I don’t actually think she did but I’m only half-way through the video. To me it seems like she’s saying, ‘yeah they’re right but we got no one else so we’ve gotta support them’ The reality is that millennial are the most responsible, hard-working generation yet. Statistically.
As a millennial I never understood the whole "participation trophy" thing, because lets be real no millennial wanted a participation trophy. Our parents wanted us to get participation trophies the Baby Boomers and the Gen Xers yet Millennials are the one to get the bad wrap for it.
I never really understood it either. In the sense of sports, I was in sports when I was younger and they kept score but also gave out participation trophies. I always played my hardest no matter what and never cared about the trophies other than thinking it is a cool souvenir thing. I don't want things handed to me for no reason, it just doesn't seem right and it feels more like an insult than anything else. It always looked to me like those who got participation trophies were more so forced to have them by those who were older giving it to them. There are going to be some people who just want to be handed things in life, really there are those types of people in any generation, but I personally don't find anything fulfilling in that, and there are many who agree with me on that.
I didn't mind participation trophies, but I also didn't see them as a reward for my skill or effort. For me, they were just a keepsake for that activity, something I could look at and be reminded of the time I participated. The fact that it was a trophy had little meaning for me. A picture would have served the same purpose.
I remember when that nonsense started taking hold and they began handing those out at school events. You would find those trophies, banners, ribbons etc. whatever they used littered all over the place, but you wouldn't find one 1st, 2nd or 3rd place trophy anywhere. Lesson: child won't value what they weren't taught to work hard and accomplish and the same lesson applies in life. Why do most people who win the lottery either end up broke inside of around a year or end up destroying their family and dividing it? They don't value what they didn't have to earn. We need to stop teaching this generation that there is merit without struggle or hard work.
I agree wholeheartedly, they way older generations treat the younger generation is damaging. I'm a millennial and all the talk of us being entitled & self absorbed has made me bitter towards older generations, I'm trying not to be bitter because that's not doing anything productive. We need to lift each other up.
Aimee, don't give up on the older generations. Yes, some do lump the millennials into one group, which is wrong... but don't do the same with their generation. As a College Professor I appreciate the dialog between generations... and I absolutely love the millennials. Lindsay's statement of explaining the "Why" is so important and I speak to this with the other generations in my non-traditional classes. I applaud you, lift each other up is correct, we're listening.
Sometimes you need to shame someone to see change and sometimes you don't it all depends on if they want to learn the hard way, but first you must understand that no 2 people are the same.
I don't usually agree with such heavy-handedness. Certainly no 2 people are the same, but if a person wants to learn the hard way, it is likely because there are too many who have sought to teach them (in a different sense) "the hard way." If the mentee has objections, let the mentor have themental and emotional sagacity to adress the undelrlying objections and dispatch them with patience and understanding first. Occasionally there is an added complication, but that, also can be dealt with in matter eays that usually is done. Example: A leader has a problem with a disruptive group member. However the disruptive person also know his behaviour is doing neither himself or anyone else any good. More specifically, this was my case in a job where both I and the employer were losing money that could have been in addition to what was functional because I had an emotional problem that was deep seated. When I spoke to my boss, and adressed the idea that both of us would gain if the company did something about the problem, his answer was simply "employers are no psychologists" Ths was technically correct,. however it was also less that as adequate as it might have been. Later, on reading a book written for managers, I was able to come up with the missing link. If an employer or group leadership were to attempt to deal with such a problem, it would result in a psychological co-dependence between the (in this example) employee and the emplloyer and that, being self-perpetuating, would overshadow the purpose oif the employment to the longer term detriment of both. Had that boss relied that way, in retrospect, I would have then seen the need to seek out a psychologist myself, which I was in no hurry to pay for, as I was also aware thast the issue was as much the fault of the other side as of myself. Ultimately, I ended up figuring it all out myself, for lack of an other adequate opportunity, and, one sep more, why the real issue had been so long withheld by many, and why that which the said secrecy sought to beneficially do also simply does not work any more where once it did. Ovewr the decades, I have had many daydreams of what I though should happen to humanity, and as time has passed so many have proven true in their own rights. Again, for this one, time will tell, but it is posterity that will bear the greater brunt, as I am 72 years old, and will not live forever.
You came up, coddled, with a warped sense of entitlement. As long as we have modern technology, you can get away with some things, but when the power is off, you and I will be faced with the very organic way that both male and female, old and young, are programmed to behave. Your white males are WEAK, almost effeminate, around their women. You have 0% respect for elders, those you sacrificed you, and you are an ingrate, to even HINT at bitterness towards older generations. The lot of you, were born with "silver spoons" in your mouths, You whine about everything.
Such a great talk!! I kept nodding the whole time, YES! That's what we want, what we all want and we ASK for it. Thank you Lindsay Pollak. I'm kind of sad this particular talk has very few views, but i'm happy i found it!!
When we began to take tradition out of society, back in the 60's, and the progressives came along and had this notion that pushing the envelope and progressing beyond tradition is the wave of the future, we lost it. They never exactly tell us what we're supposed to be progressing into only that we need to drop the traditions of the past because they were in place during a time of civil unrest (Civil Rights era) and because racism existed in it's much more vile form, therefore, those traditions are negative, by association. That was the big lie we bought into. We bought into the lie that we need to reason with our kids when they act up, rather than show them tough love and punish them for misbehavior. We legitimized delinquent behavior and now that's been thoroughly personified in the millennial. They didn't just wake up with it, but they are twice as bad as the boomer was because of compromise. Let's be honest about that already. Narcissism began to come in strides with the newfound exceptionalism that the greatest generation gave way to after WWII and the notion became that we had to open Pandora's box and push the limits because we're free and it's love man - the hippies. It began innocent enough but now the same civil rights groups who once stood for legitimate grievances have become the imperialistic forces underpinning society and creating these freshly basket cased millennials (Yes, those wonderful boomer professors who were more than likely former hippies back in their young hayday.) This didn't all just happen by accident and a huge part of it was that after WWII we began to take on this idea that we can shirk personal responsibility and "do what we wilt" because we're the generation that has it made. Call it hubris, call it excessive pride but we did embrace it and to not see that is to be disingenuous. Yet it is the character trait of the narcissist to never admit fault, otherwise they wouldn't be narcissists in the first place. The lesson we all need to learn, we are great only when we take responsibility for ourselves. Churchill told us that much and that was part of the exceptionalism we've since lost today. I'll add this, The nuclear family was the bedrock of society and still is and when we lose that, we've lost everything. I do see hope though, generation z seems to be realizing the stupidity all around them now and I have full confidence they grow up to be take charge adults and turn the tide on this madness :) and we all need to be of help to them in doing that.
As a millennial I can confirm that I don't yearn for shiny trophies....I yearn to make the money I earned the knowledge and incurred the crippling debt to deserve so I can afford groceries AND dental work
Boomers plundered our economy and made sure they got theirs and then turn around and laugh at us when we struggle to do well. The definition of narcissism.
Kinda depressing, the one that talks about saying we should stop them only has less than 10,000 views, meanwhiles the ones shaming them are in the hundreds of thousands.
Every generation has their faults and problems. I think for the older generations to overlook the tough challenges the younger generation face is extremely dangerous.
millenials have it harder than the previous generation. our college education is far more expensive. wages are much lower compared to inflation. They call them snow flakes and other names. but the economy is much harder to get a foot in the door now. and it's all because of how the previous generation voted.
