Let Go of Your Sin or Perish - Tim Conway

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 129

  • @loveandpeace1985
    @loveandpeace1985 15 лет назад +4

    when i repented i turned to God, realizing that I could never makemyself good eough and I had to ask God to save me by Jesus Christ, and He delivers me from sin, but i dont think it is imposiible to forsake ALL sin and THEn trust in CHrist....this sounds kinda like works salvation 2 me.....

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад +1

    God doesn't want you to worry. He has promised you eternal life if you stop trusting in your own works and put your faith in Jesus Christ. Jn 5:24 says: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
    The moment you put your faith in Christ alone, God says you have eternal life. You can never lose it. Period.
    Don't believe me or anybody on here. Read the bible & believe it.

  • @SchubertAloysius
    @SchubertAloysius 14 лет назад +1

    We are human beings we wont be perfect until Jesus return.Before we accepted Christ we broke the rules of God wilfully.When that part of you dies and continually dying you'll know the salvation. Hebrews 9:14
    how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  14 лет назад +8

    @kalo555 Yes, if you give Isaiah 53 a read you will see that God crushed His only begotten son so that the sins of wicked sinners may be washed away by the blood of Christ.... oh my friend that is all that matters in this life! CHRIST DIED! He truly did!

  • @yarrw
    @yarrw 15 лет назад +1

    Repentece is so hard because it is meant to be "by the Spirit" Zech 4:6. This is the grace of God so that no one may boast.

  • @inpsalmniac2392
    @inpsalmniac2392 Год назад +10

    “For God so loved the world that whosoever let’s go of their sin, shall not perish but have eternal life”
    This is bad news for everyone who hears this Tim… including yourself.

    • @nmbr1son64
      @nmbr1son64 Год назад +2

      The Jews knew about how God looks at sin. That's why they had the sacrifices. They just couldn't understand the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The New Covenant was a better Covenant than the Old, because it was based on better Promises!

    • @Tmoney_85
      @Tmoney_85 7 месяцев назад

      Hmm pretty sure Jesus said repent and believe in the gospel

    • @Tmoney_85
      @Tmoney_85 7 месяцев назад

      Kinda hard to repent if you are still holding onto your sin.

  • @Automatic25
    @Automatic25 15 лет назад +2

    Just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved bro.

  • @jarbinks5
    @jarbinks5 Год назад +11

    Please pray for me i deliberately rejected Christ for so long, almost a year. I was a professing Christian, and I walked away with the intention to get saved later, and to just enjoy sin for a little while. I was an apostate and now I am scared I might commit the unforgivable sin. I still love sin and I wish I didnt love my sin, I'm not sure if this feeling is sincere or genuine. I've been praying for God to make me hate my sin, but I'm not sure if those prayers are sincere or genuine. Please pray that God saves me.

    • @SweetStation
      @SweetStation Год назад +3

      Delete apps that cause you to sin, cut out friends that cause you to sin.

    • @joshuastoia220
      @joshuastoia220 Год назад +1

      Yes, keep taking steps in right direction and believe can can help you do that each day because He loves you, and believe Him afresh today, He gave His Son for you.

    • @2Chronicles714_
      @2Chronicles714_ Год назад +6

      You must confess and renounce sin name specific one's ask Jesus to forgive them and help you to overcome them.
      Pray often read your Bible seek fellowship with other true repented believers.
      1 John 1:9
      If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    • @jeffwilson7086
      @jeffwilson7086 Год назад +6

      The fact that you care means you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin…. Keep praying asking god to save you be persistent and patient and wait on the lord

    • @lashanhill3189
      @lashanhill3189 Год назад +4

      I will my friend! Only on one condition. If you pray for me as well. im in the same exact position your in. ive been seeking freedom for about a yr and im still in shackles. ive turned, begged, pleaded, prayed, but never let go like brother tim was talking about. lets have a fresh start today shall we. what do you say?

  • @jhonrobinson4184
    @jhonrobinson4184 Год назад +17

    The amount of people reasoning with their guilt trying to justify it and find fault with the preacher is astonishing, this only proves what the preacher is saying they can't let go of the nut!

    • @mrr7870
      @mrr7870 Год назад +4

      If I let go of the nut, then I could boast that I did and how I was now able to stroll on in through the gates of Heaven. I get the point he's trying to make we MUST repent and we MUST be born again of The Spirit, but it was not a very biblical sound message. Repentance is a gift of God (Acts 11:18), Salvation is a mercy, grace, and gift of God through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His bodily resurrection. Faith is a gift of God. It's all God. If it wasn't, man's sinful pride would rip the glory from God's hands.

