I'm 30 and as Brazilians we have the Portuguese names of days such as Domingo (Sunday), Segunda (Monday) based on Latin (influenced by the Catholic church): dies dominicus (Lord's day), dies secunda (Second day). So it's easy to understand that Sunday would be the first day of the week, even if you don't feel like it.
YES! I've been telling people this for some time now, and I have never seen this information. Think about it, OCT means 8 and DEC means 10! So, the month of January and February are months of dormancy, you can't plant or harvest during these months. Thus, the beginning of Spring always signified the beginning of a new year . . . for planting and celebrating the return of the sun, of life. Plus, there are 52 weeks in a year, when divided by 4 you get 13 months. So, the question we should ask is where is my extra month of pay! 😂
The real calendar to work off is the seasons because the seasons also represent your entire life. Spring is the season of bloom which also represents your first 20 years of life Summer are the stages for your next 20 years it’s your peak Autumn is when we start to decline this next 20 years we start to get older our body doesn’t cooperate like it used to we get white hair etc. plants prepare for winter shed leaves etc Winter is the last stage of that 20 years we become old, fragile. The trees might look dead but when spring comes back they come back to life just like we never really die
I know that’s right. Everyone is always in a rush and juggling everyday life that we don’t pay attention to what is right in our faces. I have been guilty of this too
The best way to hide something, is in plain sight. They know this, and rub our faces in it daily. The characters that are non players believe all lies. Characters that are players learn all truth. Welcome to the Matrix. Your entire life is a lie. Everything you know, meaning all Earthly knowledge, is lies. We live in these avatars, and we think these are real bodies, but they are not. To know your true power, it's doesn't take a pill of and certain red color. It takes seeking The Creator of you and this Matrix. Understand, not all that appear human are real. Most everyone we meet and know are fake, robots essentially, in the Matrix. Wakey, wakey Neo.
It makes sense when you look at the root of some of the months from a Latin perspective. [Septem]ber is 7, [Octo]ber is 8, [Novem]ber is 9, [Decem]ber is 10.
@@martinemjt no, march is the first month. When you start from March as shown in the video then you can see how September is the seventh month etc. January and February are 11th and 12 months with valentine's day and pancake being a purification ritual for the match start of the year
I have been observing the Saturday Sabbath for 20 years. I'm a Christian, but never was happy with "organized" religion, so started studying on my own. The Holy Bible is a great guide to live by, but there are other documents that were taken out of it long ago, like the Book of Enoch, Book of Jasher, Jubilees, etc. Study diligently and learn to discern the true Word from the lies of men.
@@mailvoor698I have this: The term "books left out of the Bible" refers to various writings that are not included in the canonical texts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) or the New Testament. These writings are often referred to as apocryphal or deuterocanonical texts. The specific books left out can vary depending on different religious traditions. Here are some examples: 1. Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament: These include books such as Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and additional sections added to the books of Esther and Daniel. 2. Pseudepigraphal Books: These are a group of Jewish writings that emerged in the period between the Old and New Testaments. Examples include the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. 3. Gnostic Gospels: These are a collection of early Christian texts associated with Gnosticism, a diverse religious movement. Examples include the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and the Gospel of Judas. It's important to note that the inclusion or exclusion of these books varies between different Christian denominations and Jewish traditions, and the canonicity of these texts differs depending on the religious perspective.
@@mailvoor698 Start with the ones I already listed, but a few others are "The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden" "The Other Bible" is another one with ancient scriptures and texts. "The Companion Bible by E. W. Bullinger is an awesome study tool as well.
Sunday IS the first day of the week. I've always known that to be true and accepted. Kids have been dumbed down, brainwashed so severely today that what was up is now down, etc.
Mon means ONE in latin. So, MONday = 1 day. The phonics says two's day. Sun day is for resting in the sun (for energy & vitamin D) and grounding. The truth is never in plain sight while always being in plain sight in this dimension.
Sunday is the first day of the week right now. Sunday is the first day of the week on our current Calendar. The Hebrew 13 month Calendar cannot be compared to the Solar Calendar year which is the standard year for centuries. Why would anyone say Sunday is not the first day of the week? Doesn't male any sense to say that. Sunday is the first day of the week.
Yes and it's right there in Exodus: "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house" (Exodus 12:2-3). You may be interested in a Sabbath channel I found 'follow the lamb today' that shows His true Feasts and the prophetic significance to them, be blessed.
