ago at stevenson elementary school in russellville

    • @thatank1419
      @thatank1419 7 лет назад +5

      Little Gamer we were in a lockdown the other day before fall break

    • @maxmillianmus3689
      @maxmillianmus3689 7 лет назад

      Genderfluid Hermit crab yes

  • @jazzitupabit2997
    @jazzitupabit2997 Год назад +4

    This is the world we live in now, and we can’t control what happens on the outside of the school, but we can do our best to prepare. As a teacher, I want to be as educated as possible so that if God forbid it ever happened where I work, I will be able to take the right actions and get students to safety and if necessary defend the kids I care so deeply about

  • @t8the113
    @t8the113 7 лет назад +340

    How to traumatize the teachers PRANK

  • @jesseguajardo8592
    @jesseguajardo8592 8 лет назад +16

    this should be standard training for all schools, college and universities

    • @matthewlegge414
      @matthewlegge414 8 лет назад


    • @blackoutgaming3456
      @blackoutgaming3456 8 лет назад +3

      +Matthew Legge lockdown drills itself arent good enough.i agree they need real life scenarios

    • @Korstre
      @Korstre 8 лет назад

      Yeah, and in the elementary ones, too!

    • @hatsunemikusleftnostril
      @hatsunemikusleftnostril 7 лет назад +2

      Kugee I know that this comment is old, but that would give those poor kids PTSD.

    • @backnforth8401
      @backnforth8401 7 лет назад

      Jesse Guajardo yeah after finding a job after graduation class.

  • @FlathaxiosRGH
    @FlathaxiosRGH 10 лет назад +498

    Can somebody turn this into a game or like some kind of paint ball thing where a abandoned highschool is turned into school shooting senairos

    • @zacharyrearden5944
      @zacharyrearden5944 10 лет назад +1

      Yes !!!!!!!!

    • @darkangel13915
      @darkangel13915 10 лет назад +12

      That would be cool. I mean a paintball arena.

    • @destinyrosario6945
      @destinyrosario6945 9 лет назад +1

      Yeah actually they do some stuff like with with airsoft, the "murder" game with airsoft is really cool, U should check it out

    • @xRondogx
      @xRondogx 9 лет назад +1

      Flathaxios Airsoft may be for little kids or people who want to be in the army and such,but they actually do scenarios like this.

    • @angelasparks1975
      @angelasparks1975 9 лет назад +1

      Flathaxios this shouldn't be use as game, This training is to per pair Teachers and other staff, on what could happen within min of a shooter, that could come into the school and start shooting. I am of many students that has been effected my a school shooting.

  • @carolineaftanski6068
    @carolineaftanski6068 6 лет назад +21

    Once I got in a lock down. I cried and my friends hugged me. There was a man close to the school and it scared me so much. It was in first grade the scariest day in my life 😭

    • @ILOVEFRIES-q2y
      @ILOVEFRIES-q2y 3 года назад +2

      I’m glad you’re okay and safe :)

    • @scarymonstaz1413
      @scarymonstaz1413 3 года назад +1

      I remember one time in elementary a man tried climbing over the fence

  • @deresolute1061
    @deresolute1061 8 лет назад +112

    1:31 - Alright.. Which student slipped acid in their teachers coffee again?

  • @taunicypress248
    @taunicypress248 8 лет назад +20

    At my school we have a code brown which means that if something bad is going down around our school or on campus we go into any classroom, turn off the lights, lock the door, and go into the back room and be quiet. Until we hear a siren to know that it's safe to go out.

    • @mimilove7284
      @mimilove7284 8 лет назад +8

      I'm sorry but that just enables the killer to kill you all in one location in the dark??

    • @violettaaasiya-bey3270
      @violettaaasiya-bey3270 8 лет назад

      Every single school does that...except this school...we do the same thing in my school

    • @idks359
      @idks359 8 лет назад +3

      My school had a real one but it was bc a man brought a gun on campus and it lasted for like 3 1/2 hours and no one was hurt

    • @nicole5182
      @nicole5182 7 лет назад

      every school in canada and I'm pretty sure America follows that procedure, except in my province, it's called a 'lockdown'.

