Well... if you've just played the previous two games getting to know Tali (who I've gotta say is one of the best written characters in the trilogy), you're really REALLY going to feel it when she dies. Well... unless you're an emotionless husk, in which case why would you even play any of the Mass Effect games? :P
Everyone else in here crying about tali and it didn’t even phase me think about having a army reaper level soilders they know all the information they need to beat them meanwhile the creators struggle to just take down one of thier ships Sacrificing one whole race to save more from that is the right choice
@@christiansantamaria7233 Tali just like most of her race constantly pulled the "oh poor us, feel bad for us because we started a war that didn't need to happen in the first place. We're totally the victims here" and as a result it got on my nerves, her cringy simp's got on my nerves and the quarian's in general get on my nerves. My renegade playthru I let the quarians die, Tali went splat and I couldn't care less. The quarians were moron's for starting a war and expecting Shepard to help them clean the bed they shit themselves? lol nope, say goodbye to your toy ships. If you cant finish a war yourselves then maybe dont start one in the first place? Never cared for Tali in the OG trilogy and still dont care for her in the remaster.
The worst thing is, not only was Tali suffering the genocide of her people at that moment, but considering her personality and history, she probably blamed herself for not stopping Legion and Shepard. The weight of that would be so crushing, no wonder she'd throw herself off a cliff.
Dan Cakeshard "suffering the genocide of her people" How do you think the Geth felt? They fought for self-preservation as well. I always choose Geth if I cant save both. Other than the Heretic Geth the Quarians have always been the initiators of violence.
@Dastardly Bastard You are actually wrong. The Geth were almost always in the wrong. They isolated themselves and killed anyone who entered their space so they created and perpetuated their own reputation. Then they allowed the heretics to join the reapers and didnt warn anyone. They are the villains here. Also this is before they were even sentient.
It happened to me on my second playthrough. I made peace btw the quarians and Geth in the first and thought things would turn out the same way, except in my second I didn't save Koris but choose his men instead so the attack wasn't cancelled.
@@MrDegan2 you are an idiot. The geth sided with the reapers and if it werent for shepard they would have succeeded in wiping out all advanced life in the galaxy. Tali has done nothing but support you from day 1.
***** I only have ME2 and ME3, played them in that order, but to get the Geth/Quarian peace option I had to play both, again, which was frankly annoying. At least I got to change some things in ME2 so I can save the female krogan in ME3 too.
"Admiral, you don't understand. The Geth are about to come back online at improved capacity and they will destroy you unless you cease the attack," would say any rational person.
Imagine Shepard adding: "I allowed Legion to upload Reapers code to their AI. You have no chance if you will keep your attitude admiral. Do you realy want to send all Quarians to a certain death?" Admiral's face (behind his mask) had to be fucking hilarious.
@@Quole1234 Greatly wasted potential. All characters accept Shepard's ideas to fast. Zaeed's loyalty mission was well written. First you fist his face, then tell him that you will live him lying under rubble. Yet responses you get are still not convincing. But that was plausible.
You guys do realise the entire point of rpgs are that there are dialogue failures right? You all know there's literally dialogue options that allow you to make Shepard be reasonable. This isn't poorly designed because this is designed to be overcome.
@@Quole1234 The comment is good. Shepard's choices are stupid. Allow synthetics to wipe out living species, to help you destroy synthetics, which will destroy them as well. Geth with Reaper's code should estimate that scenario. They are machines.
@@ZeroOdyssey I totally agree. I think it was one of those scenarios where creation becomes greater than its creator. Devs couldn't handle closing whole trilogy in good way. In one moment you finish reaper on Rannoch with laser from orbit. And when space gunfight starts, no one knows about reapers soft spot?
its hard but can be done it allso depends on choices made in the other 2 games you have to keep discouraging the war and also being as nice to the quarions as possible
if legion dies in me2 (like he did here, that wasn't legion) or if you do legions and talis loyalty missions wrong/don't even do them in me2 then it isn't possible to save both races sad times
There's a few things you have to do in me2 to make it work, most importantly both Tali and Legion have to be loyal, Tali can't have been exiled and the heretic Geth have to be destroyed. Then in me3 you need minimum 4 bars rep and you have to save admiral koris. Quite a lot of setup but it is worth doing since you get a stack of war assets. Shame you never get to see those Geth primes in action on earth though
As amazing as this scene is, my only complaint is how little effort Tali puts into stopping the assault. She literally gives the fleet no info, just "hey guys you should probably back off" and she gets back a "lol no u"
@@csoki4543 To be fair, male shep's voice actor has the charisma of a wet sack of gravel throughout all games. I always go with fem shep for that reason, Jennifer Hale rocks.
I honestly felt like the music in the background had a more serious tone then Sheppard's voice. anyways my sheppard would have dove off the cliff after her.
When Shepard says "Tali, no" it really really sounds like both of those words were recorded in a different context from each other. The Mass Effect 3 Gamer Poop had better splicing.
God I never thought a GAME could make me cry. Tali is my favourite character and romance option and to see her go out like this... even after all that it is still a beautiful and well crafted scene. If only Bioware put this much effort into the whole game and specifically Tali's face.
One of the reasons I love Tali so much, is that you cant see her face. I fell in love with Tali's personality and character without even given the chance to be vain enough to let her looks influence me. I loved Tali because of who she was, not for what she looked like. Besides my Shepard found her attractive in the romance scenes, so she wasn't ugly. In retrospect re-reading your comment I understand you are talking about the picture she gives you. But still, off-topic my statement remains the same.
Reading the comments, I am shocked that most people either killed Geth or the Quarians. You can save them both and they live together on Rannoch in peace, I am surprised that most people didn't know that...
seth williams Actually, this is even more shocking to me, without playing the first two games, the experience you will get from the game is very limited. Also you will get hundreds of spoilers for the first two games, so even if you decide to play them after the ME3, they won't be nearly as fun to them as it was to the gamers who played the series in order.
I knew that there was some way to resolve things peacefully, but I didn't have enough Paragon points to select that option. It tore me to pieces knowing that I had the chance to save both the Quarians and the Geth. If only I was more prepared...
Possible reasoning: not enough charisma points, Tali survived without the rank of admiral, forgot to save Koris, starting with the 3rd game, Tali didn't survive the suicide mission, got Legion killed/sold in ME2. You'd be surprised how many people didn't replay any of the games in order to achieve the perfect survival rates/results. I lost Miranda and Thane, and never looked back....not until I finished ME3, anyway. Not saying you replayed and import the perfect save file, specifically, but too many did, and I think it's a dishonest way approach the series because the point of consequences is that going back in time is not an option.
It actually takes alot of factors to broker the peace. Playing the first two games is essential. You have to set up all the pieces just so or the options don't even appear as we see here.
Not me cause I'm glad that the Geth won Rannoch, they deserve the homeworld more than those Quarian fuckwads (Tali included). But that's my opinion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Both sides deserved a home. The Geth and the Quarians both made mistakes and neither were 100% innocent. Either way, genocide is never a good thing. Why choose war and death when peace is still an option? That is why I always go for the peaceful co-existence. And since I always choose the Destroy ending, it would seem even worse if I killed off both the Quarians and the Geth. Everyone deserves a home. Everyone has the right to live. SOME of the Quarians focused only on their suffering and not the suffering they inflicted, and SOME were willing to do anything to get their home back, but that doesn't mean the entire species deserves to die. The Admiral of the civilian fleet wanted peace, and quite a few Quarians must have agreed with him since he got made Admiral of the largest fleet. Tali also came around to that realisation in ME2. It was mostly just a few hardliners who pushed for the war, a lot of Quarians wanted to just find somewhere new to live, if they couldn't co-exist with the Geth. And remember that most of the Geth wanted peace, Legion said. They favoured co-existence, and had been taking care of Rannoch waiting for the Quarians to return in peace. And, on a personal note-WHAAAT?! I never understand it when people don't love Tali. I'm a Talimancer through and through. I romance her in every MShep playthrough, since I did the playthroughs for all the romances and she was my favourite MShep romance by far. Why don't you like her? I genuinely want to know.
That's fine. But could you tell me why you don't like the Quarians generally and Tali specifically? I'm not trying to change your mind, I just don't understand why you dislike them so much, and I like to try to understand other people's views.
Man that is absolutely heartbreaking: Tali begging you not to let her people die and then sobbing before she kills herself. I'm really glad that I played through ME2 so I could get the "everyone is happy" ending, else I probably would have loaded my game after this happened and chose the other option.
Confession = I played Mass Effect 3 before playing 1 & 2 (My brother bought me the third game for my birthday); On my first play-through of ME3 I chose the geth and literally didn't even think twice about it - at the time it was "just another decision" and I didn't know the game; the characters or how the renegade/paragon thing worked. Later on I bought the 1st and 2nd game (plus all the DLC) and played through with a male Shepard; Loved Tali in the first game. She was intelligent, funny and is by far the best character. Continue my character in the 2nd game; find out that I can romance Tali. I'm immediately intrigued and of course I woo her; Continue with character in third game; really missing Tali and can't wait to continue romancing her; This time I convince the geth and quarians to unite and live in peace; My heart breaks near the end when Tali says "I have a home". I start watching this video to remind me of the worst decision I've ever made in a video game. The minute - no the very *second* Tali starts crying in this vid and I nearly break my keyboard trying to stop the video. I just can't watch it. Cried like a fucking baby :(
+Alan Jones (Zyrandar) Same here, i played ME 3 before 1 and 2 so i didn't know anything about Tali. I deduce that the morally correct decision is to go with the Geth but when i watched Tali jump off the cliff, something cracked in me man.. i was like "Hell no, fuck this!". Replayed the mission and saved the Quarians even though they're assholes. I just couldn't kill Tali. This scene really fucked me up psychologically.