4 weeks in each month. 52 weeks in a year. 52 divided by 4 is 13. Each month with days 29 30 and 31 added together is 28. The 13th month was spread across the whole year. Peace love and joy to all.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
Not only that spring starts in march and personally i was always taught sunday was the first day so i dunno where he getting the sunday not being first of the week from also im curious what bible this is. And christmas wasnt celebrated as Christmas until the 1900s lmao
If we still had a 13 month calendar, each month would comprise 28 days. 13 months would add up to 364 days and New Year’s Day would be the 365th day. Every fortnight would be the exact halfway point for each month and if Sunday was the starting point for the week Friday the 13th would occur every month the night before every fortnight, or midpoint of each month. Every 3 months (84 days) plus one week would add up to 91 days, with the 91st day marking a seasonal shift and corresponding festival event. Coincidentally ordinary playing cards mirror this 13 month system. If you count the Ace as the number One and then add the number cards to 10, the Jack becomes 11, the Queen 12 and the King 13. If you then add up the total of the four suits you get the number 52, which corresponds to the 52 weeks of the year. This is probably why they are still used in divination today.
This is an amazing synopsis. The Christians of the time demonize the #13 because they interpret it as sign of death. However the #13 represents change and growth. It can be a rebirth, which is good. However the church and it's politics were powerful, so it may have be motivation to change the calendar. The number 13 is has been feared and misinterpreted. It's a harmless number. If you believe it to bring you bad luck it will.
The Bible clearly talks about the Moonths, and how the first month is March/April. Reading it for ourselves, instead of how the pope tells you too, reveals sooo much
I have felt for a very long time that centuries ago when Catholics had complete control of religious beliefs & put together the Bible we have now, that much was omitted, much was changed to suit "THEIR" belief system, forcing everyone to accept it! I do believe in the books of the Bible, but just how much of the disciples words were changed?? I'm not saying this earlier version was absolute. I believe the truth lies somewhere in between & its up to each of us or their respective ministers or both to pray to God directly for the absolute truth!!
@@tbickleo The first month of the year was moved to January in the US around 1933. It's not January in some other parts of the world. People are ignorant.
I remember a job I have worked at. I had a Sunday through Thursday schedule and I’m telling you the weeks went by so smoothly and I realize Saturday is a very restful day as well now I work on Saturdays and it’s not bad but I want to get to a point where I have those days off. Also, Friday always felt more like a weekend day to me than Sunday. And I realize because the sabbath in the Bible is actually from Friday sundown to Saturday.
While I agree that Monday dosen't feel like a work day but more like a break day, Sunday also feels like a break day way more then a work day, I think Tuesday would make way more sense purely from a vibes perspective to be the first day of the week (unless we would change the idea that break days should be last and work days first, then yes, if break days are first then Sunday being first makes sense)
Is psychological my dude - Friday you feel more rested because is the end of the working/school day, so you are anticipating the weekend. Sunday sucks because is the day before Monday.
@@dogdays7120 well, that’s because God that we are thinking and have been taught isn’t real. So your right, can’t blame God or the devil or whoever but rotten ass people. People are mind controlling people driving them nuts so there is I believe another entity controlling this “evil. Just not what we’ve been taught in this bibles. The Bible had been made to look a certain way for control. Control on a major level.
I’ve always had the natural urge to rest and relax on Saturday and then begin taking care of business again on Sunday. Since I was a child I always believed that the actual first day of the week was Sunday but we didn’t go back to school or work until the second day of the week. I always looked at the calendar and saw Sunday as the first day and Saturday as the last day… just as it is on a calendar still today.
That’s how we were taught, too. Sunday is a day of action for the sun provides all life, ergo its the first day of the week. Saturday is the day of Saturn, Lord of the Rings, and the furthest planet of antiquity. Perhaps Saturn’s Day got changed form the 7th day of the week to the 6th upon discovery of the hexagon at its pole?
The guy in the video either lives in some foreign country or is lying about never seeing a calendar with Sunday as the first day. I have read actual books, not just the internet, and have only found one place that ever stated that Monday was the first day of the week. That was in a history book written about 800 years ago in England. One time in over 60 years of reading and research.
I would like to make. Lot of corrections o this video . At the time that these ones are referring to the traditions of those pagan roots and the story of Nimrod et al there was no such thing as a December 25th also Easter has nothing to do with Passover, Easter itself is pagan so it can not be considered as a correct alignment for the Passover. And another thing of significant importance is that the calendar STILL list Sunday as the first day of the week and . Saturday was a day of Rest NOT worship during the times that The LORD set this up with the Jews. The word in Hebrew for worship is Avodai , incidentally it is the same Word for WORSHIP. This The LORD’s Commandment was to WORSHIP for six days and on The Seventh day Rest. Because when we TRUELY worship THE LORD ,It drains us physically because of the Overwhelming Power of HIS PRESENCE! It is SOOOO satanic for this modern day society to think that OUR LORD should only be worshipped on ONE DAY of the week. When THE LORD GOD should be Worshipped EVERYDAY! And rest on The seventh day. This is the REAL deception which everyone seems to not understand! And NOBODY knows the day of Christ Birth. But however according to the Jewish scholars it was most likely in September, which means Christ was conceived in December, which is Truly the Day HE entered into this realm into the womb of Mary. Also it seems that a lot of people are starting to come against Christmas sooo Vehemently. Which gives me pause to think and say the uprising against Christmas MUST be satanic. I mean like just like they took prayers out of school now they have taken Christmas out of the schools as well. And out of many retail stores , even in the business world , it has suddenly become Taboo to even say Merry Christmas! Anytime something gets so persecuted by the secular world then red flags goes up for me. This is a sign of satanic meddling ! And lastly Please don’t take the Christ out of Christmas. Keep it as a celebration that Christ came into the World to die for our sins. Remember to sanctify that day unto THE LORD! The Bible says in Colossians 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an HOLYDAY/HOLIDAY,” ITS NEVER WRONG to celebrate Christ! Now the ultimate celebration of Christ is to fulfill Acts2:38 and your eyes will be opened to TRUTH! May you receive the Truth , my prayers are with you because I really do care.
