Make your EDC for you, your area/region, and personal needs/situations. Yes a wallet flashlight knife tool etc matter. Does it rain a lot by you? Should you consider waterproof options? You can buy the most expensive item or possibly by a lower end one for practice and see what works and doesn't work for you. As much as I enjoy these videos I dislike when they leave out things like region and the weight of what you carry. I went heavy for a couple years went to a micro EDC set for less weight now I'm somewhere in the middle towards lighter due to Titanium options I explored also. Make it work for YOU!
I’ve slowed down on the gear. I’ve REALLY enjoyed collecting and learning but several times I got something new it went in a drawer or the safe. I took a step back. I still love the gear and reviews, however. I appreciate you encouraging the audience to not go into debt.
You’re right. The amazing thing about EDC is that it is unique and always will be. It’s YOUR every day carry and what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. As long as it makes you happy that is all that matters. The hype is definitely a high when you’re able to land an exclusive drop! Also even the old gear can cycle back around. Some people are only for the first time able to get some thing that someone else may have already had for several years so nothing should be put down.disregarded. Great vid Taylor!
I recently just started purging my knife collection. I’m keeping 2 knives & am selling/ have sold all my others. Understand what I like, importance of blade steel, etc & now know what I actually use & like. I do actually use my knives though, not just a package opener.
I’ve made some of those mistakes. I’ve been chasing the perfect knife. I now own over 40 knives and I’m still learning what I like. I’ve been camping and hiking for over 30 years. I just find getting new knives is addictive.
I absolutely agree. I reevaluated my carry not too long ago and went from a dedicated knife and full sized multitool to a Victorinox Rambler. I realized I was just not using a majority of the tools to justify the weight and now I don't worry about losing or damaging my (relatively) expensive gear. It has been an eye-opening experience, that is for sure.
To be honest, as much as I love EDC, I’ve never been into blade steels 😂. My grandfather showed me how to turn any garbage knife razor sharp and that showed me that ultimately a good sharp knife is all you need for getting the job done 👍🏻 Great video I loved it
Your closing was spot on! The idea is to have fun and be as prepared as I want to be. For me a basic pocket load out is a Knife (SAK generally), flashlight, wallet (with paper), keys, bandana, and cell phone. Not many days pass that I don't use all of it during any given day, I use parts of it EVERY day. Bottom line, I carry what brings me joy!
I have carried a Leatherman Wave since the Wave1 came out. I now have a Wave2 and I still carry it. It gets work done and I don't have to worry if I accidently drop it down a storm drain.
I seriously like your bit on responsible purchases. That's creating a good culture. Never worth the debt. Essentially, it's about building assets, like the rest of life.
I suggest everyone to apply restraint whenever they get the urge to spend money in their everyday lives. Every company is trying to make you spend money on things that you don't need.
No truer words and I'm certainly guilty of getting pulled into the vacuum of this space very often. But, in all honesty, it's places like You Tube and channels like this that tend to have the most influence on building hype on buying cool and useless shit. Especially when most of what is shown are items of unobtanium and it sends you on a fox hunt to find them. Their is a reason why people are constantly gifting him cool ass hard to find items. It just builds the "need" mentality. I actually force myself to take week or weeks off of places like this to snap me back into what is important. Funny that we are lining up and begging to spend all our money on stuff that falls into his lap, lol
Absolutely true, I’ve been into EDC & a Gear junkie for probably 8 or 9 years the amount of shit I’ve bought that was “cool” at the time then sold off shortly later is crazy. Now i only own what i like, what’s actually useful and the things i will carry, im all for hobbies but i definitely regret all the useless shit, wasted time, money and effort. Do be wise with your purchases and don’t buy things to impress people you don’t know on instagram 😂
Im the person who absolutely loves s30v, s35vn, and s45vn. s45vn was my first over $100 knife and its my favorite hard use steel. Ive got magnacut, Vanax, cruwear and they are all great steels but i still pick my s30v, s35vn, and s45vn over all the other ones I named off.
I’ve been in the edc world for a hot minute now and over the years of having different jobs all being blue collar types as well as my personal hobbies and adventure I’ve found that for me phone,wallet,keys,flashlight,knife,gun and spare mags have been my mainstays no matter what now I always have a tool bag near me as well as full blown med kit but on the days I know I am doing a certain task I’ll add more to the edc but it’s all just a big game of what ifs
I never comment on anything but THIS my friend is worth a comment and thumbs up! It’s nice to see some genuine honesty in an industry based on sponsorship. Thank you!
Keeping it real. I live on a farm/ranch so there is EDC and then there is "I need my tool bag" Most of the equipment is 40+ year old so there are always challenges to having the right, best, fastest and easiest tool to save time and get the job done, so this video is very appreciated.
Funny thing is that my favorite EDC knife is the Cold Steel "Lucky", which is S35V with trendy Carbon weave scales, with 2 blades 2.75" or so. Not some magical super steel. Just always sharp and very handy. I also love my Buck 110 light (440 CN) which is rugged, super sharp and easy to field sharpen. Did I mention it's rather inexpensive so I don't worry about using (abusing) it. But I always have a Swiss Army knife (Huntsman, Compact or Sentinel) in my pocket, mostly because they are convenient and reliable. And nobody ever freaks out about the little red pocket knife 😂
I find that for EDC all I need is something that works good enough and not so expensive that I can't gift it. Where I don't like to compromise though is in the kitchen or at the BBQ. VG 10 is my favorite. For backup I am actually ok with Victorinox's standard stainless.
