This video says exactly what i have been preaching for last couple of months. There is many ways to skin a rat - as long as you are effective and not a detriment to your team play whatever makes you smile the most.
@BEERBOMB113 Could be! I feel like it's an old quote. Ironically, I got D2R when D4 launched (because it made me nostalgic but I didn't want to deal with the grind and mobetization "improvements") and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
“Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game”; therefore, “One of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.” - Civilizations Devs
This is why I love playing Zealot or Unchained, it's so nice throwing all of the sense in my brain that says "do not charge directly at the enemy because you will probably die and it's better to slowly wade your way into the tide and cut them down" out and then charging in head first BUT I knew I would do something stupid so I made my build in a way that often times doing exactly that is more effective than slowly wading in.
Some time ago, one dude wantedto kick me from game because I was playing as a huntsman on legend. He was even more saltier after I carried entire mission and he died twice, mostly by separating from team while trying to speedrun mission.
This is what i’ve been telling my friend who has recently been getting into vermintide, and it made their experience so much better for them. Who cares if flail and coruscation staff is great on Unchained? Rock that mace and beam staff. Like I honestly think people play better with what they’re more comfortable with. I absolutely adore the handaxe on HM kerillian and will play better than if i was using sword & dagger or spear and shield. Fun comes first, winning is optional.
i had 700h+ when i tried playing huntsman (before i've just leveled him up to 30) all the "best" builds weren't fun at all, so it took some time to make one for me and my playstyle and i'm suprised to say i had fun playing him. Also the worst class has to be pyromancer but she's still my favourite.
I'm a meta slave myself. Been maining grail knight since release. Not because I care about being the best but because I'm lazy and I like playing what gets me the best results out of the least effort. If someone doesn't wanna play the meta my mindset's always been ''You do you''. I genuinelly don't care. As long as they're having fun and I don't have to pick them up every minute.
Agreed. Every game's meta is like this. "A good player can make anything work" yep, and don't be ashamed to use the safest, most meta builds while you're still learning. Nobody likes feeling like a liability on a team. Once you have the fundamentals of a game, that's when things really open up in my experience. I have the most fun making and playing with off-meta builds that find unique and interesting synergies. At this point I even enjoy pyromancer and huntsman, the current "worst" careers, cuz I've taken the time to make them work in fun ways for me.
Hell yeah brother I definitely preach the whole philosophy if the player is skilled you can make any (or at least most any) build work. Vermintide 2 is a great game of course but what makes it even greater and feel forever replayable is a large variety of weapons, talents, and affixes. Hell i try the Leta builds before the Meta builds tbh. 😂😂
I use nothing but Lingering Flames, mainly because of the weapons I used(mainly the Fire Sword and Coruscation Staff). Volcanic Force is far far far too slow and Famished Flames feels too weak and very limited by the attacks you can use. The good thing about Lingering Flames is that no matter the target, once burning its going to die.
Volcanic is faster with the talent that increases charge speed while her passive vent is active. I always use famished bc it feels so thematically fun and powerful
I'm a firm believer in the meta being the build that works best with your playstyle. I'm all about Great Axe + Drake Fire Pistols on IB, and I honestly find I perform best with those weapons on a super off-meta talent selection. Anything can work as long as you can find a way to mitigate weaknesses while maximizing strengths. Great vid, Wet.
Oh hey that's my meta Weave build...because literally nobody else plays the Weave so I just need an Iron Breaker for it's Gromril Curse talent to help me deal with the disabler spams while solo-ing.
I too use the Great Axe on Ironbreaker. Though I do like the Great Hammer too. The Great Axe although it lacks the cleave and stagger power of the Great Hammer, its speed and damage output make up for it. I used to use the Drakefire Pistols, but they weren't good enough at killing Specials. I mainly use the Crossbow due its reliability and speed. I usually did prefer to use the Drakefire Pistols on Outcast Engineer with the Talent leading Shots and the Trait Resourceful Sharpshooter. Good way to get his Alt back quicker and in case you forgot to crank the big gun(which I do a lot).
