I'm one of those Catholics that didn't read the bible. I have a friend with whom years ago I would talk religion and the bible. She was a Christian but ignorant of many of the parts of the bible I would talk about. One day she said I must have read the bible a lot. I was doubly shocked. First that a protestant would know so little of Scripture. I always figured they would know every verse in the bible. Second, how could I know so much of the bible when I didn't read often. My friend was one of those Christians that felt they didn't have to go to church or read the bible. She just considered herself a Christian. Me, I frequently attended Mass where the church has a three year cycle where most of the bible is read. I learned the bible just by participating and paying attention during Mass.
A protestant friend invited my to go to his church a few times. The service was roughly half an hour of singing worship songs, then half an hour of a sermon. What surprised me is, each time I go there( 3 or four times), I never heard one word of a Gospel. The pastor was doing a sermon, mostly about an Epistle (Romans is their favorite). Or about some Old Testament story, that give a morale for today. Never heard a Gospel read there.
I just learned of a guy who in Washington D.C. damaged by night with a hammer a precious marble statue of the Mother of Christ and Ours with the baby Jesus in her arms. It's so sad this hatred based in ignorance brings such terrible acts. We live opressed by so many lies and anticatholic prejudice! This channel is an eye and mind opener. Thank you!
In Ireland the church buildings in the 10th century have engravings from the bible outside, carved into the stone on the walls and on high stone celtic crosses. They were subject to raids by vikings but the raiders couldn't steal the very walls of the church. Also people attending mass couldn't read. So it was a way of teaching scriptural passages.
Along with beautiful stained glass windows, giving a visual story. Take a look at Saint Teilos Church, (images) in Saint Fagans, Cardiff. Greetings from Wales. IESU BENDIGEDIG! (Wonderful Jesus.)
Brief History of the Church. Pope Damasus 1 convene the Council of Rome in 382 AD in which he ordered the compilation of Sacred Books which eventually consisted the contents of the Holy Bible. St Jerome translated Hebrew and Greek into Latin. Known as Vulgate. Pope Siricius first Pope to call the compilation of Sacred Books and called it Biblos or Bible. He was also the first Bishop of Rome to be called POPE. Tertullian gave the term New Testament and used the term TRINITAS or Trinity. Cardinal Hugo de Caro and Cardinal Stephen Langton They divided the Books of the Bible into chapters. Robert Estienne further separated the bible books into chapters into verses and was credited as the person to print the Bible with verses and numbers
Part of where this “Catholics don’t read the Bible” thing come from actually has to do with pre-Vatican II Catholic schools in the US. I know several people who went and told me specifically that the nuns who used to teach them discouraged Bible reading and called the Bible a “Protestant book”. Obviously, these nuns were in error; however the Church has always maintained that it has the true interpretation of the scriptures, and so a people need to read the Bible using the understanding of the magisterium. Another reason why people think that Catholics don’t read the Bible has to do with how we read and learn scriptures. We don’t generally memorize chapter and verse; instead we read the Bible as a whole. We may know what book a passage is in, but seldom exactly where. This understanding, though it gives a much better understanding of scripture, makes it difficult for us to debate those who memorize chapters and verses, and then they use this to “prove”that we don’t know our scriptures.
Your know the scriptures weren't written with citations, footnotes and indexes. Deuteronomy and Revelations have banned adding to scripture in a strict sense. But we go by the church.
I went to Catholic schools in the 60's. The nuns never said it was a Protestant book, in fact I don't think I ever heard the word Protestant until after I gradutated. We read bible stories, not verses. That still seems like nonsense to me.
Amen! It is so refreshing to hear so much truth in a video this long! Great job! The only thing I would add is that the Gospels were also taught to people who couldn't read (including both clergy and laity) by use of the Rosary. The Rosary contains the entire Gospel message of salvation by Jesus Christ, such that even in the absence of a physical Bible or a physical Church or even in times of severe persecution such as in the case of the Penal Times of Ireland, the Gospel message could still be learned and memorized by the faithful. So many Protestants make the claim that the Rosary is unbiblical when the opposite is true, since the Rosary contains the very message of the Gospel and uses prayers lifted directly from the words of the Bible. It is truly the "People's Gospel". I would also like to add that I am thankful for how blessed we are to have all of the resources of modern society to draw from. We are the first generation to have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips in an instant with the internet. Ignorance in modern times is a choice, in my opinion.
Luther was a heretic, and excommunicated from the Church on Jan 3, 1521. Protestantism has clearly failed because there are 42,000 pastor Mikes, all teaching different truths, ie their own interpretations and Luther's supporters would do well to read what he wrote about the Jews; While Christ taught: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”-Matt 22:39 Luther teaches: "My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire... Second, that all their books-- their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible-- be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted...Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country...Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it... He who hears this name [God] from a Jew must inform the authorities, or else throw sow dung at him when he sees him and chase him away".
"Burn their synagogues. Forbid them all that I have mentioned above. Force them to work and treat them with every kind of severity, as Moses did in the desert and slew three thousand... If that is no use, we must drive them away like mad dogs, in order that we may not be partakers of their abominable blasphemy and of all their vices, and in order that we may not deserve the anger of God and be damned with them. I have done my duty. Let everyone see how he does his. I am excused." “ If I had to baptize a Jew, I would take him to the bridge of the Elbe, hang a stone round his neck and push him over with the words I baptize thee in the name of Abraham” “The Jews deserve to be hanged on gallows seven times higher than ordinary thieves.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ for references see catholicapologetics.info/apologetics/protestantism/matluther.htm#_ftnref2
No one told me this nor have I read this. This is just an observation of the way the act. These people all they do is live angry, put fear in people’s heart, attack everyone and force religion on to people against their will. They force people to become Christians, Christ wants people to follow because they want to not because they’re being forced to. They rent any random spot as a church. I see them all around the neighborhood and I know a protestant buddy talking about the “church” and I said what church?🤣 But you know, they call his temples just a building. This is disrespectful because if we push the idea that his temples are just a building then it means anyone can just disrespect them and vandalize them. But if we acknowledge that the Catholic Churches(temples) are the home of Christ (which it is) and his precence is there then people will respect it. Then they bully everyone and think they’re right and everyone else is wrong. This even leads to creating doubt in the church founded by our lord and savior Jesus Christ and many people leaving. You cant love Christ and then pull people away from the church he founded and pretend like you’re doing the right thing.
Luther defined the future of Protestantism in 1529AD at the protestant council in Marsberg when he said: "Every man who reads scripture thinks himself a Theologian and a Doctor of the Church. His proof is the Holy Spirit, which he ate feathers and all...". In the end of this council they all ex-communicated each other as heretics using scripture verses. The New Pope Luther was dethroned by a newer Pope Zwingli.
at that time ... icons were used ... it is considered as the gospel of the poor ... the nativity of Christ , images of his crucifixion ...etc ...were used at that time and still being used today ... books at that time are so expensive ... even today it is still expensive.
After the spread of book printing: The Mentelin Bible is the first pre-Lutheran Bible printed. Made in 1466 just 11 years after Gutenberg printed the first Latin edition. The university library of the LMU Munich still has 3 preserved copies.
In all, 198 editions of the Bible were in the language of the laity, 626 editions all together, and all before the first Protestant version, and all having the full approval of the Church. Luther himself noted "it was an effect of God power, that the Papacy should have remained, in the first place, sacred baptism; secondly, the text of the Holy Gospels which it was custom to read from the pulpit in the vernacular tongue of every nation..." (14) Many people both Catholic and Protestant do not realize exactly how much They owe the Catholic Church for the progression of the bible as we know it today. for example before Luther made his German Transition in September of 1522, there were seventeen German Transitions (all before 1518) already in print, twelve of these in the Low-German dialect. (7) 38-61 A.D. THE FIRST GOSPEL WAS WRITTEN: St. Matthew one of the twelve apostles of Christ, Catholic Bishop and martyr for the faith, writes the first gospel of the life of Christ in his native language of Hebrew. This gospel would eventually be followed by three other gospels written in Greek language these were the gospel of St. Mark (64 A.D.), the gospel of St. Luke (63 or 64 A.D.) and the gospel of St. John (97 A.D.). 52 A.D. THE FIRST EPISTLE WAS WRITTEN: St. Paul, apostle of Christ, Catholic Bishop and martyr for the faith writes the first epistle to a part of the Church. This is known today as "First Thessalonians". This writting would soon be followed by 21 other apostolic epistles by various Catholic authors the last one being written by St. John the apostle in 69 A.D. 64 A.D. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES WAS WRITTEN: St. Luke disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of the Catholic Church and martyr for the faith, Writes "Acts of the Apostles" a history of the Catholic church from Easter to the death of St. Paul. The two contributions Acts and his gospel make St. Luke the author of the largest portion of the New Testament about twenty-eight percent. 98-99 A.D. THE LAST DIVINELY INSPIRED WRITING OF THE APOSTLES IS COMPLETED: St. John, apostle of Christ and Bishop of the Catholic Church writes the last divinely inspired writing of the apostles. This is known today as "Revelations" 153-170 A.D. THE FIRST TREATISE ON "THE HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS.": The earliest attempt at constructing a Harmony was that of Tatian (died a.d. 172). and its title, Diatessaron, furnishes abundant evidence of the early acceptance in the Catholic Church of our four canonical Gospels The next Harmony was that of Ammonius of Alexandria, the teacher of Origen, It appeared about A.D. 220, but has been lost. (17) 2nd - 3rd A.D. CENTURY THE FIRST BIBLE SCHOOL: The early Catholics started a school in Alexandria for the learning the Gospels and other early Catholic writings.(6) 250 A.D. THE FIRST PARALLEL LANGUAGE BIBLE: The Catholic Origen creates the Hexapla edition of the Old Testament which contained parallel Hebrew and Greek versions. (5) 250 A.D. THE FIRST CATHOLIC LIBRARY: The Catholic Origen creates a very well-stocked library in Caesarea, for the purpose of studing the Gospels and other early Catholic writings. (19) 250-300 A.D. THE FIRST BIBLE IN BOOK FORM: The Jews used long papyrus scrolls, the Early Catholics were the first to use the book (codex) form for scarred scriptures. (10) 4TH CENTURY THE FIRST USE OF THE WORD "BIBLE": It came from the Greek word "biblos" which means the inner bark of the papyrus, paper-reed, from which paper was originally made, in Egypt. The Latin form "Biblia" spelled with a capital letter, came to mean "the Book of Books," "The Book" by way of pre-eminencehry, the inspired Book, etc. The Holy Scriptures were first called the Bible by St. C sostom, the Catholic Archbishop of Constantinople, in the 4th century. (12)
4TH CENTURY THE OLDEST EXISTING BIBLES: The two oldest existing Bible containing both the Old and most the (Note not the complete) the New Testaments called today the Codex Vaticanus (325-350 A.D.), the Codex Sinaiticus (340-350 A.D.), the Codex Ephraemi (345 A.D.), and the Codex Alexandrinus (450 A.D) were hand copied by Catholic monks.(6) 367 A.D. THE FIRST USE OF THE WORD "CANON": St. Athanasius, the Catholic bishop of Alexandria, is the first to apply the term Canon to the contents of the Bible, he introduced the verb canonize, meaning "To give official sanction to" a written document. (6) 367 A.D. THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: The 39th festal letter of St. Athanasius, the Catholic bishop of Alexandria, sent to the churches under his jurisdiction in 367, ended all uncertainty about the limits of the New Testament canon. In the so-called festal letter, preserved in a collection of annual Lenten messages given by Athanasius, he listed as canonical the 27 books that remain the contents of the New Testament, although he arranged them in a different order. Those books of the New Testament, in their present-day order, are the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), the Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. (1) 388 A.D. THE FIRST GLOSSARY OF PROPER NAMES IN THE BIBLE: St. Jerome compiled the "Book of Hebrew names, or Glossary of Proper Names in the Old Testament," The Book of Hebrew Names was no doubt of much use in the ages is which men were ignorant of Hebrew, although it's arrangement is rather clumsy with a separate glossary for each book of the Bible; (17) 388 A.D. THE BOOK OF THE SITE AND NAMES OF HEBREW PLACES: St. Jerome compiled the "The Book of the Site and Names of Hebrew Places" which was first compiled by Eusebius athough St. Jerome's has additions. the names under each letter being placed in separate groups in the order of the books of Scripture in which they occur; for instance, under the letter A we have first the names in Genesis, then those in Exodus, and so on. But there is less room here for what is fanciful, and the testimony of men who lived in Palestine in the fourth and fifth centuries is of great value still to the student of sacred topography. When the places are outside the writer's knowledge, credulity is apt to creep in, as when the author tells us that on Ararat portions of the ark are still to be found.