My Overnight Paranormal Tour at Pennhurst

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @akfasso
    @akfasso  Год назад +2

    Are you into spooky places? :) Did you hear or see anything in my footage? If you're here for my guess on that last soundbite... I heard someone saying "inception." Others suggest the voice is saying "it's not you." What are your thoughts?!

  • @Jeff-bv1ek
    @Jeff-bv1ek Год назад +1

    I love your opposing interests. The Magic of Disney Sunrises, the darkness of eerie places with a dark past. 😅

    • @akfasso
      @akfasso  Год назад

      😂 You are absolutely right! You’ll never find a niche on this channel. 🙃

  • @Ransom_Ryder
    @Ransom_Ryder 11 месяцев назад

    AKFasso, your video’s are a great. Do not give up posting. Go grab those adventures.

    • @akfasso
      @akfasso  11 месяцев назад

      Thank you! Appreciate it!

  • @snoozin81
    @snoozin81 Год назад +1

    My cousin and I visited last fall but only made it through two hours of the historical tour. Shortly after leaving one of the hospital buildings I heard what sounded like a child laughing but there were no children on either group that was touring the property. I started feeling nauseous shortly after weather from the heat, like of breakfast, or something else I'm not sure. Beautiful location and the history is very interesting. Would love to do a paranormal tour there at some point.

    • @akfasso
      @akfasso  Год назад +1

      Hope you get the opportunity to go back. :) I would be so spooked if I heard a child laughing!

  • @KaedenHoisington
    @KaedenHoisington Год назад

    This is beautiful

  • @blasdelagarza5292
    @blasdelagarza5292 Год назад

    Great video…I heard “inception”

  • @petersuskawicz8900
    @petersuskawicz8900 Год назад

    I remember watching creepy pennhurst videos a long time ago with like the first season of ghost adventures when everything and people's possessions were still in the building and all the medical equipment as well and they captured alot of creepy evidenence at that time,now its just an empty shell and i think should be leveled to .the ground and put up like some kind of .a positive memorial of some type in its place,not a museum not a haunted atraction like it is now,thats just wrong,people worship money that's all,God forbid someone gets badly hurt on the grounds and all, that's all i am saying.

    • @akfasso
      @akfasso  Год назад

      I can’t say I fully disagree with you. You do have to sign a safety waiver to explore the buildings… I was slipping on water and also tripping over debris. It is easy to get hurt there and I also can’t imagine there’s NOT asbestos. As far as the hauntings go, I realize this may be a controversial statement, but as entertaining as Ghost Adventures is, I really feel that a lot of that show is fabricated and/or over exaggerated. I think the place is haunted, but I can’t say I had any overwhelming experiences. It was also difficult to truly investigate with a group of 20 other people in the same general space. Lastly, if ghosts really do exist there, they’ve gotta be damn tired of people filtering through every night trying to talk to them lol.