Agreed on everything! My kitchen knives are worth several times more than my pocket knives. I do keep a "guest" knife for when someone else is in there 😂
Common sense! This is one of the best discussions about practical EDC. I would love to get a custom $300 knife but I can't afford it. but on the other hand, I love my Delica.
This is great. I found myself today thinking I wanted a new pry, but the truth is it is the one edc item I don't use. So I stopped myself from buying one. Plus, I like my tptslide and find that in my pocket every day and used. In the end I will carry what makes me happy and feel other should too. 👊
Excellent video! Much appreciated. I think one thing that is really important is to ask yourself WHY you want or carry such and such. When you say we are all here because we enjoy our gear and while that's true, it is also true that many RUclips talking heads have turned it into a career and where money is involved, one has to be careful in evaluating a person's opinion. So many reviews sound like a sales pitch instead of a "review." I was a contributing editor for Tactical Knives for many years but my main focus was outdoor knives, bushcraft and wilderness survival. Fighting knives were not my thing. I refused to review knives that I personally had no interest in. An example is the Tom Brown Tracker, which I told the editor that it looked like a good boat anchor for a canoe but I had no interest in it as a knife for the outdoors and refused to review it. So yes I had an agenda but it wasn't in making money or getting free knives. I was interested in promoting user knives and bushcraft knives. At the time I was getting a lot of flak on knife forums by the sharpened prybar folks but I didn't give a shit. I promoted Moras, did the first Ray Mears Woodlore and Kephart knife reviews in TK as well as other using types of outdoor knives. I promoted the Nessmuk knife and thin-bladed knives for the outdoors. Yes, I had an agenda and I didn't hide it. Now we see literally TONS of Ray Mears style bushcraft knives as well as Kephart knives and I'm egotistical enough to think I had an impact in that. I confess I enjoy gear as much as anyone but since I no longer write about this stuff, I no longer feel compelled to try as much stuff as I used to just to see if it is worth a shit. I still do it though but to a much lesser degree just because I'm a curious bastard and still get out into the woods. But I did laugh when you brought up Magnacut. So typical and you nailed it. And imo, one of the current fads that I find laughable is the pocket carry of fixed blades. I've posted this before on RUclips but it is largely ignored but I will post it again and end with that. Why I don’t need a fixed blade for pocket carry. 1. I have a TON of knives specifically designed for pocket carry called pocket knives. 2. I don’t want to increase the chances of cutting my pants when putting the knife away. 3. I don’t want to increase the chances of stabbing myself in the leg when putting the knife away. 4. I don’t want a knife/sheath that actually sticks up out of the pocket. People lust after deep carry pocket clips on their folder yet think nothing of having the handle of a knife sticking out of their pocket. 5. Too bulky in the pocket. I don’t need a kydex sheath in my pocket or an ulticlip wearing a hole in my pants. 6. I wear a belt, which is where I carry my belt knives. 7. It’s a classic knife fad, something that knife people are prone to jump on.
Carry the worksharp in my lunch box and pull it out at work when i need to touch up and edge on my knives our Leatherman great shout out to that sharpener love it
I've been into edc for about 5 years and still haven't found THE PERFECT edc. I'm currently trying to find some pieces of gear that I really think would improve my life day to day. I think I've figured out exactly what I want. I just don't have the funds currently to put it all together. Long story short, I've been collecting knives and edc gear for 5 years and still haven't put together my quote on quote edc. Take your time, and don't rush getting gear, or you'll waste a bunch of money😂
Not contradict you, sometimes you need to bite the bullet and buy that new item, at best it's exactly what you needed, at worst you can refine your search on what you know didn't work.
This video is great--and I like the general trend of similar/recent videos that call out and call into question the focus on high end products. Good to have a reminder about focusing on practical aspects. Also, the bit about maintenance is good and that's a great way to enjoy and maintain the quality of whatever gear you have. In terms of that, I had a pair of jeans that I sewed up a couple times; they became my faves. Same with a quality pair of boots: once I've oiled them they're BETER than new. In terms of that, maybe some videos that just focus on maintenance could be a thing. And some that explore systems for reviewing one's EDC kit to decide what to keep, etc.
Been into EDC since 2017. My biggest take away is pens are only for specific people. Most people who carry full sized flash lights can easily carry mini/keychain flashlights. And most multitools have way too many tools. And you only really need to carry one knife.
I just carry a strong keychain flashlight and a keychain multi tool with a blade, and a couple other keychain gadgets. Wallet is the phone case. Then a ccw. These people with 8 things in their pockets seem insane to me 😂.
Also, for the more budget oriented guys (aka us broke dudes), I suggest getting a few good items instead of like 15 ok ones. I carry an Opinel No8 inox, and Convoy S2+ 519a. Sure they aren't the most "optimal" choices. I would rather have a No7 or No6 in carbon, but they don't sell them here where I live. A smaller flashlight would likely save weight and be more "optimal", but I would rather just have 1 flashlight for all situations, instead of having a tiny edc, another one for home use, another if I need a thrower.... etc. If you are budget oriented, just pick a good option which fits what you need it to do. I still probably carry significantly less weight in my pocket than a lot of the guys in the EDC community. A lot of guys have large multitools to work on projects that they don't even know how to work on, nor ever will. A $100 tiny utility blade like this guy promoted is no better than some random $5 box cutter. Just simplify to what you need. Do you really need that tiny pry bar you have never used? That ultra expensive pocket jewelry? Those pliers for pipe work you never do? Examine what you will be doing, and plan accordingly. Hell, if you actually use what I have shit on in this comment, carry it!!!! If you do find a use for your pliers, multitools, pry bars, can openers and what not; carry them!!!! Don't just avoid them because I shit on them, that is the opposite if you should do. I am telling you to disregard what people say and find what works the best for you.
