As a Minnesotan, hearing you talk about wanting a politician for the people I just keep thinking about my governor, Walz. He literally is of the working people. He doesn't own stocks, sold his last house before moving to the governor's mansion for around $300k, stepped way from the NRA when his children talked with him about their concerns with gun safety and schools, and so much more. I'm so glad he got some spotlight for a few months, saddened that his skills won't be in the White House (yet!), but also so happy to have him back home to fight against Trump. Walz would have been so good for our country, just like he's been amazing for Minnesota.
@@BeautifulMidniteRose it was infuriating how they basically kept him in the basement while they sent Kamala around with the Cheneys. Democratic strategists are some of the most clueless, out of touch people on earth. Walz should have had a prominent role in the campaign.
I'm a deconstructed christian, but you guys are fantastic. Really enjoy the commentary... Rooting for your guys to make a positive impact on the tradition that I used to be a part of.
I was in Tennessee once and this bartender was telling me how Dolly Parton does so much for Tennessee and how he personally benefited from her philanthropy and my response was that it was great she does that but it would be better if whatever it was that helped him was just something provided by the government. He had no response. Just kind of a blank look and a “huh..” We are so brainwashed to believe we have to depend on billionaires rather than our own tax dollars.
Dolly Parton is great and if the wealthiest people in the country were all as generous as her, that would be great, but they aren’t, and even if they paid higher taxes it wouldn’t prevent them from being generous with their personal wealth after taxes.
Tim, I totally understand and relate to your anger phase when you were deconstructing. I was raised Catholic and when I turned 13, I left the church (much to my mom's disappointment) because I learned how much money the Catholic church has and yet priests would be demanding the 10% tithing from all of us. I saw poor families in my congregation giving all the money they had to the church, and it made me so angry! Anyway, after I left the church, I continued to look for a spiritual path for me in different spaces until I finally found myself coming to Christ again from, as you well expressed, a Christianity perspective/way of Jesus. Watching your podcasts has made me grow in my faith and question some well-ingrained beliefs I realize now I still carry from my catholic upbringing. Anyway, I"m sorry for the long post! Thank you, April, and all the TNE team for all the great work you do! 💜💜💜 from a Brazilian fan.
I found you guys from Fundie Fridays and your collab with Paul and Morgan, and I'm so glad I did! It's so comforting to know there are other people out there with similar experiences to me!
My dad, an engineering professor, sat us down as kids and demonstrated why it was mathematically impossible for Santa to visit every house in the world in one night. Apparently he would have to travel so fast he'd disintegrate. 💀 So yeah, Tim, I was the kid who ruined Santa for their friends too. 🫣
Tim and April, watching this recap pod made me realize how much I missed you guys during this holiday hiatus AND appreciate your views and takes on all issues even more :-) I'm excited to see, and be a part of as a listener and subscriber of the channel, the changes you'll be bringing on in 2025. 👍💜
When my daughter came to me and said her friend doesn’t believe in Santa. I asked her how she felt about that. I responded with, “Well I choose to believe in the magic of Christmas.” My 12 year old responded with me too! I am not religious at all. This season is important to us for family and put everything going on for a few days and just spend it with us.
It is ironic that the Turning Point USA organization that whose stated purpose is: TPUSA says its mission is "to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government". talked a lot about never losing power again. 🤔
I also think trump - being the narcissist he is - and with everyone around him telling him "he is the answer" - now really believes he is sent by god. not that he needs to open the bible to think this...
Your posting prompted me to check the TPUSA website for the full mission statement -- there is NO mention of Christ, Jesus, God or Christianity on the page that I just looked at. It seems the organization makes no pretense about being godless. Thx for posting!
Its a couple things; on one hand there is this strange idea that people think they're just a millionaire who hasn't received their money yet so they side with them because that might be rich "someday." The other piece i would argue is toxic positivity/wishful thinking, however you want to call it. While optimism can be a good thing, when it ignores reality, its damaging.
Gaetz and several others have made a point of saying all these things happened "before he was married, of course." Because promiscuous statutory r@p3 and s3x trafficking is okay, as long as you're not married yet, I guess.
I am thrilled to hear of a spin-off show with the two of you! I look forward to spending my Friday mornings with you! Thank you for keeping us grounded and affirming our outrage during treacherous times. I love you guys and the kingdom work you both are doing!! Happy New Year y'all!
Fun fact: in Florida Gaetz’s behavior was pretty well known. More fun fact: Joel Greenberg was the Seminole county tax collector. Most of his crimes occurs while he was the tax collector.
Lookup what Madison Cawthorn said about the parties he was invited to before he was blacklisted by the GOP. He basically described this behavior. He wasn't blacklisted for the behavior. He was blacklisted for talking about it.
Thank you for talking about the anger phase because that's really what I'm going through. I'm angry at the hate in mainstream churches. I'm angry at all the forced positivity I was raised with ("And I'm so happy, so very happy...". I'm angry at myself for just believing what I was taught and not listening to any other side until I was an adult. I'm angry that I was told all my life that God speaks to us and if I asked I would be given answers that never came. I'm angry that I never became that great Christian I always idolized and dreamed I would be if I just did enough... And I'm thankful that now I no longer feel obligated to follow an arbitrary set of rules. I'm thankful that I've met and love others from various backgrounds and faiths and genders and actually understand why more people are the way they are instead of lumping them under the umbrella of "They're faithless and just don't understand." But I don't know what I believe at this point. Athiests make some strong points so my mind is torn, but my heart is still wants God to be real and considers the Bible and the arguments I was taught. I've also never been good at coming to conclusions. I am thankful for the New Evangelicals, though, who do reflect what I feel are actual Christian values. It makes me feel more hopeful to be in a community where I know I won't feel demonized or less than because I don't demonize or dehumanize others. I'm trying to learn to be wrong and to accept what I find to be true. I also have social anxiety and the idea of trying to attend a new church (of the two i know that aren't anti-queer) is so stressful. Man, I need therapy (that I can't afford).
