The Terminator and T2 were the Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back for my generation. The Terminator is possibly the greatest "B-movie" ever made. By that i mean, it is the greatest low-budget sci-fi ever produced. Some of the effects stand out like a sore thumb. But The Terminator is still a great inspiration for future filmmakers. Cameron showed us what can be possible on a small budget and its freaking amazing. T2 on the other hand is the greatest action movie ever made. Cameron showed us whats possible once youve established yourself in the industry. And its freaking phenomenal. I mean, Linda Hamilton was so great in T2, she made Sarah Connor one of the greatest, strongest, most iconic female roles ever put on film. Her Sarah Connor is right up there with Cameron's own Ellen Ripley in Aliens and Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind.
@@peterjohnson8935 How so? Did you see some of those model effects? Like the first shot of the Flying HK? A lot of the effects in this movie stick out like a sore thumb.
@@LukeLovesRoseBetter pacing, superier practical effects in places (mainly the damaged face) and the far better tone. Plus, none of the enemy Terminators have ever been as menacing as The Phone Book Killer.
Fun Fact: Tahnee Cain, who sang "You Can't Do That", "Photoplay" and "Burnin' In The Third Degree" in *"THE TERMINATOR"* is really Tané M. McClure, the daughter of Doug McClure. You may remember him from such films as Kevin Connor's *"The Land That Time Forgot"* (1974) and Barbara Peeters' *"Humanoids from the Deep"* (1980). He, of course, was parodied in *"The* *Simpsons"* with the character "Troy McClure", who was originally played by the late Phil Hartman.
I did not know tane mcclure was a singer - I remmebr her soft core work she did for cinemax and occsianal appearance in a mainstream film. She was in Go and Played Reese Witherspoons mom was n Legally Blonde
Everyone talks about Arnold...but Michael Bein is INCREDIBLE. I would argue that he is the BEST actor in the Terminator series. (Arnold is a close second for sure.)
Michael Bein has always been a super underrated actor. Everything he’s in he steal the show. Tombstone. Navy Seals. The Abyss. Aliens. All fantastic performances.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton deserve all the credit for their amazing performances in this movie, but I've always thought that Michael Biehn in particular is essential to its success and arguably steals the show. He just nails the role in way that conveys so much about the future he's escaped from and the survival skills he's acquired to navigate it. He's totally authentic in the role, and his performance even manages to sell the romance plot that kind of comes out of nowhere in the script. The original Terminator remains one of my favorite movies for acting and casting in general. Not only are the supporting roles (like Paul Winfield and Lance Henriksen) sharply-cast to feel like people really living in this world, but even the bit parts are all perfectly realized, from the gang members to the gun shop owner to the fake Sarah Connor housewife to the "You got a serious attitude problem" guy to the chubby dude dancing his heart out at the Tech-Noir club. And that's not even getting started on the music, effects, etc. Just a phenomenal movie that has so much to offer on rewatch. T2 is a phenomenal movie as well, but I ultimately agree with what I think Oliver Harper said in his review, that there's a window in T2 where you kind of forget about the T-1000 whereas the original is just relentless in emphasizing the T-800's constant pursuit.
This film has it all. Action. Romance. Horror. Sci-Fi. Drama and the ever so perfect amount of levity sprinkled throughout to make it an absolute masterpiece and pretty much a perfect film.
It's crazy, you have almost the same experience as I do regarding seeing the second one first (in theaters) as a young child, being absolutely obsessed with it, then seeing the first on, and having that one become the favorite, except for me, that happened immediately upon seeing it and it has remained my favorite movie to this day. The commentary points out and discusses everything I have observed and thought about this movie word for word.
even down to the love of the pop soundtrack and noticing the effect of the mono soundtrack and the contrasts created by the film as opposed to the quality of movies shot digitally.
Quick niggle: the gruel that Reese makes while he and Sarah are at the Tiki Motel isn't food. It's the explosive charge for the pipe bombs he uses later. When Sarah is going through the shopping bags, she finds mothballs and ammonia; turning to Reese, she asks "what's for dinner?" And Reese answers, distracted, "Plastique".
I saw the original when I was seven or eight years old. I fell in love. That was for me, the standard of how a movie should be. Even though I was still a small child, the bar was set. Then I saw terminator two when I was probably maybe 10 or 11 and I remember my mom taking me out of school to go to the theaters and watch. And all I still prefer terminator one, I love Terminator too. But overall both movies are incredible. As a child, the first one gave Me the chills and it still does but it was number two that gave me hope and it’s still does. And the sequels can all go F themselves.
Rewatched this again recently. It really has aged so well. I agree that it's the superior of the two films, even though I love T2. The atmosphere, pacing, sound design, effects (which generally have aged amazingly well). The performances are great too.