@@G1ingy Nice! My build uses Vengeance because 40% AS is bonkers with both the GA and the DFPs running Under Pressure + Rolling Mountain. Obscene firing speed and CDR. I don't run weaves tho lol
@@covahredro8370 Yeah, the GA has lower cleave, but if stack for power vs chaos and infantry it's a little more tolerable. An added 20% from DO is great for it too, and the Hunter procs from the DFPs make it easier to get the kills on bigger cleaves against burning enemies. S'fun.
After playing some games with this community most people have told me what is good/meta but do not force me to use that stuff. I also like to ask what is better just to have the basic understanding how the carachters/careers work. Only negative thing about this community is just that I sometimes feel left out but that's just a minor problem and most likely in my head.
I think it's fine to ask for advice amongst players. Anyone who puts down a player asking for advice on a PvE game of all things is in the wrong entirely and is probably bad anyway lol
@@BEERBOMB113 yup, the way I like playing PvE games is to ask some advice from the better players and what they think is the best and then modify that to my liking.
best way to play this game is to play it, mixing builds and different career playstyles is what keeps me invested, maxed on xbox and pc and still never gets old, just recently got back into using an honestly underrated weapon for whc saltzpyre, the greatsword, it was one of my first weapons and classes when I first started this game and I was shit with it in the beginning just to here it is very far from a meta pick, but I still used it and after coming back to it after playing other careers and weapons it is just one of the most satisfying weapons in this game.
For me the "rule of cool" over what is meta is what I like to do or I do a cosplay for example as a slayer I look like godtrek from the books and run around with only an axe. I like to use what I find to be fun only unless I'm trying to get unique reward of some sort
This is how I feel about any game that has builds, Destiny 2 included. I don't care if a weapon or build is meta, if I enjoy using it, I'm going to use it. (I remember day 1 Deep Stone Crypt using the freaking Lord of Wolves and out DPSing my entire group.)
Can't be said enough. Vermintide is a skill-based game to the core after all. Playing off-meta-builds that are fun and learning how to make the most of it serves the purpose of challenging oneself perfectly. And the challenge is what we're all here for, isn't it?^^
Some people don't see it that way. Some people see the next logical step being modded difficulties, like Deathwish and Onslaught, if not just cranking the difficulties further. I think that's one way to challenge yourself, but it takes thinking outside the box to make off-meta builds great in a way others didn't think of, and both are perfectly fine options to pursue. Gatekeeping is the real enemy.
Had a random join the other day and the first thing he said when he joined the match was "@#%$ING Are you KIDDING me? Another Staff Sister? Get this @#&%ing idiot out of here" and initiated a vote kick on my friend who runs whatever she has fun with. He stayed in game and on mic abusing all of us for three matches and being utterly toxic. Bruh, it's a video game. Let people enjoy things.
@genericnobody Yeah, we did but he queued right back in and we decided to give him a chance to stop being a piece of shit. He did not stop being a piece of shit. I blocked him on Steam so he can't join our QPs anymore.
I recently began playing vermintide 2, bought grail knight and with the longsword and the bret sword and shield, discovering combos has been endlessly fun. But it does seem extremely meta as far as ive seen
I like famished flames not because it's meta but because I love Coruscation staff and using it to set an entire horde on fire and watch them slowly get cooked alive and personally hate Flame Sword, Flail, and sword & dagger not because it's bad but mostly because I'm tired using it every time for maximum efficiency (Dagger and Sienna's Mace is more fun for me)
I agree with this sentiment. I wish there was a way to create or change items under the modded server in order to make it easier to test out random builds. My issue is given my limited playtime it’s hard to dump all these resources trying to change my items to fit some wacky build, especially if it doesn’t work out and I need to re-roll everything again
This is only tangentially related to your topic. But I also tried tinkering around with non-Meta stuff, namely really garbage talents (Linger Flames, Indiscriminate Blast) and weapons (Repeated Pistol) and I still don't get them. I don't think this is purely a "tryhard only following what's optimal" because in some cases a talent/weapon really ARE that baffling and obtuse in their usage. If I may make a suggestion, maybe you could make a few videos going over niche/bad talents and weapons and what they're even good for? I tinkered with Lingering Flames and it felt completely counter-intuitive to Vermintide's frantic fast-paced gameplay where even bosses can be burst down in 20 seconds. Maybe if it works on players it'd be a really hilariously annoying troll Talent to permanently set them on fire? Or Slayer's Barge and Dawi-Drop talent. Hell I still haven't figured out how Dawi-Drop is even supposed to function let alone it's purpose.