Joe Blow, 23-year-old millennial here. I have an associate's degree in early childhood education, and am on scholarship to finish out my bachelor's degree so I can teach kindergarten. I go to school full time, and work a full time job in childcare, as well as two part time jobs on the side. Even with three jobs and a scholarship helping pay for school, I cannot afford to live on my own, because by the time you have rent and basic utilities, I'm already in the hole. Add on necessities for school, such as internet, a computer, a car, etc., and I'd be even more in debt. It's not for frivolous spending, as I don't buy anything unless I need it (clothes, food, gas, etc.), With the exception of gifts for holidays. Even living with my parents, I don't know how I would have paid for school without the scholarship that I worked hard for in high school and through my associates degree program. The only thing "typical" about your assessment is the assumption that millennials aren't even trying. Three jobs, working hard to get a scholarship to pay for a degree to help me get a better job, putting part of my paycheck away to save so I can move out, while another part goes to helping pay the bills around the house. That's not lazy or entitled.
I learn something from you with every clip, blog, book. Thanks for your insights Lindsey and for helping the world see why we need to work WITH millennials. They have so much to offer!
I was in an interview the other day and the interviewers brought up the fact that I'm a "millennial" and laughed at me. All I asked about was opportunity for advancement :(
"Do you wanna do what's effective, what works, what helps you win? Or do you wanna get revenge on how you yourself were managed when you first started out in your career" Ohhhhh My Goshhhhhh!!! SHE SAID IT!!!!! I love her!! "Millenials want what we all want, but they're willing to ask for it earlier in their careers, and they will leave organizations that don't provide these things."
That was perfect! The problem with leaving organizations is that someone else will just replace you and it doesn't put enough pressure on them to change. The real pressure comes from the entire workforce putting pressure on the company to change. People leaving companies creates a lot of instability and chaos, and not everyone can just be self-employed or start an internet company to escape the terrible workplaces. In the end, companies need the workers to make money. We hold the power!
Klynnx3 Millennial's are the second worst generation next to Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are God awful. They brought about the housing collapse in 2008 and dot com bubble fallout. Baby Boomers have run this country into the ground, which now Gen X and millennial's have to pay for. Now I know my generation of gen Xer's are not that great, but most of us still have enough common sense to know that socialism doesn't work, where millennial's seem to want the US to go in that direction. Which socialism has never and will never work, because eventually a country will run out of other peoples money to throw away.
Millennials are going to have to reshape the economic and political climate if we want to prosper. We need innovation more than ever because we can't rely on archaic economic policies. Boomers obviously have no issue because they're reaping the retirement rewards, so we need to take the world into our own hands. Don't bother worrying about the last generations guys, let's focus on building skills for the future.
@Britt Waller and if spankings worked with them that maybe because they masochists and don't want to admit it. Or they just want revenge that they can no longer take on their parents and that is why they are so bitter.
the wildest thing is: none of the boomers I know (including my parents) have a retirement or at least one they can live off of for more than a year... it's the rich boomers that have a retirement, leaving the rest of us (ALL of us) out in the cold
We'll need to tear this country down to the foundations. Then build it back up from scratch, reinvent the wheel so to speak. As this entire country is a failed, corrupt, rogue, terrorist state. Which happens to be run exclusively by elites who the government sold out to decades ago.
Genx approves of this message! Do not look to Boomers for anything but obstruction at every turn. I work with mostly Millennial crews on dangerous and serious projects where it is uite easy to die if you don't keep it together and communicate. I'm proud to work with them and they are far more competent, reliable and trustworthy than any other generations offerings. Never take a single word out of a boomer mouth hole at all seriously, that's the first step. Cheers!
Too bad most places won't do this and will still fault millennials for not having loyalty, being inexperienced, and being self-centered. Pretty much were going to give the distrustful answer of it's a two way street. Most of us live with the notion now, that we're expendable,easily replaced, and there's no such thing as job security. Ha loyalty is just buzz word to make the oblivious people feel like they matter.
Loyalty these days means you can't quit, you can't even disagree, you can't even express an opinion no matter what hardship you're facing at work, but your boss can cut your hours and fire you for no reason at all and still expect you to smile and take it.
As others have said the term Millennial is so broad and all encapsulating. It covers everyone from the ages of 18-34. What irritates me as a "millennial" is that the global economy across all states and nations has been screwed up by "baby boomers". The housing market is in disarray for first time buyers, there is no concern for the environment and a constant state of warfare in regions where we have no business of being in. It's the Millennials who have to pick up the pieces from the mistakes that our elder generations made. We are the fulcrum point where we have to ensure that the world is going to be a better place for those that come after us and not repeat the same mistakes.
The most important thing for me is work-life balance and ability to pay bills. Minimum wage is not sufficient to keep up with student loans (mine collectively are near $100k, mind you I did not have any success with actually working in the field. I lost out because I couldn't afford a car, despite that on public transit, I would have been 45 mins early to work daily.) The loans hit my credit horribly which is the reason I was denied many jobs with decent pay. For years I worked 2 jobs for 7 days a week, holidays, and would pull double shift on days I was off one job. I still did not make enough for rent, and bills, plus food. It took me literally getting so ill, doctors placing me on many meds(11) in an attempt to continue to perform on the jobs, then falling off latter and hospitalized, to realize that its NOT WORTH IT! Something needs to change. I haven't a clue how to change it but there needs to be a change. I want stability without sacrificing my family. I have children who need me more than the job needs me. Yet, I need money in order to provide. Where is balance and good pay rates. Where I live, minimum wage is $10 and the average work shift is between 4-6 hours for 3-4 days now. It used to be more days but this is a new change. That's $480-$960 monthly. Whoops, taxes has to come out. Who can afford stable living with that. So THANK YOU for being positive toward my generation. With all the hatred, its refreshing. But I ask one thing, how will a change happen?
Great video thank you for this point of view. As a millennial I experience ageism and have been stereotyped more now than ever as I finish college and look for work. Creating an innovative support and communication system for millennials and other generations in the workplace is important for employers to consider going forward. On the note of the whole trophy stereotype... I've never earned a "participation trophy" in my childhood. In sports if you weren't the best you didn't get the trophy. Hands down that was that. If we wanted a trophy we had to work harder as a team to earn it. Even then politics and such can still play a factor. Thank you for this video. Millennials appreciate your supportive point of view. -VC
Such a great and inspiring speech! I'm so glad there are people who understands our generation and can explain it even for us! So we don't have to repeat lives of previous generations but have opportunities to develop own philosophy and the system of values
Abrazo Homes Reviews, im saving you the time, cause im a Millennial that enjoys bust his back with phyisical work, always comes to work with a posistve attitude, is all ways at work early, will stay late if needed, and willing to have an open availability.
All the people that bash millennials should blame themselves for giving out participation trophies. Instilling so much self esteem in youth. That doesn’t mean millennials are entitled, but if that’s what you’re trying to say, think about who instilled it.
Previous generations didn't like being abused and used at work either. Millennials have the courage to question old systems that don't work and are criticized for their bravery and vision.
I never understood the whole "millenials are entitled" thing. Observe any customer service situation and tell me which generation is the one known for screaming over an expired coupon or huffing and puffing over a long line in an understaffed establishment.
It is weird but I never felt stereotype by society till I move to the U.S. I think it must be a way to control people's thinking and keep them under control so they can shape their thinking.
Exactly. Companies are frustrated that Millennials are not buying their overpriced goods and services, and can't abuse them in the workplace, so they are shaming them to change them.
If a bottom of the ladder employee fails it is the fault of their managers, they should have trained them properly and given them the resources to succeed.
Her way of speaking is really very motherly and calm. Someone you can confide in about issues. She would make you comfortable and feel loved immediately. This is exactly the way to talk when speaking about issues such as these. Brilliant talk and well researched.
Never in a million years did I think that I would be telling my own children not to enter college until they were 100% sure of what career path they wanted to take, whether or not a degree is actually required to do what they want, and will it be financially beneficial enough to make taking on college debt a sound choice. The sad thing is that if everyone took this advice we'd quickly find ourselves facing a national crisis due to shortages in fields such as teaching and nursing.