That scene where the female soldier gets zapped by the HK tank, Reese destroys it with the canister, and escapes in the vehicle is recreated in the Annihilation Line DLC of the Terminator Resistance game. It is you, the player, who saves him from the burning car.
The older I get the more T1 is my absolute favorite, by miles. Lean and efficient, complex ideas conveyed with simple execution, great dialogue, tech noir atmosphere on full display, cool 80s wardrobe, (Arnold with his longer hair in the military punk jacket and vibrant graphic T-shirt steals the show with sheer coolness). Not to mention that wide, slow motion shot of the terminator stalking past Sarah in Tech Noir as the crowd dances, the music playing, the tension spiking - for my money that scene epitomizes the entire series to me. It is *the* perfect shot and my favorite moment of the entire film.
Agree. T2 was my fav for years til I realized it is a Terminator and should always kill, like the first movie. Even at the start on T2 there is no reason in the bar why Arnie should not have ripped hearts out again, apart from they probably wanted a lower audience rating so dumbed it down
It's not just demon with the glass hand and Soldier from the Outer Limits that Cameron got inspired from but also the episode "The man who was never born". The story of a guy who goes back in time to kill the mother of the guy who destroys the planet
I like when T800 gets into the truck near the end he looks around and doesn't know how to drive it and his cpu downloads the gear shift and in seconds he knows how to drive the truck, great details.Also when he reaches to get the bomb from his hip with his left hand after the explosion his left hand is blown away and missing leaving him with no legs and one functional working right arm
I remember seeing this movie a lot as a kid, and in my first adult rewatch, I caught the nuance of his hair being burned by the fire and Arnold losing his eyebrows. I feel like the sunglasses were as much of a cover the no eyebrows decision as it was a cover up the cut out eye. It also feels like a classic Arnold move where he felt like he looked weird minus the eyebrows and wanted to have a reason to wear the sunglasses, hence the eye gag was born, or at least they didn’t just do a makeup appliance the entire time because Arnold demanded he wear sunglasses until the end.
There’s an interview with the musician P.J. Harvey where she talks about meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger, and explains she was taller than him in her heels.
I was born in 1978 so have long memories from my childhood of think The Terminator was a masterpiece. I have to thank my late uncle, who was my movie guru growing up, for introducing me to this film when I was no more that 8 or 9 years old. It was perfect late Friday/Saturday night viewing. The perfect mix of Sci-fi, horror, action and being one of those movies that has a story that takes place over a small 48 hour window. It has elements for 1978`s Halloween I feel.
The first Terminator was the dark scifi, robotkiller movie I remember as a kid on television. Terminator 2 was thé Blockbuster when I was 16, I was so excited they made a second one that I saw it 5x in theater. The most I saw any movie in the cinema. This was such a classic, the Guns and Roses video on MTV was preparing us for what was to come. Good 'ol times 😂
I agree. I do think the emotional weight of T2 takes the cake over the first terminator but both amazing in their own right…. Same argument with alien and aliens
I didn’t find the Romance subplot to be out of nowhere or unearned in Terminator . Sometimes how guys get laid is the intrigue of being a virgin . Just make sure the woman does not already have 6 kids and looking for more child support government funding .
Oliver, do you do all your commentaries over NTSC DVDs/US Blu-rays? That would explain why the commentary ALWAYS falls out of synch for me, since I live in Englandland.
There are no lack of plaudits for this movie. It's well regarded and considered a classic by movie fans. To say it's underrated is completely false. It's rated very highly by those who watch it.
@@mitchelllawrence2798 The Terminator was a critical and commercial hit and was number one at the US box office. It reached an even wider audience on home video. I watched it in 1987. It has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, whereas T2 has 91%. Some people prefer Aliens to Alien, but it doesn't mean Alien is underrated. It just means both are incredible but some people prefer action over tension. Same with the Terminator series.
@M2Mil7er I also watched it in the 80s. Using Rotten Tomatoes is not a good reference point? Lol And it is "underrated," when hardly anyone talks about it. And on that note, I'm moving swiftly on.
This movie sparked my love for small scale, really gritty SciFi movies. You don‘t need politics or military or glossy space ships getting involved to tell a great story.
I dont know when this was recorded but i hope rob is starting to feel better. Hes a very important voice that is very funny and makes insightful comments about cinema. Sorry to hijack your comments ollie but please let rob know hes valued and appreciated by us unwashed masses.
I prefer this Terminator movie to the sequel. Terminator 1 is just too good and it's grimmy look matches perfectly the look and feel. Awesome casting and sountrack.
I agree with you Oliver T2 is missing the horror element which is heavy focused on action. Cameron was very good at making sequels. Better than originals and Aliens doesn’t disappoint in that regard.