I’ve carried ( EDC ) for 45 plus years . And found what works for me . Sure it’s changed some what threw out the years. I have 3 go to pistols . Knives some ive carried since the 1980s Gerber , Cold Steel , BenchMade and a few others. I got the bug on autos 20 years or so ago . And found myself buying Microtech $$$ and some others. Need maybe ? Coolness YES. I’ve carried a lot of these items for so long they become a part of me . Be safe , Be aware , and watch your 6.
I haven’t bought any new edc in over 20 years (don’t need it) however I do enjoy looking at others edc There are a few things I been thinking about purchasing to replace my out dated carrry
I hadnt thought about "making it" as far as EDC goes until you mentioned the "true edc" meaning and honing it. As it turn out, my 5.11 Rush 12 has been on my back literally every single day for 13 years. The ESEE Candiru in my pocket for 8 years straight. Leatherman Charge, flashlight and other stuff in the backpack for as long as I have used it. Its obvious everything else I want are wants, not actual needs. My needs have been covered for a long time. Thanks for the realization!😂
I totally get it, my first quality knife i bought was a 940-2 the black g10 version. I didnt like the ergos at all for me not a intuitive knive.The reason i bought one was everyone online (youtube) said "you must have a 940 in the collection" Taylor is right, sleep on it do your research you often feel differently a week later.
When I started EDC 6 years ago, I started carrying a Rat 2 D2. Over the years, I've bought several knives that I've carried for various amounts of time. A few higher-end steels, and more fidgety. I'm full circle back to the Rat 2 D2. Because that's all I need.
I made the mistake on focusing on knives too much over the years. Then I realised I use a prybar far more than a knife, so now I don't even carry a knife most of the time and just have a prybar.
Really enjoyed this more conceptual video -- good points all! I got a particular chuckle over knife steels. VG-10 was considered the cats pajamas when I first got into knives (and relatively pricey) and now folks scoff at it -- but it still works for me! Agree on Nitro V, too!
Unpopular opinion, but I think most people can ditch the pen and flashlight. Pen is a personal thing, but I work outside almost every day and barely ever use my flashlight. Gotta weigh whether or not something is going to get any use before you carry it around every day… Or ignore that because it brings you joy to carry it with you
I carry a flashlight because I use it around the house all the time. I put an olight warrior mini 3 in the car as Canadian city self defense. and I definitely can ditch the pen, it's a relic of a bygone era, but I still just like having one on me.
Carrying a dedicated flashlight is overkill most of the times, but later I find out that I use flashlight on my Garmin Fenix 7 Pro, always on me, and most of the times I use it only to get to the bathroom and not wake up my girlfriend/blind myself lol
I started carrying a torch/flashlight in 1992, for those 'just in case' moments. Since then there has barely been a day that I've not needed one. The advent of phones has not changed this, and phone lights just aren't good enough to replace a proper torch.
I have this idea for a small fixed blade. San mai damascus steel with copper scales with a specific design. I can't find it. I don't think it's been made yet. Long story short I bought a forge.
Good video, been watching you and enjoying your channel for years and I can tell you 99.99999% of the stuff you have ever shown on your Chanel I've never even considered buying.
Great video. You are absolutely right. Keep doing what you like and what you are doing. You only give people the content. It’s up to them to decide what’s right for them. Know one can blame you for that 👍
strop, clean, and oil your knives, maintain your gear, and dont feel like your edc has to be set in stone, i have a work edc and an urban/true edc. both consist of the same core which is my keychain with a victorinox classic sd and a nitecore tini 2 ti. depending on the work day i carry a leatgerman wave or a victorinox huntsman.
I have actually downgraded my EDC over the years. I still carry a moderately priced knife (Benchmade Mini-Adamas in my case) every day but cheap out on the extras. A Streamlight Microstream and a small Fisher Space Pen go in the other pockets and work great for whatever happens--Lightweight and I don't have to worry if I lose them. Throw a Leatherman tool in a backpack and another in the vehicle and it covers all my needs.
I personally had probably about 200k worth of knives come and go over the course of about 3 1/2 years trying knives that I saw that interested me. I had just gotten into the mid and higher end of the knife world, and I found that tend to be very picky about ergos and action. Even stud placement. But I was one who saw something I liked, bought it to try it out, and if it didn't retain my attention and interest, I'd either sell it or often trade for something else that caught my eye. I've slowed down big time now though and I more or less know whether or not I'll like a knife just by looking at images and measurements. I definitely agree about not putting yourself in debt over any piece of gear though. Yet I see an insane number of people do exactly that. Whether it be individual majorly expensive pieces, or bulk purchases.
One thing that makes me afraid to 'use my tools' is that a lot of the things in this industry are hard to replace, particularly knives that come in low quantity drops. Maybe I don't make the best use of in tact warranties, but it at least makes me hesitate when im presented with an opportunity to use an expensive knife that theoretically is the best tool for the job.
@@ty-bo372 yeah they work best when the rear handle is taking the pressure. And you can even let go of the front and continue to push, they hold so well. So to spin a bolt tight, you’d have the opening of the jaw facing left and push on the rear handle to spin it clockwise. Even when using just to hold, they work much better this way but you really only notice under more torque. So on smaller stuff they’ll work either way. This applies to all channel locks. Knipex are just really good and don’t slip as much when used the opposite direction.
