My second worst experience with a customer


Комментарии • 577

  • @valeriecajayon8320
    @valeriecajayon8320 Год назад +686

    The part that irks me even more than her cancelling, is the audacity she had to send family and friends after you in your DM's. That shows that not only did she NOT feel bad, but she felt justified in what she did. I'm so sorry this happened.

    • @asia8001
      @asia8001 Год назад

      She’s an entitled ass Karen they always do this and when they can’t get away with it like they usually do they do that fraudulence.

    • @marinaSassygUrl88
      @marinaSassygUrl88 Год назад

      And the childish behaviour from grown ups… so sad. A world full of idiots like her and her family.

  • @jennab1049
    @jennab1049 Год назад +1359

    Am I the only one who secretly hopes the “cheaper” cake was sh*t and buyer was miserable with it 😂😂

    • @O_o-simp
      @O_o-simp Год назад +21


    • @nyotauhura7412
      @nyotauhura7412 Год назад +85

      I hope they took her money and didn't deliver.

    • @LarisseMontrose
      @LarisseMontrose Год назад +54

      Mhmm, with thin melting buttercream and no support under the pineapple she wanted. Just a pile of mush.

    • @camsgrammy
      @camsgrammy Год назад +29

      Not even secretly 😂😂😂

    • @velveteenrabbit5940
      @velveteenrabbit5940 Год назад +39

      Thats all fondant, with no buttercream, and the baker mistook the suger for salt

  • @brookepearson
    @brookepearson Год назад +1808

    Also, why was she looking for other people to make her a cake after she'd already ordered one from someone? That's something you do beforehand, and THEN pick someone to make your cake based on your needs (price, skill, etc.)

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +474

      Exactly. Had she told me prior that she found someone cheaper, I would’ve been like, ok thanks. Bye

    • @Defined4hispurpose
      @Defined4hispurpose Год назад +18


    • @valerieanngomez3506
      @valerieanngomez3506 Год назад +69

      Actually when I first started baking people were like that to me it one of the reasons I never tried to sell. Because when you say the price of the material and time they are like oh no thats to much. People don't realize that this is an art and it takes time money and inspiration and ingredients.

    • @victroyarthur6956
      @victroyarthur6956 Год назад +5


    • @nataliaromanova9556
      @nataliaromanova9556 Год назад +51

      @@valerieanngomez3506 Honestly, it's like this with anything truly handmade. I do sewing stuff and people get bent out of shape on prices. But I charge for cost of materials plus $15 an hour for time. Which isn't even a living wage. People don't understand what handmade takes. At all.

  • @eggmon420
    @eggmon420 Год назад +63

    What makes it even worse is she didn’t even cancel. She waited until you called to say no. Imagine if you didn’t call. When was she going to tell you she didn’t need the cake? This sorta behaviour is awful.

    • @ranjelicated
      @ranjelicated Год назад +3

      That really sucked and still felt she was as if the baker could read her mind

  • @kokomo23love
    @kokomo23love Год назад +164

    Listening to this made me so 😡🤬
    I’ve been in customer service for 10+ years, the audacity of some entitled #%^$&@
    Will make you want to kick their behind and send them to outer space

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +36

      I wish I could 😂 she made me soooo mad

    • @mandyheart8754
      @mandyheart8754 Год назад +11

      Wow, what a terrible person! The cancellation and harassment parade clearly displayed her true colors. As you said, how can someone possibly think that it’s ok to treat another human being that way? Anytime I become aware of something like this, I never fail to be taken aback at the enormity of selfish, inconsiderate and tactless actions that people are capable of!
      This is entirely unlike your situation, but just last night I was in the McDonald’s drive thru at a location where certain people tend to gather and hang out on weekend evenings. It’s a very cramped parking lot and drive thru lame, yet these people have no reservations about parking wherever they want, always fully blocking the “passing” lane through the parking lot. They’ll usually park in ways that force drive thru customers to have to maneuver past them (the drive thru has a tight corner and they make it extremely difficult to navigate), however last night, a woman in a fancy new car parked so that she blocked the drive thru entirely. She blocked movement between the order speaker and the pay window, during which time she was casually hugging, chatting and greeting her friends in the parking lot - neither her nor the 15 people hanging out had a shred of concern for the 15 cars in the drive they that she was holding up. It was INSANELY infuriating! And for not a single one of her companions to tell her to move??? Not until an employee went outside and had to repeatedly tell her to move, did she get out of the way. Things like that - astonish me to no end.