(17) 390 A.D. THE FIRST COMPILING OF THE COMPLETE NEW & OLD TESTAMENT: At the Council of Hippo, the Catholic Church gathered together the various books which claimed to be scripture, passed on the merits and claims of each and this council decided which were inspired and which were not. The Catholic Church put all the inspired books and epistles together in one volume with The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament (which was translated by seventy scholars at Alexandria, Egypt around the year 227 B.C., this was the version Christ and His apostles used) and That is the Bible as we have it today. The Catholic Church therefore gave to the people and the World, the Bible as we have it today (2) 400 A.D. MOST OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES TRANSLATED: In Syriac, Coptic, Ethhiopic, Georgian Languages(8). Across the Rhine and Danube from the Roman Empire A Gothic version was translated by the Gothic Bishop Ulfilas (318-388), who after devising an alphabet, produced a version of the Scriptures from the Septuagint Old Testament and from the Greek. (10) 406 A.D. THE ARMENIAN TRANSLATION: In 406 the Armenian alphabet was invented by Mesrob, who five years later completed a translation of the Old and New Testament from the Syriac version into Armenian. (10) 405 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE COMPLETE BIBLE IN THE COMMON LANGUAGE: Latin Vulgate, from the Latin editio vulgata: "common version", the Bible still used by the Roman Catholic Church, was translated by St. Jerome (Whom the translators of the 1611 Authorized Version in their original preface called " a most learned father, and the best linguist without controversy, of his age, or of any that went before him"). In 382 Pope Damasus commissioned Jerome, the leading biblical scholar of his day, to produce an acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations then being used. His revised Latin translation of the Gospels appeared about 383. Using the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament, of which he produced a new Latin translation, a process that he completed about 405. (3) It is as a translator of Scripture that Jerome is best know. His Vulgate was made at the right moment and by the right man. The Latin language was still living, although Latin civilization was dying; and Jerome was a master of it.(17) 450-550 A.D THE BEZAE CANTABRIGIENSIS (ALSO CALLED CODEX BEZAE): This is the oldest existing bilingual manuscript, with Greek on the left page, and Latin on the right. Bezae Cantabrigiensis was a western text copied c. 450-550 A.D. It has preserved most of the four Gospels, parts of Acts. 7TH CENTURY THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO FRENCH LANGUAGE: French Versions of the Psalms and the Apocalypse, and a metrical rendering of the Book of Kings, appeared as early as the seventh century.(9) In 1223 (A. D.) a complete translation was made under the Catholic King Louis the Pious. This was 320 years before the first Protestant French version. (7) Up to the fourteenth century, many Bible histories were produced. 7TH CENTURY, THE FIRST GERMAN VERSION: The history of Biblical research in Germany shows that of the numerous partial versions in the vernacular some go back to the seventh and eighth centuries. It also establishes the certainty of such versions on a considerable scale in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and points to a complete Bible of the fifteenth in general use before the invention of printing.(9)
7TH CENTURY, SPACES PLACED BETWEEN THE WORDS: In the seventh Century, Irish and English monks began to leave space between the words as they copied the biblical texts by hand, before this all the letters ran together making a entire book look like one giant word. (19) 8TH CENTURY,THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE: By Aldhelm, the Bishop of Sherborne, and Bede. A 9th century translation of the Bible in to English (Anglo-Saxon the dialect of its time) was made by Alfred. A tenth century translation in to English was made by Aelfric.(7) , By 1361 a translation of most of Scripture in the English dialect (Anglo-Norman) of its time had been executed.(3) This was twenty years before Wycliffe's 1381 translation (3) 8TH - 9TH CENTURY, THE USE OF THE FORM OF WRITING CALLED "MINUSCULE": As the breakdown of Oriental commerce took papyrus out of the western market in compelled to use of parchment, the factor of economy became increasingly potent. To get more words on page, the scribe had two use smaller letters and squeeze them close together. Some, to preserve their distinct shapes, were extended above the line, some below. The ultimate result was a form of writing called "Minuscule"- little letters, with capitals inserted for emphasis. It is this system which is still use today. This grammatically was a major change from the "Majuscule"- which consisted of only large letters as used by the Greeks, Romans, and Jews. (16) 9TH CENTURY, THE FIRST SLAVIC TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE: The Catholic Saints Cyril and Methodius preached the Gospel to the Slavs in the second half of the ninth century, and St. Cyril, having formed an alphabet, made for them, in Old Ecclesiastical Slavic, or Bulgarian, a translation of the Bible from the Greek. Toward the close of the tenth century this version found its way into Russia with Christianity, and after the twelfth century it underwent many linguistic and textual changes. A complete Slav Bible after an ancient codex of the time of Waldimir (d. 1008) was published at Ostrog in 1581.(9) 1170 A.D. THE FIRST PARALLEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE BIBLE: Eadwine's Psalterium triplex, which contained the Latin version accompanied by Anglo-Norman and Anglo-Saxon renderings, appeared it became the basis of all subsequent Anglo-Norman versions.(3) THIRTEENTH CENTURY, THE FIRST DIVISION OF CHAPTERS: It was the British Catholic Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, St. Stephen Langton (died 1228), was first to tabulate scripture into Chapters, and we follow his arrangement to this day: some 1,163 chapters in the Old Testament, and only 260 in the New Testament." (4) THIRTEENTH CENTURY, THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO SPANISH LANGUAGE: Under King Alfonso V of Spain. (7) 1230 A.D. THE FIRST CONCORDANCE: A concordance of the Latin Vulgate Bible was compiled by the Dominican Friar Hugo of Saint Cher. (5) 1300 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO NORWEGIAN LANGUAGE: The earliest and most celebrated is that of Genesis-Kings in the so-called Stjórn ("Guidance"; i.e., of God) manuscript in the Old Norwegian language, probably to be dated about 1300. Swedish versions of the Pentateuch and of Acts have survived from the fourteenth century and a manuscript of Joshua-Judges by Nicholaus Ragnvaldi of Vadstena from c. 1500. The oldest Danish version covering Genesis-Kings derives from 1470. (11) 1454 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED BIBLE: A Catholic named Gutenberg caused great excitement when in the fall of that year he exhibited sample pages at the Frankfurt trade fair. Gutenberg quickly sold out all of the 180 copies of his Latin Vulgate Bible even before the printing was finished. (6) 1470 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED BIBLE DICTIONARY WAS PRINTED: It was written by Johannes Marchesinus ( a Franciscan friar). It was a guide to understanding the text of the Bible explains the grammatical constructs and etymology of difficult words in the Scriptures. Printed only 15 years after the First Book ever printed in the world, the Gutenberg Bible 1466 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED GERMAN BIBLE: This was fifty eight years before Luther made his German Translation in 1524. (8) In that fifty eight years the Catholics printed 30 different German editions of the Bible. 1470 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED SCANDINAVIAN BIBLE: In the fourteenth century, versions of the Sunday Epistles and Gospels were made for popular use in Denmark. Large portions of the Bible, if not an entire version, were published about 1470. (9) 1471 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED ITALIAN BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 20 different Italian editions of the Bible. 1475 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED DUTCH BIBLE: The first Bible in Dutch was printed by Catholics in Holland at Delft in 1475. Among several issued from the press of Jacob van Leisveldt at Antwerp (9) 1478 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED SPANISH BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522) the Catholics printed 2 different Spanish editions of the Bible. 1466 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED FRENCH BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 26 different French editions of the Bible. 1516 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED GREEK NEW TESTAMENT: A Catholic named Erasmus first printed his Greek New Testament. (8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 22 different Greek editions of the Bible. 1534 A.D. THE FIRST USE OF ITALICS TO INDICATE WORDS NOT IN THE ORIGINAL: A Catholic named Munster was the first to use italics to indicate words not in the original Greek or Hebrew texts, in his version of the Latin Vulgate.(13)
1535 The First Bible Concordance Ever Printed: Done in Latin, and extensively accented in red ink, this is the very first concordance to the Bible ever printed. 1548 A.D. THE FIRST CHINESE VERSIONS: Among earlier translations is a version of St. Matthew by Anger, a Japanese Catholic (Goa, 1548). The Jesuit Father de Mailla wrote an explanation of the Gospels for Sundays and feasts in 1740, (9) 1551 A.D. THE FIRST DIVISION OF VERSES: The first division of the Bible into its present verses is found for the first time in an edition of the Greek New Testament published in Paris by the Catholic Robert Stephens. (10) 1555 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED COMPLETE BIBLE WITH CHAPTERS AND VERSES: The first division of the Bible into its present chapters and verses is found for the first time in an edition of the Vulgate published in Paris by the Catholic Robert Stephens. (10) 1561 A.D. THE FIRST COMPLETE POLISH BIBLE: Was printed at Cracow in 1561, 1574, and 1577. Jacob Wujek, S.J., undertook a new translation from the Vulgate (Cracow, 1593), which was praised by Clement VIII, and reprinted frequently. (9) 1579 A.D. THE FIRST MEXICAN VERSION: The first known Biblical undertaking in Mexico was a version of the Gospels and Epistles in 1579 by Didacus de S. Maria, O.P., and the Book of Proverbs by Louis Rodríguez, O.S.F. A version of the New Testament was made in 1829, but only the Gospel of St. Luke was printed.(9) 1836 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE: A version of St. John's Gospel and of the Acts was edited in katakana (square type) at Singapore (1836) by Charles Gutzlaff (9)
thank you for that history. I do have a question for you though, if the Catholic Church had all these translations of the bible by the 3rd century, how come they only read the scriptures in Latin at their masses for 1900 years or so when the layman didn't understand Latin? I'd really appreciate your answer. maybe I'm wrong on my history on this as this video cleared up a lot of my misunderstandings.
English Catholics had an official NT translation, the Douay-Rheims, in 1585, 26 years before the publication of the "authorized" (Queen James) Bible. To my knowledge, "bible believers" who trade in the theories debunked in the video have never squared this brute fact with their claims about Bible reading.
@@RyanGrandon The video and discussion concern Bible reading and the alleged prohibition of Bible reading by the Church. That is why the issue of translation is important. The liturgy is a separate issue. There were translations printed for church use as well, so that the readings could be followed.
True. In our side of the world, we have no written scripts for we have no alphabets. Hence whatever we learned from elders and fore-parents were handed down through oral traditions. We started to read and write when the missionaries came and gave us The Roman scripts in 1841....So, how can we read the Bible except listening to the teachings ....
Protestantism came about because of Martin Luther. 1511 A.D. King Henry condemned Luther or breaking away and then broke away himself and was worse than Luther in many ways.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial yes , Henry V111 mabe himself head of the church but Sir Thomas More would not accept him ,he said Christ is head of the church so King Henry V111 had Sir Thomas More put to death.
Protestent church have one reading on the service but catholic has three reading and a psalm The entire mass is from sacred scripture Protestents are ignorent Let them read church fathers they will understand
You assume im supposed to believe church fathers. I dont believe them nor am i required to believe them. Why dont you read the Watchtower and become a jehovas witness?
Some prodestant/Babtist say that the Catholic bible was brought up/interpretation from the library of Alexandria.. Not sure what this is about. Hopefully u can advise on this. God Bless you all... Thank you...
Protestants actually use the Alexandrian canon (which is a shorter list of books) where as Catholics have always used the Septuagint which has a full list of books and the oldest ones.
The Bible is read and preach in the Church whole year round. The Catholic Faith defenders read the Bible with exegetical context and ergonomics according to the sacred traditions and magisterium and not personal interpretation.
Exactly, all the readings during the celebration of mass are taken from the Bible..even the response are from Psalms ....but we shld also need to read the Bible so we can at least knew the word of God....and not easily be brainwashed by those who wants us to hate our Catholic faith..Thank Brian for sharing this video...God bless you and God bless the Catholic Church 🙏😊
Love the videos, I was looking for the quote where Luther laments the idea of everyone personally interpreting the Scriptures and can't find it. Could you tell me where the source is?
Catholics don’t often read the bible, for reading the bible’s sake, has been my experience. The problem I found is that by reading the bible, I have more doubts than ever. I was probably happier being ignorant than knowing what I know now. This is the Jerusalem bible I’m talking about. I believe that is what one calls cognitive disssonance. Should I post my concerns here?
If you listen to speakers such as Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Dr. Pitre they all break down the scriptures very well and clear up alot of verses that seem contradicting.
I would add, because Paul spread it to the Hellenistic view do we have growth and influence such as this. Think if Jesus did the same. He could well have travelled. He could well have gotten apostles who spoke koine Greek. But it appears no where in the gospels that he actually did this. Why.
Hey, really interesting stuff, would you be able to give me a reference for Martin Luther’s quote and frustration, I would like to locate and read for myself? Thanks
Will Durant was not a "Protestant". He actually was a Catholic Priest, a Jesuit, but fell in love his then 14 year old student, Ariel, and she with him. Durant practically overnight became an agnostic, laicized...and married Ariel as soon as he legally could and not a breath of scandal for the rest of their long lives. Unfortunately, Will.and Ariel in their major Historical survey works, repeated verbatim both Protestant and Secularist myths about the Catholic Church.
1 Chapter each day ... the NT can be read cover to cover in less than a year ... and then start again. Each time it is read, something new will jump off the pages.
@@ClergetMusic We get a lot of readings from the OT in the Mass readings. I read the OT from cover to cover once. I found it a tough read. The form of the Mass came from the experiences of the first day Jesus resurrected: on the way to Emmaus, He opened the Scriptures (the Liturgy of the Word) and in Emmaus He was recognized in the Breaking of Bread ( the Liturgy of the Eucharist).
When you say "pope" who do you mean? The leader of the church? "Pope" means "father" in Latin. So you are saying that the word "father" is nowhere in the bible. I beg to differ.
The only part of the Bible that was written in a mythological Style, are the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Now we are not saying, nor do Scholars say that it's a myth, and didn't happen. They're using that word in a different way. What they are saying is that the author was presenting real events that happened, but not necessarily entirely in a literal way. For example, there were two first people, but their names probably were not Adam and Eve. They really did have a Temptation from the devil, but he wasn't a talking snake and they really did rebelled against God but it probably wasn't by eating fruit. The Bible writer was using symbolic stories to communicate truths of things that really happened. But nothing is a myth in the Bible.
Why do we believe Mary was assumed into Heaven? It's not that I don't believe it because God can do anything but was this event documented by people of the church?