Totally disagree with Rob. The stock motion clips of full endoskeleton are required and also it still looks amazing in the corridor. For some reason it looks scary and intense
X-Men Days of Future Past's intro seemed to get a bit of that futuristic glimpse too. The night sky and all the color palettes were just all right on especially. Junkie XL did a great job in his part in the most recent latest Terminator soundtrack... the only and best part of the movie. Lol! How the Terminator T-800 was Created | Arnold Schwarzenegger as Sgt. Candy Cyberdyne Systemsвидео.htmlsi=eZcY7F0yHtm7MlN4
I believe that terminator in the future with the laser machine gun is Franco Columbu. If true, Franco is the only person who has EVER LIVED who has portrayed Robert E. Howards Pict and James Cameron’s Terminator.
Where does the time go? It's been ten years now since I first listened to an Ollie commentary. Thanks for so many hours of entertainment, man! Here's to many more.
H'yep. As a kid it was all about T2 but as I got older it was all about the original. I love it's vibe, it's leaness and it's low budget charms. Reese and Sarah's romance hits home more and Arnie is so imposing. I think T2 has also unfortunately had it's power dimmed for me because all the crappy sequels that came after kept regurgitating its iconography and ideas which has robbed it of its richness. Is that fair on T2? Nope, but that's the way my mind is wired. Good thing the first Terminator is a world onto itself.
Holy shit. I commented that i was eagerly awaiting to see what film you guys would do next but I never predicted that it would be my all-time favorite film. This is the absolute finest end cap to a long day that I could ask for. Cheers, gentlemen. Ps. Last Action Hero soon? 😅
I find it funny you think a robot wouldn't use contractions. I'm pretty sure AI could let a robot use contractions.... and say "um" and "er", especially if would help make the robot blend in as human which is what a teminator is trying to do. Rob is great and makes these commentarys very funny -. I have been watching his channel too lately. The humour reminds me of when you did videos with richard and duncan. Keep it up!
I think The Terminator in some way, being big and stocky, caucasian, using 20th century weapons, dressed in leather and punk clothing, with a Germanic-like accent, is basically a Nazi being sent back in time to kill John Connor as JC. Sarah is Mary, Kyle is Joseph and Gabriel the Angel of Prophecy, and The Terminator is like Herod's soldiers, or a mechanical image of death, or Angel of Death, and Skynet is both King Herod, Hitler and the Antichrist. The film is a post-apocalyptic dystopian sci-fi war but also contemporary, action, horror, slasher, mystery, police procedural, crime, thriller, cyberpunk, time travel, fantasy, epic romance, dark comedy, and spiritual film.
@@Freakazoid12345 cool. I love the films metropolis by Fritz Lang, the door with mads Mikkelsen, welt am draht by Fassbinder, Lola rent by Tom Tykwer, and Victoria by Sebastian Schipper, das boot by Petersen, like films by will wenders, Roland Emmerich, Joseph ruznek and the tv series Dark
@@MDBowron Mads Mikkelson is Dutch, right? But it's close enough to being German that he can be a bond villain. Easy mistake to make. I prefer to believe that Arnold is more like Security at Oktoberfest than a Nazi, because nazis really haven't been a thing for almost 100 years. 80, to be specific.
Although another theory why a terminator has an Austrian accent is to make the terminator appear as a foreigner to explain its limited social skills and any social faux pas it was making.
Maybe I missed it in this commentary or others, or maybe there are deleted scenes. But isn’t anybody confused as to what The Terminator was doing when he first got to L. A.? He comes there at 1:52 AM, immediately steals the clothes from Bill Paxton and the boys, and then the next time we see him it’s bright light. At least 8 or 9 in the morning, maybe later. WHAT THE FUCK HAS HE BEEN DOING FOR AT LEAST 6 or 7 HOURS? Hanging around? Catching the sights? He’s a Terminator. He could’ve found all three Sarah Conners and been back to the future by daylight. And when is the best time to find most people? In the middle of the night. Unless there’s some kind of explanation, it’s a HUGE plot hole that ruins the movie.
In regards to Ellison, iremember in early 83 reading an issue of dc comics presents with superman and OMAC in which machines from the future came back to the past to kill a man whos unborn son would be the saviour of the future ,it was becoming a sci fi trope by the mid 80s
I watched this film as a kid. I love its darkness and its storytelling. T2 is a great film but in its technical aspects with CGI which was ahead of its time, but it isn't The Terminator. As for the sequel T3 to the last film they are too Hollywood, too safe. The Terminator took risk in its production value and performance.
Watched the 4k release at the cinema the other day and the new weapon sound effects really spoil it for me. Such a shame as it needlessly tarnishes a great film
Hi Oliver & Rob. I also love the noir & even choose this as my favorite of the two personally, even though T2 is a cinematic juggernaut of filmmaking. By the way, that backdrop pic of the dark future, was that a poster? I must have it.