    • @blogsbybismah6627
      @blogsbybismah6627 Год назад +1


  • @faizahmohammedaruwa
    @faizahmohammedaruwa Год назад +85

    How much do you wanna bet those "family members" were all just her on alt accounts or her messaging from her families accounts whenever she got the chance? And I guess she also told them she just tried to cancel and you exploded and yelled at her for no reason, forgetting to mentioned she cancelled on a new mom at the LITERAL LAST SECOND!
    Absolutely unbelievable. The sheer AUDACITY!!!!! 🔥🌋🔥🌋🔥

  • @rosewater226
    @rosewater226 Год назад +518

    Nah, that's a bag of curse words. She knew what she was doing, and I would have blasted her on every media I could. Showed the cake and everything, made her feel bad and let others let her know how bad she messed up, ESPECIALLY after her family came at me. Oh hello no, hunny. 😡

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +176

      There has been sooo many times I wish I could’ve blasted people for how they behave but I think if my business first and how it’ll look if I did that 🥺

    • @rosewater226
      @rosewater226 Год назад +46

      @@BakeMyDayMimo Yeah, I get it. I sell candles, and I have to reign myself in, but I don't know, she just seemed to be a Karen+.

    • @gardeninginthedesert
      @gardeninginthedesert Год назад +51

      I honestly don't think people like this feel bad no matter what you do to show them up. She got her family involved to back her up so she obviously from that type of environment. You can only lose fighting people like this. They have no compassion or moral sense.

    • @HaveWhatBringsMeJoy
      @HaveWhatBringsMeJoy Год назад +1

      @@gardeninginthedesert Exactly correct. They are narcissists. No compassion, no morals or values.

    • @melanytodd2929
      @melanytodd2929 Год назад +3


  • @SpinningAround-sy9ri
    @SpinningAround-sy9ri Год назад +175

    I will say I am thinking from a digital artist perspective. This kind of scenario is why many digital artists requires an upfront no-refund payment for commisions. I remembered when I started out and undervalued my work and ask for like the smallest amount with virtual currency, so technically free, I've had many instances of people like, "Sorry, not paying you because I found someone better." Some even had the audacity of saying they'll take the finished drawing but still wont pay. Like-

    • @evewhoo
      @evewhoo Год назад +27

      Some people just don’t value creative and custom work. Art and custom crafts/baked goods are luxuries and the customer must expect to pay big when they place their order. Bigger than a mass produced item that is. I see a custom plushie on Twitter being sold in an artist’s online store and I know for sure that that plushie’s gonna be pricey because of the materials and process and shipping. That’s just how it is. It’s a privilege to buy something that was handmade/designed and custom ordered for you specifically. And it’s so sad to see that some people just don’t care about that. I literally just saw a YT short about a girl who does handmade leather handbags who went through something similar. Poured all her time and effort into making the bag only for the customer to say no and not pay.
      And for artists who do commissions, the less you value your own work, and the less you know about doing commissions, like most beginner artists, the more likely it is for others to drag you through the mud.
      Deposits are so, so important (also valuing your own work).

    • @16poetisa
      @16poetisa Год назад +5

      When I worked at a small app company, we would commission digitals all the time for new apps. Trying to remember how we did it... I think we paid for each step, i.e. mockups, first drafts, and final product in all sizes plus the original file. But we also used a website so we had to pay for each job upfront into escrow (so the company could verify the money was there, before the contractor started doing the work).

    • @ariannasv22
      @ariannasv22 Год назад +5

      I once had someone offer to buy me a month of discord nitro. When I declined they said "well x artist accepts them."
      Like, ok, go to them then!

  • @eggmon420
    @eggmon420 Год назад +32

    What really grinds my gears is the fact that not only was she in the wrong, she was so nonchalant about cancelling on a custom project. Plus she was so confident she was right she SENT HER FAMILY AFTER YOU.

  • @ghostlillah
    @ghostlillah Год назад +639

    You probably get this a lot, but I just want to say you’re a very talented person. The talent you have is actually so insane and I knew that if I tried to do half of the stuff you have done, I would fail. Thank you for making time to post for us on here and all your other social medias. We love you! 💞

  • @salwamiller772
    @salwamiller772 Год назад +277

    Also those people are ungrateful for your talent and they are missing an amazing baker like yourself. From watching your videos, I believe that your prices are amazing and the amount of effort you put into making the cakes are amazing. Wishing you all the best and can’t wait to see your talent grow.

    • @MuneCharbon
      @MuneCharbon Год назад

      People are!! Definitely! :( like how could someone allow or get family members to send hate online and cyber bully a sweet and kind person like her?!! We need to protect at all cost. Not that she needs it, but she deserves and has earned it all herself. 💖

  • @lacefern7347
    @lacefern7347 Год назад +82

    The only thing she can’t afford is kindness

  • @sherryduden5638
    @sherryduden5638 Год назад +88

    You had every right to feel how you felt. Those people are just rich idiots who think they can treat people however they want and get away with it

  • @seasmacfarlane6418
    @seasmacfarlane6418 Год назад +29

    I've been a cakemaker for 50 years and learned the hard way not to trust people. Sadly it is sometimes people you know who let you down. Also family expect freebies or really cheap prices, and no-one ever appreciates the time and effort that has been spent on the cake. I only kept going because it was something I loved doing. My best wishes to you .... hang in there!