Thank you for the question. Mary was not the first person assumed into heaven. Enoch was taken up by God and to have in the Bible says, and Elijah was also assumed into heaven. Mary I said to be assumed into heaven because her grave is empty, and she had no sin. Sin equals Death, and since she didn't sin, she didn't have to die, all by the power of God of course. Revelation 12:1 shows a bodily image of Mary, the woman and have enclosed in the Sun and with a crown of 12 Stars.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Mary was a sinner just like us. No one knows where her grave is. The woman in Rev 12 is a symbol of the pure church which is in contrast to the woman of Rev 17.
Convenient we don’t have any (first class) relics from Mary, but plenty of relics from the apostles, and you’d think the early christians would be all over her bones, being the mother of the Christ. The woman of Rev12 need not be explicitly interpreted in one way. It’s interesting to note that the dragon is explicitly interpreted to be the devil, but the woman is not explicitly interpreted at all. I can also say that she represents Israel. One question, if the woman is the church, then what about the fact that this woman gives birth to who is easily seen as Jesus (male child destined to rule all nations with an iron rod)? The Church did not give birth to Jesus, this is backwards. I’m not discounting the fact that the church is a valid interpretation, but this goes to show the symbolism need not be perfect, and that other interpretations can be valid. The women of Rev12 and Rev17 have no relation to each other. One is being preserved from the dragon, while the other is riding it. These are clearly two different women.
@@big_fishrichie6463 no Mary was not a sinner like the rest of us. God would not have overshadowed her is she was. Jude 1:24 Now all glory to God who is ABLE to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. Mary is the Arch of the new covenant. Just like the Arch in the covenant God made with Mosses and the Israelites it was the Pure dwelling place of God.
@@big_fishrichie6463 The woman in Rev 17 didn't give birth to the Beast or did she? But the woman in Rev 12 gave birth to the man that would rule the nations with a rod of iron. So your comparison doesn't work here. Also, the dragon in rev 12 is a person, the man given birth to by the woman is a person. So why is the woman not a person?
This is not exactly a balance view either. Remember history is written by the victors. In the middle ages, Catholic church was supreme and had authority over kings. To then repeatedly bash William Tyndale's work, who was murdered by catholic supporting authorities for simply translating the Bible to English, a language normal people can read is insensitive. You are doing the exact thing you are charging protestants of doing.
Thanks for the comment. You said: "History was written by the victors." This is from the Da Vinci Code and so not really accurate. There are plenty of "non-victors" who wrote history and there is plenty of non-biased and non-partisan history, so this doesn't hold up. We talked about Tyndale in the video and showed why he was not approved to translate the Scriptures. The Catholic Church loved and protected the Holy Scriptures so much that She only allowed the best scholars and trained scribes to translate and copy the bible so that it could be preserved and faithfully passed on. Tyndale was not a scholar and actually hacked up the Word of God. There is a reason people don't use his Bible and you won't find it anywhere. It has so many errors per page, and one bishop alone said he found over 2000 errors. That's not even the Bible anymore, and that is what the Catholic Church was trying to avoid. And for the record, Protestants burned each others works when they were not "orthodox" enough because they wanted to preserve what they thought was true and to the highest degree. That's all the Catholic Church was doing also.
I’ve got a question about some of the old bible stories. I’ve seen videos from a guy named Ron Wyatt who claimed to have found the remains of Noah’s ark and sits of the exodus, Red Sea crossing, the rock Moses split, the real mount Sinai, and the remains of sodom and Gomorrah and the findings are incredible! I’ve heard some Christians call Ron a fraud but I’ve seen other besides Ron examine the same places and they match what the Bible says. Have you seen any of these videos and what is your take on it?
I have not heard him but have heard similar things. I tend not to believe they have found Noah's ark. Many of the other things however are accurate that they have found Herod's Palace, Sodom and Gomorrah, and many, many other things that prove the Bible.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Please do a video on the Pre Trib rapture! Also this guy in this video is claiming that early church bishops believed in a pre trib rapture ruclips.net/video/DV0vpcZ1XTU/видео.html
Two quick questions: 1) which Bible did u say the Catholic Church put together... the Old or the New Testament? 2) that Catholic Church which u say put the Bible together, was it originally one with those who were later on called Protestants or was it separate from them?
1) The Jews did have the Old testament but there were many sects of the Jews - each with their different Canons. For instance: The Pharisees follow the Canon of Old Testament that excludes the Deuterocanons like Tobit, and the Protestants use today. The Esseines, who were monastic jews at the era of the Roman empire, followed the Canon of the Old Testament that the Catholic and Orthodox Church use today. The Saduccees only used the Pentateuch in their Canon. The new Testament books were written by the Apostles and the Apostolic Fathers. But under three to four centuries of Christendom, there were forged writings of these books. So a council was formed by the one Church at the time to authoritatively declare and define the books of the Old and New testament that were inspired. And thus the Bible was canonized. 2) In the 16th century, Martin Luther - a key figure of the reformation - removed the Deuterocanonicals from the Bible and put them under a different section known as apocrypha. His rationale for this was that the deuterocanon books were not recognized by a set of Monastic Jews that formed after the fall of Jerusalem. Hereafter, the apocryphal books are all but forgotten by the Protestants. Hope this answer your question.
@@valentineeyumsama2520 Protestant christianity started from the 16th century by the men of the reformation like Luther and Calvin. There was an era of ancient Christianity in the first 3 centuries from Christ and the Apostles. The Christians in this era suffered persecution from Pagan Rome. This Christianity was later legalised in Rome by emperor Constantine from the mid to the late 4th century. Then there was a schism of Christianity between between east and west in the 10th to 11th century. This period was when the Orthodox Church started. Afterwards we had Protestant Christianity in the 16th century from Luther and other men of the reformation. Note that I didn't mention the Catholic Church in the details, this is because the Church Fathers from the era of ancient Christianity (e.g. Ignatius) till today call the Church Catholic. The other Churches were a product of conflict and divisions. So to answer your question, the one Church was called the Catholic Church because Protestantism was not even an idea at the time.
😄 Absolutely on point about many Protestant formed myths regarding the proclamation of the Word to the faithful in Catholic - universal - Christianity. Read? Or Listen? I think we heard the Word before we ever read it. Also, English-speaking Protestants also tend to assume the Word was written in their language. The reason why the first translation was in the vulgar or common tongue was so that when proclaimed, it could be understood. So Jerome's Latin Vulgate was precisely meant to make the Word accessible, memorable and understood. Of course, it was not meant for each member of the faithful to be a clerical scholar of the Word, so the Vulgate had somewhat a limitation in its translation but that is not a flaw for universal use, especially back when literacy and education was rare.
Ikw protestants and Catholics who don't read the bible I don't don't like how some people thought I'm anti catholic in fact alot of my friends including my crush is catholic
As a prodistant considering catholicism I really appreciate this video. I do have a question though for any catholic who can answer it. It seems true that the bible was being read to the Laypeople during the mass and other times but it was only being read in Latin and not the language of the people. Is this true? if this is true and the people did not understand the language the scriptures were being read in, then doesn't that defeat the purpose? if this is true that would appear to me that the catholic church was trying co conceal the scriptures by reading them in latin, and not trying to reveal them to the people. Also, I heard that the queen known as Bloody Mary would burn people at the stake for teaching their family the Lords Prayer in English. I'd like to know, if that is true, then why would she do that? I'd really appreciate a response! God bless you all.
Hello Ryan, I wish you luck on your journey to the truth. One thing you have to consider in your search is that there is a lot of anti-Catholic propaganda out there. The accusation that the Catholic Church kept the bible from the people by using Latin is an old one but easily dismissed. History shows that Christianity began in the Roman empire that controlled Judea. The main languages in the empire at that time were Aramaic in the south, Greek in the east, and Latin in the west. As Christianity grew among the gentiles, Greek and Latin became the languages of Christianity. The bible and liturgy were written in Latin because that was the language of the people in the west. History shows the languages of these people, who they tell you were kept from the kjowing the bible, did not exist two thousand years ago when Christianity was established. These languages, English, German, French, Spanish are the descendants of the languages of the barbarian nations within and on the periphery of the empire. The languages of the Celts, German, Gauls and Iberian tribes are the ancestors of these modern languages and they did not have a written alphabet nor a literary tradition. The alphabet of these modern western languages is the Latin alphabet. The bible could not be accessible in these languages without Latin. Putting religion aside and looking at the secular world, one of the greatest scientific treatises in history is the Protestant Englishman Isaac Newton's "Principia Matematica". It was published in Latin, not because Newton wanted to keep it from the people, on the contrary, he wanted everyone to know his work and credit his genius. Scientists from France, Spain, Poland, and Germany may not be able to read English but they were able to read Latin. The whole educated western world at that time knew Latin thanks to the intellectual heritage of the Catholic Church. When the Christian missionary St. Cyril went to evangelize the Slavs he had to invent an alphabet adaptable to their languages because they too didn't have a written tradition either. The cyrillic alphabet is named after this Christian missionary. The history of the Church is one of educating and unifying the people. It may not always seem that they kept up with the times but the intention was always there to educate the people in the Gospel and the sciences.
The first enemy of the Catholic Church was Paul! Unfortunately Rome embraces him. Martin Luther just worshipped and followed Paul's doctrines. Roman church was organized by Paul and Paul was Catholicism first protestant rebel at Antioch after the love feast. Galatians 1 and 2 and 3 Paul's betrayal of Peter and the elders of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jerusalem.
If you are a Roman Catholic then you know whether you read the Bible or not. If you do you probably say that you cannot understand it. In my experience with catholic friends they never talk about the Bible and if they are asked a question, they never say 'well in such and such a verse in the Bible it says'. No, all I get is 'we are the church which Jesus established and our church believes this or that doctrine'. This is a totally inadequate way of professing to have a living interest in the word of God. Especially when the belief that the Roman Catholic church was established by Peter, who no matter what they say was NOT the rock which Christ was building His church upon. All their beliefs are based on a fallacy which has condemned many thousands of dedicated Roman Catholic people to a lost eternity.
Uh-huh…yawn…BORING. Oh for pity sake. I’ll bet all the Catholics you know is one or you made that up. Many Pro-testers never read the Bible either. I was an Evangelical/P/Non/F and L for 33 years and I saw it and most don’t pray either. Most have never heard of a mortal sin so they never confess them. It’s me and Jesus that’s all I need. They get all their pitiful interpretation from pastor Harrytick who regurgitates the heresy of the original heresy. I read the Bible and I know everything eg Sola Scriptura which isn’t biblical and you know it. Catholics are encouraged to read the Bible daily, read holy books, pray morning and night and/or in all we do. Those who don’t hear the Word of God during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which is 100% taken from Scripture, start to finish including a reading from the Old Testament, the epistles and the four Gospels, the words Jesus spoke Psalms, etc. Catholics are the original, 100% Christians mentioned in the Bible. We believe the whole Bible not the proof texting you all do. Let’s see I can find one verse one phase that blows the Catholic Church totally out of the water. So totally wrong.. You have been taught wrong and words will condemn. It’s in the Bible. God bless you.
The Catholic Church believes in Science and is not against science. In fact, the Catholic Church forwarded science for over 1000 years more than anyone else on earth. We have a video on this topic. ruclips.net/video/q9y40-1piTQ/видео.html
Lord Jesus Christ, if what is said in this video is not what you yourself would say, don't let me believe it. Lead me away from all religious beliefs and practices which do not come from you and are therefore false and deeply offensive to you. I want to love you as my Lord and Saviour, knowing and doing your will. Amen.
Amen. And if these things are true Lord, then lead us to that truth which comes from you most Holy Lord Jesus for your glory and the sake of your divine truth! Amen.
I live in what might be considered a Catholic area, and I know quite a few catholics and former Catholics (neighbours, colleagues, friends etc). I’ve never met a Catholic who has read the bible, and they’re often quite shocked when I show them things in their bible that they’ve been taught some unscriptural things, for instance that, according to the bible, divorce is permissible under certain circumstances, and that Mary only remained a virgin till after giving birth to Jesus. Some former Catholics I know only started to read the bible in the last few months of their membership, or after they left altogether. Mind you, I think most Protestant and evangelical churches aren’t very good at encouraging their members to read the bible either.
@@marshallcampbell125 that’s an interpretation issue. It doesn’t answer the question at hand - do Catholics read the bible? In my experience, I’ve found that they tend not to, or at least they tend not to do so systematically.
@@martinsloan3972 one reason is sacramentalism thus becoming institutionalized . I mean why read it when salvation is all set out . Just follow the steps is the mindset . Most catholic believers don’t even know the liturgy or things such as Condign and Congruous Merit . Perpetual re justification creates a thinking of a license to sin . The institution for example states twice a year for confession something that should be done immediately or whilst finding oneself tempted . Holding your faith in magisterium rather than seeking growth and understanding in the word of God unfortunately for many is just not sought after due to the paved apparent road set before them.
