The Flourishing Path

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • John D. Liu, Journalist, filmmaker, along with Jane Goodall, primatologist, and an international host of environmentalists and Ecosystem Restoration Camp leaders come together in this video produced by John to present an alternative path, The Flourishing Path, to the current destructive path human civilization is on.
    Special thanks to the tens of thousands of people who are supporting, working in and creating ecosystem restoration camps and communities. They are showing us all what we need to do to heal the Earth and the Human Spirit. Let’s all join them on The Flourishing Path
    This video was recorded on March 10th, 2023 and published on July 9th, 2023, and represents the opinions of the discussion participants.
    The video production focuses on the work of Ecosystem Restoration Communities, the growth of its many ecosystem restoration camps, and the events in John’s career which led to their establishment. This is supported by the appearance of Jane Goodall along with other environmental workers and Ecosystem Restoration Camp leaders.
    The key message is that we don’t have a theoretical or rhetorical problem. What we have is mass degradation to Earth systems on a planetary scale and therefore we must work locally but simultaneously to make ecosystem restoration happen all over the world. Restoration needs to be the central intention of human civilization.
    Some of the topics discussed:
    How John, during the first 17 years of his career, worked as a cameraman and program producer with CBS News in China followed by Italian state and German state television.
    How the pollution he observed while working in China got him interested in doing something about it and how this led to the creation of an organization called the Environmental Education Media project for China. This organization took a thousand films from Europe and the UK to China and translated them into Chinese for use all over China. This eventually led to the BBC asking him to produce programs in China.
    How the World Bank asked him to document the restoration of the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, i.e. the Loess Plateau, and how this experience helped him understand the pattern of environmental degradation that had taken place over human history and how it was possible to restore it.
    How the realization of the importance of this insight determined what he would do for the next 30 years and how this eventually led to his involvement with Commonland Foundation, the establishment of the Ecosystem Restoration Communities Foundation, and the formation of a growing number of ecosystem restoration camps around the world.
    And much more . . .
    Ecosystem Restoration Communities - Share a few dollars a month. It’s the lowest cost and the highest impact we can have to ensure the future.
    Commonland Foundation
    John D. Liu
    Jane Goodall
    Hope in a Changing Climate (Video)
    • Hope in a Changing Cli...
    Earth Restoration Peace Camps
    The Holy Grail of Restoration
    Special Guests:
    John D. Liu - Journalist, filmmaker, ecologist and Ecosystem Ambassador for the Commonland Foundation, whose work has helped to show that it is possible to restore natural ecological systems. He is the founder of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps Movement that has, together with many partners, created 56 Ecosystem Restoration Camps throughout the world.
    Jane Goodall - An English primatologist and anthropologist. She is considered the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and the Roots & Shoots programme, and she has worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues. As of 2022, she is on the board of the Nonhuman Rights Project. In April 2002, she was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Goodall is an honorary member of the World Future Council.
    Host of Environmental workers:
    Lazaro Arvizu Jr. - Gabrielino-Tongva Scholar
    Alexii Sigona - Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, PHD Candidate UC Berkeley
    Valentin Lopez - Chairman of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band
    Suprabha Seshan - Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary
    Jamiah Hargins - Founder of Asante Microfarm
    Ecosystem Restoration Camp leaders and workers:
    Michel - Desperto, Brazil
    Jacob - Wasini Lookout, Kenya
    Chan - Doku, Borneo, Malaysia
    Silvia - Altiplano, Spain
    Noam - Kitigay, Canada
    Ronald - Human Nature, Uganda
    Video Production:
    John D. Liu
    Production Assistants:
    Charles Gregoire
    Heidi Brault
    Our Website:
    Image and Video attributions: climateemergen...

Комментарии • 76

  • @FeralEarthGardens
    @FeralEarthGardens 9 месяцев назад +1

    One of the best films ever because it's showing grand things happening thanks to special people with diverse skillsets and popularity! I like to think of myself to be inspired hands doing the work of these collective minds with thier visions! It really connects it all thanks to this footage and what I see around the lands that I roam around and work on.

  • @rbeauchamp
    @rbeauchamp Год назад +12

    I love it. Not a scientist, not a politician, not a billionaire, but a storyteller dreams, inspires, and creates a new world into being.

  • @MrDennis8169
    @MrDennis8169 Год назад +1

    We Urgently Need recognition of the difference between
    'opinion defined culture and ideology'
    and a 'Consensual based defenition of the Truth'

  • @slyborg1
    @slyborg1 Год назад +3

    Beyond positive! Really the best news.

  • @cristinataliani5619
    @cristinataliani5619 Год назад +7

    Great Presentation!!!!!