It's great to see that you are "Re-constructing" your faith and that you among those who did not believe another false gospel! 😊 Have a Happy New Year and keep Yeshua and throw the rest aside...
Personal comment of Laura Botten: It's so weird that some Christians are so invested in identifying "real" Christians, yet a slight suggestion that Trump is not and they blow a gasket! I have one in my life, who doesn't even seem to be a Christian, no church or anything, that goes insane if I say Trump basically admits that he is not a Christian.
Here are my thoughts on Santa. As a child I thought he was a Christian who gave gifts to celebrate Jesus. When I discovered he wasn't real, I really worried about the kids without families and the means to get presents. That was a very hard reality to understand. As for my kids, I wanted them to have that childhood wonderment and mystery. He brought gifts in honor of Christ's birth, which was our true purpose. We didn't take them to see the mall Santa, etc. And when they realized the truth, they had to preserve that mystery for the younger kids around us. As a 58 yr old woman who was raised pretty conservative who was taught we had ALL the answers, learning to embrace mystery was a long process. Belief in God requires that, therefore teaching your kids to accept mystery in the world is not a bad thing. Happy new year ro ypu both a.d thanks for what you do.
I'm soooo very happy that the channel has grown so much this year! and to have been a miniscule part of it as I found you guys this year because of Jen and James (Fundie Fridays). Congrats!!!!!! and happy new year to you, your families, and loved ones!
One thing that people miss with the ludicrous flat Earth argument is how gravity could not exert enough force to hold onto an atmosphere, or keep bodies of water intact, or for water to flow, or any life at all to exist. The force of gravity depends upon the proportion of mass to density. If the Earth is flat, it is far less dense in proportion to it's mass, so the force of gravity would be weak and life would be impossible. Simple physics that any seventh grader learns. That's why astronauts on the moon can jump twenty feet with ease. Because the moon's mass / density is far less than Earth's, gravity can not hold any atmosphere, no water can form, and life does not exist. These can only be achieved by a spherical shape. The Earth's distinct size and shape, it's water, and atmosphere make life possible. When Jesus said " to the ends of the earth" He was speaking metaphorically, as does much of scripture. God is a poet. To the ends of the earth simply means far away from this location where we are currently standing. I wish these same people who take these figures of speech as literal, would take the Beautitudes literally, because that is not metaphorical speech, but His express will as to how we are to live out our lives. The hypocracy is actual blindness as to what the Gospel teaches, what the true Kingdom of God looks like.
On that topic….I was briefly friends with someone who was a flat-earther and told me he could disprove gravity. I guess this guy defied gravity in a way that Elphaba never did. 😂
With regards to Santa, a good way to discuss it with kids when they are ready: Santa isn't a person, but Santa is real. Santa is the attitude of taking care of others around you and doing special things to make others happy. And now that you are old enough, you are ready to join us in being Santa to those around us (including younger siblings).
Actually, FDR wanted affordable healthcare, but offered it to the chopping block so that Social Security and Medicare would pass. Also, JFK talked about it.
I get it about the cat. My cat passed last year, and then we moved. Then my doggie passed. so.. I really miss having another spirit or two in the house. but when I mention getting another dog or cat - my husband says - not now, when we get more settled. when we unpack ALL the boxes. I said, but cats LOVE boxes!! He wasn't impressed. so, I keep waiting for a stray dog or cat to appear at my door or on my walks through a trail - because then it will be meant to be. and then how can we say no? but.. so far, I have not been as lucky as April. God Speed - may your kitty become a regular visitor. :)
First Christmas with my kitties. They were a huge help breaking the boxes😆 On a serious note, sorry for your pet losses. Can only imagine the hurt. Our two bring so much chaos and love, i can't imagine life without em. I'm hoping you get your wish and it'll be meant to be ♡
There is no conflict between the FACTS of Science and the FACTS of Scripture...But There is a lot of conflict between scientific theories and certain interpretations of Scripture...
There are varying levels of "allergic" to cats so take this knowing others may be more allergict than me. I have found that when I feed my cats the LiveClear cat food, and take a daily antihistamine (as I do anyway even prior to cats), it has really allowed me the freedom have cats! Some days I still sneeze, but most days I'm just fine - and the snuggles are always good.
We had a kitten show up Aug 2021. It couldn't have been more than 5 weeks old. Just one kitten, no litter, no mama cat etc. I named it Freddie (Mercury) then later found out she was female. She's still Freddie. Lol. We have 3 indoor/outdoor cats so she followed them around and ate their food etc. I figured out she was a female because EVERY tomcat in the county converged on our yard. I ended up having to trap her in order to get her in to be spayed. Mind you, I had not been able to even pet her up to this point. Shortly after I brought her back home, she did start inching toward me. Today, she walks around my legs rubbing them and letting me pet her. She won't let me pick her up or jump in my lap or come in the house but she's still mine ❤ I enjoyed the discussion
For Santa, we let Santa bring one modest gift each year. But we also taked to them when appropriate and promoted them from believing in Santa to being Santa. We then gave them money to go shopping that year for a charity. (We were able to give them $50 bill to shop with. Their first large bill )
Can I recommend getting super into Advent next year? I really like pushing back against fundamentalism by pointing out that Christmas isn’t supposed to be celebrated until Christmas Eve after dark.
