Unfiltered Marriage Q&A

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 257

  • @PaulandMorgan
    @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +20

    Hey Fam, which questions did you find most interesting? Did any of our answers surprise you? FOUR MORE spots left to get this month’s Patron incentive!

    • @alyssarosalez2
      @alyssarosalez2 2 года назад

      Why does my comment keep getting deleted? :(
      But many God fearing spirit filled believers believe that oral sex itself, becoming a thing came from the days of Noah. A knowledge given in Genesis 6 when the fallen angels were having relations with humans. It also was mentioned in Sodom and Gomorrah, as sodomy.
      something crazy, y'all look up the definition of "sodomy" It says oral sex! :0 and Sodomy is an abomination to God. Another thing is many men have been honest to say oral sex even within their marriage has been a trigger to watch porn again, because it is a demonic knowledge and act ;0 Just what I was told and to be honest at first I didn't want to hear it, but after praying about it. it makes more sense. It doesn't feel Godly ha
      another thing is Solomon had thousands of concubines... do we really want to follow him as an example. lol just saying

    • @alyssarosalez2
      @alyssarosalez2 2 года назад +1

      @Coracias Bird It’s just a perspective that’s out there, that I am sharing & thanks for respecting.

    • @kaitlinrose6352
      @kaitlinrose6352 2 года назад +1

      @@alyssarosalez2 Song of Solomon was written to show us how Christ loves us and how we are to love Him, as well as to show how love and intimacy can and ideally will be in marriage when both people are loving and respecting one another. So, I think if it is in that book, it is all good. I think oral sex is bad when you're being gross and ungodly in your heart. The same for "normal" sex when your heart is off, even in marriage

  • @e.7372
    @e.7372 2 года назад +8

    I've mostly consumed your content through the lense of other people's critiques of your videos. I just watched Mr. Atheist and Jacelyn's reactions to your interview with Jesse and decided to watch more of your actual videos. This was really surprising and honestly so wonderful to hear.
    I recently got married in January of this year to an atheist, I was raised in religion and while I have my issues with some of the stuff I was raised to believe I still believe in God and trying to be the best person I can be in this world.
    I think the most beautiful advice that you gave and could give to anyone of any belief is that communication is key to any healthy relationship regardless! Thank you guys for being so open and honest.

  • @amyyyamy
    @amyyyamy 2 года назад +4

    Why in the world would “god” make a woman sassy and independent if they’re supposed to “submit”. None of this makes sense.

    • @pastagolia8712
      @pastagolia8712 12 дней назад

      Same God that makes masturbation have proven health benefits and then says you'll go to hell if you do it

  • @savannahhouse6880
    @savannahhouse6880 2 года назад +67

    Your relationship and your story makes me so hopeful for my future husband. Still waiting for him to show up, but I’m not settling or giving up! The standard was high already, but seeing y’all makes it even higher. Much love. ♥️

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +1


    • @jessicae.7255
      @jessicae.7255 2 года назад +4

      So true! I saw this really good message on Instagram- “if you compromise to get it, you’ll keep compromising to keep it. And that’s a lot of energy exerted in disobeying God”

    • @mysticthehorselover5979
      @mysticthehorselover5979 2 года назад

      Yep! My mom and dad didn't get married to each until they were in their 40s and had me and my brother! Don't search, just live your life, and eventually the right man will probably come

  • @johnmacias488
    @johnmacias488 Год назад +2

    I feel so bad for Morgan. If it weren’t for the harmful fundamentalist ideals y’all had, she probably wouldn’t have had such a hard time communicating to you. I think it’s wild you look at videos to find a better way to please your wife instead of just communicating with her. It’s really heartbreaking.
    And it all comes home every time they disconnect on video…. I’m not sure why Paul and Morgan would leave those moments in…. It’s so clear their communication is poor. And I’m glad it’s getting better in their own opinion, but they put up all these obstacles with silly fundamental Christian ideals (that have proof of harm)

  • @MrsApril-kx9wt
    @MrsApril-kx9wt 2 года назад +63

    Married 27 years. Good advice you’re giving. One thing I would add is pray for wisdom in all areas including marriage.👍

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +1


    • @atg7437
      @atg7437 2 года назад +6

      Married 31 years. Very mixed advice they are giving. I would stay away from this channel if you are young and looking for advice.

    • @chopun3862
      @chopun3862 2 года назад +2

      @@atg7437 why so?