Did almost exactly the same. Played ME2 first. Cool game. Played ME1 then, also cool. Replayed ME2 and romanced Tali (way too cute to resist). Played ME3. Didnt have the option for unity (renegade options are far more funny). Chose Geth. Saw this. Couldnt handle it. Immediately loaded a save game from before this mission. Chose Quarians ONLY because of Tali. In my book an interesting gaming experience.
Tom, you make me wish I could wipe the game from my memory and do an ironman playthrough, just so I can savor the joy and sadness that comes from my decisions.
It's pretty amazing that a video game can have such emotional moments as this. I heard that the developer responsible for this scene had a really hard time writing it, because of how depressing it is.
I was in love with Tali(IRL and I really have a problem as I still am) When I saw this and forgot didn't have enough Paragon? I CRIED MY ASS OFF FOR HALF A DAY IN MY BEDSHEETS! I swear man I nearly went into a depression
this happened on my ME3 play through when i didn't import a save and it flat out stopped me playing the game. i just could not not fucking deal with it, it made me play both ME1 and ME2 so i could import a character just so i could end this stupid fucking war with the Geth
Stupid Quarians deserve that ending.. they attacked already allied Geth instead of instant peace, then attack the ship with Shepard onboard and then another attack again, just sad for Tali*
actually they didnt and shepard knows that. Most of the quarians were against the war and got forced in to it. Also how the fuck does shepard justify killing millions of children? shepard is a moron who never thinks before he acts or says anything.
@Berzerk Llama yeah you are right. I was wrong. The quarians were in the wrong. I wanted them to be in the right so much because I love Tali but honestly... This is justice. The quarians brought it on themselves.
@Nihulistic99th overreactet? The actual fuck? The Geth keept being shoot at. You fire back in this case. It's not your fault, if your weapons are better. And if you try to say "they could have shoot to disable, not to kill", are you one of those who would aim for a leg or arm to incapacitate an attacker? You must realise that being shoot in this areas can still kill you. And additionaly, the attacker can still cause harm to you and others. The Geth had only one choice and they followed it through, much to their regret.
Freaking Han'Gerrel made that choice for all Quarians. He should have been demoted or at least suspended after selfishly nearly killing Shepard and Tali(another Admiral).
True enough. The True Geth fleet is EXBAWKSHUEG, with something like over 4000 ships with likely HUNDREDS of enormous and powerful (by Mass Effect standards, that is) dreadnoughts. This is in a universe where people field navies of perhaps a thousand ships at ABSOLUTE best and something like 20-30 dreadnoughts.
If you choose to wipe out the geth the only true ai you kill is Legion. No matter how much they wish it, the geth before the upgrades could not be considered people, but machines defined by their programming. So if you kill the Quarians then you've just wiped out a race of people and a lot of them didn't even want war. Wiping out the Geth wouldn't have been genocide because they weren't people yet and in my opinion is the more logical answer. I always choose peace to avoid this decision though.
+petargrad Quarians main role is support and while some of their ships are that old (very few) all ships, even the liveships, have been outfitted with thanix cannons. This essentially turned every ship into a dreadnought and, again, they are sentient beings. Killing them would be more wrong than destroying some a.i.
- Break off the attack [no information given as to why] - Negative, situation under control. And that is the entirety of the attempt to "call off the attack". Great writing.
SUFFER NOT THE QUARIAN TO LIVE. They fucked themselves here, Geth are the morally right choice and can do WAAAAAY more to stop the Reapers. But it's better still to be a pro and save both.
Tali is the most adorable and heartwarming romance option. Letting this be her fate is like choosing to have Bad Honor with Arthur and go back for the money. Pure evil.
Idk dude, she kills herself because her people were idiots and kept attacking the geth after they had been freed. Her people honestly suck, it’s just bad she felt the need to die because you made the right choice. (Other than the peace) between both, geth deserve to be free, quarians suck)
@@Quole1234 yes the admirals of the quarians who beat and murdered newly conscious geth out of fear of being taken over, and in response to that, where taken over. I finished the game yesterday I got the clear picture The geth could have killed ALL the quarians from the beginning but chose to spare them. I get most quarians didn’t want the war, but the admiral made the choice to kill the quarians in the end, not the player
@@RealWatermelonCat. the geth sided with the reapers on numerous occasions. You actually can blame all of the geth for that. But you can't blame all of the quarians for the actions of the admirals.
@@Quole1234 the geth that you see at the point of making the choice where under control and had just been freed, they were not going to attack. That point doesn’t change anything
This is possibly the WORST scenario you may encounter when playing through ME3.. Who does really want to kill Tali? This is only possible when you doesn't have enough reputation, when you are at 50/50 paragon/renegade and Tali survived the suicide mission when exiled from the Migrant Fleet As for me.. both options were available for saving the quarians and the geth! I chose the Paragon way.. (while the Renegade one is actually a lot cooler) ;) And for the record.. Seeing Tali commit suicide just made me sad.. :'(
Peace outcome is impossible without ME2 import, and even then only if you either destroyed the geth heretics or prevent Tali's exile. After that there are multiple ways to gain enough requirements to activate the options.
I think I'm in the minority when I had my Shepard choose Tali as his second fire-team leader during the Suicide Mission in ME2, leading to her death, and then chose to side with the Geth in ME3 over the Quarians. Then he went with the Destroy ending. My Shepard was a hell of a guy lol.
Mitsu Nakamura I do also prefer the peace way, but Quarians created the Geth, which the Geth were better in every way in terms of Military power and science.
Anyways, i always choose Destroy Ending cause can't leave my lovely Garrus :3 Sorry for EDI and Geths but for me it's the best way - destroy reapers and Catalshit :D Just IMHO
DrCoding Thats not true....The strenght of the quarians and geth is determined by the desicion to kill or rewrite the heretic geth....rewrite Geth>Quarians...destroy Geth
I just finished this mission and the whole time my heart was beating FAST. I was so scared I messed something up along the way. I was able to get the quarian and geth. I came here to see what would happen and I wanna cry. I don't think I could lose Tali
if i was there in real life i would have shot myself as soon as she fell because shes my favorite character, also the geth are machines you can build more.
The first time I played ME3, I reunited the Geth and the Quarians... Ultimately that is my preferred outcome, but when I deliberately played this “wrong”, I discovered this scene; *_so_* sexy!!
I started to watch, but can honestly not bring myself to see this. I you ever found yourself in this scenario in one of your playthroughs (without it being for educational purposes), I hope you throw away your computer.
I see people siding more with the Geth of which I believe to be absurd. An entire race laid to waste because of certain individuals creation and abuse of an artificial life form (Don't forget the Quarians on Rannoch that sympathized with the Geth and attempt to intervene on their behalf). I think 300 years of drifting in space without a home would serve a decent penance for the Quarians. Also, everyone is so up in arms about the alleged act of genocide committed against a synthetic "race" when, by legions own admission, there is no individuality within Geth......"society". The Geth are a single AI program with multiple platforms doing the bidding of a single intelligence, one life. I'll choose the Quarians (my girlfriends race ;D) everytime. Letting them all die would be akin to killing all Germans after world war two because of the atrocities of the holocaust (a true genocide)
Geth on multiple occasions tried to plea for truce between two races. It's the Quarians stubbornness and hostility that forced Geth to seek help from the Reapers. Even during this scenario who is HOSTILE? Quarians are as always. If they only stopped shooting and gave a chance at diplomacy which thank God is one of the options in-game then they would be "Oh.... We can actually reason with extremely intelligent AI who always attacked us in self-defence to our attacks and seek no hostility towards us to begin with." Even back in Mass Effect 2 Legion admitted that the Geth are willing to stop the bloodshed, but knows the Creators wouldn't even listen to them. Which he again states later during the Tali's Trial. You can call AI merely a program, but the moment AI learns enough to start "thinking" of self-preservation then it's alive and it WILL fight for it's existence. Geth don't hate the Creators, each Geth unit has a record list of Quarians who sacrificed themselves trying to protect them as a sign of tribute that not all Creators forsake them. Quarians stopped being butthurt about the result of the mess they made in the first place, then they live. If they are too stubborn, then they die. Simple as that.
RobiePAX This is false. The geth isolated themselves and every ship that approached Rannoch was attacked after the quarians left after their defeat. Also, the quarians who started the war are already long dead by the time you start playing the game. You can't hold the offprings of those quarians responsible for their parent's deeds. It is incredibly racist and also very stupid. Should we hold all germans today responsible for the holocaust? It is stupid, they had no choice in the matter. Nobody forces the geth to join Sovereign back in Mass Effect 1. Some geth simply found the reapers to be the way that leads to evolution. It wasn't self-defense. Your love of the geth clearly clouds your judgement and you are biased.
I'm choosing the race with true individuality and altruism. I'm choosing the race that has served their pennance for their ancestors mistakes for over 300 years. I'm choosing the race that cannot experience a breath of fresh air. I'm choosing a race that initiated war not out of hate, but with the Noble goal of regaining their home world. Do you root for the machines within The matrix trilogy as well? By your logic, there was no point of struggle within that movie and of us humans should just be dead for the Crimes our great grandfathers committed.