    • @jimluvsgene
      @jimluvsgene 7 лет назад +1

      Tauni Cypress I practice that at school

  • @folfinjewel2046
    @folfinjewel2046 8 лет назад +66

    Pause at 1:31😂 That lady in the backround tho

    • @kingrk5211
      @kingrk5211 8 лет назад +1

      Folfin Jewel 1:33*

    • @saltyicecube3194
      @saltyicecube3194 8 лет назад +6

      KING RK 1:58

    • @dolijuso
      @dolijuso 8 лет назад +5

      she high af

    • @cl03cl
      @cl03cl 8 лет назад +1

      Folfin Jewel xD why do I feel bad for laughing

    • @1bandzzz
      @1bandzzz 8 лет назад +1

      Folfin Jewel I Did 😂😂

  • @ratman7212
    @ratman7212 2 года назад +8

    I feel like in a realistic situation very few people will do anything because of how horrified they are it takes years of training to be able to keep calm in an active shooter situation

  • @austinrichtv6111
    @austinrichtv6111 8 лет назад +70


  • @lovelybuildsyt6627
    @lovelybuildsyt6627 9 лет назад +50

    1:30 lady's eyes

  • @imperfectapollo45
    @imperfectapollo45 7 лет назад +20

    I would have loved to be one of those students. Sure it'd be scary but just imagine taking part.

  • @alebo0
    @alebo0 3 года назад +1

    America, it's sad that you try to defend yourself from a problem you created yourselves.

  • @sevenamazingteens6220
    @sevenamazingteens6220 8 лет назад +99

    LOL, I remember this day perfectly, it was a normal day in fourth grade and I was with my teacher Miss Davis, she was a crazy teacher not in a bad way though she was my favorite teachers, one day intruder came into school and threatens the staff because their son wasn't able to go on a field trip, to the school went into lockdown in and the teacher didn't know if they had a weapon or not so Mrs Davis made us run to the back of the room, and she literally handed us every metal object and glass objects she could she handed me her coffee pot and she said if they ever come in through it at them LOL

  • @supremeofficial6525
    @supremeofficial6525 7 лет назад +22

    The lady in the back at 1:34 got me dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @nateplayzyt8152
    @nateplayzyt8152 6 лет назад +34

    2:00 When u look at yourself making a discussed face and can’t help keep making it. Also in the top left hand corner the girl has the best expression ever.

  • @kylahdemerly6471
    @kylahdemerly6471 4 года назад +1

    there is a new middle school for east noble. I recognized a lot of teachers. I am now an 8th grader at east noble middle school. it was build as I was going into 6th grade. so the new building is 3 years old and looks brand new.

    • @caramelalia2173
      @caramelalia2173 4 года назад

      I'm in 6th and I'm going to that school😳

  • @thaintriguing1
    @thaintriguing1 4 года назад +6

    This is scary; I teach at a high school in a city known for high crime and juvenile delinquents. I’m sure glad I’m working from home teaching virtually in my own home, dreading the day we have to go back into the building - having to concern myself with both corona and active shooters

  • @SpanishDuck
    @SpanishDuck 7 лет назад +37

    I was zoning out during this...

  • @doodlebot8833
    @doodlebot8833 6 лет назад +4

    I had a practice lockdown, and when the fire alarm went off I had an anxiety attack, because a killer would always try to luar people out there rooms so they'd be able to shoot them

  • @lilice1658
    @lilice1658 2 года назад +1

    The teacher lady was geeked up all wide eye

  • @MegaLouis118
    @MegaLouis118 9 лет назад +78

    Mary mother of Christ, did 1:03 eat the shooter?!

  • @Israel13944
    @Israel13944 4 года назад +7

    Rip for all the kids that are dead

  • @rylancoffey3072
    @rylancoffey3072 9 лет назад +43

    Problem solved.... Teachers Carrie pistoles

    • @valentincuevas8896
      @valentincuevas8896 9 лет назад +13

      Fuck no horrible idea 😂

    • @Ryan_Duckworth
      @Ryan_Duckworth 9 лет назад +6

      Valentin Cuevas she will end up killing the class

    • @maverick2377
      @maverick2377 9 лет назад +7

      Big bear Airsoft Thank you! Its a death wish to have schools without armed guards. Libtards only want the shooters to have guns, not the teachers.

    • @valentincuevas8896
      @valentincuevas8896 9 лет назад +3

      LeoM23 man the way teachers are now theyd shoot up the school. Let the school cop have the gun fuck the teachers having it is a horrible idea

    • @maverick2377
      @maverick2377 9 лет назад +4

      Valentin Cuevas Because cops have never killed an innocent man and tried to hide it, right? Just have a safe with a pistol locked up and let the teacher have the key if you're that paranoid.

