5 Mysterious Unsolved Cases #5

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3,7 тыс.

  • @cassiebrown7933
    @cassiebrown7933 6 лет назад +5682

    So we all agree? We are never leaving our rooms ever again?

  • @hgbugalou
    @hgbugalou 6 лет назад +4339

    "six year old" and "beauty pageant" should never be in the same sentence.

    • @christinatyree2280
      @christinatyree2280 5 лет назад +162

      It's the parents living vicariously through the kid. It's definitely and it can cause low self esteem!

    • @rudy1999
      @rudy1999 5 лет назад +157

      Yeah that stuff is so damn creepy

    • @michel8527
      @michel8527 5 лет назад +47

      I so agree with you

    • @zoeylatshaparker99
      @zoeylatshaparker99 5 лет назад +108

      Contribution to pedo-culture..

    • @WolfxQueen89
      @WolfxQueen89 5 лет назад +90

      Exactly. Parents are sick to turn their children into something like that.

  • @marianagoncalves1209
    @marianagoncalves1209 5 лет назад +2425

    All I see is people getting away with murder :(

    • @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049
      @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049 5 лет назад +48

      They will not escape the judgement of the God who made them and knew before they were born what they would do in all it's wickedness and the judgement is almost here. 2028 is the year of our lords return.

    • @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049
      @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049 5 лет назад +7

      @Miguel tvid 2 Peter 3:3 (KJVA) Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. Keep on scoffing right up until your last breath you will be resurrected but if you are not of Christ it will be to the 2nd death and the lake of fire and sadly you will wait in hell for at least 1000 years for that judgement as it says in the book of revelation. Revelation 20 King James Version (KJV)
      20 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
      2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
      3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
      4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
      5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
      6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
      7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
      8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
      9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
      10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
      11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
      12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
      13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
      14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
      15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. I trust in God and His only begotten son not man. Soon all debates will be over humans will know there is only one God and the only way to him is Jesus Christ.

    • @CT-5736-Bladez
      @CT-5736-Bladez 5 лет назад +17

      Joe Reyes
      Haha ok buddy I agree with you they will be judged by God but the 2028 part know one knows when Jesus is coming back but him

    • @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049
      @savedbychristsavedbygrace2049 5 лет назад +1

      @@CT-5736-Bladez Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
      33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
      34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
      35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
      36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
      38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
      39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Jesus says no man will know the day or the hour but why not the year? We can know look up 2028 end times the signs are being fulfilled at a frighten rate the wickness is so strong now the religions are coming together and the book of revelation shall be fulfilled soon. Now 2028 is only the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ not the end of the world only the end of satan's rule. Our lord is at the door few know this as the scriptures say most aren't going to know.

    • @bennyboat
      @bennyboat 5 лет назад +8

      Joe Reyes I’m a Roman Catholic but wth is you saying😂😂the lord could return at any time😂😂

  • @cocoharm7964
    @cocoharm7964 6 лет назад +2241

    OMG the walks are identical and even the side foot and arms

    • @only90days88
      @only90days88 5 лет назад +11

      TheLifeOfSi financial problems maybe?

    • @mr.h4544
      @mr.h4544 5 лет назад +45

      Exactly alike 😂

    • @partlyironic
      @partlyironic 5 лет назад +77

      Am i alone in disagreeing with this? The figure in the video looks slimmer (smaller belly) and seems to have better posture to me.

    • @littletexas1882
      @littletexas1882 5 лет назад +24

      I couldn't agree MORE! The resemblance is uncanny.

    • @mahmoudabass34
      @mahmoudabass34 5 лет назад +34

      He have the same walk .. Notice the right feet from the swat footage and the way he was out with the man in the other video

  • @Pookiebad
    @Pookiebad 5 лет назад +2297

    Who leaves a 13 and 14 year old ALONE to hike in WOODS

    • @Amandaydios
      @Amandaydios 5 лет назад +49

      I KNOW i was thinking the same thing

    • @Ivy-dd8bf
      @Ivy-dd8bf 5 лет назад +121

      People who live in the woods, lol. Parents were a lot more loose with their kids when I lived in a small, woodland town in PA, but, after moving to a more suburban/urban area, I was honestly surprised at how protective parents are there. The woods are much safer than the city.

    • @Amandaydios
      @Amandaydios 5 лет назад +33

      Well they were safe not anymore. I don’t whats going on in the world man. Why would someone would want to take someone else’s live. Its sad 😒

    • @Ivy-dd8bf
      @Ivy-dd8bf 5 лет назад +33

      @@Amandaydios Yeah, they aren't safe, just safer. Frankly, there's nowhere in the world that's safe. Animals, people, diseases, and misfortune are everywhere. It sucks, but, be kind and brave, and you can help alleviate some of the hurt in this world.

    • @xn1175
      @xn1175 5 лет назад +11

      Delphi is a small town, the trail is a very known area.

  • @myuhdidas
    @myuhdidas 5 лет назад +1573

    He even opens doors the same 😂 ARREST THAT MAN NOW!

    • @noonienoonie3434
      @noonienoonie3434 5 лет назад +35

      myuhdidas exactly how could u not see that

    • @missxrina3
      @missxrina3 5 лет назад +44

      And he walk exactly the same, look at his feet

    • @Momma7100
      @Momma7100 5 лет назад +47

      Bruh he even has the same little “limp” kinda thing when we puts his foot down. Absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is the one they’re looking for 😂

    • @DA-db9bi
      @DA-db9bi 5 лет назад +7

      I honestly don’t think it’s fair to say he’s the suspect just because he has a similar walk. It could easily be a coincidence

    • @missxrina3
      @missxrina3 5 лет назад +32

      @@DA-db9bi Not just walk.Look his arms, shoulders... it's BIG coincidence. It's just not possible to be coincidence.

  • @gamelard1963
    @gamelard1963 7 лет назад +2417

    the father in law did it, same hunch, same walk, same leg angles n shit. same height too.

    • @Decayer4ever
      @Decayer4ever 7 лет назад +2

      Game Lard i

    • @bootybangjr
      @bootybangjr 7 лет назад +68

      Thing is, where the fuck could he find a fucking suit for S.W.A.T. officers?

    • @lbo6050
      @lbo6050 7 лет назад +132

      Jmedr Medrano you serious? You can get that shit from all types of places. Online, specialty stores, military stores, thrift stores. I live in Fayetteville NC which is also Ft Bragg. We have all types of stores that sell military and police gear.

    • @castleevans224
      @castleevans224 7 лет назад +12

      Jmedr Medrano Amazon probably.

    • @nikayalohr9707
      @nikayalohr9707 6 лет назад +61

      Same hand movements while walking

  • @melikemusic753
    @melikemusic753 6 лет назад +2429

    Fell? Fell? These 2 girls did NOT fall! And what are they hiding in the unreleased photos??? That's very suspicious in itself!

    • @geraldperez9520
      @geraldperez9520 6 лет назад +377

      They are prob trying to protect the country's image by not showing the locals killing and feasting on them.

    • @ericab1302
      @ericab1302 5 лет назад +260

      They don't like to release every single detail of a case in the event that someone confesses/a new suspect is found. Only the person that did it would know all the details, it avoids false confessions.

    • @Beaneabean
      @Beaneabean 5 лет назад +14

      Erica Borland Thats the only reason?

    • @drewbiddle1241
      @drewbiddle1241 5 лет назад +55

      Since they ruled it an accident and aren't investigating anymore.. them with holding pictures that may be significantly different than what was released, helps no one

    • @SNOWQueen87-v1g
      @SNOWQueen87-v1g 5 лет назад +3


  • @traaaashmouse
    @traaaashmouse 5 лет назад +765

    When I was in *third grade* my friend and I used to go on very long walks everyday after school in the woods behind my house. One day, we both spotted a man sitting down in the woods just staring at us a few yards away. I pointed him out to her and said, “Hey, do you see that?” She just grabbed my hand and said, “Run.” We never went in those woods again after that day.
    Please don’t let your young children go walking anywhere alone, even with friends!!