So what was your family's excuse and yours for not reading Scripture The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Catechism Of the Catholic Church (CCC 133)www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/ Pope St. Gregory I (died 604 AD) “The Emperor of heaven, the Lord of men and of angels, has sent you His epistles for your life’s advantage-and yet you neglect to read them eagerly. Study them, I beg you, and meditate daily on the words of your Creator. Learn the heart of God in the words of God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys.” Pope Clement XI (1700 - 1720) To forbid Christians to read Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, is to forbid the use of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to suffer a kind of excommunication. Pope Pius VI (April 1st 1778 AD) “the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures: for these are the most abundant sources which ought to be left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine” Pope Pius VII (1800 - 1823) "encourage their people to read the Holy Scriptures ; for nothing can be more useful, more consoling, and more animating, because they serve to confirm the faith, to support the hope, and to influence the charity of the true Christian." Pope Leo XIII (1893) “The solicitude of the apostolic office naturally urges and even compels us…to desire that this grand source of Catholic revelation (the Bible) should be made safely and abundantly accessible to the flock of Jesus Christ” Pope Pius X (1903 - 1914) “Nothing would please us more than to see our beloved children form the habit of reading the Gospels - not merely from time to time, but every day.” Pope Benedict XV (1914 - 1922) “Our one desire for all the Church’s children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all-surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ” Pope Pius XII (1943) “... This author of salvation, Christ, will men more fully know, more ardently love and more faithfully imitate in proportion as they are more assiduously urged to know and meditate the Sacred Letters, especially the New Testament ...” Pope John Paul II (1979) “catechesis must be impregnated and penetrated by the thought, the spirit and the outlook of the Bible and the Gospels through assiduous contact with the texts themselves” Pope Benedict XVI (2006) “I urge you to become familiar with the Bible, and to have it at hand so that it can be your compass pointing out the road to follow. By reading it, you will learn to know Christ.” Pope Francis (2015) “The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read often - every day, both on your own and together with others” Gee, good thing you don’t like condescending emails, right? Anyway, I am not rebuking God’s Word, I am rebuking man’s word and, in particular, I am rebuking your word. Your fallible, man-made, non-authoritative, biased and bigoted word.
I'm glad you made that last statement. I think if you took a survey of ANY group of people, almost none of them have read the bible. In these chat groups, would you say the Catholic are more bible ignorant than non-Catholics?
@@iightning2018 many popes may have said “read the Bible, but that doesn’t refute my claim that most Catholics don’t read the Bible, a claim which is based on personal experience.
In Ireland the bible wasn't very popular but that is slowly changing. The reason is that under the British we were banned from praticing our religion for centuries and when we eventually got our independence most were too poor to afford one. The first bible we owned in my famil was the Jerusalem Bible back in early 1970s, my mother bought it as a present for my father. When it came out it was a huge deal for Catholics (on this side of the pond) as it was the first new Catholic bible for years, maybe in living memory.
Why i can not see in what you are saying the catholic church in the catholic church where i grew up and been in this church for 30 years? The catholic church you are talking seems to me do not exist but in your imagination.
How can u claim that the Roman Catholics read the Bible yet still practice sacrifices on altars daily for the forgiveness of sins??? Do u really understand what u read?
And what is wrong about offering sacrifice on altars? The sacrifice of the mass is not primarily for the forgiveness of sins. It is the the sacrament of confession that is for the forgiveness of sins. The sacrifice of the mass is primarily for Adoration (or Worship), secondly for Contrition, thirdly for Thanksgiving and lastly for supplication.
It is the One and Same sacrifice offered by Jesus on Calvary now offered in Perpetual Memoriam. The Jews believed the exact same thing about the Passover. They did not celebrate a 'new' Passover every year; but participated in the One Passover each year in a Mystical way. So yes the Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary not re-sacrificed over and over again BUT re-participated in over and over again. Big difference.
The Mass is outside space and time. We are made present at Calvary, despite outward appearances. Jesus is truly Present in Holy Communion despite the appearance of bread and wine. There is only one sacrifice but it is not limited by space and time. Blessings
@@larryluch8178 I'm a faithful Catholic and never miss Mass. Outside of space and time? It's at 11am every Sunday in my church. What are you smoking pal? Get me one of those LOL
Reading the BIBLE for Catholics and or any other self identified Christian believers is a non issue. Bible reading with a hopeful understanding given by the HOLY SPIRIT would be an issue for people who live a practice a Christian life through Jesus Christ. Religious worship and practices that are not built upon the Gospel of Christ Jesus are not practicing the Christian faith. Therefore, people practicing the other religion have primary sources for their faith would be the Talmud, catechisms and or the Torah the Quran etc.
The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ started a church, a teaching and preaching authoritative church that has his authority. So anyone who does not have the church does not have Christ. And also everything that comes with the church, doctor in, baptism, the Lord supper, and everything else Christ gave us. A simple Christianity. That removes the church, and religion actually removes Christ. It's the Catholic Church that made the Bible in the first place and canonized it.
The Church at the time of the earliest Christians was pretty small. But the apostles (Cardinals) with Peter as their leader (Pope) were the authority. And when the apostles preached the gospel to distant communities, they appointed overseers (Bishops), elders (Priests) and deacons to those communities. So yeah Church terms like Pope and Cardinals were not used in the time of early Christianity. But that doesn't mean they never existed. If you think they never did, then you might as well say that the Trinity never existed because it was fully defined at the council of constantinople in the late 4th century. So why is the Pope and Cardinals needed? Because the Church needs a Magisterium that authoritatively defines, teaches and declare the deposit of faith (which my Protestant brothers call the gospel).
@@johnwalker4089 Simply put, the Trinitarian doctrine declares the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as co-equal divine persons. But the bible didn't state this explicitly. A lot of debate ensued among the early Church Fathers to recognise this. The apostles creed from the earlier centuries of Christianity showed that every Christian knew that Jesus was the son of God. Also, everyone knew about the Holy Spirit. However, arguments ensued between Arius and a number of Church fathers and Athanasius and another set of Church Fathers. Basically the argument was this: Arius: Jesus is the son of God and he was half God. He was created. Athanasius: Jesus is the son of God, and he is fully God. He wasn't created but begotten. It took two councils before Athanasius point was accepted by the Church. After this time, the nicene-constantipolitan creed was defined and this was the foundation of the doctrine of the Trinity.
Bible as a source of Authority is flawed, it has no hierarchy, love your neighbor is not higher then Romans 13 when Hitler decides to kill your neighbor and you must stand against or accept it. The Catholic Church wrote the New Testament and defines the hierarchy of what is important in the Bible and what is lower in the obedience to the will of God. This being your lonely authority is a trap to causing you face Evil alone. The New Testament is 7,957 verses of excuses to not do the right thing.
The inquisition was masreminded by Thomas De Torkimardi , it was used against Jews who had converted to christianity but were suspected of secretly practicing Judaism they were viewed as heretics .
I am reminded of the phrase, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." It is unfortunate scandals that have plagued the Catholic Church during some of its history. It is only fair to give equal time to our Protestant brothers. Here is just a few examples: The Protestant history of persecutions, especially of Catholics, is not pretty. The German Peasant War (1525) Martin Luther urged German peasants to rebel, but he switched sides and then urged the Northern German princes to massacre the peasants. There is good reason for this change. Luther knew that the Northern German princes were protecting him, and for Luther to be accused of aiding and abetting the peasants would be fatal to him. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) This war, or series of wars, is sometimes remembered as the last of the wars of religion. Some of its origins lay with tensions over the religious settlement offered in the Peace of Augsburg (1555), which allowed for Lutheran and Catholic territories. A Protestant revolt against Catholic Habsburg rule in Bohemia spiraled into a conflict in which all the major powers of Europe became involved. Parts of the German-speaking lands were utterly decimated - some areas lost between a quarter and a half of their population. The episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and Catholic troops in the war were legendary, and stories spread across Europe. The Massacre of Saint Bartholomew’s Day (1572) This massacre was perhaps the most notorious episode of religious violence of the Reformation era. On August 24, 1572, in the midst of celebrations of a marriage between a Catholic princess and a Protestant king, at least 2,000 French Protestants were murdered on the streets of Paris. The news of events in Paris also sparked massacres in other French cities. While the direct role of the French monarchy in the massacre, and the exact numbers killed, remain sources of debate, the “popular” element of the violence was striking: victims were often known to perpetrators. --------------- King Henry VIII is responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 Catholics including hundreds of priests and Bishops. He had St. Thomas More executed in 1535. He even ordered the destruction of most of the uncorrupted bodies of saints in England. The only bodies that were not destroyed are the ones taken by Catholics and hidden from the persecutors. John Calvin, one of the Protestant reformers, viciously persecuted Catholics as heretics. He persecuted others as well, and had a rival critic, Michael Servetus, one of the greatest scientists Europe ever produced, was burned at the stake by Calvinist authorities for his heterodox views in October 1553. Queen Elizabeth I, had thousands of Catholics put to death in England. She ordered that Catholic Mary Queen of Scots be executed in 1587. She had thousands more killed in Ireland. Oliver Cromwell is responsible for starting the English civil war and the subsequent beheading of Catholic King Charles I, and for the killing of thousands of Catholics in that war of 1642-1649. Some Catholics were nailed to trees. Thousands of Catholics were murdered in Ireland by the English in the 19th century simply because they attended the Catholic Mass. The Protestant English redcoats were also responsible for confiscating the food from the Irish people and for leaving them only with potatoes which were blighted and unfit to eat. In the mid 19th century this caused the deaths by starvation of an estimated 1-1.5 million Irish Catholics, and the emigration of about 2 million more. It was a case of either leave the country or die of starvation. --------------- Salem Witch Trials The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than two hundred people were accused. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail. How many thousands of women were burned at the stake after witch trials, by Protestant witch hunters, over several centuries, and throughout Europe and America ? It is estimated that 30,000 went to their deaths in Britain alone, and another 100,000 in Protestant Germany. Interestingly, the Protestant mind-set in those times was that if the woman survived the burning, she was considered not to be a witch. Now just how many innocent women, do you think, survived this horror? Southern Baptist and Slavery The Southern Baptist, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, came into being in 1845 due to the issue of slavery. Most white Christians in the south did not view slavery as a sin. Rather, their pastors/leaders were able to quote many Biblical passages in support of slavery. Some of them argued that slavery was in the best interests of the slaves themselves, while others insisted it was "a God-ordained institution." The Civil War and the divide over the question of slavery thus began in the nation's churches, a decade before fighting began on the battlefields. The Southern Baptist Convention formally apologized to African-Americans in 1995 for the denomination's pro-slavery past, and in 2017, the convention adopted a resolution condemning white supremacy.
@@soystudios2778 Amen. My my my. Speaking of stones. Well thank you for the history report on Protestants. But let remember scripture. Matthew 7:13-14 The Narrow and Wide Gates 13 “Enter through the narrow gate.For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Few that find it. Israel such a small plot of land that is watched and hated by a large portion of the world. Look at the UN stance on Israel. And it is with the children of God spiritually. His church will be hated on its stance for righteousness cauce when you come across a true believer conviction come to you. You are troubled in your spirit. If you are spiritual you will receive it. But religions that bring condemnation are not founded on God. If Jesus Christ was here on earth today, many would not find (see) Him (John14:6 the way, the truth, and the light) Examine who your with and does your lifestyle magnify Jesus Christ.
@@1x1x1equalsoneGOD Amen, we also believe that the road is wide enough to contain anything you might want to do or have, perhaps a life of sin and you can follow the crowd instead of your conscience, but to travel on the second road you have to travel light, follow God and take personal responsibility for your moral decisions. Matthew 7:13-14 KJV Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 1 John 4:20 KJV If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? Matthew 16:18-19 (Jesus establishes HIS CHURCH) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. John 20:21-23 (Jesus giving His disciples the Holy Spirit) Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. Luke 10:16 KJV (Jesus sends his disciples) He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me. Matthew 18:15-17 KJV Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the CHURCH: but if he neglect to hear THE CHURCH, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Romans 14:10 KJV But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 1 Samuel 15:23 KJV For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being King. ruclips.net/video/jyqqGCqrf6k/видео.html ruclips.net/video/OqUsMWLzXhA/видео.html
@@soystudios2778 If I may also on RUclips: EVANGELIST LESTER AND PASTOR TONY SPELL and EIP MYSTERIES Tony Spell Revelation 2:29 He that hath a ear let him hear the word of the Lord
I'm one of those Catholics that didn't read the bible.
I have a friend with whom years ago I would talk religion and the bible. She was a Christian but ignorant of many of the parts of the bible I would talk about. One day she said I must have read the bible a lot.
I was doubly shocked. First that a protestant would know so little of Scripture. I always figured they would know every verse in the bible. Second, how could I know so much of the bible when I didn't read often.
My friend was one of those Christians that felt they didn't have to go to church or read the bible. She just considered herself a Christian.
Me, I frequently attended Mass where the church has a three year cycle where most of the bible is read.
I learned the bible just by participating and paying attention during Mass.
A protestant friend invited my to go to his church a few times. The service was roughly half an hour of singing worship songs, then half an hour of a sermon. What surprised me is, each time I go there( 3 or four times), I never heard one word of a Gospel. The pastor was doing a sermon, mostly about an Epistle (Romans is their favorite). Or about some Old Testament story, that give a morale for today. Never heard a Gospel read there.
I love reading and studying the Bible!
I just learned of a guy who in Washington D.C. damaged by night with a hammer a precious marble statue of the Mother of Christ and Ours with the baby Jesus in her arms. It's so sad this hatred based in ignorance brings such terrible acts. We live opressed by so many lies and anticatholic prejudice! This channel is an eye and mind opener. Thank you!
In Ireland the church buildings in the 10th century have engravings from the bible outside, carved into the stone on the walls and on high stone celtic crosses.
They were subject to raids by vikings but the raiders couldn't steal the very walls of the church.
Also people attending mass couldn't read. So it was a way of teaching scriptural passages.
Along with beautiful stained glass windows, giving a visual story. Take a look at Saint Teilos Church, (images) in Saint Fagans, Cardiff. Greetings from Wales. IESU BENDIGEDIG! (Wonderful Jesus.)
@@petrasant5495 Stone carvings and stained glass -- where art and faith combine.
God bless and reward you for this content. Especially videos like these make me so grateful to be Catholic.
