Millennials work on their own brand because they have to in order to get work. A lot of millennials can't find full time jobs and have to live at home or with multiple housemates in order to make ends meet. The generations before were all able to provide better futures for their children, while income inequality is now soaring, incomes are relatively stagnant compared to increases in cost of living, lack of full time jobs means they have to pay for health insurance out of pocket, and in order to make ends meet must juggle multiple "side hustles." A lot of millennials were told that if they just went to college they would get a good job and be able to afford the American Dream, but, unlike for previous generations, that is not the pathway to success (especially with so much college debt incurred). The disillusionment caused by this may be why they appear entitled, and the deluge of opinion piece after opinion piece telling them how awful they are doesn't help either. A lot of the characteristics of a generation are formed in response to their environment, so trying to define some kind of essential character for millennials is quite useless. Look at the economic, political, and social realities of last decade or two and you'll see that their behaviors and decisions are adaptations to the new environment. Why wouldn't they spend their money on experiences when it's impossible for them to buy a car or a house? Why wouldn't they be the most mobile generation when there are so few jobs available to them. So many millennials would settled down if they could afford to. In addition to monetary problems, awareness of social inequalities, environmental issues, etc. deter many millennials from wanting to move to the suburbs. Many older people mock millennials for not being able to live without their devices (which they are attached to since they have to use email, social media, etc. to find work, for their current jobs, and to stay in contact with friends and family) and then those same older people ask millennials to help them with the most basic of digital tasks. Many jobs require digital and social media expertise, so why berate them for having skills that the job market demands? tl;dr -- Millennials have adapted to the environment they have found themselves in and possess the survival skills necessary for the new habitat. It's like comparing people from the country to people to the city: they are suited to the environment that they know and are perfectly competent in that arena, but wouldn't do as well if forced to live in the other's place.
In hispanic families living with your family isn't a sign of failure, it's part of their culture. Generally grandparents live in with the main family too.
@Beverly Huttinger Ok boomer. That wouldn't be the case if y'all hadn't ruined the housing market and driven up college prices while voting in the worst administrations. I wanna know why the same houses are now 4 times the price they were when I was a kid. I do not live with my parents, been on my own for awhile. Glad not to have to depend on the boomer generation. They will actually say things like well the habitable planet is going, but at least we won't be around for it, buncha sociopathic narcissists. Bernie 2020
Why am I as a millennial always have to be labeled as lazy even when we are trying our hardest. Horrible motivation from our parents generations on. They don't realize we don't have the same job opportunities as the other generations. I know several millennials who hold prestigious degrees and no one is hiring them. We are trying our best to pave our way.
I hate these types of segments. The term "millennial" encompasses SUCH a gigantic range of people, how can you reduce a group of 75million+ to such basic traits? Yes, I have some millennial friends who are unemployed and still live at home. I also have millennial friends who are married with three kids and a 9-5 job. I also have millennial friends who own their own businesses and make six figures. Additionally, have millennial friends who are in residency programs at top tier hospitals, professors at universities, and professional athletes. I have millennial who are in the peace corps in South America, and some who have never left their hometown. Older generations love to put labels on younger generations, and it is mind boggling.
Why do you think this is just a problem about labeling millennials? Younger generations blame everything on all baby boomers including voting for Trump, as if the entire boomer generation is to blame for putting him in the WH. The baby boomer generation gets labeled in just the same way you have a problem with millennials being reduced to a few basic traits. Baby boomers range from 1946, born right after WWII to 1964 which is right after JFK was assassinated and were young children during the Vietnam war. There is a big difference between those born at the beginning of a generation and those at the tail end, but they all get lumped in together even though they are not the same. As Gen X and Millenials take over, and new generations come along, they will be blamed too, fairly or not, for all social ills, just as baby boomers are blamed now. This isn't just about older generations putting labels on younger generations though, it happens from both sides, it's just that younger generations never seem to want to admit that fact.
I think we ALL are entitled to be respected.. not just one generation. We all deserve to be happy. And we all deserve to have the freedom and right to do so OUR OWN WAY. All this generation talk only generates hate and ignorance. Titles like these divides us as humans.
I'm in the older group of millenial almost not a millenial. Grew up poor. Can't afford college. Official first job at 17yo but did neighborhood manual labor at 12yo. Growing up we didn't have internet until Win98 and aol were finally available to the lower middle-class.
Congratulations to the guy in the white shirt. He'll make it, no matter what life will throws at him, his parents did a good job too, they should be proud.
Millennial is just another generation label we feel the need the slap on an extremely large and diversified group of people. FYI every generation believes the youngest generation is the laziest.
I don't believe gen z is lazy, and I'm a millennial. I have a lot more respect for them than I do for the sociopathic boomers. We should not pay into their social security bc they voted in administrations that allowed for planetary destruction.
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
I spend over 30 hours volunteering from home, counseling people who have just been diagnosed with ms. I do not get paid. My in laws have told my husband over and over that I'm a loser and I contribute nothing because I have no paycheck. We get by just fine. I have ms myself. I dont know when or if I'll end up blind or in a wheelchair, I refuse to waste my time making money for a company. My time will be spent how I want while i have it. One of the best parts of being a millenial is that we dont feel the need to explain why we want to live life the way we want to. Maybe the baby boomers had great employers. I was in the corporate world and a boss found out I had ms, he went from being a mentor to telling me I was replaceable. Millennials get jobs because they earn them. Baby boomers just knew people. When I entered the workforce my grandparents all told me "it's all about who you know" Our generation is all about, it's what you know and can actually contribute
I'm a Gen Xer, (1979), but on the cusp with Millennials). I do think Millennials get a lot of flake and most don't deserve such hostile stereotypes. Being a Gen Xer, I remember that my generation was also called lazy (slackers). Sure, there are some jerky Millennials, but also jerky Gen Xers, Boomers, Gen Z, etc. but I won't broadly paint them with a single brush.