Hillsong, we’re friends with Benny and Benny Henn Todd Bentley, and they continue to convert with false churches every day and Benny hand always has been a liar. There’s no change in Benny hen. It’ll be very thoughtful to be in the hands of God.😮
54:15 Culturally, this branch of Christianity never went through the enlightenment and scientific revolution because they left Europe for North America and before it made it to them. It is good to see them facing the same dilemna as Galileo forced upon the Bishops - what do you do when the evidence before your eyes contradicts your interpretation of holy scripture? The solution then was to admit that though scripture is inherent, our interpretation can be wrong. When it does contradict the plain truth, we must amend our interpretation, not the scripture.
The meaning of Christmas isn't about the death of billions of animals, killing trees, and stressing over gifts. The inequality. Some kids will get BMW and others will get nothing. It's hard on kids that are poor and feel left out. If I don't get any presents is not a big deal to me, but I think we should take in consideration how much we are hurting kids. Christmas is about the celebration of Christ. Family friends, celebrations. Giving. Thanks so much for the joy you all bring.
Re Gaatz onwards - Silence from the right - reminds me of the people who point to others when complaining of a bad smell that came from then. Yes Orthodoxy before Orthopraxy Forgiveness does not and should not mean no ongoing consequences. Is it loving to take a dry alcoholic to the pub or a beer fest? Yet there are churches who will allow a released sex offender; or an abuser of power; or a fraudster straight back into ministry; places of power and access to money, power, people.
Hey guys, love your channel, love your interactions. I'm the child of two somewhat irreligious parents, from different faiths, both from India. We moved to the US, Los Angeles California, in the late 70's, and as such I've imbibed much US Christianity over the years, . But I've always had friends in the Black Church, the Mexicano Eglesia, and I've been living back in India for awhile, and there are folks who have been Christians for millennia. My good friend is part of, it's not Roman Catholic, it's not really Orthodox, it's just the oldest Church in India. Anyway, all this to say, when I was in the States, at this time of the year, I used to tell everybody, Jesus is the reason for the season! He's a brother, a seeker, a truthteller, we have had few of them over the millennia here in India, Gautam Siddhartha, Mahavir, and others. I think all of them are the reasons for all seasons, because they were rebels against orthodoxy. I'm speaking as, from day one, an agnostic, part time communist. Peace to you. and your family and friends>
I grew up in denominations which didn't deal with eschatology at all, really. So the only potential anti-christ we actually heard about was, for some reason Spiro Agnew. But then we realized that his name is an anagram of "grow a penis," and he was no longer the anti-christ.
I mean, maybe we can forgive repentant people and let them sponsor us... but they should still be required to have limitations on them when around vulnerable populations. So, yes. He should be able to have his company table in the vendor's hall, but either HE isn't allowed to be there, or else he is required to have someone from TPUSA with him at all times to ensure that he isn't ever alone with one of TPUSA's young members. It would actually be less problematic for him to have been a speaker teaching doctrine and testifying to how his faith was life-changing and allowed him to change his behavior patterns than to have him freelying interacting unsupervised with many people in the chaotic environment of a vendor's hall.
Have you read "Postcards from Babylon" by Brian Zahnd? It goes back to some of the same things you are mentioning about Christianity vs. white nationalism. He uses a lot of rock n roll in the telling of the story. Really good book.
: ( A feral cat is an animal who was born and has never had human contact. The same as a bird, or squirrel, etc. They do not understand how to receive touch from a person, it is seen as a threat. They do not purr or meow, which is learned to ask from people, mostly food. Your cat was a domestic who is either lost or dumped and seeking help and probably food. When you spoke to him kindly, he probably thought someone was finally going to feed him as he has been used to. Any unsalted meat and rice are a safe fill until you can get real cat food. Taking a photo and contacting your local vet or rescue groups can help find an owner if he is lost.
"Big Money got a heavy hand; Big Money take control; Big Money got a mean streak; Big Money. Got. No. Soul!" - Rush, "The Big Money," 1985 Check it out. Great song.
I vehemently disagree with the notion that poor people can't be greedy unless we're narrowly defining "poor" only to mean people who can't afford their most basic necessities.
Who says poor people can't be greedy??! That's the most RIDICULOUS thing I have heard in YEARS!! Poor people steal stuff all the time. That is greed in action.... Etc
April, Purina pro live clear makes a cat food that helps reduce allergens in cats! There’s also a powder made of eggs that can be sprinkled on cat food! 😊 I use it! I am very allergic and it helps a lot!!!
I have to say that my kids experience so much joy from Santa and Christmas magic. I was originally ambivalent but I am affirmatively Pro-Santa! They won’t believe it forever and they love it so much. Also I feel like some kids are more prone to imaginative thinking and can really get into it and other kids are more analytical.
