Kay Smith Presents Gurdjieff's Table of Hydrogens and 9 Influences Constantly at Play

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    With over 500 hours of spiritual films, videos, and interviews, the Spiritual Broadcast Network is your GoTo place of all things spiritual. www.sbnvideo.tv
    You can contact Kay Smith at wisdomthroughac...
    Today's show is going to increase your understanding of Gurdjieff's Table of Hydrogens as well as the 9 influences that are constantly at play in our lives. We will also be discussing ways to verify and respond to these influences.
    According this teaching, when man is born, three separate machines are born with him which continue to form till his death. These machines have nothing in common with one another: they are our body, our essence and our personality. Their future development, the development of each one separately, depends on the data a man possesses and the data which surround him, such as environment, circumstances, geographical conditions and so on.
    For the body, this data is heredity, geographical conditions, food and movement. They do not affect personality. Personality is formed exclusively through what a man hears and through reading. A strong personality is what is acquired through life, views, opinions, words. It develops under a strong influence of what is not its own, of what is acquired, such as other people's beliefs, theories and judgments. It changes with change of conditions. Personality surrounds essence, enveloping it so that nothing can reach essence. It has to become more transparent so that impressions and external influences will penetrate through and reach essence to allow essence to grow.
    Defenses have to be prepared before we break the shell of personality surrounding essence. Personality keeps you from certain distant influences. For example, some essences are susceptible to atmospheric changes or change of season. Certain influences come from the planets; the sun; the Milky Way, the moon. Planetary influences are felt generally only by the masses of people and are responsible for wars, revolutions.
    Because man's essence is underdeveloped, the part that can be affected by the planets is not. To a certain extent we are under influences of the sun. We can be under much higher influences when we have developed higher centers and become connected with them. When personality is educated and becomes less heavy, many qualities pass into essence and become permanent.
    Essence is purely emotional. It consists of what is received from heredity before the formation of personality and later, only those sensations and feelings among which a man lives. It includes all the things we are born with, physical features, state of health, certain kinds of predispositions, inclinations and tendencies. Essence remains the same through life.
    The center of gravity of the body, its soul, is the moving center. The center of gravity of the essence or its soul, is the emotional center while the center of gravity of the personality is the intellectual center. These bodies are three separate machines that have nothing in common with one another. The body may be healthy and strong, full of courage while the essence may be timid.
    Because these bodies were formed independently of one another and have nothing in common with each other, we have to learn how to reestablish what has been lost. We have to learn to distinguish between body (center or function), essence and personality. Development means passing from one kind of influence to another kind. We are quite under the influences of the moon until we become more and more conscious.
    The moon's influence can be seen through all of our movements, they are purely mechanical. All of our mechanicalness depends on the moon. The way to become more free is to not identify; not consider; struggle with negative emotions. We are learning to cut some of the marionette wires. Physical influence of the moon is normal, as the moon affects the tides on the Earth. Psychological influences are not normal. When man is cut off from higher centers, the moon can affect our mind and emotions. The principle is that everything is connected, things do not exist separately.
    Next we are going to change scales and address Gurdjieff's teaching of influences on a more personal scale, looking at our centers or functions and the 9 different types of influences that are constantly at play in our lives.
    Watch our show to find the right tool for the right time and keep the octave going in an ascending direction.

Комментарии • 30

  • @liffever
    @liffever 8 месяцев назад

    Getting into the work and this video is perfect for an introduction into the ideas and sciences involved in Gurdjieff's Legomonism. A solid foundation. Thank you.

  • @shawnroske7274
    @shawnroske7274 3 года назад +1

    Thank you (Kay Smith) for this wonderful work done here. Truly useful.

  • @knowone3529
    @knowone3529 2 года назад

    This a good one..

  • @CT2507
    @CT2507 11 лет назад +3

    23:45 she says that personality surrounds essence like a shell, and it must become more "transparent" so that impressions and external influenses will penetrate through and reach essence, to allow essence to grow?!
    this must be one of her own inventions. Gurdjieff never said that essence does not grow because of this, or that personality must be made more transparent for any reason. he explicitly said that essence stops growing in us at diferent ages because we dont know the means to train it.

    • @perplexedmoth
      @perplexedmoth 4 года назад

      Just based on reading the comment first before watching the video, it sounds like a fair interpretation, or conclusion derived from what Gurdjieff (and you) said. It doesn't seem to contradict, but is not necessarily formulated correctly. After all essence (or any part of the being) needs data. I'd say the idea that personality is a buffer that is not flexible makes sense.

    • @CT2507
      @CT2507 4 года назад +1

      @@perplexedmoth no, what she said does not contradict. it's just a strange addition that seems to come from other spiritual schools than the Gurdjieff system. and i have learned through the years of studying different systems that they are best kept apart. i never got anything other than confusion from mixing systems.

  • @Cosmos142857
    @Cosmos142857 11 лет назад +1

    Thank you for your work, effort and struggle; it has been a blessing to me.