  • @FlowerChild65
    @FlowerChild65 Год назад +51

    That's horrible. I wouldn't mind the cancelling if she still paid because you did make the cake after all. This is why, when looking for a cake like this I email around first before choosing someone. If I ordered a cake and it had been made, I would assume I would be paying for it. The one and only time I have done something like this was to my hair stylist. I booked out a chunk of time to get hair done, and cancelled that morning. It was because my mom had a seizure and couldn't leave her. Unfortunately she hung up on me and wouldn't let me explain, but normally I would never do something like that.

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +33

      I would’ve been understanding if there was an emergency like that 🥺

    • @FlowerChild65
      @FlowerChild65 Год назад +13

      @@BakeMyDayMimo Oh no, of course you would :) I didn't think you wouldn't. I just told that story because it was vaguely related.

  • @eleonorapatera1501
    @eleonorapatera1501 Год назад +200

    A couple of years ago we prepared a birthday party for my dad, a huge one, and we invited a lot of people, we ordered a huge cake and everything. In the end my dad got the flue (like the day before) so we had to cancel the party but we still bought the cake and we ate cake for days.

    • @verak66
      @verak66 Год назад +64

      And that was a responsible way to handle it.

    • @morganc.m1830
      @morganc.m1830 Год назад +5

      And that is a better reason to actually cancel and you still bought it so you didn't waste their time unlike this woman.

    • @pwallace5359
      @pwallace5359 Год назад +1

      I bet it was delicious. More for you.😉

    • @Jessica_Costantini
      @Jessica_Costantini Год назад +3

      awe hope your dads okay
      and thank you for doing the right thing 🎂 very gracious of you

  • @danilynn88
    @danilynn88 Год назад +21

    I had this same exact scenario happen to me. I contacted her the day of the party to ask her what time she was picking it up. She said the party was canceled. I later found her party photos posted on Facebook and she had someone make the same cake, only it looked terrible 😂 I hope it tasted just as bad as it looked.

  • @Sxmmer_hearts58
    @Sxmmer_hearts58 Год назад +94

    Can we just all appreciate how much effort she puts in the videos I love you so much when I grow up I want to be a baker

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +20

      Thank you love 🥰🥰

    • @Sxmmer_hearts58
      @Sxmmer_hearts58 Год назад +6

      Yw I love you so much

    • @Sxmmer_hearts58
      @Sxmmer_hearts58 Год назад +3


    • @deborahcharakupa1931
      @deborahcharakupa1931 Год назад +1

      I really hope you become one. Baking is so much effort, and so worth it❤️

    • @Sxmmer_hearts58
      @Sxmmer_hearts58 Год назад +1

      Thank you so much if you always believe then you could get what you want in life just always remember that

  • @Grimsded
    @Grimsded Год назад +31

    I feel like this happens for a lot of creators/artists. People don't appreciate or understand the actual time, effort, money and sacrifice that goes with our trade. It's not your typical nine to five. Everything isn't premade and just handed out to whoever turns up. People don't realise this IS our full time job at times, this is our sole income at times. One persons request is a week, a month, and upwards worth of work for us. And where its customised? Why are they shocked personalised work is gonna cost more? You get your dream served to you of course its gonna cost more 😅😅😅

    • @setapartforHim
      @setapartforHim Год назад +4

      Right! And then they want a discount! 🙄

  • @Kyna_4ever
    @Kyna_4ever Год назад +76

    Oh my gosh, that is so awful! I don't sell my cakes but I know how much time and effort goes into them, and I can't imagine burning yourself out like this, thinking it will all be worth it, only to be canceled on! That is so sad that some people take advantage of others like this. But as for the cake in the video, oh my gosh it's so gorgeous!!!! I love the details and the gold twigs and leaves coming off the cake! You are so amazing at what you do and I look up to you so much as a cake artist. 🥺

  • @amayas570
    @amayas570 Год назад +2

    That’s so messed up that she did that to you! I hate when people don’t value other people’s time! It’s so rude, and for her family to message you as if you were the one in the wrong? Just ridiculous. Im sorry this happened to you Mimo!

  • @paisleyhendrix43
    @paisleyhendrix43 Год назад +7

    I have stopped making custom cakes for my wholesale dessert biz because of things and people like this ! It is so harmful to a small business to interrupt production , use up ingredients, time , labor , creative energy , not to mention all the time wasted back and forth trying to accommodate the client , then to be rudely cancelled or not even picked up at all with no no explanation was so heartbreaking .