Love this movie, but every time I watch it I catch more and more mistakes. Thank god Cameron isn't like Lucas, always tinkering with his old films. I'm sure every mistake drives Cameron nuts, but he isn't going to go back and mess with it. Imagine him replacing all the stop motion shots with CGI. People would fuckin riot lol.
Oh you mad bastard, I was thinking "Does he have a new logo for his channel based on the "Orion" logo of old?" and there it is. Ha ha, cool. Been trying to come up with on based on the original 1983 Aussie Roadshow logo and theme that is burnt into my soul ever since I saw Cujo and First Blood with it.
The Terminator you see in the future scene that infiltrates the base is also a T800, only one with a different skin to Arnold. The T800 part is the skeleton, whilst the model type is the skin. In other words, the Model 101 is the Arnold likeness, whilst the one in the future war base sequence is another model number.
I disagree a low budget film showing the future war filmed EXACTLY like the future was war filmed in the 1st and 2nd film would make a perfect companion piece to to the first 2 movies. No jai Courtney or any of that bollocks but a de aged Kyle Reese would be amazing, just about them getting Kyle back in time. But again shot the same sound the same. Dialogue to match the fancy over the top camera angles no CGI it should just match the originals. For the fans not to try and re re re launch the franchise.
When I was a kid I realised that the gate to back garden opposite my own was ajar. As a probed inside I discovered an incredible amount of junk. Lying among the detritus was a small, vaguely unsettling robotic-looking action figure. That was my introduction to The Terminator. Years later after watching the movie that memory would resurface.
I saw the first terminator movie when I was in middle school in 8th grade in 2014 about 3 years after I saw terminator 2 and terminator salvation I kind of enjoy the movie and didn't decided to look at it again years later around late 2022 I started to see how special the first movie actually was.
Inspired by damn fool idealistic crusade's video about the history of this movie and T2 on home media, I just recently bought a few dvd and bluray editions of this exact movie and just this morning I converted to dvd my old vhs of this movie that miraculously has not been affected by my parents garage humidity. I'm on a roll, here...
The memory of Alex Cox introducing The Terminator and then watching it on a portable CRT is something burnt into my memory forever and I am eternally grateful!
This movie is a masterpiece.
THE DARK FART is a master shit
Absolutely one of my very favourite films alongside Robocop one of the best films ever made
The first one is a gem
It so deserved that 100%
on Rotten Tomatoes, one of the few times that they were right.
The Terminator is one of those rare 10/10 films. Perfect film made for its time and has aged beautifully.
The Terminator and T2 were the Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back for my generation.
The Terminator is possibly the greatest "B-movie" ever made. By that i mean, it is the greatest low-budget sci-fi ever produced. Some of the effects stand out like a sore thumb. But The Terminator is still a great inspiration for future filmmakers. Cameron showed us what can be possible on a small budget and its freaking amazing.
T2 on the other hand is the greatest action movie ever made. Cameron showed us whats possible once youve established yourself in the industry. And its freaking phenomenal.
I mean, Linda Hamilton was so great in T2, she made Sarah Connor one of the greatest, strongest, most iconic female roles ever put on film. Her Sarah Connor is right up there with Cameron's own Ellen Ripley in Aliens and Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With The Wind.
That new intro where the O turns into OLIVER HARPER just like the Orion logo is just brilliant
Yeah, it's cool...
Childhood is thinking terminator 2 is the best one
Adulthood is knowing the first one is superior
For what reason?
T1 the best.
@@peterjohnson8935 How so? Did you see some of those model effects? Like the first shot of the Flying HK? A lot of the effects in this movie stick out like a sore thumb.
@@LukeLovesRoseBetter pacing, superier practical effects in places (mainly the damaged face) and the far better tone.
Plus, none of the enemy Terminators have ever been as menacing as The Phone Book Killer.
@@LordMorltha LMAO. But Terminator 2 is a different story. That doesnt make it a lesser film.
Fun Fact:
Tahnee Cain, who sang "You Can't Do That", "Photoplay" and "Burnin' In The Third Degree" in *"THE TERMINATOR"* is really Tané M. McClure, the daughter of Doug McClure. You may remember him from such films as Kevin Connor's *"The Land That Time Forgot"* (1974) and Barbara Peeters' *"Humanoids from the Deep"* (1980).
He, of course, was parodied in *"The*
*Simpsons"* with the character "Troy
McClure", who was originally played by the late Phil Hartman.
I did not know tane mcclure was a singer - I remmebr her soft core work she did for cinemax and occsianal appearance in a mainstream film. She was in Go and Played Reese Witherspoons mom was n Legally Blonde
I'm old enoiugh to remember him from The Virginian.