    • @Onche518
      @Onche518 5 лет назад +75

      He was probably thinking "Why are there two young kids walking alone in the woods ?"

    • @maur23100
      @maur23100 4 года назад +26

      Onche518 never know with these people

    • @mauithecat9851
      @mauithecat9851 4 года назад +48

      THIRD GRADE? Even when I was a teenager my parents wouldn’t even let me walk in the park during the day, what the heck?

    • @wills3rdgirl
      @wills3rdgirl 4 года назад +10

      I guess people don't get that once the streets were safer (some more than others) and children used to play outside a lot (gasp)

    • @traaaashmouse
      @traaaashmouse 4 года назад +34

      People also don't get that pedophiles exist in larger quantities than we're led to believe

  • @robertfortier8994
    @robertfortier8994 7 лет назад +1086

    Way to many sick and twisted people out there. Always be aware of your surroundings people.

    • @cujoz477
      @cujoz477 7 лет назад +25

      Robert Fortier & carry gun(s), knife, sword, pepper spray, grenade(s), and/or any combination of those.

    • @jferwarr6156
      @jferwarr6156 6 лет назад +9

      Stay sexy and don't get murdered!

    • @1punch_man
      @1punch_man 6 лет назад +6

      Very true. It's horrifying to think of the people walking around.

    • @jferwarr6156
      @jferwarr6156 6 лет назад +4

      @Chuck Finley it's a phrase from a podcast, you incel!

  • @Zx14rrrrrrrrrrr
    @Zx14rrrrrrrrrrr 7 лет назад +2874

    What hell is up with people letting their daughters go to these places all by themselves.

    • @elon1928
      @elon1928 6 лет назад +77

      ya who leaves there very young daughter home alone so someone can break in and choke her

    • @thomasericson5318
      @thomasericson5318 6 лет назад +250

      Who lets their 13 year old go hiking on some huge bridge in the middle of the woods?

    • @netsk1679
      @netsk1679 6 лет назад +154

      Exactly, I have a 14 yo, there is absolutely no way she would be allowed to go hiking with anther CHILD! I honestly wonder what goes through people's heads!

    • @solemnitytribe1769
      @solemnitytribe1769 6 лет назад +104

      I used to think my Mum was way too overprotective of me and my Brother. Now I'm all grown up I don't think she was protective enough. It's amazing I'm still alive (my Brother is too like)

    • @randyballweg8589
      @randyballweg8589 6 лет назад +19

      spafro101 I'm with you on that. Too many crazy people and stuff out there.

  • @oneshiningstar281
    @oneshiningstar281 5 лет назад +451

    Wow that father in law of missy beavers should’ve been arrested immediately, that walk is identical and even the body shape is him 😱😱😱

    • @egomez1225
      @egomez1225 5 лет назад +7

      RandallGrace A01 arresting a man for walking how thousands of hundreds of Americans walk. Smart

    • @oneshiningstar281
      @oneshiningstar281 5 лет назад +3

      Erin g think you mean hundreds of thousands and I wouldn’t know How Americans walk I’m from the Uk 😂

    • @oneshiningstar281
      @oneshiningstar281 5 лет назад +1

      lurch321 you seem to be the expert 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

    • @maldescendants88
      @maldescendants88 4 года назад +6

      Plus they’re not allowed to arrest someone just based on a walk. They need more evidence.

    • @hauntedcell
      @hauntedcell 4 года назад +2

      SamCW 72 doesn’t matter. Arresting a man for his work is pretty fucking dumb.

  • @quackquackx
    @quackquackx 5 лет назад +1267

    I don’t understand those girls honestly. I would be too scared to walk in a forest like that, even if I was with friends

    • @manoloamir9423
      @manoloamir9423 5 лет назад +43

      Especially when local tribes feast on you

    • @anthonyhutchins676
      @anthonyhutchins676 5 лет назад +10

      What? You were too scared to literally walk somewhere when you were a teenager? Lol

    • @kaseycuellar1449
      @kaseycuellar1449 5 лет назад

      For reals 💀

    • @goop_6537
      @goop_6537 5 лет назад +1

      @Ghufran Uddin Panama isn't a South American country

    • @ssliz2292
      @ssliz2292 4 года назад +1

      AzureDust right !! i’m too scared to even go to a park across the street by myself !

  • @ViktorVZ-ro
    @ViktorVZ-ro 6 лет назад +717

    Anyone binge watching these videos like I do ?
    Putting a screamer in the middle of this vid would be such a cheap shot.

    • @user-gh7ks6fs7f
      @user-gh7ks6fs7f 6 лет назад +3

      Lmao 🤣

    • @matchbonusxp2579
      @matchbonusxp2579 5 лет назад +12

      Don’t say that they might do it 😭😂

    • @ttavii_6526
      @ttavii_6526 5 лет назад +1

      Viktor V. Meeee 😭 I’ve been watching them since 7 this morning

    • @vertex8863
      @vertex8863 5 лет назад


    • @433barrett
      @433barrett 5 лет назад +6

      I was literally thinking the same thing when I watch this. Why are we like this LOL

  • @darlenefinn5197
    @darlenefinn5197 5 лет назад +270

    Somebody accompany me to go to our kitchen i need a glass of water. 😱

    • @brookes1971
      @brookes1971 4 года назад +1

      Darlene Finn 😆😆

    • @vybinn6593
      @vybinn6593 3 года назад


    • @aldrianevampir9570
      @aldrianevampir9570 3 года назад


    • @saayees7797
      @saayees7797 3 года назад +4

      The person who accompanies to our kitchen might turn to be a beast , let's go alone b brave

  • @mateogazza9214
    @mateogazza9214 7 лет назад +2075

    99% of people wont read this but
    Have a fantastic day 1 %

  • @nrvouspotatoe1519
    @nrvouspotatoe1519 6 лет назад +634

    McCabe voicemail sounds like someone is holding him underwater and bringing him back up intermittently. They are drowning him.

    • @sonofrome5311
      @sonofrome5311 5 лет назад +80

      If you listen very very closely, you can hear the river.

    • @ChristelMontoya
      @ChristelMontoya 5 лет назад +88

      Absolutely, at first I thought it might be an animal but after listening several times I agree, they drowned this poor man.

    • @porksoda1062
      @porksoda1062 5 лет назад +90

      @Live Evil I thought about that to. Why let him make the phone call? Was the phone in his hand while they were drowning/killing him? Was it on the ground? Did the people who killed him even know that the crime was being recorded or did they purposely make him call his wife so she could hear him suffer? It's a chilling story

    • @nicolapatel9826
      @nicolapatel9826 5 лет назад +8

      Maybe a animal was trying to eat him

    • @cryptictop8634
      @cryptictop8634 5 лет назад +5

      It’s Sasquatch Bigfoot for sure, definitive evidence right there!

  • @sweetie291981
    @sweetie291981 5 лет назад +189

    Drop the kids off and leave? Wtf
    Rip angels 👼 👼❤️

    • @darkalpha2276
      @darkalpha2276 3 года назад +2

      i’m lowkey tired and hungry i think imma go to sleep

  • @toddbarker3774
    @toddbarker3774 6 лет назад +784

    Officers these girls are missing, OK lets wait three whole days before we search for them. Top quality police work there.

    • @RoboticsNShenanigans
      @RoboticsNShenanigans 6 лет назад +73

      They don't want to have to tell another country that their citizens were killed by tribesfolk. Gotta keep the tourism money coming in.

    • @detectivebubblegum9777
      @detectivebubblegum9777 6 лет назад +27

      They knew not to go looking for cannibals

    •  6 лет назад +18

      what else you expect from the Panama police??