Love this preaching brother keep it real friends if you budget than be so if you can buy higher up than good for you I have found that my budget knives I can make act like expensive knives sometimes it just the blade steel that would be the difference So Carry on with your life 🙏🙏
When doing jobs that require using a knife a lot, I buy cheap Kershaw knives. One cheap Kershaw $30 or less will last me the whole job & more. I’ve used 1 Kershaw for 5 years until the blade finally broke. The cheap steel doesn’t dull as fast like people say & when it does it is easier to sharpen. If I break it I’m not going to cry about it. I do love Benchmade & even Civivi for the price, but there’s nothing wrong with 8Cr13MoV if it gets the job done.
Good overall wise advice good presentation of the edc genre sometimes you need to pump the brakes and use what you have I’m blessed at the moment very happy with my edc roll out no lie it took a while
Getting older has changed my perspective. I have one knife that my Grandfather made. I cherish it. I now buy knives that I think my Grandson will enjoy later in his life.
Since i started carrying my pocket knife i used it so many times,for boxes,some threads,ropes and sh*t. Even my girlfriend is taking my knife sometimes for her stuff and that knife is not something special,its FBKnife by Ganzo,blade steel is D2 and i sharpend it once this year since i have it and i think for 30 bucks its pretty good.
I love this video. Unfortunately I’m more in the boat with I rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Great video. Let’s do the damn thing!
Wow an edc video where it's not about carrying stuff to survive being lost in a zombie apocalypse in the wilderness, but carrying stuff to make life easier, to be prepared for every day problems like a lose bolt, or a box that needs opening, or needing to write a note. Personally I have several different just walking to the shops, my longer journey bag, my longer distance cycling bag, my shorter cycle bag, my I'm in a suit for work pocket carry, my I'm going to the pub pocket gear, my out hiking bag...a lot of things get duplicated...meds, spare contacts, hand sanitizer, lip balm, emergency cash, flashlight all appear in every version, but different tools, ways of staying dry. Sun glasses and book in one inner tube and tools in another
Thanks for bringing this up as I now feel justified for leaving your BDE FB group a few days ago.. no offense. I have carried the same basic items for years. All the posts in the group really tested my resolve. There is a lot of nice gear avaliable. Some of the folks in that group posting a different $2000 cary setup every day , they are either extreemly wealthy or massively in debt. Still love your yt channel. thanks
It's clear that in the past few years EDC has become quite the consumeristic practice rather than something born out of necessity, there are a lot of sales people on here just trying to sell you a fancy new doohickey
So I've edc'd a fixed adamas for a little over 3 years, appendix carry. (left handed, front, horizontal, tech lock) I always say I'd forget my head before my knife😂 that said, I hate to admit it's getting kinda annoying weight wise. I'd prefer to keep using my adamas EVERY DAY. is there a belt or a certain kind of pants that will ease my struggles? Or am I condemned to put my beloved Benchmade in my pack and find a lighter fixie for edc?
Because he's saying things that are antithetical to the survival of the industry. Don't buy extra stuff you don't need. Try not to get wrapped up in all the hype. Don't buy the most premium expensive steals possible. Don't go into debt for what is a hobby at best
I learned not to go chasing stuff anymore…..I carry a set edc kit that I maybe change out every 3 months. The people you see out here today carry an edc kit and they never use it because they’re afraid something is going to get scratched or damaged……What’s the point then🤔You’re supposed to carry these things to use not to have a fashion edc show.
Probably the best video you’ve made. I appreciate the common sense points and validation of those who keep it simple.
"this does not spark Joy" EDC edition.
Make your EDC for you, your area/region, and personal needs/situations. Yes a wallet flashlight knife tool etc matter. Does it rain a lot by you? Should you consider waterproof options? You can buy the most expensive item or possibly by a lower end one for practice and see what works and doesn't work for you. As much as I enjoy these videos I dislike when they leave out things like region and the weight of what you carry. I went heavy for a couple years went to a micro EDC set for less weight now I'm somewhere in the middle towards lighter due to Titanium options I explored also. Make it work for YOU!
So many people tout one thing or another as "the best thing you can carry", but in reality, it's whatever works best *for you* and your needs.
I’ve slowed down on the gear. I’ve REALLY enjoyed collecting and learning but several times I got something new it went in a drawer or the safe. I took a step back. I still love the gear and reviews, however. I appreciate you encouraging the audience to not go into debt.
You’re right. The amazing thing about EDC is that it is unique and always will be. It’s YOUR every day carry and what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. As long as it makes you happy that is all that matters. The hype is definitely a high when you’re able to land an exclusive drop! Also even the old gear can cycle back around. Some people are only for the first time able to get some thing that someone else may have already had for several years so nothing should be put down.disregarded. Great vid Taylor!
I recently just started purging my knife collection. I’m keeping 2 knives & am selling/ have sold all my others. Understand what I like, importance of blade steel, etc & now know what I actually use & like. I do actually use my knives though, not just a package opener.
I’ve made some of those mistakes. I’ve been chasing the perfect knife. I now own over 40 knives and I’m still learning what I like. I’ve been camping and hiking for over 30 years. I just find getting new knives is addictive.
I absolutely agree. I reevaluated my carry not too long ago and went from a dedicated knife and full sized multitool to a Victorinox Rambler. I realized I was just not using a majority of the tools to justify the weight and now I don't worry about losing or damaging my (relatively) expensive gear. It has been an eye-opening experience, that is for sure.