    • @J03LM1
      @J03LM1 Год назад +5

      NO ONE can "drop the nut". That's why Jesus' word and work is so important.
      It is God who is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We can not do this in our own power.
      If we could we wouldn't need Jesus.

    • @Rinseitoff
      @Rinseitoff Месяц назад

      ​@@mrr7870 the only way to let go of the nut is through genuine faith. There is no boasting if you believe that God has prepared for you a place full of riches, rest and his glorious presence, you will drop any nut. Walk by faith not by sight

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    When Abraham started following God and was told that Sara was going to have a baby... they both laughed, because they were old. And GOD SAID, Am I not God that anything is impossible for me? He was just learning to trust God...

  • @MrNoah84
    @MrNoah84 15 лет назад +1

    Repentance is hard because of two reasons. One, man (people) do not recognize their sins and when they do they are still in comfort with them! So it's hard to lose something you are comfortable with. Secondly, it's hard to turn away from something you enjoy because man is trying to do it all and it won't work when you won't let God in and do the work for you!!! REPENT!! Pray fervently! THIRST AFTER GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS!! It really isn't that hard to understand!

  • @SlovakCathoIic
    @SlovakCathoIic Год назад +8

    May I ask, i have completely abandoned all hope in self, and Jesus is my only hope now I’m 19 and i look back at my worldly consumer lifestyle where i didnt do anything visibly immoral but my heart was wicked just like everyone elses, i believe i’m saved but one thing i struggle with ans ask the Lord to take away is the fear to correct some of my Catholic classmates who are just atheists in disguise and its so hard but I understand it means i fear men more than God and it terrifies me. Is there a possibility I’m not saved or is that just a sin i need to overcome little by little. I plan to make a presentation with the raw you’re a sinner - repent gospel and present it in front of the whole class during our Religion class. I planned it out but on a day to day basis I’m almost incapable of correcting them when they blaspheme or something like that and it just terrifies me because i wanna let go of it so badly I just wanna love the Lord fully and speak of Him everywhere, pray for me and my boldness

    • @SlovakCathoIic
      @SlovakCathoIic Год назад

      I just hope that the fact that I’m trying to do the presentation is a form of fight that’s within me to not deny the Lord and declare before all where I stand and how much He means to me and I believe it might be a good starting platform for everything else I want to do concerning the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord

    • @midoriyaff9440
      @midoriyaff9440 Год назад +1

      Brother if you have repented of your sin and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are saved. Sanctification is a process. This happens to everyone, but doesn’t mean that it is right that we should be ashamed of the Gospel, neither fear men over God. However, we can pray on this and continually ask the Lord to help us to overcome such things. The Lord sees all and knows all, and will surely help you overcome this. Your sin cannot nullify His salvation. God bless

    • @rK-em4yy
      @rK-em4yy 11 месяцев назад

      Eph 6:19" and pray in my behalf, that speech may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,"
      Pray for them that the Lord makes their hearts receptive
      Romans 1 is a good la
      You just need to tell about repentance once once.. If they don't listen then move on...
      Rom 1 :18-32 might be a good place to start..
      Then just teach of Jesus to the one who wants to listen.
      There's a you tube
      Channel called "so be it" a Jewish Christian talking to random unbelievers on the streets of Jerusalem.. Maybe worth the watch..
      Ask the Lord to also give you the wisdom to know the right procedure at the right time.
      It is not our job to convert hearts.. This only the Lord can do. Our duty is to preach his Word.
      2 Tim2:25 "with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,"

    • @Grant-gq7in
      @Grant-gq7in 2 месяца назад +1

      I would encourage you to look into Protestantism

  • @solascriptura5938
    @solascriptura5938 7 месяцев назад

    To have a repentant heart, that forsakes sin is a fruit of salvation not the cause. Salvation is fully of the Lord. The only way you can do anything that God requires is by and with faith in Christ. In union with him you forsake sin, and in no way you forsake sin outside of our dear Lord. Believe in him and and repent of trusting in your own "ability" to forsake sins. Trust in Christ alone and you will truly fight sin.
    This message is at best missleading.

  • @minorsingingairhead
    @minorsingingairhead 5 дней назад

    It's hard, because preachers make it hard.

  • @sarahselby1763
    @sarahselby1763 9 месяцев назад +1

    Lord I'm selfish and think I know it all still struggle with heron and telling people how to do it I'm so sorry Lord its a lot high minded sorry to the people I'm week I try to love with out knowing what love is I need to stop trying to find things out that I don't need to know sorry for sin from Charlie

  • @Bearkiller777
    @Bearkiller777 15 лет назад

    absolutely......some people have television as their idols watching hours and hours everyday when they could be in the Word of God.