I was just fired from an office assistant job because I was not fluent with the office equipment. The lawyer I worked for told me, ignorantly, that because I am a millennial that I should know how to operate all forms of technology, as if I was born holding a keyboard.
I got my first job then immediately got a second job I was awake at 5am and got home at 8pm. I work myself to the bone and yet I get rewarded with low pay insults no insurance and no job security. I used to have hope and dreams for stability in my life and country now I have none. My new goal isn't to live the American dream but to leave altogether. I have better prospects in the foreign job market.
Millennials are not entitled, do your homework. If millennials are entitled, it’s privileged middle and upper class white millennials that may be if we are going to make a sweeping generalization
"How are you not dependant on your parents if you live with them?" EXACTLY! Look, I'm a millennial and I lived at home and "paid bills" till I was 28, so I know how it really is. Unless you're helping your parents by paying rent every month, you are dependant on them for shelter. That's not being independent. There's nothing wrong with living at home for a few years to save some money, but don't kid yourself by saying you're financial independent when you can't afford to live on your own.
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
@@charliebinder2599 Older Millenial, or Core Millenial, all those born till 91 are Core Millenials, those born from 92-96 are younger Millenials or Zillenials cause they have Gen Z traits
Because they have stretched the Millenial generation too far, i would say Gen Y finish at 1991 at most, actually those born in 1993-1998 are called Zillenials, they are a microgeneration between Y and Z, they have mixed traits of both generations
I run a bar in a college town and employee all students. The turnover is extremely high because they prioritize School, Social life, Family, Friends/boyfriend's and lastly work. And what's different with this generation is the parents allow it. But when they graduate and have to prioritize their work/career 1st they just can't cope.
Brendon Clark Isn't that the truth man. I rarely ask for days off cause I already have days off in the weekdays. Some of my friends always complain about work but it's what we have to do.
gonna be honest the reason why millennials are called self entitled is 1. what they mislabel entitled is just called self respect and 2. older generations have normalized a lot of abuse, trauma, and exploitative behavior that was done to them and assume that its okay to deal with.
so ridiculous to arbitrarily lump these different individuals w totally different backgrounds, levels of privilege, etc. because of the era they were born.. aren't we smarter than this?
First Name Someone born in 1979 is considered generation X. Millennial Fuckstickery which is more common with millennials in their 20's. It is a fairly new phenomenon.
Being in the cusp age area is so wired with both the gen x and gen z with millennial cusps you don’t fit in with the generations” before and after” and there are pieces you relate to on both sides and no one ever mentions you it’s like they jump over the few years around the time you and your peers or the people you could’ve gone to high school with were born with for example the millennial-gen z cusp stops at 1996 and picks up at 2000 being a cusp of any generation is awesome tho you got the best of both world and when one generation is taking the heat you just switch ships 😂
I think the entitled thing depends on what you take it as. I am asked to work through lunches, stay over everyday, and come in on Saturdays because of another department being behind, not my department. I said one Saturday that I couldn't and it was required for me to work on Saturday I was only helping them out. The person who was head of the department running behind started to guilt trip me and claimed I was being entitled because I wanted to go see my dad. I got told if it was a real issue like if I had children or something then it would matter. I was like well if that is being entitled, then I'm entitled.
So did you say no? (Turn it down). I’d say turn it down, don’t care what he says and whatever accusation he’ll throw at you later, stay calm and state your truth.
I just find it amusing that older generations hate and complain about millennials and newer gens yet when they were younger i guarantee the older gens complained just as much about them. Probably saying same things bout how lazy they are bc they have cars and how tv is making them stupid or something.
goodvibration idk what if you watch the show how its made you then learned how something was made adding to your knowledge. I watched a lot of tv shows that taught me things. Survivorman taught me badic surviving skills in various situations ive learned about various countries and cultures through television. It depends on what you watch really. I learned to cook and different recipes from food network. Anyway i could go on about the many things ive learned from tv shows.
cidz trying things yourself will teach you far more than a television can, and for things you don't plan to do yourself than you're just wasting time. Tv doesn't just teach how and why, it also teaches people what to think. That's not something you typically notice unless trained. People always try to push their ideas on others and the only cure is to experience things on your own without differing to others
@@SA2004YG Sure you can learn things on your own, but you can learn alot more from other people. "Smart people learn from everyone and everything, average ones from experience, the stupid ones already have all the answers." -Socrates
As a ‘91 millennial raised by Boomer parents I don’t understand the entitlement thing they all agreed to. I was raised that the world doesn’t owe you a thing and you need to work for what you want. I agreed with some things like the older millennials being the transitional generation, though.
I am a cusper Gen Y. Most of my friends, girlfriends, life connections, and siblings have been Gen X. I do not resent being Gen Y, but I never had even a crapoy Nokia until I moved away from home. Most of my life internet was this slow beast that gave you "untrustworthy information". I did not even get a smartphone until someone gave me one in 2013. I thought, oh cool I can check the weather now. I am more involved in the digital world out of necessity, but I never forgot something an old friend said..."Man I don't even like talking to a speaker in a drive through window. I want to meet people face to face." I think we all lost that connection
A lot of the problems the millennials are facing are not their fault. Most parents want their children to have life easier than they had it growing up. Sometimes we forget that it was the hardships that we faced that molded us into the person that we are today. We compensate for what we lacked growing up by giving our children more and more. This is then combined with helicopter parents that have to be in contact with their children every minute of the day and will not let their children grow up. Add social media to the mix and it is no wonder there are millennials that are facing a hard time adjusting to adult life. Jobs have went overseas and our country is not producing goods like we use to. There are not as many entry level jobs in any profession. You have to work 2 jobs to be able to buy as much as you did in the 80's and 90's even though minimum wage is higher. In the 80's, factory jobs were paying from 5 to 10 dollars and sometime more an hour after you got experience with no formal education at all. You could buy a new car for around $5,000 to $7,000 and a pretty nice house for around $10,000. Some people are making 10 dollars an hour or even less today and prices of cars and houses has sky rocketed along with the prices of everything else. We are not going to straighten out economy out until we bring jobs back and until then, millennials are going to have a hard time competing with older generations that cannot afford to retire, Added to that, the new age of retirement for many people born in the 60's is 67 instead of 65 which will be keeping a lot more people in the job market longer.