To be honest, as much as I love EDC, I’ve never been into blade steels 😂. My grandfather showed me how to turn any garbage knife razor sharp and that showed me that ultimately a good sharp knife is all you need for getting the job done 👍🏻 Great video I loved it
Your closing was spot on! The idea is to have fun and be as prepared as I want to be. For me a basic pocket load out is a Knife (SAK generally), flashlight, wallet (with paper), keys, bandana, and cell phone. Not many days pass that I don't use all of it during any given day, I use parts of it EVERY day. Bottom line, I carry what brings me joy!
Two comments really resonated with me. "Use Your Shit" and learn how to "Maintain Your Shit."
I have carried a Leatherman Wave since the Wave1 came out. I now have a Wave2 and I still carry it. It gets work done and I don't have to worry if I accidently drop it down a storm drain.
I seriously like your bit on responsible purchases. That's creating a good culture. Never worth the debt. Essentially, it's about building assets, like the rest of life.
I suggest everyone to apply restraint whenever they get the urge to spend money in their everyday lives. Every company is trying to make you spend money on things that you don't need.
No truer words and I'm certainly guilty of getting pulled into the vacuum of this space very often. But, in all honesty, it's places like You Tube and channels like this that tend to have the most influence on building hype on buying cool and useless shit. Especially when most of what is shown are items of unobtanium and it sends you on a fox hunt to find them.
Their is a reason why people are constantly gifting him cool ass hard to find items. It just builds the "need" mentality. I actually force myself to take week or weeks off of places like this to snap me back into what is important. Funny that we are lining up and begging to spend all our money on stuff that falls into his lap, lol
Absolutely true, I’ve been into EDC & a Gear junkie for probably 8 or 9 years the amount of shit I’ve bought that was “cool” at the time then sold off shortly later is crazy. Now i only own what i like, what’s actually useful and the things i will carry, im all for hobbies but i definitely regret all the useless shit, wasted time, money and effort. Do be wise with your purchases and don’t buy things to impress people you don’t know on instagram 😂
Im the person who absolutely loves s30v, s35vn, and s45vn. s45vn was my first over $100 knife and its my favorite hard use steel. Ive got magnacut, Vanax, cruwear and they are all great steels but i still pick my s30v, s35vn, and s45vn over all the other ones I named off.
I’ve been in the edc world for a hot minute now and over the years of having different jobs all being blue collar types as well as my personal hobbies and adventure I’ve found that for me phone,wallet,keys,flashlight,knife,gun and spare mags have been my mainstays no matter what now I always have a tool bag near me as well as full blown med kit but on the days I know I am doing a certain task I’ll add more to the edc but it’s all just a big game of what ifs
I never comment on anything but THIS my friend is worth a comment and thumbs up! It’s nice to see some genuine honesty in an industry based on sponsorship. Thank you!
Just started watching, my god, the no debt advice is a BIG W. Thank you for that, in a world of buy now pay later, the world needs this sage advice.
Keeping it real. I live on a farm/ranch so there is EDC and then there is "I need my tool bag" Most of the equipment is 40+ year old so there are always challenges to having the right, best, fastest and easiest tool to save time and get the job done, so this video is very appreciated.
Funny thing is that my favorite EDC knife is the Cold Steel "Lucky", which is S35V with trendy Carbon weave scales, with 2 blades 2.75" or so. Not some magical super steel. Just always sharp and very handy.
I also love my Buck 110 light (440 CN) which is rugged, super sharp and easy to field sharpen. Did I mention it's rather inexpensive so I don't worry about using (abusing) it.
But I always have a Swiss Army knife (Huntsman, Compact or Sentinel) in my pocket, mostly because they are convenient and reliable. And nobody ever freaks out about the little red pocket knife 😂
It’s called FOMO
Fear of missing out
An addiction!
In short: You are very, very right in all the points you mentioned! I think just as you, but you presented it perfectly!! Thank you!
I've gotten rid off all the "might be useful" items in my carry and changed to only carrying stuff I need at least like 3 times a week, I like it
I find that for EDC all I need is something that works good enough and not so expensive that I can't gift it. Where I don't like to compromise though is in the kitchen or at the BBQ. VG 10 is my favorite. For backup I am actually ok with Victorinox's standard stainless.
Agreed on everything! My kitchen knives are worth several times more than my pocket knives. I do keep a "guest" knife for when someone else is in there 😂
Common sense! This is one of the best discussions about practical EDC. I would love to get a custom $300 knife but I can't afford it. but on the other hand, I love my Delica.
This is a much needed reflection and a good EDC version of marie kondo content.