Everyone talks about Arnold...but Michael Bein is INCREDIBLE. I would argue that he is the BEST actor in the Terminator series. (Arnold is a close second for sure.)
Michael Bein has always been a super underrated actor. Everything he’s in he steal the show. Tombstone. Navy Seals. The Abyss. Aliens. All fantastic performances.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton deserve all the credit for their amazing performances in this movie, but I've always thought that Michael Biehn in particular is essential to its success and arguably steals the show. He just nails the role in way that conveys so much about the future he's escaped from and the survival skills he's acquired to navigate it. He's totally authentic in the role, and his performance even manages to sell the romance plot that kind of comes out of nowhere in the script.
The original Terminator remains one of my favorite movies for acting and casting in general. Not only are the supporting roles (like Paul Winfield and Lance Henriksen) sharply-cast to feel like people really living in this world, but even the bit parts are all perfectly realized, from the gang members to the gun shop owner to the fake Sarah Connor housewife to the "You got a serious attitude problem" guy to the chubby dude dancing his heart out at the Tech-Noir club.
And that's not even getting started on the music, effects, etc. Just a phenomenal movie that has so much to offer on rewatch. T2 is a phenomenal movie as well, but I ultimately agree with what I think Oliver Harper said in his review, that there's a window in T2 where you kind of forget about the T-1000 whereas the original is just relentless in emphasizing the T-800's constant pursuit.
Check out Michael's eyes during some scenes. You really get a sense that he's from a very dark future and has really seen a lot.
@@AndyJay1985yeah not too mention the nightmare scene which implies he has PTSD which is another factor of war.
This film has it all. Action. Romance. Horror. Sci-Fi. Drama and the ever so perfect amount of levity sprinkled throughout to make it an absolute masterpiece and pretty much a perfect film.
and tits.
"Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range."
"Just what you see pal."
"Oozi nein milameeta."
It's crazy, you have almost the same experience as I do regarding seeing the second one first (in theaters) as a young child, being absolutely obsessed with it, then seeing the first on, and having that one become the favorite, except for me, that happened immediately upon seeing it and it has remained my favorite movie to this day. The commentary points out and discusses everything I have observed and thought about this movie word for word.
even down to the love of the pop soundtrack and noticing the effect of the mono soundtrack and the contrasts created by the film as opposed to the quality of movies shot digitally.
Quick niggle: the gruel that Reese makes while he and Sarah are at the Tiki Motel isn't food. It's the explosive charge for the pipe bombs he uses later. When Sarah is going through the shopping bags, she finds mothballs and ammonia; turning to Reese, she asks "what's for dinner?" And Reese answers, distracted, "Plastique".
Fantastic commentary! Nailed it, and easy to listen to.
Ole dude being Buffallo Bill in Joe Dirt was the best!
I can hear the original 1984 Monophonic sound mix in this audio commentary.
I saw the original when I was seven or eight years old. I fell in love. That was for me, the standard of how a movie should be. Even though I was still a small child, the bar was set. Then I saw terminator two when I was probably maybe 10 or 11 and I remember my mom taking me out of school to go to the theaters and watch. And all I still prefer terminator one, I love Terminator too. But overall both movies are incredible. As a child, the first one gave Me the chills and it still does but it was number two that gave me hope and it’s still does. And the sequels can all go F themselves.
This is almost exactly my experience with seeing the second one first, then seeing the first one, and loving that more.
Oliver and Rob, fantastic work as always, really enjoying these commentaries, could you both please do Alien 3?
Hey there, a commentary on ALIEN 3 will be recorded next week!
@@OliverHarper Thank you! legend! Great work!
I love both of your channels! So great seeing you together, hoping for more ^^
1:25:15 - Mr. Bungle reference!
Rewatched this again recently. It really has aged so well. I agree that it's the superior of the two films, even though I love T2. The atmosphere, pacing, sound design, effects (which generally have aged amazingly well). The performances are great too.
IMO it' has aged appallingly, but it's still a great film nonetheless
That scene where the female soldier gets zapped by the HK tank, Reese destroys it with the canister, and escapes in the vehicle is recreated in the Annihilation Line DLC of the Terminator Resistance game. It is you, the player, who saves him from the burning car.
Absolutely love this film and am really enjoying listening along to the commentary. It's so well made.
The older I get the more T1 is my absolute favorite, by miles. Lean and efficient, complex ideas conveyed with simple execution, great dialogue, tech noir atmosphere on full display, cool 80s wardrobe, (Arnold with his longer hair in the military punk jacket and vibrant graphic T-shirt steals the show with sheer coolness). Not to mention that wide, slow motion shot of the terminator stalking past Sarah in Tech Noir as the crowd dances, the music playing, the tension spiking - for my money that scene epitomizes the entire series to me. It is *the* perfect shot and my favorite moment of the entire film.