Wait - I’ve was taught that Sunday is the first day of the week. I’m 56 years old and have always thought that everyone considers Sunday to be the first day of the week.
Or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the Sabbath, IF you're following God's commandments. The 4th commandment says to "remember the sabbath and keep it holy." Sabbath was dictated to be a day of rest for mankind, as when God rested on the 7th day.
@garyreneker6226 the Sabbath day was given to the Jews, not the Gentiles. Paul said not to let anyone judge you in Sabbath days, we do not have to keep Sabbath or any of the other Sabbath days. The church was meeting on the first day of the week in the New Testament.
@@daniellineberry8879 and yet..does the bible not say that on the seventh day God rested..and that's why it was the Sabbath... so that would making Saturday the day of rest..like the Jewish faith..
@daniellineberry8879 It kills me when I hear people say that the sabbath was given only to the Jews. Well so was all of the ten commandments. People pick and choose the commands they want to follow because they do not want to truly honor the Creator and make any sacrifices. Everything was given to them first because they were suppose to show who he was to the rest of the Pagan nations. Given to them first does not mean given to them only. The disciples honored the sabbath. Please show where you think they assembled on the first day and not the seventh.
I agree. The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it. It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
@@allsouls5997, I agree I listen a lot people speak about living in this fallen world but very few speak of the flat earth and the firmament we live under. The people who are running this world know of it.
@@allsouls5997 It makes you wonder why it’s hidden from us. Then you realize why, and know your living in the lie. Then everyone who doesn’t know believes that your a nut job which brings us to a verse I connected with. (I’m only quoting the new living translation in order for most to comprehend.) John 15:18-21 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the one who sent me.
The calendar shown is the Hebrew year, which is a traditional lunar year used to compute the date of Passover and other Jewish holidays. It is included in the Bible as reference information because many passages refer to these festivals. People in the US and Europe in 1775 did not use this calendar. They used the same calendar we do today.
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it. It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it. It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
The music thing is something almost NO ONE knows anything about, let alone the switch in instrument frequencies that happened. Music has power, it's not just for entertainment. Music and frequency have LONG been weaponized against humanity. @JohnnyNoPockets
Saturday in Spanish is "Sabado". Sabado = Sabbath. Most all calendars show Sunday as the first day. Open the calendar on your phone. Look at any printed calendar.
Wow thank you for sharing my video!! I would love to share more from my 1775 Bible! Last night I read parts of mark and Matthew! Some questions there.. thank you again. After being live 1,790 days in a row at 10pm it’s nice that someone shared something! 🙌🏼 also just dropped the 1793 Confession of Faith. 🙌🏼🙏🏼 Mark
#1 Look at Isaiah chapter 11, verse six. What lies down with the lamb? The lion right? Nope now bibles says the wolf. #2 Revelations. The fourth horseman was Pestilence? Nope, now it is CONQUEST! What does your bible show?
Thank you for sharing your old Bible. Is it written in old English or Hebrew and Greek? I assume it's old English about the same time as the king James Version which should be closest to the original. I have always believed in the seven day week as taught from the beginning of time of creation. The LORD created all things in six days and He rested on the seventh day Saturday the Sabbath, which is the day of worship. The seven days week has been kept til today. Man or Roman Catholic changed the day of worship from 7th day Saturday to the first day Sunday which was named after the Sun god, (Sun.day) names of other weekdays also was named after other gods, like Sun day Moon-day Monday Saturn Saturn-day I can't remember all the gods but it was many. This video got me excited and happy to see the truth behind the calendar work week Sunday through Saturday and the r Do you have a channel we can suscribe ? I have to go offline but I will be back here to watch this video again. And it's my first time here but I just suscribed and will be back 🌊 ALoHa 🌺 GOD ❤ BLESS 🕊
Yes please share , because this video he talked too much and didn't show much content. He focused too much on Sunday and 13 months , what about the books of the Bible etc...