My attitude with this kinda thing is similar but slightly different. When it comes to DPS talents, IE Flense VS Death Knell or Famished VS Lingering. Just feels like your actively gimping yourself for no good reason. Buttttttt when it comes to talents which actually change the game play loop, there are some real hidden gems. IE Hungry wind, Barge, Dawi Drop, Riposte, Vengeance, Enfeebling Flames, Smite Zealot. There’s certainly a couple more. For me personally I get quite competitive and like pushing characters to there best ability. Therefore DPS talents which don’t really change game play loop I ain’t a fan of.But anything which changes your strategy up can be good fun.
Another thing which I always say is. Once you can understand why Famished flames is objectively better than lingering and all the over talents which have this polarisation. Then your in the position to fuck around. At first learn the meta, therefor you can change the meta.
I love Deathknell. It feels like you're gimping yourself, but you can bring down bigger threats with a lot more expedience if you're able to pull off headshots.
I loved play shade with spear, but after change her talents by fatshark it's no sense to play that anymore.. but I find now my new 💕 handmaiden and dagger's
I like using a stagger build on gk, and however all the time when i play with randoms they absolutely hate it cuz iam apperantly not pulling my own weight, luckily i dont care, and sometimes get kicked for not giving a shit
th mod i miss the most was the one that allowed you to save builds. I had laike 4 to 9 differents for cataclysm or legend, diferent weapons and combos... diferent stiles... I just played what i felt to . I can honestly say that the better you are, the most builds you can try too, so starting with meta builds will allow you to use more weapons later, but playing 80h week with the same class, same weapons, same traits same 2-3 maps¿? No thank you... I can't understand how some people do that.
I always wondered why a lot of people use rapier on Saltz careers, maybe they like it but I don't think it's fun for me I really like axe and falchion, one-h axe and griffon-foot pistols on BH A lot of fun, damage, sometimes FF))
You know what's the opposite of the word "fun"? No, it's not "boring"'s actually "meta". Because experimenting around and occasionally ending up with a boring build is still way more fun than sticking to the same old ideal/overpowered build every single game. Where the meta begins, all fun ends. And not just in Vermintide btw, this is the reality of every game where a meta is established.
Ehh, "fun" is solely subjective and in the eye of the beholder. You can definitely still have fun when approaching the game with a more practical mindset, and I know that because that's how I enjoy games the most.
Heh, I would sometimes play what I call "I hate myself" builds, just some random bs builds that require more effort then they are worth. Really paid off when Chaos Waste dropped and randomized weapons are a thing.
that depends. I guess if you are a casual champ/vet player yea who cares, as long as you win and have fun. If you are a legend/cata player you are going to go BiS for a reason or it wont be very fun.
If a talent is better more people are going to use it, there will always be a "meta" because a lot of people enjoy whats strong, and there is nothing wrong with that. What "communities" have ever pressured anyone to use meta? If people were really that assmad about people arent using meta there wouldnt be so many engineer players, but that could also just be my region of players i suppose, unless western players r more toxic and sweaty.
It happens all the time. I would also argue that people’s perception of a talent being strong and other ones being weak would lead to the exact scenario where only meta options are acceptable in certain circles. I think every community has this problem to a certain extent. I mean every build video I’ve ever made there have been tons of people ready to tell me why such and such talent is not as good as whatever thing they’re pushing. Some people go as far as to attempt to shame you for it. Never underestimate the internet my friend.