I remember my first play through of ME3 I had a savegame where legion wasn't loyal, I chose to upload the code having no idea the outcome was going to be this bad for the quarians. It was so shocking to me seeing her kill herself, definitely one of the most disturbing gaming moments for me
Thank goodness I waited filled most of my reputation bar before starting this mission. During my canon playthrough, after this mission, I went to IGN to see the other choices and I was shook by the other outcomes.
It's actually not hard to be forced to do this or wipe out the geth, if legion died in me2 or if you make the wrong choices in their loyalty missions or don't do them then you're forced to pick a side
You need to have really high reputation and also have successfully completed a lot of other missions and have tali and legion both survive from an imported ME2 save or else you have to either let geth or quarians all die
ahh nothing much just be the most sorry ass Shepard imaginable, honestly for shit to go this south it's either A. you did it on purpose. (sadist) or B. your just not cut out to be the 2nd most deadliest sonofabitch in space. But hey don't feel bad you'll get another chance to be fully awesome Andromeda's right around the corner.
-The Geth -Skynet -The Machines (Matrix) They all have one thing in common. They were never the aggressors and never wanted to cause harm. They never started the war but they damned well ended them!!!
Tali crying - A sound more heartbreaking than the scraping of an empty carton of ice cream echoing off the walls of the cancer ward in a children's hospital.
The Quarians were given multiple opportunities to end the war, their forces on the ground said OUTRIGHT the attack was a bad idea. They made their bed. It sucks that Tali dies, but I can't put one person over the lives of everyone in the galaxy. Even if they're my significant other.
@@Quole1234 If I HAD to pick between the two, yes, I leave the Quarians to their fate. Keep in mind, I've brokered peace between the two in every playthough, but gun to my head...
@@js1031 lol you dont deserve her then. Just imagine telling her you would let her race be exterminated down to the last child to save bunch of machines that sided with the reapers.
@@js1031 first off, them joining the reapers in me3 proves that they will go against their values and side with the opposition if it means survival. That makes them a massive liability against the reapers. Second, this entire war could have been averted if they tried to broker peace with the races of the galaxy instead of being hostile isolationists that ignored the citadels attempts at communication. Third, are you forgetting that the heretics joined the reapers in their attempt to wipe out all life? But we dont judge all the geth on the actions of the reapers of course. But we do judge all the quarians on the actions ofvthe admirals. Except this hypocrisy is even worse once you realize that the true geth ALLOWED the heretics to try to wipe out all life, and then didnt even bother trying to warn the races of the galaxy. Funny how everyone forgot that. So lets get this straight: we will judge every quarian from civilians to admirals, even the children, on the actions of the ones in charge, even if it's established that the civilians were forced in to the war. But we won't judge all the geth for the actions of the heretics, even if it was a concious decision made by the entire geth collective to allow them to do it. And then not warn anyone.
Wow. I’ve never seen this scene before (probably because I’m good and I would never hurt Tali), but holy shit, this scene. Those sobs, Liz Sroka really sold those.
Male Shepard's voice acting is atrocious. Not a hint of real emotion when Tali commits suicide. It sounds more like he's telling a child to stop doing something.
There's nothing wrong with the delivery, just could have been a little louder. He sounds genuinely distressed. The voice acting for both shepard's is generally very good and full of emotion throughout most of all 3
Actually Legion had the Reaper code in themselves ever since you freed them, they had the time to analyze the stuff they're dealing with by then. Still a little WTF how can Legion just happen to be in control after you save them but from there on, it's ok.
During my 1st playthrough 12 years ago I did not do this Tali. It's 2023, I'm currently playing Mass Effect 2 legendary edition for my second playthrough and I still will not do this to Tali.
I shit my pants and completely turned off my Xbox when this happened to me way back when, I was only a couple paragon points away from getting the best choice. I was so pissed that I completely started the game over just to stop this, I was shook
*Tali dies* *Load Last Save* This was beyond heartbreaking... the music, watching the Ryya go down, and then... above all... the paragon option, the faint glimmer of hope to save tali, the interrupts that always give us the outcome we want... does not save her, it hurts so much more. Fuck me Bioware, you were amazing. I piss on the ending haters, Mass Effect is more than a game. You don;t 'care' this much about a game...
Quole1234 Sorry, cant hear you over the bullshit. "Not using any argument whatsoever" Well, well, proves you can't read doesn't it? I pointed out the emotional attachment and you, being a dumbfuck, glance over it. Typical of an ending hater. Then again, I do not give a fuck what you have to say. Now go play call of duty. Goodbye. :)
As soon as you hear the admiral say 'they're completely vulnerable' you know that there isn't going to be a happy ending. Unless you manage to save them both, like I did. But even then, Legion died.
Seeing all of these horrible outcome, I played Mass Effect like five times and I would never do any of this. I would never be a villain in this game. If I did, I couldn’t bare seeing such amazing characters like Tali dying.
actually they didnt. most of the quarians didnt want the war and you know that there's millions of children on the migrant fleet so that is factually wrong.
I don't get how people can let the scenarios go this far. The moment I saw it was a decision between Geth and Quanari, and I saw that maybe both can be saved, Mass Effect made me a completionist. I turned every stone on every planet to get both through the story. I FELT the angst and burden to save two civilizations. It was terrible.
That's why you spend every second bonding with everyone before the main missions. Ending the Quarian and Geth war is a huge bonus. You get both fleets and a fine set of alien cheeks
Guys, interestingly, statistics show that players were more incline to pick the geth over the quarians, which was quite the surprise among the developers.
why did most people choose the stupid Quarians? they brought it on themselves. plus it's not like they were all wiped out, there's plenty of them on other planets. Legion is a way better friend than tali, its death was the saddest. it finally said "I" instead of "we" :(
***** I played through mE2 multiple times and i think it's impossible to save everyone. at least one team member has to die (the one you send into the tube at the start of the mission) as for the rest i think you have to spend more time and the nice to them during the game. like for tali in one playthrough i basically ignored her and she died at the end. but in another playthrough i talked to her after every mission and did the character mission with her and she survived
***** if Mordin survives in ME2 than he should be part of the series of missions to cure the krogen (but not a squad member). don't know about thane and Legion is part of the sries of missions to get either the quarian or geth fleets (but not a squad member)
If I had seen this scene when I played it for the first time, I would have cried for sure. Tali is one of the characters I really like, easily in the top 5
Your choices do matter. You can save Tali pretty easilly if you don't go out of your way to get the Quarians killed. The only way the Quarians die is if you're too lazy to do Tali's loyalty mission, or the Rannoch submissions.
Totally romanced Tali, totally chose to save the Geth over the quarians. With the exception of Tali and that one admiral every single other quarian was a lunatic. What kind of species fails to comit gennocide, and then spends the next hundered years plotting to come back and finish the job?
so you romanced tali and then watched her commit suicide? What a despicable piece of shit you are. Congrats on also being manipulated by bioware. Also it wasn't that they were trying to commit genocide you idiot. They were trying to get their planet back. A planet that btw holds no significance to the Geth yet for some reason they don't want to give it back. Also most of the quarians didn't want to go to war.
"Shepard, you can't choose the geth over my people!" Oh yes I can. Sucks to be you tali! Should have made the explanation to Gerrel a bit more convincing than "pls no :'("
they're all assholes lol they created a race of sentient AI's and used them as slaves, then tried to commit genocide, but got rekt by their own roombas. survival of the fittest, and you need strong allies to fight the reapers, not retards who will die from a spot of dust
no,because when the Geth were first created,they were just simple VIs,that wasn't illegal by Council regulations They were like our computers today,designed to take over tasks to make life easier ,by your logic we are slavers as well because we use machines for tasks that result too dangerous or heavy for the average human we are using smart phones to make our life even easier,does that mean we are slavers? What if your smartphone started to ask if they had a soul or refuse to do what they were designed for? I doubt that you would be so sympathetic. All the quarians did in their eyes was deactivating potentially dangerous and defective machinery I'd call the Geth on Quarians the real Genocide Before the Morning war,Rannoch had at least 2 billion quarians living on the planet. After the war,only 17 million were left alive. That means 99% of the population of the Quarians were killed during the war. I doubt that 99% were all military. At least 25% of the 2 billion must had been elderly and children. This is Genocide! Done by the Geth,and you call this acceptable? this is beyond self defense,this is pure savagery Sure,2 admirals words are the will of 17 million people. I prefer beings composed of flesh and blood,that have feelings like me,that ,over cold metal robots that have pieces of code of billions old genocidal machines.
King Derner Cousland idk if you played through the game and know this but geth spared the quarians when they could have killed them in the beginning, quarians are just dumb and kept attacking (not talking about the last scene where you choose)
personally I feel like letting the quarians die should've resulted in Legion surviving, would've made the option to achieve peace or not more complicated as a result Tali would b going splat on every playthru of mine cuz Legion is WAAAAAAAAAAY more interesting than her anyday. Essentially being like Shepard: "you talking car windscreen's started a war you couldn't win and now its time to pay the price for such a moronic war you started" *dial tone*
Happened in my playthrough, my romance option of Tali as well, messed up/missed some of the minor missions, didn't realise until this point and chose to stick with my mistakes. It makes for a powerful story, if a depressing one. ME3 was one of the best games ever IMO, terrible ending, but great up until then.