    • @melikemusic753
      @melikemusic753 6 лет назад +4

      Yep, the system is screwed

    • @adrianna986
      @adrianna986 6 лет назад +6

      It was panama.. what do you expect

  • @GolgothasArt
    @GolgothasArt 7 лет назад +1635

    When I first saw the CCTV footage of the "police" walking, my first impression was that the person was a top heavy man as the walk seems to be like a partial waddle. And lo and behold, the father-in-law matches that description. Just an observation.

    • @ashleynicole3499
      @ashleynicole3499 7 лет назад +41

      AkaneRules exactly what i was thinking

    • @HollyNikole
      @HollyNikole 7 лет назад +105

      AkaneRules my goodness they walk exactly the same, I think it's him! I need to find more on this story to see if he had any issues or what with her.

    • @eltrollo9643
      @eltrollo9643 7 лет назад +56

      hollynr77 her husband had problems with her and her husband is his son soooo yea one plus one equals two I'm with y'all I think it was the dad. This case also grabbed my attention I'd like to see more about it

    • @blakoblivion6508
      @blakoblivion6508 7 лет назад +53

      Look at his feet when he walks compared to footage he parts his feet and everything

    • @HollyNikole
      @HollyNikole 7 лет назад +4

      Still Blessed Lord and Arts here on RUclips has a great video on this case.

  • @JustJahmilah
    @JustJahmilah 5 лет назад +150

    Why drop the two girls off alone...

    • @willykaranikolas2391
      @willykaranikolas2391 5 лет назад +15

      Yea it's crazy.
      Drops two little girls off at a railway bridge in the middle of the forest??? Then tells them to meet them back at said railroad bridge at 5:30? Then when they don't show up on time, just immediately go "yep, I'll report them missing!"
      That whole story is absolutely ridiculous. Poor kids.

    • @karareed691
      @karareed691 3 года назад +1

      Sure, but it isn’t just an old rail road track. It’s a hiking trail at a park

    • @ariannadaubek8980
      @ariannadaubek8980 3 года назад +2

      @@willykaranikolas2391 So I live in by Delphi where the girls were killed. Where we live, it isn’t uncommon for kids and people to just hike in the woods. Forests are like- EVERYWHERE here, so it isn’t abnormal. Other info I found was that the girls were talking to a supposed teen online and told their parents they wanted to go on a hike. They I guess were meeting up with the “teen” without the parents actually knowing about it, so it could be the man was the “teen” and then killed them.

    • @scallopohare9431
      @scallopohare9431 Год назад +2

      It's called the Monin HIGH BRIDGE. It's high! And has no side rails. It was never a safe place.

    • @iedermensisanders
      @iedermensisanders 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@ariannadaubek8980how many blonde girls are living in Delphi then ? Right zero these poor kids had targets on their back from day 1 that is how it sadly is in countries like yours. Check the stats

  • @julz3tt3
    @julz3tt3 7 лет назад +511

    The message is clear : Never go hiking anywhere.

    • @diannarosalie2531
      @diannarosalie2531 7 лет назад +2

      Julz XD 😂

    • @lisamac1986
      @lisamac1986 7 лет назад +3

      Things like that make me glad I can't walk far lol

    • @pro-kv2xj
      @pro-kv2xj 7 лет назад


    • @twocrazyteens3596
      @twocrazyteens3596 7 лет назад +4

      Julz XD I don't hike due to my knee problem, maybe my knee is warning me

    • @julz3tt3
      @julz3tt3 7 лет назад +2

      +Two Crazy Teens (T.C.T) Damn right it is. :)

  • @as165353
    @as165353 6 лет назад +2674

    Who else gets a cold feeling that they are being watched during this...

  • @johnsheroke9344
    @johnsheroke9344 4 года назад +172

    Anybody else get chills from that voicemail?? What the hell was that thing 😓

    • @Dash120z
      @Dash120z 3 года назад +7

      aliens perhaps ?

    • @alyzza1753
      @alyzza1753 3 года назад


    • @GeekRaj
      @GeekRaj 3 года назад +8

      Sounded like a death rattle. 😐 It's a sound person makes before dying? Decapitated?

    • @randomname9460
      @randomname9460 3 года назад +11

      I think the man was getting drowned by someone he probably had water in his mouth

    • @plantsbyhailey8326
      @plantsbyhailey8326 3 года назад +4

      it almost sounds like an animalistic predator... you can clearly hear the mans voice but then what sounds like a creature mimicking him in an eerie human voice...

  • @ciaranighswander4894
    @ciaranighswander4894 7 лет назад +605

    The walk is EXACTLY IDENTICAL to the murdered woman's father in law!! Same walk, same stature , and same arm swing when walking. Wow.. such a sad case.

    • @RemingtonMK
      @RemingtonMK 7 лет назад +6

      Ciara Definitely...

    • @seanlamar29
      @seanlamar29 7 лет назад +4

      Ciara the first story was creepy af

    • @erick99able
      @erick99able 7 лет назад +11

      Ciara seriously, like what the fuck it's evident that he's the same person.

    • @tomb4250
      @tomb4250 7 лет назад +8

      WillFanofMany who said that?

    • @torivrabel5235
      @torivrabel5235 7 лет назад +4

      Ciara They should try to get a warrent to search his house for the uniform

  • @wa.nderlvst
    @wa.nderlvst 7 лет назад +476

    It was her father in law. Same posture, same outward angle of the feet, same hunched over neck. Their arms swing the same and they also both carry their weight in the same places.

    • @andrewgonzalez80
      @andrewgonzalez80 6 лет назад +21

      Elise Fraser fuck yeah it was that foo!!

    • @BadGuyGoodAudioReviews
      @BadGuyGoodAudioReviews 6 лет назад +41

      duck walk with hands palm out. Kinda rare and nothing about height or body to exclude. kinda obvious. That dude shoulda been given a lie detector for the hell of it...wtf?

    • @MrJBrugman89
      @MrJBrugman89 6 лет назад +18

      I think they should have gotten a warrant to check his car and home...

    • @skorpsaiyan2361
      @skorpsaiyan2361 6 лет назад +20

      100000% him I mean it is just uncanny. Exactly same build, stance, posture, everything. Crazy.

    • @CelticVictory
      @CelticVictory 6 лет назад +11

      He also brought bloodied clothes to a dry cleaners soon after. I agree. He did it.

  • @kotten9598
    @kotten9598 4 года назад +58

    Why is this so addicting but so scary?

  • @Andy-xl9gz
    @Andy-xl9gz 6 лет назад +692

    What a sick world we live in

  • @pewdsloyalwarrior4320
    @pewdsloyalwarrior4320 5 лет назад +887

    Ok so police are saying she walked in on a robbery and got killed...
    A robbery in a church.

    • @P.rince.ess_
      @P.rince.ess_ 5 лет назад +66

      Trying to steal their innocence back

    • @star_kitten110
      @star_kitten110 5 лет назад +25

      man on a list of "weirdest things to happen in a church" a robbery wouldn't even crack the top 15

    • @bovver4616
      @bovver4616 5 лет назад +15

      Do churches in America not have collection plates during mass? Or donations boxes?

    • @howey935
      @howey935 5 лет назад +23

      Some churches have expensive religious artifacts

    • @brigon7726
      @brigon7726 5 лет назад +14

      There was robbery at my church. They stole laptops and equipment use for sound.