  • @GMMXX80
    @GMMXX80 Год назад

    It's kind of disappointing isn't it? But, I have an explanation for you, in my own opinion.
    Judging by your tone of voice of what little I know of your personality, they're really not interested in you. You have a kinder gentler light to you, a softer and kinder countenance. I don't think they like that.
    Plain and simple, spirits are spirits. They're just like us. You have the good ones and you have the evil ones. There's a lot of speculation as to whether there's much of an in-between. I think people have misunderstood for hundreds of years exactly how things work on the other side. Let's say, for example, that you subscribe to the idea that we die and ascend to heaven. If that were the case, everyone who does ascends up and into a world with God, there's no reason for them to remain on earth and God wouldn't allow it. For those who die and descend into hell (wherever that is, right?) They go where they go so, who does that leave?
    I personally believe that God is a God of order, not chaos. God also operates solely off of faith. There's a reason ghosts and spirits don't just appear to everyone, there's a purpose God keeps that control. I think that God, rarely, grants permission for loved ones that have known us and we know to come to us in dreams briefly to give a brief message, but I think it's for His own work, not our own personal wants and desires, the spiritual realm and mortal realm aren't to be mixed up, and I don't think a loved one is going to appear to us in a dingy dusty old building just to say HI. I also don't think spirits linger in an area because of mistreatment or whatever, I think that goes against even the "we ascend into heaven after we die" belief. I don't believe that spiritualiats call on our loved ones and they obey only to their commands, especially given the methods they use. If God is going to send a messanger, I believe it's going to be through dreams 99.9% of the time. And Mother Mary doesn't manifest heraelf in such bizarre and cryptic ways, she's busy with other way more important things, God's work is greater than all of that.
    So, who is it we're communicating with with? And why aren't you getting a response. I posed that question to some of my co-workers one night getting ready to go from work and they said "Because you're too good of a person." Those that try to communicate with the living are troublemakers. They're liars and deceivers with thousands of years of experience and an unfathomable knowledge of human behavior, psychology, philosophy, and sociological behavior we'll never understand in this life. Theyre master manipulators and class act narcissists. I hate to take the carnival act fun here, but what you're interacting with, if it fully revealed itself to you, which it could very easily, but instead seems to get off on messing with you, it will reveal itself if you want. The Bible talks about the great war of spirits and the archangel Michael fighting off Lucifer and his army and banishing them to the earth, these are the demons that roam the earth seeking to destroy man to tempt him and lead him carefully down to hell. These are spirit beings that once looked just like you and I, exactly, but without a physical body. They want one but will never have one so the objective is to find every way possible to get us to abuse ours. Some even try to take ours just to experience what little they can for a taste of what we get, because they want it and it will never get to. That's what's trying to communicate with you. It's like their off-time from work. When they're not doing this they're on battlefields convincing those around them to carry out horrendous attrocities. They're intent is never for good, only the demise of others and you. If they know they can't deceive you, they're not gonna waste their time, they want weak spirited individuals unless you're about to do something significant that can really turn the tables for them in God's favor, then with that amount of tremendous faith, they might reveal themself to you. That's who they are. You can see or interact with them because you're not weak enough, you're aura, if you want to call it that, is too strong. They're all going to tell you they're the Devil, they're Satan but there's only one Satan and unless you've met him face to face personally, you'd believe every spirit, that again remember is a master manipulator and a professional liar. It's a wonder they can trust each other, nevertheless, they are what they are.
    I do believe, however, when you read the Bible and Jesus was asked to come and assist with an individual who was possessed with many demons, Jesus asks what the demons name is and it responds "Legion, for me are many." They probably werent all crammed into one body, but there were many pulling the strings surrounding this man like a puppet. I wouldn't doubt that each man that walks this earth has that many of Satans followers or minion around a single one of us, as mortals we're that strong and capable, except when weak, then they can control and easily manipulate us. While we can't see them, necessarily, at times I think we can sense our loved ones at our side coming to chase them off in really difficult times when we feel broken and are the most vulnerable. They can be there to chase off demons, I believe have to leave upon command as a law of heaven, but are also permitted to work on men to build us and make us stronger, until we forget God and focus too much on them and go into places that make us especially vulnerable to them, then I think even our own family members looking out for us aren't even able to enter to our aid, we've just submitted ourselves to the devil's power.
    When you mess with Ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal balls, seyance, bringing spiritualists into your home to try to contact the dead, that's not how God works. We don't do that and God will not allow loved ones to sucomb to that temptation on the other side and will send his own angels to stop them and prevent it if necessary. You're instead interacting with demons that want to pose as them as perfect copies, like a chameleon lizard and now you're listening to them and biting into their lies.
    Ed and Loraine Warren claimed to be demonologists and those like them the same, and they're not lying, but their not communicating with the good, they're tampering with the evil trying to seem like the good.
    I think that's why you don't get the responses you do. There's too much of a good person in you, to kind hearted. They tried a few tricks but ultimately they felt they couldn't convince you and it's likely you have loved ones there to send them away and not mess with you in instances like this, for your own amusement. They don't want you putting all this faith into something like this, they'd rather you put your efforts in faith in God. To say you're not religious or don't believe in God, I would believe that and I counted you twice saying his name acknowledging him. "There is no atheist who takes the name of God in vain, for all those whose speak or blaspheme his name acknowledge that he is."
    They won't reveal themselves to you because you're not worth their time, they can't make you buy into their cause. You're heart is too big. You're not selfish enough

    • @akfasso
      @akfasso  11 месяцев назад

      Very interesting perspective! I appreciate you taking the time to write it out. :)