I wil never follow meta in any game. Ofc I want to be powerful, but having fun is always on first place. Sometimes you can have both, but I still would rather do my own build rather than copy it from internet
This is the unending struggle of trying to explain Warframe to new players while crusty players lurk around complaining about how too much stuff is "unviable" when their target for that viability isn't reached until level cap roughly 3-4+ continuous hours into endless missions. 🙃
There's a meta in Vermintide??? Nah, jokes aside, I would understand tryharding a meta in a pvp game but, huh, man, you are really playing against yourself in Vermintide, so there's no need to have everything always optimized, here you only win if you have fun. Ngl some of the most funny and enjoyable moments I've had in Vermin was while losing games cause there was tons of laughter, adrenaline and random stuff going on with friends. So yeah, no need to only use the best, rather to make the best out of your fav.
A) Just went through Krypt's channel, didn't see which video you were referring to and B) There's only so much content you can milk from a game like this, so creators step on each other's toes sometimes. AND C) This message is actually really important, and I'd be fine with literally every major content creator for the game delivering this message in some way on their channel. I fail to see what the point of this comment is.
Only meta I need is the Kruber shouting "Audible Aggg Aaahblah!" before smiting something for the Lady!
This video says exactly what i have been preaching for last couple of months. There is many ways to skin a rat - as long as you are effective and not a detriment to your team play whatever makes you smile the most.
Gamers will min max the fun right out of games
I can't remember where it came from but "trust gamers to optimize the fun out of the games"
Probably diablo 2 😂😂😂
@BEERBOMB113 Could be! I feel like it's an old quote.
Ironically, I got D2R when D4 launched (because it made me nostalgic but I didn't want to deal with the grind and mobetization "improvements") and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
“Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game”; therefore, “One of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.” - Civilizations Devs
@@genericnobody Ahah! Thanks!
well said, and i also play d2r after im done with d4 story mode.
d2 is just kind of the game that keeps you playing it, even after years.
This is why I love playing Zealot or Unchained, it's so nice throwing all of the sense in my brain that says "do not charge directly at the enemy because you will probably die and it's better to slowly wade your way into the tide and cut them down" out and then charging in head first BUT I knew I would do something stupid so I made my build in a way that often times doing exactly that is more effective than slowly wading in.
Some time ago, one dude wantedto kick me from game because I was playing as a huntsman on legend. He was even more saltier after I carried entire mission and he died twice, mostly by separating from team while trying to speedrun mission.
This is what i’ve been telling my friend who has recently been getting into vermintide, and it made their experience so much better for them. Who cares if flail and coruscation staff is great on Unchained? Rock that mace and beam staff.
Like I honestly think people play better with what they’re more comfortable with. I absolutely adore the handaxe on HM kerillian and will play better than if i was using sword & dagger or spear and shield. Fun comes first, winning is optional.
Dual daggers on HM is also quite a fun combo. Pretty sure it gives the longest dodge range in the game (outside of chaos wastes)
i had 700h+ when i tried playing huntsman (before i've just leveled him up to 30) all the "best" builds weren't fun at all, so it took some time to make one for me and my playstyle and i'm suprised to say i had fun playing him. Also the worst class has to be pyromancer but she's still my favourite.
I'm a meta slave myself. Been maining grail knight since release. Not because I care about being the best but because I'm lazy and I like playing what gets me the best results out of the least effort. If someone doesn't wanna play the meta my mindset's always been ''You do you''. I genuinelly don't care. As long as they're having fun and I don't have to pick them up every minute.
Blunderbuss huntsman is my favorite off meta build, it fucks so hard
Agreed. Every game's meta is like this. "A good player can make anything work" yep, and don't be ashamed to use the safest, most meta builds while you're still learning. Nobody likes feeling like a liability on a team. Once you have the fundamentals of a game, that's when things really open up in my experience. I have the most fun making and playing with off-meta builds that find unique and interesting synergies. At this point I even enjoy pyromancer and huntsman, the current "worst" careers, cuz I've taken the time to make them work in fun ways for me.