Older generations will always be resistant to change especially when they have been taught that people have to earn their way to the top through a hierarchical structure. All millennials ask for is engagement in the workplace because we view time as a precious commodity. We don't dig the traditional workplace because it doesn't fit into our modern world and the needs of our times.
Basically older generations criticize the next generation based on how much they value love. Insecure elders attach their value to how cynical and hardened they seem to others.
i was born in 1994, this woman has one of the best views on our generations i can see anywhere. we strive to be better. we want to do the best, but after years and years, to the most part of our upbringing we took ourselves out of living and experiencing what earlier generations had to go through in childhood. alot of us avoided the worlds issues as children with technology. but we strive for purpose, and want to be great now that we are of age, and we are willing to do everything we can to achieve this. to be a part of something bigger. we just need to se the way. to find our own way. and to have a world ready for us to show them our way.
I saw an argument on Facebook from a bunch of baby boomers, about the debunked myth that vaccines give you Autism. That and I'll quote "Autism doesn't exist, and it's because you didn't whip your kid hard enough with the belt." I saw another argument from a millennial saying that "No one wants to be cursed with Autism" Idk man, I grew up around these kids in high school whose life has been "cursed" in High School. And they are some of the smartest, brilliant, and spiritually happy people to walk out of that school. Impressed how there are always 2 sides to coin. And everyone always looks at the negative side. Also, Jet fuel if administered causes Autism, and Vaccines can melt steel beams.
They already need our help like What's a Google!? How to email!? How do I call people!? What a texting!? They already need us and we need them so we should help each other
Flexible work schedule means you don't have to work 9-5, but instead are given the respect and autonomy to get the work done and leave. Very few employers give that kind of respect. It means not paying somebody to sit in an office. But, paying somebody to get things done.
There are fuming because they never got trophies that they didn't deserve. Feckless toddlers the lot of them. Genx knows these vampires best. Just stay away from them as much you can. They can't beat the clock and it's ticking loudly at them.
I'm a millennial. There are only an handful of things I have ever wanted out of life. A job. A car. A house. I have been unable to get ANY of that. There seems to always be some unseen obstacle in my way.
Thank you Lindsey, this talk is awesome :) Totally speaks to me. I want to spend my time with my children and do what I love for a living. That's not going to be possible for everyone, but I am so very lucky and I am grateful for that.
The most petty thing a human being can do is to take revenge on things done to them on the past. Why not treat people the way you wish you was treated back then so that in the future you have someone who respect you a lot and you can be proud of?
Younger generations feel lost because don't know what to do with the mess the previous ones caused: wars, cruel traditions (touradas is an example), environmental destruction, prejudice and marginalization of many groups...
The older generation taught us the morals of being respected and living a life of meaning... When we go for what we have been taught they say that is not how the world works... What happened to wanting your children to live a better life then yourself... We believe in the world of treating humans with respect and love like you taught us... Allow us to make the world one step closer to what you taught us it should be. If you believe in what you taught your children you will try to treat everyone as with respect as they are human too.
lol, when tuition cost have been famous for being so expensive, USA schools should provide a ton of comforts to anyone willing to enroll at those prices... I mean come on, for the cost of tuition, you could go to most other countries and take the same or better class for a fraction of the cost... Norway, Denmark, Australia, Canada etc... if USA wants to charge such prices they should truly care for the customers
the issue is that i can take out a loan for college in the US, but i can't take out a loan to get a $2,000 plane ticket to another country to attend college there. I'm stuck in the US because of my ability to pay for a plane ticket, yet I have to be in debt for the rest of my life because i went to college to get a good paying job that i can tolerate
I wouldn't feel so negatively about working if I got actually feedback and constructive critisism. Whenever I've worked I've felt like I was just spinning my wheels. And the lack of feedback made me feel so unimportant. I quit my first job after 3 months because of this. I felt like a failure at my job because there was always more work to do and I could never technically "finish" anything. It wasn't until AFTER I quit that a couple coworkers stopped me and said "its was a pleasure working with you and I hope the next guy does as good a job as you". That felt great to hear and was very reassuring. Why did nobody tell me that WHILE I was working? I probably wouldnt have quit.
Well whenever I hear from my grandparents about what a disaster my generation is, I just remind them that so far we haven't started any world wars, so so far we're doing better than you!
we millennial are more woke and have better point of view, that;s why we usually try not to get involved in pointless arguments with older less intelligent generations,
As a Gen Xer, I’ve implemented Ms. P’s approach and achieved outstanding outcomes as a result. I hope there is more dialogue among leaders at every level within organizations.
I don’t want a trophy or a free lunch. I want a workplace where I can be respected and valued for my contributions while also lifting up and encouraging others. I want a job where it will be possible to pay my educational debt before I am 85 years old. I am not entitled, I am not lazy. The generalized invective that is used mindlessly by the “wise” elders really should be reconsidered.
I totally agree with her regarding bosses complaining about how much harder it was when thy joined the workforce. Wouldn’t you not want others to have to go through that?
I'm a Gen X with Millennial siblings and lots of Millennial co-workers. Most of them are nothing like the negative stereotypes associated with their generation. Also there is no such thing as Millennial culture or behavior, everyone is different and some Millennial have totally different life experiences given the huge age range. Millennial just means anyone born from 1981-1996 who have shared historical events like Y2K, 9/11, the emergence of internet that shaped them.
GenX has got this mess sorted out, mostly. I myself am happy I work closely with Millennials and find them to be nuke-proof on difficult and dangerous projects. If our crews were full of Boomers people would die and nothing would get done. We'd be too busy paying homage and coddling the Boomers to keep the temper tantrums at bay.
Not having a job and going back to parent's home is nothing new either. In other societies is common to live with parents. Our society is broken, our systems don't work how it should and instead of fixing our society and systems is more convenient to shame younger generations.
I'm 25, and I'd honestly prefer a face to face annual or semi-annual work review, rather than some app or a document emailed to me. However, I do really appreciate responsive, timely feedback, as well. But that can be done with a quick talk, a comment, or an invite into the office. Still, I see how making it purely digital could work for some fields. I guess I'm just saying that digitization of all interpersonal commentary is not a necessity because it can often lose nuance and meaning when you're just filling out fields on an online form to submit some work review post. Plus, perhaps anecdotal, but many managers I've had really struggle to touch on everything that's going on via text or email, so you end up having to ask them face to face about the email, or what that print out was about.
The reason people respond to trophies well is because they’re more likely to improve or continue desired behavior when given rewards for doing good than being punished for being bad or showing undesirable traits. Carrot over stick!
Not sure about being a Millennial (1997), but I never cared about trophies, or titles. And probably orher kids thought the same too. You know who really, really wanted us to win trophies? Our parents. Even when I started winning actual trophies, and not only participation medals, or scholarships, or whatever I won in 21 years... I was not the one shoving these prizes on people's faces. I was not the one talking about it with relatives, or taking pictures. I didn't care. They only represented challenges that made me better as a person, as a student, as a volleyball player.
They think those trophies are reflective of their own status. Everyone must get one so that they can feel good about themselves, it has never been about you.
With property prices so high nowadays, I think baby-boomer parents (like myself) would do well to help their millennial children save for a better future by letting them if need be stay in the basement till they are able to find their feet. Thank you for being supportive of millennials, Lindsey Pollak - you're a credit to the baby-boomer generation.
It’s obviously human nature to assume people younger than us are less experienced & less wise. Age I think is such a poor metric for measuring wisdom. You get wise young people & naive old people, so can we stop judging based strictly on age, much appreciated, much love.