Brief History of the Church. Pope Damasus 1 convene the Council of Rome in 382 AD in which he ordered the compilation of Sacred Books which eventually consisted the contents of the Holy Bible. St Jerome translated Hebrew and Greek into Latin. Known as Vulgate. Pope Siricius first Pope to call the compilation of Sacred Books and called it Biblos or Bible. He was also the first Bishop of Rome to be called POPE. Tertullian gave the term New Testament and used the term TRINITAS or Trinity. Cardinal Hugo de Caro and Cardinal Stephen Langton They divided the Books of the Bible into chapters. Robert Estienne further separated the bible books into chapters into verses and was credited as the person to print the Bible with verses and numbers
Part of where this “Catholics don’t read the Bible” thing come from actually has to do with pre-Vatican II Catholic schools in the US. I know several people who went and told me specifically that the nuns who used to teach them discouraged Bible reading and called the Bible a “Protestant book”. Obviously, these nuns were in error; however the Church has always maintained that it has the true interpretation of the scriptures, and so a people need to read the Bible using the understanding of the magisterium.
Another reason why people think that Catholics don’t read the Bible has to do with how we read and learn scriptures. We don’t generally memorize chapter and verse; instead we read the Bible as a whole. We may know what book a passage is in, but seldom exactly where. This understanding, though it gives a much better understanding of scripture, makes it difficult for us to debate those who memorize chapters and verses, and then they use this to “prove”that we don’t know our scriptures.
Your know the scriptures weren't written with citations, footnotes and indexes.
Deuteronomy and Revelations have banned adding to scripture in a strict sense.
But we go by the church.
also the protestant bible was being passed out to all students, and so we were not to read that version
The text / line numbers in the Bibles were not introduced until the end of the 18th century.
@@manub.3847 And, if we're not mistaken, the chapters and divisions came in the 13th century.
I went to Catholic schools in the 60's. The nuns never said it was a Protestant book, in fact I don't think I ever heard the word Protestant until after I gradutated. We read bible stories, not verses. That still seems like nonsense to me.
Thank you for making this video.
Amen! It is so refreshing to hear so much truth in a video this long! Great job!
The only thing I would add is that the Gospels were also taught to people who couldn't read (including both clergy and laity) by use of the Rosary. The Rosary contains the entire Gospel message of salvation by Jesus Christ, such that even in the absence of a physical Bible or a physical Church or even in times of severe persecution such as in the case of the Penal Times of Ireland, the Gospel message could still be learned and memorized by the faithful. So many Protestants make the claim that the Rosary is unbiblical when the opposite is true, since the Rosary contains the very message of the Gospel and uses prayers lifted directly from the words of the Bible. It is truly the "People's Gospel".
I would also like to add that I am thankful for how blessed we are to have all of the resources of modern society to draw from. We are the first generation to have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips in an instant with the internet. Ignorance in modern times is a choice, in my opinion.
Luther was a heretic, and excommunicated from the Church on Jan 3, 1521. Protestantism has clearly failed because there are 42,000 pastor Mikes, all teaching different truths, ie their own interpretations
and Luther's supporters would do well to read what he wrote about the Jews;
While Christ taught: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”-Matt 22:39
Luther teaches: "My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire... Second, that all their books-- their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible-- be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted...Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country...Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it...
He who hears this name [God] from a Jew must inform the authorities, or else throw sow dung at him when he sees him and chase him away".
"Burn their synagogues. Forbid them all that I have mentioned above. Force them to work and treat them with every kind of severity, as Moses did in the desert and slew three thousand... If that is no use, we must drive them away like mad dogs, in order that we may not be partakers of their abominable blasphemy and of all their vices, and in order that we may not deserve the anger of God and be damned with them. I have done my duty. Let everyone see how he does his. I am excused."
“ If I had to baptize a Jew, I would take him to the bridge of the Elbe, hang a stone round his neck and push him over with the words I baptize thee in the name of Abraham”
“The Jews deserve to be hanged on gallows seven times higher than ordinary thieves.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
for references see catholicapologetics.info/apologetics/protestantism/matluther.htm#_ftnref2
No one told me this nor have I read this. This is just an observation of the way the act.
These people all they do is live angry, put fear in people’s heart, attack everyone and force religion on to people against their will.
They force people to become Christians, Christ wants people to follow because they want to not because they’re being forced to.
They rent any random spot as a church. I see them all around the neighborhood and I know a protestant buddy talking about the “church” and I said what church?🤣
But you know, they call his temples just a building. This is disrespectful because if we push the idea that his temples are just a building then it means anyone can just disrespect them and vandalize them. But if we acknowledge that the Catholic Churches(temples) are the home of Christ (which it is) and his precence is there then people will respect it.
Then they bully everyone and think they’re right and everyone else is wrong. This even leads to creating doubt in the church founded by our lord and savior Jesus Christ and many people leaving. You cant love Christ and then pull people away from the church he founded and pretend like you’re doing the right thing.
Another thing christ dont want us living in fear. But Protestants just push fear.
Luther defined the future of Protestantism in 1529AD at the protestant council in Marsberg when he said: "Every man who reads scripture thinks himself a Theologian and a Doctor of the Church. His proof is the Holy Spirit, which he ate feathers and all...".
In the end of this council they all ex-communicated each other as heretics using scripture verses.
The New Pope Luther was dethroned by a newer Pope Zwingli.
@@thomasmcewen5493 read papism as the oldest Protestantism by Justin Popovich…papal infallibility created this outcome in the first place
Wowwww very good. Thank you for sharing.
at that time ... icons were used ... it is considered as the gospel of the poor ... the nativity of Christ , images of his crucifixion ...etc ...were used at that time and still being used today ... books at that time are so expensive ... even today it is still expensive.
Exactly! Plus stained glass, the rosary and the artwork. I love that about the Church.
I love this! Thank you so much Bryan ❤
God bless you and your work!
You're very welcome!
After the spread of book printing:
The Mentelin Bible is the first pre-Lutheran Bible printed. Made in 1466 just 11 years after Gutenberg printed the first Latin edition. The university library of the LMU Munich still has 3 preserved copies.
In all, 198 editions of the Bible were in the language of the laity, 626 editions all together, and all before the first Protestant version, and all having the full approval of the Church. Luther himself noted "it was an effect of God power, that the Papacy should have remained, in the first place, sacred baptism; secondly, the text of the Holy Gospels which it was custom to read from the pulpit in the vernacular tongue of every nation..." (14) Many people both Catholic and Protestant do not realize exactly how much They owe the Catholic Church for the progression of the bible as we know it today. for example before Luther made his German Transition in September of 1522, there were seventeen German Transitions (all before 1518) already in print, twelve of these in the Low-German dialect. (7)
38-61 A.D. THE FIRST GOSPEL WAS WRITTEN: St. Matthew one of the twelve apostles of Christ, Catholic Bishop and martyr for the faith, writes the first gospel of the life of Christ in his native language of Hebrew. This gospel would eventually be followed by three other gospels written in Greek language these were the gospel of St. Mark (64 A.D.), the gospel of St. Luke (63 or 64 A.D.) and the gospel of St. John (97 A.D.).
52 A.D. THE FIRST EPISTLE WAS WRITTEN: St. Paul, apostle of Christ, Catholic Bishop and martyr for the faith writes the first epistle to a part of the Church. This is known today as "First Thessalonians". This writting would soon be followed by 21 other apostolic epistles by various Catholic authors the last one being written by St. John the apostle in 69 A.D.
64 A.D. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES WAS WRITTEN: St. Luke disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of the Catholic Church and martyr for the faith, Writes "Acts of the Apostles" a history of the Catholic church from Easter to the death of St. Paul. The two contributions Acts and his gospel make St. Luke the author of the largest portion of the New Testament about twenty-eight percent.
98-99 A.D. THE LAST DIVINELY INSPIRED WRITING OF THE APOSTLES IS COMPLETED: St. John, apostle of Christ and Bishop of the Catholic Church writes the last divinely inspired writing of the apostles. This is known today as "Revelations"
153-170 A.D. THE FIRST TREATISE ON "THE HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS.": The earliest attempt at constructing a Harmony was that of Tatian (died a.d. 172). and its title, Diatessaron, furnishes abundant evidence of the early acceptance in the Catholic Church of our four canonical Gospels The next Harmony was that of Ammonius of Alexandria, the teacher of Origen, It appeared about A.D. 220, but has been lost. (17)
2nd - 3rd A.D. CENTURY THE FIRST BIBLE SCHOOL: The early Catholics started a school in Alexandria for the learning the Gospels and other early Catholic writings.(6)
250 A.D. THE FIRST PARALLEL LANGUAGE BIBLE: The Catholic Origen creates the Hexapla edition of the Old Testament which contained parallel Hebrew and Greek versions. (5)
250 A.D. THE FIRST CATHOLIC LIBRARY: The Catholic Origen creates a very well-stocked library in Caesarea, for the purpose of studing the Gospels and other early Catholic writings. (19)
250-300 A.D. THE FIRST BIBLE IN BOOK FORM: The Jews used long papyrus scrolls, the Early Catholics were the first to use the book (codex) form for scarred scriptures. (10)
4TH CENTURY THE FIRST USE OF THE WORD "BIBLE": It came from the Greek word "biblos" which means the inner bark of the papyrus, paper-reed, from which paper was originally made, in Egypt. The Latin form "Biblia" spelled with a capital letter, came to mean "the Book of Books," "The Book" by way of pre-eminencehry, the inspired Book, etc. The Holy Scriptures were first called the Bible by St. C sostom, the Catholic Archbishop of Constantinople, in the 4th century. (12)
4TH CENTURY THE OLDEST EXISTING BIBLES: The two oldest existing Bible containing both the Old and most the (Note not the complete) the New Testaments called today the Codex Vaticanus (325-350 A.D.), the Codex Sinaiticus (340-350 A.D.), the Codex Ephraemi (345 A.D.), and the Codex Alexandrinus (450 A.D) were hand copied by Catholic monks.(6)
367 A.D. THE FIRST USE OF THE WORD "CANON": St. Athanasius, the Catholic bishop of Alexandria, is the first to apply the term Canon to the contents of the Bible, he introduced the verb canonize, meaning "To give official sanction to" a written document. (6)
367 A.D. THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: The 39th festal letter of St. Athanasius, the Catholic bishop of Alexandria, sent to the churches under his jurisdiction in 367, ended all uncertainty about the limits of the New Testament canon. In the so-called festal letter, preserved in a collection of annual Lenten messages given by Athanasius, he listed as canonical the 27 books that remain the contents of the New Testament, although he arranged them in a different order. Those books of the New Testament, in their present-day order, are the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), the Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. (1)
388 A.D. THE FIRST GLOSSARY OF PROPER NAMES IN THE BIBLE: St. Jerome compiled the "Book of Hebrew names, or Glossary of Proper Names in the Old Testament," The Book of Hebrew Names was no doubt of much use in the ages is which men were ignorant of Hebrew, although it's arrangement is rather clumsy with a separate glossary for each book of the Bible; (17)
388 A.D. THE BOOK OF THE SITE AND NAMES OF HEBREW PLACES: St. Jerome compiled the "The Book of the Site and Names of Hebrew Places" which was first compiled by Eusebius athough St. Jerome's has additions. the names under each letter being placed in separate groups in the order of the books of Scripture in which they occur; for instance, under the letter A we have first the names in Genesis, then those in Exodus, and so on. But there is less room here for what is fanciful, and the testimony of men who lived in Palestine in the fourth and fifth centuries is of great value still to the student of sacred topography. When the places are outside the writer's knowledge, credulity is apt to creep in, as when the author tells us that on Ararat portions of the ark are still to be found.(17)
390 A.D. THE FIRST COMPILING OF THE COMPLETE NEW & OLD TESTAMENT: At the Council of Hippo, the Catholic Church gathered together the various books which claimed to be scripture, passed on the merits and claims of each and this council decided which were inspired and which were not. The Catholic Church put all the inspired books and epistles together in one volume with The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament (which was translated by seventy scholars at Alexandria, Egypt around the year 227 B.C., this was the version Christ and His apostles used) and That is the Bible as we have it today. The Catholic Church therefore gave to the people and the World, the Bible as we have it today (2)
400 A.D. MOST OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES TRANSLATED: In Syriac, Coptic, Ethhiopic, Georgian Languages(8). Across the Rhine and Danube from the Roman Empire A Gothic version was translated by the Gothic Bishop Ulfilas (318-388), who after devising an alphabet, produced a version of the Scriptures from the Septuagint Old Testament and from the Greek. (10)
406 A.D. THE ARMENIAN TRANSLATION: In 406 the Armenian alphabet was invented by Mesrob, who five years later completed a translation of the Old and New Testament from the Syriac version into Armenian. (10)
405 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE COMPLETE BIBLE IN THE COMMON LANGUAGE: Latin Vulgate, from the Latin editio vulgata: "common version", the Bible still used by the Roman Catholic Church, was translated by St. Jerome (Whom the translators of the 1611 Authorized Version in their original preface called " a most learned father, and the best linguist without controversy, of his age, or of any that went before him"). In 382 Pope Damasus commissioned Jerome, the leading biblical scholar of his day, to produce an acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations then being used. His revised Latin translation of the Gospels appeared about 383. Using the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament, of which he produced a new Latin translation, a process that he completed about 405. (3) It is as a translator of Scripture that Jerome is best know. His Vulgate was made at the right moment and by the right man. The Latin language was still living, although Latin civilization was dying; and Jerome was a master of it.(17)
450-550 A.D THE BEZAE CANTABRIGIENSIS (ALSO CALLED CODEX BEZAE): This is the oldest existing bilingual manuscript, with Greek on the left page, and Latin on the right. Bezae Cantabrigiensis was a western text copied c. 450-550 A.D. It has preserved most of the four Gospels, parts of Acts.