    • @ericgutierrez2936
      @ericgutierrez2936 2 года назад

      So great when a woman married to a gay man is open about how her period keeps him away. Wink, wink. 😉

  • @DanyAcostaOfficial
    @DanyAcostaOfficial 2 года назад +28

    Having hard convos are not always cute and romantic.
    Being completely blind, I planned a treasure hunt for my girlfriend. Believe me it was not cute and romantic planning it all out, in fact it was frustrating, hard and very inaccessible...but the fruit of the effort led to cute and romantic moments that we will remember for a lifetime :)

  • @Flower-yc7hr
    @Flower-yc7hr 2 года назад +24

    I’m married , I’ve been for almost just 2 years now ! This video helps so much. I feel like everyone likes to act like their marriage is perfect. There is wisdom keeping things private FOR SURE. But, nobody ever shares anything, or like to admit that being married is HARD sometimes. This reminds me that we’re doing okay, and it’s a journey.

  • @elycecapriani1758
    @elycecapriani1758 Год назад +1

    I’m happily married, going on 7 years. One thing that we always try to do is pray together before bed and thank God for each other. It’s really helpful to refocus us. 😊

  • @katetoldness4220
    @katetoldness4220 2 года назад +5

    I realize this is an older video so you may not see this comment. I am an atheist who ran across you guys through Jacyln Glenn.
    There are things I agree with that you've said here, particularly about asking nicely for things you want your spouse to do. I think talking to your spouse like a human being is just Person 101 stuff.
    Also, even more than asking nicely, I think remembering to thank them in the moment is important.
    I even kind of agree with the letting the husband know about being "on your period". I would fit that into a wider context of both spouses being honest with each other about their emotional and physical states so that neither of them needs feel like they just missed the last step. Like husbands don't try to man through a backache, keep it secret and then snap at your wife for asking you to take out the garbage. If she knows you're in pain and is any kind of a person at all, she probably wouldn't have asked you.
    I can't get behind the "submission" and not for the usual reasons given. I realize atheists are often guilty of a strawman of submission with the helpless, browbeaten wife who just has to put up with everything her loutish husband wants and does without question. And obviously those situations can occur, and they are awful. But clearly that is not your marriage and it's not a lot of Christian marriages.
    From what I've heard so far, it's not as if there isn't room for Morgan to have input and have her wants and perspective taken into account. It sounds more like if there is an impasse where you can't agree, or a snap decision needs to be made in an emergency, then it's up to Paul.
    It would be interesting to get some concrete examples of times that Paul made a decision and Morgan submitted to it when she would have rather it been otherwise or how much compromise and discussion really goes into that.
    I have an example from my own entirely secular marriage with my husband. We were heading out to catch the bus to get to a cat shelter where we volunteer most weekends. He stepped badly on some uneven concrete on our way down the steps, fell and wrenched his ankle. He could barely stand at first and had to literally crawl back up the steps. The ankle was already badly swollen and at the time we weren't sure if it was strained, sprained or even broken.
    He saw the bus at the last light before it got to our stop, and he told me I should catch it and get to the shelter. I told him absolutely not. That I wasn't leaving him hurt and alone on a concrete step on a bitterly cold morning for anything. He told me several times to get the bus and I flatly refused until it passed.
    Then I helped him back up to our apartment, made sure he was comfortable on the couch, pillows, ice pack, ice water, Advil, snacks and cellphone within reach. Once I knew he was safely back in the apartment where it is warm and he could keep his feet up, I felt better about then going to the shelter.
    No one could say I submitted to my husband's wishes in the moment. I'm glad I did not and in the end so was he. He admitted after I was back from volunteering that I'd made the right call. I am an atheist, but I hope I'd have done the same as a Christian.
    But from a Christian perspective, was I wrong to prioritize my husband, because he told me not to?

    • @abigailmarshall5302
      @abigailmarshall5302 Год назад

      No it's not wrong, Christian perspectives on "submission" vary widely and actually "submission" is not really the right translation. Paul actually says in the same chapter for ALL Christians, men and women, even when they're not blood related, to submit to each other - well obviously that doesn't mean that we all have to obey each other or do something we disagree with because another Christian says so. And it's the same when Paul says for wives to submit to their husband. So I'm a Christian but I don't agree with Paul and Morgan's interpretation, it's the conservative interpretation that thinks "submit" is the right translation. What Paul means is that every Christian should be selfless in a sense and think of other Christians' needs on par with their own, and no Christian should try to lord over other Christians in ANY context, including pastors. There are a lot of Christians raised with the wrong beliefs about this and it lead to abusive miserable marriages for the women because their husbands were raised to believe their wives are there to serve them in sex and in everything else

  • @chiefredwater1965
    @chiefredwater1965 2 года назад +5

    ......So when it comes to Sexual Intimacy in A Marriage we have to be mindful of what we speak about because The Bible is clear that what goes on in your marriage bed is NOT for the public. I Think You Two Were Very Good On this Topic and most likely helped many.

  • @lieke3043
    @lieke3043 2 года назад +19

    As an absolute atheist I never thought I would like you guys. But when you and Frank family became friends I watched a couple of videos and you guys are really nice fun people.
    I think that submission can work as long as the husband priorities his wife on the same level or over himself. If he priorities himself, there is an unhealthy situation in my opinion.
    Communication is key in every relationship. Not just romantic, but also work related or family.
    You have to be able to be honest with each other for there to be a foundation of a good relationship.