Interesting different views. I'm 42. I believe parents should work from home like I do. Remaining available for my daughter Alicia is the very definition of with freedom & purpose in my life, comes responsibility. 💜💃🙏( 5/2020)
I back out of things that doesn’t benefit me. Don’t be afraid to take a step back sometimes that’s what you need to make it further. I was worried about getting out of the military and things worked itself out. I’m currently a millionaire. Jkjk but things are going good
There is a major difference between supporting us in what we are trying to accomplish and just being there purely as a cushion for when we fall down (momentarily) and fail in what we are trying to accomplish.... don't get the two confused.
Do you want to do what's effective, what works, what has you win? Or do you just want to get revenge on how you were managed and treated when you started out?
participation trophies were not for kids. they were for parents that get too self conscious of there perceived inadequacy of parenting when there kid does not win.
Haha that's something someone would say to me... "you can't do that!", "that's no way to succeed!", "you're gonna lose!"... *But im Winning*.... *I'm doing really good, I'm about to conquer my own personal championship!* 📈
I LOVE Millennials! Their whining and playing on Snapchat instead of working got me my own office and a promotion. I tried to tell them that higher ups are watching our department that week, but they called me old and boring (38yrs old). Welp, came time for reviews and 90% of them were let go for poor productivity and absenteeism or demoted to the call center. Thanks guys❣
To a baby boomer "Why do you always get into electricity?" this makes me laugh,m but in a sort of personal nostalgia. I am a 72 year old retired electronic technician. Technically, I am not even a baby boomer. I was born near the end of WWII. Nonetheless, in a family where most of my ancestors were lawyers, politicans Chruch brass, etc. Here I was the seemingly black sheep - nuts over electronics. (Mind you what I really wanted to do with it was to prove problematic from an interpersonal perspective, but as it happened, electronics was then in its heyday, and made for a varied and unusually challenging career. (In fact, the fact I got it right shows because I am alive today, as some of the jobs I did were the sort that you do it right or you don't come back alive! (nuclear waste applications, liquid explosives on top of the Rockies, electrical power up to 12 Kv.) and not just in Canada.) My mother was very concerned about eduaction, but she was also domineering. But when you have a dominator in a marriage, the other sidewill be awimp. the dominator does not seek a aprtner for normal reasons, they are seeking a "yes man" to dominate. So, logically my father was on the wimpish side, BUT he was a LOVING father, and did his very best. Unlike so many fathers who in those days would want their dons to follow in their workworld footsteps, my father was able to understand that it just didn't fit. (He was a bookkeeper in the pre-computer days, when a bookeeper was a university job. During WWII he was not ALLOWED to fight against Hitler, even though every able-bodied man in that time wanted to. When you are managing production of Aluminum in time of war, you KNOW where that aluminum was going!) The rest has proved to be a highly excpetional srory, and, as such, for both its better and its worse, remains a set of lessons for posterity, and that is why I tell it so many times. I am not going to live forever, and I don't want that intensive self-learning, exorcised in the ROUGHEST way possible, to die with me. The principle is much akin to that of the passing of the Olympic torch1 (for a musical reminiscence, albeit a bit more funky than what was really my favourite, but still rings a bizarr note of truth, How about Kansas, and "Carry on, my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done, Don't you cry no morrre!" Ask yourself what's behind the funk and why was it?
FFS Bruce! Not even a late baby boomer like me with a strong bias to written communication would bother to read all that. Try shortening to half a dozen abbreviated words, an image and a couple of emoji.
Speaking about millennials like they're a single person and talking about us like we are a different species is the problem. Just treat us as you would treat any other person. I get she's on "our side" but frankly I found it quite condescending
I just have to add my 2 cents here...I'm a Gen Xer whom can't understand why younger people are complaining about how much they are making...you come out of college with knowledge to do a job that will start you with more than MINIMUM WAGE... isn't that the point,,, to skip MINIMUM WAGE! Not go in thinking after a year or two you'll be CEO! Stop whining and work your way up....live within your means and not what you want to be perceived by how you live on Social Media.
As a californian millenial, having a bachelors degree doesn't mean you'll get payed more than minimum wage. This is a very serious issue. Not only are we under payed, but we're in crippling debt. It's so hard to grow and move out of mommas house when you cant even afford to feed yourself. I understand the frustration though. And Trust me, it's very frustrating for me. Now, you have to be a jack of all trades. I'm learning how to do nails on the side for some extra money. It's hard out here! Plz understand.
I asked my grandma how I should get my first job, I just turned 14, and she said: "Work and stop complaining," and then started to go on and on about her day. Meanwhile I'm just sitting there like: "I can't even get work in a fast food place yet-"
We live in a strange time where economy is getting stronger yet people are living in worse conditions. Case and point the booming economy that is Australia since 2014 has only generated more homeless and underemployment. If GDP growth and economic output equals an increase in human misery, we have failed as a species.
I love how older generations never take accountability for “RAISING” the next generation.
Yes I look forward to Parents being Ticketed for there "frivolous" behavior. In the future you will have to have a license to have kids
It's easier said than done lol
Katie Churchill I doubt that's what she meant but ok.
That s intriguing thought because you hear the narrative of millinials this and millinials that, but Who the effff raised them?
Don't forget leaving $20 trillion in federal debt for the next generation to pay. So who's "privileged" here?
This was so inspiring to hear someone support millennials instead of tell us whats wrong with us. I feel more motivated to work just hearing speak
I don’t actually think she did but I’m only half-way through the video. To me it seems like she’s saying, ‘yeah they’re right but we got no one else so we’ve gotta support them’
The reality is that millennial are the most responsible, hard-working generation yet. Statistically.
Productivity and education has never been higher the wage just isn't moving.
Ben Gee
Just a prank bro....
"I feel more motivated to work just hearing speak" but we all know you wont work or change your attitude
Kenneth Mionnet yes! Thank you!
As a millennial I never understood the whole "participation trophy" thing, because lets be real no millennial wanted a participation trophy. Our parents wanted us to get participation trophies the Baby Boomers and the Gen Xers yet Millennials are the one to get the bad wrap for it.
Matt Murray I agree with you and I'm pushing 50. Millennial parents I think lived through their children.
I got a participation trophy from my kindergarten soccer team and was like “what we dont deserve this we were horrible”
I never really understood it either. In the sense of sports, I was in sports when I was younger and they kept score but also gave out participation trophies. I always played my hardest no matter what and never cared about the trophies other than thinking it is a cool souvenir thing. I don't want things handed to me for no reason, it just doesn't seem right and it feels more like an insult than anything else. It always looked to me like those who got participation trophies were more so forced to have them by those who were older giving it to them. There are going to be some people who just want to be handed things in life, really there are those types of people in any generation, but I personally don't find anything fulfilling in that, and there are many who agree with me on that.
I didn't mind participation trophies, but I also didn't see them as a reward for my skill or effort. For me, they were just a keepsake for that activity, something I could look at and be reminded of the time I participated. The fact that it was a trophy had little meaning for me. A picture would have served the same purpose.
I remember when that nonsense started taking hold and they began handing those out at school events. You would find those trophies, banners, ribbons etc. whatever they used littered all over the place, but you wouldn't find one 1st, 2nd or 3rd place trophy anywhere. Lesson: child won't value what they weren't taught to work hard and accomplish and the same lesson applies in life. Why do most people who win the lottery either end up broke inside of around a year or end up destroying their family and dividing it? They don't value what they didn't have to earn. We need to stop teaching this generation that there is merit without struggle or hard work.
I agree wholeheartedly, they way older generations treat the younger generation is damaging. I'm a millennial and all the talk of us being entitled & self absorbed has made me bitter towards older generations, I'm trying not to be bitter because that's not doing anything productive. We need to lift each other up.