Agree. T2 was my fav for years til I realized it is a Terminator and should always kill, like the first movie. Even at the start on T2 there is no reason in the bar why Arnie should not have ripped hearts out again, apart from they probably wanted a lower audience rating so dumbed it down
You guys have awesome chemistry, nice work!
Oliver Harper AND The Bad Movie Bible!?? Yes please and thank you! 💯
Ah thanks for this Oliver - I love your commentaries and the other day was checking if you’d done The Terminator. Great timing!
It's not just demon with the glass hand and Soldier from the Outer Limits that Cameron got inspired from but also the episode "The man who was never born". The story of a guy who goes back in time to kill the mother of the guy who destroys the planet
I like when T800 gets into the truck near the end he looks around and doesn't know how to drive it and his cpu downloads the gear shift and in seconds he knows how to drive the truck, great details.Also when he reaches to get the bomb from his hip with his left hand after the explosion his left hand is blown away and missing leaving him with no legs and one functional working right arm
I remember seeing this movie a lot as a kid, and in my first adult rewatch, I caught the nuance of his hair being burned by the fire and Arnold losing his eyebrows. I feel like the sunglasses were as much of a cover the no eyebrows decision as it was a cover up the cut out eye. It also feels like a classic Arnold move where he felt like he looked weird minus the eyebrows and wanted to have a reason to wear the sunglasses, hence the eye gag was born, or at least they didn’t just do a makeup appliance the entire time because Arnold demanded he wear sunglasses until the end.
There’s an interview with the musician P.J. Harvey where she talks about meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger, and explains she was taller than him in her heels.
I was born in 1978 so have long memories from my childhood of think The Terminator was a masterpiece. I have to thank my late uncle, who was my movie guru growing up, for introducing me to this film when I was no more that 8 or 9 years old. It was perfect late Friday/Saturday night viewing. The perfect mix of Sci-fi, horror, action and being one of those movies that has a story that takes place over a small 48 hour window. It has elements for 1978`s Halloween I feel.
The first Terminator was the dark scifi, robotkiller movie I remember as a kid on television. Terminator 2 was thé Blockbuster when I was 16, I was so excited they made a second one that I saw it 5x in theater. The most I saw any movie in the cinema. This was such a classic, the Guns and Roses video on MTV was preparing us for what was to come. Good 'ol times 😂
The best of Terminator movies particularly in terms of writing.
I agree. I do think the emotional weight of T2 takes the cake over the first terminator but both amazing in their own right…. Same argument with alien and aliens
I didn’t find the Romance subplot to be out of nowhere or unearned in Terminator .
Sometimes how guys get laid is the intrigue of being a virgin .
Just make sure the woman does not already have 6 kids and looking for more child support government funding .
Oliver, do you do all your commentaries over NTSC DVDs/US Blu-rays? That would explain why the commentary ALWAYS falls out of synch for me, since I live in Englandland.
I was just about to comment the exact same thing haha
Tech Noir. Need I say any more.
Just stay right there.
Sounds like you're watching the movie the original mono audio!
Terminator is an underrated darker classic that doesn't get the recognition it deserves because of how good T2 was.
There are no lack of plaudits for this movie. It's well regarded and considered a classic by movie fans. To say it's underrated is completely false. It's rated very highly by those who watch it.
@M2Mil7er There are those who don't mention it in the same breath as T2 or at all for your information.
@@mitchelllawrence2798 The Terminator was a critical and commercial hit and was number one at the US box office. It reached an even wider audience on home video. I watched it in 1987. It has 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, whereas T2 has 91%. Some people prefer Aliens to Alien, but it doesn't mean Alien is underrated. It just means both are incredible but some people prefer action over tension. Same with the Terminator series.
@M2Mil7er I also watched it in the 80s. Using Rotten Tomatoes is not a good reference point? Lol And it is "underrated," when hardly anyone talks about it. And on that note, I'm moving swiftly on.
1st one is a horror movie.
2nd one is a action horror movie.
Same with Alien and Aliens
And to say the horror movie is superior for the sake of being horror is completely ignorant
This movie is definitely a horror slasher movie with guns. Swap out the T-800 with Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers’s and it’s the same slasher villain
This movie sparked my love for small scale, really gritty SciFi movies. You don‘t need politics or military or glossy space ships getting involved to tell a great story.
On those future scenes, imagine how dark and grim that show would be IF it was faithful to these T1 scenes.
"I'm not quite THAT old ...." easy, now, easy LOL
I dont know when this was recorded but i hope rob is starting to feel better. Hes a very important voice that is very funny and makes insightful comments about cinema. Sorry to hijack your comments ollie but please let rob know hes valued and appreciated by us unwashed masses.
I prefer this Terminator movie to the sequel. Terminator 1 is just too good and it's grimmy look matches perfectly the look and feel. Awesome casting and sountrack.
what is cyber dome?