So many people really love happy endings. Always wanting the best outcome with a "happily ever after ending". Shooting Mordin and Tali's Suicide are probably two of he best directed scenes in the trilogy. The music, the emotion, and how our choices in a desperate war are reflected in the blood of our allies. It's too bad 95% of ME players won't choose these scenes. That kind of tragic storytelling is what made Saving Private Ryan so great. Think about how the movie would've turned out if all of the main characters survived the film.
And the thing is, I choose things as I would choose if I was really there, following my conscience. I wouldn't choose something bad in real life, getting people killed, just because "the scene would be beautiful". LOL no.
+Poison You must have very bland tastes in movies then, with predictable outcomes where the hero always saves the day after killing the villain with a cheesy one-liner. If a character gets killed off, then they must somehow come back later in the film or in the sequel because, y'kno, it's happy. Saving Private Ryan, Fury, The Departed, Buried, The Mist, Requiem for a Dream, Se7en, No Country for Old Men, Jacob's Ladder. Or even games such as The Walking Dead, Halo Reach and FF7: Crisis Core. Just imagine how dull and forgettable those movies/games would be if all of them had a happy ending where the main characters all survive and ride off into the sunset together.
+rinraiden I agree with you. However, comparing Saving Private Ryan to a game isn't really fair. SPR did happen for the most part and the tragedy behind that loss was very real. Its the only movie that can make me emotional and I'm pretty good at keeping my emotions in check. ME series is a fantasy game series. The player can choose what they want. And yes, people typically will choose the happier endings or choices. For me, I personally find this decision hard simply because Tali is my preferred love interest. But at the same time, I think the geth are in the right. I have chosen to let the quarians or geth die though. With Mordin however, I feel if you kept Wrex alive, you should let Mordin cure the genophage. Wrex is too damn likable to betray and ME3 is better with him in it (especially Citadel DLC). However, Wreav is a different matter. But again, I agree with you. There was a horror movie called "The Descent" which had a sad ending and I liked it. But I heard it was altered to have a slightly more favorable ending because it would upset people. Hell, I will also let people die in ME2 (who are not named Garrus) on purpose because I find it really unrealistic and too "typical" to have everyone survive.
+sbn4 Lol, funny that you say that because when I feel like an "everybody dies" playthrough, I always keep Garrus alive until the Harbinger Beam in ME3. Him reaching out to Shepard, the beam coming towards him and Shepard desperately trying to get to him in time, only to see him instantly disintegrate - powerful scene! Couldn't imagine killing Garrus off in ME2, though. ME3 is empty without him.
i remember i did this, and pick geth instead of the Quarians. When Tali took off her mask and jump off, i literally exit the game, and started from scratch and find a way to help Tali. And then, i found out on my replay of game that i had the option to recuse both and i scream with joy when i saw that the Quarians were allowed to return to Rannoch! and co-exist with the Geth. BEST. OPTION EVEL!!!!!!!! (Also i was romancing Tali so that was another reason why i had to start over lol)
dude, i bought the legendary edition for my ps4, and im going through the entire trilogy (on ME1 rn) so that i can do two things: romance tali, and make SURE the geth and quarians have peace. (i’ve actually never played the first two games until the legendary edition, so i’m excited beyond words.
Watching this on RUclips, because I will never, ever, ever, ever, EVER choose this option in the game. Ever. Never never never. Ever.
Perriwen Plays no matter how hard I tried to choose this option I could never bring myself to it I either save Quarians or save both
Tali is best girl
I got this bit in my first game because i was playing without any help or spoilers. Yeah it pissed me off
I did and instantly regretted it, so I replayed the whole Reaper battle and saved Tali.
Well... if you've just played the previous two games getting to know Tali (who I've gotta say is one of the best written characters in the trilogy), you're really REALLY going to feel it when she dies. Well... unless you're an emotionless husk, in which case why would you even play any of the Mass Effect games? :P
After this, Shepard than had shore leave and threw a party with the rest of his squadmates
Lol. Well said.
The ultimate "Oh no! Anyway..." moment.
Everyone else in here crying about tali and it didn’t even phase me think about having a army reaper level soilders they know all the information they need to beat them meanwhile the creators struggle to just take down one of thier ships Sacrificing one whole race to save more from that is the right choice
@@christiansantamaria7233 Tali just like most of her race constantly pulled the "oh poor us, feel bad for us because we started a war that didn't need to happen in the first place. We're totally the victims here" and as a result it got on my nerves, her cringy simp's got on my nerves and the quarian's in general get on my nerves. My renegade playthru I let the quarians die, Tali went splat and I couldn't care less. The quarians were moron's for starting a war and expecting Shepard to help them clean the bed they shit themselves? lol nope, say goodbye to your toy ships. If you cant finish a war yourselves then maybe dont start one in the first place?
Never cared for Tali in the OG trilogy and still dont care for her in the remaster.
It would have been more painful if you actually saw her face and that was the only time you saw it
So true
holy... thats rough mate...
It's never painful at all
@@gennarosavastano9424 opinion noted and rejected
The worst thing is, not only was Tali suffering the genocide of her people at that moment, but considering her personality and history, she probably blamed herself for not stopping Legion and Shepard. The weight of that would be so crushing, no wonder she'd throw herself off a cliff.
That stupid weeb of a girlfriend you guys so like, could explain the situation better to the Gerrel
Gorkem Kavak so could Shepard. It's a terribly written and incredibly biased scene that further proves how bad me3 was.
Dan Cakeshard "suffering the genocide of her people"
How do you think the Geth felt? They fought for self-preservation as well. I always choose Geth if I cant save both. Other than the Heretic Geth the Quarians have always been the initiators of violence.
@Dastardly Bastard
You are actually wrong. The Geth were almost always in the wrong. They isolated themselves and killed anyone who entered their space so they created and perpetuated their own reputation. Then they allowed the heretics to join the reapers and didnt warn anyone. They are the villains here. Also this is before they were even sentient.
@Orion Kyros lol good argument
It's kind of tragic... no matter WHAT you do, Legion dies.
yes, you can't prevent Legion from sacrificing himself.
Dan Kester why does everyone love him so much?
Roman Centurion Cause legion is awesome.
*I am NOT Legion*
No matter how many times I play the game there are 2 things I can never do. Kill Wrex, and let Tali die. Pure evil.
Youssef Keyrouz meaningless evil,besides,letting Tali die purposely is a move from a heartless monster
Same I like the geth and I'll will save them if I can but if I cant I have to save Tali and the Quarians
It happened to me on my second playthrough. I made peace btw the quarians and Geth in the first and thought things would turn out the same way, except in my second I didn't save Koris but choose his men instead so the attack wasn't cancelled.
was my easiest decision in the game to let Tali die, I don't side with space racists
@@MrDegan2 you are an idiot. The geth sided with the reapers and if it werent for shepard they would have succeeded in wiping out all advanced life in the galaxy. Tali has done nothing but support you from day 1.
Quarian and Geth peace is the best option. You get to end a 300 year old war, bring peace to the two factions, and get extra war assets. Peace out.
Except it's one of the hardest options to get in the whole trilogy, requiring several specific actions both in ME2 and ME3.
Hirosama Nadasaki I got it on my first playthrough. Is it really that hard?
Hirosama Nadasaki One does not simply play the Mass Effect Trilogy without playing ME1, ME2, and ME3.
***** I only have ME2 and ME3, played them in that order, but to get the Geth/Quarian peace option I had to play both, again, which was frankly annoying.
At least I got to change some things in ME2 so I can save the female krogan in ME3 too.
Ok, I'd just like to point out that I recently did a Renegade playthrough of all three games and STILL made Geth/Quarian peace.
"Admiral, you don't understand. The Geth are about to come back online at improved capacity and they will destroy you unless you cease the attack," would say any rational person.
Imagine Shepard adding: "I allowed Legion to upload Reapers code to their AI. You have no chance if you will keep your attitude admiral. Do you realy want to send all Quarians to a certain death?" Admiral's face (behind his mask) had to be fucking hilarious.
Yep. Horribly written scene.
@@Quole1234 Greatly wasted potential. All characters accept Shepard's ideas to fast. Zaeed's loyalty mission was well written. First you fist his face, then tell him that you will live him lying under rubble. Yet responses you get are still not convincing. But that was plausible.
dude just fought a reaper, give him a break
You guys do realise the entire point of rpgs are that there are dialogue failures right? You all know there's literally dialogue options that allow you to make Shepard be reasonable. This isn't poorly designed because this is designed to be overcome.
Chooses Geth over Quarians, watches Tali commit suicide. Destroys all Geth.
What a retarded comment
@@Quole1234 Destroy ending does that
@@tcmugutc01 no shit
@@Quole1234 The comment is good. Shepard's choices are stupid. Allow synthetics to wipe out living species, to help you destroy synthetics, which will destroy them as well. Geth with Reaper's code should estimate that scenario. They are machines.
@@ZeroOdyssey I totally agree. I think it was one of those scenarios where creation becomes greater than its creator. Devs couldn't handle closing whole trilogy in good way. In one moment you finish reaper on Rannoch with laser from orbit. And when space gunfight starts, no one knows about reapers soft spot?