  • @oddgenoo
    @oddgenoo 3 года назад +67

    The first one has so many things you left out 🥺 like the fact that one of the girls foot was severed off clean asf as if sliced with a clean cut! The fact that the girls belongings appeared on their own neatly folded AFTER the girls went missing & the fact that the people hosting them and the taxi driver were suspicious PLUS the taxi driver died mysteriously a while after this incident 😐 I love this channel so much tho, like I’m watching literally every video I’m hooked rn

    • @steampunklemur
      @steampunklemur 2 года назад +8

      The belongings were also found completely dry despite the fact that, due to the weather conditions at the time, they would have been soaked through if they were left out in the open. Reviews of the same tour guide they used also state that he acts "creepily" around young European women. The trail they used is also not as isolated as it seems and there are many huts around, and one of the photos seems to show one of the girls pointing at something on the ground whilst they're stood near a man-made, camouflaged structure. Kris and Lisanne were definitely murdered by someone, or accidentally killed and then had their deaths covered up.
      Personally, I think that the trails, not being meant for tourists, were possibly used by gangs/criminal organisations and that the girls accidentally stumbled across some kind of illegal activity and were then killed so they couldn't report it and that the people involved are forcing the police and locals to keep quiet about it.

    • @InfernoTheFireLord
      @InfernoTheFireLord 2 года назад +2

      @@steampunklemur I think it is cannibals. It would explain for the bones being so clean and so few being found.

    • @exchangediary968
      @exchangediary968 Год назад

      where did you read that the entire host family died???

    • @gloomysunday9534
      @gloomysunday9534 Год назад +1

      @@exchangediary968 thats not what they said, they said that they were suspicious, not that they died, just that the taxi driver died

    • @mjking6162
      @mjking6162 6 месяцев назад

      Also bones of 3 other people were supposedly found with their remains. The guy they had hired to guide them on that very trail the next day, spent 30 minutes in their room alone after they didn't show up. He supposedly looked for them aline that day and only hours and hours later reported them missing. He's the one who found almost all of their remains...

  • @stephanienorthup2012
    @stephanienorthup2012 6 лет назад +424

    How can you not believe the father in law murdered her smh..... exact same walk

    • @NorthernGirl85
      @NorthernGirl85 5 лет назад +4

      Looks like it, but the father-in-law has way too much meat on his bones, and their backs don't match.

    • @galecaie928
      @galecaie928 5 лет назад +2

      Plus, it's not enough to go on because it's a pretty common style of walking. More is needed before we can be 100% sure.

    • @kawa1755
      @kawa1755 5 лет назад +3

      They should have gave him a lie detector test at least.

    • @skorpsaiyan2361
      @skorpsaiyan2361 4 года назад +4

      He does have a solid alibi too. Just a straight up coincidence he has the same walk.

    • @christianweaver4693
      @christianweaver4693 4 года назад

      Right that shit dumb asab🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @isabellalorenzo8706
    @isabellalorenzo8706 7 лет назад +424

    Who else doesn't know how they got to the creepy side of RUclips..? 😂

    • @HeatherBillingsWall
      @HeatherBillingsWall 6 лет назад +1

      Animal Queen welcome

    • @alejandrorosa2843
      @alejandrorosa2843 6 лет назад +1

      Idk this was in my suggestion

    • @nuages8915
      @nuages8915 6 лет назад +2

      This isnt creepy lmal

    • @cn5803
      @cn5803 6 лет назад +3

      Idk o came here like 4 hrs ago to watch a musical video and somehow I ended up finding these videos saw the one with dear David read a lot (about that) slept and came back couldn't finish the dear David thing (it's night time now and I want to get some night sleep at some point) So now I'm binge watching these but I might need to leave a night on tonight... 😫😂

    • @stevenlopez8880
      @stevenlopez8880 5 лет назад +5

      It started with an elephant stabbing a buffalo to death. Yes that's how I ended up here.

  • @d.wil2x
    @d.wil2x 5 лет назад +269

    12:14 I believe the audio from the last guy is him drowning sadly.. the autopsy does say he drowned too. I think someone was forcing him under water. They even found his body in the lake..

    • @shakiyahsimmons6824
      @shakiyahsimmons6824 5 лет назад +5

      Danny Wilson Jr. but tbh in my opinion (don’t attack me) it sounds like moaning and a little girls saying help me he probably noticed he made a voicemail and decided suicide but idk

    • @funkycrabs6067
      @funkycrabs6067 5 лет назад +8

      @@shakiyahsimmons6824 shut up

    • @shakiyahsimmons6824
      @shakiyahsimmons6824 5 лет назад +15

      403 Forbidden if his friend was good enough to take his wallet because hes too drunk why would he drop him away from his house knowing that im not saying thats what he did but somethings off

    • @shakiyahsimmons6824
      @shakiyahsimmons6824 5 лет назад +2

      403 Forbidden his so called screams sound more of loud groaning and there wouldnt be those kinds of sounds of a drowning person be more realistic you’re smarter than that

    • @eden19966
      @eden19966 5 лет назад +11

      @@shakiyahsimmons6824 You know how a forced drowning persons sounds?

  • @adithyavk1764
    @adithyavk1764 7 лет назад +609

    Yup... The walk is identical!

    • @jasonmighty3328
      @jasonmighty3328 6 лет назад +29

      The hunch, the sway of hands, direction toes point and most importantly he leads his walk with his right foot and allows his left foot to just drag behind never really bending the joint at the knee. Im 98% sure its the same guy.

    • @RoboticsNShenanigans
      @RoboticsNShenanigans 6 лет назад +3

      It's obviously not him. Person in the cctv video is wearing a tactical vest which, if it was on that guy would make him even larger.

    • @David-gd8lu
      @David-gd8lu 6 лет назад +11

      Not only that, the guy on the cctv has a large upper body and skinny legs, exactly like the husband

    • @chrissyrhone524
      @chrissyrhone524 6 лет назад

      +Jason Mighty I agree. His foot points outward exactly like the figure in the church

    • @freefallinginadream2057
      @freefallinginadream2057 6 лет назад +1

      Adithya V K yes it is! even the way he opens and holds the doors!

  • @babybluecheeks
    @babybluecheeks 6 лет назад +348

    I need to go watch some cute puppy videos after this :(

  • @jimhalpert6302
    @jimhalpert6302 5 лет назад +59

    Every time she says “this remains...unsolved” I can only hear Ryan Bagara’s voice

  • @officialfunction3924
    @officialfunction3924 5 лет назад +261

    I can't stop watching these.... but then again i want too.

    • @Andy-xl9gz
      @Andy-xl9gz 5 лет назад +9

      I need a 12 step program for real 😂

    • @hannah-ri2gk
      @hannah-ri2gk 3 года назад

      I need a step by step on how to stop watching these before i gts

  • @gavonm6262
    @gavonm6262 6 лет назад +505

    Am I the only one that checks behind the shower curtain before using the bathroom?

    • @camdengraves1442
      @camdengraves1442 5 лет назад +3

      Gavon Marlow lmaoooo I haven’t done that since I lived with my parents but I used to do that also 😂😂

    • @Beaneabean
      @Beaneabean 5 лет назад +14

      I have clear glass doors.

    • @ransackedpotatos8247
      @ransackedpotatos8247 5 лет назад +4

      I live a in closed in apartment complex on a 7th floor and i still check everytime i go in there lol

    • @nmeyers92
      @nmeyers92 5 лет назад +1

      All because of The Shining and that damn lady/creature in the tub!

    • @juliethsarmientovasquez934
      @juliethsarmientovasquez934 5 лет назад

      Gavon Marlow your not alone

  • @toyfreddygaming1983
    @toyfreddygaming1983 3 года назад +82

    Actually, the meaning of the “down the hill” audio was that both Abigail and Liberty were given instructions by the unidentified man to go down the hill, hence the audio name and also if you hear closely you can hear leaves being crushed by the 2 girls (most likely) and at the crime scene they found crushed leaves leading to the 2 girls bodies.

  • @xxt0xicbravoxx258
    @xxt0xicbravoxx258 5 лет назад +445

    You should make a video when they solve the case

    • @kwokkyy
      @kwokkyy 5 лет назад +29

      XxT0XIC BRAVOxX some cases never get solved or years later

    • @suddenshadow
      @suddenshadow 5 лет назад +5

      They will never get solved

    • @ttpdintern
      @ttpdintern 4 года назад

      gi 😊

    • @brookes1971
      @brookes1971 4 года назад +2

      XxT0XIC BRAVOxX I like how u said when.. hopefully !!!