This is why I do not celebrate the Holidays or even New Years, for that matter. I’ve always questioned about everythin’ they taught us in School, but what really struck me was how they celebrated the “New Year” durin’ WINTER!!! THE COLDEST SEASON, WHEN ALL THE BIRDS HAVE MIGRATED, and the TREES Lose their leaves and Hibernate, and same goes with other Animals and Insects. And I always knew that Saturday was the Sabbath day, ever since my oldest brother, who has a degree in Historical Studies told me that Saturday is actually the Day of Rest and not Sunday.
There is a story that from Dec.25th and the 31st is when the world is to end and if we make it past that we get a "New Year". Thats one of the many stories told.
Bro what calendar are you done seen that shows Monday as the first day of the week???😂😂😂 Every calendar that has ever been printed starts with Sunday 😂😂😂😂
The day of rest simply means to stop from your regular daily activities to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Praise the Lord and remember to rest in his promises. It's not about nothing else than that. Now the spiritual aspect is to rest in the sabbath meaning your whole life will be in the sabbath day because your total reliance on God is in the sabbath. Forget about what precise day and focus on the meaning of the sabbath. It literally means rest. We are to rest in the Lord. Rest doesn't mean sleep so know the difference. Remember David worked on the sabbath and the LORD declared him faultless. So you must know that merely not working and following a list of rules will NOT bring you to God and in his Divine favor (as many pharisees and sadduccees teach and do)
Yeah, don't do holidays or birthdays or any of that. It's all ritualistic tradition, something anyone with some critical thinking would realize is a bad thing.
Quit taking yourself so seriously. People celebrate new years just to go have a good time. If you're getting your panties in a bunch about what month we arbitrarily decided should be the first month then I gotta imagine you've never had too many real issues in life. Because that's not anything to worry about
That's because we're too busy looking at what the people say and not what was already written in the Bible from the very beginning. Even the Jews kept the timing but we brushed them off into the background.
@@DaNinja60 the origin terms for Jew are Yahudi, I’m not knocking the Bible or what anyone believes but Facts Vs Belief people want beliefs,The Bible keeps people separated in a belief system only thing that will reprogram the mind is learning Ourselves,we are to busy following instead of actually taking accountability and responsibility doing the works.
@@A_Valentino Trust me. God knows who one is praying to and he is not worried about politically correct terms when it comes to who was sacrificed for our sins.
@@DaNinja60 I don’t trust people that say trust me… I agree our creator all mighty doesn’t care about color of skins,governments etc and knows our hearts so we’ll see the kingdom ,has no form we can put in ,but until then is God government ordinance department, it’s still slaves here and children are dying younger and younger ,we are at war etc I watched those children play in their graves ,Those children wasn’t praying before they knew they was going to be bombed and I hate the violence .. You have to do more than just pray
@@CuzmicTarotthat is what the machine wants you to believe, just like when people act like Steven Candy they call being real while if you act like Django you're a hater, and a sell out at least according too the KKK and their political party..
All the calendars I have all show SUNDAY AS THE 1ST DAY OF THE WEEK. monday has NEVER BEEN & nor has anyone ever thought it was the 1st day. Saturday has ALWAYS BEEN THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK.😅😊😂, & It has been proven NIMROD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DEC. 25. people started repeating this lie, & now it's ramped in the churches. There is a scalar, that went through all the old text all over the world. & proved Christmas has nothing to do with NIMROD. I believe it was thought up by Muslims who want the church to stop celebrating Jesus Period. It became real popular about 20 + yrs ago. & just gets more & more popular. That is like the Christmas tree. Now we find out, God Himself actually celebrated a fir tree, in the northpole area. Very interesting. When you see the supernatural tree all lit up with natural God made lighting. Its beautiful. Colors of the North pole. Wow just beautiful.
@@CuzmicTarotwhat we were told about our History is all a LIE. Did they tell you Indians had electricity? I bet not. Look up Mud Floods, giants, tge railroad was already here. They just had to dig it out. The Irish were the 1st imported slaves. All Indian tribes enslaved pall kinds of people etc..
Yep. I’m an American married to a Lithuanian with 2 stepsons who are British. I’ll add to that by saying I am Christian my husband was an atheist. Yet we all know that Sunday is the 1st day of the week. It is taught in school as the 1st day of the week still. My teenage and grade school stepsons would say the same thing. This is not profound new knowledge. My family is clearly different countries, cultures, races, beliefs but we all agree on what day begins the week because that is how it’s been taught globally.
In Greek the days are named after their position in the weekcircle. Monday is Deftera (Deutera) which means the second. Sunday is Kyriaki, the day of the Lord. You can name the days as you like, that does not change anything. You can also make the week start at Wednesday it has always been made up by humans. I won't even refer to any of the things he says about astrology etc. So what is the point of this video?