Thank you for uploading this. I appreciate the sentiment of this video greatly.
Hell yeah brother I definitely preach the whole philosophy if the player is skilled you can make any (or at least most any) build work. Vermintide 2 is a great game of course but what makes it even greater and feel forever replayable is a large variety of weapons, talents, and affixes. Hell i try the Leta builds before the Meta builds tbh. 😂😂
I use nothing but Lingering Flames, mainly because of the weapons I used(mainly the Fire Sword and Coruscation Staff). Volcanic Force is far far far too slow and Famished Flames feels too weak and very limited by the attacks you can use.
The good thing about Lingering Flames is that no matter the target, once burning its going to die.
Volcanic is faster with the talent that increases charge speed while her passive vent is active. I always use famished bc it feels so thematically fun and powerful
I'm a firm believer in the meta being the build that works best with your playstyle. I'm all about Great Axe + Drake Fire Pistols on IB, and I honestly find I perform best with those weapons on a super off-meta talent selection. Anything can work as long as you can find a way to mitigate weaknesses while maximizing strengths. Great vid, Wet.
Thanks my dude!
Oh hey that's my meta Weave build...because literally nobody else plays the Weave so I just need an Iron Breaker for it's Gromril Curse talent to help me deal with the disabler spams while solo-ing.
I too use the Great Axe on Ironbreaker. Though I do like the Great Hammer too. The Great Axe although it lacks the cleave and stagger power of the Great Hammer, its speed and damage output make up for it.
I used to use the Drakefire Pistols, but they weren't good enough at killing Specials. I mainly use the Crossbow due its reliability and speed.
I usually did prefer to use the Drakefire Pistols on Outcast Engineer with the Talent leading Shots and the Trait Resourceful Sharpshooter. Good way to get his Alt back quicker and in case you forgot to crank the big gun(which I do a lot).
@@G1ingy Nice! My build uses Vengeance because 40% AS is bonkers with both the GA and the DFPs running Under Pressure + Rolling Mountain. Obscene firing speed and CDR. I don't run weaves tho lol
@@covahredro8370 Yeah, the GA has lower cleave, but if stack for power vs chaos and infantry it's a little more tolerable. An added 20% from DO is great for it too, and the Hunter procs from the DFPs make it easier to get the kills on bigger cleaves against burning enemies. S'fun.
This is my philosophy when playing this game and why I still keep playing since it released.
After playing some games with this community most people have told me what is good/meta but do not force me to use that stuff.
I also like to ask what is better just to have the basic understanding how the carachters/careers work.
Only negative thing about this community is just that I sometimes feel left out but that's just a minor problem and most likely in my head.
You're not left out friend here you are in the community participating 😊
I think it's fine to ask for advice amongst players. Anyone who puts down a player asking for advice on a PvE game of all things is in the wrong entirely and is probably bad anyway lol
@@BEERBOMB113 yup, the way I like playing PvE games is to ask some advice from the better players and what they think is the best and then modify that to my liking.
Jav elf mains been real quiet since this dropped
I uhm....I like to play Huntsman.
Honor to the both of you
best way to play this game is to play it, mixing builds and different career playstyles is what keeps me invested, maxed on xbox and pc and still never gets old, just recently got back into using an honestly underrated weapon for whc saltzpyre, the greatsword, it was one of my first weapons and classes when I first started this game and I was shit with it in the beginning just to here it is very far from a meta pick, but I still used it and after coming back to it after playing other careers and weapons it is just one of the most satisfying weapons in this game.
For me the "rule of cool" over what is meta is what I like to do or I do a cosplay for example as a slayer I look like godtrek from the books and run around with only an axe. I like to use what I find to be fun only unless I'm trying to get unique reward of some sort
this is exactly why i use one handed hammer so often with zealot and ironbreaker
This is how I feel about any game that has builds, Destiny 2 included. I don't care if a weapon or build is meta, if I enjoy using it, I'm going to use it. (I remember day 1 Deep Stone Crypt using the freaking Lord of Wolves and out DPSing my entire group.)