  • @Liz_Dave
    @Liz_Dave Год назад +12

    I was in the 1st few years of my makeup career. ( I had contracts drawn up that were quite expensive). I knew an acquaintance who was going on a date and wanted her makeup done. She asked me if i could do it for her. I thought sure why not. I only charge her $25 for full glam airbrush makeup that I normally charge over $100 for. I finished her makeup and she then told me she didn't have enough money for it. She told me that she was going to pay me when she got paid on Friday. She never paid me, and she was the only person I never got her to sign my contract.

  • @sharlesb7735
    @sharlesb7735 Год назад +2

    Yes unfortunately we have to live and learn, people can be so mean and never admit to their failings. Beautiful cake in this clip, so romantic 💕

  • @katepic
    @katepic Год назад +11

    The whoas of the creative self employed, the hard lessons we learn… I get it. thank you for sharing. You’re so sweet, btw 😊

  • @canadiancatgreen
    @canadiancatgreen Год назад +5

    They deserved what they got. Even more so since they did not have the courage to tell you they were cancelling.
    You are very talented

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +1

      I truly would not have been upset if they needed to cancel. 😭😭

    • @canadiancatgreen
      @canadiancatgreen Год назад +1

      @@BakeMyDayMimo I know and we know life happens but at least tell you instead of finding out when you call to find when they will get it
      I'm no baker although I did make a Keto Cheesecake that I decorated Not as nice as yours but at the restaurant we went to someone asked where we bought the cake because it looked good lol with more practice it would be better was not quite perfect but it was for moms birthday and it tasted good

  • @ashnita1130
    @ashnita1130 Год назад +17

    One time a woman ordered a cake for birthday. She has 2 sons. I thought it was for one of her sons or her husband. I usually call after finishing the cake about delivery or pickup time. Her husband picked up the phone and asked about the name on the cake for confirmation and said he will inform his wife.
    Sometimes later the wife called and screamed that I ruined her marriage. She had ordered that cake for her boyfriend's birthday. I had to sell it to someone else later.

    • @ashnita1130
      @ashnita1130 Год назад +5

      @@areejashraf7413if only she had informed me it's for her boyfriend I would not have told her husband. Though I would have definitely judged her and gossiped with my friends.

    • @ashnita1130
      @ashnita1130 Год назад +5

      @@areejashraf7413 truth always comes out. I think the husband already knew about the boyfriend. While talking to him I got the feeling he knew. For me the main victim is always the children.

    • @ashnita1130
      @ashnita1130 Год назад

      @@areejashraf7413 so true.

    • @pyrophoresist1497
      @pyrophoresist1497 Год назад +4

      Wow! The crossover no one expected

    • @shakira7301
      @shakira7301 Год назад

      @@areejashraf7413 as much as it's a bad thing, it isn't your place to say it. Just saying.

  • @ppshale7223
    @ppshale7223 Год назад +5

    Mimo bravo this cake was magnificent!!! Some people just really have no clue and then you can tell they are a group of clueless people as a whole . I'm so sorry this happened to you. So glad that business was having a grand opening so the cake did not go to waste . Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!! You are appreciated!!!!

  • @Sadiebell67
    @Sadiebell67 Год назад +4

    I wonder how this person would react if her employer told her that they do not need her anymore and gave her no notice! 🤔

  • @ShellyCline
    @ShellyCline Год назад +8

    Aaaand that's why Mimo only does cakes after a deposit is paid.
    So for those few who still don't get the whole "deposit" thing? Here ya go. No deposit? No cake!!!

    @STRQWBRII Год назад +6

    Your first till you refresh..

  • @aclpbm
    @aclpbm Год назад +4

    I’m so sorry to hear this and glad you understood that you do NOT deserve that kind of treatment! That is absolutely unacceptable and so frustrating to imagine she never realized how in the wrong she was. Good for you for standing up for yourself Mimo!

  • @LanakilaMiller
    @LanakilaMiller Год назад +2

    So agree with you. Been there done that with a customer but sued them and won on record that was my satisfaction didn’t care to get the money but in front of all these people on public record to then have against any bad words. In 2007 there wasn’t all the apps to trash people with lies.

  • @ilisafonua2798
    @ilisafonua2798 Год назад +2

    I don't know what that woman told her friends and family but I hope it was, "I'm a moron; I ordered a cake, didn't cancel it, and now I have no idea why the baker's mad at me." And now I feel embarrassed for her friends and family that they have to be seen with her in public.

  • @jyotika.c
    @jyotika.c Год назад +5

    I totally totally understand what you went through 😓😭 I have a small child too. Thank you for sharing this will keep in mind before I start my home baking business.