  • @manycoatsmg
    @manycoatsmg 13 лет назад +1

    Let go of your Sin or Perish? Isn't that what God's grace is for? Jesus has cleansed me of my sins, and what you're saying is that I must be perfect in order to enter heaven, which is a lie.
    If I recall, there's a verse in the Bible:
    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 лет назад +1

    You should keep reading in that text in John and you get to this - 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
    You see my friend believing is obeying, because those who truly believe will obey, because God gives them a new heart and causes them to do such. Ezekiel 36:25-27

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    When God told him to sacrifice Isaac, He took him to the mountain to do it, he didnt ask questions, he just did it. When Isaac asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice, Abraham said God will provide the sacrifice. And He believed God would, he knew God had a plan, and it didnt require him to sacrifice Isaac. The difference is Abraham grew in God as time past. And so would any new Christian, but not if he is being taught garbage that makes him question if he really believes in God.

  • @jwd80
    @jwd80 15 лет назад +1

    Am I right in saying that 'God in his righteous judgment does not forgive sin, but can forgive the sinner by letting someone else take the judgment for it (Christ)?'

  • @demonsmasher2
    @demonsmasher2 14 лет назад

    this is one of the greatest sermons i have ever heard

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад +1

    How can it be without price if WE have to do something to receive it? That's not a gift, it's works according to Jonah 3:10.
    Do you know what repent means? It doesn't mean to "turn from sins." Did David turn from his sins when he killed Uriah? Peter when he denied Christ? Lot when he had to be dragged out of Sodom?
    You can dismiss God's plan of salvation as "easy-believism" if you want, but it's still the ONLY way to enter the kingdom. MAN'S righteousness will NEVER be enough.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад +1

    You should read Jn 6:40: For this is the will of my Father, that EVERYONE who looks on the Son and BELIEVES in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
    Or read Jn 4 when Jesus told the sinful woman that if she knew who he was and asked he WOULD HAVE given her living water. Was that a lie?
    Is the water of life in Rev. 22:17 without price or not? This false teacher says we can't receive it unless WE ARE WILLING TO DO SOMETHING. That, my friend, is a price.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 14 лет назад

    I was being kinda sarcastic. Repentance and "repenting of sins" isn't the same thing. Still many churches tell people that part of the gospel is the requirement that we "turn from sin" or "repent of sin," which is inevitably defined as I put it, though they'd never admit it.
    All it really is is a way to sneak works into the equation and put some of the effort for salvation on the lost person. But if pushed, they'll always admit that no one actually stops sinning, so they come up with that.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад +1

    So people have to give up television to be saved?

  • @TribulationWarrior
    @TribulationWarrior 15 лет назад

    Thank You.

  • @jimkraft9445
    @jimkraft9445 2 месяца назад

    The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that HE was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures.
    Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the POWER of God unto salvation to EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
    Galatians 1:6-9. Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. As we said before, so say I again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received from us, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Romans 4:5-8. Romans 3:26-28
    To tell people to repent of their sins is to tell them Jesus did not die for their sins. First John 2:2. And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD. John 3:16-18. It is to call God a liar. John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. John 5:24. John 6:40. John 6:29.
    Anyone who preaches any other gospel is accursed of God. That about covers 97% of all the preachers in this country. They are lying to you.
    Romans 6:23. For the penalty for sin is death, BUT, THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE, through Jesus finished work on the cross plus nothing. Acts 16:31. PERIOD.
    The bible never says to repent of your sins. It says to repent. Go from unbelief to belief. Repentance for salvation is a change of mind. You quit trusting in what we do to save us, and trust in what Jesus did to save us. John 3:18 is bible repentance. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Irrevocable, cannot be changed back. Ephesians 1:13-14. Ephesians 4:30.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад +1

    Repent from your sin is something from the Christian teaching that was taken way out of context. The Idea that if you repent and you can never sin again it really a weak idea. God knows you will sin, Moses, King David, King Solomon, Abraham all sinned against God. The only one who never did was Jesus, but as a man he was always talking to God.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    If you actually look at the Hebrew calendar... we have certain times of the year to get right with God. Because God knows we mess up, but he loves us and wants us to get right with him. So during certain times of the year the priests blow the Shofar to remind us of the appointed times. if you have fallen away fro Gods laws, its a chance to get right with him and be part of Gods blessings. The Christian have a song, Blow the trumpet in Zion. This is what that song refers to.