A lot of churches up here in New England are progressive and affirming. The overall new england elca synod is also affirming and progressive. Wouldn't it be cool to have a list of our progressive churches that show service online? This way all those surrounded by maga churches can have a church ❤
We have the same agreement about Santa, I almost didn’t want to do Santa but the kids come home from daycare and school talking about Santa. It’s cultural osmosis, I don’t want to destroy the dream. We don’t do elf on the shelf and I will never do it 😂 our kids think the fairies watch over them and bring them gifts, so we’ve just said we don’t need an elf because of the fairies. It’s worked so far 🤞
April, why are you giving me ideas of how to bond with the feral cats in our neighborhood? Our neighbor used to have a basketball hoop weighted by bags of sand and he used to complain about all the feral cats ripping the bags open 😂 one of my favorite memories is sitting on this porch by lantern light and having a random cat come snoop around while my dog slept inside. I bet there are cats I can convince to love me without bringing them into our house. And now I have a goal 🎉
Excited for the pod to expand. Please get a fact checker. Just someone you guys could have check various statements and or quotes or whatever. Our memories always falter, news changes quickly. A fact checker (a la Jamie from JRE) would be an awesome addiction.
Take back the meaning of 2 Tim 3:16 which was written as an argument not to discard the OT due to the new understanding of God. An argument to use it to learn from, for criticism of the words and behaviors, for correction of the path towards progression to righteousness, much like we saw about history today, it was to learn from towards correction of the course not to learn how to aspire to act out the wrongs of the past.
So with Santa so I’m not religious but my mum always made a big deal about Christmas. She also really liked Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer. So my mum had all these pictures of Spike on her computer and for some reason. I think she may have drank a little on Christmas Eve. She would create these spike stickers sometimes they would have my name or my sister’s name on them but sometimes they wouldn’t. So I feel like I always knew Santa wasn’t real but I never told any other kid that. I did get in a tiny bit of trouble when I was 8 for telling people Jesus wasn’t born in December.
Personal comment of Laura Botten: Essentially Will Duffy, flat earther, is doing what CS Lewis did. Lewis set out to prove Christianity is false, but he sought truth above all. The truth he found is that Jesus is Lord, otherwise you must accept that he's a lunatic or a liar.
The earth being round was common knowledge when Jesus was alive. They even had a pretty good idea how big the earth is because math is amazing like that. I have to blame lead paint and asbestos.
They value ideology above humanity. That's fundamentalism in whatever religion. And it's rising up around the world. To value national identity above humanity is nationalism. And it's rising up around the earth. I really think that it is the fulfillment of Revelation Ch. 13.
Maybe keep the traditions and mythology, but stop giving presents to make it real. Make Santa a symbol representing the potential of giving, but let the spirit of giving give the gifts to each other without the middleman (Santa). It could work
JINGLE ALL THE WAY IS THE BEST. And I'm a Grinch during the holidays because of my Italian family, highly recommend the chill approach because cooking a meal for 15 people in one day is not it😭. I feel so seen rn lmao.
I never met a fundamentalist Christian who was a flat earth or or they never admitted it. We all believed the Earth was rounded back in the 90s and 2000s.😂 the Bible can definitely be used to argue that the Earth is flat because the writers of the Bible definitely believed that along with everyone else in the ancient world.
Checking out your show for first time. What do you mean by “ new evangelicals” The ones that get to cuss and bash Instead of showing the fruit of the spirit Which Christians are you representing? Just curious
As a Minnesotan, hearing you talk about wanting a politician for the people I just keep thinking about my governor, Walz. He literally is of the working people. He doesn't own stocks, sold his last house before moving to the governor's mansion for around $300k, stepped way from the NRA when his children talked with him about their concerns with gun safety and schools, and so much more. I'm so glad he got some spotlight for a few months, saddened that his skills won't be in the White House (yet!), but also so happy to have him back home to fight against Trump. Walz would have been so good for our country, just like he's been amazing for Minnesota.
@@BeautifulMidniteRose it was infuriating how they basically kept him in the basement while they sent Kamala around with the Cheneys. Democratic strategists are some of the most clueless, out of touch people on earth. Walz should have had a prominent role in the campaign.
I miss hearing Tim Walz’s voice, and he’s not my governor. It was so, so nice to have him on the side of love.
100 percent!
Walz is nothing but a communist!!
Ok, but Why did he and Kamala just giggle so much? 😮
I'm a deconstructed christian, but you guys are fantastic. Really enjoy the commentary... Rooting for your guys to make a positive impact on the tradition that I used to be a part of.
I was in Tennessee once and this bartender was telling me how Dolly Parton does so much for Tennessee and how he personally benefited from her philanthropy and my response was that it was great she does that but it would be better if whatever it was that helped him was just something provided by the government. He had no response. Just kind of a blank look and a “huh..” We are so brainwashed to believe we have to depend on billionaires rather than our own tax dollars.
Dolly Parton is such a loving Christian, I adore her and I’m not otherwise a country music fan. Loved her on The Orville!!
Being dependent on some billionaire’s generosity isn’t working in most parts of the country.
Dolly Parton is great and if the wealthiest people in the country were all as generous as her, that would be great, but they aren’t, and even if they paid higher taxes it wouldn’t prevent them from being generous with their personal wealth after taxes.
@@mcpetzoldWho's depending on a billionaire?? I want a billionaire to depend on..😮!