I would like to make. Lot of corrections o this video . At the time that these ones are referring to the traditions of those pagan roots and the story of Nimrod et al there was no such thing as a December 25th also Easter has nothing to do with Passover, Easter itself is pagan so it can not be considered as a correct alignment for the Passover. And another thing of significant importance is that the calendar STILL list Sunday as the first day of the week and . Saturday was a day of Rest NOT worship during the times that The LORD set this up with the Jews. The word in Hebrew for worship is Avodai , incidentally it is the same Word for WORSHIP. This The LORD’s Commandment was to WORSHIP for six days and on The Seventh day Rest. Because when we TRUELY worship THE LORD ,It drains us physically because of the Overwhelming Power of HIS PRESENCE! It is SOOOO satanic for this modern day society to think that OUR LORD should only be worshipped on ONE DAY of the week. When THE LORD GOD should be Worshipped EVERYDAY! And rest on The seventh day. This is the REAL deception which everyone seems to not understand! And NOBODY knows the day of Christ Birth. But however according to the Jewish scholars it was most likely in September, which means Christ was conceived in December, which is Truly the Day HE entered into this realm into the womb of Mary. Also it seems that a lot of people are starting to come against Christmas sooo Vehemently. Which gives me pause to think and say the uprising against Christmas MUST be satanic. I mean like just like they took prayers out of school now they have taken Christmas out of the schools as well. And out of many retail stores , even in the business world , it has suddenly become Taboo to even say Merry Christmas! Anytime something gets so persecuted by the secular world then red flags goes up for me. This is a sign of satanic meddling ! And lastly Please don’t take the Christ out of Christmas. Keep it as a celebration that Christ came into the World to die for our sins. Remember to sanctify that day unto THE LORD! The Bible says in Colossians 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an HOLYDAY/HOLIDAY,” ITS NEVER WRONG to celebrate Christ! Now the ultimate celebration of Christ is to fulfill Acts2:38 and your eyes will be opened to TRUTH! May you receive the Truth , my prayers are with you because I really do care.
Vikram Samvant Hindu (Sanatan ) Calendar starts after Diwali. And first month is called "Kaartak" which falls on October-November by tithi. And Currently we are in VikramSamvat year 2080
Extra nugget: Most of the world was still Islam in that time. See books or videos of David Ewing Jr. So logical they used the moon calendar and the original Arabic words and NUMMER’s!
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
Perfectly put! The exact reason I question everything. From earth being a globe, or being a plain where water always finding it's level indicating it's shape. Fake moon landing. 911 being a inside job to usher in patriot act, nsa and tsa. Evolution teaching precious children we evolved from nothing and we're our own gods. Pretriblation rapture lie. 2 thessalonians itself says clearly. That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed. It goes on and on.
I grew up catholic and we celebrated on Sunday, but in college my roommate was a 7th day Adventist where they celebrated god/prayer on Saturdays, not Sundays. Always made perfect sense to me since I grew up knowing the week started on Sunday, so Saturday is the 7th day. As a child I was taught and referenced that Sunday was the first day of the week, so when did it start to get taught differently? Or does the 40 hour work week just make people forget that Sunday is the start of the week? It has always come across as purposeful deception that most of Christianity deliberately celebrates god on the wrong day.
@HarlemFingerboards Your intuition is correct, it's most definitely a purposeful deception, by the arch deceiver himself. After Christ, the first age of intense Christian persecution kicked off in AD 64. This occurred when Emperor Nero put out a death decree on Christians for being "responsible" for the great fire of Rome, which utterly destroyed 10 of it's 14 districts. The violence towards them continued until the AD 311 Edict of Serdica, which encouraged the "toleration" of Christians, followed by the AD 313 Edict of Milan, which gave them some religious liberties and legal status. This change of tactics only happened because the Roman rulers saw that the more Christians were martyred, the more people saw the truth of walking in Christ's footsteps and sprang up in resistance themselves. Unfortunately, the tolerance ended in AD 380 when, with the Edict of Thessalonica, the Romans successfully aligned with or more "hijacked" the true faith, mushed it all together with paganism, then condemned all other creeds of Christians. Hastily, the persecutions were reinstated, resulting in the death of tens of million of Christians over the following centuries, possibly even hundreds of millions of souls were lost by some historians estimates. And born was the Catholic church, the most subtle wolf in a sheep's clothing, ever. Introducing such thing as: Idolatry... Praying to the dead... Paying money for sins... (indulgences) Having a man make intercession for us unto God, instead of us praying directly to Christ our Saviour for forgiveness... Changing of the Holy Sabbath to Sunday, their day of pagan sun worship or "most venerable day of the sun", as Constantine himself put it... Banning of the Bible... The Church literally banned