7TH CENTURY THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO FRENCH LANGUAGE: French Versions of the Psalms and the Apocalypse, and a metrical rendering of the Book of Kings, appeared as early as the seventh century.(9) In 1223 (A. D.) a complete translation was made under the Catholic King Louis the Pious. This was 320 years before the first Protestant French version. (7) Up to the fourteenth century, many Bible histories were produced.
7TH CENTURY, THE FIRST GERMAN VERSION: The history of Biblical research in Germany shows that of the numerous partial versions in the vernacular some go back to the seventh and eighth centuries. It also establishes the certainty of such versions on a considerable scale in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and points to a complete Bible of the fifteenth in general use before the invention of printing.(9)
7TH CENTURY, SPACES PLACED BETWEEN THE WORDS: In the seventh Century, Irish and English monks began to leave space between the words as they copied the biblical texts by hand, before this all the letters ran together making a entire book look like one giant word. (19)
8TH CENTURY,THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE: By Aldhelm, the Bishop of Sherborne, and Bede. A 9th century translation of the Bible in to English (Anglo-Saxon the dialect of its time) was made by Alfred. A tenth century translation in to English was made by Aelfric.(7) , By 1361 a translation of most of Scripture in the English dialect (Anglo-Norman) of its time had been executed.(3) This was twenty years before Wycliffe's 1381 translation (3)
8TH - 9TH CENTURY, THE USE OF THE FORM OF WRITING CALLED "MINUSCULE": As the breakdown of Oriental commerce took papyrus out of the western market in compelled to use of parchment, the factor of economy became increasingly potent. To get more words on page, the scribe had two use smaller letters and squeeze them close together. Some, to preserve their distinct shapes, were extended above the line, some below. The ultimate result was a form of writing called "Minuscule"- little letters, with capitals inserted for emphasis. It is this system which is still use today. This grammatically was a major change from the "Majuscule"- which consisted of only large letters as used by the Greeks, Romans, and Jews. (16)
9TH CENTURY, THE FIRST SLAVIC TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE: The Catholic Saints Cyril and Methodius preached the Gospel to the Slavs in the second half of the ninth century, and St. Cyril, having formed an alphabet, made for them, in Old Ecclesiastical Slavic, or Bulgarian, a translation of the Bible from the Greek. Toward the close of the tenth century this version found its way into Russia with Christianity, and after the twelfth century it underwent many linguistic and textual changes. A complete Slav Bible after an ancient codex of the time of Waldimir (d. 1008) was published at Ostrog in 1581.(9)
1170 A.D. THE FIRST PARALLEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE BIBLE: Eadwine's Psalterium triplex, which contained the Latin version accompanied by Anglo-Norman and Anglo-Saxon renderings, appeared it became the basis of all subsequent Anglo-Norman versions.(3)
THIRTEENTH CENTURY, THE FIRST DIVISION OF CHAPTERS: It was the British Catholic Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, St. Stephen Langton (died 1228), was first to tabulate scripture into Chapters, and we follow his arrangement to this day: some 1,163 chapters in the Old Testament, and only 260 in the New Testament." (4)
1230 A.D. THE FIRST CONCORDANCE: A concordance of the Latin Vulgate Bible was compiled by the Dominican Friar Hugo of Saint Cher. (5)
1300 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO NORWEGIAN LANGUAGE: The earliest and most celebrated is that of Genesis-Kings in the so-called Stjórn ("Guidance"; i.e., of God) manuscript in the Old Norwegian language, probably to be dated about 1300. Swedish versions of the Pentateuch and of Acts have survived from the fourteenth century and a manuscript of Joshua-Judges by Nicholaus Ragnvaldi of Vadstena from c. 1500. The oldest Danish version covering Genesis-Kings derives from 1470. (11)
1454 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED BIBLE: A Catholic named Gutenberg caused great excitement when in the fall of that year he exhibited sample pages at the Frankfurt trade fair. Gutenberg quickly sold out all of the 180 copies of his Latin Vulgate Bible even before the printing was finished. (6)
1470 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED BIBLE DICTIONARY WAS PRINTED: It was written by Johannes Marchesinus ( a Franciscan friar). It was a guide to understanding the text of the Bible explains the grammatical constructs and etymology of difficult words in the Scriptures. Printed only 15 years after the First Book ever printed in the world, the Gutenberg Bible
1466 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED GERMAN BIBLE: This was fifty eight years before Luther made his German Translation in 1524. (8) In that fifty eight years the Catholics printed 30 different German editions of the Bible.
1470 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED SCANDINAVIAN BIBLE: In the fourteenth century, versions of the Sunday Epistles and Gospels were made for popular use in Denmark. Large portions of the Bible, if not an entire version, were published about 1470. (9)
1471 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED ITALIAN BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 20 different Italian editions of the Bible.
1475 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED DUTCH BIBLE: The first Bible in Dutch was printed by Catholics in Holland at Delft in 1475. Among several issued from the press of Jacob van Leisveldt at Antwerp (9)
1478 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED SPANISH BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522) the Catholics printed 2 different Spanish editions of the Bible.
1466 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED FRENCH BIBLE:(8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 26 different French editions of the Bible.
1516 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED GREEK NEW TESTAMENT: A Catholic named Erasmus first printed his Greek New Testament. (8) In the years before Luther's Bible was published (Luther's Biblical translations, begun in 1522), the Catholics printed 22 different Greek editions of the Bible.
1534 A.D. THE FIRST USE OF ITALICS TO INDICATE WORDS NOT IN THE ORIGINAL: A Catholic named Munster was the first to use italics to indicate words not in the original Greek or Hebrew texts, in his version of the Latin Vulgate.(13)
1535 The First Bible Concordance Ever Printed: Done in Latin, and extensively accented in red ink, this is the very first concordance to the Bible ever printed.
1548 A.D. THE FIRST CHINESE VERSIONS: Among earlier translations is a version of St. Matthew by Anger, a Japanese Catholic (Goa, 1548). The Jesuit Father de Mailla wrote an explanation of the Gospels for Sundays and feasts in 1740, (9)
1551 A.D. THE FIRST DIVISION OF VERSES: The first division of the Bible into its present verses is found for the first time in an edition of the Greek New Testament published in Paris by the Catholic Robert Stephens. (10)
1555 A.D. THE FIRST PRINTED COMPLETE BIBLE WITH CHAPTERS AND VERSES: The first division of the Bible into its present chapters and verses is found for the first time in an edition of the Vulgate published in Paris by the Catholic Robert Stephens. (10)
1561 A.D. THE FIRST COMPLETE POLISH BIBLE: Was printed at Cracow in 1561, 1574, and 1577. Jacob Wujek, S.J., undertook a new translation from the Vulgate (Cracow, 1593), which was praised by Clement VIII, and reprinted frequently. (9)
1579 A.D. THE FIRST MEXICAN VERSION: The first known Biblical undertaking in Mexico was a version of the Gospels and Epistles in 1579 by Didacus de S. Maria, O.P., and the Book of Proverbs by Louis Rodríguez, O.S.F. A version of the New Testament was made in 1829, but only the Gospel of St. Luke was printed.(9)
1836 A.D. THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IN TO THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE: A version of St. John's Gospel and of the Acts was edited in katakana (square type) at Singapore (1836) by Charles Gutzlaff (9)
Great information. Thank you.
May l ask what source this is from?
thank you for that history. I do have a question for you though, if the Catholic Church had all these translations of the bible by the 3rd century, how come they only read the scriptures in Latin at their masses for 1900 years or so when the layman didn't understand Latin? I'd really appreciate your answer. maybe I'm wrong on my history on this as this video cleared up a lot of my misunderstandings.
This was excellent!!!!!!!!!!
Luthet was an Augustinian friar who was trained in Scritures like many of his confreres.
English Catholics had an official NT translation, the Douay-Rheims, in 1585, 26 years before the publication of the "authorized" (Queen James) Bible. To my knowledge, "bible believers" who trade in the theories debunked in the video have never squared this brute fact with their claims about Bible reading.
You’ll also note Prots cannot agree on the definition of sola scriptura either.
so what English Bible version were the catholics reading in churches before the 1585 Douay Rheims or was it only read in Latin prior to 1585?
@@RyanGrandon In the liturgy, readings from the Bible were in Latin.
@@argelbargel7680 thanks for the response, but my question is what is the point of reading the bible in Latin when the Laypeople didn't speak Latin?
@@RyanGrandon The video and discussion concern Bible reading and the alleged prohibition of Bible reading by the Church. That is why the issue of translation is important. The liturgy is a separate issue. There were translations printed for church use as well, so that the readings could be followed.
True. In our side of the world, we have no written scripts for we have no alphabets. Hence whatever we learned from elders and fore-parents were handed down through oral traditions. We started to read and write when the missionaries came and gave us The Roman scripts in 1841....So, how can we read the Bible except listening to the teachings ....
Where are you from? And thanks for sharing. May God bless you.
@@CatholicTruthOfficialThe Northest of India, (Meghalaya state ), India. And we are tribals of KHASI Tribe.
Well put , the one true historic church , protestants only came about because king Henry v111 was not allowed to divorce his wife.
Protestantism came about because of Martin Luther. 1511 A.D. King Henry condemned Luther or breaking away and then broke away himself and was worse than Luther in many ways.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial yes , Henry V111 mabe himself head of the church but Sir Thomas More would not accept him ,he said Christ is head of the church so King Henry V111 had Sir Thomas More put to death.
@@alvinlevy5502 Not befor Tomas More strapped christians to the rack for owning bibles. The CC made him a saint.
@@bobdobbs943 protestants were just as bad
@@alvinlevy5502 The first protestants were catholics. All they knew was to kill.
Protestent church have one reading on the service but catholic has three reading and a psalm
The entire mass is from sacred scripture
Protestents are ignorent
Let them read church fathers they will understand
Is that the title? Church fathers? Thank you
You assume im supposed to believe church fathers. I dont believe them nor am i required to believe them. Why dont you read the Watchtower and become a jehovas witness?
@@bobdobbs943 😆🤣😂
Jéhovah witness is a cult not even deemed worthy to be called Christians 😂😅
Some prodestant/Babtist say that the Catholic bible was brought up/interpretation from the library of Alexandria.. Not sure what this is about. Hopefully u can advise on this. God Bless you all... Thank you...
Protestants actually use the Alexandrian canon (which is a shorter list of books) where as Catholics have always used the Septuagint which has a full list of books and the oldest ones.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial thank you so much for your response. I will gladly donate 20$ or more this week.... God BLESS....
Thank you . Amen 🙏
your youtube channell is underrated
Wonderful video
The Bible is read and preach in the Church whole year round. The Catholic Faith defenders read the Bible with exegetical context and ergonomics according to the sacred traditions and magisterium and not personal interpretation.
Exactly, all the readings during the celebration of mass are taken from the Bible..even the response are from Psalms ....but we shld also need to read the Bible so we can at least knew the word of God....and not easily be brainwashed by those who wants us to hate our Catholic faith..Thank Brian for sharing this video...God bless you and God bless the Catholic Church 🙏😊
Banks chain pens, too.
Love the videos, I was looking for the quote where Luther laments the idea of everyone personally interpreting the Scriptures and can't find it. Could you tell me where the source is?
We have a person coming on in the next week or two we are interviewing, and he has that quote in his book. So I will try to have him bring it up.
Catholics don’t often read the bible, for reading the bible’s sake, has been my experience.
The problem I found is that by reading the bible, I have more doubts than ever. I was probably happier being ignorant than knowing what I know now. This is the Jerusalem bible I’m talking about.
I believe that is what one calls cognitive disssonance.
Should I post my concerns here?
The Jerusalem Bible is a lovely bible and is the basis of the liturgy in Ireland and the UK. What disturbed you?
If you listen to speakers such as Scott Hahn, John Bergsma, Dr. Pitre they all break down the scriptures very well and clear up alot of verses that seem contradicting.
I would add, because Paul spread it to the Hellenistic view do we have growth and influence such as this.
Think if Jesus did the same.
He could well have travelled.
He could well have gotten apostles who spoke koine Greek.
But it appears no where in the gospels that he actually did this.
Hey, really interesting stuff, would you be able to give me a reference for Martin Luther’s quote and frustration, I would like to locate and read for myself? Thanks
I was looking too
Will Durant was not a "Protestant". He actually was a Catholic Priest, a Jesuit, but fell in love his then 14 year old student, Ariel, and she with him.
Durant practically overnight became an agnostic, laicized...and married Ariel as soon as he legally could and not a breath of scandal for the rest of their long lives. Unfortunately, Will.and Ariel in their major Historical survey works, repeated verbatim both Protestant and Secularist myths about the Catholic Church.
"Scripture" used to be a singular noun.
1 Chapter each day ... the NT can be read cover to cover in less than a year ... and then start again. Each time it is read, something new will jump off the pages.
Don’t forget the OT.
We get a lot of readings from the OT in the Mass readings.
I read the OT from cover to cover once. I found it a tough read.
The form of the Mass came from the experiences of the first day Jesus resurrected: on the way to Emmaus, He opened the Scriptures (the Liturgy of the Word) and in Emmaus He was recognized in the Breaking of Bread ( the Liturgy of the Eucharist).
@@davidhogg8721 Oh for sure! The OT is a difficult read! I’m in the middle of it right now (at the beginning, Numbers). Still going!
@@davidhogg8721 also, Soli Deo Gloria.
A RUclips video attached this to Protestantism ... ?
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the pope is the vicar of Christ
When you say "pope" who do you mean?
