Howard Dean Gets Schooled on Scott Walker and College Degrees

  • Опубликовано: 11 фев 2015
  • Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," talks about the value of a college degree in objecting to the former Vermont governor's criticism of Wisconsin Gov. Scot Walker as "unknowledgeable."

Комментарии • 244

  • @bobsit1945
    @bobsit1945 9 лет назад +3

    Joe was my Congressman when I lived in Pensacola FL, and had met him a few times prior to the election, and have nothing but the greatest respect for him. Was so glad to see him stand up for Scott Walker on the college deal. Heard recently that college grads come out with $40,000 - $50,000 debt and end up with an annual average starting salary of $20,000- $30,000 while some Trade School grads walk into $60,000 jobs.

  • @TimothyOBrien1958
    @TimothyOBrien1958 9 лет назад +3

    Howard Dean is a pure example of someone on whom a college education was wasted. And Walker had to drop out of college to GO TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Howard Dean. What a putz.

  • @texman81
    @texman81 9 лет назад +2

    The current college graduate in the White House once claimed that he visited all 57 states of the U.S.

  • @stevemcgee99
    @stevemcgee99 9 лет назад

    Most people I met in college had no idea 'what was going on in the world'.

  • @rupiwilly
    @rupiwilly 9 лет назад +11

    Howard Dean is desperate to say something intelligent, but I kind of doubt that will ever happen. It almost comes out but ends as a screaming yell thing.

  • @410farm
    @410farm 9 лет назад +1

    Howard Dean calling Scott Walker dumb is about thee most absurd thing I've ever heard !

    • @410farm
      @410farm 8 лет назад

      I would put him up against ANY of your liberal friends IQ wise !

  • @liveinmyamerica
    @liveinmyamerica 9 лет назад +7

    Whats with all the nut jobs coming out of Vermont?

    • @ApoBeef
      @ApoBeef 9 лет назад +4

      Must be something in the maple syrup.

  • @cbsctomh
    @cbsctomh 9 лет назад

    Howard Dean should ask for a refund from his College! My gosh he's not afraid to embarrass himself!

  • @Montana-Records
    @Montana-Records 9 лет назад +1

    He left college to help his struggling family...

  • @kylestewart9951
    @kylestewart9951 9 лет назад +1

    All these clowns in Congress have went to Ivy League Schools... yet none of them can balance a checkbook. Hmmm.

  • @markburns4579
    @markburns4579 9 лет назад

    So Dr. Howie; please tell us how all those ivy league class educated presidents have done running this country?

  • @stephenmaturin
    @stephenmaturin 9 лет назад

    Did you know Peter Jennings did not finish college? And Brian Williams? well...
    From the Peter Jennings Wikipedia page:
    When Jennings was 11, he started attending Trinity College School in Port Hope, Ontario, where he excelled in sports. After the CBC moved his father to its Ottawa headquarters in the early 1950s, Jennings transferred to Lisgar Collegiate Institute.[2] He struggled academically, and Jennings later surmised that it was out of "pure boredom" that he failed 10th grade and dropped out. "I loved girls," he said. "I loved comic books. And for reasons I don't understand, I was pretty lazy."[3] Jennings then briefly attended Carleton University, where he says he "lasted about 10 minutes" before dropping out.[4] He also attended the University of Ottawa.[5]

  • @DWGuitar111
    @DWGuitar111 9 лет назад

    "The first President in many generations who did not have a college degree"- Howard Dean. I bet it was someone with a college degree that came up with the question "do you believe in evolution?", the answer to which, doesn't mean a damn thing.

  • @egccrypto2349
    @egccrypto2349 9 лет назад

    Didn't Scott Walker drop out for a job? And it's not like he didn't learn what was need while he was there. He went to college for 3 and a half years, which means he was almost done.

  • @primitiveproduction2071
    @primitiveproduction2071 9 лет назад

    Did dean learn that insane scream of his at college.