anyone, other than an elect few within, from having it's own divine book of scripture. This way they could teach the Word of God as they willed it, not how the common folk would interpret it if they were able read for themselves. And then to cap it all off, along came the "Christian" crusades, followed by the dark ages under the Churches oppressive rule. Through the papal system, with the first pope being established in AD 538, the world suffered right through until the French revolution in 1798, when the pope was disposed from power. Time, times, and half a time - In Biblical prophesy, a time is one year (a year was 360 days at that time), and times was representative of two years. So 1+2+0.5 = 3.5 years and 3.5 x 360 = 1,260 days. In prophecy a prophetic "day" stands for an actual year. This time period perfectly lines up with the 1,260 prophetic years of the beasts reign in the Bible, or "time, times, and half a time", with 1798 being the date of the beasts "deadly wound" Unfortunately, we know that deadly wound is to be healed, and the whole world will marvel at the beast. Rev 13:12 "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." The very title "Vicar of Christ" literally means "In place of Christ" or "Substitute of Christ". Why would Jesus need a substitute, or even a representative? He is still very much alive!! John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." And, Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." The Bible also tells us that Jesus alone is the Head of the Church, no man could ever fill that divine role. The Roman Church was, and still is founded on the mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors" or simply "tradition" This is exactly what Jesus repetitively warned us to stay away from, the "traditions of men". Saturday is most definitely still the true Sabbath, I'd recommend looking into COP28, it looks like an enforced Sunday law is headed it's way to all of us in the near future. They are trying to pass it off as a climate change agenda (ie. to give the planet one days break every week) However, the driving documents behind it all were written by Francis, Just look at all the terrible things the church has been approving of lately, in the so called name of bringing "unity" to the congregation. In the Words of Jesus Christ, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Mat 10:34) "Sword" is symbolically used in the Bible for the Word of God, which Christ most definitely brought into our troubled world. Christ came to divide Christians from the world's filthy ways, and for them to spread the message, not for them to integrate themselves in the filth. I've found that Amazing Word Ministries is a good place to learn about the worlds current events, search for the channel if you're keen to learn.
What is so confusing about Sunday being the first day of the week? Has nobody EVER looked at a calendar? Just because you don't do shit on Sunday, doesn't mean Monday is the first day of the week.
Always wondered about October. Which means eight in Latin. But if March is first then the eighth is October. This solves that riddle of why we have a month named eight being the tenth month.
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it. It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
our current calendars do show "Sunday" as "first day of the week", but we are programed that the first day is Monday, for the first day of the work week. that's why we all think Sunday is the 7th when in reality it is the 1st! "Saturday is Sabbath!" i didn't know about 13 months and march being the first. thank you for this message! we all need to hear it!
I had never heard of Sunday NOT being the 1st day of the week. It's how I learned the progression of days. Think of the poem "Sunday's child is full of grace...". However I was a young adult 40 years ago when I learned that the year began in Mar and that there were actually 13 months of 28 days each.
Really? How does the version you learnt end, then? It seems like, the version I've always heard begins with "Monday's child is fair of face, *Tuesday*'s child is full of grace..." and ends with "But the child that is born on the Sabbath day, Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay" - not that I was used to that being in any way set in stone, I was always used to it being a matter of taste whether you called Sunday the first or the last day of the week.
@@wizwhat8186 I can't find my version of that poem anywhere so either I remembered wrong or it's the Mandela effect or I'm just old lol. But still, Sunday being first has always been true for me and how I learned the progression of days of the week.
Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII both messed with the Western calendar and Constantine the Bastard (called "the Great" by the Catholic Church, which was also created by him) moved worship to Sundays....there were 54 'Gospels' when the Council of Nicaea started: only 4 after Constantine got through with them. Constantine the Great was son of Constantius the Pale (sp., Chlorus?) and a barmaid along the main road between Rome and Britannia (Roman generals "knew" how to spend their idle time (having a female daughter, good- or bad-looking were greatly preferred by innkeepers during the good Roman times!). By the way, Constatine's forced changes to Christianitywere not even partially implemented until the 1st Council of Constantinople...the bishops went back to their flocks and basically ignored Constantine's desires for the church. Constantine placed Jesus back in Heaven and thus made himself God's chosen representative on earth!