Aimee, don't give up on the older generations. Yes, some do lump the millennials into one group, which is wrong... but don't do the same with their generation. As a College Professor I appreciate the dialog between generations... and I absolutely love the millennials. Lindsay's statement of explaining the "Why" is so important and I speak to this with the other generations in my non-traditional classes. I applaud you, lift each other up is correct, we're listening.
Sometimes you need to shame someone to see change and sometimes you don't it all depends on if they want to learn the hard way, but first you must understand that no 2 people are the same.
I don't usually agree with such heavy-handedness. Certainly no 2 people are the same, but if a person wants to learn the hard way, it is likely because there are too many who have sought to teach them (in a different sense) "the hard way."
If the mentee has objections, let the mentor have themental and emotional sagacity to adress the undelrlying objections and dispatch them with patience and understanding first.
Occasionally there is an added complication, but that, also can be dealt with in matter eays that usually is done.
A leader has a problem with a disruptive group member. However the disruptive person also know his behaviour is doing neither himself or anyone else any good.
More specifically, this was my case in a job where both I and the employer were losing money that could have been in addition to what was functional because I had an emotional problem that was deep seated.
When I spoke to my boss, and adressed the idea that both of us would gain if the company did something about the problem, his answer was simply "employers are no psychologists"
Ths was technically correct,. however it was also less that as adequate as it might have been.
Later, on reading a book written for managers, I was able to come up with the missing link.
If an employer or group leadership were to attempt to deal with such a problem, it would result in a psychological co-dependence between the (in this example) employee and the emplloyer and that, being self-perpetuating, would overshadow the purpose oif the employment to the longer term detriment of both.
Had that boss relied that way, in retrospect, I would have then seen the need to seek out a psychologist myself, which I was in no hurry to pay for, as I was also aware thast the issue was as much the fault of the other side as of myself.
Ultimately, I ended up figuring it all out myself, for lack of an other adequate opportunity, and, one sep more, why the real issue had been so long withheld by many, and why that which the said secrecy sought to beneficially do also simply does not work any more where once it did.
Ovewr the decades, I have had many daydreams of what I though should happen to humanity, and as time has passed so many have proven true in their own rights.
Again, for this one, time will tell, but it is posterity that will bear the greater brunt, as I am 72 years old, and will not live forever.
You came up, coddled, with a warped sense of entitlement.
As long as we have modern technology, you can get away with some things, but when the power is off, you and I will be faced with the very organic way that both male and female, old and young, are programmed to behave.
Your white males are WEAK, almost effeminate, around their women.
You have 0% respect for elders, those you sacrificed you, and you are an ingrate, to even HINT at bitterness towards older generations.
The lot of you, were born with "silver spoons" in your mouths, You whine about everything.
lol what does this have to do with white males specifically? Do i sense bitterness and hatred in your sentiment?
Ironic that the generation who criticize millennials for their excessive phone usage are made up of the same people who introduced these products
Cell phones you moron.
Yes 🙏
Architecture Technology Will is still correct, millennials didn't invent cellphones, boomers did.
Will Peterson right?
legionary illuminati 👏👏👏 can't be better explained
Such a great talk!! I kept nodding the whole time, YES! That's what we want, what we all want and we ASK for it. Thank you Lindsay Pollak. I'm kind of sad this particular talk has very few views, but i'm happy i found it!!
Nathan Patrick yes that's why we've been advancing technologically for the past few thousand years
When we began to take tradition out of society, back in the 60's, and the progressives came along and had this notion that pushing the envelope and progressing beyond tradition is the wave of the future, we lost it. They never exactly tell us what we're supposed to be progressing into only that we need to drop the traditions of the past because they were in place during a time of civil unrest (Civil Rights era) and because racism existed in it's much more vile form, therefore, those traditions are negative, by association. That was the big lie we bought into.
We bought into the lie that we need to reason with our kids when they act up, rather than show them tough love and punish them for misbehavior. We legitimized delinquent behavior and now that's been thoroughly personified in the millennial. They didn't just wake up with it, but they are twice as bad as the boomer was because of compromise. Let's be honest about that already. Narcissism began to come in strides with the newfound exceptionalism that the greatest generation gave way to after WWII and the notion became that we had to open Pandora's box and push the limits because we're free and it's love man - the hippies. It began innocent enough but now the same civil rights groups who once stood for legitimate grievances have become the imperialistic forces underpinning society and creating these freshly basket cased millennials (Yes, those wonderful boomer professors who were more than likely former hippies back in their young hayday.) This didn't all just happen by accident and a huge part of it was that after WWII we began to take on this idea that we can shirk personal responsibility and "do what we wilt" because we're the generation that has it made. Call it hubris, call it excessive pride but we did embrace it and to not see that is to be disingenuous. Yet it is the character trait of the narcissist to never admit fault, otherwise they wouldn't be narcissists in the first place. The lesson we all need to learn, we are great only when we take responsibility for ourselves. Churchill told us that much and that was part of the exceptionalism we've since lost today.
I'll add this, The nuclear family was the bedrock of society and still is and when we lose that, we've lost everything.
I do see hope though, generation z seems to be realizing the stupidity all around them now and I have full confidence they grow up to be take charge adults and turn the tide on this madness :) and we all need to be of help to them in doing that.
As a millennial I can confirm that I don't yearn for shiny trophies....I yearn to make the money I earned the knowledge and incurred the crippling debt to deserve so I can afford groceries AND dental work
Boomers plundered our economy and made sure they got theirs and then turn around and laugh at us when we struggle to do well. The definition of narcissism.
That’s still a “trophy”
Kinda depressing, the one that talks about saying we should stop them only has less than 10,000 views, meanwhiles the ones shaming them are in the hundreds of thousands.
Hate is always louder
Repetition is more popular than change.
I wouldn't call it shaming. I would call it a taste of realty
The last comments are good examples.
Darkness is always more attractive than the light, sadly! :(
Every generation has their faults and problems. I think for the older generations to overlook the tough challenges the younger generation face is extremely dangerous.
100% agree
I can't tell you how many times I've been told, "This is how we've always done it." and "You question my authority when you ask me these questions. "
millenials have it harder than the previous generation. our college education is far more expensive. wages are much lower compared to inflation. They call them snow flakes and other names. but the economy is much harder to get a foot in the door now. and it's all because of how the previous generation voted.
Reggie Brightside Looks who talking.
Reggie Brightside *Look who's talking.
every generation has it's own struggle. in the end, it nearly balances out.
Joe Blow are you being sarcastic? The majority have jobs, have their own place and work damn hard
Joe Blow, 23-year-old millennial here. I have an associate's degree in early childhood education, and am on scholarship to finish out my bachelor's degree so I can teach kindergarten. I go to school full time, and work a full time job in childcare, as well as two part time jobs on the side. Even with three jobs and a scholarship helping pay for school, I cannot afford to live on my own, because by the time you have rent and basic utilities, I'm already in the hole. Add on necessities for school, such as internet, a computer, a car, etc., and I'd be even more in debt. It's not for frivolous spending, as I don't buy anything unless I need it (clothes, food, gas, etc.), With the exception of gifts for holidays. Even living with my parents, I don't know how I would have paid for school without the scholarship that I worked hard for in high school and through my associates degree program.
The only thing "typical" about your assessment is the assumption that millennials aren't even trying. Three jobs, working hard to get a scholarship to pay for a degree to help me get a better job, putting part of my paycheck away to save so I can move out, while another part goes to helping pay the bills around the house. That's not lazy or entitled.
I learn something from you with every clip, blog, book. Thanks for your insights Lindsey and for helping the world see why we need to work WITH millennials. They have so much to offer!