  • @JB-kx9bx
    @JB-kx9bx Месяц назад

    I wonder if these preachers consider if what they’re doing is immoral if what they preach isn’t true. If hell isn’t real is it immoral to scare people? There’s a good chance based on what we know that when we die we do not continue on consciously.

  • @danielyp29
    @danielyp29 14 лет назад

    @KJBOnly The first "believeth" in the verse comes from the Greek word "pisteuo", which means to believe, trust commit. The second one is "apeitheo" which means to refuse or withhold belief / to refuse to belief and obedience. King James translates apeitheo as "believeth not". Other passages that use the word apeitheo in KJV is translated as unbelieving, disobedient and obey not. Other translations such like NASB and ESV translates apeitheo in John 3:36 to "does not obey".

  • @SchubertAloysius
    @SchubertAloysius 14 лет назад

    Has anyone read this verse that goes like this ".. you were perfect in all your ways until iniquity found in you?" why didnt it says " sin " but Iniquity?

  • @GraceAloneKJV
    @GraceAloneKJV 2 месяца назад +1

    It's clear that "Lordship" salvation preaching from many modern "Calvinistic" evangelicals (in the vein of John MacArthur) are fork tongued teachers who muddle works and grace. Tim Conway is one example of someone who claims "grace alone" but insists that someone has to do works (turn from sin, etc.) to be saved. It's like Ray Comfort when he tells people that they have to stop sinning to be saved. Total confusing works salvation preaching from these guys. No wonder there's so many people in the comments sections of these videos who are under condemnation, anxiety, fear, and confusion; it's almost reminiscent of the Galatians. Many of the individuals who subscribe to this stuff are plagued with looking at oneself and their works to validate salvation; I speak from personal experience and attest that there is no peace under this type of preaching. That is a true fruit of "Lordship" salvation.

  • @Kvoz13
    @Kvoz13 10 месяцев назад

    Pray for my lustful thoughts, that I will overcome 🙏

  • @pilgergufy
    @pilgergufy 15 лет назад

    Who than is saved? Who is able to give up everything ? Every sin? Ill be honest when this is right Im not saved. I dont know what to think and what to do about it.

  • @AmericanConcrete
    @AmericanConcrete 15 лет назад

    The Bible teaches that we are to obey the authorities above us unless it is a sin to do what the government commands. Smoking weed is against the law so a Christian must not do it. Rebels will continue to do so.

  • @vagabondsoul
    @vagabondsoul 13 лет назад +4

    This guy is a flaming, shame- and guilt-inducing legalist!

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 лет назад +1

    It is without price and the only price that the pride of man wants to pay is works, man doesn't want to come without paying because of pride. If you truly believe in Christ your changed my friend.(Ezek 36:25-27, 2cor5:17,ro8:13) Your little twisted gospel of easy-belivsim will send people to hell not to heaven. God commands you to repent.

    • @Karv_
      @Karv_ Год назад

      hi heretic

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @Automatic25 - I'll ask you a very simple question... this will tell me what you actually understand and believe. What is sin? Is smoking a sin? Is drinking a sin?

  • @Automatic25
    @Automatic25 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 It means turning from a lifestyle of sin. No Christian is perfect but the bible puts it straightforward that one can't be a Christian and a completely lawless life. That means that person is just lost.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    Mohandas Gandhi had read the teaching of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. He made a comment about becoming a Christian, then he met some. His exact words were this; "When you can convince me that Christians live by it, I will be the first to become a Christian."
    Gandhi was a very educated man. And he could see how ignorance the Christian were about Gods teachings... the teaching on a number of these videos are off, and the world sees it because it doesnt follow what Jesus taught.

    • @storyaboutmosquitoes9441
      @storyaboutmosquitoes9441 Год назад

      I would not take the teachings of Gandhi as truth, he was cruel to his wife and had a lot of affairs.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    And seeing as how Most people dont even know what sin is, how can someone say not to do the Big sin, when all sin is the same to God. Only man can say this sin is more then another.
    Plus if you are going to base your relationship with God on what someone else does, then you dont have a relationship with God. I have studied the Bible for close to 30 yrs, and I see man doing the punishing, not God. Man acting like God in Judging others, and Man saying what is sin over what God actually says.

  • @Bearkiller777
    @Bearkiller777 15 лет назад

    yep i watched it already :)

  • @EmV-si1eu
    @EmV-si1eu 6 месяцев назад

    People won't GIVE UP everything INORDER TO get to heaven? How is this a free gift?

