Live Stream with Metal571 and friends - Let's talk about Audeze and ZMF

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Audeze LCD-X 2021: www.headphones...
    ZMF Verite: www.zmfheadpho...

Комментарии • 57

  • @yujonpradhananga9999
    @yujonpradhananga9999 2 года назад +5

    Good to see metal

  • @lsim001
    @lsim001 2 года назад +6

    Most of the Internet probably doesn't know who u guys are. I definitely didn't know who 2 of the 3 people were. A onscreen label with your names on it would be helpful.

  • @octagest
    @octagest 2 года назад

    hey can someone let me know what the VC is? mentioned at 18:13

    • @declanslater7877
      @declanslater7877 2 года назад +2

      The ZMF Verité Closed?

    • @octagest
      @octagest 2 года назад

      @@declanslater7877 i think you're right, thanks for the help

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад +1

      Yes Vérité Closed


    The HD 660s was meant to be s studio HD 650 I left before I say that in the live stream

  • @VOLKOV9
    @VOLKOV9 2 года назад +9

    Would love to see more of guy on upper left (Blaine? Matt?) He seems to have a handle on technical stuff, both theoretical and applied, beyond most in our community

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад +6

      Blaine is also the guy that steered me in the right direction from an audio science standpoint starting something like 6+ years ago now. Good to finally have him streaming on the channel

    • @04yellowjacket
      @04yellowjacket 2 года назад

      @@metal571 He is very direct and informative. Which I like, but he does not seem to enjoy being on camera. I also love that he is rockin' the 800's. Still my favorite open back dynamic.

  • @kyron42
    @kyron42 2 года назад +9

    Metal 571 has had that IKEA TAGARP light since the beginning. While it's still working why change it, right.

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад +6

      it's called an IKEA NOT but not sure they make them anymore

    • @kyron42
      @kyron42 2 года назад +5

      @@metal571 so it's becoming a classic piece of Ikea furniture. If you hold on to it long enough it could go up in value.

  • @nmnate
    @nmnate 2 года назад +8

    We need more Metal. Miss your reviews, man! Also, need more metal head reviewers ;)

    • @hartyewh1
      @hartyewh1 2 года назад

      I'm just making a 50ish headphone comparison that particularly takes into consideration metal music since so many otherwise good cans just buckle with something heavy and get compressed/congested to hell. I'll try to spread the video around when it's ready.

    • @nmnate
      @nmnate 2 года назад

      @@hartyewh1 That'd be pretty cool. I really like how planar headphones can articulate everything at once (I'm thinking tech-death or similar subgenres). Clarity in the bass to lower midrange frequencies is really important to me.

    • @hartyewh1
      @hartyewh1 2 года назад

      @@nmnate Yeah, a certain kind of articulation and clarity is so important in metal to the point that something like an HD800s can work pretty good even with weak low end. My experience so far is that most planars aren't very capable at that since they seem to compress/congest (not sure what the correct term would be) when going gets rough. LCD-2 Closed was okay, but several other Audezes not, including the LCD-4 which I owned (LCD-X still to be tested). Sundara and Ananda were good as well. Arya less so. Especially for the price dynamic drivers in my opinion have the edge. Many Beyerdynamics, maybe Focal Clear. A 40$/€ IEM Tin Hifi T2 Plus beats most high-end headphones when it comes to metal at least driven by a Mojo. That's my two cents.

    • @chronometa
      @chronometa Год назад

      ​@@hartyewh1 grado is awesome for dynamics. Edition xs, Ananda, quad era-1, LCD x-2021 I've heard are great.

  • @chungang7037
    @chungang7037 2 года назад +10

    So this is how we can get metal 571 reviews again!

  • @GadZookz
    @GadZookz 2 года назад +3

    Sean Olive and William Shatner could ride a blue rocket beyond the Harmon line to record Mr. Shatner’s weightless singing. Resolve and Metal 751 would monitor from the ground to determine which headphones were the most forgiving.

    @NO_SIMP_ZONE 2 года назад +2

    Each of them looks like a subreddit mod

  • @jeffhampton6972
    @jeffhampton6972 2 года назад +3

    This was a lot of fun. Thank you all for doing the video and posting it!

  • @cd-rom.
    @cd-rom. 2 года назад +1

    My favorite nerds.

  • @konna200
    @konna200 2 года назад

    Mayan Indian´s what is you was prefered 2:16:00 lol! We have learned so much from their audiotory or what the h*ll it was called theys Shamans when the was talking like a normal voice and you can pick up the news like 100m+ away lol :D That what i call Geometry of genius sound tuning. Haha! ps. just a joke! Super cool that Metal571 is coming back i can feel it!

  • @lupoal4113
    @lupoal4113 2 года назад +2

    hey Metal you should restart your chanel... you are on of the best reviewer I've ever seen in youtube

    • @wilde77
      @wilde77 2 года назад

      Right? I hope he does.

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад +2

      As I've said multiple times now across the internet, Andrew is far better considering he actually owns genuine GRAS equipment. I don't have the bandwidth or the funds (the latter on purpose, rejecting all payment) to do something like this

    • @soraflame66
      @soraflame66 2 года назад

      @@metal571 hey I'd like to know how much you like the new 2021 LCD-X. I know you like it but I haven't found where i can hear your impressions, I like your other audeze reviews would love to hear more of your impressions of the X :)

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад +1

      @@soraflame66 31:42

    • @soraflame66
      @soraflame66 2 года назад

      @@metal571 I did hear that part, im halfway done with the livestream, but I didn't feel like those were your full impressions. I just heard your comparison to the 2c and f and what the 2021 has changed.