I was in an interview the other day and the interviewers brought up the fact that I'm a "millennial" and laughed at me. All I asked about was opportunity for advancement :(
welcome to capitalism
@John Taylor whatever
@John Taylor again. Whatever
"Do you wanna do what's effective, what works, what helps you win? Or do you wanna get revenge on how you yourself were managed when you first started out in your career"
Ohhhhh My Goshhhhhh!!! SHE SAID IT!!!!! I love her!!
"Millenials want what we all want, but they're willing to ask for it earlier in their careers, and they will leave organizations that don't provide these things."
That was perfect!
The problem with leaving organizations is that someone else will just replace you and it doesn't put enough pressure on them to change. The real pressure comes from the entire workforce putting pressure on the company to change. People leaving companies creates a lot of instability and chaos, and not everyone can just be self-employed or start an internet company to escape the terrible workplaces. In the end, companies need the workers to make money. We hold the power!
and rightly so
Brilliant speech, thank you for doing the research and trying to end the generation bashing!
Insert Name Here Thats a horric thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Insert Name Here if there was, there’d be a bigger protest era than the 60’s
Yea because the Vietnam war was so constructive right? Give your head a shake.
Millennial's are the second worst generation next to Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are God awful. They brought about the housing collapse in 2008 and dot com bubble fallout. Baby Boomers have run this country into the ground, which now Gen X and millennial's have to pay for. Now I know my generation of gen Xer's are not that great, but most of us still have enough common sense to know that socialism doesn't work, where millennial's seem to want the US to go in that direction. Which socialism has never and will never work, because eventually a country will run out of other peoples money to throw away.
Millennials are going to have to reshape the economic and political climate if we want to prosper. We need innovation more than ever because we can't rely on archaic economic policies. Boomers obviously have no issue because they're reaping the retirement rewards, so we need to take the world into our own hands. Don't bother worrying about the last generations guys, let's focus on building skills for the future.
Feline Fillet That last sentence was so inspiring 😭😭😭
@Britt Waller and if spankings worked with them that maybe because they masochists and don't want to admit it. Or they just want revenge that they can no longer take on their parents and that is why they are so bitter.
the wildest thing is: none of the boomers I know (including my parents) have a retirement or at least one they can live off of for more than a year... it's the rich boomers that have a retirement, leaving the rest of us (ALL of us) out in the cold
We'll need to tear this country down to the foundations. Then build it back up from scratch, reinvent the wheel so to speak. As this entire country is a failed, corrupt, rogue, terrorist state. Which happens to be run exclusively by elites who the government sold out to decades ago.
Genx approves of this message! Do not look to Boomers for anything but obstruction at every turn. I work with mostly Millennial crews on dangerous and serious projects where it is uite easy to die if you don't keep it together and communicate. I'm proud to work with them and they are far more competent, reliable and trustworthy than any other generations offerings. Never take a single word out of a boomer mouth hole at all seriously, that's the first step. Cheers!
I don't want a trophy, I just don't want a hostile work environment
Too bad most places won't do this and will still fault millennials for not having loyalty, being inexperienced, and being self-centered. Pretty much were going to give the distrustful answer of it's a two way street. Most of us live with the notion now, that we're expendable,easily replaced, and there's no such thing as job security. Ha loyalty is just buzz word to make the oblivious people feel like they matter.
Loyalty these days means you can't quit, you can't even disagree, you can't even express an opinion no matter what hardship you're facing at work, but your boss can cut your hours and fire you for no reason at all and still expect you to smile and take it.
@@Peter_Pennsylvania Another words absolute slavery. Which you fund said slavery yourself somehow.
Isnt her smile itself so embracing and empathetic? What a wonderful point of view after so many years finally!
As others have said the term Millennial is so broad and all encapsulating. It covers everyone from the ages of 18-34. What irritates me as a "millennial" is that the global economy across all states and nations has been screwed up by "baby boomers". The housing market is in disarray for first time buyers, there is no concern for the environment and a constant state of warfare in regions where we have no business of being in. It's the Millennials who have to pick up the pieces from the mistakes that our elder generations made. We are the fulcrum point where we have to ensure that the world is going to be a better place for those that come after us and not repeat the same mistakes.
The most important thing for me is work-life balance and ability to pay bills. Minimum wage is not sufficient to keep up with student loans (mine collectively are near $100k, mind you I did not have any success with actually working in the field. I lost out because I couldn't afford a car, despite that on public transit, I would have been 45 mins early to work daily.) The loans hit my credit horribly which is the reason I was denied many jobs with decent pay. For years I worked 2 jobs for 7 days a week, holidays, and would pull double shift on days I was off one job. I still did not make enough for rent, and bills, plus food. It took me literally getting so ill, doctors placing me on many meds(11) in an attempt to continue to perform on the jobs, then falling off latter and hospitalized, to realize that its NOT WORTH IT! Something needs to change. I haven't a clue how to change it but there needs to be a change. I want stability without sacrificing my family. I have children who need me more than the job needs me. Yet, I need money in order to provide. Where is balance and good pay rates. Where I live, minimum wage is $10 and the average work shift is between 4-6 hours for 3-4 days now. It used to be more days but this is a new change. That's $480-$960 monthly. Whoops, taxes has to come out. Who can afford stable living with that.
So THANK YOU for being positive toward my generation. With all the hatred, its refreshing. But I ask one thing, how will a change happen?
Mrs. Torrita Uzor it isn’t easy. Also if you get depressed read about Socrates. Helped me tons
Great video thank you for this point of view. As a millennial I experience ageism and have been stereotyped more now than ever as I finish college and look for work. Creating an innovative support and communication system for millennials and other generations in the workplace is important for employers to consider going forward.
On the note of the whole trophy stereotype...
I've never earned a "participation trophy" in my childhood. In sports if you weren't the best you didn't get the trophy. Hands down that was that. If we wanted a trophy we had to work harder as a team to earn it. Even then politics and such can still play a factor.
Thank you for this video. Millennials appreciate your supportive point of view.
What millennials want today, many of us have wanted for many years. Social media has been the game changer.
I dont think we should shame anyone.
Such a great and inspiring speech! I'm so glad there are people who understands our generation and can explain it even for us! So we don't have to repeat lives of previous generations but have opportunities to develop own philosophy and the system of values
Your not new and time is like smoke through a keyhole....signed Gen x.
am 42 and am with the millennials 100 percent
Wise decision, generation z is not worth it.
Abrazo Homes Reviews, im saving you the time, cause im a Millennial that enjoys bust his back with phyisical work, always comes to work with a posistve attitude, is all ways at work early, will stay late if needed, and willing to have an open availability.
Thanks, man.
Abrazo Homes Reviews sorry for my slightly bad grammer. I will send you several rough drafts next time.
Abrazo Homes Reviews O Kay, It mUst B Hard 4 U too reed anything On the Inurnet.
All the people that bash millennials should blame themselves for giving out participation trophies. Instilling so much self esteem in youth. That doesn’t mean millennials are entitled, but if that’s what you’re trying to say, think about who instilled it.
Previous generations didn't like being abused and used at work either. Millennials have the courage to question old systems that don't work and are criticized for their bravery and vision.
I never understood the whole "millenials are entitled" thing. Observe any customer service situation and tell me which generation is the one known for screaming over an expired coupon or huffing and puffing over a long line in an understaffed establishment.
It is weird but I never felt stereotype by society till I move to the U.S. I think it must be a way to control people's thinking and keep them under control so they can shape their thinking.
Bingo. Hit the nail on the head.
can you elaborate I don't understand.
chinojarjos yeah the U.S is a confirming country
Exactly. Companies are frustrated that Millennials are not buying their overpriced goods and services, and can't abuse them in the workplace, so they are shaming them to change them.
"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today" (Hesiod, 8th century BC). Enlightening!
If a bottom of the ladder employee fails it is the fault of their managers, they should have trained them properly and given them the resources to succeed.