    • @stevehernandez1357
      @stevehernandez1357 4 месяца назад

      It's a paradox,
      a seeming contradiction that's actually true, like "if you want to be the greatest become the least" Salvation is indeed a gift that'll cost you everything.

    • @adamgray07
      @adamgray07 4 месяца назад

      @@stevehernandez1357 Your going to split hell wide open my guy

    • @stevehernandez1357
      @stevehernandez1357 4 месяца назад +1

      @@adamgray07 for saying that there's great sacrifice involved in following CHRIST?
      What will be the consequence for pronouncing condemnation on believers in HIM to hell, I wonder?

    • @adamgray07
      @adamgray07 4 месяца назад

      @@stevehernandez1357 Your conflating salvation with discipleship. Romans 4:5 To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Salvation is a free gift, freely offered, if a person never lifts a finger or does anything but believe on the Lord Jesus Christ God saves that person forever. Salvation does not cost you anything. It's a free gift paid for by the precious blood of Christ. It cost Jesus. We are bought with a price.

    • @stevehernandez1357
      @stevehernandez1357 4 месяца назад

      @@adamgray07 can I live a life practicing sexual immorality and say I believe in CHRIST and still go to Heaven?

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад

    If you choose to disobey God, then you are loving sin more than God at that time, aren't you? Tim Conway says we have to "give up" everything. You're saying we don't have to give it up, we just have to love God more than the sin. So we don't have to actually give up our sin, we just have to not enjoy it so much? Where does the bible say that? It sounds like you're trying to set a standard you can reach.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад

    So anyone who owns a television is going to hell?

  • @doctorh2005
    @doctorh2005 14 лет назад

    /// why didnt it says " sin " but Iniquity?///
    Its the same thing :)
    God bless

  • @yizhiking
    @yizhiking 13 лет назад

    perfect good

  • @adamgray07
    @adamgray07 6 месяцев назад

    John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Tim Conway is sending many people to hell with a false gospel. The road is so narrow because it's by God's grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone. When Jesus said the way is narrow he was talking to the jews who rejected him. Jesus is the door into the sheepfold. Salvation is as easy as walking through a door, taking a drink of water, or eating a piece of bread. All of our sins were paid for at calvary. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day to justify us romans 4 and give us everlasting life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. When are you going to start believing God?

    • @miyaiun4723
      @miyaiun4723 4 месяца назад

      Hi. Its narrow because without His help you cant overcome sin. You need the Holy Spirit' guidance to know what to do and have power to overcome them. Sin is our nature and only God can change that. Believing is only part, you have to become a new person and you cant do that without guidance and power from the Holy Trinity.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад

    But that's not what this pastor is saying. He said, "Most people will give up many things to have heaven, but they won't give up everything. They have that 1 or 2 special nuts. And they won't give it up." (7 min mark or so).
    According to this false teacher, we must be willing to "give up everything" to be saved. So how can they keep tv?
    Wait...I thought salvation was a gift. (Rom. 3:24; Eph. 2:8) I thought the water of life was available "without price" (Rev. 22:17)
    What gives?

  • @dkrittgers
    @dkrittgers 14 лет назад

    I liked the dramatization of the God's Wrath video but this sermon made me stop and question a few things.
    First: Does one consider themselves to be an unbeliever if they, as you say in this video: "don't really believe" because they hold on to there nut?
    Wasn't Paul confessing a few times to his churches in the gentile world that he stumbled at times and that they are not subject to the law but to the covering of their blood with the blood of Christ. Gal. Col. Eph.
    Second: aren't we saved by f

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад

    But you agree with me that that's not what this preacher is saying. He said you have to give up all your nuts in order to be saved. The whole point was that you can cry, you can beg, you can go to church, but if you're still holding onto a nut you're going to hell.
    Is he right, or is he wrong?

  • @Bearkiller777
    @Bearkiller777 15 лет назад

    one other question......when will the full sermon be posted?

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    But by repent you mean what?
    Romans 10:9 that if you acknowledge publicly with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord and trust in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be delivered.
    It isnt some big ritual, but it is something between you and God and none has any right to try to make you question it. One of the things the Jews do, is just follow what God said... and God takes care if the rest. Its when we dont that we get into trouble. It isn't hard to follow God.

  • @theshakter
    @theshakter 14 лет назад

    @CASEYMARK76 Is that a good thing?

  • @doctorh2005
    @doctorh2005 14 лет назад

    You're an annihilationist?
    What Scripture do u have to support it?