  • @Spar10Leonidas
    @Spar10Leonidas 9 лет назад +11

    Now, I don't really consider myself to be a fan of Scott Walker, nor do I consider myself to be that conservative (outside of economics), and I do agree with Dean in regards to the science of evolution and the importance of teaching evolution. However, his arguments against Walker are completely asinine. For example, his justification for Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropping out of college doesn't work, neither of those men can predict the future. To an extent, you're making a gamble when you set up a business or something like that, so for all that they knew, their projects could have failed. They could have ended up being just a fad or being outdone by something better (anyone remember MySpace?). On top of that, who's to say that Walker couldn't end up becoming a great President? Gates and Zuckerberg took the world by storm with their innovations, maybe Walker could end up being really good. Then again, maybe he wouldn't, but the fact that he dropped out of college isn't proof of that. In regards to evolution, I don't really see much as to what he could do on that front. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the President can really influence policy too much on that front unless a bill from Congress comes across his desk (and I don't see them trying to do much on that issue in the near future). In any case, it's not like he's the exception amongst the Republican Party, a significant portion of them either deny evolution or prefer not to talk about it, so singling out Walker on that issue is unfair (plus, liberals have their own share of science-deniers too).

    • @ApoBeef
      @ApoBeef 9 лет назад +7

      I'd say dropping out of college and winning multiple elections for governor as a conservative Republican in a blue state is success in itself.

    • @Spar10Leonidas
      @Spar10Leonidas 9 лет назад +1

      Alan Vuong Good point.

    • @darrylflinch5274
      @darrylflinch5274 9 лет назад

      Alan Vuong actually if you know the truth about why he drop out. It will surprise you! Walker was expelled, due to conduct. He was caught defacing his opponent's campaign posters for one -- there could be more. His spin of the situation is pretty funny to me; he did not drop out to focus on the Red Cross and politics -- he was being drummed out and wanted to improve his image. Walker has been a bane to the majority of Wisconsinites. Job growth has lagged all other midwestern states. He is ruining the UW (maybe that is part of his war on education) and has had a long going legal probe into his work as a politician for a couple of years.
      BTW- I'd rather have a President who can do simple basic math, unlike Scotty! Who has created a $2 Billion deficit in Wisconsin since he became governor of that state!

    • @BigMoInAZ
      @BigMoInAZ 9 лет назад +2

      Alan Vuong tell that to the moron who keeps attempting to denegrate Walker over his so called College exploits! Libs have no life of their own and must live vicariously through others!

    • @darrylflinch5274
      @darrylflinch5274 9 лет назад

      BigMoInAZ Let's all confess that we are not living off of you! you have no money! you live in your mom's basement! Worst case is that you have no JOB!

  • @cbsctomh
    @cbsctomh 9 лет назад

    But he's smart enough not to growl...grrrrr!!! which sunk Dean's Presidential bid. Oh that's right...we didn't forget!

  • @cbsctomh
    @cbsctomh 9 лет назад

    Hey Howie... why don't you debate him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • @knucklechukka
    @knucklechukka 9 лет назад

    scott walker didn't answer the question because it was to draw out his beliefs. who cares if he believes in it? what policy could be created to enforce that belief? let a student decide I want a president who will lead this country properly amazing how many college grads have ran us into ruin time and again. I don't feel its a necessity if you have reached the point where you are in contention for the presidency also I think it makes him relatable to the average American instead of the out of touch legislature that is prevalent right now

  • @stephenmaturin
    @stephenmaturin 9 лет назад

    Did you know Peter Jennings did not graduate from college? And Brian Williams? Hmmmmmm...

  • @poep3249
    @poep3249 9 лет назад

    Warning to readers. This thread is full of nothing but trolls for Walker. But its entertaining.

  • @dtrayn19
    @dtrayn19 8 лет назад

    Bill gates was TO SMART for college. XD

  • @ethanlculver
    @ethanlculver 9 лет назад +1

    Joe Scarborough made a complete fool of himself here. He keeps bringing up examples of people who changed the world and did not graduate from college, but that is completely irrelevant. We're not talking about someone who wants to start a business or invent something new. We are talking about someone who is going to run for President of the United States. Now before you jump to conclusions, I am in no way saying that Walker is AUTOMATICALLY "disqualified" because he didn't graduate college. And I'm not saying he is automatically uneducated because he didn't graduate college. But it will absolutely be talked about, and people have every right to question whether he has the education necessary to lead a country. People say since he took 3 years, he's all good. False. What if he took intense math courses in college? That's not helpful. He would have needed to receive a well-rounded education with good grades, including economics, science, english, history, etc.

  • @leftwingersareweak
    @leftwingersareweak 9 лет назад

    Another point...when someone says "do you believe in evolution?"...they are not even smart enough or informed enough to ask the question correctly. The question is not precise enough. Thus, the original questioner and Howard Dean are stupid on the subject. And yes, I have taken many, many science classes over the years.

