What Do I Tell an INTRUDER That Enters My Home? - Austin Answers

  • Опубликовано: 21 июл 2024
  • In this week’s Concealed Coalition video, Austin Davis addresses a question many of you have asked: “What do I tell an intruder who enters my home?” Before delving into the specifics of what to say to an intruder, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental principles of home security.
    Austin emphasizes that home security is not just about knowing what to say when faced with a potential intruder, it’s about having a comprehensive and multi-stage approach to defense. He highlights the importance of three critical layers of home defense:
    1) Psychological Protection: All crimes begin with a thought in the criminal’s mind. It’s essential to make your home unattractive to potential intruders by implementing security measures that discourage criminal intent. Austin introduces the concept of CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) to help you create a safe environment.
    2) Physical Security: This layer focuses on practical, physical measures to secure your home. Austin suggests referring to the Home Defense section in the Concealed Coalition University for detailed guidance on enhancing physical security.
    3) Actual Protection: In the unfortunate event that an intruder does breach your home's defenses, this layer is about knowing how to handle the situation effectively.
    When it comes to addressing an intruder inside your home, Austin offers some valuable insights:
    - It’s crucial to evaluate the situation carefully before deciding to engage verbally with the intruder.
    - If you choose to give a warning, use clear and concise verbal commands. Austin recommends asking for the intruder’s name to gather information and assess the situation.
    - Maintain proper lighting to ensure you have control of the situation and can see the intruder's whole body, hands, and waistline.
    - Verbal commands come in three forms: "freeze," "pin them" (prevent them from moving), and "move them" (direct their actions).
    - Avoid using profanity as it may escalate the situation and could affect your status as an innocent victim in legal terms.
    - Keep your voice firm and clear, ensuring your tone and tempo are appropriate for the situation.
    Austin also stresses the importance of practicing these responses beforehand. One way to do this is to attend Concealed Coalition’s Virtual Tactical Academy.
    Remember that this information serves as a baseline for understanding how to deal with an intruder in your home. Strive to be a guardian always and a warrior when needed in order to protect your home and loved ones, and subscribe to stay safe and informed with Concealed Coalition!

Комментарии • 2

  • @mickeyTX.
    @mickeyTX. 9 месяцев назад

    great advice.. this is my biggest fear.. waking up to someone in the house..