These young people do indeed work hard and will be terrific employees after they gain some experience Good for them !! Impatience is a trait of all young's a GOOD trait in the long run. Where they DO fall down however is understanding what came BEFORE them. They have very little understanding of history, and society before their time. Yes they learned about it in school to some degree....but their perception of "difficulty" and the older generation's knowledge of it, are very different. The one young man's comment about "the world left to us" is indicative of that. The world left to these young people is HUGELY more easy, and open for opportunity than prior generations (especially boomers and their parents ) had !!!
I dont feel apart of the same generation as millennials but I guess I am considered one I was born in 1996 some articles I read have said that makes you a millennial while others have said that the cut off for a millennial is 1995
How is every person now "A Brand"? That is one of the major thoughts in millennial thinking........ Our Parents didn't go to work at the Factories thinking "What is BRAND as a Factory Worker".
This is the clip I was looking for. They said I live with my parents but I don't depend on them. You aren't living on your own, so you are depending on them!! Hello!! What is wrong with them??
Angelisa Hassan you are an emotional individual. You just took a situation told by a stranger and related it to your life. She specifically said she doesn't depend on her parents, but she lives with them. She didn't say I live with my parents because they depend on me. There's a difference. And how is indicating misguided behavior acting "stuck-up?" I don't think you have an understanding of what snobbery is.
5stardrvm how do you live with your parents yet not depend on them? Do you really think even if they were paying a share of the rent or mortgage that's equivalent to living on your own? I can just picture some of these folks paying their cell phone bill, car insurance, buying food, but writing their names on the food they buy. Come on stop that.
I think a lot of people put so much pressure on us millennials lol we're misjudged by other generations before us and they love to label the generation after ours as the greatest as if they're not even open minded to others opinions they want everybody to understand their destination in life but will definitely hold you up to their expectations and make sure that they get the upper hand in being right and getting what they want just saying no hate but everybody looks at them as the generation of technology and it's ashame because us millennials were the grateful bunch this other generation is the unappreciated bunch trust me but thanks to gen x we're known to be creatures SMH
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
Oh come on. Define “entitled.” And we ARE hard working entrepreneurs. We embrace capitalism! And no I don’t need a dang participation trophy. That’s degrading. But if I did a good job, I expect to hear I did a good job. And working smarter is more important than working hard. Mules work hard. I bet productivity declines if you work more than 8 hours.
@Jo Gill Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
Exactly. “I pay my own bills.”... Really... so, You pay for the rent? the mortgage? property taxes? insurance? Utilities? ... Really..? This generation has such Delusions of Grandeur and Self importance... please move out of your parent’s home, be 100% financially independent and accountable... it will tough at first and you will make mistakes. but it’ll be ok. and the best education for you. truly.... then and only then make a your statement.
mcmraw I agree with this. I didn’t get what they meant. Unless they are contributing to costs, the same way they would with a roommate, then they are not independent.
Hey, idiot. When they say they bills, it usually includes more than just rent, even if they didn't name off every minute detail for a short measly news segment. I worked with a lot of boomers and gen-xers that were absolutely worthless, and you're probably no different than they were.
many are confused by addressing an envelope, telling time or any other basic life skill that even the developmentally challenged are still taught but has been lost to technology for most of them them. Well, technology or over coddled environments that catered to their overinflated self importance.
Catherine Rampel very well could be the prettiest little girl on the face of the earth and I am sorry to have to use that in a wrong way but god bless that girl is absolutely perfect
My Momma Always Said "You Wanna Be GROWN Get Yo OWN". IDC How Many Bills You Pay Living With Your Parents You Still Can't Do What You Wanna Do In Their House(At Least In My BLK Home You Can't)You Can Pay Half The Bills And Still Can't Do What Ya Momma Doing. So With That Being Said You Know That My House My Rules Never Stops, So Technically You're Still Living The Same Way As It Was When She Was Raising Her CHILD. P.S. I Moved Out Mom's House At 19 and Been Paying Rent and Bills Ever Since😭😭😭.....If My House My Rules Didn't Apply In Her House I'd Haul ASZ Back Home🏃🏾♂️🏃🏾♂️🏃🏾♂️
6:33 I think you need to do or get step 5 before you can do step 4............ graduating college is great but, no career.... then it is pointless... that is where I am at.... I finished my bachelors 2 years ago but, i have not found or landed a career yet..... plus I am still paying off the degree working part time in a unrelated minimum wage job....
You live with your parents but u don't depend on them? paying a car note or a cell phone bill doesn't count lmao! By living with them u depend on them by default.
“You live with your parents but you don’t depend on them. How does that work” Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Those chicks aren’t real adults. Dude in the white shirt is boss. He’s going to do well no matter what.
Mary Pickford u can live with them but, they don’t pay ur bills and also, u contribute as much as u can. I know so many people that still live with their parents and, the parents pay for everything including their adult children’s bills, etc. this right here is called entitlement.