  • @lianealbert7728
    @lianealbert7728 Год назад +3

    I had a friend who was a hair stylist and another who was a personal trainer. Ppl would cancel on them all the time. Same thing with every other person who is in business for themselves. Clients who don’t show up for appointments. They are reserving a time for you. Whether it’s a cut, color and style or a birthday cake / cupcakes. Because someone doesn’t show up or cancels an order, that’s time that they could’ve been doing something else (making money)…
    People are so selfish and self absorbed. I absolutely don’t blame anyone for requiring a deposit for goods or services of any kind.

  • @lenrussell2424
    @lenrussell2424 7 месяцев назад +1

    Dang, Mimo! The cake you're making in the background to this storytime is so pretty!!!!

  • @myqueerplantfamily
    @myqueerplantfamily Год назад +3

    I’ve had clients stiff me after providing them with services. Now, I couldn’t care less about “potential” clients who complain about paying up front because they’re probably the ones who would’ve walked away without paying if they didn’t have to pay up front to begin with 🤷‍♀️

  • @KS-zy3uu
    @KS-zy3uu Год назад +4

    This is a good example of what not to be when it comes to a consumer, Like you said she probably still thinks till this day she did nothing wrong. The fact that her family members came after you speaks for itself. Her ego and pride couldn't take it so she had to make herself the victim of this. SMH. Anyone with a level head knows right from wrong. Good riddance 👏 she didn't deserve your creation.

  • @delana2842
    @delana2842 Год назад

    The audacity! People never cease to amaze me. 🤨 Beautiful! Beautiful, cake! 💖💖💖💖💖

  • @cuteprincess441
    @cuteprincess441 11 месяцев назад +1

    Good on you for calling her out! I hate entitled people like that so much!

  • @allymonte7295
    @allymonte7295 Год назад +1

    Sorry about the bad deal. Happens with ignorant people. I recently had a buyer back out of buying our house. All we can do in life is go onward and upward! Wishing you much success! 💖

  • @amberkaymodernart7093
    @amberkaymodernart7093 Год назад +1

    Jeesh! That is definitely incredibly rude! I do a few cheesecakes and whatnot here and there and I do all my stuff gluten free, this makes me realize I definitely need to take a deposit. I always take a deposit with my artwork….cakes are no different. Thank you for sharing this!

  • @Tink3rB3ll666
    @Tink3rB3ll666 Год назад +3

    I sold my first cake yesterday to my first bad customer. Made the mistake of agreeing to letting them pay in person when I dropped it off. Dropped it off and they used them going through Cancer Treatment to guilt me into giving them the cake for half the price. I should’ve just took the cake back but I didn’t want to deal so I let them have it. But never again will I let this happen and will never have them back as a customer.

  • @irishamericanpinupdoll
    @irishamericanpinupdoll Год назад +2

    Nothing makes me more upset then having someone not value another’s time. Time is the ONLY commodity that we can never get back. I do EVERYTHING within my power not to waste a phones time waiting for or because of me. I’m so sorry this woman did not value your time Mimo.❤

  • @SheWritesHerJourney_
    @SheWritesHerJourney_ Год назад +3

    That’s unfortunate that people think it’s okay to be inconsiderate 🤦🏾‍♀️
    This cake you did was stunning!!

  • @charlieevilpig7776
    @charlieevilpig7776 Год назад +21

    That's why my daughter decided to not start a cake decorating business. She had been doing some for friends and family and everyone said that she should start her own business. After about a month she had had enough. People who wanted it for free, people who didn't want to pay anymore then a cake they could buy from Walmart, even though they had ordered a complex design. People were rude and even though she required a down payment, they didn't want to pay the balance when they came, if they came, to pick it up. To much stress

    • @morganc.m1830
      @morganc.m1830 Год назад +1

      Why didn't she just require the payment before she even started the cake? Like, um...

  • @melodyschaefer6631
    @melodyschaefer6631 5 месяцев назад +1

    Oh my that's horrible. That's so time consuming. Some people are so inconsiderate.

  • @ateeqaryklief7916
    @ateeqaryklief7916 Год назад +3

    I had a similar experience with a customer. As a startup small business I didn't take deposits either and even though I wasn't making any novelty cakes I was spending all my time and effort making sweet treats and desserts. So I put in the time and the money and a customer cancels last minute and her response to me was "I run a small business too so I understand that communication is important" I received her message after midnight and was so upset that I thought I shouldn't respond.
    The customer has a cupcake business and I'm sure that if someone cancelled on her last minute she'd be upset too.
    Oh well, we live and we learn

  • @patriciaferrazas-seidu8202
    @patriciaferrazas-seidu8202 19 часов назад

    I've had that done to me before also! I have a small catering business and I pay for absolutely everything on my own, and out of my pocket. I make meals fresh on the day they ask for it and take orders for the two days prior. I never took deposits. Now I do for sure.