The leader of the church?
"Pope" means "father" in Latin.
So you are saying that the word "father" is nowhere in the bible.
I beg to differ.
Hey i have a questions is really some parts of the bible a myth? Because some people say there are like mytholigical creatures in the bible
The only part of the Bible that was written in a mythological Style, are the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Now we are not saying, nor do Scholars say that it's a myth, and didn't happen. They're using that word in a different way. What they are saying is that the author was presenting real events that happened, but not necessarily entirely in a literal way. For example, there were two first people, but their names probably were not Adam and Eve. They really did have a Temptation from the devil, but he wasn't a talking snake and they really did rebelled against God but it probably wasn't by eating fruit. The Bible writer was using symbolic stories to communicate truths of things that really happened. But nothing is a myth in the Bible.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial omg thankyou so much godbless you😭😊🙂❤
Why do we believe Mary was assumed into Heaven? It's not that I don't believe it because God can do anything but was this event documented by people of the church?
Thank you for the question. Mary was not the first person assumed into heaven. Enoch was taken up by God and to have in the Bible says, and Elijah was also assumed into heaven. Mary I said to be assumed into heaven because her grave is empty, and she had no sin. Sin equals Death, and since she didn't sin, she didn't have to die, all by the power of God of course. Revelation 12:1 shows a bodily image of Mary, the woman and have enclosed in the Sun and with a crown of 12 Stars.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Mary was a sinner just like us. No one knows where her grave is. The woman in Rev 12 is a symbol of the pure church which is in contrast to the woman of Rev 17.
Convenient we don’t have any (first class) relics from Mary, but plenty of relics from the apostles, and you’d think the early christians would be all over her bones, being the mother of the Christ.
The woman of Rev12 need not be explicitly interpreted in one way. It’s interesting to note that the dragon is explicitly interpreted to be the devil, but the woman is not explicitly interpreted at all. I can also say that she represents Israel. One question, if the woman is the church, then what about the fact that this woman gives birth to who is easily seen as Jesus (male child destined to rule all nations with an iron rod)? The Church did not give birth to Jesus, this is backwards. I’m not discounting the fact that the church is a valid interpretation, but this goes to show the symbolism need not be perfect, and that other interpretations can be valid.
The women of Rev12 and Rev17 have no relation to each other. One is being preserved from the dragon, while the other is riding it. These are clearly two different women.
@@big_fishrichie6463 no Mary was not a sinner like the rest of us. God would not have overshadowed her is she was. Jude 1:24 Now all glory to God who is ABLE to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. Mary is the Arch of the new covenant. Just like the Arch in the covenant God made with Mosses and the Israelites it was the Pure dwelling place of God.
@@big_fishrichie6463 The woman in Rev 17 didn't give birth to the Beast or did she? But the woman in Rev 12 gave birth to the man that would rule the nations with a rod of iron. So your comparison doesn't work here.
Also, the dragon in rev 12 is a person, the man given birth to by the woman is a person. So why is the woman not a person?
This is not exactly a balance view either. Remember history is written by the victors. In the middle ages, Catholic church was supreme and had authority over kings. To then repeatedly bash William Tyndale's work, who was murdered by catholic supporting authorities for simply translating the Bible to English, a language normal people can read is insensitive. You are doing the exact thing you are charging protestants of doing.
Thanks for the comment. You said: "History was written by the victors." This is from the Da Vinci Code and so not really accurate. There are plenty of "non-victors" who wrote history and there is plenty of non-biased and non-partisan history, so this doesn't hold up.
We talked about Tyndale in the video and showed why he was not approved to translate the Scriptures. The Catholic Church loved and protected the Holy Scriptures so much that She only allowed the best scholars and trained scribes to translate and copy the bible so that it could be preserved and faithfully passed on. Tyndale was not a scholar and actually hacked up the Word of God. There is a reason people don't use his Bible and you won't find it anywhere. It has so many errors per page, and one bishop alone said he found over 2000 errors. That's not even the Bible anymore, and that is what the Catholic Church was trying to avoid. And for the record, Protestants burned each others works when they were not "orthodox" enough because they wanted to preserve what they thought was true and to the highest degree. That's all the Catholic Church was doing also.
I’ve got a question about some of the old bible stories. I’ve seen videos from a guy named Ron Wyatt who claimed to have found the remains of Noah’s ark and sits of the exodus, Red Sea crossing, the rock Moses split, the real mount Sinai, and the remains of sodom and Gomorrah and the findings are incredible!
I’ve heard some Christians call Ron a fraud but I’ve seen other besides Ron examine the same places and they match what the Bible says. Have you seen any of these videos and what is your take on it?
I have not heard him but have heard similar things. I tend not to believe they have found Noah's ark. Many of the other things however are accurate that they have found Herod's Palace, Sodom and Gomorrah, and many, many other things that prove the Bible.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Please do a video on the Pre Trib rapture! Also this guy in this video is claiming that early church bishops believed in a pre trib rapture ruclips.net/video/DV0vpcZ1XTU/видео.html
We are going to have a "rapture" expert on in the next couple of months, and we will cover this topic.
Two quick questions:
1) which Bible did u say the Catholic Church put together... the Old or the New Testament?
2) that Catholic Church which u say put the Bible together, was it originally one with those who were later on called Protestants or was it separate from them?
1) The Jews did have the Old testament but there were many sects of the Jews - each with their different Canons. For instance:
The Pharisees follow the Canon of Old Testament that excludes the Deuterocanons like Tobit, and the Protestants use today.
The Esseines, who were monastic jews at the era of the Roman empire, followed the Canon of the Old Testament that the Catholic and Orthodox Church use today.
The Saduccees only used the Pentateuch in their Canon.
The new Testament books were written by the Apostles and the Apostolic Fathers. But under three to four centuries of Christendom, there were forged writings of these books. So a council was formed by the one Church at the time to authoritatively declare and define the books of the Old and New testament that were inspired. And thus the Bible was canonized.
2) In the 16th century, Martin Luther - a key figure of the reformation - removed the Deuterocanonicals from the Bible and put them under a different section known as apocrypha. His rationale for this was that the deuterocanon books were not recognized by a set of Monastic Jews that formed after the fall of Jerusalem. Hereafter, the apocryphal books are all but forgotten by the Protestants.
Hope this answer your question.
@@isaacosahon4352 so that one church u refer to consisted all christians including the Protestants right?
@@isaacosahon4352 in other words the Bible was put together by the Roman Catholics and the Protestants right?
@@valentineeyumsama2520 No the Bible existed centuries before protastantism. The protastants butchered the Bible by cutting 7 books out of it.
@@valentineeyumsama2520 Protestant christianity started from the 16th century by the men of the reformation like Luther and Calvin.
There was an era of ancient Christianity in the first 3 centuries from Christ and the Apostles. The Christians in this era suffered persecution from Pagan Rome. This Christianity was later legalised in Rome by emperor Constantine from the mid to the late 4th century. Then there was a schism of Christianity between between east and west in the 10th to 11th century. This period was when the Orthodox Church started. Afterwards we had Protestant Christianity in the 16th century from Luther and other men of the reformation.
Note that I didn't mention the Catholic Church in the details, this is because the Church Fathers from the era of ancient Christianity (e.g. Ignatius) till today call the Church Catholic. The other Churches were a product of conflict and divisions.
So to answer your question, the one Church was called the Catholic Church because Protestantism was not even an idea at the time.
😄 Absolutely on point about many Protestant formed myths regarding the proclamation of the Word to the faithful in Catholic - universal - Christianity. Read? Or Listen? I think we heard the Word before we ever read it. Also, English-speaking Protestants also tend to assume the Word was written in their language. The reason why the first translation was in the vulgar or common tongue was so that when proclaimed, it could be understood. So Jerome's Latin Vulgate was precisely meant to make the Word accessible, memorable and understood. Of course, it was not meant for each member of the faithful to be a clerical scholar of the Word, so the Vulgate had somewhat a limitation in its translation but that is not a flaw for universal use, especially back when literacy and education was rare.
Ikw protestants and Catholics who don't read the bible I don't don't like how some people thought I'm anti catholic in fact alot of my friends including my crush is catholic
As a prodistant considering catholicism I really appreciate this video. I do have a question though for any catholic who can answer it. It seems true that the bible was being read to the Laypeople during the mass and other times but it was only being read in Latin and not the language of the people. Is this true? if this is true and the people did not understand the language the scriptures were being read in, then doesn't that defeat the purpose? if this is true that would appear to me that the catholic church was trying co conceal the scriptures by reading them in latin, and not trying to reveal them to the people. Also, I heard that the queen known as Bloody Mary would burn people at the stake for teaching their family the Lords Prayer in English. I'd like to know, if that is true, then why would she do that? I'd really appreciate a response! God bless you all.
Hello Ryan,
I wish you luck on your journey to the truth.
One thing you have to consider in your search is that there is a lot of anti-Catholic propaganda out there.
The accusation that the Catholic Church kept the bible from the people by using Latin is an old one but easily dismissed.
History shows that Christianity began in the Roman empire that controlled Judea. The main languages in the empire at that time were Aramaic in the south, Greek in the east, and Latin in the west. As Christianity grew among the gentiles, Greek and Latin became the languages of Christianity. The bible and liturgy were written in Latin because that was the language of the people in the west.
History shows the languages of these people, who they tell you were kept from the kjowing the bible, did not exist two thousand years ago when Christianity was established.
These languages, English, German, French, Spanish are the descendants of the languages of the barbarian nations within and on the periphery of the empire. The languages of the Celts, German, Gauls and Iberian tribes are the ancestors of these modern languages and they did not have a written alphabet nor a literary tradition.
The alphabet of these modern western languages is the Latin alphabet. The bible could not be accessible in these languages without Latin.
Putting religion aside and looking at the secular world, one of the greatest scientific treatises in history is the Protestant Englishman Isaac Newton's "Principia Matematica". It was published in Latin, not because Newton wanted to keep it from the people, on the contrary, he wanted everyone to know his work and credit his genius. Scientists from France, Spain, Poland, and Germany may not be able to read English but they were able to read Latin. The whole educated western world at that time knew Latin thanks to the intellectual heritage of the Catholic Church.
When the Christian missionary St. Cyril went to evangelize the Slavs he had to invent an alphabet adaptable to their languages because they too didn't have a written tradition either. The cyrillic alphabet is named after this Christian missionary.
The history of the Church is one of educating and unifying the people. It may not always seem that they kept up with the times but the intention was always there to educate the people in the Gospel and the sciences.
@@luisaymerich9675 thank you so much for the response, I really appreciate it! I know that must have taken alot of time!
The first enemy of the Catholic Church was Paul! Unfortunately Rome embraces him. Martin Luther just worshipped and followed Paul's doctrines. Roman church was organized by Paul and Paul was Catholicism first protestant rebel at Antioch after the love feast. Galatians 1 and 2 and 3 Paul's betrayal of Peter and the elders of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jerusalem.
If you are a Roman Catholic then you know whether you read the Bible or not. If you do you probably say that you cannot understand it. In my experience with catholic friends they never talk about the Bible and if they are asked a question, they never say 'well in such and such a verse in the Bible it says'. No, all I get is 'we are the church which Jesus established and our church believes this or that doctrine'. This is a totally inadequate way of professing to have a living interest in the word of God. Especially when the belief that the Roman Catholic church was established by Peter, who no matter what they say was NOT the rock which Christ was building His church upon. All their beliefs are based on a fallacy which has condemned many thousands of dedicated Roman Catholic people to a lost eternity.
Uh-huh…yawn…BORING. Oh for pity sake. I’ll bet all the Catholics you know is one or you made that up. Many Pro-testers never read the Bible either. I was an Evangelical/P/Non/F and L for 33 years and I saw it and most don’t pray either. Most have never heard of a mortal sin so they never confess them. It’s me and Jesus that’s all I need. They get all their pitiful interpretation from pastor Harrytick who regurgitates the heresy of the original heresy. I read the Bible and I know everything eg Sola Scriptura which isn’t biblical and you know it. Catholics are encouraged to read the Bible daily, read holy books, pray morning and night and/or in all we do. Those who don’t hear the Word of God during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which is 100% taken from Scripture, start to finish including a reading from the Old Testament, the epistles and the four Gospels, the words Jesus spoke Psalms, etc. Catholics are the original, 100% Christians mentioned in the Bible. We believe the whole Bible not the proof texting you all do. Let’s see I can find one verse one phase that blows the Catholic Church totally out of the water. So totally wrong.. You have been taught wrong and words will condemn. It’s in the Bible. God bless you.
Hello I watch again but I have a question did church doesn't believe in science?
The Catholic Church believes in Science and is not against science. In fact, the Catholic Church forwarded science for over 1000 years more than anyone else on earth. We have a video on this topic. ruclips.net/video/q9y40-1piTQ/видео.html
@@CatholicTruthOfficial thanks my mind is always trouble because of religion and science are get a long
Lord Jesus Christ, if what is said in this video is not what you yourself would say, don't let me believe it. Lead me away from all religious beliefs and practices which do not come from you and are therefore false and deeply offensive to you. I want to love you as my Lord and Saviour, knowing and doing your will. Amen.
Amen. And if these things are true Lord, then lead us to that truth which comes from you most Holy Lord Jesus for your glory and the sake of your divine truth! Amen.
I live in what might be considered a Catholic area, and I know quite a few catholics and former Catholics (neighbours, colleagues, friends etc). I’ve never met a Catholic who has read the bible, and they’re often quite shocked when I show them things in their bible that they’ve been taught some unscriptural things, for instance that, according to the bible, divorce is permissible under certain circumstances, and that Mary only remained a virgin till after giving birth to Jesus. Some former Catholics I know only started to read the bible in the last few months of their membership, or after they left altogether. Mind you, I think most Protestant and evangelical churches aren’t very good at encouraging their members to read the bible either.