  • @Michael-ji3lr
    @Michael-ji3lr Год назад +4

    This is a whole new level of preaching a false Gospel.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    The problem with this guys teaching is simple. He teaches out of fear, people are afraid to trust in God because most everyone has been let down by someone, and to trust in something they cant see but they can feel, its very hard. He is talking as if someone who just accepted God, they should be at the level of understanding that he thinks hes at. But if he really understood God, he would know that there is a time of growth.

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 14 лет назад

    Repent of sins usually means to hate your sins, but you can keep doing them (except the big ones) as long as you feel really really bad when you do, and as long as you are only "falling into sin" as opposed to "diving into sin." To be more specific, it generally means you have to stop sinning at least as much as the person who is telling you you have to "repent of your sin to be saved" has stopped sinning.
    I'd more specific, but this unbiblical doctrine is pretty tough to pin down.

  • @Spurgeon687
    @Spurgeon687 14 лет назад

    Many think they are saved because someone told them they were justified and they will not and will not let their sins go. Easy believing is the straight from Satan.

  • @king_slink
    @king_slink 14 лет назад

    @illbehonest isn't that a bit weird?

    @CASEYMARK76 14 лет назад +2

    Tim is now preaching Pre-salvation works....LOL Even the Roman Catholic church won't go this far. Tim Conway IS a heretic.

  • @doctorh2005
    @doctorh2005 14 лет назад

    @ThusSaithYAH (the annihilationist)
    Sorry, but REVELATION 14:10-11 and 20:10 completely refute the Annihilationist arguement.

  • @Automatic25
    @Automatic25 15 лет назад

    and of course first of all you must repent

  • @king_slink
    @king_slink 14 лет назад

    did god kill his own son?

  • @bobbyrice2858
    @bobbyrice2858 Год назад +3

    Interesting monkey ref but shows no similarity in scripture. The cross would be invalidated if sin had to be completely dropped. Turning from sin yes but a complete discontinued of sin outside of a practiced habit is not possible. Through Christ all is possible but Romans makes it clear the struggle in chapter 7-8 of the regenerates struggle with sin. I get that we must take measures of prevention but us alone not sinning isn’t possible. That’s the flesh trying to cure the flesh. That’s not scripture. The cross makes it clear that we must believe in the son as commanded and required by the father. Sin is paid for Past Present and FUTURE.
    2 Corinthians 5:21
    For he hath made him to be sin FOR US, who knew no sin; that we might be made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God IN HIM.
    Its called imputed righteousness because Jesus knew WE would not turn from sin perfectly. We would discontinue in his power from sins hold through Habit but not sin completely. Otherwise salvation isn’t given until one overcomes and not everyone fully overcomes completely. Some do, some mostly, some half way. It depends on their life span and growth speed.
    For instance I took drastic measures to blocks all access, contact and possibly viewing of Porn on all devices I own. Its as if im on an island alone with my bible. HOWEVER, while it feels like that, I personally have 37 years of memory and junk in my head. While I don’t dwell on such things in the word, stray thoughts do emerge throughout the day. It can be triggered by a woman walking down the3 street or a coworking or anything honestly. Immediately I’m faced with a fight. If I conceive a thought, sin comes in and my mind imagines with lust. Some days I don’t go that far, some days after recurring victory the power of Lust swells and overcomes me and the thought happens. Is salvation withheld from me until I no longer do this?? NO. that’s absurd. I return to Christ and the cross IMMEDIATELY after each failure to fight the sin for confession and forgiveness.
    1 John 1:9
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    A believer who cracks, feels the weight of conviction and begs God for forgiveness is not practicing sin but fighting it. Weather its once a week or 50 times a day. Taking the lords name in vein was a 50 times a day deal for me that took time to curve the “knee jerk” reaction. Lots of grace Given for that effort. I was still saved though.
    Entrance to Heaven is not a person who’s overcome sin. Entrance to heaven is a person who believes in the son and has faith in the son. Not perfectly, not 100% but leans on him for EVERYTHING.