I agree with you Oliver T2 is missing the horror element which is heavy focused on action. Cameron was very good at making sequels. Better than originals and Aliens doesn’t disappoint in that regard.
Totally disagree with Rob. The stock motion clips of full endoskeleton are required and also it still looks amazing in the corridor. For some reason it looks scary and intense
Would LOVE for you and Rob to do a commentary for TMNT 1990.
X-Men Days of Future Past's intro seemed to get a bit of that futuristic glimpse too. The night sky and all the color palettes were just all right on especially. Junkie XL did a great job in his part in the most recent latest Terminator soundtrack... the only and best part of the movie. Lol!
How the Terminator T-800 was Created | Arnold Schwarzenegger as Sgt. Candy Cyberdyne Systemsвидео.htmlsi=eZcY7F0yHtm7MlN4
I believe that terminator in the future with the laser machine gun is Franco Columbu. If true, Franco is the only person who has EVER LIVED who has portrayed Robert E. Howards Pict and James Cameron’s Terminator.
Great Stuff !! I sure do love your collab-commentary-videos. Keep 'em comin' ❕ (as long as you two enjoy doing them ofc)
Plzz plzz do a retrospective of sword of Gideon 1986.
Where does the time go? It's been ten years now since I first listened to an Ollie commentary. Thanks for so many hours of entertainment, man! Here's to many more.
Thanks buddy!
H'yep. As a kid it was all about T2 but as I got older it was all about the original. I love it's vibe, it's leaness and it's low budget charms. Reese and Sarah's romance hits home more and Arnie is so imposing.
I think T2 has also unfortunately had it's power dimmed for me because all the crappy sequels that came after kept regurgitating its iconography and ideas which has robbed it of its richness.
Is that fair on T2? Nope, but that's the way my mind is wired. Good thing the first Terminator is a world onto itself.
Holy shit. I commented that i was eagerly awaiting to see what film you guys would do next but I never predicted that it would be my all-time favorite film. This is the absolute finest end cap to a long day that I could ask for. Cheers, gentlemen.
Ps. Last Action Hero soon? 😅
I find it funny you think a robot wouldn't use contractions. I'm pretty sure AI could let a robot use contractions.... and say "um" and "er", especially if would help make the robot blend in as human which is what a teminator is trying to do.
Rob is great and makes these commentarys very funny -. I have been watching his channel too lately. The humour reminds me of when you did videos with richard and duncan. Keep it up!
I think The Terminator in some way, being big and stocky, caucasian, using 20th century weapons, dressed in leather and punk clothing, with a Germanic-like accent, is basically a Nazi being sent back in time to kill John Connor as JC. Sarah is Mary, Kyle is Joseph and Gabriel the Angel of Prophecy, and The Terminator is like Herod's soldiers, or a mechanical image of death, or Angel of Death, and Skynet is both King Herod, Hitler and the Antichrist. The film is a post-apocalyptic dystopian sci-fi war but also contemporary, action, horror, slasher, mystery, police procedural, crime, thriller, cyberpunk, time travel, fantasy, epic romance, dark comedy, and spiritual film.
I'm German.
@@Freakazoid12345 English is Germanic too, as is Dutch
@@Freakazoid12345 cool. I love the films metropolis by Fritz Lang, the door with mads Mikkelsen, welt am draht by Fassbinder, Lola rent by Tom Tykwer, and Victoria by Sebastian Schipper, das boot by Petersen, like films by will wenders, Roland Emmerich, Joseph ruznek and the tv series Dark
@@MDBowron Mads Mikkelson is Dutch, right?
But it's close enough to being German that he can be a bond villain.
Easy mistake to make.
I prefer to believe that Arnold is more like Security at Oktoberfest than a Nazi, because nazis really haven't been a thing for almost 100 years. 80, to be specific.
Although another theory why a terminator has an Austrian accent is to make the terminator appear as a foreigner to explain its limited social skills and any social faux pas it was making.
The comment about Arnolds Terminator's style would explain why I like no other James Cameron movie.
Maybe I missed it in this commentary or others, or maybe there are deleted scenes. But isn’t anybody confused as to what The Terminator was doing when he first got to L. A.?
He comes there at 1:52 AM, immediately steals the clothes from Bill Paxton and the boys, and then the next time we see him it’s bright light. At least 8 or 9 in the morning, maybe later. WHAT THE FUCK HAS HE BEEN DOING FOR AT LEAST 6 or 7 HOURS? Hanging around? Catching the sights?
He’s a Terminator. He could’ve found all three Sarah Conners and been back to the future by daylight. And when is the best time to find most people? In the middle of the night.
Unless there’s some kind of explanation, it’s a HUGE plot hole that ruins the movie.