Tim, I totally understand and relate to your anger phase when you were deconstructing. I was raised Catholic and when I turned 13, I left the church (much to my mom's disappointment) because I learned how much money the Catholic church has and yet priests would be demanding the 10% tithing from all of us. I saw poor families in my congregation giving all the money they had to the church, and it made me so angry! Anyway, after I left the church, I continued to look for a spiritual path for me in different spaces until I finally found myself coming to Christ again from, as you well expressed, a Christianity perspective/way of Jesus. Watching your podcasts has made me grow in my faith and question some well-ingrained beliefs I realize now I still carry from my catholic upbringing. Anyway, I"m sorry for the long post! Thank you, April, and all the TNE team for all the great work you do! 💜💜💜 from a Brazilian fan.
I love both of you. You are my heros and my people. God Bless you so very much. Thank you for your channel.
I found you guys from Fundie Fridays and your collab with Paul and Morgan, and I'm so glad I did! It's so comforting to know there are other people out there with similar experiences to me!
My dad, an engineering professor, sat us down as kids and demonstrated why it was mathematically impossible for Santa to visit every house in the world in one night. Apparently he would have to travel so fast he'd disintegrate. 💀
So yeah, Tim, I was the kid who ruined Santa for their friends too. 🫣
Tim and April, watching this recap pod made me realize how much I missed you guys during this holiday hiatus AND appreciate your views and takes on all issues even more :-) I'm excited to see, and be a part of as a listener and subscriber of the channel, the changes you'll be bringing on in 2025. 👍💜
When my daughter came to me and said her friend doesn’t believe in Santa. I asked her how she felt about that. I responded with, “Well I choose to believe in the magic of Christmas.” My 12 year old responded with me too! I am not religious at all. This season is important to us for family and put everything going on for a few days and just spend it with us.
It is ironic that the Turning Point USA organization that whose stated purpose is:
TPUSA says its mission is "to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government".
talked a lot about never losing power again. 🤔
I also think trump - being the narcissist he is - and with everyone around him telling him "he is the answer" - now really believes he is sent by god.
not that he needs to open the bible to think this...
Your posting prompted me to check the TPUSA website for the full mission statement -- there is NO mention of Christ, Jesus, God or Christianity on the page that I just looked at. It seems the organization makes no pretense about being godless. Thx for posting!
I’m so grateful for both of you. Happy New Year! 🎊 🎉
Its a couple things; on one hand there is this strange idea that people think they're just a millionaire who hasn't received their money yet so they side with them because that might be rich "someday."
The other piece i would argue is toxic positivity/wishful thinking, however you want to call it. While optimism can be a good thing, when it ignores reality, its damaging.
Gaetz and several others have made a point of saying all these things happened "before he was married, of course." Because promiscuous statutory r@p3 and s3x trafficking is okay, as long as you're not married yet, I guess.
We are not the rebellion. We are on God's side. They are the rebellion. And a very short lived rebellion.
Let's all hope so.
Tim is certainly not on God's side.
@MrSeedi76 God disagrees.
I am thrilled to hear of a spin-off show with the two of you! I look forward to spending my Friday mornings with you! Thank you for keeping us grounded and affirming our outrage during treacherous times. I love you guys and the kingdom work you both are doing!! Happy New Year y'all!
But what about those greedy poors?!?!? My god. That
"pastor" has no fear for their immortal soul. Absolutely insane.
President musk and the apprentice trump… that should do it 😅
Push for repeal of citizens united!!!!!
Fun fact: in Florida Gaetz’s behavior was pretty well known. More fun fact: Joel Greenberg was the Seminole county tax collector. Most of his crimes occurs while he was the tax collector.
Lookup what Madison Cawthorn said about the parties he was invited to before he was blacklisted by the GOP. He basically described this behavior. He wasn't blacklisted for the behavior. He was blacklisted for talking about it.
Thank you for talking about the anger phase because that's really what I'm going through. I'm angry at the hate in mainstream churches. I'm angry at all the forced positivity I was raised with ("And I'm so happy, so very happy...". I'm angry at myself for just believing what I was taught and not listening to any other side until I was an adult. I'm angry that I was told all my life that God speaks to us and if I asked I would be given answers that never came. I'm angry that I never became that great Christian I always idolized and dreamed I would be if I just did enough... And I'm thankful that now I no longer feel obligated to follow an arbitrary set of rules. I'm thankful that I've met and love others from various backgrounds and faiths and genders and actually understand why more people are the way they are instead of lumping them under the umbrella of "They're faithless and just don't understand."
But I don't know what I believe at this point. Athiests make some strong points so my mind is torn, but my heart is still wants God to be real and considers the Bible and the arguments I was taught. I've also never been good at coming to conclusions.
I am thankful for the New Evangelicals, though, who do reflect what I feel are actual Christian values. It makes me feel more hopeful to be in a community where I know I won't feel demonized or less than because I don't demonize or dehumanize others. I'm trying to learn to be wrong and to accept what I find to be true. I also have social anxiety and the idea of trying to attend a new church (of the two i know that aren't anti-queer) is so stressful.
Man, I need therapy (that I can't afford).
Tim, you couldn’t have said it better. We have to keep the rich meaning of Christmas in our lives.
It's great to see that you are "Re-constructing" your faith and that you among those who did not believe another false gospel! 😊
Have a Happy New Year and keep Yeshua and throw the rest aside...
Personal comment of Laura Botten: It's so weird that some Christians are so invested in identifying "real" Christians, yet a slight suggestion that Trump is not and they blow a gasket! I have one in my life, who doesn't even seem to be a Christian, no church or anything, that goes insane if I say Trump basically admits that he is not a Christian.