  • @lesliemoorhead9538
    @lesliemoorhead9538 Год назад +1

    😢 i’m so glad that was everybody is safe

  • @DryHotDabs
    @DryHotDabs 8 лет назад +7

    Oh boy my left ear loves this video

    • @zachkempin7313
      @zachkempin7313 8 лет назад +1

      +Basement Fridge For me, it's my right

    • @aid6n
      @aid6n 8 лет назад +2

      Which one of you can't tell what the R and the L is on the headphones

    • @melaniemartinez860
      @melaniemartinez860 8 лет назад

      Can u wash my clothes

  • @jenjen0768
    @jenjen0768 6 лет назад +136

    The fact that they have to have a simulation because it is that common is crazy.
    But they need to be focusing on the gun laws not on this
    No matter how prepared u r there will always be consequences and people will always get hurt

    • @con0105
      @con0105 6 лет назад +10

      jen jen07 nope taking away the guns from the good will make the bad have more chances there's something called a dark web

    • @jenjen0768
      @jenjen0768 6 лет назад +5

      Connor Wilmoth ok but don't you think there's a correlation between US citizens being able to buy guns whenever they want and having a higher number of gun crimes

    • @Rs07pker
      @Rs07pker 6 лет назад +5

      Connor Wilmoth open your eyes. Look at canada, europe ect... This shit nevers or very rarely happens here. We have no guns. See a correlation yet?

    • @jenjen0768
      @jenjen0768 6 лет назад +1

      Rs07pker exactly!

    • @jenjen0768
      @jenjen0768 6 лет назад +3

      Justin Rios I live in the UK and im good over here. I don't have to walk out my house scared I'm gonna be shot!

  • @lesliemoorhead9538
    @lesliemoorhead9538 Год назад +1

    i’m so glad that everybody safe

  • @antoineincel
    @antoineincel 3 года назад +3

    i remember this. I am a student! it was crazy it was super scary

  • @zipastewards1906
    @zipastewards1906 8 лет назад +14

    American schools really should have gates around it like us England schools do

    • @_____._..--_
      @_____._..--_ 8 лет назад

      Who gives a shit?

    • @slatt5442
      @slatt5442 7 лет назад +3

      i do school shootings are a big problem

    • @trinalps
      @trinalps 7 лет назад +7

      i dont think a fence can prevent everything

    • @kyleinthecrib5946
      @kyleinthecrib5946 7 лет назад +2

      Zipa stewards only thing a gate can do is keep thd killers in

    • @slatt5442
      @slatt5442 7 лет назад

      no i forgot the comma

  • @sakamoto4343
    @sakamoto4343 10 лет назад +22

    2:00 the woman at the very left side

  • @mendo6381
    @mendo6381 8 лет назад +13

    at least are some cops into my school

    • @avereerain8216
      @avereerain8216 8 лет назад +1

      he ment at least there are cops in my school so until I can understand people's writeing u can come back Dooshbag

    • @liveleaky7571
      @liveleaky7571 8 лет назад +2


    • @neonflashsparkotron5435
      @neonflashsparkotron5435 7 лет назад

      OuscarX! Lucky you my school is on a crowded street that has some scary shootings because there is a ghetto apartment, yikes!

    • @holacomoesta2425
      @holacomoesta2425 6 лет назад

      Yeah, I have 3 cops at my school at all times.

  • @Ghaemi350z
    @Ghaemi350z 8 лет назад +12

    I would have been laughing if I was a student in the simulation

    • @dolphindude6214
      @dolphindude6214 7 лет назад

      Ghaemi350z ikr ive have been dying 2 i already cant stop thinking in drills what happns if he has a axe and brakes the door and have a rocket luacher in one hand and be like SUPRISE MOTHER FUCKERS!

  • @emilyw5576
    @emilyw5576 6 лет назад +5

    My mom is a teacher and her brother told her that If a dangerous person made it in the school she should wait by her door with the fire extinguisher and if the gunman opened the door attack him with it. Lol!

  • @tinywolfanimations4888
    @tinywolfanimations4888 3 года назад +1

    Me in a shooter: *Lockes in a bathroom*

  • @maddym7906
    @maddym7906 8 лет назад +7

    My school's lockdown is stupid. We turn off the lights, lock the door, and everyone sits in a corner. Honestly, it's easy if a guy with a gun comes. We're all sitting in a corner, waiting for him!

    • @ohrahs6387
      @ohrahs6387 8 лет назад

      +Maddy M Ikr. Fuck what the school says I am running like shit.

    • @maddym7906
      @maddym7906 8 лет назад

      +Clover Reacts Exactly. Except I'm going after the guy with a chair.