    John 6:40
    And this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
    In fact all of John 2, 3,4,6 speaks to this. Romans Speaks to this.
    (Luke 14:33) is in reference to putting Christ first. Its not in reference to abandonment of Sin. Its abandonment of worldly love and worldly distractions. That COULD be sin but the context isn’t focused on sin hence the previous message of forsaking “loved ones” for him. You must be willing to DIE for Christ if need be. “take up your cross”. That’s why he says in other passages that if we deny him he will deny us before the father. This is also consistent with the type of believer being Hot or Cold and not Luke warm.
    Tim is ignoring the cross and warping the power of the cross as a catholic does to demean its meaning and power for the washing of sins. Tim is ignoring imputation. Just as Tim is in error of the present tense verbs of Romans 7:15-28, he is also in great error here.
    Tim has a strange “Charles Finney” approach to his sermons I think are wrong. I could be misunderstanding him but he’s not painting salvation he’s painting works salvation which isn’t scriptural. I could be wrong and maybe I just heard it wrong. Hope I did.
    Salvation to me is Believe in the son and from this reliance in Christ through Faith is a slow or fast change in life. A growing with Christ happens. We turn from our sins gradually. Some are immediate day one, others are slower. But this does not exclude us from Heaven until we turn from EVERYTHING. NO!!!. No where does it say that or else the Thief on the Cross would be in hell.
    For me sex obsession was gone day one but sex habit remained. Porn, in reliance on Christ dailing in scripture and prayer, took time to overcome. I’ve had to endure great amounts of conviction to understand what was being asked of me. IF I died before I had blocked everything would I have gone to hell?? NO!!!. I wasn’t practicing, I was fighting.
    I believe brother Tim is in error here. He is teaching a concept of sinless perfection where he feels we should strive to meet such a goal and if we don’t, we aren't really saved. That not scriptural.

    • @illbehonest
      @illbehonest  Год назад +10

      In regards to the sinner having, "a complete discontinued of sin", Tim is not teaching that--not sure which section comes across like that in the video, do you have a time stamp? But let us take the Rich Young Ruler in Mark 10:21, Jesus told him, "one thing you lack", does that mean he goes and sells all of his riches (the one thing) and then will be saved? Christ tells him to go and sell all. This is the matter: If he truly was willing and desiring to be saved from his idols, Christ would've saved him right then (Jesus tells him to "follow me."), and him going and selling the riches would be a biproduct of that saving faith that would come after. My point is: Christ was not giving him a step to do to earn someone. The same way with a young person addicted to lust, they don't overcome lust and then come to Christ, rather they come to Christ desiring to be saved and he saves them and changes them.

    • @bobbyrice2858
      @bobbyrice2858 Год назад +2

      @@illbehonest I appreciate you saying he didnt say that. I figured i prolly just heard him wrong lol. I agree with what you say here. But here's the thing, when i became saved, i was willing to give it all up. But i didnt have a list of things i was hanging on to. The lust was the biggest part for me. I told God i didnt know what to do but i wanted him and asked to be saved. I mimiced the theif on the cross in my intentions. Over time conviction crippled the act. the alst 8 months have been more hell than victory if im honest. I would NEVER go back to my old life nor do i desire to. But walking in the spirit is like 20% of my life. The flesh won ALOT. I always returned to Jesus for forgiveness but it reached a point where it was no longer enough. I had to take such insane measures of prevention. Not to gain my salvation but i believe because im saved i did this. But Tim ignores this i think. I understand his content now, but i still feel that if he saw me even just 6 months ago, 2 months into my walk, he would say i was unsaved.

    • @bobbyrice2858
      @bobbyrice2858 Год назад

      @@illbehonest no one had to shame me in life for me to know this sin was still causing issues for me. Day one i went from obsession to habit to eventually blocked access to content. I still have a filthy mind but all i can do is trust this is for the best because Jesus said to do it. I have nothing to my name for salvation other than i think Jesus is enough. I sin, i still have bad thoughts, but i don't live with them like they arenormal. I ask for forgivness. If thats not salvation and relationship, im doomed and i don't don't know what else to do but just hope i get in.

    • @bobbyrice2858
      @bobbyrice2858 Год назад

      @@illbehonest am i blocked form this site? I can't post on one of his sermons.

    • @yamomma5053
      @yamomma5053 Год назад

      @@illbehonest the title literally says let go of sin or perish! What more do u need to know ?

  • @ColeCity
    @ColeCity 15 лет назад


  • @ColeCity
    @ColeCity 15 лет назад

    and vedio games too

  • @jdearwood
    @jdearwood 15 лет назад

    Another false teacher spouting works salvation. So the blood of Christ isn't enough to pay the penalty for our sin? He totally misconstrues Matt 7. Those that Jesus never knew weren't believers who didn't give up all their sin. They were people who didn't believe. They had their faith and hope in their own good works, just like this guy does. The plan of salvation is: "For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that WHOEVER BELIEVES in him should not perish but have eternal life."

  • @vagabondsoul
    @vagabondsoul 13 лет назад +2

    This guy is a flaming, shame- and guilt-inducing legalist! What is extremely ironic is that the church is called "Grace" Community Church. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 I dont preach about evolution. I take into account evidence given for and against the theory and in my opinion for outweighs against. but thats my opinion and you dont care about that or do you because you seem to reply to everything i post.