Here are my thoughts on Santa. As a child I thought he was a Christian who gave gifts to celebrate Jesus. When I discovered he wasn't real, I really worried about the kids without families and the means to get presents. That was a very hard reality to understand. As for my kids, I wanted them to have that childhood wonderment and mystery. He brought gifts in honor of Christ's birth, which was our true purpose. We didn't take them to see the mall Santa, etc. And when they realized the truth, they had to preserve that mystery for the younger kids around us. As a 58 yr old woman who was raised pretty conservative who was taught we had ALL the answers, learning to embrace mystery was a long process. Belief in God requires that, therefore teaching your kids to accept mystery in the world is not a bad thing. Happy new year ro ypu both a.d thanks for what you do.
My wife wanted a cat so bad she just takes allergy pills 😂
I'm soooo very happy that the channel has grown so much this year! and to have been a miniscule part of it as I found you guys this year because of Jen and James (Fundie Fridays). Congrats!!!!!! and happy new year to you, your families, and loved ones!
One thing that people miss with the ludicrous flat Earth argument is how gravity could not exert enough force to hold onto an atmosphere, or keep bodies of water intact, or for water to flow, or any life at all to exist. The force of gravity depends upon the proportion of mass to density. If the Earth is flat, it is far less dense in proportion to it's mass, so the force of gravity would be weak and life would be impossible. Simple physics that any seventh grader learns. That's why astronauts on the moon can jump twenty feet with ease. Because the moon's mass / density is far less than Earth's, gravity can not hold any atmosphere, no water can form, and life does not exist. These can only be achieved by a spherical shape. The Earth's distinct size and shape, it's water, and atmosphere make life possible. When Jesus said " to the ends of the earth" He was speaking metaphorically, as does much of scripture. God is a poet. To the ends of the earth simply means far away from this location where we are currently standing. I wish these same people who take these figures of speech as literal, would take the Beautitudes literally, because that is not metaphorical speech, but His express will as to how we are to live out our lives. The hypocracy is actual blindness as to what the Gospel teaches, what the true Kingdom of God looks like.
@hapennysparrow agree 100%! Couldn't have said it better myself 🙂👏👏👏
On that topic….I was briefly friends with someone who was a flat-earther and told me he could disprove gravity. I guess this guy defied gravity in a way that Elphaba never did. 😂
With regards to Santa, a good way to discuss it with kids when they are ready: Santa isn't a person, but Santa is real. Santa is the attitude of taking care of others around you and doing special things to make others happy. And now that you are old enough, you are ready to join us in being Santa to those around us (including younger siblings).
Actually, FDR wanted affordable healthcare, but offered it to the chopping block so that Social Security and Medicare would pass. Also, JFK talked about it.
That little act of kindness made that cat's holiday season.
I get it about the cat. My cat passed last year, and then we moved. Then my doggie passed. so.. I really miss having another spirit or two in the house. but when I mention getting another dog or cat - my husband says - not now, when we get more settled. when we unpack ALL the boxes. I said, but cats LOVE boxes!! He wasn't impressed.
so, I keep waiting for a stray dog or cat to appear at my door or on my walks through a trail - because then it will be meant to be. and then how can we say no?
but.. so far, I have not been as lucky as April. God Speed - may your kitty become a regular visitor. :)
First Christmas with my kitties. They were a huge help breaking the boxes😆
On a serious note, sorry for your pet losses. Can only imagine the hurt. Our two bring so much chaos and love, i can't imagine life without em.
I'm hoping you get your wish and it'll be meant to be ♡
@@nataliepaad1869 thank you. what a nice wish to bring in the new year!
There is no conflict between the FACTS of Science and the FACTS of Scripture...But There is a lot of conflict between scientific theories and certain interpretations of Scripture...
20:07 💡 Podcast Name Idea ...
"The Purple Podcast"
Deconstructing Red + Reconstructing Blue = Purple
There are varying levels of "allergic" to cats so take this knowing others may be more allergict than me. I have found that when I feed my cats the LiveClear cat food, and take a daily antihistamine (as I do anyway even prior to cats), it has really allowed me the freedom have cats! Some days I still sneeze, but most days I'm just fine - and the snuggles are always good.
Name idea: The Moral Minority
We had a kitten show up Aug 2021. It couldn't have been more than 5 weeks old. Just one kitten, no litter, no mama cat etc. I named it Freddie (Mercury) then later found out she was female. She's still Freddie. Lol. We have 3 indoor/outdoor cats so she followed them around and ate their food etc. I figured out she was a female because EVERY tomcat in the county converged on our yard. I ended up having to trap her in order to get her in to be spayed. Mind you, I had not been able to even pet her up to this point. Shortly after I brought her back home, she did start inching toward me. Today, she walks around my legs rubbing them and letting me pet her. She won't let me pick her up or jump in my lap or come in the house but she's still mine ❤
I enjoyed the discussion
1:16:58 1:17:04 Will you please clip this and add it to your social media? Spot on April!
For Santa, we let Santa bring one modest gift each year. But we also taked to them when appropriate and promoted them from believing in Santa to being Santa. We then gave them money to go shopping that year for a charity. (We were able to give them $50 bill to shop with. Their first large bill )
That wishy-washy statement about Matt Gaetz was from our good ol' Markwayne Mullin. The blessed Senator from my "great state" of Oklahoma
Can I recommend getting super into Advent next year? I really like pushing back against fundamentalism by pointing out that Christmas isn’t supposed to be celebrated until Christmas Eve after dark.