    • @faithyang4313
      @faithyang4313 2 года назад

      Yeah I love them lmao

    • @irenemadrid9258
      @irenemadrid9258 2 года назад

      I couldn't agree more to that statement.

    • @MrsMuffin11
      @MrsMuffin11 2 года назад

      that's the balance they are talking about. submit to your husband BUT love your wife as Christ loved the church. That's a tall order and one does not work without the other

    • @hjgratia443
      @hjgratia443 2 года назад +1

      That's how the bible describes it too! Also , submission is position of your heart- a decision a christian wife should choose only because that's God's desire. NEVER to be forced by a husband or anyone else. And if the wife's heart isn't in a place of submission, the husband still has to obey God and love her sacrificially (how Christ loves the church). Submission doesn't mean just do everything a husband says and serve him like a maid etc, it's a heart demeanor. Any "Christian" man who treats it otherwise isn't following Christ but a skewed view of the bible. Jesus washed people's feet when HE was the son of God, this shows humility, serving, blessing, and honoring the other person even though they're in a place of submission to him- and THAT is supposed to be the position of a godly husband.

  • @kyled2463
    @kyled2463 2 года назад +17

    Uh, what do you mean "I'm gonna submit to this, even though I don't agree"? You don't have free will Morgan? Are you a slave? The whole thing sounds wrong to me!

    • @alliesteph6274
      @alliesteph6274 2 года назад +5

      Right so why if they’re disagreeing does he get the final say just because he has a penis...? Nah. My husband and I come to a mutual conclusion and the final decision is sometimes mine sometimes his. Never just assuming it’s his final say because he’s the man. That’s crazy.

    • @avapilsen
      @avapilsen 2 года назад +1

      @@alliesteph6274 this is what I want my marriage to be when I get married. People say that it will fail. But it looks like it's working for you

  • @etfreima2080
    @etfreima2080 2 года назад +19

    Men truly are oppressed when asked to take care of the house they live in

  • @nushie17
    @nushie17 2 года назад +40

    When it comes to submission my husband and I work it this way. - He sets the direction but I set the pace. If I don't feel comfortable with a decision he makes, I am able to put a pause on it, pray about it, and wait until God changes my heart or changes my husband's heart according to His will. :) We have been married for almost 4 years and it has allowed us to live a life without the need to compromise but rather work together to find a solution we both have peace about. My husband should love me the way Christ loves the church which means he must be willing to lay down His life for me, even if it is uncomfortable for him. Often people forget this part of that scipture. A Husband needs to work on creating a safe space for their wife and seek God daily, so that his wife submits from a place of honour and peace.

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +2

      Appreciate you sharing :)

    • @BeatzByMK
      @BeatzByMK 2 года назад +1

      Beautifully said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @LINDA-de-J0NG
    @LINDA-de-J0NG 2 года назад +86

    This is so painful to watch. The high-voltage smiles, the creep-level oozing out of the guy, the chained energy bursting out the girl's seams, the discrepancy in intelligence and personality types. Just.... PAINful.

  • @elanorapowell6811
    @elanorapowell6811 Год назад +2

    With the “not nagging” how are you meant to “not nag” when you say “hey, love can you take out the trash?” And they say sure and it’s overflowing because you’ve asked 3 times and 4hrs have passed and the trash isn’t out and they are still gaming or talking to friends or whatever it may be? How do you keep asking nicely when clearly they aren’t listening? Eventually I think it would be reasonable for a wife to get agitated and say “Look can you take out the trash now!?”

  • @jessimitchell2051
    @jessimitchell2051 2 года назад +16

    I LOVE these kind of videos. They are always so helpful for me. Please do more unfiltered marriage videos like this!

  • @LTProductions335
    @LTProductions335 2 года назад +29

    As a single guy, Its always interesting insight when you guys talk about your marriage. A true example of what godly marriage looks like.
    Much love guys! God bless!

  • @miguelmontano2971
    @miguelmontano2971 2 года назад +22

    Hey Paul and Morgan it's truly been a blessing to be a follower on your youtube channel I wish nothing but blessings for both of u and ur friends and family. I'm cheering for ya on the other side !!:)

  • @JustInChrist7
    @JustInChrist7 2 года назад +46

    Dude said “I love seeing my spouse getting pleasured”😂😂😂😂 lol, God bless these two❤️

  • @AuntieTay
    @AuntieTay 2 года назад +13

    “Guys can be pretty clueless sometimes” lol FACTS

  • @Vanessa_Elliott
    @Vanessa_Elliott 2 года назад +3

    Just started following you guys and man do y’all make me laugh!! I’m over here looking like a crazy person just laughing out loud 😂😂😂 but seriously glad I came across this channel! I love how biblical you guys keep it, and how much wisdom you have! Inspiring ❤️