  • @punchcat1234
    @punchcat1234 9 лет назад

    I like Howard Dean but he really stepped in it and why does he continue your bad Howard didn't they teach you anything at Yale
    Ole boy

  • @leftwingersareweak
    @leftwingersareweak 9 лет назад

    Would anyone allow Howard Dean to practice medicine on them? Not allowing that flunky to even get close to me if I need a doctor.

  • @fenderjagmeister
    @fenderjagmeister 9 лет назад

    if you want to make someone else rich go to college if you want to become rich your self don't go to college,

  • @poep3249
    @poep3249 9 лет назад

    I do not care whether he finished college or not. Scott Walker does not have the necessary intellect to be president. Zuckerburg and Gates are true geniuses. Just listen to them speak and compare it to Walker's speech. I want a president who speaks with true passion and soulful expression which cannot be taught. You have to just have it. I want a president like Jefferson whose intellect and moral fortitude could not be conquered by less of a man. Where are these Jefferson's? We get stuck with Palin, and Walker and Cruz whom I believe do not always have the best interest of the people in mind.

  • @robfalter464
    @robfalter464 9 лет назад

    what else would one expect from a moonbat like dean? he represents what is now the mainstream of the democratic party, which is pretty scary

  • @tmb24jr
    @tmb24jr 9 лет назад

    What exactly does Walker's thoughts on Evolution have to do with anything anyway? Should an Atheist candidate that does not believe that Jesus existed have to answer the question, "Do you think that Jesus was the son of God?" There is a separation of Church and State for a reason.

  • @dnatz58
    @dnatz58 9 лет назад

    So Howard Dean thinks it's important that someone running for president should have finished college? Wonder if he thinks it's important that they got good grades. We still haven't seen Obama's college transcripts. Wonder if Dean thinks it's important that someone running for president is a natural born U.S. citizen.

  • @batmandeltaforce
    @batmandeltaforce 9 лет назад

    Walker can fix his problem with night school, but for Dean... you can't fix stupid. Howard Dean proves that college doesn't make you smart. However to engage in a philosophical discussion you have to define the terms up front. Of course Dean is not engaging in a discussion, he's just trying to assassinate Walkers character. However, if they are talking about "Darwinian" evolution, then that is just a theory that has no supporting evidence. So I guess that makes Dean ignorant? No doubt things change and adapt, but to suggest that a fish turns into a dolphin that eventually walks out of the ocean and turns into a monkey that turns into humans is absolutely ridiculous. There is nothing to suggest one species evolves into another completely different species. However we also know that Dean was just taking a swipe at religion too. His dishonesty reveals much about the man.

  • @ultratanningsalon8002
    @ultratanningsalon8002 9 лет назад

    Looking back at Mr. Dean's political career and his latest comments one could easily assume he had not finished college. Wow, you almost have to try to look that uneducated, amazing.

  • @dougwright2661
    @dougwright2661 9 лет назад

    Howard (smuck) Dean.

  • @DebraJMSmith
    @DebraJMSmith 9 лет назад +1

    That guy does not know what he is talking about. Many very educated scientists believe what the bible says about creation. My daughters are two of them.

  • @tobinprowant10
    @tobinprowant10 9 лет назад

    Who the hell still listens to Howard the coward Dean this person was a relevant in his own time what does that tell you about his relevance now. now that his time has passed

  • @GertrudeMyrtle
    @GertrudeMyrtle 9 лет назад

    Scott Walker is a college dropout, quitter. Period.

    • @leftwingersareweak
      @leftwingersareweak 9 лет назад +2

      So was Bill Gates, Harry Truman, Mark Zuckerberg, Ellen DeGeneres (your hero, no doubt), Ted Turner (another hero?), etc. The list is long...
      So what is your point?

    • @GertrudeMyrtle
      @GertrudeMyrtle 9 лет назад

      Scott Walker is NOT Bill Gates, or any of the aforementioned.

    • @ApoBeef
      @ApoBeef 9 лет назад


  • @arodgefan589
    @arodgefan589 3 года назад

    This was before Joe became a schmuck.

  • @beerhangover4779
    @beerhangover4779 8 лет назад

    @John Otto Did you too drop out of college? Your comment is just what i can only compare to meaningless and uninformed babble.

  • @thehubster118
    @thehubster118 9 лет назад

    Wow, just wow, so people who don't believe in evolution are all just uneducated religious nuts? You just can't make this crap up. He actually believe his own crap. As a Christian who believes in creation and has only finished about 2 years of college so far I find this guys claim very offensive! I like to believe that I could run for office and do well at it, the military teaches great leadership skills. It's just sad that this is who we are trying to argue with.