@@WWETHROWBACKWILSON That is not considered entitlement at all, that is actually very supportive of the parents to cover their millennial child’s essential expenses (especially if the parents make much more from their established careers vs. what a millennial can make at an entry-level job) as that would aid the millennial child to save their money, generate income, avoid debt, raise their credit score, invest money into beneficial investments, have access to healthier food, be near to family support, keep them from struggling to pay bills which would actually hold them back from having a successful life goals and plans, etc. Think about that.....🤔✅✅
@@thaliasngoo9490 Actually those born from 1993-1998 are Zillenials, not Millenials, they have Z traits, someone from the 80's dont have anything in common with someone born in the mid-late 90s
@@Filmbuff580 I don’t have Z traits I don’t eat tide pods I aslo don’t believe in communism or fascism I’m conservative pro gun pro life god loveing American
The question wasn’t if they were financially dependent on their parents. The question was if they were dependent on their parents. If you live at home, regardless of your financial situation, you are 100% dependent on your parents.
you guys were fed that bullshyt that if you go to college you were def gonna get a job...thats the majority of the millenials and older ones a gen x and didnt fall for that bullshyt
I didn't buy into the college=job unless it's a specialized field like medicine. I always thought college was for brain exercise, stretch and bend my brain so I can adapt to adulthood which includes work.
calaragazza By your asinine comments, you’re definitely a troll. This is a piece on Millennials - not Zoomers. 🙄 We are adults now. You also might want to learn when actual old age begins, not what feels “old” to you personally, because your mommy and daddy still pay for everything. 😂
These people are just gonna say stuff not to look like millennials. Please lol....they are just saying stuff that YOU as a person want to hear...i wouldn't physically know a person until i work with them....i work with millenials and they cant wait to leave work...they cut corners when working and they throw work on you rather than finishing it themselves...sorry MO
Oh, please cry me a river, so 😷 of the 😢 babies there is no such thing as anyone genreation being entitled go for it and stop looking for others to blame!!
The guy in white shirt is probably a baby boomer but trapped in a millennial body.
I completely agree! Love his “baby boomer” sense of sarcasm to stupid comments.
I'm a baby boomer in a millennial body.
I think you mean he grew up with money and privilege
@Twisty The Clown nab
Millennials work on their own brand because they have to in order to get work. A lot of millennials can't find full time jobs and have to live at home or with multiple housemates in order to make ends meet. The generations before were all able to provide better futures for their children, while income inequality is now soaring, incomes are relatively stagnant compared to increases in cost of living, lack of full time jobs means they have to pay for health insurance out of pocket, and in order to make ends meet must juggle multiple "side hustles." A lot of millennials were told that if they just went to college they would get a good job and be able to afford the American Dream, but, unlike for previous generations, that is not the pathway to success (especially with so much college debt incurred). The disillusionment caused by this may be why they appear entitled, and the deluge of opinion piece after opinion piece telling them how awful they are doesn't help either. A lot of the characteristics of a generation are formed in response to their environment, so trying to define some kind of essential character for millennials is quite useless. Look at the economic, political, and social realities of last decade or two and you'll see that their behaviors and decisions are adaptations to the new environment. Why wouldn't they spend their money on experiences when it's impossible for them to buy a car or a house? Why wouldn't they be the most mobile generation when there are so few jobs available to them. So many millennials would settled down if they could afford to. In addition to monetary problems, awareness of social inequalities, environmental issues, etc. deter many millennials from wanting to move to the suburbs. Many older people mock millennials for not being able to live without their devices (which they are attached to since they have to use email, social media, etc. to find work, for their current jobs, and to stay in contact with friends and family) and then those same older people ask millennials to help them with the most basic of digital tasks. Many jobs require digital and social media expertise, so why berate them for having skills that the job market demands? tl;dr -- Millennials have adapted to the environment they have found themselves in and possess the survival skills necessary for the new habitat. It's like comparing people from the country to people to the city: they are suited to the environment that they know and are perfectly competent in that arena, but wouldn't do as well if forced to live in the other's place.
I agree with this statement
In hispanic families living with your family isn't a sign of failure, it's part of their culture. Generally grandparents live in with the main family too.
@Beverly Huttinger Ok boomer. That wouldn't be the case if y'all hadn't ruined the housing market and driven up college prices while voting in the worst administrations. I wanna know why the same houses are now 4 times the price they were when I was a kid. I do not live with my parents, been on my own for awhile. Glad not to have to depend on the boomer generation. They will actually say things like well the habitable planet is going, but at least we won't be around for it, buncha sociopathic narcissists. Bernie 2020
I agree with this statement as well.
dude in the white shirt was born in '77...i got receipts!
The Black Introvert So he is like my brother both Generation X and Xiennial.
Katrina Umana long live the xennial.born in 78.
I guess he must have an old soul
Why am I as a millennial always have to be labeled as lazy even when we are trying our hardest. Horrible motivation from our parents generations on. They don't realize we don't have the same job opportunities as the other generations. I know several millennials who hold prestigious degrees and no one is hiring them. We are trying our best to pave our way.
If you truly believe that you’re not lazy. *why do you need that kind of validation* if you’re truly doing your best, stop waiting for praise
Don't worry what other people think and do your job best you can and everything will be perfect 😊😊😊
I hate these types of segments. The term "millennial" encompasses SUCH a gigantic range of people, how can you reduce a group of 75million+ to such basic traits? Yes, I have some millennial friends who are unemployed and still live at home. I also have millennial friends who are married with three kids and a 9-5 job. I also have millennial friends who own their own businesses and make six figures. Additionally, have millennial friends who are in residency programs at top tier hospitals, professors at universities, and professional athletes. I have millennial who are in the peace corps in South America, and some who have never left their hometown. Older generations love to put labels on younger generations, and it is mind boggling.
moiraine_damodred CIA likes sterotypes.
moiraine_damodred......Nice point.
