I understand their concerns, but the way they handle the situations are a bit much at times, that’s for sure. In this last season, again I understood, and I’m glad her mom actually seemed like she wanted to just help in any way she could while acknowledging that if she didn’t loosen up, she might have lost the relationship with her only daughter. Kiara’s dad really gives off mad overprotective vibes and I know a lot of father’s are overprotective sometimes for a lot of different reasons from their own past, so I mean iggg. I didn’t like how they sent her away instead of actually listening to what Kiara had to say.
It goes back when rose said he was like a snake they should have took action then but i agree ❤😂
How do you feel about Kiaras parents?
I understand their concerns, but the way they handle the situations are a bit much at times, that’s for sure. In this last season, again I understood, and I’m glad her mom actually seemed like she wanted to just help in any way she could while acknowledging that if she didn’t loosen up, she might have lost the relationship with her only daughter. Kiara’s dad really gives off mad overprotective vibes and I know a lot of father’s are overprotective sometimes for a lot of different reasons from their own past, so I mean iggg. I didn’t like how they sent her away instead of actually listening to what Kiara had to say.
outer banks kiara sweater wheater please