Her way of speaking is really very motherly and calm. Someone you can confide in about issues. She would make you comfortable and feel loved immediately. This is exactly the way to talk when speaking about issues such as these. Brilliant talk and well researched.
Never in a million years did I think that I would be telling my own children not to enter college until they were 100% sure of what career path they wanted to take, whether or not a degree is actually required to do what they want, and will it be financially beneficial enough to make taking on college debt a sound choice. The sad thing is that if everyone took this advice we'd quickly find ourselves facing a national crisis due to shortages in fields such as teaching and nursing.
Excellent, thank you for this, so sick of millenial bashing!
cry some more?
Generation shaming in general is ridiculous.
Vanessa Garcia trying so hard😭👍
well, stop trying and start doing.
Stop making it harder for us. Every-time I look around rent is going up, food is more expensive and my wages are being spread thin.
@T Mox and we should trust you because?
Older generations will always be resistant to change especially when they have been taught that people have to earn their way to the top through a hierarchical structure. All millennials ask for is engagement in the workplace because we view time as a precious commodity. We don't dig the traditional workplace because it doesn't fit into our modern world and the needs of our times.
Basically older generations criticize the next generation based on how much they value love. Insecure elders attach their value to how cynical and hardened they seem to others.
Big facts
Thank you! Grateful to see people who don’t just ignorantly shame us but actually try to change that stereotype!
i was born in 1994, this woman has one of the best views on our generations i can see anywhere. we strive to be better. we want to do the best, but after years and years, to the most part of our upbringing we took ourselves out of living and experiencing what earlier generations had to go through in childhood. alot of us avoided the worlds issues as children with technology. but we strive for purpose, and want to be great now that we are of age, and we are willing to do everything we can to achieve this. to be a part of something bigger. we just need to se the way. to find our own way. and to have a world ready for us to show them our way.
Great speech Lindsey.
I'll conduct a session tomorrow on how to manage millennials, and your valuable speech gave me brilliant ideas.
Thanks a lot
This needs to go viral
I saw an argument on Facebook from a bunch of baby boomers, about the debunked myth that vaccines give you Autism. That and I'll quote "Autism doesn't exist, and it's because you didn't whip your kid hard enough with the belt." I saw another argument from a millennial saying that "No one wants to be cursed with Autism"
Idk man, I grew up around these kids in high school whose life has been "cursed" in High School. And they are some of the smartest, brilliant, and spiritually happy people to walk out of that school. Impressed how there are always 2 sides to coin. And everyone always looks at the negative side.
Also, Jet fuel if administered causes Autism, and Vaccines can melt steel beams.
80 million millennials??? One day babyboomers will need their help! Are boomers going to keep insulting the millennials from their nursing home bed???
erich84502ify lol. Exactly.
Yes, yes they are.
They already need our help like
What's a Google!?
How to email!?
How do I call people!?
What a texting!?
They already need us and we need them so we should help each other
Flexible work schedule means you don't have to work 9-5, but instead are given the respect and autonomy to get the work done and leave. Very few employers give that kind of respect. It means not paying somebody to sit in an office. But, paying somebody to get things done.
Maybe the boomers are just jealous because they never got trophies 😂😂😂
There are fuming because they never got trophies that they didn't deserve. Feckless toddlers the lot of them. Genx knows these vampires best. Just stay away from them as much you can. They can't beat the clock and it's ticking loudly at them.
I'm a millennial. There are only an handful of things I have ever wanted out of life. A job. A car. A house. I have been unable to get ANY of that. There seems to always be some unseen obstacle in my way.
Exactly. Gosh. I want to know why I have to do a job in a certain timeframe. She understands us! I wish everyone else does too!
We need to put an end to age discrimination.
Thank you Lindsey, this talk is awesome :) Totally speaks to me. I want to spend my time with my children and do what I love for a living. That's not going to be possible for everyone, but I am so very lucky and I am grateful for that.
The most petty thing a human being can do is to take revenge on things done to them on the past. Why not treat people the way you wish you was treated back then so that in the future you have someone who respect you a lot and you can be proud of?
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi
Stop shaming and start helping.
She is beautiful and correct
Younger generations feel lost because don't know what to do with the mess the previous ones caused: wars, cruel traditions (touradas is an example), environmental destruction, prejudice and marginalization of many groups...
Such a brilliant speaker. Much respect
The older generation taught us the morals of being respected and living a life of meaning... When we go for what we have been taught they say that is not how the world works... What happened to wanting your children to live a better life then yourself... We believe in the world of treating humans with respect and love like you taught us... Allow us to make the world one step closer to what you taught us it should be. If you believe in what you taught your children you will try to treat everyone as with respect as they are human too.
lol, when tuition cost have been famous for being so expensive, USA schools should provide a ton of comforts to anyone willing to enroll at those prices... I mean come on, for the cost of tuition, you could go to most other countries and take the same or better class for a fraction of the cost... Norway, Denmark, Australia, Canada etc... if USA wants to charge such prices they should truly care for the customers
the issue is that i can take out a loan for college in the US, but i can't take out a loan to get a $2,000 plane ticket to another country to attend college there. I'm stuck in the US because of my ability to pay for a plane ticket, yet I have to be in debt for the rest of my life because i went to college to get a good paying job that i can tolerate
@7:30 she has one of the nicest and warmest smile I have ever seen. If she was ever negotiating, it will be hard for the other person to say no to her
I love her “Hey, I hate millennials too, but we’re stuck with them” stance. Great job, lady. Fuckin’ progressive.
many excellent points made .. and there is literally no choice but to nurture and support their needs .. they are holding the cards in real terms
I wouldn't feel so negatively about working if I got actually feedback and constructive critisism. Whenever I've worked I've felt like I was just spinning my wheels. And the lack of feedback made me feel so unimportant.
I quit my first job after 3 months because of this. I felt like a failure at my job because there was always more work to do and I could never technically "finish" anything. It wasn't until AFTER I quit that a couple coworkers stopped me and said "its was a pleasure working with you and I hope the next guy does as good a job as you". That felt great to hear and was very reassuring. Why did nobody tell me that WHILE I was working? I probably wouldnt have quit.
This is such a great perspective, interesting talk!
Well whenever I hear from my grandparents about what a disaster my generation is, I just remind them that so far we haven't started any world wars, so so far we're doing better than you!
we millennial are more woke and have better point of view, that;s why we usually try not to get involved in pointless arguments with older less intelligent generations,
As a Gen Xer, I’ve implemented Ms. P’s approach and achieved outstanding outcomes as a result. I hope there is more dialogue among leaders at every level within organizations.
I don’t want a trophy or a free lunch. I want a workplace where I can be respected and valued for my contributions while also lifting up and encouraging others. I want a job where it will be possible to pay my educational debt before I am 85 years old. I am not entitled, I am not lazy. The generalized invective that is used mindlessly by the “wise” elders really should be reconsidered.
LOL her personality is perfect
and her views on this topic is so refreshing
I totally agree with her regarding bosses complaining about how much harder it was when thy joined the workforce. Wouldn’t you not want others to have to go through that?
I totally agree, they are perfectly capable of doing it theirselves.
I'm a Gen X with Millennial siblings and lots of Millennial co-workers. Most of them are nothing like the negative stereotypes associated with their generation. Also there is no such thing as Millennial culture or behavior, everyone is different and some Millennial have totally different life experiences given the huge age range. Millennial just means anyone born from 1981-1996 who have shared historical events like Y2K, 9/11, the emergence of internet that shaped them.
GenX has got this mess sorted out, mostly. I myself am happy I work closely with Millennials and find them to be nuke-proof on difficult and dangerous projects. If our crews were full of Boomers people would die and nothing would get done. We'd be too busy paying homage and coddling the Boomers to keep the temper tantrums at bay.