Glad i never had to face this, were able to convince the Quarians to back off and subsequentely keep everyone alive. Paragon ftw!
you can do the same with intimidate if your renegade score is high enough
its hard but can be done it allso depends on choices made in the other 2 games you have to keep discouraging the war and also being as nice to the quarions as possible
if legion dies in me2 (like he did here, that wasn't legion) or if you do legions and talis loyalty missions wrong/don't even do them in me2 then it isn't possible to save both races
sad times
There's a few things you have to do in me2 to make it work, most importantly both Tali and Legion have to be loyal, Tali can't have been exiled and the heretic Geth have to be destroyed. Then in me3 you need minimum 4 bars rep and you have to save admiral koris. Quite a lot of setup but it is worth doing since you get a stack of war assets. Shame you never get to see those Geth primes in action on earth though
+tfw no khaleesi
+tfw no khaleesi Neither do quarians.
actually the geth do. It's the quarians that don't.
As amazing as this scene is, my only complaint is how little effort Tali puts into stopping the assault. She literally gives the fleet no info, just "hey guys you should probably back off" and she gets back a "lol no u"
Terribly written scene
The writing in this game really went to shit after Tuchanka.
@@csoki4543 To be fair, male shep's voice actor has the charisma of a wet sack of gravel throughout all games. I always go with fem shep for that reason, Jennifer Hale rocks.
@@kimkimpa5150 oh shut the fuck up, not the time nor place dude
@@kimkimpa5150 some people argue that his voice gets better throughout the games…but I disagree. Femshep all the way
I honestly felt like the music in the background had a more serious tone then Sheppard's voice. anyways my sheppard would have dove off the cliff after her.
Fortunately the Italian actor has a different voice compared to the English actor
When Shepard says "Tali, no" it really really sounds like both of those words were recorded in a different context from each other. The Mass Effect 3 Gamer Poop had better splicing.
Tore Jardine not to mention it's not emotional at all. You think Shepard would be screaming...
Ya I don't get it, even the music in the back expressed more than his standard tone voice.
This fambase so toxic
A lot of MaleShep's lines are delivered like that, lol. That's why FemShep is more enjoyable imo.
@@globknob6411 "People criticise the thing I like, therefore toxic."
I couldn't fucking do it. Tali is my girl man.
I could. I'm into Miranda.
@@lancecurry7538 miranda is hideous
I'd rather have the geth, who are self aware robots, to having some people who would drop faster then a bag of shit when they get a hole in their suit
Mark Meer did a decent job for the most part but his delivery of, “Tali no!”, was Resident Evil 1 levels of bad
“Damn it Tali not again stop jumping off of those cliffs I swear” - Shepard
loll really. sorry to him but he absolutely dropped the ball on carrying the emotional impact here
@@_EllieLOL_ lmfao
God I never thought a GAME could make me cry. Tali is my favourite character and romance option and to see her go out like this... even after all that it is still a beautiful and well crafted scene. If only Bioware put this much effort into the whole game and specifically Tali's face.
Except, we never got to see her face, except for that poor photo they placed like a "last-minute adjustment".
Donnie Before I saw that photo I never really cared what Tali's face looked like, but after I saw it, I saw how lazy or how rushed this game was.
I wish we could have seen her face. They should do that in ME41
I know but still.
One of the reasons I love Tali so much, is that you cant see her face. I fell in love with Tali's personality and character without even given the chance to be vain enough to let her looks influence me. I loved Tali because of who she was, not for what she looked like. Besides my Shepard found her attractive in the romance scenes, so she wasn't ugly. In retrospect re-reading your comment I understand you are talking about the picture she gives you. But still, off-topic my statement remains the same.
Reading the comments, I am shocked that most people either killed Geth or the Quarians. You can save them both and they live together on Rannoch in peace, I am surprised that most people didn't know that...
A lot of people started off at the 3rd game so they couldn't do that.
seth williams Actually, this is even more shocking to me, without playing the first two games, the experience you will get from the game is very limited. Also you will get hundreds of spoilers for the first two games, so even if you decide to play them after the ME3, they won't be nearly as fun to them as it was to the gamers who played the series in order.
I knew that there was some way to resolve things peacefully, but I didn't have enough Paragon points to select that option. It tore me to pieces knowing that I had the chance to save both the Quarians and the Geth. If only I was more prepared...
Possible reasoning: not enough charisma points, Tali survived without the rank of admiral, forgot to save Koris, starting with the 3rd game, Tali didn't survive the suicide mission, got Legion killed/sold in ME2. You'd be surprised how many people didn't replay any of the games in order to achieve the perfect survival rates/results. I lost Miranda and Thane, and never looked back....not until I finished ME3, anyway. Not saying you replayed and import the perfect save file, specifically, but too many did, and I think it's a dishonest way approach the series because the point of consequences is that going back in time is not an option.
It actually takes alot of factors to broker the peace. Playing the first two games is essential. You have to set up all the pieces just so or the options don't even appear as we see here.
Well, this punched me right in the feels.
Not me cause I'm glad that the Geth won Rannoch, they deserve the homeworld more than those Quarian fuckwads (Tali included).
But that's my opinion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Both sides deserved a home. The Geth and the Quarians both made mistakes and neither were 100% innocent.
Either way, genocide is never a good thing. Why choose war and death when peace is still an option? That is why I always go for the peaceful co-existence.
And since I always choose the Destroy ending, it would seem even worse if I killed off both the Quarians and the Geth.
Everyone deserves a home. Everyone has the right to live. SOME of the Quarians focused only on their suffering and not the suffering they inflicted, and SOME were willing to do anything to get their home back, but that doesn't mean the entire species deserves to die. The Admiral of the civilian fleet wanted peace, and quite a few Quarians must have agreed with him since he got made Admiral of the largest fleet. Tali also came around to that realisation in ME2. It was mostly just a few hardliners who pushed for the war, a lot of Quarians wanted to just find somewhere new to live, if they couldn't co-exist with the Geth.
And remember that most of the Geth wanted peace, Legion said. They favoured co-existence, and had been taking care of Rannoch waiting for the Quarians to return in peace.
And, on a personal note-WHAAAT?! I never understand it when people don't love Tali. I'm a Talimancer through and through. I romance her in every MShep playthrough, since I did the playthroughs for all the romances and she was my favourite MShep romance by far. Why don't you like her? I genuinely want to know.
Why on earth did my phone remove the spaces? That comment was in several paragraphs! Mobile RUclips sucks Krogan ass.
James Bennett I respect your opinion and I won't change your view, nor can you change mine. I still stand for my opinion good sir.
That's fine.
But could you tell me why you don't like the Quarians generally and Tali specifically? I'm not trying to change your mind, I just don't understand why you dislike them so much, and I like to try to understand other people's views.
Man that is absolutely heartbreaking: Tali begging you not to let her people die and then sobbing before she kills herself. I'm really glad that I played through ME2 so I could get the "everyone is happy" ending, else I probably would have loaded my game after this happened and chose the other option.
wow, geth vi sounds wayyyy more evil than legion
Me: chooses the geth
Tali: [ kills herself ]
Me: *surprised pikachu face*
Also me: reloads past save
Same bro
Tali: (suicide) ×_×
Me: 0_o => -_- never mind.
Confession = I played Mass Effect 3 before playing 1 & 2 (My brother bought me the third game for my birthday); On my first play-through of ME3 I chose the geth and literally didn't even think twice about it - at the time it was "just another decision" and I didn't know the game; the characters or how the renegade/paragon thing worked. Later on I bought the 1st and 2nd game (plus all the DLC) and played through with a male Shepard; Loved Tali in the first game. She was intelligent, funny and is by far the best character. Continue my character in the 2nd game; find out that I can romance Tali. I'm immediately intrigued and of course I woo her; Continue with character in third game; really missing Tali and can't wait to continue romancing her; This time I convince the geth and quarians to unite and live in peace; My heart breaks near the end when Tali says "I have a home". I start watching this video to remind me of the worst decision I've ever made in a video game. The minute - no the very *second* Tali starts crying in this vid and I nearly break my keyboard trying to stop the video. I just can't watch it. Cried like a fucking baby :(
+Alan Jones (Zyrandar) Same here, i played ME 3 before 1 and 2 so i didn't know anything about Tali. I deduce that the morally correct decision is to go with the Geth but when i watched Tali jump off the cliff, something cracked in me man.. i was like "Hell no, fuck this!". Replayed the mission and saved the Quarians even though they're assholes. I just couldn't kill Tali. This scene really fucked me up psychologically.
Did almost exactly the same.
Played ME2 first. Cool game.
Played ME1 then, also cool.
Replayed ME2 and romanced Tali (way too cute to resist).
Played ME3. Didnt have the option for unity (renegade options are far more funny). Chose Geth.
Saw this. Couldnt handle it.
Immediately loaded a save game from before this mission. Chose Quarians ONLY because of Tali.
In my book an interesting gaming experience.
Tom, you make me wish I could wipe the game from my memory and do an ironman playthrough, just so I can savor the joy and sadness that comes from my decisions.
I think we all had a crush on Tali.
you are a fucking idiot. Why the hell would you play ME3 before the others?
You hear that sobbing? That's probably me...
It's pretty amazing that a video game can have such emotional moments as this.
I heard that the developer responsible for this scene had a really hard time writing it, because of how depressing it is.
It's kind of weird how I never had this scenario. I saved both the Geth and the Quarians.
Well, the moment when you shoot Mordin in the back is FAR worse.
I was in love with Tali(IRL and I really have a problem as I still am) When I saw this and forgot didn't have enough Paragon? I CRIED MY ASS OFF FOR HALF A DAY IN MY BEDSHEETS! I swear man I nearly went into a depression
What did the dev say about the bar talk at the end of me3 for garrus?