Why do you think this is just a problem about labeling millennials? Younger generations blame everything on all baby boomers including voting for Trump, as if the entire boomer generation is to blame for putting him in the WH. The baby boomer generation gets labeled in just the same way you have a problem with millennials being reduced to a few basic traits. Baby boomers range from 1946, born right after WWII to 1964 which is right after JFK was assassinated and were young children during the Vietnam war. There is a big difference between those born at the beginning of a generation and those at the tail end, but they all get lumped in together even though they are not the same. As Gen X and Millenials take over, and new generations come along, they will be blamed too, fairly or not, for all social ills, just as baby boomers are blamed now. This isn't just about older generations putting labels on younger generations though, it happens from both sides, it's just that younger generations never seem to want to admit that fact.
I think we ALL are entitled to be respected.. not just one generation. We all deserve to be happy. And we all deserve to have the freedom and right to do so OUR OWN WAY. All this generation talk only generates hate and ignorance. Titles like these divides us as humans.
I'm in the older group of millenial almost not a millenial.
Grew up poor. Can't afford college. Official first job at 17yo but did neighborhood manual labor at 12yo.
Growing up we didn't have internet until Win98 and aol were finally available to the lower middle-class.
You sound like me but I started working at 14 and got a real job at 18.
Congratulations to the guy in the white shirt. He'll make it, no matter what life will throws at him, his parents did a good job too, they should be proud.
Ok boomer
This has been the most positive conversation I've heard regarding millennials since the title "millennial" came on the scene.
Yes agree with you
Millennial is just another generation label we feel the need the slap on an extremely large and diversified group of people. FYI every generation believes the youngest generation is the laziest.
I don't believe gen z is lazy, and I'm a millennial. I have a lot more respect for them than I do for the sociopathic boomers. We should not pay into their social security bc they voted in administrations that allowed for planetary destruction.
you live at home but pay all your bills. Did you forget your living for free so your not paying all your bills
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
I think that's why the interviewer said "moving on " so quickly.
I spend over 30 hours volunteering from home, counseling people who have just been diagnosed with ms. I do not get paid. My in laws have told my husband over and over that I'm a loser and I contribute nothing because I have no paycheck. We get by just fine. I have ms myself. I dont know when or if I'll end up blind or in a wheelchair, I refuse to waste my time making money for a company. My time will be spent how I want while i have it.
One of the best parts of being a millenial is that we dont feel the need to explain why we want to live life the way we want to.
Maybe the baby boomers had great employers. I was in the corporate world and a boss found out I had ms, he went from being a mentor to telling me I was replaceable.
Millennials get jobs because they earn them. Baby boomers just knew people.
When I entered the workforce my grandparents all told me "it's all about who you know"
Our generation is all about, it's what you know and can actually contribute
I'm a Gen Xer, (1979), but on the cusp with Millennials). I do think Millennials get a lot of flake and most don't deserve such hostile stereotypes. Being a Gen Xer, I remember that my generation was also called lazy (slackers). Sure, there are some jerky Millennials, but also jerky Gen Xers, Boomers, Gen Z, etc. but I won't broadly paint them with a single brush.
the guy in white is more gen x or cusper minded
baby boomers are so confused on why we have a college degree but cant find an okay paying job
I was just fired from an office assistant job because I was not fluent with the office equipment. The lawyer I worked for told me, ignorantly, that because I am a millennial that I should know how to operate all forms of technology, as if I was born holding a keyboard.
I got my first job then immediately got a second job I was awake at 5am and got home at 8pm. I work myself to the bone and yet I get rewarded with low pay insults no insurance and no job security. I used to have hope and dreams for stability in my life and country now I have none. My new goal isn't to live the American dream but to leave altogether. I have better prospects in the foreign job market.
Millennials are not entitled, do your homework. If millennials are entitled, it’s privileged middle and upper class white millennials that may be if we are going to make a sweeping generalization
Mammoth Frontier I think it’s a ploy to marginalize us to make it easier to exploit us. We’re not overworked and underpaid we are lazy
"How are you not dependant on your parents if you live with them?" EXACTLY! Look, I'm a millennial and I lived at home and "paid bills" till I was 28, so I know how it really is. Unless you're helping your parents by paying rent every month, you are dependant on them for shelter. That's not being independent. There's nothing wrong with living at home for a few years to save some money, but don't kid yourself by saying you're financial independent when you can't afford to live on your own.
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
Also, I believe she is the same person working full-time and running her own business so maybe it's not an affordability issue.
Being 35 I am at the older side but I must say blah blah blah
im 32 what am i ??
@@charliebinder2599 Older Millenial, or Core Millenial, all those born till 91 are Core Millenials, those born from 92-96 are younger Millenials or Zillenials cause they have Gen Z traits
I'm 36 about to be 37 so I'm older than even the oldest millennial, I'm a Xennial. Couldn't they have thrown in one Xennial .
It's really so stupid that someone born in 1980 is part of the same generation as someone born in 1993.
Because they have stretched the Millenial generation too far, i would say Gen Y finish at 1991 at most, actually those born in 1993-1998 are called Zillenials, they are a microgeneration between Y and Z, they have mixed traits of both generations
They were contradicting themselves if you ask me. How are you entitled but work a full time job?
I run a bar in a college town and employee all students. The turnover is extremely high because they prioritize School, Social life, Family, Friends/boyfriend's and lastly work. And what's different with this generation is the parents allow it. But when they graduate and have to prioritize their work/career 1st they just can't cope.