Thank you April for my new New Year's Right Foot tradition!!! Love it 😂🤍
Re: Matt Gaetz, the cult will forgive any sin except leaving.
Btw the nosebleed time travel thing is from Lost!
Tim you hit the nail on the head, also please don't let them upset you both with the heretic comments.
Hillsong, we’re friends with Benny and Benny Henn Todd Bentley, and they continue to convert with false churches every day and Benny hand always has been a liar. There’s no change in Benny hen. It’ll be very thoughtful to be in the hands of God.😮
54:15 Culturally, this branch of Christianity never went through the enlightenment and scientific revolution because they left Europe for North America and before it made it to them. It is good to see them facing the same dilemna as Galileo forced upon the Bishops - what do you do when the evidence before your eyes contradicts your interpretation of holy scripture? The solution then was to admit that though scripture is inherent, our interpretation can be wrong. When it does contradict the plain truth, we must amend our interpretation, not the scripture.
The meaning of Christmas isn't about the death of billions of animals, killing trees, and stressing over gifts. The inequality. Some kids will get BMW and others will get nothing. It's hard on kids that are poor and feel left out. If I don't get any presents is not a big deal to me, but I think we should take in consideration how much we are hurting kids. Christmas is about the celebration of Christ. Family friends, celebrations. Giving. Thanks so much for the joy you all bring.
Re Gaatz onwards -
Silence from the right - reminds me of the people who point to others when complaining of a bad smell that came from then.
Yes Orthodoxy before Orthopraxy
Forgiveness does not and should not mean no ongoing consequences. Is it loving to take a dry alcoholic to the pub or a beer fest? Yet there are churches who will allow a released sex offender; or an abuser of power; or a fraudster straight back into ministry; places of power and access to money, power, people.
We had to fake Santa to other kids. We knew he wasn't real, and we loved our little secret. My parents couldn't let Santa take the credit.
Hey guys, love your channel, love your interactions. I'm the child of two somewhat irreligious parents, from different faiths, both from India. We moved to the US, Los Angeles California, in the late 70's, and as such I've imbibed much US Christianity over the years, . But I've always had friends in the Black Church, the Mexicano Eglesia, and I've been living back in India for awhile, and there are folks who have been Christians for millennia. My good friend is part of, it's not Roman Catholic, it's not really Orthodox, it's just the oldest Church in India.
Anyway, all this to say, when I was in the States, at this time of the year, I used to tell everybody, Jesus is the reason for the season!
He's a brother, a seeker, a truthteller, we have had few of them over the millennia here in India, Gautam Siddhartha, Mahavir, and others.
I think all of them are the reasons for all seasons, because they were rebels against orthodoxy.
I'm speaking as, from day one, an agnostic, part time communist.
Peace to you. and your family and friends>
Podcast name: Tim & April’s “Sunday(less) School” or Tim & April’s “Sunday Unschool”
I like calling it a renegotiation of faith. I call it my personal reformation.
Wasn’t there a story just recently about a temple in India or somewhere with 5 treasure rooms and the last one had never been opened?
Name of Tim & April Show: Deconstructed Wit & Joy -w/ Tim Whitaker & April Ajoy. (See what I did there? 😂) I’m such a dork.
I would say that the "joy" from conquering enemies is better labeled "glee."
I grew up in denominations which didn't deal with eschatology at all, really. So the only potential anti-christ we actually heard about was, for some reason Spiro Agnew. But then we realized that his name is an anagram of "grow a penis," and he was no longer the anti-christ.
41:12 Poverty in riches? Dont worry, they say, poverty enriches - builds character
I mean, maybe we can forgive repentant people and let them sponsor us... but they should still be required to have limitations on them when around vulnerable populations. So, yes. He should be able to have his company table in the vendor's hall, but either HE isn't allowed to be there, or else he is required to have someone from TPUSA with him at all times to ensure that he isn't ever alone with one of TPUSA's young members. It would actually be less problematic for him to have been a speaker teaching doctrine and testifying to how his faith was life-changing and allowed him to change his behavior patterns than to have him freelying interacting unsupervised with many people in the chaotic environment of a vendor's hall.
Have you read "Postcards from Babylon" by Brian Zahnd? It goes back to some of the same things you are mentioning about Christianity vs. white nationalism. He uses a lot of rock n roll in the telling of the story. Really good book.
So glad I found you guys. Happy New Year.
Amen Tim!
Flat earthers using the clown emoji at April is such irony.
Here's a boost to you guys, you are doing great!
Look into Saint Nicholas Tim
the last part of this show contained more truth than I've heard in 18 years of church
: ( A feral cat is an animal who was born and has never had human contact. The same as a bird, or squirrel, etc. They do not understand how to receive touch from a person, it is seen as a threat. They do not purr or meow, which is learned to ask from people, mostly food. Your cat was a domestic who is either lost or dumped and seeking help and probably food. When you spoke to him kindly, he probably thought someone was finally going to feed him as he has been used to. Any unsalted meat and rice are a safe fill until you can get real cat food. Taking a photo and contacting your local vet or rescue groups can help find an owner if he is lost.
Yes, please call Elon Musk "president" as long as he interferes with US politics.