  • @TheDoomWizard
    @TheDoomWizard Год назад +2

    What flourishing

  • @bozoldier
    @bozoldier Год назад +12

    We need to do urban versions of these camps. Eventually i'd like to use Rusty Wheelbarrow Farm (queens NY) as a base to develop an urban ecosystem restauration camp.

    • @edgeman148
      @edgeman148 Год назад +1

      Indeed because most food which humans consume is consumed in towns and cities; we should be growing more of it there.

    • @raquelash616
      @raquelash616 Год назад

      excellent idea. change starts from individual action. we must lead by example within our communities

  • @nevid4694
    @nevid4694 Год назад +6

    This is truly wonderful ❤️ Thank you! I am too old to do it but this lifts my spirits that the future may be ok thanks to younger people. If I were younger I would do this work!

  • @albertodeca8377
    @albertodeca8377 Год назад +1

    Thanks so much for sharing this

  • @rajendratayya8400
    @rajendratayya8400 Год назад +2

    Natural balance is necessary both environmentally and in the character of a person - it is the power of science and not politics.

  • @benwoodruff1321
    @benwoodruff1321 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  • @mendyboio3917
    @mendyboio3917 Год назад +1

    Well-spoken, bravo!

  • @mrpaul5726
    @mrpaul5726 Год назад +3

    Wonderful, Aspirational and Inspirational, Consciousness and Generosity, If we all share, then we all have everything....Profoundly True. Unfortunately what is also true is that we are officially just about to enter the Anthropocene and the 6th Extinction. The Flourishing Path is a meaningful and worthwhile journey and the restoration camps are a fantastic idea in action. Unfortunately billions, in fact more than half of humans now live in another type of camp, huge cities and metropolitan areas around the world, that is the reality of the world and though some will choose the narrow flourishing path the majority will stay on the broad road leading to mass degradation to Earth systems on a planetary scale. There is no doubt in my mind that we are on a irreversible path to an extinction level event most likely at our own hand. Then the survivors can start again and hopefully do a much better job than us.

  • @garyjohnson1466
    @garyjohnson1466 Год назад +3

    Wealth and power never gives up wealth and power, like religion…

  • @EmeraldView
    @EmeraldView Год назад +5

    I think now it's too little too late. This is the ONLY thing humanity should be focused on right now to have any hope whatsoever. Yet look around. We're focused on everything else. This is on the back back back burner for most of civilization.

  • @louisehoff9467
    @louisehoff9467 Год назад +6

    My dream is that the u.s.military comes home (& their trillion$$) and get to work doing this work, rebuilding our infrastructure & create a healthy power grid

    • @chasethechase2298
      @chasethechase2298 Год назад +1

      Right on. Why not also do this everywhere? The American military and military-industrial complex was a big benefactor of the forces which caused these issues

    • @raquelash616
      @raquelash616 Год назад

      us military is funded by big oil that's not happening😂

  • @wadeinn463
    @wadeinn463 Год назад +2

    The Jane Goodall ? Wow!

  • @Chompchompyerded
    @Chompchompyerded Год назад +1

    I wish I was young and able-bodied and had money. Right now all I can do is what I've been doing and live frugally in ways which have little to no impact on the environment. I doubt that there are many people who have done what I've done in terms of impacting the planet, but that's pretty much all I can do.
    I thank all of you who are are taking part in these camps. I wish that others would do what they can to save the planet. The thing is, there are plenty of things to enjoy on this planet which cost nothing. You don't need much in the way of things.
    Love and thanks to all the people who are trying to make a change. I won't live long enough to see the changes, and I don't have any children, but there will be people who do live to see what happens. All of you who are working to make a better world will live to see it, as will their children. It is important for all of us to do what we can so that all generations will have a better future and, for generations to come, will have life. Making ourselves extinct should not be an option. Technology is not going to save us. The science which shows us how to restore the planets ecosystems is what holds the key to saving humanity. We ignore it at our own great peril.

  • @andregregoire1175
    @andregregoire1175 Год назад +3

    Change as from profit mode to survival mode.

  • @jhonPriego-dp5fd
    @jhonPriego-dp5fd 10 месяцев назад

    Yes i agree economy ecology value and new ginea

  • @bruceclark4754
    @bruceclark4754 Год назад

    Very interesting and very inspiring. What a great idea. Fantastic. Thanks for your wonderful work. I would like to contribute

  • @richdiana3663
    @richdiana3663 Год назад +7

    Gaia gave us all we would ever need, but we've always wanted more.