Can't be said enough. Vermintide is a skill-based game to the core after all. Playing off-meta-builds that are fun and learning how to make the most of it serves the purpose of challenging oneself perfectly. And the challenge is what we're all here for, isn't it?^^
Some people don't see it that way. Some people see the next logical step being modded difficulties, like Deathwish and Onslaught, if not just cranking the difficulties further. I think that's one way to challenge yourself, but it takes thinking outside the box to make off-meta builds great in a way others didn't think of, and both are perfectly fine options to pursue. Gatekeeping is the real enemy.
Its nuts how people will actually get mad at you if you don't use the talents and weapons they want you to use.
These are in the box we call "people who forgot they're playing a game"
Had a random join the other day and the first thing he said when he joined the match was "@#%$ING Are you KIDDING me? Another Staff Sister? Get this @#&%ing idiot out of here" and initiated a vote kick on my friend who runs whatever she has fun with. He stayed in game and on mic abusing all of us for three matches and being utterly toxic. Bruh, it's a video game. Let people enjoy things.
@@SmGTwist Should 'a kicked him tbh
@genericnobody Yeah, we did but he queued right back in and we decided to give him a chance to stop being a piece of shit. He did not stop being a piece of shit. I blocked him on Steam so he can't join our QPs anymore.
@@SmGTwistdamn, that sounds terrible. I'm sad you guys had to experience that.
I recently began playing vermintide 2, bought grail knight and with the longsword and the bret sword and shield, discovering combos has been endlessly fun. But it does seem extremely meta as far as ive seen
I like famished flames not because it's meta but because I love Coruscation staff and using it to set an entire horde on fire and watch them slowly get cooked alive and personally hate Flame Sword, Flail, and sword & dagger not because it's bad but mostly because I'm tired using it every time for maximum efficiency (Dagger and Sienna's Mace is more fun for me)
That’s totally fair. Do what you like!
I agree with this sentiment. I wish there was a way to create or change items under the modded server in order to make it easier to test out random builds. My issue is given my limited playtime it’s hard to dump all these resources trying to change my items to fit some wacky build, especially if it doesn’t work out and I need to re-roll everything again
This is only tangentially related to your topic. But I also tried tinkering around with non-Meta stuff, namely really garbage talents (Linger Flames, Indiscriminate Blast) and weapons (Repeated Pistol) and I still don't get them. I don't think this is purely a "tryhard only following what's optimal" because in some cases a talent/weapon really ARE that baffling and obtuse in their usage.
If I may make a suggestion, maybe you could make a few videos going over niche/bad talents and weapons and what they're even good for? I tinkered with Lingering Flames and it felt completely counter-intuitive to Vermintide's frantic fast-paced gameplay where even bosses can be burst down in 20 seconds. Maybe if it works on players it'd be a really hilariously annoying troll Talent to permanently set them on fire? Or Slayer's Barge and Dawi-Drop talent. Hell I still haven't figured out how Dawi-Drop is even supposed to function let alone it's purpose.
My attitude with this kinda thing is similar but slightly different. When it comes to DPS talents, IE Flense VS Death Knell or Famished VS Lingering. Just feels like your actively gimping yourself for no good reason.
Buttttttt when it comes to talents which actually change the game play loop, there are some real hidden gems. IE Hungry wind, Barge, Dawi Drop, Riposte, Vengeance, Enfeebling Flames, Smite Zealot. There’s certainly a couple more.
For me personally I get quite competitive and like pushing characters to there best ability. Therefore DPS talents which don’t really change game play loop I ain’t a fan of.But anything which changes your strategy up can be good fun.
Another thing which I always say is. Once you can understand why Famished flames is objectively better than lingering and all the over talents which have this polarisation. Then your in the position to fuck around. At first learn the meta, therefor you can change the meta.