I doubt that considering the devs showed nothing but contempt for tali and the quarians throughout the entire game.
this happened on my ME3 play through when i didn't import a save and it flat out stopped me playing the game. i just could not not fucking deal with it, it made me play both ME1 and ME2 so i could import a character just so i could end this stupid fucking war with the Geth
you started at the 3rd installment? who does that?
Oscar Dawson I applaud you sir
Antonio Guerrero You don't need to play both ME1 and ME2 to save Tali.
HiIeric117 I meant choices in game were I could have changed it if I had played the parts in chronological order
Antonio Guerrero Yes, I know. You can broker a peace treaty only having played ME2 and ME3.
Stupid Quarians deserve that ending.. they attacked already allied Geth instead of instant peace, then attack the ship with Shepard onboard and then another attack again, just sad for Tali*
it rly aint quarians fault, its the general Gerrels fault who ordered not to retreat, the same guy who almost blew us up in the geth ship.
If bacteria had consciousness, would you have pity of them?
How do millions of civilians deserve to die because of what the admirals did??
"They made their choice".
actually they didnt and shepard knows that. Most of the quarians were against the war and got forced in to it. Also how the fuck does shepard justify killing millions of children? shepard is a moron who never thinks before he acts or says anything.
@Berzerk Llama yeah you are right. I was wrong. The quarians were in the wrong. I wanted them to be in the right so much because I love Tali but honestly... This is justice. The quarians brought it on themselves.
@Nihulistic99th overreactet? The actual fuck? The Geth keept being shoot at. You fire back in this case. It's not your fault, if your weapons are better.
And if you try to say "they could have shoot to disable, not to kill", are you one of those who would aim for a leg or arm to incapacitate an attacker? You must realise that being shoot in this areas can still kill you. And additionaly, the attacker can still cause harm to you and others.
The Geth had only one choice and they followed it through, much to their regret.
@@Quole1234 actually Tali didn't support the resparking of the war
Freaking Han'Gerrel made that choice for all Quarians. He should have been demoted or at least suspended after selfishly nearly killing Shepard and Tali(another Admiral).
I loved Tali so much, I cried at this poin. But Geth are not in wrong at all. And are powerful allies.
True enough. The True Geth fleet is EXBAWKSHUEG, with something like over 4000 ships with likely HUNDREDS of enormous and powerful (by Mass Effect standards, that is) dreadnoughts. This is in a universe where people field navies of perhaps a thousand ships at ABSOLUTE best and something like 20-30 dreadnoughts.
But the Quarians have the largest fleet in the galaxy
yeah, but the majority of them, are civillian ships. Turian's fleet is better.
If you choose to wipe out the geth the only true ai you kill is Legion. No matter how much they wish it, the geth before the upgrades could not be considered people, but machines defined by their programming. So if you kill the Quarians then you've just wiped out a race of people and a lot of them didn't even want war. Wiping out the Geth wouldn't have been genocide because they weren't people yet and in my opinion is the more logical answer. I always choose peace to avoid this decision though.
+petargrad Quarians main role is support and while some of their ships are that old (very few) all ships, even the liveships, have been outfitted with thanix cannons. This essentially turned every ship into a dreadnought and, again, they are sentient beings. Killing them would be more wrong than destroying some a.i.
- Break off the attack [no information given as to why]
- Negative, situation under control.
And that is the entirety of the attempt to "call off the attack". Great writing.
Yep. This scene is so contrived that it is downright insulting.
Organic life comes before synthetic life..... That was my moral. Then I came to this part of the game....
SUFFER NOT THE QUARIAN TO LIVE. They fucked themselves here, Geth are the morally right choice and can do WAAAAAY more to stop the Reapers. But it's better still to be a pro and save both.
if legion and tali survive you can get both
+Ionic Qube Legion dies no matter what
@@claypidgeon4807 geth genocided 99%of them. Sorry but organics all the way. Getz are no different than the reapers
OK guys...who put all these chopped onions around my keyboard
Tali is the most adorable and heartwarming romance option. Letting this be her fate is like choosing to have Bad Honor with Arthur and go back for the money. Pure evil.
Idk dude, she kills herself because her people were idiots and kept attacking the geth after they had been freed. Her people honestly suck, it’s just bad she felt the need to die because you made the right choice. (Other than the peace) between both, geth deserve to be free, quarians suck)
@@RealWatermelonCat. no lol. The admirals did. You are forgetting everything the geth have done
@@Quole1234 yes the admirals of the quarians who beat and murdered newly conscious geth out of fear of being taken over, and in response to that, where taken over. I finished the game yesterday I got the clear picture
The geth could have killed ALL the quarians from the beginning but chose to spare them. I get most quarians didn’t want the war, but the admiral made the choice to kill the quarians in the end, not the player
@@RealWatermelonCat. the geth sided with the reapers on numerous occasions. You actually can blame all of the geth for that. But you can't blame all of the quarians for the actions of the admirals.
@@Quole1234 the geth that you see at the point of making the choice where under control and had just been freed, they were not going to attack. That point doesn’t change anything
This is possibly the WORST scenario you may encounter when playing through ME3.. Who does really want to kill Tali?
This is only possible when you doesn't have enough reputation, when you are at 50/50 paragon/renegade and Tali survived the suicide mission when exiled from the Migrant Fleet
As for me.. both options were available for saving the quarians and the geth!
I chose the Paragon way.. (while the Renegade one is actually a lot cooler) ;)
And for the record.. Seeing Tali commit suicide just made me sad.. :'(
Peace outcome is impossible without ME2 import, and even then only if you either destroyed the geth heretics or prevent Tali's exile. After that there are multiple ways to gain enough requirements to activate the options.
I think I'm in the minority when I had my Shepard choose Tali as his second fire-team leader during the Suicide Mission in ME2, leading to her death, and then chose to side with the Geth in ME3 over the Quarians.
Then he went with the Destroy ending. My Shepard was a hell of a guy lol.
+The Peel More like a spawn of hell lol
Ir0nF1st924 He was also a human supremacist so yeah pretty much lol.
I did the exact same this but I chose synthesis instead of destroy.
I chose Miranda and had Garrus and Jack on my team. I never lost a squad mate in any of my playthroughs on me2
i remember first playing ME3 and then this happened.
*restart mission*
*everything OK*
I prefer Geth
I prefer peace between them both but you need to remember - quarians were first aggressors, not geths.
Mitsu Nakamura I do also prefer the peace way, but Quarians created the Geth, which the Geth were better in every way in terms of Military power and science.
Anyways, i always choose Destroy Ending cause can't leave my lovely Garrus :3 Sorry for EDI and Geths but for me it's the best way - destroy reapers and Catalshit :D Just IMHO
DrCoding Thats not true....The strenght of the quarians and geth is determined by the desicion to kill or rewrite the heretic geth....rewrite Geth>Quarians...destroy Geth
I remember I got this on my first playthrough of ME3, think I ended up restarting the game because of it.
I choose to save the geth but once I saw Tali falling off the cliff I immediately hit the power button and restart the game😂
you are coward. ;live with your choices. if not what is the point
No matter the choice here, Legion should have only dropped to his knees and not topple over. Facing the sunset/sunrise forever.
I just finished this mission and the whole time my heart was beating FAST. I was so scared I messed something up along the way. I was able to get the quarian and geth. I came here to see what would happen and I wanna cry. I don't think I could lose Tali
I almost cried at Tali's death. Keelah se'lai, Tali Zorah vas Normandy!
same here, dude T_T
if i was there in real life i would have shot myself as soon as she fell because shes my favorite character, also the geth are machines you can build more.
I hear you there
yea but if u romanced tali that would break ur heart and i romanced her just to watch her die D:
Almost? shit this is painful to watch
I try to play everything and every scene in a game, But, I could not bring myself to do this one.
The first time I played ME3, I reunited the Geth and the Quarians... Ultimately that is my preferred outcome, but when I deliberately played this “wrong”, I discovered this scene; *_so_* sexy!!
So sexy. I did the same.
I am so glad I never got this cutscene because I would have been balling my eyes out if I did
I started to watch, but can honestly not bring myself to see this. I you ever found yourself in this scenario in one of your playthroughs (without it being for educational purposes), I hope you throw away your computer.
I see people siding more with the Geth of which I believe to be absurd. An entire race laid to waste because of certain individuals creation and abuse of an artificial life form (Don't forget the Quarians on Rannoch that sympathized with the Geth and attempt to intervene on their behalf). I think 300 years of drifting in space without a home would serve a decent penance for the Quarians. Also, everyone is so up in arms about the alleged act of genocide committed against a synthetic "race" when, by legions own admission, there is no individuality within Geth......"society". The Geth are a single AI program with multiple platforms doing the bidding of a single intelligence, one life. I'll choose the Quarians (my girlfriends race ;D) everytime. Letting them all die would be akin to killing all Germans after world war two because of the atrocities of the holocaust (a true genocide)
You give me hope. Lots of retards out there.
Geth on multiple occasions tried to plea for truce between two races. It's the Quarians stubbornness and hostility that forced Geth to seek help from the Reapers. Even during this scenario who is HOSTILE? Quarians are as always. If they only stopped shooting and gave a chance at diplomacy which thank God is one of the options in-game then they would be "Oh.... We can actually reason with extremely intelligent AI who always attacked us in self-defence to our attacks and seek no hostility towards us to begin with." Even back in Mass Effect 2 Legion admitted that the Geth are willing to stop the bloodshed, but knows the Creators wouldn't even listen to them. Which he again states later during the Tali's Trial.