  • @04yellowjacket
    @04yellowjacket 2 года назад +1

    To settle the argument around weather wood effects sound or not is listen to (or measure) the purple heart, mahogany and blackwood variants or the TR-X00. Or the E-MU Teak (or countless other variants). The hardware is all exactly the same but the sound differences are drastic. The Purple heart wood is very bassy. The ebony wood is very tight and clean and the mahogany is a little less detailed and less clear sounding.

    • @ResolveReviews
      @ResolveReviews 2 года назад +1

      The problem is that the differences could also be due to other factors we don't know about if there are any other potential variables.

    • @04yellowjacket
      @04yellowjacket 2 года назад +2

      @@ResolveReviews I understand there can be variables. But this change in sound is way outside of any unit to unit type of variable. I have owned many of these Foster/Fostex variants (3 pairs of EMU Teaks with 3 different extra wood cups on hand). In this case, I know exactly what the 'other factor' was. It was the wood in the cups. Listened to all of them off the same JDS Labs Element II, same stock cables etc. These differences are not subtle. This is not "let me listen real hard to these purple heart wood cups and see if I can detect a difference". This is "Holy shit! That is way to much mid bass!". If you tried it yourself you would see. This is not like sound differences between DACs or 'cryo' treated cables or other such nonsense. It is more like pad swapping. Which as you know can change sound a lot. I am not saying it will be the same effect across all brands of headphones. But I also noticed a similar difference going from a Teak wood (very dense) ZMF Eikon to a Eikon with Zebra wood.

    • @soraflame66
      @soraflame66 2 года назад +1

      Yep I own the PH and the EB and the PH is wayyy more v shaped it's very bassy and bright but that's what I love about it for more EDM, hip hop, and basically "v shaped music" while the ebony you could even enjoy jazz and classical with it even though it's still a thx00 it's less v shaped more detail, deeper bass extension. The variations between the woods are prominent and lovely.

    • @imsgoalie1
      @imsgoalie1 Год назад

      The physics of this don't add up. It's not like you're talking about a thin resonant sheet of wood like a guitar top. The density of the wood in a headphone cup just isn't going to effect the sound that much man. Sorry, it doesn't track, at all. I don't know what your test was like, or if you measured or did subjective assessments or what, but whatever the differences observed were, I'd bet my nuts it wasn't the wood densities.

    • @04yellowjacket
      @04yellowjacket Год назад +1

      @@soraflame66 100%, people who HAVE ACTUALLY heard/owned these headphones will not dispute this. The sound differences are very easy to pick out. But as usual with this hobby, people always want to give there opinion on something they have not ever seen or used.

  • @trellusg
    @trellusg 2 года назад

    I really like the EL-8, I have a closed and a 2015 open and 2016 revoiced open

  • @HowardSokoloff
    @HowardSokoloff 2 года назад

    Coles was a book store, way back in the day. Sadly that's my we used to by Coles notes to cheat on test...:)

  • @donvittoriosierra
    @donvittoriosierra 2 года назад

    Has anyone tried the LCD2C with the latest real leather pads installed?

  • @sephondranzer
    @sephondranzer 2 года назад +3

    Strange - volume is fine listening back to this now. Maybe this was a livestream only problem?

  • @davidmason8212
    @davidmason8212 2 года назад

    I missed the live stream ☹

  • @bitterbuffalo8997
    @bitterbuffalo8997 2 года назад +1

    Those blackwood with chrome accents looks damn amazing. I've spotted that the moment they went live online, good choice. I've been wanting to buy a pair, but I still think the Aeolus is the way to go, at least for my preferences. You got to put it on tubes Metal571, on a neutral tube amp you just get a bit of extra 3d effect and laying that's addicting.

    • @metal571
      @metal571 2 года назад

      With an LTD offering you'll be able to use the stainless steel I think it is, rods and grilles on the Aeolus as well

  • @davidmason8212
    @davidmason8212 2 года назад

    Is the Ananda as shouty as HD 6XX ?

    • @akentosh
      @akentosh 2 года назад +1

      Not for me. I didn’t like the 6xx that much at all but felt the ananda was much smoother and more engaging. Unfortunately headphones are very personal.

    • @hartyewh1
      @hartyewh1 2 года назад +1

      I love the HD650, especially with EQ, but the Ananda is smoother and more capable. I just can't use then since the cups don't swivel so they don't fit at all. I prefer Ananda over the Arya as well.

    • @davidmason8212
      @davidmason8212 2 года назад

      I like my 6xx but there's that shout in the vocals which I really don't like that's why I am asking if the ananda as shouty as the 6xx

    • @davidmason8212
      @davidmason8212 2 года назад

      Yea a lot of people prefer Ananda tonality over arya .
      I am afraid of adding stealth magnets to the ananda which HFM already added to the arya and 400 and make them worse

    • @hartyewh1
      @hartyewh1 2 года назад

      @@davidmason8212 They mentioned that there are several versions if the Arya so I wonder if there big enough differences to affect my opinion but I find it a bright yet extremely smooth sounding headphone. There just isn't presence in the low end, which I feel is slightly fatiguing and not very engaging as well. Ananda is maybe weaker by every other metric, but I would buy it if I could wear it where as the Arya just had no use for me in actual listening for enjoyment. EQ might change this though.