    • @lonerebeI
      @lonerebeI 4 года назад +2

      @@suddenshadow How TF do you know any of these will never be solved?? 🙄 STFU 🚽🚽🚽🚽

  • @aprilMichelleXJRL
    @aprilMichelleXJRL 6 лет назад +382

    That is the father In Law for sure walking through that church omg are the police mental???

    • @rudy1999
      @rudy1999 5 лет назад +18

      Yeah his hunched back/ neck also give him away

    • @khaa5zz81
      @khaa5zz81 5 лет назад +27

      The police knew ir but they dont have any evidence

    • @sfletch3042
      @sfletch3042 5 лет назад +10

      That video alone is not definitive evidence which will hold up in court.

    • @leval1000
      @leval1000 5 лет назад +4

      WillFanofMany I wonder what evidence he has that he was out of state? Or is it a rouse to make them believe he was out of state! That person in the church is definitely the father in law and nothing will change my mind.

    • @myshreksbox
      @myshreksbox 5 лет назад +6

      WillFanofMany I just wanna know how tight that alibi is

  • @madenewministries
    @madenewministries 5 лет назад +42

    I'm never going hiking again and I'm in my thirties. Teenagers should not be dropped off just to hike. My condolences to the their families. :(

    • @shrimpflea
      @shrimpflea 2 года назад +2

      I have solo hiked for years and still do and I am in my 50's. Live your life!

  • @kaelynn7221
    @kaelynn7221 5 лет назад +152

    Man I can hardly exit my front door.... YOU MADE IT WORSE. I was watching funny videos how did I get here

  • @Travis3500
    @Travis3500 7 лет назад +301

    Those girls got merked by some jungle people

    • @bjornmichels1174
      @bjornmichels1174 6 лет назад

      Travis Mead Indians haha

    • @jamesgannon5875
      @jamesgannon5875 6 лет назад +45

      I believe so. Bleached bones... missing bones... and evidence that allegedly suggests no "animals" were involved. I understand there is no proof of manslaughter but the evidence is overwhelming.

    • @Infeckted-mp4xp
      @Infeckted-mp4xp 6 лет назад +12

      James Gannon yeah well what can ya do? Raid the jungle? That's providing you can even find these indigenous people. It 100 percent was them but they can't just say "Well these folks did it but we can't bring them in, so Oh well"

    • @Hangie
      @Hangie 6 лет назад +40

      whatever happened it must've been terrifying.

    • @Joni.be04
      @Joni.be04 6 лет назад

      Lmfao but they got raped and sprayed on the bodies then they got killed 😂

  • @cameronlurie8859
    @cameronlurie8859 5 лет назад +101

    God, the sounds of the man dying in the final clip truly gave me chills. I had to go hide in my room with the doors locked after checking the closets lmao.

    • @poiuhygfdsa5549
      @poiuhygfdsa5549 3 года назад +2

      like ikr sounds so weird

    • @haileennevsmom09
      @haileennevsmom09 3 года назад +10

      sounded like he was drowning

    • @plantsbyhailey8326
      @plantsbyhailey8326 3 года назад +3

      ​@@haileennevsmom09 it almost sounds like an animalistic predator... you can clearly hear the mans voice but then what sounds like a creature mimicking him in an eerie human voice...

  • @denko3203
    @denko3203 7 лет назад +166

    to the comments where it's safe!

  • @nikki5467
    @nikki5467 5 лет назад +330

    That voicemail was really creepy

    • @Anonymous-411
      @Anonymous-411 3 года назад +22

      Sounded like someone being strangled while some crazy person mocking it while strangling him.

    • @bunnybeasy952
      @bunnybeasy952 3 года назад +30

      To me that sounded like he was trying to pull his head above water but couldn't for an unknown reason

    • @Anonymous-411
      @Anonymous-411 3 года назад +1

      @@bunnybeasy952 Yes you could be right

    • @vaszgul736
      @vaszgul736 3 года назад +11

      It's bad when "may have been eaten by a bear" "hit with a taser" and "drowning" are the only ideas anyone can come up with for what it sounds like. I can't imagine the amount of pain and fear nor the grief felt by his loved ones. Really disturbing.

    • @nope6035
      @nope6035 3 года назад +3

      I think, it's because of he being raped. Idk it just my opinion

  • @beasmith3386
    @beasmith3386 5 лет назад +103

    Father in law's right foot turns out like the person in CCTV.

  • @phillipians4137
    @phillipians4137 6 лет назад +123

    Ya the father in law deffinitely walks like the killer which is like a penguin

  • @charitahamilton9467
    @charitahamilton9467 7 лет назад +661

    That walk was the same to me

    • @ieshiawashington1282
      @ieshiawashington1282 7 лет назад +5

      charita hamilton right.

    • @kaylalittle7845
      @kaylalittle7845 7 лет назад +10

      They mentioned the bloody woman's shirt from a dog fight that the vet confirmed but why was it a women's shift and not his own that's alittle off unless the owner of the other dog was a women and he offered to get her shirt dry cleaned for her which is odd

    • @JP-wx6uh
      @JP-wx6uh 7 лет назад +4

      charita hamilton father in law has a very similar gait indeed.

    • @chriskrausesmovie
      @chriskrausesmovie 7 лет назад +1

      charita hamilton same body type to

    • @kingalyemen6616
      @kingalyemen6616 7 лет назад

      charita hamilton yuppp

  • @esseven
    @esseven 5 лет назад +46

    Anyone else’s breathing go weird whilst watching these?
    Nope just me.

  • @mephInc
    @mephInc 6 лет назад +343

    That wasn't growling, that was gurgling.

    • @tiffanytorres7814
      @tiffanytorres7814 5 лет назад +27

      I agree and At the end of the audio it sounded like he says Help Me.

    • @PumpkinsPumpkin
      @PumpkinsPumpkin 5 лет назад +17

      @@tiffanytorres7814 I hear the gargle the wife's name and help me.

    • @novaglacrr6114
      @novaglacrr6114 5 лет назад +11

      ... he drowned... right?

    • @Psychoschahaf
      @Psychoschahaf 5 лет назад +1

      He just vomited.

    • @-_YouMayFind_-
      @-_YouMayFind_- 5 лет назад +6

      but he screams clearly

  • @mortizya666
    @mortizya666 6 лет назад +205

    The father in law walks with the feet outwards like the cctv 😳

  • @Betonmeamberlee
    @Betonmeamberlee 5 лет назад +35

    Yup the stepfather did it they have the same body type same walk everything, the hump in his back. I think the father in law had feeling for her.

  • @jackofallgods7764
    @jackofallgods7764 6 лет назад +668

    sadly he walks too much like a standard fat guy to arrest him for the walk alone. I think he did it tho

    • @emilyreed8946
      @emilyreed8946 6 лет назад +5


    • @bryanclark1246
      @bryanclark1246 6 лет назад +4


    • @Akirakun17
      @Akirakun17 5 лет назад +33

      Their right foot points out when striding forward.

    • @larissamueller2270
      @larissamueller2270 5 лет назад +32

      jackofallgods look at the way he opens the door. Side by side it looks identical he grips the side of the door the same way the “swat” person opened the door

    • @nikai451
      @nikai451 5 лет назад +12

      @jackofallgods all fat people don't walk the same way, but way to be fatphobic and a complete dumbass.

  • @friendlydark
    @friendlydark 6 лет назад +284

    same limp, same height, same swaying motion in the arms + clenched fists, same kick of the feet with every step

    • @kims4495
      @kims4495 5 лет назад +18

      not to mention same beer belly

    • @clapyn8455
      @clapyn8455 5 лет назад +2

      Kim S Yes but it is more common to find people with beer belly’s , unlike the characteristics he mentioned is less common.