You can call AI merely a program, but the moment AI learns enough to start "thinking" of self-preservation then it's alive and it WILL fight for it's existence. Geth don't hate the Creators, each Geth unit has a record list of Quarians who sacrificed themselves trying to protect them as a sign of tribute that not all Creators forsake them. Quarians stopped being butthurt about the result of the mess they made in the first place, then they live. If they are too stubborn, then they die. Simple as that.
This is false. The geth isolated themselves and every ship that approached Rannoch was attacked after the quarians left after their defeat.
Also, the quarians who started the war are already long dead by the time you start playing the game. You can't hold the offprings of those quarians responsible for their parent's deeds. It is incredibly racist and also very stupid. Should we hold all germans today responsible for the holocaust? It is stupid, they had no choice in the matter.
Nobody forces the geth to join Sovereign back in Mass Effect 1. Some geth simply found the reapers to be the way that leads to evolution. It wasn't self-defense.
Your love of the geth clearly clouds your judgement and you are biased.
I'm choosing the race with true individuality and altruism. I'm choosing the race that has served their pennance for their ancestors mistakes for over 300 years. I'm choosing the race that cannot experience a breath of fresh air. I'm choosing a race that initiated war not out of hate, but with the Noble goal of regaining their home world. Do you root for the machines within The matrix trilogy as well? By your logic, there was no point of struggle within that movie and of us humans should just be dead for the Crimes our great grandfathers committed.
For the record, I think the best option is to save both races, but if push comes to shove and choice is neccessary, I side with the quarians.
Fuck this, [Rally the Fleet] and you have a double win.
I remember my first play through of ME3 I had a savegame where legion wasn't loyal, I chose to upload the code having no idea the outcome was going to be this bad for the quarians. It was so shocking to me seeing her kill herself, definitely one of the most disturbing gaming moments for me
you can't take peace without Legion's loyalty.
Because it's activate a moral check in dispute "Tali vs Legion"
bruh, Shepard wasn't even looking at her when she was going through the most horrible moment of her life
Lol. I just realized that. They hated Tali so much
Thank goodness I waited filled most of my reputation bar before starting this mission. During my canon playthrough, after this mission, I went to IGN to see the other choices and I was shook by the other outcomes.
Jesus!! What exactly do you have to do to fuck up this badly!?!?
It's actually not hard to be forced to do this or wipe out the geth, if legion died in me2 or if you make the wrong choices in their loyalty missions or don't do them then you're forced to pick a side
You need to have really high reputation and also have successfully completed a lot of other missions and have tali and legion both survive from an imported ME2 save or else you have to either let geth or quarians all die
ahh nothing much just be the most sorry ass Shepard imaginable, honestly for shit to go this south it's either
A. you did it on purpose. (sadist)
B. your just not cut out to be the 2nd most deadliest sonofabitch in space.
But hey don't feel bad you'll get another chance to be fully awesome Andromeda's right around the corner.
I killed tali :/ I went with the geth ;)
Start with mass effect 3 on PC even tho u played both fucking games on console!!!y isn't there a fucking save sender thing from console to PC
-The Geth
-The Machines (Matrix)
They all have one thing in common. They were never the aggressors and never wanted to cause harm. They never started the war but they damned well ended them!!!
Skynet absolutely was the aggressor lmao.
Anyone who made Tali commit suicide in their playthrough is my enemy.
Bitch had it coming... They all did.
@@Transprecious 😱
@@Transprecious amen. Quarians fucked up big time, and now they reapt what they sow.
Tali crying - A sound more heartbreaking than the scraping of an empty carton of ice cream echoing off the walls of the cancer ward in a children's hospital.
The Quarians were given multiple opportunities to end the war, their forces on the ground said OUTRIGHT the attack was a bad idea. They made their bed. It sucks that Tali dies, but I can't put one person over the lives of everyone in the galaxy. Even if they're my significant other.
Wow Tali was your romance interestand you still sided with the geth?
@@Quole1234 If I HAD to pick between the two, yes, I leave the Quarians to their fate. Keep in mind, I've brokered peace between the two in every playthough, but gun to my head...
@@js1031 lol you dont deserve her then. Just imagine telling her you would let her race be exterminated down to the last child to save bunch of machines that sided with the reapers.
@@Quole1234 You mind telling me *why* the Geth were forced to join the Reapers? Just for the record.
@@js1031 first off, them joining the reapers in me3 proves that they will go against their values and side with the opposition if it means survival. That makes them a massive liability against the reapers. Second, this entire war could have been averted if they tried to broker peace with the races of the galaxy instead of being hostile isolationists that ignored the citadels attempts at communication. Third, are you forgetting that the heretics joined the reapers in their attempt to wipe out all life? But we dont judge all the geth on the actions of the reapers of course. But we do judge all the quarians on the actions ofvthe admirals. Except this hypocrisy is even worse once you realize that the true geth ALLOWED the heretics to try to wipe out all life, and then didnt even bother trying to warn the races of the galaxy. Funny how everyone forgot that. So lets get this straight: we will judge every quarian from civilians to admirals, even the children, on the actions of the ones in charge, even if it's established that the civilians were forced in to the war. But we won't judge all the geth for the actions of the heretics, even if it was a concious decision made by the entire geth collective to allow them to do it. And then not warn anyone.
lmao tali goes splooch
Night night, suit rat!
Fly high, jarhead!!
The Quarians Fugged around and found out. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
It was like that.. Cruelly. It already hurts to watch
I didn't actually know this was a thing... It's gut wrenching to watch it
Wow. I’ve never seen this scene before (probably because I’m good and I would never hurt Tali), but holy shit, this scene. Those sobs, Liz Sroka really sold those.
Male Shepard's voice acting is atrocious. Not a hint of real emotion when Tali commits suicide. It sounds more like he's telling a child to stop doing something.
There's nothing wrong with the delivery, just could have been a little louder. He sounds genuinely distressed.
The voice acting for both shepard's is generally very good and full of emotion throughout most of all 3
And if you romanced her in the last game Shepard should have cried for the first time.
male shep is soooooo much worse than fem shep, I really don't know why they didn't hire a voice actor who is actually able to deliver emotions
Legion/ Geth VI logic, we just got free of the Reapers,
let's just reupload their code that could in no way possibly be harmful to us...
They had to, the quarians were about to destroy them, without the reaper code they would have been wiped out.
duckwantbreads That's just desperate, the desperatness of the situation doesn't make it a good idea.
Actually Legion had the Reaper code in themselves ever since you freed them, they had the time to analyze the stuff they're dealing with by then.
Still a little WTF how can Legion just happen to be in control after you save them but from there on, it's ok.
I would have died if i chose that option, probably have reset the entire game.
During my 1st playthrough 12 years ago I did not do this Tali. It's 2023, I'm currently playing Mass Effect 2 legendary edition for my second playthrough and I still will not do this to Tali.
Holy crap all these years and I have never seen this one. Made my chest tight seeing this.
Noooo, my poor Tali!!!!the life dont make sense :(
I shit my pants and completely turned off my Xbox when this happened to me way back when, I was only a couple paragon points away from getting the best choice. I was so pissed that I completely started the game over just to stop this, I was shook
Hm..never knew this existed..actually managed to get everyone saved
Shepard: "No Tali don't kill urself your so sexy ahaha"
The shocked panic in Tali’s voice hurts so bad man. I can’t do this do her, not to my waifu
*Tali dies*
*Load Last Save*
This was beyond heartbreaking... the music, watching the Ryya go down, and then... above all... the paragon option, the faint glimmer of hope to save tali, the interrupts that always give us the outcome we want... does not save her, it hurts so much more.
Fuck me Bioware, you were amazing. I piss on the ending haters, Mass Effect is more than a game. You don;t 'care' this much about a game...
Quole1234 Sorry, cant hear you over the bullshit. "Not using any argument whatsoever" Well, well, proves you can't read doesn't it? I pointed out the emotional attachment and you, being a dumbfuck, glance over it. Typical of an ending hater.
Then again, I do not give a fuck what you have to say.
Now go play call of duty. Goodbye. :)
Quole1234 Goodbye dumbfuck. Clearly you lack the mental capacity to understand what I am trying to say.
Now off you fuck. /blocked.
My favorite scene! Always did this on every playthrough!
@@Quole1234 my homie!
@@Quole1234 my homie!
@@Quole1234 ikr but I am happy they did give us the option :)!!
@@Quole1234 my man you are homie material!fuck the quarians they should have known better then to dabble with shit they don't know
@@Quole1234 haha I feel like it's just a small attempt to make Shepard looks like he gives a shit , even tho it doesn't save her stupid ass lol
As soon as you hear the admiral say 'they're completely vulnerable' you know that there isn't going to be a happy ending. Unless you manage to save them both, like I did. But even then, Legion died.
Seeing all of these horrible outcome, I played Mass Effect like five times and I would never do any of this. I would never be a villain in this game. If I did, I couldn’t bare seeing such amazing characters like Tali dying.
It’s not like you knew she was gonna kill herselr
"they made there choice", *sighs* yeah, I suppose they did... So glad I managed Peace or I would have had to live through this.
actually they didnt. most of the quarians didnt want the war and you know that there's millions of children on the migrant fleet so that is factually wrong.
I don't get how people can let the scenarios go this far.