In Ethiopia we have 13 months and sunday is called ehud(ahadu) which means "first" abd saturday is called kidame(kedamit) which means the first sabbath. We have a different christmas which is in january and we have a different calender
Yes in the Lunar calendar there were 13 months. Veadar was the 13th but was an interclary month and was added 7 times in 19 years as a second Adar the last month. 1. Nisan March/April 2. Iyyar April/May 3. Sivan May/June 4.Tammuz June/July 5. AB July/August 6. Elul August/ Sept 7. Tishri Sept/ October 8. Heshvan Oct/Nov 9. Chislev Nov/ Dec 10. Tebeth Dec/Jan 11. Shebat Jan/ Feb 12. Adar Feb/March 13. Veadar March every few years according to the lunar eqinox there was an adjustment by adding Veadar. Jesus died on Nisan 14th at 33 & 6 months old. His birth would thus fall in Tishri somewhere in the first part of October. There is no exact date for his birth because 1st Century Christians and Israelites did not celebrate pagan birthdays. The Romans did. That's when John the Baptizer (Jesus cousin) had his head cut off at Herod's birthday. Matthew 14
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
That is false Jewish beliefs. Luke Chapter 1 describes timing events that show He was born in the 3rd month which would be the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost. He died on the 15th of the month of the Abib as He observed Passover the day before which is the 14th. The year was 31 AD.
@@lisaking4291 Jacob didn't change his own name. Israel is a people, descendants of Jacob of the Hebrews, originally the 12 tribes which were in covenant by faith and now of any believer by faith that is in covenant. 'Jews' sometimes refers to the people of Judaea during the time of the house of Judah in Jerusalem, which only represents two of the tribes. Today it more often and more accurately would refer to Gentile converts to Juda-ism that are not bloodline at all, let alone Semitic. This confusion feeds much of the error that is taught about what Scripture teaches. The birthright was always promised to Jacob. He didn't need to scam Esau for it (that was his mom's idea).
No Christ was born in the month of Passover the answer is in Luke 2:21… not in fall… spring represents life and that’s why April in Hebrew customs is the New year for us…
13 moons & 28 days on all turtle shells. This equals 364 days, plus one day of rest. All indigenous people around the world knew the wisdom of the turtle and followed a 13month calendar; after all, there are 13 mooncycles in a year & 27-29 days per cycle.
• The books of Enoch, Jubilees and other texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls describe a calendar that consists of 364 days: Enoch 71:42 - ... The year is precisely three hundred and sixty-four days Enoch 81:7 - So that the year is completed in three hundred and sixty-four days Jubilees 6:32 - And command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning- three hundred and sixty-four days, and these will constitute a complete year ... Jubilees 6:38 - For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayst testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons and sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh. Compositions of David, 11Q5, col. 27 line 2-7 - "And David, son of Jesse, is wise, and a light like the light of the sun, and a scribe, and discerning, and perfect in all his ways before God and men. And YHWH gives to him a discerning and enlightened spirit. And he writes psalms, three thousand and six hundred; and songs to sing before the altar for the perpetual offering of every day, for all the days of the year: three hundred and sixty-four" • When one looks to the moon's phases to determine the start of a month or year, they will find that the lunar year is only 354 days long: "A lunar year of 12 synodic months (12 cycles of lunar phases) is about 354 days long." - Encyclopedia Britannica • The Book of Jubilees makes note of this 10 day difference and has this to say about making observations of the moon to determine the biblical calendar: Jubilees 6:36-37 - For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon - how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb the order, and make an abominable day the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy; for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbaths and feasts and jubilees.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
You would actually be surprised about how many people are unaware of this so this information needs to be continually sent out thank you to the people who released this video😇🙏
My favorite part about both the 1775 bible and this video is the fact that the word PALESTINE, which they hide, is all over it. The land of 'Israel' does not exist. The bible outlines all the inhabitants of Palestine going back thousands of years BC.... Free Palestine!
What are you talking about? His reasoning is complete speculation even fantasy, and why would he assume that March as the first month would be in the season of January? Besides Sunday has always been the first day of the week so he's trippin' on that one o.0
@@themagicdragon2011 i was in israel many years ago.. and when i was there the israelis had a new years party somewhere in the year i was confused as my new year party would be on december 30th to begining january as usual but i was told as i was there a whole year i learned alot their months is not the same as the rest of the world and the chinese also has different months so please go do some real homework
Christmas really disturbs me more and more every year. When I dig deep into the past of this holiday,…it disgusts me. I haven’t put up a tree or given gifts in about 6 years now.
when my computer is on "dutch" which is in the Netherlands monday is first. If i put the settings on english, sunday becomes first.. Hmmm I do still need to watch the video (which I will) but scrolled to the comments quickly
I've always thought of Sunday as the first day so the thought of Monday as the first day confuses me. I heard him talk about Christmas and the winter solstice. In Australia, Christmas is in Summer so we use pools and have barbecues at Christmas time. It is usually so hot on Christmas Day.