@@marshallcampbell125 that’s an interpretation issue. It doesn’t answer the question at hand - do Catholics read the bible? In my experience, I’ve found that they tend not to, or at least they tend not to do so systematically.
@@martinsloan3972 one reason is sacramentalism thus becoming institutionalized .
I mean why read it when salvation is all set out .
Just follow the steps is the mindset .
Most catholic believers don’t even know the liturgy or things such as Condign and Congruous Merit .
Perpetual re justification creates a thinking of a license to sin .
The institution for example states twice a year for confession something that should be done immediately or whilst finding oneself tempted .
Holding your faith in magisterium rather than seeking growth and understanding in the word of God unfortunately for many is just not sought after due to the paved apparent road set before them.
So what was your family's excuse and yours for not reading Scripture
The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Catechism Of the Catholic Church (CCC 133)www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/
Pope St. Gregory I (died 604 AD) “The Emperor of heaven, the Lord of men and of angels, has sent you His epistles for your life’s advantage-and yet you neglect to read them eagerly. Study them, I beg you, and meditate daily on the words of your Creator. Learn the heart of God in the words of God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys.”
Pope Clement XI (1700 - 1720) To forbid Christians to read Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, is to forbid the use of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to suffer a kind of excommunication.
Pope Pius VI (April 1st 1778 AD) “the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures: for these are the most abundant sources which ought to be left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine”
Pope Pius VII (1800 - 1823) "encourage their people to read the Holy Scriptures ; for nothing can be more useful, more consoling, and more animating, because they serve to confirm the faith, to support the hope, and to influence the charity of the true Christian."
Pope Leo XIII (1893) “The solicitude of the apostolic office naturally urges and even compels us…to desire that this grand source of Catholic revelation (the Bible) should be made safely and abundantly accessible to the flock of Jesus Christ”
Pope Pius X (1903 - 1914) “Nothing would please us more than to see our beloved children form the habit of reading the Gospels - not merely from time to time, but every day.”
Pope Benedict XV (1914 - 1922) “Our one desire for all the Church’s children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all-surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ”
Pope Pius XII (1943) “... This author of salvation, Christ, will men more fully know, more ardently love and more faithfully imitate in proportion as they are more assiduously urged to know and meditate the Sacred Letters, especially the New Testament ...”
Pope John Paul II (1979) “catechesis must be impregnated and penetrated by the thought, the spirit and the outlook of the Bible and the Gospels through assiduous contact with the texts themselves”
Pope Benedict XVI (2006) “I urge you to become familiar with the Bible, and to have it at hand so that it can be your compass pointing out the road to follow. By reading it, you will learn to know Christ.”
Pope Francis (2015) “The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read often - every day, both on your own and together with others”
Gee, good thing you don’t like condescending emails, right? Anyway, I am not rebuking God’s Word, I am rebuking man’s word and, in particular, I am rebuking your word. Your fallible, man-made, non-authoritative, biased and bigoted word.
I'm glad you made that last statement. I think if you took a survey of ANY group of people, almost none of them have read the bible. In these chat groups, would you say the Catholic are more bible ignorant than non-Catholics?
@@iightning2018 many popes may have said “read the Bible, but that doesn’t refute my claim that most Catholics don’t read the Bible, a claim which is based on personal experience.
In Ireland the bible wasn't very popular but that is slowly changing. The reason is that under the British we were banned from praticing our religion for centuries and when we eventually got our independence most were too poor to afford one. The first bible we owned in my famil was the Jerusalem Bible back in early 1970s, my mother bought it as a present for my father. When it came out it was a huge deal for Catholics (on this side of the pond) as it was the first new Catholic bible for years, maybe in living memory.
Who cares if the scriptures were read to the people if there were not read in understandable language though?
Who says they weren't? The Catholic Church translated the Bible into many different languages.
Why i can not see in what you are saying the catholic church in the catholic church where i grew up and been in this church for 30 years? The catholic church you are talking seems to me do not exist but in your imagination.
How can u claim that the Roman Catholics read the Bible yet still practice sacrifices on altars daily for the forgiveness of sins??? Do u really understand what u read?
And what is wrong about offering sacrifice on altars?
The sacrifice of the mass is not primarily for the forgiveness of sins. It is the the sacrament of confession that is for the forgiveness of sins. The sacrifice of the mass is primarily for Adoration (or Worship), secondly for Contrition, thirdly for Thanksgiving and lastly for supplication.
It is the One and Same sacrifice offered by Jesus on Calvary now offered in Perpetual Memoriam. The Jews believed the exact same thing about the Passover. They did not celebrate a 'new' Passover every year; but participated in the One Passover each year in a Mystical way.
So yes the Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary not re-sacrificed over and over again BUT re-participated in over and over again. Big difference.
Luke 22,7
Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.
The Mass is outside space and time. We are made present at Calvary, despite outward appearances. Jesus is truly Present in Holy Communion despite the appearance of bread and wine. There is only one sacrifice but it is not limited by space and time. Blessings
@@larryluch8178 I'm a faithful Catholic and never miss Mass. Outside of space and time? It's at 11am every Sunday in my church. What are you smoking pal? Get me one of those LOL
Reading the BIBLE for Catholics and or any other self identified Christian believers is a non issue. Bible reading with a hopeful understanding given by the HOLY SPIRIT would be an issue for people who live a practice a Christian life through Jesus Christ.
Religious worship and practices that are not built upon the Gospel of Christ Jesus are not practicing the Christian faith. Therefore, people practicing the other religion have primary sources for their faith would be the Talmud, catechisms and or the Torah the Quran etc.
The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ started a church, a teaching and preaching authoritative church that has his authority. So anyone who does not have the church does not have Christ. And also everything that comes with the church, doctor in, baptism, the Lord supper, and everything else Christ gave us. A simple Christianity. That removes the church, and religion actually removes Christ. It's the Catholic Church that made the Bible in the first place and canonized it.
Why is a Pope & all those Cardinals needed ? The earliest Christians did not have them, not being critical just asking
The Church at the time of the earliest Christians was pretty small. But the apostles (Cardinals) with Peter as their leader (Pope) were the authority. And when the apostles preached the gospel to distant communities, they appointed overseers (Bishops), elders (Priests) and deacons to those communities.
So yeah Church terms like Pope and Cardinals were not used in the time of early Christianity. But that doesn't mean they never existed. If you think they never did, then you might as well say that the Trinity never existed because it was fully defined at the council of constantinople in the late 4th century.
So why is the Pope and Cardinals needed? Because the Church needs a Magisterium that authoritatively defines, teaches and declare the deposit of faith (which my Protestant brothers call the gospel).
Which early Christians are you referring to? Did you read any of the early Christians?
@@isaacosahon4352 so what is the definition of the trinity, apart from father, son & Holy Spirit ?
@@andrefouche9682 I have read the Gospels , many times, what early Christians are you referring too ?
@@johnwalker4089 Simply put, the Trinitarian doctrine declares the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as co-equal divine persons. But the bible didn't state this explicitly. A lot of debate ensued among the early Church Fathers to recognise this.
The apostles creed from the earlier centuries of Christianity showed that every Christian knew that Jesus was the son of God. Also, everyone knew about the Holy Spirit. However, arguments ensued between Arius and a number of Church fathers and Athanasius and another set of Church Fathers. Basically the argument was this:
Arius: Jesus is the son of God and he was half God. He was created.
Athanasius: Jesus is the son of God, and he is fully God. He wasn't created but begotten.
It took two councils before Athanasius point was accepted by the Church. After this time, the nicene-constantipolitan creed was defined and this was the foundation of the doctrine of the Trinity.
Bible as a source of Authority is flawed, it has no hierarchy, love your neighbor is not higher then Romans 13 when Hitler decides to kill your neighbor and you must stand against or accept it. The Catholic Church wrote the New Testament and defines the hierarchy of what is important in the Bible and what is lower in the obedience to the will of God. This being your lonely authority is a trap to causing you face Evil alone. The New Testament is 7,957 verses of excuses to not do the right thing.
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition
The inquisition was masreminded by Thomas De Torkimardi , it was used against Jews who had converted to christianity but were suspected of secretly practicing Judaism they were viewed as heretics .
I am reminded of the phrase, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." It is unfortunate scandals that have plagued the Catholic Church during some of its history. It is only fair to give equal time to our Protestant brothers. Here is just a few examples:
The Protestant history of persecutions, especially of Catholics, is not pretty.
The German Peasant War (1525)
Martin Luther urged German peasants to rebel, but he switched sides and then urged the Northern German princes to massacre the peasants. There is good reason for this change. Luther knew that the Northern German princes were protecting him, and for Luther to be accused of aiding and abetting the peasants would be fatal to him.
The Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
This war, or series of wars, is sometimes remembered as the last of the wars of religion. Some of its origins lay with tensions over the religious settlement offered in the Peace of Augsburg (1555), which allowed for Lutheran and Catholic territories. A Protestant revolt against Catholic Habsburg rule in Bohemia spiraled into a conflict in which all the major powers of Europe became involved. Parts of the German-speaking lands were utterly decimated - some areas lost between a quarter and a half of their population. The episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and Catholic troops in the war were legendary, and stories spread across Europe.
The Massacre of Saint Bartholomew’s Day (1572)
This massacre was perhaps the most notorious episode of religious violence of the Reformation era. On August 24, 1572, in the midst of celebrations of a marriage between a Catholic princess and a Protestant king, at least 2,000 French Protestants were murdered on the streets of Paris. The news of events in Paris also sparked massacres in other French cities. While the direct role of the French monarchy in the massacre, and the exact numbers killed, remain sources of debate, the “popular” element of the violence was striking: victims were often known to perpetrators.
King Henry VIII is responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 Catholics including hundreds of priests and Bishops. He had St. Thomas More executed in 1535. He even ordered the destruction of most of the uncorrupted bodies of saints in England. The only bodies that were not destroyed are the ones taken by Catholics and hidden from the persecutors.
John Calvin, one of the Protestant reformers, viciously persecuted Catholics as heretics. He persecuted others as well, and had a rival critic, Michael Servetus, one of the greatest scientists Europe ever produced, was burned at the stake by Calvinist authorities for his heterodox views in October 1553.
Queen Elizabeth I, had thousands of Catholics put to death in England. She ordered that Catholic Mary Queen of Scots be executed in 1587. She had thousands more killed in Ireland.
Oliver Cromwell is responsible for starting the English civil war and the subsequent beheading of Catholic King Charles I, and for the killing of thousands of Catholics in that war of 1642-1649. Some Catholics were nailed to trees.
Thousands of Catholics were murdered in Ireland by the English in the 19th century simply because they attended the Catholic Mass. The Protestant English redcoats were also responsible for confiscating the food from the Irish people and for leaving them only with potatoes which were blighted and unfit to eat. In the mid 19th century this caused the deaths by starvation of an estimated 1-1.5 million Irish Catholics, and the emigration of about 2 million more. It was a case of either leave the country or die of starvation.
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than two hundred people were accused. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail.
How many thousands of women were burned at the stake after witch trials, by Protestant witch hunters, over several centuries, and throughout Europe and America ? It is estimated that 30,000 went to their deaths in Britain alone, and another 100,000 in Protestant Germany. Interestingly, the Protestant mind-set in those times was that if the woman survived the burning, she was considered not to be a witch. Now just how many innocent women, do you think, survived this horror?
Southern Baptist and Slavery
The Southern Baptist, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, came into being in 1845 due to the issue of slavery. Most white Christians in the south did not view slavery as a sin. Rather, their pastors/leaders were able to quote many Biblical passages in support of slavery. Some of them argued that slavery was in the best interests of the slaves themselves, while others insisted it was "a God-ordained institution." The Civil War and the divide over the question of slavery thus began in the nation's churches, a decade before fighting began on the battlefields.
The Southern Baptist Convention formally apologized to African-Americans in 1995 for the denomination's pro-slavery past, and in 2017, the convention adopted a resolution condemning white supremacy.
My my my. Speaking of stones.
Well thank you for the history report on Protestants.
But let remember scripture.
Matthew 7:13-14
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate.For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Few that find it.
Israel such a small plot of land that is watched and hated by a large portion of the world. Look at the UN stance on Israel.
And it is with the children of God spiritually. His church will be hated on its stance for righteousness cauce when you come across a true believer conviction come to you. You are troubled in your spirit. If you are spiritual you will receive it. But religions that bring condemnation are not founded on God. If Jesus Christ was here on earth today, many would not find (see) Him (John14:6 the way, the truth, and the light)
Examine who your with and does your lifestyle magnify
Jesus Christ.
Amen, we also believe that the road is wide enough to contain anything you might want to do or have, perhaps a life of sin and you can follow the crowd instead of your conscience, but to travel on the second road you have to travel light, follow God and take personal responsibility for your moral decisions.
Matthew 7:13-14 KJV
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
1 John 4:20 KJV
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Matthew 16:18-19 (Jesus establishes HIS CHURCH)
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
John 20:21-23 (Jesus giving His disciples the Holy Spirit)
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
Luke 10:16 KJV (Jesus sends his disciples)
He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.
Matthew 18:15-17 KJV
Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the CHURCH: but if he neglect to hear THE CHURCH, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
Romans 14:10 KJV
But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
1 Samuel 15:23 KJV
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being King.
If I may also on RUclips:
Tony Spell
Revelation 2:29
He that hath a ear let him hear the word of the Lord