  • @timkbirchico8542
    @timkbirchico8542 Год назад +1

    hopefully love will win. its so late though. thanks for the excellent vid. good luck x

  • @cynthiatheresasuzara2247
    @cynthiatheresasuzara2247 Год назад +3

    If only there were more people who are more aware of the habitat 😢 and not how many likes their posts got or how their clothes looked and how their makeup looked 😪

  • @publicdomain1103
    @publicdomain1103 Год назад

    Positive paths forward to sustainable natural existence in balance with the cosmos. ShakeUp XR

  • @driftlesshermit
    @driftlesshermit Год назад +2

    This sounds pretty cool. How do I volunteer for the work camp's?

  • @shellyryan8506
    @shellyryan8506 Год назад +2

    Have you been on the international news program Democracy Now?

  • @georgehagstrom1461
    @georgehagstrom1461 Год назад

    I changed in 1975. It's more fun too.

  • @catherineleslie-faye4302
    @catherineleslie-faye4302 Год назад

    Will you please help to restore Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Canada? I'm disabled and on foodstamps, so I'm not sure how I could help beyond sharing your video which I have already done.

  • @coweatsman
    @coweatsman Год назад +3

    I am not as optimistic as the first speaker. He said that humans are going against nature and in a way they are but what we are doing is very much natural and in tune with our nature. Why does a biosphere give emergence to an intelligent technological species? Because a lot of stored high quality energy is stored and banked from previous geological eons. You can not get an ITS emerging in its absence. What is our role? Like life itself it is to dissipate energy from high quality to low quality entropy. Energy wants to run downhill. Life continues because the earth is an open system meaning a flow of energy, mostly from the sun, keeps the biosphere from collapsing into entropy. The earth has banked large amounts of energy which, like water, wants to run downhill. An ITS dials up the energy dissipation up to 11. It's almost as if the earth wants to shake off this excess high quality energy and an ITS is the earth's way of shaking it off. In this way our destruction is in line with nature. Our role is to run down energy into entropy, destroying the biosphere in the process. It's our purpose. When that is done, so are we. Over and out forever. The earth's biosphere will recover after opening its safety pressure valve.

    • @coweatsman
      @coweatsman Год назад +2

      To my way of thinking what is happening ecologically as an energy dissipation event may be a solution to Fermi's Paradox. Complex civilisations may not be around very long for the galaxy to be full of intelligent civilisations, coming and going like flowers in a season or a flash in the pan. Overshoot by nature's compulsion.
      Can we avert this? Possibly. It would mean creating a stable sustainable planet and society but in the long term it becomes a game of "prisoner's dilemma". Even then it would mean creating a society with no problems and that means no need for intelligence, because that is what intelligence is for. Every solution to every problem ever in history has involved using more energy but our problem is using TOO much energy. Our "solutions" means moving our own demise, even so called "green economy".. Would we use our intelligence for art and culture instead of planet destruction. Unlikely because art and culture is informed and inspired by problems and struggles which, if we move towards less destructive modes of existing, would necessarily not exist. All art is born in suffering and tears. None of that would mean boredom and an evolutionary pressure for less intelligence and a less energy expensive and what would be a wastefully too large a brain in preference for a smaller brain.

    • @sudd3660
      @sudd3660 Год назад

      what to we gain from your view, never to try to make ecological sense and always destroy as much as we can?
      you know we survived peacefully in the past for so long, it is the recent tech that is the problem. a problem we created and undo

    • @philipm3173
      @philipm3173 Год назад +1

      @@sudd3660 not true. Humans have been changing ecosystems on grand scale for over 10,000 years

    • @kirkha100
      @kirkha100 Год назад

      Thank you. Someone gets it. We are victims of our own strengths and successes. We do what we evolved to do. There won’t be any transformation, no transition to a higher state, no sudden collective arrival at wisdom.
      To have a living planet, however maimed, mutilated, poisoned(450 nuclear reactors), exhausted, by humans, our essentials natures, strengths, must be rejected. That will never occur voluntarily. Pigs will fly first.
      Plenty of material on “Overshoot” in books, on RUclips.
      But wait. There’s more! Let’s have a war!

  • @janklaas6885
    @janklaas6885 Год назад


  • @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885
    @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Год назад +4

    he's gone to 90 countries? Kind of like DeCrapio's private jet to make global warming documentaries.

  • @Glenn_Ratcliffe
    @Glenn_Ratcliffe Год назад +1

    Agreed capitalism will b our dwn fall.

  • @robertdavies82
    @robertdavies82 Год назад +4

    I try not to be a doomer.......... BUT, your average western government and people simply will not change until a complete collapse of the environment. We are in denial.

    • @clintstinkeye5607
      @clintstinkeye5607 Год назад

      If we all were in average Eastern mindsets we'd still be delivering turd pies to the doorsteps of all those that come after us.
      The problem is that mischievous monkey mind evolution has cursed humans with.