  • @analizajensen5486
    @analizajensen5486 2 года назад +30

    Part 2 is a must!!! Please lol. Also if not to personal can you give examples of when or types of scenarios it was hard to submit to your husband? Thanks guys love y’all

  • @Rachel-rj6tu
    @Rachel-rj6tu 2 года назад +18

    I just joined y’all’s Patreon and I’ve been watching all of y’all’s old lives on there while waiting for a new video!! 💗

    • @Rachel-rj6tu
      @Rachel-rj6tu 2 года назад +2

      @@mary-elizabetharndt yesss ahaha when they posted this I had one of their lives playing and I jumped from that one to this one and the love I was watching was still on the screen for me to jump back when I finished this one

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +2

      Aww haha so cool! Thank you for joining❤️❤️

  • @SophieMelissa
    @SophieMelissa 2 года назад +32

    I’m getting married on the 5th November! We have waited for AGES which isn’t ideal but we couldn’t afford any other way sadly (London is pricey) but the time has finally come, and I can’t wait to move in with him finally and start life together, but I am a little nervous! This is great to hear

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +2


    • @9517
      @9517 2 года назад

      Congratulations girl
      God be with you as you go into this next stage of life
      God bless you too
      Amen ✨

    • @greyciepesh9784
      @greyciepesh9784 2 года назад

      Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Amy_Mi6
    @Amy_Mi6 2 года назад +24

    The weekly meeting is an excellent idea! I wish we had done that during our first year (currently married 13.5 yrs.). It definitely would have helped mitigate some arguments.

  • @shivana1552
    @shivana1552 2 года назад +15

    Looking forward to watching this video!!! I love all your vids Morgan you are literally hilarious!!!!

  • @breannawilliamson9787
    @breannawilliamson9787 2 года назад +5

    "I think we did a good job too..."
    Me:"BAHAHAHAHA!!! 🤣"

  • @biancaprins8948
    @biancaprins8948 2 года назад +1

    Hey Paul & Morgan! I love your videos and really trust your wisdom❤️ I truly feel like in today’s world we need to really trust Jesus with whose (and which) voices we can allow in our lives and I trust your advice.
    Would you consider making a video for couples talking about getting married? Or perhaps to give advice for couples not yet married but talking about it? Any tips to prepare?
    Lots of love from South Africa 🇿🇦

  • @shawnalashley8951
    @shawnalashley8951 2 года назад +2

    I feel like submitting is just like letting your guard down and giving trust into your husband to make the correct/better decisions. I think most people feel like submitting is the equivalent of being a slave and that’s not the case…

  • @sambailie4773
    @sambailie4773 2 года назад +10

    Haha.... I'm such a drama queen w/ my period and my hubby is sooooo sweet like Paul xx

  • @evilhag6472
    @evilhag6472 2 года назад +8

    hi🤍 ive watched jaclyns responses to you guys for awhile & thought id actually come check your channel out. ive seen a lot of criticism on the whole “submitting to your husband” and i just wanted to say that although i dont agree and believe in a 50/50 partnership that as long as you guys are in a healthy relationship that works for you guys then good for you. healthy relationships are hard to come by nowadays and i feel thats all we should be worried about. i would like to add though that the whole submitting thing could become a toxic situation if paul is controlling (not saying he is cause idk him, just speaking hypothetically) so please be safe & careful🤍 hope you guys are having a good fall so far🍂

    • @evilhag6472
      @evilhag6472 2 года назад +3

      btw the “be a blessing and you will be blessed” really hit me. loved that. & when you mentioned having a “meeting” every week; thank you. this is something that hopefully my boyfriend will be willing to do with me. our communication can be good when it comes to certain things but lacks in other areas. thank you for making this vid🤍

  • @demonalivefornow9680
    @demonalivefornow9680 2 года назад +15

    this is so ridiclous. does it really make sense to let the husband make all the final decisions? what if he doesn't know better and the wife knows more? sounds real responsible to me...

    • @smilestylez2488
      @smilestylez2488 2 года назад +2

      I would hope Paul would sometimes take Morgan's advice because they work TOGETHER as a team. But yes, ultimately men are supposed to be the one leading or have the final say (with their wives' input). But I know sometimes men can not lead (i.e. gets in a serious vehicle accident and is mentally disabled). And the woman has to take over (temporarily or permanently).

  • @live_unafraid47
    @live_unafraid47 2 года назад +36

    As a single person, I appreciate this advice for the future. Even if it's just for my counseling practice. 😆 🤣

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +4

      Haha😊 It’s good to prepare❤️

  • @sarahlane3710
    @sarahlane3710 2 года назад +2

    It's really interesting to hear a bit more from you guys. Found you through Jaclyn so your content is different to what I'm used to! It is interesting looking outside of my own bubble and I admire the way you guys talk about open communication. Being gay, I'm not sure how welcome I am here, and there are often points in your videos that I find worrying but I also see a lot of respect and kindness between you.