This is great. I found myself today thinking I wanted a new pry, but the truth is it is the one edc item I don't use. So I stopped myself from buying one. Plus, I like my tptslide and find that in my pocket every day and used. In the end I will carry what makes me happy and feel other should too. 👊
Excellent video! Much appreciated. I think one thing that is really important is to ask yourself WHY you want or carry such and such. When you say we are all here because we enjoy our gear and while that's true, it is also true that many RUclips talking heads have turned it into a career and where money is involved, one has to be careful in evaluating a person's opinion. So many reviews sound like a sales pitch instead of a "review." I was a contributing editor for Tactical Knives for many years but my main focus was outdoor knives, bushcraft and wilderness survival. Fighting knives were not my thing. I refused to review knives that I personally had no interest in. An example is the Tom Brown Tracker, which I told the editor that it looked like a good boat anchor for a canoe but I had no interest in it as a knife for the outdoors and refused to review it. So yes I had an agenda but it wasn't in making money or getting free knives. I was interested in promoting user knives and bushcraft knives. At the time I was getting a lot of flak on knife forums by the sharpened prybar folks but I didn't give a shit. I promoted Moras, did the first Ray Mears Woodlore and Kephart knife reviews in TK as well as other using types of outdoor knives. I promoted the Nessmuk knife and thin-bladed knives for the outdoors. Yes, I had an agenda and I didn't hide it. Now we see literally TONS of Ray Mears style bushcraft knives as well as Kephart knives and I'm egotistical enough to think I had an impact in that. I confess I enjoy gear as much as anyone but since I no longer write about this stuff, I no longer feel compelled to try as much stuff as I used to just to see if it is worth a shit. I still do it though but to a much lesser degree just because I'm a curious bastard and still get out into the woods. But I did laugh when you brought up Magnacut. So typical and you nailed it. And imo, one of the current fads that I find laughable is the pocket carry of fixed blades. I've posted this before on RUclips but it is largely ignored but I will post it again and end with that.
Why I don’t need a fixed blade for pocket carry.
1. I have a TON of knives specifically designed for pocket carry called pocket knives.
2. I don’t want to increase the chances of cutting my pants when putting the knife away.
3. I don’t want to increase the chances of stabbing myself in the leg when putting the knife away.
4. I don’t want a knife/sheath that actually sticks up out of the pocket. People lust after deep carry pocket clips on their folder yet think nothing of having the handle of a knife sticking out of their pocket.
5. Too bulky in the pocket. I don’t need a kydex sheath in my pocket or an ulticlip wearing a hole in my pants.
6. I wear a belt, which is where I carry my belt knives.
7. It’s a classic knife fad, something that knife people are prone to jump on.
Carry the worksharp in my lunch box and pull it out at work when i need to touch up and edge on my knives our Leatherman great shout out to that sharpener love it
My man making some philosophical points and some practical wisdom. Love it.
I've been into edc for about 5 years and still haven't found THE PERFECT edc. I'm currently trying to find some pieces of gear that I really think would improve my life day to day. I think I've figured out exactly what I want. I just don't have the funds currently to put it all together. Long story short, I've been collecting knives and edc gear for 5 years and still haven't put together my quote on quote edc. Take your time, and don't rush getting gear, or you'll waste a bunch of money😂
Not contradict you, sometimes you need to bite the bullet and buy that new item, at best it's exactly what you needed, at worst you can refine your search on what you know didn't work.
Good stuff
My EDC: SAK super tinker, olight i5T, fisher space pen. That’s it, suits me and my everyday.
This video is great--and I like the general trend of similar/recent videos that call out and call into question the focus on high end products. Good to have a reminder about focusing on practical aspects. Also, the bit about maintenance is good and that's a great way to enjoy and maintain the quality of whatever gear you have. In terms of that, I had a pair of jeans that I sewed up a couple times; they became my faves. Same with a quality pair of boots: once I've oiled them they're BETER than new. In terms of that, maybe some videos that just focus on maintenance could be a thing. And some that explore systems for reviewing one's EDC kit to decide what to keep, etc.
*gets a package with a rip off tab* guess i have to use my magnacut TI knife to open it
*a package with a new knife/pen/tool.. :)
I have a knipex and today I leant that they are directional ....... Thanks man. Much appreciated.
Been into EDC since 2017. My biggest take away is pens are only for specific people. Most people who carry full sized flash lights can easily carry mini/keychain flashlights. And most multitools have way too many tools. And you only really need to carry one knife.
I just carry a strong keychain flashlight and a keychain multi tool with a blade, and a couple other keychain gadgets. Wallet is the phone case. Then a ccw. These people with 8 things in their pockets seem insane to me 😂.
Also, for the more budget oriented guys (aka us broke dudes), I suggest getting a few good items instead of like 15 ok ones.
I carry an Opinel No8 inox, and Convoy S2+ 519a. Sure they aren't the most "optimal" choices.
I would rather have a No7 or No6 in carbon, but they don't sell them here where I live.
A smaller flashlight would likely save weight and be more "optimal", but I would rather just have 1 flashlight for all situations, instead of having a tiny edc, another one for home use, another if I need a thrower.... etc.
If you are budget oriented, just pick a good option which fits what you need it to do.
I still probably carry significantly less weight in my pocket than a lot of the guys in the EDC community.
A lot of guys have large multitools to work on projects that they don't even know how to work on, nor ever will.
A $100 tiny utility blade like this guy promoted is no better than some random $5 box cutter.
Just simplify to what you need.
Do you really need that tiny pry bar you have never used?
That ultra expensive pocket jewelry?
Those pliers for pipe work you never do?
Examine what you will be doing, and plan accordingly.
Hell, if you actually use what I have shit on in this comment, carry it!!!!
If you do find a use for your pliers, multitools, pry bars, can openers and what not; carry them!!!!
Don't just avoid them because I shit on them, that is the opposite if you should do.
I am telling you to disregard what people say and find what works the best for you.
I’ve carried ( EDC ) for 45 plus years . And found what works for me . Sure it’s changed some what threw out the years. I have 3 go to pistols . Knives some ive carried since the 1980s Gerber , Cold Steel , BenchMade and a few others. I got the bug on autos 20 years or so ago . And found myself buying Microtech $$$ and some others. Need maybe ? Coolness YES. I’ve carried a lot of these items for so long they become a part of me . Be safe , Be aware , and watch your 6.