I love Deathknell. It feels like you're gimping yourself, but you can bring down bigger threats with a lot more expedience if you're able to pull off headshots.
I loved play shade with spear, but after change her talents by fatshark it's no sense to play that anymore.. but I find now my new 💕 handmaiden and dagger's
my go to was lingering flame and conflag for battlewizard since beta lol.
I like using a stagger build on gk, and however all the time when i play with randoms they absolutely hate it cuz iam apperantly not pulling my own weight, luckily i dont care, and sometimes get kicked for not giving a shit
th mod i miss the most was the one that allowed you to save builds. I had laike 4 to 9 differents for cataclysm or legend, diferent weapons and combos... diferent stiles... I just played what i felt to . I can honestly say that the better you are, the most builds you can try too, so starting with meta builds will allow you to use more weapons later, but playing 80h week with the same class, same weapons, same traits same 2-3 maps¿? No thank you... I can't understand how some people do that.
I always wondered why a lot of people use rapier on Saltz careers, maybe they like it but I don't think it's fun for me
I really like axe and falchion, one-h axe and griffon-foot pistols on BH
A lot of fun, damage, sometimes FF))
"sometimes" XD
Good for headshot also super easy to use just M1 spam.
You know what's the opposite of the word "fun"? No, it's not "boring"'s actually "meta". Because experimenting around and occasionally ending up with a boring build is still way more fun than sticking to the same old ideal/overpowered build every single game. Where the meta begins, all fun ends. And not just in Vermintide btw, this is the reality of every game where a meta is established.
Ehh, "fun" is solely subjective and in the eye of the beholder. You can definitely still have fun when approaching the game with a more practical mindset, and I know that because that's how I enjoy games the most.
Heh, I would sometimes play what I call "I hate myself" builds, just some random bs builds that require more effort then they are worth. Really paid off when Chaos Waste dropped and randomized weapons are a thing.
that depends. I guess if you are a casual champ/vet player yea who cares, as long as you win and have fun. If you are a legend/cata player you are going to go BiS for a reason or it wont be very fun.
There are pplo who enjoy their builds, and there are who use javs 😜
If a talent is better more people are going to use it, there will always be a "meta" because a lot of people enjoy whats strong, and there is nothing wrong with that. What "communities" have ever pressured anyone to use meta? If people were really that assmad about people arent using meta there wouldnt be so many engineer players, but that could also just be my region of players i suppose, unless western players r more toxic and sweaty.
It happens all the time. I would also argue that people’s perception of a talent being strong and other ones being weak would lead to the exact scenario where only meta options are acceptable in certain circles.
I think every community has this problem to a certain extent. I mean every build video I’ve ever made there have been tons of people ready to tell me why such and such talent is not as good as whatever thing they’re pushing. Some people go as far as to attempt to shame you for it. Never underestimate the internet my friend.
I wil never follow meta in any game.
Ofc I want to be powerful, but having fun is always on first place.
Sometimes you can have both, but I still would rather do my own build rather than copy it from internet
This is the unending struggle of trying to explain Warframe to new players while crusty players lurk around complaining about how too much stuff is "unviable" when their target for that viability isn't reached until level cap roughly 3-4+ continuous hours into endless missions. 🙃
There's a meta in Vermintide??? Nah, jokes aside, I would understand tryharding a meta in a pvp game but, huh, man, you are really playing against yourself in Vermintide, so there's no need to have everything always optimized, here you only win if you have fun. Ngl some of the most funny and enjoyable moments I've had in Vermin was while losing games cause there was tons of laughter, adrenaline and random stuff going on with friends. So yeah, no need to only use the best, rather to make the best out of your fav.
This dude copying Kryptkick 😂
A) Just went through Krypt's channel, didn't see which video you were referring to and
B) There's only so much content you can milk from a game like this, so creators step on each other's toes sometimes. AND
C) This message is actually really important, and I'd be fine with literally every major content creator for the game delivering this message in some way on their channel.
I fail to see what the point of this comment is.
In all the games if u are good only using meta u are not good at all
Damn right