  • @jhonPriego-dp5fd
    @jhonPriego-dp5fd 10 месяцев назад

    Citizens from there same ecology like the tree

  • @karlthidemann1817
    @karlthidemann1817 Год назад +1

    Great to see that John D. Liu is a fan of Allan Savory and an advocate of regenerative grazing.
    In this interview, well known documentary filmmaker John D. Liu, who filmed the restoration of the Belgium-sized Loess Plateau in China, says he “met many people who are using [Allan Savory‘s] method, and found excellent results.”
    While discussing global scale ecological restoration, Liu states, ”If you do Holistic Pasture Management in all grazing situations ... all over the world, it’s going to have an enormous impact.”
    John D. Liu, founder of Ecosystem Restoration Camps, talks about Allan Savory & Holistic Management
    (2015, 20 mins.)видео.html

  • @skyjuiceification
    @skyjuiceification Год назад +1

    Stop blaming this one on all of humanity when it's not up to all of us. a small minority of people have systematically led the rest of us down a garden path to this place. hold the people who benefit accountable, then things can change for the better. until we forget and need to be reminded again.

  • @Storyfilms1
    @Storyfilms1 Год назад +1

    It's already way too late, and HUMANITY is doomed. This is a scientific fact, not opinion or belief. Simply examine the data based trajectories. I do respect the sentiment and the efforts, but its absurdly too little too late. Carpe diem

    • @Skunk106
      @Skunk106 Год назад +1

      Demographic collapse and deglobilization are going to plunge a great deal of the world into a preindusrial setting with greater reliance on dirtier fuel than oil. At least 1-2 billion will starve to death. Very few are aware of these coming changes.
      This is aside from climate change and the masses are nowhere near ready to adopt the drastic, draconian changes necessary just to stop adding to the problem.
      Science is just beginning to stop the conservative projections and sugar coating. Good grief Charlie Brown

    • @DanielMorris-cc8hx
      @DanielMorris-cc8hx 6 месяцев назад

      Massive change can happen in a decade. The doom and gloom response will only lead others to think it's too late too change to bother to try. The truth is plant seeds can lay dormant for far longer than we realise and deforestation and degeneration can be rectified quite quickly. If humanity ended tomorrow proof or our existence could well be unnoticeable 10000 years from now on the surface as nature will take it back. So the question is what world do you want to live in now or what world would you like the next two generations to enjoy in the next few decades/ few hundred years. As a society right now. How do you want to be remembered. The guys who thought f*Uckfield is or the guys who cleaned things up and kept it natural?

  • @SarahPutnam-q1h
    @SarahPutnam-q1h Год назад

    Where do people actually fit in to your plans ? Because everything I have looked at is just massive amounts of landscape ? No crops.

    • @DanielMorris-cc8hx
      @DanielMorris-cc8hx 6 месяцев назад

      If the ground is too poor to grow the crop. Restore it and grow the crop on a smaller scale to feed the local population. Exhausting it isn't a good long term strategy

  • @WoodstockG54
    @WoodstockG54 Год назад +2

    Humans change? Goodluck with that when it come to western cultures.

  • @jhonPriego-dp5fd
    @jhonPriego-dp5fd 10 месяцев назад

    Point of view tree growers workers no ecology even indoor cant leave ecology alone poor

  • @orenrachamim1594
    @orenrachamim1594 Год назад

    The biggest mistake ever is the creation of humankind

    • @DanielMorris-cc8hx
      @DanielMorris-cc8hx 6 месяцев назад

      I'm sure there have been other species in history that have over exhausted the land. Our mistake as humans is to think we are unique in that sense but over the history of the planet its nothing more than a blip. Who's to say the major extinction events in the past (at least some of them) wasn't created by a species that was perhaps a little too successful at destroying the habitat. Its all boom and bust. Hopefully our intelligence will keep it to some kind of equilibrium

    • @DanielMorris-cc8hx
      @DanielMorris-cc8hx 6 месяцев назад

      As a side note I wonder if we over estimate our own ability as a species because even if we make this planet uninhabitable for humans we seem very limited in what we can cope with in temprature, gas ratios, all the variables on this planet have to be pretty goldilocks for us just to be here so even if we all mess it up some bacterium, plant, fungi will most definitely superseded us and complex life will continue in our absence in my opinion. As I've said before the crucial question is. What to we want our planet to look like for our future generations.

  • @jhonPriego-dp5fd
    @jhonPriego-dp5fd 10 месяцев назад

    Pic chin bolo ecology

  • @mo59602
    @mo59602 Год назад

    Brilliant. Thank you.