    • @lizzy7244
      @lizzy7244 2 года назад

      same, it’s definitely interesting getting their different perspective, unfortunately I believe they’ve stated before that they are anti lgbtq+

    • @sarahlane3710
      @sarahlane3710 2 года назад +3

      @@lizzy7244 thanks for your reply, it's good to feel heard. I'm going to politely make my exit. Spent too much life already hanging out where I'm not welcome.

    • @KLee1028
      @KLee1028 Год назад

      They are bigots, get out before you have to hear them demean you.

  •  2 года назад +5

    Morgan looks like would be such a cool stoner, I hope one day she follows the rainbow.

  • @natanna437
    @natanna437 2 года назад +5

    Give me an example of things u submitting to?

  • @joannakijowska3420
    @joannakijowska3420 2 года назад +8

    The Key is the relationship with the Lord ! If That is right everything else goes. I got married a year ago and yes it was super challenging !! I leaned if I keep Jesus the love of my life I am closer to my husband, more respectful , and then he is more and more after me the way I desire ! Obedience to the Word !
    I recommend a book “sacred marriage “ by Gary Thomas ...
    God bless you All marriage people
    And don’t give up !
    And pray pray pray over your marriage!

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад

      Thank you so much❤️ We read that book and liked it!

  • @legendman97
    @legendman97 2 года назад +9

    Check out the “Theology of The Body”

  • @herronhomesteadchronicles
    @herronhomesteadchronicles 2 года назад +15

    We have been married for almost 8 years now and as far as submitting goes how it plays out for us is my husband makes decisions but before he decides on what to do he talks to me to see what I think on it then takes my opinion into consideration. I handle the financial aspect of the house. That's just how it ended up playing out. I'm home with 3 kids so I have a little more flexibly to do so. So often times he aske if we have the finances to do stuff

  • @mellidrarobin7369
    @mellidrarobin7369 2 года назад +25

    Morgan's laugh is surely contagious lol.

  • @genasseeceline
    @genasseeceline 2 года назад +7

    I like the ending of this one as opposed to your other vids! Refreshing, switching it up!

  • @malikriemersma3841
    @malikriemersma3841 2 года назад +2

    I love your videos guys!! Paul yoir so funny and I love it!! Keep it up you two!!

  • @amanda.jaynee5716
    @amanda.jaynee5716 2 года назад +15

    I get gay vibes from paul

    • @crashoflogic
      @crashoflogic 2 года назад +10

      Paul's the guy who says "everyone struggles with same sex attraction but you don't have to act on it"

    •  2 года назад


  • @Amy_Mi6
    @Amy_Mi6 2 года назад +19

    Regarding the “bring up a hard topic when you’re in the middle of a back rub”… lol yes, and kinda no. I mean yes, definitely don’t bring it up while you’re currently in a stressful situation but also, I’ve experienced bringing something up during a relaxing moment and it turned the relaxing moment into a “why did you ruin this nice moment by bringing something bad up?” So, you know just feel the moment out first before diving in lol. Not saying it’s bad advice, just… back to what Paul said, it’s all in how you approach it.

    • @mpumiekhumalo5310
      @mpumiekhumalo5310 2 года назад +1

      I also loved that point but I've seen with most people that it tends to stir up the 'negative vibe ' too. Yet at the end of the day, don't be in a situation that hurts without making it clear to the next person coz when you burst its gonna be a lot harder

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +3


  • @emmyspelman8205
    @emmyspelman8205 2 года назад

    Loved this video! And squishy is TOO CUTE 😍

  • @Wildflower567
    @Wildflower567 4 месяца назад

    OH MA GOSH your dog is so cute!!!!!! Little lamb!!!

  • @FaeZae
    @FaeZae 2 года назад +4

    I really admire the way you guys get along and handle your marriage. It really seems like you both are a great team!

  • @abigailmarshall5302
    @abigailmarshall5302 Год назад

    I strongly disapprove of the tone policing alpha husbands / some Christian husbands take when it comes to their wives asking them for things. Your spouse shouldn't always have to call you baby or say a love note before asking you for something, and if you feel they should your ego is way too big. Living with someone, even when they're not a spouse, you're inevitably going to see that person in EVERY state, and it sure as heck ain't always gonna be sweet and nice. Your love should be strong enough to handle that. So yes make a habit of being nice and respectful, but neither partner should feel pressured to be sweet all the time or feel that if they don't ask something just the right way, their partner's ego will get wounded and they won't receive what you say

  • @elizabethbetsy1
    @elizabethbetsy1 2 года назад +6

    Good video! Very wise advice! You guys are humble, confident, and fun! I don’t agree with all you guys say but admire your integrity and vulnerability. Subscribing.