  • @tonyroach4255
    @tonyroach4255 10 лет назад

    Thanks again for taking your time.

  • @noemorepain
    @noemorepain 11 лет назад +3

    The way you look also afects your personality. My essence has also been affected be my personality changes. I have noticed a few things about this philosophy that I do not agree with.

  • @tsennekikke4154
    @tsennekikke4154 11 лет назад +1

    Despite everything she's quite right, but I admit that she left out something. However, your answer proves that you don't know what's missing. Try to find it for yourself... otherwise it becomes 'borrowed knowledge' which is worthless. Anyway: Very best regards from Belgium! :)

  • @PatriceBoivin
    @PatriceBoivin 6 лет назад +1

    nice drawing there at 16:07. Too bad it's so blurry.

  • @noemorepain
    @noemorepain 11 лет назад

    I have had to subdue my true personaliyt most of my life because of my enviroment. So much so that i have changed my personality just to fit in.\

  • @wernertrptube
    @wernertrptube 11 лет назад +1

    Jan Cox
    The death of Gurdjieff in the foothill mountains of Georgia

    • @tinfoilhatter
      @tinfoilhatter 5 лет назад

      jan cox, my parents have a book or two, signed by jan, how do you like that!

  • @JLeo777
    @JLeo777 10 лет назад +4

    ***** Actually from what she is presenting she IS right. Essene does not just merely stop growing, atrophy happens because it is never nourished -- the outgrowth of personality, which comes by way of ordinary life -- the education, the influences, and the imitations, in a way covers essence -- it locks essence away. Essence, in a sense, is supplanted by personality. There is very little in ones ordinary life, without preparation, that stimulates essence, because personality is a parcel of this social life. As a result, man is drawn into their heads. Remember essence is as close to one as ones body, in a way, part of essence can be thought of as the body -- hereditary and what came from higher substances. The thing which is missing from this explanation, is that the essence is like a seed, whereas personality is much like soil which covers it. Now, a seed would be barren and never truly germinate if allowed to be outside of the earth, its covering. Personality is ones connection to the other life, essence the inner, and it is naturally not suitable for the world which crafted personality. Personality has to diminish in its influence, and there by be food for essence, much like the soil, which absorbs the waters and sunlight, and makes it accessible to the seed -- personality, is not an arch evil, it is a lawful part, and some of it is essential, and is needed, for essence to germinate. The formation of a steward is essential in the atmosphere of personality, after all, it is lawful to have a magnetic center, to draw you to the work in order to bring the work of a real I, and with it, the germination of essence through feeding on personality.

    • @AJRussortm
      @AJRussortm 6 лет назад +1

      very well written comment ! You show a real understanding of what you know not just from books, but from yourself

    • @clipsoftruth1908
      @clipsoftruth1908 5 лет назад

      do you know anyone who has developed to the stage the Fourth Body?

  • @wernertrptube
    @wernertrptube 11 лет назад +1

    What is a small quantity ?
    Is the Planck Quantum ?
    more smaller ?
    how smaller ?
    What is the highest energy than can put in a volume of space ?
    2,43 x 10 hoch 18 GeV
    What is the smallest possible volume of space ?
    1,616252 x 10 hoch minus 35 meters

  • @wernertrptube
    @wernertrptube 11 лет назад +2

    This idea don't speak about atoms
    end never about the physics of
    the proton or hydrogen.
    It is an esoteric system which builds idea by its own.
    It replaces your idea with new other ideas.
    It is a fight of ideas.with other ideas.

  • @tsennekikke4154
    @tsennekikke4154 11 лет назад

    Bossy type? Try to find it out for yourself, or simply stay with your opinion. Anyway: I might reach others, who might understand what I wrote (after reading your wordings), and that's important too! :)

  • @tinfoilhatter
    @tinfoilhatter 11 лет назад +2

    what? you mean like,a real coarse,crude 'hydrogen'? how crude can hydrogen get,right? oh wait--everything is hydrogen pretty much right?

    • @tinfoilhatter
      @tinfoilhatter 5 лет назад

      what about uranium! how crude is that!

  • @tinfoilhatter
    @tinfoilhatter 11 лет назад

    it's true-hydrogen is like the simplest atom we know of,right? amazing that they even knew that way back when there was hardly any kickass rack'n'roll or anything cool like that,right? yeah,the casmology is important--and we're so dang small it's ridiculous--and yet we might be giants! of immense proportions! which pretty much averages out to what we see here--fascinating! is there someone in there?

  • @wernertrptube
    @wernertrptube 11 лет назад +2

    H12288 is not a funny place.

  • @tinfoilhatter
    @tinfoilhatter 11 лет назад

    i watched some of that guy--he was great huh? hey someone tell wyly,i'm sorry,whatever it was that made him block me--can you imagine??

  • @ericjones499
    @ericjones499 5 лет назад

    A “C” influence school. A questionable public declaration....

  • @CT2507
    @CT2507 11 лет назад

    dont talk in riddles. say whats on your mind.
    and ofcourse this is borrowed knowledge... that goes without saying.