    • @madisonc8857
      @madisonc8857 5 лет назад +2

      mia His feet are turned out the same as well!!!

  • @kelsi1077
    @kelsi1077 5 лет назад +29

    In the last case, to me it sounds like he’s being held underwater and then brought up for air repeatedly

  • @lbo6050
    @lbo6050 7 лет назад +266

    Wow. My mouth literally opened and my jaw hit the floor when they compared the father in laws walk to the guy in the swat gear in that church!!!! 😱 I'm also extremely confused why anyone would just drop 2 pre teen girls to walk across a bridge alone for hours 🤔 that family member should've went with them.

    • @lbo6050
      @lbo6050 5 лет назад +3

      Lol I clearly forgot that I even watched this and commented about the same thing a full year ago! I came down to say their walks were the same to me bc both of their right feet point in an outward direction when walking! 😅 I remembered these cases but not realized I watched this exact one 😂

    • @scallopohare9431
      @scallopohare9431 Год назад +1

      FiL was too far away, and could prove it.

  • @stephanim2436
    @stephanim2436 6 лет назад +476

    Everyone needs to STOP HIKING!!! ....Geeezzz! 😣

    • @lucidsage5535
      @lucidsage5535 5 лет назад +35

      People just need to prepare properly, like bring 2x the amount of food and water you need, and always bring a gun or at least a knife just in case.

    • @sienetokki7749
      @sienetokki7749 5 лет назад +12

      without local guide..

    • @charlesmurray4864
      @charlesmurray4864 5 лет назад +4


    • @aakkh
      @aakkh 5 лет назад +1

      what and stay inside like some kind of LOSER

    • @tmasiah
      @tmasiah 5 лет назад +3

      A gun

  • @Kylipsa
    @Kylipsa 5 лет назад +65

    That voicemail, McCabe, sounds like a drowning and yelling underwater... that's my 2 cents

  • @liviirae
    @liviirae 6 лет назад +172

    I think Bevers' father in law murdered her for his son. The walk, stance & just all around shape of body is tooooo close.

  • @nottheonefromearth
    @nottheonefromearth 5 лет назад +99

    Who the hell let their kids out in the woods alone (especially girls)

    • @kimmymegs
      @kimmymegs 2 года назад

      Girls should be safe,

  • @LilithNMorning
    @LilithNMorning 5 лет назад +46

    So the 2 women def were killed by some tribe members. The brother killed jbr and the parents covered it up for sure. That father in law was totally the same guy in the church, he has the same walk and body type.

    • @varowan1
      @varowan1 4 года назад

      That about covers it. 😊

  • @JosePerez-ww4si
    @JosePerez-ww4si 6 лет назад +225

    R.I.P girls and everyone who disappeared who didn't deserve it. Very sad. At least you'll find happiness somewhere else. Same to you good sir.

  • @Brandon-rq3ys
    @Brandon-rq3ys 7 лет назад +122

    In the Missy Bevers case, #3, I think it's totally obvious that it was her 'father-in-law' that murdered her in cold blood.
    Getting killed by a hammer, such a horrible way to die. Damn.

  • @caroltapkili9968
    @caroltapkili9968 5 лет назад +50

    Brandon's beavers father in-law knows the killer.. actually his companion is the killer

  • @dulcecerez0
    @dulcecerez0 7 лет назад +181

    katy perry? seriously?😂😂😂 tf

    • @TheKurtLangevin
      @TheKurtLangevin 6 лет назад +13

      gaby I know it sounds redicoulous.. but I have heard that claim before!

    • @laisha4139
      @laisha4139 5 лет назад +4

      Kurtis Langevin conspiracy theory!

    • @billiecameron2061
      @billiecameron2061 5 лет назад +11

      Skip to 6:29 and look at both of their mouths

    • @michel8527
      @michel8527 5 лет назад +2

      @@billiecameron2061 Wow...

    • @mrjwade9136
      @mrjwade9136 5 лет назад

      @@billiecameron2061 they did look alike! I totally noticed that

  • @Bobin1007
    @Bobin1007 7 лет назад +435

    That is a very scary voicemail to receive at 2:30am ...

    • @jw1981
      @jw1981 7 лет назад +2


    • @hiuer1945
      @hiuer1945 7 лет назад +20

      Sounds like a long legged headcrab zombie in Half Life 2.

    • @lilmissbloodbath89
      @lilmissbloodbath89 7 лет назад +100

      Honestly, that was the most terrifying thing I've heard in a very long time.

    • @love.wildly.live.fearlessly
      @love.wildly.live.fearlessly 7 лет назад +111

      First thought I had was sounds like someone being drowned and gurgling under water. Then they said he was later found drown....no one else's first instincts were drowning?

    • @manjmazi
      @manjmazi 7 лет назад +18

      oh god this made my blood curdle

  • @leratonakin1832
    @leratonakin1832 5 лет назад +52

    I'm supposed to be studying but wow 🙆

  • @savanna3019
    @savanna3019 6 лет назад +172

    Who else is trying not to get scared by reading through the comments, the music is scary af

    • @kathrynwolfe9020
      @kathrynwolfe9020 5 лет назад

      Savanna 301 I get bored and start scrolling through when I remember no one has solved these.

    • @lokestar1595
      @lokestar1595 5 лет назад

      Savanna 301 you’re gorgeous love the hair, reminds me of game of thrones XD

    • @deemfx
      @deemfx 5 лет назад

      I just don't want to see the recommendations

  • @Teddy4Tribe
    @Teddy4Tribe 7 лет назад +236

    Humans are f* scary.
    Besides that I actually thought that the sounds in the voicemail in the last story sounded similar to someone trying to talk while being under water or getting out of water...but idk

    • @PSSSD
      @PSSSD 7 лет назад +1

      Teddy4Tribe I thought the same

    • @beastin561
      @beastin561 7 лет назад +11

      Teddy4Tribe i would think that too but if that was the case we didnt have waterproof phones it would of shut off since it was in water first in all honesty i feel the friend did something to him no friend of mine no matter how fucked up i am will take me home not listen to me cause I'm drunk and have no capability of walking yet alone swimming. I feel he was killed

    • @PSSSD
      @PSSSD 7 лет назад +1

      ibeastin not if the friend was holding the phone

    • @graceharless3881
      @graceharless3881 6 лет назад

      Teddy4Tribe that’s what I was thinking.

    • @laylamills3888
      @laylamills3888 6 лет назад

      Teddy4Tribe same

  • @ReddyRisery
    @ReddyRisery 5 лет назад +75

    You know if time machine was real
    All of these cases would be solved xD

    • @brookes1971
      @brookes1971 4 года назад +10

      Red Riser or stopped... and the murderer taken out cause clearly they have bad intents...

    • @djbeezy
      @djbeezy 3 года назад +2

      The amount of energy required for time travel is mind boggling. I don't think time travelers would worry about these. Yeah, it would be nice to have these cases solved but I think they would have more important things to worry about, for a lack of a better term.

  • @abigailnoel6321
    @abigailnoel6321 7 лет назад +200

    To me the voicemail in the last one sounds like gurgling or gasping for air. which would make sense that his cause of death was filed to be drowning

      @BIGZILMUSIC 7 лет назад +6

      Abigail Noel THANK YOU!!! Niggas out here talm bout "a stun gun" or a "Bear" bihh has any of y'all ever been tased? It don't sound like that, I kno cuz I seen the body cam from the cop who tasted me, it's just moaning but the voice mail do indeed sound like he's underwater
      Maybe that's why the phone cut off maybe he was calling right before being pushed or falling in the lake and so the call went to voice mail and picked up the recording until the water eventually ruined the phone

    • @usafman8864
      @usafman8864 7 лет назад +15

      Since he was able to get some words out I definitely think he was fighting someone else to stay out of the water. His friends probably never saw the culprit, and he'll probably never be caught.