  • @boyo3221
    @boyo3221 Год назад +1

    oh lord not the calvinists.....ugh.....no piper and predestination nonsense

  • @emkaygee6973
    @emkaygee6973 2 года назад +21

    I would love for you, Morgan, to do a video on what it looks like for wives to submit to their husbands, and how you have grown in that area through the years! :) I feel like I also have a very strong independent and leadership personality, but I want to be obedient to the word of God so my future marriage and husband can be blessed. Anywaysss fun Q&A thanks y’all! :)

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the comment😊 We talk more about it in this video. ruclips.net/video/JLFB9qZ_QDI/видео.html

    • @emkaygee6973
      @emkaygee6973 2 года назад

      @@PaulandMorgan thanks! :) will definitely be checking that out

  • @audreyyysimpson
    @audreyyysimpson 2 года назад +1

    hey paul and morgan!! yall have taught me so much 😊 i absolutely love your videos. im studying biblical womanhood in one of my minors at college & i was wondering if you could comment the book by john piper that you read (@morgan) ??

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +1

      Hey, thanks so much❤️ It’s called ‘This Momentary Marriage’

    • @audreyyysimpson
      @audreyyysimpson 2 года назад

      @@PaulandMorgan thanks so much! blessings ❤️❤️

  • @TheCerealluvr
    @TheCerealluvr 2 года назад +2

    lol, wait why the HECK would oral be bad for marriage??

    • @morgianasartre6709
      @morgianasartre6709 2 года назад

      Probably something like "having sex that is not with the intent of conceiving a child is immoral".

  • @carolineh.carver1091
    @carolineh.carver1091 2 года назад +1

    I just remembered you guys and… where’s the song 🥲

  • @hoc1992
    @hoc1992 Год назад

    Yall are too funny! "I love you so much baby suga pop boo boo boo - can you take out the trash for me?" 😂

  • @zvxiv_7027
    @zvxiv_7027 2 года назад +4

    Isn’t this video a sin ? Lmfao a shame

  • @mariemadem516
    @mariemadem516 2 года назад +2

    Hello Paul and Morgan, i just want to say that I really admire your boldness to speak on issues from a Christian perspective and raising issues which have helped me really evaluate everything in our current culture. I have been truly blessed by your videos, and God Has used you guys to guide me in many issues. Love you guys, and may the Lord Jesus increase you in knowledge and wisdom. Love you from Ethiopia ♥

  • @alchemyofcolorandstyle
    @alchemyofcolorandstyle 2 года назад +3

    I see you guys growing! Loving all your views / advice here ❤️

  • @angelaventura1972
    @angelaventura1972 2 года назад +5

    The whole thing regarding women and their periods is very offensive. Also the wife submitting to their husband. Its very obvious that Morgan has been running the show. I truly wish that you guys would talk about infertility. Especially when it comes to Christians. People expect to get married and have babies asap. It doesn't always work like that and I think that you all should let your audience know about your struggles.

    • @cabpeer5963
      @cabpeer5963 2 года назад

      She has gone into MUCH detail about their fertility struggles.

  • @becky3983
    @becky3983 2 года назад

    I think maybe there are guys who aren't willing to admit that they're nervous? Or feel like it's their job to make sure the woman's OK, but actually, they're nervous too?

  • @jianashantel
    @jianashantel 2 года назад

    Part 2 would be lovely! I love you guys ❤️❤️

  • @erniesandoval9852
    @erniesandoval9852 2 года назад +5

    I'm single but I still enjoyed the video 📸.

  • @juliec9531
    @juliec9531 2 года назад

    Where do y’all live? :) it looks so nice and sunny!

  • @johngrant8473
    @johngrant8473 2 года назад

    I notice the oral sex question comes up in similar videos as well, and no one ever gives their own answer. It’s always so ambiguous and very open ended. Why can’t the posters just say if they personally find it ok or not?

  • @Sebadoh1994
    @Sebadoh1994 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for the sexual information, it’s hard to talk about with other Christians in person. I really was pleased to hear that you guys have a healthy two way sex life

    • @alliesteph6274
      @alliesteph6274 2 года назад

      Would you think most people dont..? I would hope all couples married or not, have a healthy happy sex life or you’re probably not with the right person

    • @Sebadoh1994
      @Sebadoh1994 2 года назад +2

      @@alliesteph6274 no I agree, but some people I have known have had men that were all about themselves.