The moment I saw it was a decision between Geth and Quanari, and I saw that maybe both can be saved, Mass Effect made me a completionist. I turned every stone on every planet to get both through the story. I FELT the angst and burden to save two civilizations. It was terrible.
because you stupid
a hell no. whyd a watch this. damdamdamdamdam
That's why you spend every second bonding with everyone before the main missions. Ending the Quarian and Geth war is a huge bonus. You get both fleets and a fine set of alien cheeks
Guys, interestingly, statistics show that players were more incline to pick the geth over the quarians, which was quite the surprise among the developers.
Ivan Vassiljevitsch I chose the geth figuring that tali was loyal enough to be able to call off the fleet. I guess peace is just in my nature.
They are incredibly stupid. They admitted they went out of their way to make people side more with the geth so it would be close to 50/50.
why did most people choose the stupid Quarians? they brought it on themselves. plus it's not like they were all wiped out, there's plenty of them on other planets. Legion is a way better friend than tali, its death was the saddest. it finally said "I" instead of "we" :(
Actually, Bioware released the data, and there were slightly more people choosing the geth which shocked me as well, even though that is what I chose.
SkiDaBird oh really? wells that's great!
Prior to the events of the game, the admirals recalled all quarians on pilgrimage, so its doubtful there still are
I played through mE2 multiple times and i think it's impossible to save everyone. at least one team member has to die (the one you send into the tube at the start of the mission) as for the rest i think you have to spend more time and the nice to them during the game. like for tali in one playthrough i basically ignored her and she died at the end. but in another playthrough i talked to her after every mission and did the character mission with her and she survived
***** if Mordin survives in ME2 than he should be part of the series of missions to cure the krogen (but not a squad member). don't know about thane and Legion is part of the sries of missions to get either the quarian or geth fleets (but not a squad member)
God this was a hard option to see play out in my game. But the geth were simply a people forced into a war
The geth also sided with the reapers in attempting to wipe out all life. They deserve to be killed off
@@Quole1234The Quarians and Tali deserve to get killed off. And they do in each of my playthroughs.
@@JackJackson-tf7jv they did nothing to deserve it
@@JackJackson-tf7jv how can you say that?
Instead of this... I've decided I'm going back to a ME2 save and fixing everything and playing me3 up until this point again
If I had seen this scene when I played it for the first time, I would have cried for sure. Tali is one of the characters I really like, easily in the top 5
Rest in pepperoni
Tali crying is the most heartbreaking thing ever, god...
Your choices do matter. You can save Tali pretty easilly if you don't go out of your way to get the Quarians killed. The only way the Quarians die is if you're too lazy to do Tali's loyalty mission, or the Rannoch submissions.
Saving the Geth is the morally right choice here, but damn they make you feel like such a villain for doing it.
Except it's not the morally right thing to do
You can save both
How do you fuck up a playthrough bad enough to even get this scene.
Legion died for me in ME2, I thought I could make peace between the quarians and geth by making the geth more intelligent
Totally romanced Tali, totally chose to save the Geth over the quarians. With the exception of Tali and that one admiral every single other quarian was a lunatic. What kind of species fails to comit gennocide, and then spends the next hundered years plotting to come back and finish the job?
so you romanced tali and then watched her commit suicide? What a despicable piece of shit you are. Congrats on also being manipulated by bioware. Also it wasn't that they were trying to commit genocide you idiot. They were trying to get their planet back. A planet that btw holds no significance to the Geth yet for some reason they don't want to give it back. Also most of the quarians didn't want to go to war.
Oh Tali. The only fictional character that managed to get a hold of my emotions
"Shepard, you can't choose the geth over my people!"
Oh yes I can. Sucks to be you tali! Should have made the explanation to Gerrel a bit more convincing than "pls no :'("
they're all assholes lol they created a race of sentient AI's and used them as slaves, then tried to commit genocide, but got rekt by their own roombas. survival of the fittest, and you need strong allies to fight the reapers, not retards who will die from a spot of dust
no,because when the Geth were first created,they were just simple VIs,that wasn't illegal by Council regulations
They were like our computers today,designed to take over tasks to make life easier
,by your logic we are slavers as well because we use machines for tasks that result too dangerous or heavy for the average human
we are using smart phones to make our life even easier,does that mean we are slavers?
What if your smartphone started to ask if they had a soul or refuse to do what they were designed for?
I doubt that you would be so sympathetic.
All the quarians did in their eyes was deactivating potentially dangerous and defective machinery
I'd call the Geth on Quarians the real Genocide
Before the Morning war,Rannoch had at least 2 billion quarians living on the planet.
After the war,only 17 million were left alive.
That means 99% of the population of the Quarians were killed during the war.
I doubt that 99% were all military.
At least 25% of the 2 billion must had been elderly and children.
This is Genocide!
Done by the Geth,and you call this acceptable?
this is beyond self defense,this is pure savagery
Sure,2 admirals words are the will of 17 million people.
I prefer beings composed of flesh and blood,that have feelings like me,that ,over cold metal robots that have pieces of code of billions old genocidal machines.
King Derner Cousland i get it, you have a nerd crush on tali, but geth clearly are just defending themselves lol
caudice i don't have a "nerd crush" on Tali
All my explanations were logical.
Hardly self defense when you kill the 99% of the other race.
King Derner Cousland idk if you played through the game and know this but geth spared the quarians when they could have killed them in the beginning, quarians are just dumb and kept attacking (not talking about the last scene where you choose)
Always saved both. They both deserve to live
personally I feel like letting the quarians die should've resulted in Legion surviving, would've made the option to achieve peace or not more complicated as a result Tali would b going splat on every playthru of mine cuz Legion is WAAAAAAAAAAY more interesting than her anyday. Essentially being like Shepard: "you talking car windscreen's started a war you couldn't win and now its time to pay the price for such a moronic war you started" *dial tone*
Lol preach!
Happened in my playthrough, my romance option of Tali as well, messed up/missed some of the minor missions, didn't realise until this point and chose to stick with my mistakes. It makes for a powerful story, if a depressing one. ME3 was one of the best games ever IMO, terrible ending, but great up until then.
So many people really love happy endings. Always wanting the best outcome with a "happily ever after ending". Shooting Mordin and Tali's Suicide are probably two of he best directed scenes in the trilogy. The music, the emotion, and how our choices in a desperate war are reflected in the blood of our allies. It's too bad 95% of ME players won't choose these scenes.
That kind of tragic storytelling is what made Saving Private Ryan so great. Think about how the movie would've turned out if all of the main characters survived the film.
Nah. I will stay with the happy outcomes. Saved both Geth and Quarians, did feel great. Thank you.
And the thing is, I choose things as I would choose if I was really there, following my conscience. I wouldn't choose something bad in real life, getting people killed, just because "the scene would be beautiful". LOL no.
+Poison You must have very bland tastes in movies then, with predictable outcomes where the hero always saves the day after killing the villain with a cheesy one-liner. If a character gets killed off, then they must somehow come back later in the film or in the sequel because, y'kno, it's happy.
Saving Private Ryan, Fury, The Departed, Buried, The Mist, Requiem for a Dream, Se7en, No Country for Old Men, Jacob's Ladder. Or even games such as The Walking Dead, Halo Reach and FF7: Crisis Core.
Just imagine how dull and forgettable those movies/games would be if all of them had a happy ending where the main characters all survive and ride off into the sunset together.
+rinraiden I agree with you. However, comparing Saving Private Ryan to a game isn't really fair. SPR did happen for the most part and the tragedy behind that loss was very real. Its the only movie that can make me emotional and I'm pretty good at keeping my emotions in check.
ME series is a fantasy game series. The player can choose what they want. And yes, people typically will choose the happier endings or choices. For me, I personally find this decision hard simply because Tali is my preferred love interest. But at the same time, I think the geth are in the right. I have chosen to let the quarians or geth die though. With Mordin however, I feel if you kept Wrex alive, you should let Mordin cure the genophage. Wrex is too damn likable to betray and ME3 is better with him in it (especially Citadel DLC). However, Wreav is a different matter.
But again, I agree with you. There was a horror movie called "The Descent" which had a sad ending and I liked it. But I heard it was altered to have a slightly more favorable ending because it would upset people. Hell, I will also let people die in ME2 (who are not named Garrus) on purpose because I find it really unrealistic and too "typical" to have everyone survive.
+sbn4 Lol, funny that you say that because when I feel like an "everybody dies" playthrough, I always keep Garrus alive until the Harbinger Beam in ME3. Him reaching out to Shepard, the beam coming towards him and Shepard desperately trying to get to him in time, only to see him instantly disintegrate - powerful scene! Couldn't imagine killing Garrus off in ME2, though. ME3 is empty without him.
I think this moment could be a lot more powerfull if they actually showed talis face when shes jumping of that cliff
somehow I expected Tali to go all crazy an attack you both, to help her people
i remember i did this, and pick geth instead of the Quarians. When Tali took off her mask and jump off, i literally exit the game, and started from scratch and find a way to help Tali. And then, i found out on my replay of game that i had the option to recuse both and i scream with joy when i saw that the Quarians were allowed to return to Rannoch! and co-exist with the Geth. BEST. OPTION EVEL!!!!!!!! (Also i was romancing Tali so that was another reason why i had to start over lol)
dude, i bought the legendary edition for my ps4, and im going through the entire trilogy (on ME1 rn) so that i can do two things: romance tali, and make SURE the geth and quarians have peace. (i’ve actually never played the first two games until the legendary edition, so i’m excited beyond words.