Cameron himself said that the Terminator himself is essentially Michael Myers, so the parallel to Halloween and this film is dead on.
In regards to Ellison, iremember in early 83 reading an issue of dc comics presents with superman and OMAC in which machines from the future came back to the past to kill a man whos unborn son would be the saviour of the future ,it was becoming a sci fi trope by the mid 80s
Yeah Harlan Ellison was a genius no doubt but his personality is colorful to say the least lol
Can't wait for you guys to cover the sequel - Lady Terminator!
I watched this film as a kid. I love its darkness and its storytelling. T2 is a great film but in its technical aspects with CGI which was ahead of its time, but it isn't The Terminator. As for the sequel T3 to the last film they are too Hollywood, too safe. The Terminator took risk in its production value and performance.
Watched the 4k release at the cinema the other day and the new weapon sound effects really spoil it for me. Such a shame as it needlessly tarnishes a great film
Hi Oliver & Rob. I also love the noir & even choose this as my favorite of the two personally, even though T2 is a cinematic juggernaut of filmmaking. By the way, that backdrop pic of the dark future, was that a poster? I must have it.
Best slasher movie ever made - and that’s a disservice, it’s so much more. The genius of James Cameron’s mind is further enhanced in the sequel.
Love this movie, but every time I watch it I catch more and more mistakes. Thank god Cameron isn't like Lucas, always tinkering with his old films. I'm sure every mistake drives Cameron nuts, but he isn't going to go back and mess with it. Imagine him replacing all the stop motion shots with CGI. People would fuckin riot lol.
Nothing in this an 8 year old shouldn’t see? What the actual heck is wrong with you, dude?
you got me with that intro.
Prefer this to the sequel..the horror, sci fi just works !
Oh you mad bastard, I was thinking "Does he have a new logo for his channel based on the "Orion" logo of old?" and there it is. Ha ha, cool. Been trying to come up with on based on the original 1983 Aussie Roadshow logo and theme that is burnt into my soul ever since I saw Cujo and First Blood with it.
Five nights at freddy's review 🍿🎬📽🌃📽
The way many in my age bracelet think of Star Wars is how I think of The Terminator. It's just an incredible film on every level.
The Terminator you see in the future scene that infiltrates the base is also a T800, only one with a different skin to Arnold. The T800 part is the skeleton, whilst the model type is the skin. In other words, the Model 101 is the Arnold likeness, whilst the one in the future war base sequence is another model number.
I disagree a low budget film showing the future war filmed EXACTLY like the future was war filmed in the 1st and 2nd film would make a perfect companion piece to to the first 2 movies. No jai Courtney or any of that bollocks but a de aged Kyle Reese would be amazing, just about them getting Kyle back in time. But again shot the same sound the same. Dialogue to match the fancy over the top camera angles no CGI it should just match the originals. For the fans not to try and re re re launch the franchise.
The only Terminator movie.
The perfect Sci-fi horror film
Yes. Along with Alien.
@@peterjohnson8935 100% 👽
Funny story, I first thought it said 'Bad movie' next to Terminator, and I was thinking Oliver suddenly changed his mind on his view
When I was a kid I realised that the gate to back garden opposite my own was ajar. As a probed inside I discovered an incredible amount of junk. Lying among the detritus was a small, vaguely unsettling robotic-looking action figure. That was my introduction to The Terminator. Years later after watching the movie that memory would resurface.
T2 has a great villain, but there's not much else to it and is more of a kid's film.
The original was best. Cameron should have left well enough alone.
For Mr was with terminator 2 then t1
Man...Terminator and Solider are just way to different. Yeah they both have time travel but that's it. Nothing else is a copy of the story idea.
I saw the first terminator movie when I was in middle school in 8th grade in 2014 about 3 years after I saw terminator 2 and terminator salvation I kind of enjoy the movie and didn't decided to look at it again years later around late 2022 I started to see how special the first movie actually was.
The first two are canon..the rest Google bin....... though salvation was interesting
Exactly my feelings
Yes do t2 next please asap!
Inspired by damn fool idealistic crusade's video about the history of this movie and T2 on home media, I just recently bought a few dvd and bluray editions of this exact movie and just this morning I converted to dvd my old vhs of this movie that miraculously has not been affected by my parents garage humidity. I'm on a roll, here...
As Oliver harper said in his T2 retrospective
If you haven’t seen T2
Watch the first one then prepare yourself for something truly epic
This movie gets you burnin', in the third degree!
T1 over t2 guy
A F'in great movie
I couldn't imagine being so ignorant that I couldn't understand The Terminator movie...
Terminator is not a bad movie
Nor is it an Oliver Harper
The memory of Alex Cox introducing The Terminator and then watching it on a portable CRT is something burnt into my memory forever and I am eternally grateful!