    • @abigailmarshall5302
      @abigailmarshall5302 Год назад

      @@alliesteph6274 Many Christian marriages are bad for the women especially sexually, because consent is not taught in Christian sex ed. It teaches that men will want sex more most of the time and therefore they can coerce their wives into sex and the wife will have to have sex when she doesn't want to

  • @francespowell6923
    @francespowell6923 2 года назад +10

    Did you know, Paul, that when Morgan is PMSing that is when her hormone profile most resembles *yours*. Seriously. Look it up. We're more like men, just before we're on the rag. That lack of self control over the emotional? The moodiness? It's when we're more like you.
    And you should know. You're not a child, ffs. You can't take a mental note of the date?

    • @phangirlable
      @phangirlable 2 года назад +3

      I don't think that hormone profiles just translate that easily. When men are low on testosterone, they become more moody and over-emotional (or as some would say, more like US) so maaaybe the more we resemble the other sex' hormone profile, the more miserable we get.

    • @ltmltm4945
      @ltmltm4945 2 года назад

      I’m always really happy when I’m on my period. But I will cry easily. Before my period I become easily irritated, and just wanna eat a lot lol. I feel like there are so many differences

    • @avapilsen
      @avapilsen 2 года назад +1

      Yeah I learned this in college. People need to know this

  • @learneternal-english3417
    @learneternal-english3417 2 года назад


  • @sawa1067
    @sawa1067 2 года назад

    I like "will you take out the trash with me?" (someone's got to hold the door)

  • @septemberspassion
    @septemberspassion 2 года назад +2

    I Love You Guys. Always enjoying. 😁

  • @jessamyn-rosie755
    @jessamyn-rosie755 2 года назад +2

    How do you grow out your hair so long?! im shook

    • @marikafleur
      @marikafleur 2 года назад

      The length hair grows go is genetically predetermined but also good haircare practices like not washing your hair everyday, gentle combing making sure you don't have vitamin deficiencies etc to help keep length and grow

  • @lunalimi9798
    @lunalimi9798 2 года назад

    Why would oral sex not be okay?

  • @erinelizabeth9047
    @erinelizabeth9047 2 года назад +4

    Overall, I really enjoyed your perspectives and advice. However, I have one follow-up question related to wives submitting. If a husband wants to make a decision that is not loving toward his wife, should she still submit to him?

    • @Daphoenyx
      @Daphoenyx 2 года назад +10

      No, please don't submit in that case. Look for help!

    • @tamaratodorovic
      @tamaratodorovic 2 года назад

      Look up the story of Abigail. It mostly answers the special cases.

  • @Alexa-qn6ke
    @Alexa-qn6ke 2 года назад +3

    As a big fan of John Piper-
    When Morgan recommended his book: 😃
    When Morgan sad she didn’t agree with him on everything: ☹️… lol jk. Appreciate the perspective. Also, I know y’all have been talking about the gifts of the spirit more lately and I think y’all would appreciate John Piper’s perspective, it’s a very open and non-skeptical view if you’ve never read or heard him speak on it

  • @anthonybarber3872
    @anthonybarber3872 2 года назад +9

    What a husband and wife do in bed is between them and the Lord. And they are right when they say that if one or the other is uncomfortable with something, they should not do it, not force it on the other. Whatever is not of faith is sin.

  • @Jordan-Vanderloo
    @Jordan-Vanderloo 2 года назад +4

    I’m subscribed to you guys but I always have to search for your videos. You must be doing the Lords work 😉

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад +1

      Weird! Do you have the bell turned on?

  • @thehappysingle
    @thehappysingle 2 года назад +4

    Thanks so much for doing this video! I am a young Christian lady and it's nice to here this advice from a Christian perspective for the future!☺️

  • @amandapanda316
    @amandapanda316 2 года назад

    Have you guys learned about fertility awareness? There's a christian organization (symptopro) that has a course that teaches it in a really easy to understand way 💕
    God is leading me to become an instructor 😊

  • @lloydsparks3594
    @lloydsparks3594 Год назад

    amen amen Shirley and I were married 50 plus years. Very few problems That was in 1959 She passed away in 2013. I now live with my daughter in Norman, OK I amsending LUCA a gift sometimes soon.....Please excuse my tpying is not good and and failing eyesught. I will be 86 yo soon Love all of you Lloyd G Sparks

  • @learneternal-english3417
    @learneternal-english3417 2 года назад

    I was ready to pop the top lol. Paul is right i can relate haha. Girls you gotta be gentle make them feel comfortable. Im like lets do it on the stairs, in the bed, upside down, left right tuesday, wednesday, thursday.