Not having a job and going back to parent's home is nothing new either. In other societies is common to live with parents. Our society is broken, our systems don't work how it should and instead of fixing our society and systems is more convenient to shame younger generations.
I'm 25, and I'd honestly prefer a face to face annual or semi-annual work review, rather than some app or a document emailed to me. However, I do really appreciate responsive, timely feedback, as well. But that can be done with a quick talk, a comment, or an invite into the office. Still, I see how making it purely digital could work for some fields. I guess I'm just saying that digitization of all interpersonal commentary is not a necessity because it can often lose nuance and meaning when you're just filling out fields on an online form to submit some work review post. Plus, perhaps anecdotal, but many managers I've had really struggle to touch on everything that's going on via text or email, so you end up having to ask them face to face about the email, or what that print out was about.
Thank you for this, great talk
This is a great meaningful and informative speech.
Thank you for this. really
The reason people respond to trophies well is because they’re more likely to improve or continue desired behavior when given rewards for doing good than being punished for being bad or showing undesirable traits. Carrot over stick!
This is one of the best ted talk presentation ive ever watched and heard..hands down it really hits home. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Not sure about being a Millennial (1997), but I never cared about trophies, or titles. And probably orher kids thought the same too.
You know who really, really wanted us to win trophies? Our parents.
Even when I started winning actual trophies, and not only participation medals, or scholarships, or whatever I won in 21 years... I was not the one shoving these prizes on people's faces. I was not the one talking about it with relatives, or taking pictures.
I didn't care. They only represented challenges that made me better as a person, as a student, as a volleyball player.
They think those trophies are reflective of their own status. Everyone must get one so that they can feel good about themselves, it has never been about you.
With property prices so high nowadays, I think baby-boomer parents (like myself) would do well to help their millennial children save for a better future by letting them if need be stay in the basement till they are able to find their feet. Thank you for being supportive of millennials, Lindsey Pollak - you're a credit to the baby-boomer generation.
I think she said she was gen X? lol
It’s obviously human nature to assume people younger than us are less experienced & less wise. Age I think is such a poor metric for measuring wisdom. You get wise young people & naive old people, so can we stop judging based strictly on age, much appreciated, much love.
Interesting different views. I'm 42. I believe parents should work from home like I do. Remaining available for my daughter Alicia is the very definition of with freedom & purpose in my life, comes responsibility. 💜💃🙏( 5/2020)
I agree and relate a lot to this speech
I back out of things that doesn’t benefit me. Don’t be afraid to take a step back sometimes that’s what you need to make it further. I was worried about getting out of the military and things worked itself out. I’m currently a millionaire. Jkjk but things are going good
There is a major difference between supporting us in what we are trying to accomplish and just being there purely as a cushion for when we fall down (momentarily) and fail in what we are trying to accomplish.... don't get the two confused.
Millennials have been bashed since the early 2000s. It's only become cool, hip and mainstream to bash millennials within the last 5 years.
Do you want to do what's effective, what works, what has you win?
Or do you just want to get revenge on how you were managed and treated when you started out?
Regardless of when we were born, we’re all in this together.
finally someone functional
Stop shaming millennials, let them shame themselves instead
participation trophies were not for kids. they were for parents that get too self conscious of there perceived inadequacy of parenting when there kid does not win.
Haha that's something someone would say to me... "you can't do that!", "that's no way to succeed!", "you're gonna lose!"...
*But im Winning*.... *I'm doing really good, I'm about to conquer my own personal championship!* 📈
I LOVE Millennials! Their whining and playing on Snapchat instead of working got me my own office and a promotion. I tried to tell them that higher ups are watching our department that week, but they called me old and boring (38yrs old). Welp, came time for reviews and 90% of them were let go for poor productivity and absenteeism or demoted to the call center. Thanks guys❣
To a baby boomer "Why do you always get into electricity?" this makes me laugh,m but in a sort of personal nostalgia.
I am a 72 year old retired electronic technician. Technically, I am not even a baby boomer. I was born near the end of WWII. Nonetheless, in a family where most of my ancestors were lawyers, politicans Chruch brass, etc. Here I was the seemingly black sheep - nuts over electronics.
(Mind you what I really wanted to do with it was to prove problematic from an interpersonal perspective, but as it happened, electronics was then in its heyday, and made for a varied and unusually challenging career. (In fact, the fact I got it right shows because I am alive today, as some of the jobs I did were the sort that you do it right or you don't come back alive! (nuclear waste applications, liquid explosives on top of the Rockies, electrical power up to 12 Kv.) and not just in Canada.)
My mother was very concerned about eduaction, but she was also domineering.
But when you have a dominator in a marriage, the other sidewill be awimp. the dominator does not seek a aprtner for normal reasons, they are seeking a "yes man" to dominate.
So, logically my father was on the wimpish side, BUT he was a LOVING father, and did his very best. Unlike so many fathers who in those days would want their dons to follow in their workworld footsteps, my father was able to understand that it just didn't fit. (He was a bookkeeper in the pre-computer days, when a bookeeper was a university job. During WWII he was not ALLOWED to fight against Hitler, even though every able-bodied man in that time wanted to. When you are managing production of Aluminum in time of war, you KNOW where that aluminum was going!)
The rest has proved to be a highly excpetional srory, and, as such, for both its better and its worse, remains a set of lessons for posterity, and that is why I tell it so many times.
I am not going to live forever, and I don't want that intensive self-learning, exorcised in the ROUGHEST way possible, to die with me.
The principle is much akin to that of the passing of the Olympic torch1
(for a musical reminiscence, albeit a bit more funky than what was really my favourite, but still rings a bizarr note of truth, How about Kansas, and
"Carry on, my wayward son,
There'll be peace when you are done,
Don't you cry no morrre!"
Ask yourself what's behind the funk and why was it?
FFS Bruce! Not even a late baby boomer like me with a strong bias to written communication would bother to read all that. Try shortening to half a dozen abbreviated words, an image and a couple of emoji.
Now if only we can get the millennials to stop shaming THEMSELVES
Wisest comment here
Speaking about millennials like they're a single person and talking about us like we are a different species is the problem. Just treat us as you would treat any other person. I get she's on "our side" but frankly I found it quite condescending
Dr. Wile I get what you are saying
So not only are we the generation who got the shortest end of the stick but we're also the ones that have to save the economy?
I just have to add my 2 cents here...I'm a Gen Xer whom can't understand why younger people are complaining about how much they are making...you come out of college with knowledge to do a job that will start you with more than MINIMUM WAGE... isn't that the point,,, to skip MINIMUM WAGE! Not go in thinking after a year or two you'll be CEO! Stop whining and work your way up....live within your means and not what you want to be perceived by how you live on Social Media.
Did you account the cost of higher education and those pesky student loans?
As a californian millenial, having a bachelors degree doesn't mean you'll get payed more than minimum wage. This is a very serious issue. Not only are we under payed, but we're in crippling debt. It's so hard to grow and move out of mommas house when you cant even afford to feed yourself. I understand the frustration though. And Trust me, it's very frustrating for me. Now, you have to be a jack of all trades. I'm learning how to do nails on the side for some extra money. It's hard out here! Plz understand.
I asked my grandma how I should get my first job, I just turned 14, and she said: "Work and stop complaining," and then started to go on and on about her day. Meanwhile I'm just sitting there like: "I can't even get work in a fast food place yet-"
Make this woman famous. Not the scam that is Simon Sinek who keeps shaming millenials.
We live in a strange time where economy is getting stronger yet people are living in worse conditions.
Case and point the booming economy that is Australia since 2014 has only generated more homeless and underemployment.
If GDP growth and economic output equals an increase in human misery, we have failed as a species.