  • @kuro4843
    @kuro4843 Год назад +2

    Some people really have no consideration or respect for anyone but themselves. If something like that happened to her I guarantee she would think it was a big deal then.

  • @SC-pe9ir
    @SC-pe9ir Год назад +2

    Glad you take deposits now. I would also make contracts that are enforceable in small claims court. It's bc of people like her that we have to have these rules. Beautiful cake😇

  • @bubbleblast0826
    @bubbleblast0826 Год назад +1

    What gets me about this is that she knew in advance but didn't have the common decency to tell you.

  • @avercado4132
    @avercado4132 Год назад +2

    as an artists who does commissions working with people who dont value you or your art or your time is the most exhausting and awful experience

  • @bilan...
    @bilan... Год назад +3

    This experience made my blood boil. That person was so entitled and selfish and how could you do that to Mimo? If you found someone cheaper tell her prior smh. Like some people in this world have no regards to other people. Mimo tysm for posting all the times and your cakes are absolutely gorgeous! ❤️🫶🏾

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +2

      Thank you love! And yes, that’s all I ask for. A phone call canceling. I truly would not have minded 😭😭

  • @youngsukheo
    @youngsukheo Год назад +4

    I feel so sorry that you had to go through that. I know this is a lot less severe, but this one time I was working on a huge project with one of my best friends and right before we were done they canceled. They said they found someone with a better project and apparently that person was less “problematic”.

  • @ellap4235
    @ellap4235 Год назад

    People never cease to amaze me at their cluelessness.

  • @kasslue1877
    @kasslue1877 Год назад

    Your work is priceless! So sorry! You make your cakes perfect and you are a Godly kind lady and deserve better treatment . I enjoy you so much. 😊

  • @kimlove3040
    @kimlove3040 Год назад +1

    Wow, skrew that person. I’m glad you’re at least professional. My sister had a bad time with hiring this mini pancake stand for catering. And last minute they actually asked my sister if she can change the time she booked them for?? And when he said no she had already booked them for a certain time, they said “okay well since you didn’t want to change the time we won’t be able to cater” like what?? So rude and unprofessional.

  • @DandSmom
    @DandSmom Год назад +1

    I’m glad you confronted her! Your cakes are beautiful and watching you create them is so fun! ❤

  • @Leena79
    @Leena79 Год назад +3

    When things like this happen, that just sucks. I've had a similar thing happen to me early on with custom jewellery, which wasn't as big a deal because I could reuse the materials, and expiration wasn't a problem, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth for a long time. I understand life doesn't always go the way you plan, and things happen, but the least I'd wish people did was sincerely apologize instead of arguing, when they are the party breaking a contract. Making custom art, crafts or cake art is time consuming, and it is really challenging to make a living through creative work, because everything you put out into the world comes from your own time, talents and ideas. Time wasted on making something just to have the order cancelled is time away from something profitable, and maybe time away from creating something that leads to more orders. Cancelling custom work doesn't work like returning a piece of mass-produced clothing.

  • @whitelightingpurplethunder4907
    @whitelightingpurplethunder4907 Год назад +1

    when going into a pizza shop. going into a theater, order subway ETC
    You pay first! $ cash$
    They don’t want to pay
    no cakey for them!
    you worked 5 hours on that cake.
    it’s weird nowadays actual Adults play such childish games to people.
    cash only. even buying Flowers you pay first.
    I feel your pain. I’m so sorry this had happened to you!
    Love your videos!

  • @cucubee444
    @cucubee444 Год назад +8

    Look at that magical 🪄💕🧚‍♀️💕cake! The gold and roses come together sooo nicely! As for the story oh come on now lady! She had the nerve to tell her family to leave rude messages. Spinning 😵‍💫 it as if she was the victim, awful. I’m so glad your cake was used in a welcoming environment that’s where that cake wanted to be!!!! 🍍💫🍍💫🍍💫🍍💫🍍💫🍍💫💫🍍💫🍍💫🍍💫

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +5

      I know right. And thank you love🥰🥰

    • @cucubee444
      @cucubee444 Год назад +3

      @@BakeMyDayMimo 😍Welcome!!! 🥰

  • @vanessapyo7331
    @vanessapyo7331 Год назад +1

    I couldn’t imagine treating anyone like that. If I did what that customer did, I’d have trouble sleeping at night. I don’t understand how some people go through life without any common courtesy or manners.