    • @abel_valenz
      @abel_valenz 7 лет назад +8

      For me it sounds like he’s being electrocuted and feels pain and also it sounds like the growls and moans come from a child or animal

    • @blueshoes5145
      @blueshoes5145 7 лет назад +23

      wouldn't there be sounds water splashing ? like a LOT. Especially because in the way he made those noises..shows fear, panic and pain. so he must have been moving around quite enough to move water. Also he said 'stop it', and It is more likely he was saying it to someone or something, that was attacking him. Drowning wouldn't be my first bet.

    • @Cowgirlfrom_Hell
      @Cowgirlfrom_Hell 7 лет назад +5

      Lindsey Bradford that’s what I thought too. Like you would sound if blood was steady coming out but they didn’t say nothing bout any knife wounds or anything 🤔

  • @nolleymarie9511
    @nolleymarie9511 6 лет назад +65

    The voicemail guy, you can clearly hear him begging for help 🤦‍♂️he was very afraid you can hear it In His cry something very bad happened to him but we'd never kno

  • @stephenjholloway27
    @stephenjholloway27 5 лет назад +25

    Yea I would say the guy in swat in the church is the same guy in pink, the walk is identical. His mannerisms match too.

  • @dennisw6935
    @dennisw6935 7 лет назад +167

    The man and the swat guy are the same person. The arms swing, the same walk and, most importantly: The humpback under his neck. You can clearly see it by the man with the swat armor.

    • @RaulLopez-cj1gr
      @RaulLopez-cj1gr 6 лет назад +5

      Dennis W. Also the way the bodies look

    • @sockshandle
      @sockshandle 5 лет назад

      People can look very similar to each other plus we never freaking see his face if it is him then his face would look the same as the man in the comparison but we NEVER see the SWAT guys face

    • @anthony8041
      @anthony8041 5 лет назад

      @@sockshandle So basically, if we could have seen his face on the tape, we would able to know if it's him ?

    • @sockshandle
      @sockshandle 5 лет назад

      @@anthony8041 Essentially yes not to mention really there is a thing called a doppelganger which is basically a double of a person or a twin so you would have to do a lie detector test to really prove who did it but chances of it being a doppelganger or a twin is unlikely but nevertheless we don't know for sure who it is

    • @chvrleshd
      @chvrleshd 5 лет назад +1

      roughly same height too

  • @Sharonmxg
    @Sharonmxg 7 лет назад +118

    Beaver's killer and the dude in the pink shirt both have a heavy footed stride and the right foot is turned out. very similar

  • @AdriannRIvas
    @AdriannRIvas 5 лет назад +43

    It's bad enough going on a hike in a forest but to go on a hike in a foreign country with a different language that u hardly speak, hell no

  • @Ragin__Cajun
    @Ragin__Cajun 7 лет назад +48

    Who the fuck lets 13 and 14 year old girls go hiking in the woods by themselves

    • @evas9735
      @evas9735 7 лет назад +1


    • @Mrdavidbruh
      @Mrdavidbruh 7 лет назад

      ragin cajun white people

    • @jferwarr6156
      @jferwarr6156 6 лет назад

      I think the grandpa did it. Look uo other videos on the snapchat murders. He is smiling and talking about hunting. Just plain gives me the creeps!!

  • @chaosmagnet1334
    @chaosmagnet1334 7 лет назад +150

    The last 1 with the voicemail actually sounds like he was struggling&gurgling under water, trying to fight back-&yelling at someone to stop! Oh how horrible! It was probably the person who lied about dropping him off at the gas station! Maybe they had a fight cuz he was drunk&it escalated&things got oit of hand. So terrible..
    Also in the lady killed at church by the person vandalizing it in the SWAT suit- oh c'mon!! I can not believe how OBVIOUS his walk is, &the identical mannerisms with how he opens the doors&cabinets, &how his body language is the same way, with how his arms swing outwardly&loosely when he walks! ..Even right down to the way her father-in-law's head&neck sit on his shoulders all slouchy!! Damn! Seriously?! He is free??!! Not a bigtime suspect?!

    • @JP-wx6uh
      @JP-wx6uh 7 лет назад +2

      Daniella Cartisser what else can we expect? It's Texas. Looks like a very shady justice system, based on all the disappearances and murder cases that get shown on RUclips from there. The Brandon Lawson case just stinks of corruption or cover up, based on the known info and how local law enforcement has acted towards the family and the local media in that case.

    • @matheusso1992
      @matheusso1992 6 лет назад +7

      Daniella Cartisser You made an amazing point on the 1# case. That is probably why the autopsy found that the cause of death was a drown. It was one, but because of someone else's doing.

    • @jenwithonen7047
      @jenwithonen7047 6 лет назад +1

      At I'm a Texan, and I think the reason you see so many cases from here, is because Texas is a huge place with a lot of people!
      As far as you saying our police are corrupt, Texas is just like any other place, police can be corrupt anywhere.

    • @MrRaiderWFC
      @MrRaiderWFC 6 лет назад +3

      It's because he has a rock solid alibi of being out of the state with numerous witnesses at the time of the murder. I honestly think the person is walking like that because they're wearing shoes too big for their feet. And I certainly don't buy that she was killed because she walked in on a robbery (nothing was taken, including her iPad, wallet, wedding ring, etc). The person was there with the purpose of killing Missy. That I feel strongly about. And I actually think it might in fact be a woman.

      @KOSVENDETTA 6 лет назад

      Look up David Paulides talking about Henry on coast to coast a.m. on RUclips it’s pretty sketchy.

  • @leahannadams8578
    @leahannadams8578 4 года назад +23

    Am I the only one who thinks that JonBenet brother actually did it and parents are covering up for him?

  • @ashleylynn2701
    @ashleylynn2701 6 лет назад +57

    Definitely think was her father in law the walk is the same and the big belly

    • @jabarithomas7290
      @jabarithomas7290 5 лет назад +1

      Ashley & Family that's the same walk the farther in law killed that poor woman.

  • @InuitInua
    @InuitInua 7 лет назад +446

    Too bad those girls didn't call someone about that guy following them instead of just snap chatting.

    • @kaeteaux
      @kaeteaux 7 лет назад +75

      InuitInua In a way, it is good... the picture they got was pretty clear. Better than if they had quickly described him in a moment of panic.

    • @gamelard1963
      @gamelard1963 7 лет назад +17

      why didnt they keep snap chatting?

    • @amandapandajayne
      @amandapandajayne 7 лет назад +63

      +chickychang1 my friends and I used to go hiking and bike riding alone all the time at the same age. You don't know how many time they had done it before this unfortunately situations happened. They probably snap chatted because they don't think it was a serious thing. It's not like they knew he was going to kill them

    • @qwertyzxcvbn3174
      @qwertyzxcvbn3174 7 лет назад +89

      Are you seriously trying to victim blame dead girls

    • @johnnytsunami9132
      @johnnytsunami9132 7 лет назад +90

      Come on now. Are you guys really trying to find a way to blame two 14 year old girls for their own murder? The guy that killed them holds no blame? At the time that they took the picture, they may have just found him creepy, so they figured taking a picture of him would be a good way for people to know what he looked like. We don't know what would have happened if one of the girls would have made a call, that might have simply prompted the guy to kill them right then and there. Either way it goes, it's not a good look to find some sort of reason to blame the victim of a crime.

  • @benedicamusdomino8546
    @benedicamusdomino8546 5 лет назад +44

    The father in law and the man caught in the video are one in the same. Same gait, same hunched forward stance, same height same angle of his feet when walking, both right handed, etc.. etc.. etc.. I mean come on, it's obvious to anyone with half a brain.