Brendon Clark Isn't that the truth man. I rarely ask for days off cause I already have days off in the weekdays. Some of my friends always complain about work but it's what we have to do.
teebone 21 That is true. I used to work at a Bistro type restaruant so it was kind of the same but classy.
They work at a bar and I bet you don't pay them enough and all their income is based on tips. You expect people to work with such a bad trade off?
College kids today aren't Millenials... Millenials already graduated college unless they're attending graduate school or they went in later.
I'd say they should prioritize school over some college bar job :/ Why don't u hire boomers? Oh that's right, they prob won't accept ur wages.
I worked harder and was paid less in my 20s also. I thought it was normal.
I'm gonna feel like this since I'm an old gen z talking to the younger people
gonna be honest the reason why millennials are called self entitled is 1. what they mislabel entitled is just called self respect and 2. older generations have normalized a lot of abuse, trauma, and exploitative behavior that was done to them and assume that its okay to deal with.
so ridiculous to arbitrarily lump these different individuals w totally different backgrounds, levels of privilege, etc. because of the era they were born.. aren't we smarter than this?
My sister was born in 1982, making her a millenial, she will claim gen x to death. It's funny.
First Name Because she is closer to that generation in terms of culture.
Not really, 1965 is far different then 1982.
First Name Someone born in 1979 is considered generation X. Millennial Fuckstickery which is more common with millennials in their 20's. It is a fairly new phenomenon.
First Name I'm in the same boat. Gen x mixed with a little Mill. Help me I'm old. I've seen floppy disk. F*cking floppy disk. I need a beer
First Name lmao same with my sister
Being in the cusp age area is so wired with both the gen x and gen z with millennial cusps you don’t fit in with the generations” before and after” and there are pieces you relate to on both sides and no one ever mentions you it’s like they jump over the few years around the time you and your peers or the people you could’ve gone to high school with were born with for example the millennial-gen z cusp stops at 1996 and picks up at 2000 being a cusp of any generation is awesome tho you got the best of both world and when one generation is taking the heat you just switch ships 😂
I think the entitled thing depends on what you take it as. I am asked to work through lunches, stay over everyday, and come in on Saturdays because of another department being behind, not my department. I said one Saturday that I couldn't and it was required for me to work on Saturday I was only helping them out. The person who was head of the department running behind started to guilt trip me and claimed I was being entitled because I wanted to go see my dad. I got told if it was a real issue like if I had children or something then it would matter. I was like well if that is being entitled, then I'm entitled.
U have a life outside of work/career and these companies don't like the fact that people are taking control of there own lives.
So did you say no? (Turn it down). I’d say turn it down, don’t care what he says and whatever accusation he’ll throw at you later, stay calm and state your truth.
I think he’s the one entitled over your time
I like the white shirt guy, I kind of relate to him I feel like a 40 year old in a teenagers body
I just find it amusing that older generations hate and complain about millennials and newer gens yet when they were younger i guarantee the older gens complained just as much about them. Probably saying same things bout how lazy they are bc they have cars and how tv is making them stupid or something.
cidz tbf, tv does make you stupid
goodvibration idk what if you watch the show how its made you then learned how something was made adding to your knowledge. I watched a lot of tv shows that taught me things. Survivorman taught me badic surviving skills in various situations ive learned about various countries and cultures through television. It depends on what you watch really. I learned to cook and different recipes from food network. Anyway i could go on about the many things ive learned from tv shows.
cidz trying things yourself will teach you far more than a television can, and for things you don't plan to do yourself than you're just wasting time. Tv doesn't just teach how and why, it also teaches people what to think. That's not something you typically notice unless trained. People always try to push their ideas on others and the only cure is to experience things on your own without differing to others
Yes they did. That you tuber that does the videos "today I found out..." has a video on that point. I want to say his name is Simon.
Sure you can learn things on your own, but you can learn alot more from other people.
"Smart people learn from everyone and everything, average ones from experience, the stupid ones already have all the answers." -Socrates
As a ‘91 millennial raised by Boomer parents I don’t understand the entitlement thing they all agreed to. I was raised that the world doesn’t owe you a thing and you need to work for what you want. I agreed with some things like the older millennials being the transitional generation, though.
It's been this way for 20 years.
The low interest rate generation. Never experienced 10% base rates.
They are entitled means they refuse to live in the hood.
Living at home with your parents, whether you pay your own bills or not, is 100% being dependent on them…
I am a cusper Gen Y. Most of my friends, girlfriends, life connections, and siblings have been Gen X. I do not resent being Gen Y, but I never had even a crapoy Nokia until I moved away from home. Most of my life internet was this slow beast that gave you "untrustworthy information". I did not even get a smartphone until someone gave me one in 2013. I thought, oh cool I can check the weather now. I am more involved in the digital world out of necessity, but I never forgot something an old friend said..."Man I don't even like talking to a speaker in a drive through window. I want to meet people face to face." I think we all lost that connection
A lot of the problems the millennials are facing are not their fault. Most parents want their children to have life easier than they had it growing up. Sometimes we forget that it was the hardships that we faced that molded us into the person that we are today. We compensate for what we lacked growing up by giving our children more and more. This is then combined with helicopter parents that have to be in contact with their children every minute of the day and will not let their children grow up. Add social media to the mix and it is no wonder there are millennials that are facing a hard time adjusting to adult life. Jobs have went overseas and our country is not producing goods like we use to. There are not as many entry level jobs in any profession. You have to work 2 jobs to be able to buy as much as you did in the 80's and 90's even though minimum wage is higher. In the 80's, factory jobs were paying from 5 to 10 dollars and sometime more an hour after you got experience with no formal education at all. You could buy a new car for around $5,000 to $7,000 and a pretty nice house for around $10,000. Some people are making 10 dollars an hour or even less today and prices of cars and houses has sky rocketed along with the prices of everything else. We are not going to straighten out economy out until we bring jobs back and until then, millennials are going to have a hard time competing with older generations that cannot afford to retire, Added to that, the new age of retirement for many people born in the 60's is 67 instead of 65 which will be keeping a lot more people in the job market longer.