I haven’t bought any new edc in over 20 years (don’t need it) however I do enjoy looking at others edc
There are a few things I been thinking about purchasing to replace my out dated carrry
This was all so refreshing to hear
Great episode. Nice positive message. Thanks Taylor.
I hadnt thought about "making it" as far as EDC goes until you mentioned the "true edc" meaning and honing it. As it turn out, my 5.11 Rush 12 has been on my back literally every single day for 13 years. The ESEE Candiru in my pocket for 8 years straight. Leatherman Charge, flashlight and other stuff in the backpack for as long as I have used it. Its obvious everything else I want are wants, not actual needs. My needs have been covered for a long time. Thanks for the realization!😂
I totally get it, my first quality knife i bought was a 940-2 the black g10 version. I didnt like the ergos at all for me not a intuitive knive.The reason i bought one was everyone online (youtube) said "you must have a 940 in the collection" Taylor is right, sleep on it do your research you often feel differently a week later.
You just spoke to me as I'm once again looking at the Leatherman Arc while my Wave+ sits quietly on my dresser
When I started EDC 6 years ago, I started carrying a Rat 2 D2. Over the years, I've bought several knives that I've carried for various amounts of time. A few higher-end steels, and more fidgety. I'm full circle back to the Rat 2 D2. Because that's all I need.
Appreciate the honest, to the point video. Keep it up
Thanks Taylor!
Thanks for watching Noah
I have fallen into the trap of "gotta have the new gear". Great video! I think I need to sell or trade some gear at the gathering.
I made the mistake on focusing on knives too much over the years. Then I realised I use a prybar far more than a knife, so now I don't even carry a knife most of the time and just have a prybar.
I know if I buy a new knife or pen I'm just gonna end up carrying my setup I already have. I think its perfect for me that's why I picked it.
Pure truth serum Taylor
Be well man.
Thanks man 👊🏻
Really enjoyed this more conceptual video -- good points all! I got a particular chuckle over knife steels. VG-10 was considered the cats pajamas when I first got into knives (and relatively pricey) and now folks scoff at it -- but it still works for me! Agree on Nitro V, too!
Finally @ 16:03 someone figures out of to properly use a pair of slip joint pliers, lol...
Unpopular opinion, but I think most people can ditch the pen and flashlight. Pen is a personal thing, but I work outside almost every day and barely ever use my flashlight. Gotta weigh whether or not something is going to get any use before you carry it around every day…
Or ignore that because it brings you joy to carry it with you
Yeah i never carry a flashlight.
I carry a flashlight because I use it around the house all the time. I put an olight warrior mini 3 in the car as Canadian city self defense. and I definitely can ditch the pen, it's a relic of a bygone era, but I still just like having one on me.
Carrying a dedicated flashlight is overkill most of the times, but later I find out that I use flashlight on my Garmin Fenix 7 Pro, always on me, and most of the times I use it only to get to the bathroom and not wake up my girlfriend/blind myself lol
I started carrying a torch/flashlight in 1992, for those 'just in case' moments. Since then there has barely been a day that I've not needed one. The advent of phones has not changed this, and phone lights just aren't good enough to replace a proper torch.
Interesting, my pen and key chain flashlight is the amongst the top 3 edc items I utilize daily.
I have this idea for a small fixed blade. San mai damascus steel with copper scales with a specific design. I can't find it. I don't think it's been made yet. Long story short I bought a forge.
Good stuff!
Good video, been watching you and enjoying your channel for years and I can tell you 99.99999% of the stuff you have ever shown on your Chanel I've never even considered buying.
Great video. You are absolutely right. Keep doing what you like and what you are doing. You only give people the content. It’s up to them to decide what’s right for them. Know one can blame you for that 👍
Gut gesprochen 👍
Thanks for doing this, great advice!
Always appreciate your content and passion!
strop, clean, and oil your knives, maintain your gear, and dont feel like your edc has to be set in stone, i have a work edc and an urban/true edc. both consist of the same core which is my keychain with a victorinox classic sd and a nitecore tini 2 ti. depending on the work day i carry a leatgerman wave or a victorinox huntsman.
I have actually downgraded my EDC over the years. I still carry a moderately priced knife (Benchmade Mini-Adamas in my case) every day but cheap out on the extras. A Streamlight Microstream and a small Fisher Space Pen go in the other pockets and work great for whatever happens--Lightweight and I don't have to worry if I lose them. Throw a Leatherman tool in a backpack and another in the vehicle and it covers all my needs.
@4:00 - GOLD!
I personally had probably about 200k worth of knives come and go over the course of about 3 1/2 years trying knives that I saw that interested me. I had just gotten into the mid and higher end of the knife world, and I found that tend to be very picky about ergos and action. Even stud placement. But I was one who saw something I liked, bought it to try it out, and if it didn't retain my attention and interest, I'd either sell it or often trade for something else that caught my eye. I've slowed down big time now though and I more or less know whether or not I'll like a knife just by looking at images and measurements.
I definitely agree about not putting yourself in debt over any piece of gear though. Yet I see an insane number of people do exactly that. Whether it be individual majorly expensive pieces, or bulk purchases.