  • @SkyZello7301
    @SkyZello7301 Год назад +2

    I can kinda relate but like as a child. Cause one of my friends really wanted to make like a comic strip, but I had to do chores like every day to get money to save up for something I really wanted. So I kinda just said no I don’t have to time and for all the artists out there many of you know how long it takes for people to draw. And then she got really upset and I understood why she was upset but I just wanted her to know it takes literal months to write a book non the less to make a full comic. And then a few months later she ditched me and then she said “WhY dId YoU lEaVe Me YoU lEfT mE wItH nOtHiNg” and she said that because most of her friends thought that my side of the story was more reasonable than hers. Also I told her about my personal life and she just said I was giving her bad vibes, so moral of the story. Unless you really trust that person never tell anyone about your personal life, also don’t feel bad saying no sometimes.

  • @kilgore_trout_37
    @kilgore_trout_37 Год назад

    This really really made my blood boil, omg! It’s crazy how some stories really transport you to the moment. Here’s hoping she learned a lesson. Or fell into a lake.

  • @MIKI-wy3fd
    @MIKI-wy3fd Год назад +4

    Gurl u deserve so much better!!! My mom is a house wife and around every month we have familys coming over or we go to someone elses house, and I know how much time it takes to cook and decorate and set everything up and I can't even imagine how hard it is for all those moms who do this on a daily basis. U work so hard and ur so good, talented and skilled at it too. AWESOME JOB GURL!!💖💖💖💖
    My mom is always stressing everyday on what to cook and everything so Ik its hard💖

  • @barbmck28
    @barbmck28 Год назад +7

    I love this cake! And i love your videos, so relaxing and enjoyable! I love them so much now, that I have started sending them to my bf 🤣. He got today's fondant short captioned with the ingredient list. I can't help but share your beautiful work. 🖤☕

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +3

      I’m so excited for you to try it. Message me on Instagram and let me know how it goes.

    • @barbmck28
      @barbmck28 Год назад +1

      @@BakeMyDayMimo will do! I love baking!
      Edit: okay I just went over and made sure I was following you 🤣🤣🤣

  • @phillip9036
    @phillip9036 14 дней назад

    The cakework sounds brutal!!!lesson leant!!!🎉

  • @amynazza
    @amynazza Год назад

    She clearly felt guilty which is why she complained to her friends as family trying to make herself feel better. I’m glad you lived and learned so that you aren’t exploited like this anymore. What a horrible experience.

  • @ashleyburke427
    @ashleyburke427 Год назад

    As someone who has lived in NYC now for 12 years, I do NOT miss these types of Michiganders. Bless you!!!

  • @ilikeairplanes6391
    @ilikeairplanes6391 Год назад +1

    I'm so sorry that happened to you, I get that you worked really hard and you were most decently correct, it is not okay to do that to a person. The way the family members acted was wrong and very disrespectful. No one should be a jerk like that.

  • @coryart
    @coryart Год назад +1

    Similar thing happened to me with a completed detailed watercolor portrait. Thankfully I had already collected a 1/3 deposit, but get this, the person thought that since they weren't getting the painting that they were entitled to that deposit back (Hell No!). I had no use for the portrait and no buyer interest and out of frustration ended up burning it.

  • @jinroza3877
    @jinroza3877 Год назад

    This makes my blood boil. How could she do this. And the audacity after doing that to you!
    Some people really don't have any common sense in their brain.

  • @ameliecarre4783
    @ameliecarre4783 Год назад +4

    Apparently she lived by the "I'm the customer, I'm the queen, I can do whatever I want and as a caterer/salesperson/whatever, you should toil for me and be grateful" and it seems a lot of people in her family and friends feel the same way.
    But I bet they don't recognize their own behaviour if they're in the receiving end of it, and would genuinely say that people who do this sort of things are horrible.

  • @SleepyPrincess3002
    @SleepyPrincess3002 Год назад

    That lady needs to get bent. How can she have the audacity to not only waste your time but also your resources and then have her family HARASS YOU? She should get canceled honestly and see how it feels to be harassed on social media. She should be grateful you were merciful

  • @jecka1021
    @jecka1021 Год назад +6

    This wouldn't have happened if she just cancelled. Honestly my blood boiled just hearing this story. It'd be one thing if you just started the cake but you literally finished it. UGHHHHHH I hate people like this. I'm sorry she acted like that even tho I'm sure your cake was *amazing*

    • @BakeMyDayMimo
      @BakeMyDayMimo  Год назад +3

      That’s all I ask, just let me know in advance and I honestly wouldn’t mind. And thank you 🥰

  • @oppor9803
    @oppor9803 Год назад +2

    Even if you had yelled , that would have been the rightful thing to do

  • @andrewbeaumont5492
    @andrewbeaumont5492 Год назад +1

    I was a plumber before retiring. When I first started my business I would take calls from people with an emergency problem. However, when I arrived they would have called several others - the first to arrive got the work. In a couple of cases I did initial work but then needed addition materials. This could be a pump, a cylinder or something else. When I returned with the thing I needed, they had got someone else, who gave a lower price. Some people are just ****. In my case I stopped taking urgent calls from strangers and built up regular custom.