I agree with most of what you're saying. My hardships (and a conservative father) did mold me into who I am today and I am eternally thankful.
These young people do indeed work hard and will be terrific employees after they gain some experience Good for them !! Impatience is a trait of all young's a GOOD trait in the long run.
Where they DO fall down however is understanding what came BEFORE them. They have very little understanding of history, and society before their time. Yes they learned about it in school to some degree....but their perception of "difficulty" and the older generation's knowledge of it, are very different. The one young man's comment about "the world left to us" is indicative of that. The world left to these young people is HUGELY more easy, and open for opportunity than prior generations (especially boomers and their parents ) had !!!
I dont feel apart of the same generation as millennials but I guess I am considered one I was born in 1996 some articles I read have said that makes you a millennial while others have said that the cut off for a millennial is 1995
Lol dude I’m born the same year and I feel exactly the same
You’re not one, you’re generation Z.
@@Rami358able I dont have any memories of kindergarten
This video is best about my generation 😊😊😊😊
I am so sick of the hypocrisy of millennials who claim to care about companies' ethics and then go home and watch PornHub.
How is every person now "A Brand"? That is one of the major thoughts in millennial thinking........ Our Parents didn't go to work at the Factories thinking "What is BRAND as a Factory Worker".
This is the clip I was looking for. They said I live with my parents but I don't depend on them. You aren't living on your own, so you are depending on them!! Hello!! What is wrong with them??
Angelisa Hassan you are an emotional individual. You just took a situation told by a stranger and related it to your life. She specifically said she doesn't depend on her parents, but she lives with them. She didn't say I live with my parents because they depend on me. There's a difference. And how is indicating misguided behavior acting "stuck-up?" I don't think you have an understanding of what snobbery is.
New Jack Swing you can pay your portion of the rent and not depend on them. just like you would a room mate. i guess some kind of mutual ownership
Beverly Huttinger the generation before those family's have money to do that. they did the same things
New Jack Swing lmao. but she has a point. there are many who are in the same situation she is in
5stardrvm how do you live with your parents yet not depend on them? Do you really think even if they were paying a share of the rent or mortgage that's equivalent to living on your own? I can just picture some of these folks paying their cell phone bill, car insurance, buying food, but writing their names on the food they buy. Come on stop that.
I think a lot of people put so much pressure on us millennials lol we're misjudged by other generations before us and they love to label the generation after ours as the greatest as if they're not even open minded to others opinions they want everybody to understand their destination in life but will definitely hold you up to their expectations and make sure that they get the upper hand in being right and getting what they want just saying no hate but everybody looks at them as the generation of technology and it's ashame because us millennials were the grateful bunch this other generation is the unappreciated bunch trust me but thanks to gen x we're known to be creatures SMH
If you are living at your parents, you are relying on them
Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
Us elder millennials are now having 16 to 18 yr olds what are they called???
I was told i was a millennial even though i was born in 1977 and i don't see how?
@@Rami358able I agree I'm a Xennial as well,thanks👍
Oh come on. Define “entitled.” And we ARE hard working entrepreneurs. We embrace capitalism! And no I don’t need a dang participation trophy. That’s degrading. But if I did a good job, I expect to hear I did a good job. And working smarter is more important than working hard. Mules work hard. I bet productivity declines if you work more than 8 hours.
Hahaha I live with my parents but I don't depend on them, smart move.
Angelisa Hassan Then your mother should be living with you.
@Jo Gill that's OK. In America you should live with family. You should learn from other cultures and help your people.
@Jo Gill Some people pay their parents' rent so it's definitely possible to live with them and not depend on them. I was shocked someone with an ounce of a clue about the world had to ask that question....not everything is so black and white.
yes i would say this is so true. i would love this ideas for me! i want to stop the perspectives
Are you eating avocado toast right now? I hear millennials love it...
Gayle just had to get that last demeaning snipe in there ...typical boomer🙄
It just took 3 years for all millennials to be labeled as old and now Generation Z is the new youth group.
Exactly. “I pay my own bills.”... Really... so, You pay for the rent? the mortgage? property taxes? insurance? Utilities? ... Really..? This generation has such Delusions of Grandeur and Self importance... please move out of your parent’s home, be 100% financially independent and accountable... it will tough at first and you will make mistakes. but it’ll be ok. and the best education for you. truly.... then and only then make a your statement.
mcmraw I agree with this. I didn’t get what they meant. Unless they are contributing to costs, the same way they would with a roommate, then they are not independent.
thegaygaymerchannel your comment doesn’t make sense to me. Sorry.
Hey, idiot. When they say they bills, it usually includes more than just rent, even if they didn't name off every minute detail for a short measly news segment. I worked with a lot of boomers and gen-xers that were absolutely worthless, and you're probably no different than they were.
The guy with the deep voice seems level-headed
many are confused by addressing an envelope, telling time or any other basic life skill that even the developmentally challenged are still taught but has been lost to technology for most of them them. Well, technology or over coddled environments that catered to their overinflated self importance.
We're as "entitled" to reap the rewards of our hard work as anyone else. We just happen to realize it.
it's not even the same generation.
The white shirt guy is the worst rep 🤣 Okay Boomer.
This could have some value if they asked like 10 thousand millennials not 6
It really isn't their fault. We baby boomers tried to protect them to much.
She works a sales job and is afraid of calling people? Are you kidding me?