  • @InTheSpirit12
    @InTheSpirit12 15 лет назад

    Brilliant analogy!

  • @thehuntfortruth
    @thehuntfortruth 15 лет назад

    lol now tim did it monkeys and nuts he read on the web lol hes running out of mterial. love that guy

  • @AIRWelshDan
    @AIRWelshDan 13 лет назад

    i typed tempa t next hype not this :L

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 лет назад

    There is no such thing as sin; nowhere does sin appear in the laws of my nation.
    I never said I "don't believe in death" so, since you're losing the argument, you chose to put words in my mouth.
    You're not interested in God judging me because you've taken it upon yourself to judge me NOW.
    This "legend" you call God is a murderous fiend who has taught man a new justification for tyranny, of which you're a perfect example.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 лет назад

    Little one, you truly are a little one.
    That you can't draw your next breath unless there is "Big Daddy" looking over your shoulder truly shows how little you are.
    Also, you don't pity me; calling me "little one" is a true sign of anger and contempt.
    There is no historical evidence for a Jesus, if there were, it would truly be part of Christian Canon but it obviously isn't.
    And lastly, I never claimed that men came from "goo."
    Take care.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 лет назад

    There is no God.
    Jesus never lived on this earth; neither did Moses.
    There is no God, no Satan and no Angels nor spirits.
    There is no Heaven nor a Hell.
    There is nothing supernatural, not at all.
    There is only "Nature's Wrath" and what people choose to do; that is all.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @monkeyJLloyd - Ignorance is not forever... stupidity is... stupid... being ignorant of something means you haven’t learned it yet, stupidity means even when you read it, you didn’t believe it or refuse to accept it. Like you not reading the bible because it made you sick, you don’t want to read it because it will challenge the thing you believe. This makes you stupid. Maybe if you started actually reading, you wouldn’t be so stupid.

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад +1

    @keblack2009 ramblings of a nut job

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 Fanatic

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад +1

    @keblack2009 self righteous crap.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @monkeyJLloyd - oh, and you are a fanatic... you preach to others the religion of evolution...evolution is a religion, it is a set of beliefs you have build your life on, and the very fact you are preaching it to others means you are a fanatic. You are a religious fanatic... the very thing you are calling me... I didn’t say anything about G_d till you brought it up. The reason for that is simple... I don’t care what you believe. Your opinion doesn’t matter.

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 stupidity as you call it is not forever everyone is able to better themselves but people with closed minds such as youself choose not to.

  • @johnjordanbmx
    @johnjordanbmx 14 лет назад

    1. There is no hell anywhere in the original text.
    2. Repentance has nothing to do with turning from sin. It means to change your mind. This man teaches false doctrine and a works gospel, end of story...

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 15 лет назад

    This guy is always so dramatic and always pointing out you have to let go of your sin... I have yet to hear him or any other Christian say what sin actually is, its always... dont drink, dont smoke, dont dance or some other garbage... and then they say its all in the Bible... but they can never point out where it is. Sin is not being in right standing with God. And if you put something above God... then that thing has become your God, so that would take you out of right standing with God.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @monkeyJLloyd - I don’t preach about evolution... is this what you said??? LOL... you came onto someone else’s page and wrote that the people on there were stupid because they didn't believe in evolution... part to try to make others mad, but also to push your beliefs on them. That is how I go into this with you moron. I don’t care about evolution, and I’m not a Christian.

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 haha says you, your such a hypocrite. YOU started following me round youtube first like a fanatic. Im just giving you a taste of your own medicine and you obviously dont like it. I never even saw the video for this but just read your shit self righteous ramblings. You really are a tool.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @monkeyJLloyd - But I know what both teach, and I know what a fanatic is, anyone who not only believes in a set of beliefs but also tells others, even without being asked is a fanatic. You are a evolution fanatic and evolution is a set of beliefs you follow. (Something you build your beliefs around, a religion) religion doesn’t mean G_d, religion is something man made, like evolution. Face it moron, you are a Religious Fanatic.

  • @keblack2009
    @keblack2009 14 лет назад

    @monkeyJLloyd = stupid... I would rather be boring then stupid... I can always change what I do, but stupidity is forever... to bad for you...

  • @LuckyJLloyd
    @LuckyJLloyd 14 лет назад

    @keblack2009 Boring

  • @AlfonzoFrohicky
    @AlfonzoFrohicky Год назад


  • @luxfair
    @luxfair 14 лет назад

    religion = mental illness

  • @king_slink
    @king_slink 14 лет назад

    @illbehonest isn't that a bit weird?