  • @herrdrumpf3261
    @herrdrumpf3261 7 лет назад +33

    The last one scared the shit out of me especially the voicemail.

  • @drchristinak4700
    @drchristinak4700 7 лет назад +115

    that ransom note looks so fake

    • @johnhein2539
      @johnhein2539 6 лет назад +9

      DrChristina K
      I agree. It even tries to explain who “they” are. “A foreign faction,” yeah, that’s how foreign groups think to label themselves. Also real kidnappers smarter than termites won’t try and identify themselves. And why are other country kidnapping beauty pageant queens? It’s pretty dumb actually. The note was probably written carefully with the left hand so the handwriting couldn’t be traced.

    • @tnon4326
      @tnon4326 6 лет назад

      John hein the writing looked pretty good to m I doubt it was writt n with the left hand

    • @v2jjk959
      @v2jjk959 6 лет назад

      i thought it was a kid writing that also explains that some words where weird

    • @annaaberg2241
      @annaaberg2241 5 лет назад

      Danielle Howell maybe they made the brother write it

  • @mturner81
    @mturner81 5 лет назад +21

    why did you drop off 2 teens in the woods?!!

    • @byronhoffman7699
      @byronhoffman7699 5 лет назад +1

      Unless the person who dropped them off killed them🤔

  • @unk0wn3.14
    @unk0wn3.14 7 лет назад +314

    (wheeze) oh wait this isn't ryan and shane.

  • @shadrach3006
    @shadrach3006 6 лет назад +87

    Cannibals for the first one...

    • @rigelreyesvargas3846
      @rigelreyesvargas3846 5 лет назад

      Green inferno inspired?

    • @esmeraldauribe3266
      @esmeraldauribe3266 5 лет назад

      They were found in panama and i believe panama does have canibals

    • @esmeraldauribe3266
      @esmeraldauribe3266 5 лет назад +2

      Karina Sanchez j heard too many stories about cannibals in places there thats why i mention it

  • @jobertoli256
    @jobertoli256 5 лет назад +15

    JonBenet Ramsey had been to the gynecologist 11 times by the time she was 6 years old what is that tell you? Just something to think about.

    • @tanyadestiny605
      @tanyadestiny605 3 года назад +2

      @Kyleigh Norton because honestly it’s not normal for a 6yr old to go to the gynecologist…..

  • @curtainsRcool
    @curtainsRcool 7 лет назад +59

    Locking my door

  • @cameronw.2775
    @cameronw.2775 7 лет назад +314

    I think the lady who travelled from Vancouver to LA and wound up in the water tank is one of the strangest unsolved mysteries. Spooky shit

    • @Brookieisyourfav1989
      @Brookieisyourfav1989 6 лет назад


    • @chadkincaid1968
      @chadkincaid1968 6 лет назад +10

      Elisa Lam. David Paulides talks about some very strange things surrounding that case.

    • @wayneedwards5515
      @wayneedwards5515 6 лет назад +4

      I agree, this is the most strangest creepy unsolved case, since the Mothman incident....

    • @catfromcentauri3762
      @catfromcentauri3762 6 лет назад +8

      I think if I could get all the details to only one case I would pick that one....

    • @catfromcentauri3762
      @catfromcentauri3762 6 лет назад +4

      MrMarco855 then share the details? What happened?

  • @hellyeah408
    @hellyeah408 5 лет назад +22

    If they haven’t arrested the father in law already, they should have him re-enact what HE did in the swat uniform because it’s him, he did it!

    • @allykatt1908
      @allykatt1908 2 года назад

      they def should do that that's brilliant

    • @hardver8855
      @hardver8855 2 года назад

      I think he had a rock solid aliby, he was in California or somewhere when the murder occured.

    • @allykatt1908
      @allykatt1908 2 года назад

      @@hardver8855 he def had an alibi but its hard to believe the walk and all is wayyy too similar its crazy

    • @hardver8855
      @hardver8855 2 года назад

      @@allykatt1908 yeah as i remember they stated the obvious similarities between the swat culprit and the father in law, the gait, the body etc, but police excluded him because his aliby was not shaky, it was confirmed that he wasnt there that weekend. But someone mentioned that maybe her sister in law did it, maybe she did it, having same father genetics.

    • @allykatt1908
      @allykatt1908 2 года назад

      @@hardver8855 ohhhhh well then that can be possible then that walk is super crazy too omg

  • @Dark-wu6gr
    @Dark-wu6gr 7 лет назад +115

    I love your channel. I wish you would upload like once a week but it makes sense why it takes a while to make a video.

    • @FactFactionYT
      @FactFactionYT  7 лет назад +38

      Thanks for understanding!

    • @Dark-wu6gr
      @Dark-wu6gr 7 лет назад +7

      FactFaction omg thanks for the like :00000

  • @edie7541
    @edie7541 7 лет назад +52

    5 Mysterious unsolved cases
    1. My life

  • @zuga-3938
    @zuga-3938 5 лет назад +87

    Someone deleted a picture on their camera with a computer in the jungle?!?! I highly doubt that someone have a computer in the jungle and also don't believe someone went home with the camera too delete a picture from a computer and then go back into the jungle and place the camera back there?!?!
    Sounds like a pretty bad made story

    • @u2beoscar
      @u2beoscar 5 лет назад +16

      zuga - The fact remains that there was a picture deleted. Seems like something pretty banal and useless to do if you were one of the girls and didn’t want to waste any batter life. Also considering that the other 90+ pictures on the camera were pretty much just random shots. Why delete one?

    • @Ohsoyoudani
      @Ohsoyoudani 5 лет назад +10

      I think the girls probably deleted a pic before even going on the hike. It could have been before that even happened to them

    • @slushthevillian6341
      @slushthevillian6341 4 года назад +2

      My best bet to explain this is that all those random photos were indiginous people trying to figure out how to use the camera. As for the deleted picture could be the humidity corrupting the camera/SD card where that 1 photo was causing it to be unreadable, hard deleted, or some other bullshit like that.

    • @bladimirvostik2851
      @bladimirvostik2851 4 года назад +1

      The video said it was deleted by using a computer..what if the killer has a laptop..

    • @slushthevillian6341
      @slushthevillian6341 4 года назад +1

      @@bladimirvostik2851 if it was truly deleted by a computer then there is definitely foul play. Most people don't even know how to hard delete stuff from a hard drive/ SD card. So it might not be tribal people that were involved.

    @THESLICKNESSEDM 7 лет назад +130

    That walk was identical

  • @NoNickNoKick
    @NoNickNoKick 6 лет назад +50

    Can this woman narrate my life?

    • @SuperSpecies
      @SuperSpecies 5 лет назад +13

      Only if it ends in an unsolved death.

  • @stevensongrey658
    @stevensongrey658 5 лет назад +22

    That voicemail gave me the Wiggins!

  • @yeahalright6683
    @yeahalright6683 5 лет назад +124

    Sounds like McCabe is being drowned

    • @Vizrart
      @Vizrart 5 лет назад


    • @jakephillips4453
      @jakephillips4453 5 лет назад +4

      Nah sounds like he's freaking out trying to scare off a bear. He panicked and ran into the water and drowned. People can hardly make any vocal noise when they are drowning. That's only in the movies.

    • @kiosouI
      @kiosouI 5 лет назад +1

      Maybe he was drowned and since he didn’t have time to breathe you can hear the water

    • @patwindsor2908
      @patwindsor2908 4 года назад +7

      People, that was not a drowning case.....it was two separate voices..one of the creature growling and the other of McCabe terrorized...he had only been dead less than a day and was found 2 months after...he had GHB in his blood from toxicology report...so much they couldn't believe it...and by the way GHB is only in your system for hours...not months...my belief is he was surprised while making phone call by a multidimensional creature ...!!

    • @matthewhill8640
      @matthewhill8640 4 года назад +6

      Something murdered that man