  • @elainebelzDetroit
    @elainebelzDetroit Год назад

    What a horrific experience.
    But this cake in the video -- wow, that's incredibly gorgeous! While you were making it, placing the little flowers looked so random, but of course I knew you were going somewhere. ❤

  • @marinamasters2070
    @marinamasters2070 Год назад +1

    Always ask for a deposit. Ive learned the hard way. She won't cancel if she already paid half deposit. Your cakes are wonderful. Keep it up😋😉

  • @jameson7252
    @jameson7252 Год назад

    Mad respect to you! I love your Channel! Wish you was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to make your amazing cakes.
    Screw the haters! You’re a great artist!

  • @SaltyArmyLightworkerDivision
    @SaltyArmyLightworkerDivision Год назад +1

    Bad karma for the customer. I too get a lot of orders from weddings. I learned the hard way also to charge up front before I even begin to work. Thankfully I have had 99% awesome clients. Every once in a while it is unpleasant though

  • @joanhenschel3511
    @joanhenschel3511 Год назад

    This cake is gorgeous, you're super talented!

  • @olie2211
    @olie2211 Год назад

    Wow Mimi the rose cake is sooo beautiful ! You have sooooo much talent

  • @am-js1ge
    @am-js1ge Год назад

    I truly understand what your saying better than most anything in the culinary world is tricky.

  • @francescacastiglione7094
    @francescacastiglione7094 Год назад

    That is a gorgeous cake! You are extremely talented!

  • @truthspeaker8863
    @truthspeaker8863 Год назад

    Please do more more of these!!! Love these stories (the bad ones lol)

  • @blobofconsciousness
    @blobofconsciousness Год назад +3

    May you get that money and more from RUclips with this video.
    And also may all her family members see this and increase your earnings.
    Karma comes back. Dont ever worry.

  • @sarahcosta4882
    @sarahcosta4882 Год назад +1

    I had three wedding cakes to do in one weekend. I hadn't heard from one of the brides in weeks so I thought I should give her a call. She stated that the wedding was off and she didn't need the cake! I said why didn't you call and let me know and she gave me the same attitude. No big deal!! I was actually happy because I didn't want the extra work, but it's the point. Then I started getting a deposit and if the cake was cancelled a week before the wedding they only got a percentage of the deposit back!

  • @hennanoman386
    @hennanoman386 Год назад +2

    You know, you make the decorating of your cakes look so effortless ... I love watching you create and you're very hardworking may Allah bless you ❤

  • @98dannyj
    @98dannyj Год назад +1

    I don’t care what people think, you were actually polite, trust me. And it’s always those cheap customers, who don’t other to have maners and cancel when they find someone cheaper, but will get offended when you point out their stupidity and lack of maners. I say fc** them :) glad to see you are only growing since then

  • @terrysampson94
    @terrysampson94 Год назад

    Girl!!!! You have my business and I'll recommend you to my work too (they buy several per year) I'm sorry you had to deal with this idiotic, awful person and her less than intelligent relations...

  • @nos480
    @nos480 Год назад

    People who do not make things don't always appreciate the time and labor that goes into producing something.

  • @confderatechocolate4645
    @confderatechocolate4645 Год назад

    Canceling last minute is surprisingly common in the food industry…and it’s incredibly annoying

  • @justjane1984
    @justjane1984 Год назад

    I’m totally fascinated watching you create such beautiful cakes. Each one is a unique masterpiece. My poor husband is thankful to get muffins or a loaf once in awhile lol. And love your stories! Is there a video about your number one worst customer?

  • @randomperson9122
    @randomperson9122 Год назад

    Even if you yelled at that person there is nothing wrong in that. What a loser to order the cake when you are not sure about it.some people will never accept their mistakes .And thank you for sharing that taking deposit is an absolute must.Love you Mimo .you are my favourite cake decorator.

  • @KhansaMaliks
    @KhansaMaliks Год назад

    I literally let all your ads play fully just to fully support you in all that you do! 🍍 if I lived closer, I’d order the Rice Krispie pineapple as well 😅

  • @perrydisecabin5947
    @perrydisecabin5947 Год назад +1

    May be your second worst customer, but sounds like your best ever lesson! That’s how we all learn and grow. … now you take deposits 🎉 ….and I don’t lend my sister money 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @staceysaidso2121
    @staceysaidso2121 Год назад

    I really like ur cakes I'm originally from dearborn Michigan now in Indiana but if I would of new u then I'd most definitely have u making cakes for family occasions. I think u are bomb at what u do keep up the good work ma.