    • @Gamedrillz
      @Gamedrillz 8 лет назад +1

      +Clover Reacts I grab someone that is crying and that will distract the killer and the killer kills that person and I'm running like the wind and leaving out of the cafeteria and hide outside and scream for help

    • @_____._..--_
      @_____._..--_ 8 лет назад


    • @dadon0133
      @dadon0133 7 лет назад

      Thanatos Rune Why lock the doors😂

  • @ShawnRector
    @ShawnRector 10 лет назад +8

    Shout out to all my pears.. I've been eating peeeaaars now

  • @justgimmemymoneey
    @justgimmemymoneey 3 года назад +4

    "Oh ma fault guys it was accidentally loaded with 30 rounds of real bullets 🤣"

  • @jiimmyplayz
    @jiimmyplayz 3 года назад +2

    I think this should be a thing in every school.

  • @mollyrhoades3098
    @mollyrhoades3098 7 лет назад +14


    • @dolphindude6214
      @dolphindude6214 7 лет назад +3

      Molly Rhoades i can imagine a intruder having a axe and smashing to door and when he comes in takes out his rocket luancher and be like

    • @mollyrhoades3098
      @mollyrhoades3098 7 лет назад


    • @dolphindude6214
      @dolphindude6214 7 лет назад

      Molly Rhoades that would be reallh funny

    • @austindurley2482
      @austindurley2482 5 лет назад

      Molly Rhoades hell naw I’m running idc lol

    • @steske76
      @steske76 3 года назад

      B R U H I’m getting S H O T A T

  • @dstudios3334
    @dstudios3334 4 года назад +3

    0:38 she looks like the grinch in the last animated movie 🤣🤣

    • @bv83x
      @bv83x 4 года назад


  • @itsjulsky1524
    @itsjulsky1524 7 лет назад +9

    They say to protect the teachers but my question is still and the chlidren??

  • @cartoonfox3140
    @cartoonfox3140 2 года назад

    this is a very smart thing I will suggest this to my middle school thank u! :)

  • @James225
    @James225 10 лет назад +7

    1:30 chick in the background is like, "OMG!!"

  • @HexifiedGaming
    @HexifiedGaming 8 лет назад +4

    As long as they don't do any "surprise" drills and use volunteers for training, I find it necessary.

    • @ruthr4712
      @ruthr4712 3 года назад

      It should be a surprise because most signs of a shooting coming are missed.

  • @cookie_queenc9067
    @cookie_queenc9067 5 лет назад +8

    If they did that to my brother he would be "no you missed me" and run away

    • @Ms_Vylet
      @Ms_Vylet 4 года назад +2

      No he wouldn’t

    • @milanroblox1765
      @milanroblox1765 4 года назад +1

      @@Ms_Vylet My brother would do that tbh

  • @hometomars
    @hometomars 4 года назад +1

    My...my old middle school???? MR. FREELS???? WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE?? I DONT UNDERSTAND??
    Mr.Wolfe do be vibin though.

  • @JorgeSanchez-rj6nf
    @JorgeSanchez-rj6nf 8 лет назад +9

    1:55 looks like they discover her plan

  • @dfrost2700
    @dfrost2700 8 лет назад +20

    I would have a high kill streak

    • @cl03cl
      @cl03cl 8 лет назад +1


  • @cheek_clapper1064
    @cheek_clapper1064 8 лет назад +4

    That woman in the right corner though what's up with her face😂😂😂

  • @Jqwes.
    @Jqwes. 3 года назад +1

    It’s literally so simple but safe cubbies in the back of the classroom like Metal of the you know what I’m talking about

  • @orlandogodinez9746
    @orlandogodinez9746 8 лет назад +5

    the u.s should make a law where there has to be a active shooter simulation and all students too because the lock downs won't work because what if its lunch time and then suddenly a shooter comes.
    we won't be prepared it would be chaos

  • @alyssac9129
    @alyssac9129 6 лет назад +28

    Teachers shouldn't have to do these things

    • @destinysmith8689
      @destinysmith8689 6 лет назад +1

      Alyssa Christensen they shouldn’t have to but with all the violence and crazy things happening right now people are trying to keep their children safe at school, so they might have to start doing this again //:

    • @alyssac9129
      @alyssac9129 6 лет назад +1

      destiny smith yeah Ik I'm just saying that there shouldn't be this kind of violence in school

    • @destinysmith8689
      @destinysmith8689 6 лет назад

      Alyssa Christensen yeah I agree //:

    • @GasGunsGod
      @GasGunsGod 6 лет назад

      Alyssa Christensen well they do! This is the reality we live in! Because this generations parents are the worse and dont have a pulse on there own children at all!! Its not the guns fault its the childs! And can a parent be so blind and not have a relationship with there own child! Its disgusting

    • @alyssac9129
      @alyssac9129 6 лет назад

      Gauge167 or our nation is stupid enough to sell guns to the mentally ill