"uh a who whooo" - girl, I feel you lmao mama of four over here and dead 😂 0:54
I love that now they're callin him Elonia 🎉🎉
"Big Money got a heavy hand;
Big Money take control;
Big Money got a mean streak;
Big Money. Got. No. Soul!"
- Rush, "The Big Money," 1985
Check it out. Great song.
So excited for you two to have your own show! ❤
How many of the appointees for the 2025 Cabinet are or have been accused of sexual misconduct? Most. Its almost like a prerequisite.
I vehemently disagree with the notion that poor people can't be greedy unless we're narrowly defining "poor" only to mean people who can't afford their most basic necessities.
Who says poor people can't be greedy??! That's the most RIDICULOUS thing I have heard in YEARS!! Poor people steal stuff all the time. That is greed in action.... Etc
April, Purina pro live clear makes a cat food that helps reduce allergens in cats! There’s also a powder made of eggs that can be sprinkled on cat food! 😊 I use it! I am very allergic and it helps a lot!!!
People are talking about it. If we are going to make a positive effective change I think our honesty should be radical in nature.
Guys! Name for new show: "The Whit and Joy Hour"
I have to say that my kids experience so much joy from Santa and Christmas magic. I was originally ambivalent but I am affirmatively Pro-Santa! They won’t believe it forever and they love it so much. Also I feel like some kids are more prone to imaginative thinking and can really get into it and other kids are more analytical.
A lot of churches up here in New England are progressive and affirming. The overall new england elca synod is also affirming and progressive. Wouldn't it be cool to have a list of our progressive churches that show service online? This way all those surrounded by maga churches can have a church ❤
We have the same agreement about Santa, I almost didn’t want to do Santa but the kids come home from daycare and school talking about Santa. It’s cultural osmosis, I don’t want to destroy the dream.
We don’t do elf on the shelf and I will never do it 😂 our kids think the fairies watch over them and bring them gifts, so we’ve just said we don’t need an elf because of the fairies. It’s worked so far 🤞
April, why are you giving me ideas of how to bond with the feral cats in our neighborhood? Our neighbor used to have a basketball hoop weighted by bags of sand and he used to complain about all the feral cats ripping the bags open 😂 one of my favorite memories is sitting on this porch by lantern light and having a random cat come snoop around while my dog slept inside. I bet there are cats I can convince to love me without bringing them into our house. And now I have a goal 🎉
Excited for the pod to expand.
Please get a fact checker. Just someone you guys could have check various statements and or quotes or whatever. Our memories always falter, news changes quickly. A fact checker (a la Jamie from JRE) would be an awesome addiction.
Take back the meaning of 2 Tim 3:16 which was written as an argument not to discard the OT due to the new understanding of God. An argument to use it to learn from, for criticism of the words and behaviors, for correction of the path towards progression to righteousness, much like we saw about history today, it was to learn from towards correction of the course not to learn how to aspire to act out the wrongs of the past.
THANK YOU jingle all the way is also my movie and everyone always laughs or is very surprised lol
So with Santa so I’m not religious but my mum always made a big deal about Christmas. She also really liked Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer. So my mum had all these pictures of Spike on her computer and for some reason. I think she may have drank a little on Christmas Eve. She would create these spike stickers sometimes they would have my name or my sister’s name on them but sometimes they wouldn’t. So I feel like I always knew Santa wasn’t real but I never told any other kid that. I did get in a tiny bit of trouble when I was 8 for telling people Jesus wasn’t born in December.
That is hysterical- I love Spike
Personal comment of Laura Botten: Essentially Will Duffy, flat earther, is doing what CS Lewis did. Lewis set out to prove Christianity is false, but he sought truth above all. The truth he found is that Jesus is Lord, otherwise you must accept that he's a lunatic or a liar.
The earth being round was common knowledge when Jesus was alive. They even had a pretty good idea how big the earth is because math is amazing like that. I have to blame lead paint and asbestos.
Great episode
"Jesus was a flat Earther pass it on" -Sarah 😂
read, Yes Virginia there is a Santa, it is a great middle ground and a good theory to work from.
How about "The in the News Evangelicals"?
They value ideology above humanity. That's fundamentalism in whatever religion. And it's rising up around the world. To value national identity above humanity is nationalism. And it's rising up around the earth. I really think that it is the fulfillment of Revelation Ch. 13.
Regarding Santa... my bro teaches his children "it's fun to pretend "
Maybe keep the traditions and mythology, but stop giving presents to make it real. Make Santa a symbol representing the potential of giving, but let the spirit of giving give the gifts to each other without the middleman (Santa). It could work
1:13:46 Why do you think they put 'adult' on the badges. They know what kind of people they are.
JINGLE ALL THE WAY IS THE BEST. And I'm a Grinch during the holidays because of my Italian family, highly recommend the chill approach because cooking a meal for 15 people in one day is not it😭. I feel so seen rn lmao.
The religious right idolize their idealogy, as April said.
I never met a fundamentalist Christian who was a flat earth or or they never admitted it. We all believed the Earth was rounded back in the 90s and 2000s.😂 the Bible can definitely be used to argue that the Earth is flat because the writers of the Bible definitely believed that along with everyone else in the ancient world.
Checking out your show for first time. What do you mean by “ new evangelicals”
The ones that get to cuss and bash
Instead of showing the fruit of the spirit
Which Christians are you representing? Just curious
They're "bashing" liars and sexual predators, but you're worried about rude words.