I’m so embarrassed to be associated with her , honestly. 🤦🏻♂️
you just proved the "sensitive/offended" element of millennials with your comment
Catherine Rampel very well could be the prettiest little girl on the face of the earth and I am sorry to have to use that in a wrong way but god bless that girl is absolutely perfect
They think they know it all, come back after 50 and tell us how your doing kids.
You still don't know anything, silly old hag.
They never said they know everything tho
My Momma Always Said "You Wanna Be GROWN Get Yo OWN". IDC How Many Bills You Pay Living With Your Parents You Still Can't Do What You Wanna Do In Their House(At Least In My BLK Home You Can't)You Can Pay Half The Bills And Still Can't Do What Ya Momma Doing. So With That Being Said You Know That My House My Rules Never Stops, So Technically You're Still Living The Same Way As It Was When She Was Raising Her CHILD.
P.S. I Moved Out Mom's House At 19 and Been Paying Rent and Bills Ever Since😭😭😭.....If My House My Rules Didn't Apply In Her House I'd Haul ASZ Back Home🏃🏾♂️🏃🏾♂️🏃🏾♂️
At least you were allowed to use CAPS freely
@@vampirehunterd4192 So I TAKE It YOU Had To ASK Permission For USAGE 🥴 and They Only Allowed You ONE WORD At A TIME HUH🧏🏾♂️ 🥴🤣🤦🏾♂️
What's up with the skunk?
6:33 I think you need to do or get step 5 before you can do step 4............ graduating college is great but, no career.... then it is pointless... that is where I am at.... I finished my bachelors 2 years ago but, i have not found or landed a career yet..... plus I am still paying off the degree working part time in a unrelated minimum wage job....
BS in information systems
White shirt guy “ hello my fellow millennials”
You live with your parents but u don't depend on them? paying a car note or a cell phone bill doesn't count lmao! By living with them u depend on them by default.
Should have listen to older brothers and sisters in Gen-x, while big baby boomers and millennials battle it out Gen-x is getting the job done.
is Amy sure she's not a Millennial? LMAO! xD
“You live with your parents but you don’t depend on them. How does that work”
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Those chicks aren’t real adults.
Dude in the white shirt is boss. He’s going to do well no matter what.
Mary Pickford u can live with them but, they don’t pay ur bills and also, u contribute as much as u can.
I know so many people that still live with their parents and, the parents pay for everything including their adult children’s bills, etc. this right here is called entitlement.
@@WWETHROWBACKWILSON That is not considered entitlement at all, that is actually very supportive of the parents to cover their millennial child’s essential expenses (especially if the parents make much more from their established careers vs. what a millennial can make at an entry-level job) as that would aid the millennial child to save their money, generate income, avoid debt, raise their credit score, invest money into beneficial investments, have access to healthier food, be near to family support, keep them from struggling to pay bills which would actually hold them back from having a successful life goals and plans, etc. Think about that.....🤔✅✅
It sucks being a millennial with a old soul 😔😔😔
Not that bad
White shirt dude looks like he’s about to fight
born in 88, what gen am i ??
Generation Y or Millennials (born between 1981 and 1994/6)
@@thaliasngoo9490 Actually those born from 1993-1998 are Zillenials, not Millenials, they have Z traits, someone from the 80's dont have anything in common with someone born in the mid-late 90s
@@Filmbuff580 Okay, thanks for enlightening us.
@@Filmbuff580 That's not true though that's what so called scientists say to divide people.
@@Filmbuff580 I don’t have Z traits I don’t eat tide pods
I aslo don’t believe in communism or fascism
I’m conservative pro gun pro life god loveing American
Luke the guy in the white 🤮 you can live at home and not be financially dependent on them. Ugh he brought the whole group vibe down
The question wasn’t if they were financially dependent on their parents. The question was if they were dependent on their parents. If you live at home, regardless of your financial situation, you are 100% dependent on your parents.
you guys were fed that bullshyt that if you go to college you were def gonna get a job...thats the majority of the millenials and older ones a gen x and didnt fall for that bullshyt
I didn't buy into the college=job unless it's a specialized field like medicine. I always thought college was for brain exercise, stretch and bend my brain so I can adapt to adulthood which includes work.
Those of us born between 1977-1985 are Xennials.
alguien puede traducir el video y ponerlo en la caja de comentarios?
Oh look!, you found a few mellinnials that have actually interacted with people! OMG!
Who tf are these millenials?
idc what some sources may say, the late 90s should be with the rest of the 90s.
That redhead is kinda annoying
Where do I fall, I'm 28.
@calaragazza People thinking people in their 20s are old. 😂
@calaragazza OMG THIRTY?! People practically need new hips by then! 😂Man, are you going to hate getting older. lmao.
calaragazza No, I’m just not 12, and dependent on my mom’s internet. 😂
calaragazza By your asinine comments, you’re definitely a troll. This is a piece on Millennials - not Zoomers. 🙄 We are adults now. You also might want to learn when actual old age begins, not what feels “old” to you personally, because your mommy and daddy still pay for everything. 😂
These people are just gonna say stuff not to look like millennials. Please lol....they are just saying stuff that YOU as a person want to hear...i wouldn't physically know a person until i work with them....i work with millenials and they cant wait to leave work...they cut corners when working and they throw work on you rather than finishing it themselves...sorry MO
Oh, please cry me a river, so 😷 of the 😢 babies there is no such thing as anyone genreation being entitled go for it and stop looking for others to blame!!
Ok boomer
So I pay my own bills but I live with them. Guy in the white shirt aight imma head out.
Let’s move on lol 2:55
I'm a millineal and make 250k a year working married men who are sugar daddies. It's the oldest profession in the world. Your just all jealous.