Limited drops are part of the problem they're preying on people that have a problem buying new items with the "get it while you can" thing
I prefer s35 or 154cm. They last longer and easier to sharpen
I carry a leatherman s2 juice it still works great
One thing that makes me afraid to 'use my tools' is that a lot of the things in this industry are hard to replace, particularly knives that come in low quantity drops. Maybe I don't make the best use of in tact warranties, but it at least makes me hesitate when im presented with an opportunity to use an expensive knife that theoretically is the best tool for the job.
That dude turning the bolt with the Knipex in the wrong direction was painful to watch.
“As long as bolt or fastener has been turned, thy has no wrong direction” 2nd technicians, 7:31
I didn’t know the knipex were directional but I only use them get a grip on things better
@@ty-bo372 yeah they work best when the rear handle is taking the pressure. And you can even let go of the front and continue to push, they hold so well. So to spin a bolt tight, you’d have the opening of the jaw facing left and push on the rear handle to spin it clockwise. Even when using just to hold, they work much better this way but you really only notice under more torque. So on smaller stuff they’ll work either way. This applies to all channel locks. Knipex are just really good and don’t slip as much when used the opposite direction.
Love this preaching brother keep it real friends if you budget than be so if you can buy higher up than good for you
I have found that my budget knives I can make act like expensive knives sometimes it just the blade steel that would be the difference
So Carry on with your life 🙏🙏
When doing jobs that require using a knife a lot, I buy cheap Kershaw knives. One cheap Kershaw $30 or less will last me the whole job & more. I’ve used 1 Kershaw for 5 years until the blade finally broke. The cheap steel doesn’t dull as fast like people say & when it does it is easier to sharpen. If I break it I’m not going to cry about it. I do love Benchmade & even Civivi for the price, but there’s nothing wrong with 8Cr13MoV if it gets the job done.
Good overall wise advice good presentation of the edc genre sometimes you need to pump the brakes and use what you have I’m blessed at the moment very happy with my edc roll out no lie it took a while
All true, thx!
You're welcome!
Getting older has changed my perspective. I have one knife that my Grandfather made. I cherish it. I now buy knives that I think my Grandson will enjoy later in his life.
Since i started carrying my pocket knife i used it so many times,for boxes,some threads,ropes and sh*t. Even my girlfriend is taking my knife sometimes for her stuff and that knife is not something special,its FBKnife by Ganzo,blade steel is D2 and i sharpend it once this year since i have it and i think for 30 bucks its pretty good.
I'm never without my Leatherman wave. Also a few other things depending on where I'll be going.
I love this video. Unfortunately I’m more in the boat with I rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Great video. Let’s do the damn thing!
I like your office, bro !
Even Dr. Thomas Larrin, the inventor of MagnaCut, has said, many time, geometry is going to make a bigger difference than blade steel in most cases.
9:08 well that aged well with the bugout recently 😅
Wow an edc video where it's not about carrying stuff to survive being lost in a zombie apocalypse in the wilderness, but carrying stuff to make life easier, to be prepared for every day problems like a lose bolt, or a box that needs opening, or needing to write a note.
Personally I have several different just walking to the shops, my longer journey bag, my longer distance cycling bag, my shorter cycle bag, my I'm in a suit for work pocket carry, my I'm going to the pub pocket gear, my out hiking bag...a lot of things get duplicated...meds, spare contacts, hand sanitizer, lip balm, emergency cash, flashlight all appear in every version, but different tools, ways of staying dry. Sun glasses and book in one inner tube and tools in another
Thanks for bringing this up as I now feel justified for leaving your BDE FB group a few days ago.. no offense. I have carried the same basic items for years. All the posts in the group really tested my resolve. There is a lot of nice gear avaliable. Some of the folks in that group posting a different $2000 cary setup every day , they are either extreemly wealthy or massively in debt. Still love your yt channel. thanks
I realized, I never use a multi tool, I have a tool box at work full of tools.
It's clear that in the past few years EDC has become quite the consumeristic practice rather than something born out of necessity, there are a lot of sales people on here just trying to sell you a fancy new doohickey
You're a saviour - despite being a supposed mature 50yr old, I end up being in impulsive online buyer wastefully.
Thank you. Raj.
Love your content
Thank you 👊🏻
The only knives I don't use are the ones I can't get anymore.
"Stop watching" - are you kidding? 😂
Carry what you need, and need what you carry - Zac
Taylor said gently used… check those pocket clips😂
So I've edc'd a fixed adamas for a little over 3 years, appendix carry. (left handed, front, horizontal, tech lock) I always say I'd forget my head before my knife😂 that said, I hate to admit it's getting kinda annoying weight wise. I'd prefer to keep using my adamas EVERY DAY. is there a belt or a certain kind of pants that will ease my struggles? Or am I condemned to put my beloved Benchmade in my pack and find a lighter fixie for edc?
C'est un retour des plus honnêtes.
I carry just a leatherman, don’t see the point in having a dedicated knife when the blade on the multitool is pretty good
In England we say
"All the gear and no idea" for those people
whats the small fixed blade in the thumbnail? Please and thank you
You forgot the suitcase and the pack dog ?,🇨🇦😂
Bladeville sends their regards.
Why are there so many dislikes?
Because he's saying things that are antithetical to the survival of the industry.
Don't buy extra stuff you don't need. Try not to get wrapped up in all the hype. Don't buy the most premium expensive steals possible. Don't go into debt for what is a hobby at best
I learned not to go chasing stuff anymore…..I carry a set edc kit that I maybe change out every 3 months. The people you see out here today carry an edc kit and they never use it because they’re afraid something is going to get scratched or damaged……What’s the point then🤔You’re supposed to carry these things to use not to have a fashion edc show.
Good video