  • @arisunshine6559
    @arisunshine6559 2 года назад

    Morgans posture isn’t good she’s got thoracic kyphosis it will make pregnancy pains worse and postpartum healing harder fix your thoracic kyphosis by strengthing the upper back muscles get yourself to a chiropractor and roll your shoulders up and back

  • @kamarwashington
    @kamarwashington 2 года назад +4

    Paul came with the bars today
    Also both of you guys have some fire eyebrows what the heck😂

  • @greyciepesh9784
    @greyciepesh9784 2 года назад +1

    These two ❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂

  • @maximinocarrero2209
    @maximinocarrero2209 2 года назад +1

    BTW I love you Guys Very Much! Thanks for your Prayers

  • @RHG-pittsburgh2023
    @RHG-pittsburgh2023 2 года назад +11

    First viewer for the first time 😁😂🙏

  • @johnmacias488
    @johnmacias488 Год назад

    Why are y’all giving advice? From what I hear, morgan was very uncomfortable communicating her needs. I’m glad y’all are getting better but the road y’all took was toxic and filled with bad advice. I really hope your audience realizes most the problems y’all present could be fixed with honest communication. Y’all are so late on realizing this because of your harmful fundamentalist ideals.

  • @melthouseculture
    @melthouseculture Год назад

    that intro 😂

  • @sophies6957
    @sophies6957 2 года назад

    Our reputation 💗😂

  • @alisha4012
    @alisha4012 2 года назад +2

    Not married but hope to be one day

  • @martareitmajer
    @martareitmajer 2 года назад +1

    Where can I meet a godly man

  • @alexknisely1694
    @alexknisely1694 2 года назад +2

    I miss the little jingle you guys have in your older videos

  • @Getosuggi
    @Getosuggi Год назад

    3:29 lower your expectations to 0 lol❤

  • @NikkiPhillippi
    @NikkiPhillippi 2 года назад +5

    Live reply: yes, I was way more nervous our first time… Dan was basically just like “let’s get it onnnn” like Paul said hahaah

    • @PaulandMorgan
      @PaulandMorgan  2 года назад

      Hey Nikki! Bahaha my assumptions were correct😄

  • @sophieghaffari9006
    @sophieghaffari9006 2 года назад +7

    Yay l love these. I wanna know what I’m gonna be gettin into lol 😂😂😂

  • @rawr333r
    @rawr333r 2 года назад +7

    I like how someone asked about their husband not paying attention to them during sex and Morgan's immediate response was to say that she doesn't deal with that at all and Paul is wonderful. Like damn tone down the "I'm better than you" for like a second. You also didn't give any advice at all for that situation you just told them why that sucks for them and gave a general "read books" advice. Not helpful I'm sure lol

    • @Jesscalmvision
      @Jesscalmvision 2 года назад

      But for anyone who is going through that, if the wife is able to ask her husband for what she wants or needs specifically may be helpful. Maybe he doesn’t know you aren’t satisfied? I would not “fake” it if you aren’t feeling satisfied, otherwise it may send mixed signals. It might help to say that you (as the wife) are not feeling satisfied or content with your sex life, and then give ideas of things he could do, or things you guys could try as a couple so that you also feel satisfied. A therapist may be helpful if this is a situation that doesn’t change after addressing it. I don’t think Morgan or Paul are trying to be better than- I didn’t sense that after watching the whole thing. Maybe she doesn’t have advice because it isn’t an issue she has experienced. And that’s okay- she isn’t a therapist nor does she have a degree in counseling. She’s just offering advice, take it or leave it.

  • @elanorapowell6811
    @elanorapowell6811 2 года назад

    And then there is me trying my hardest to follow my husbands decisions but her is indecisive and just tells me to make them because “he doesn’t care either way.” Which leads to a lot of me being very indecisive on things I wanted his input on. We are blessed because we rarely fight or go head to head. We both have firey tempers but those are usually over very dumb things like he will blow up if I wake him up too early sometimes but mostly it sucks being two indecisive people in a relationship.

  • @natalee7726
    @natalee7726 2 года назад +2

    If I submitted to my husband he would give up the 13 hour job he currently does and I would be even more stressed about the fact I am the bread winner. And I would have to keep the house and deal with his needs in all areas. It would be too much

    • @Ash-ec5iq
      @Ash-ec5iq 2 года назад +17

      Well it's 2021, we don't need to submit to men. That idea is just insane.

    • @hopefull61256
      @hopefull61256 2 года назад +1

      Well that means he is not loving you as Chist loved his church, to the point of death. He needs to hold up his end.

    • @Ash-ec5iq
      @Ash-ec5iq 2 года назад +3

      You also do not HAVE to do anything. Men can do all the household chores too. I would rather be single than be a man's maid. Yuck.

    • @EnoI539
      @EnoI539 2 года назад +3

      @@Ash-ec5iq well let me guess you’re single

  • @Maya-sv6yk
    @Maya-sv6yk 2 года назад +3

    Voodoo 😂 you guys crack me up

  • @anotherjamesjohnson
    @anotherjamesjohnson 2 года назад +2

    Morgan is high or drunk AF in this video and all of the videos lately!! I'm I the only one that's noticing this!?

    • @ltmltm4945
      @ltmltm4945 2 года назад

      She’s not. That’s her personality Ive watched her stuff for a long time.