If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine. ✨💖🌟
The origin of the word luck , is from Luc , , like the word for money is lucre. The love of filthy lucre is the root of all evil . The name Luc ifer, is based in luc, IT depicts an evil source , Luck is a word implying deception , lies , evil ,dishonesty, , More enlightenment or wisdom is necessary ? Hmm ❤
@@angelashort1331 You should check out the 1539 Great Bible. It's Olde English,(moreso than the KJV) and therefore slightly difficult to read, especially since 'u' and 'v' are reversed. However, it is the oldest English Bible I've found. It states "or coueteousnes of money is the rote of all euyll: whych whyll some lusted after, they erred from the fayth, & tanglyd them selues with many sorowes." Money itself is not evil, coveting is. 😊
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
When I was a kid, we were taught in public school that Sunday was technically the first day of the week. Were also taught that the four odd months 9-12, were from an older calendar used by the Romans.
It's interesting that March is the first month because deca means 10, as in "decade" (10 years), decahedron (10 sides). So December being the tenth month kinda makes sense.
As instructed to Moses when he was told this is the beginning of months there was several conditions involved. First that being the abib of the barley harvest and second the new moon. This first fruits of the barley has to take place before the new moon. On the 14th day of the 1st month is Passover and on the 15th of the first month is when the wave offering of the first fruits of the barley takes place. With that in mind the first month could start in March or April. Generally April is the first month, but if the barley is abib early ( March ) in some years there could be 1 additional month if the following year the barley is abib in April. Today Traditionalists use wild barley, not that harvested due to all the advanced means of planting, irrigating etc. hope this is helpful
This person saw how much the people I've helped love me (and even pointed it out to me) and tried to use that to his own advantage, but I caught that sooo quick. The moment I felt the energy was off, I cut him off and I told my mentors about it. They were so angry because he tried to take advantage of my kindness and generosity, they also have much more experience and power than he does in our industry, so he's cooked if they ever do decide to tell the world who he really is, but they are good people, so they're sparing him and just letting the universe deal with him. You know the divine doesn't play when you try to sabotage the path of someone who feels so much love when helping to lead others towards their life's purpose.
I wholeheartedly believe as humans start remembering and using intuitive sense,the foundations of lies will crumble. Virtually every law,rule or belief is manmade or determined by relativity and profitability.
The understanding that God exists and that God is love who created us is seen in nature. Also, your statement sounds somewhat contradictory. If you believe all beliefs are invalid then your statement would have no value.
I’m so confused by the beginning of this video. There are people that do not know Sunday is the first day of the week? When we learn the days of the week as children, we always start with Sunday. Heck, you can even ask Siri what day the week begins in and it says Sunday.
I love the way you presented and delivered this information, really well written and narrated, thank you so much, and extremely interesting, I look forward to your next presentation.
As far as December 25th The modern [Christian] has many fronts to defend, one of them being the so-called “pagan roots” of Christmas. Around Christmastime, you are likely to hear the objection that Christmas is a Christo-pagan holiday, a mash-up of pagan beliefs and Christian celebration. The person who maintains Christmas’s “pagan roots” has to ask himself the following questions: (1) After centuries of the Church being persecuted for not observing pagan holidays, where is the proof of influence? (2) Who influenced whom? Did Christianity influence pagans to begin to adopt a more public and concrete celebration, or did Christians “Christianize” a pagan event? Neither scenario is a problem for the Christian, because the Church has the ability to Christianize people and celebrations alike. Shawn McAfee
To be honest, I always thought of it as the Lord rested after he worked, so I honor the day of rest after I work. Week starts on Sundays so… made sense to me that Saturday would be the day I rest. So I’ve taken that day off from work no matter what for the last few years trying to focus on my walk with Him.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..
*This video is in line with how the months were named:* *January: named after Janus, the god of doors and gates* *February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins* *March: named after Mars, the god of war* *April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)* *May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants* *June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno* *July: named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.* *August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.* *September: from septem, Latin for “seven”* *October: from octo, Latin for “eight”* *November: from novem, Latin for “nine”* *December: from decem, Latin for “ten”*
April first was New Year’s Day . When it was changed to January they mocked the April-is-new -year folks by calling them “April fools”. Also the months sept through dec. are seven through ten which leaves Jan. through march to count thirteen months…
@@Jack__________ Yeah. Every image in the video of that page from the1775 Bible cuts off that part of the page. Why is that? Looks like it starts with an F.
Oh my God yes, finally. Ive always noticed this but: Both moon and menstruation cycles are in 28 days - 13 months in a year Also numbers in Portuguese (and Spanish too more or less): 7, 8, 9, 10: Sete, oito, nove, dez Septe(mber), octo(ber), nove(mber), dec(ember) And then I thought. Wait so this means March is 1st? And of course it is. The spring equinox is a very important day both in religion and agriculture.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
We use a solar calendar. Those 13 months were for the Jewish calendar, which is a lunar calendar. The pope changed the calendar, taking out days to keep it aligned with the sun.
Sunday has ALWAYS been the first day of the week...Ive known that since i was a small child...The Sabbath is the day of rest, the last day of Creation made for man to REST!
Let there be Lights in the Heavens to divide Day from Night, and let them be for Signs and for Seasons, Days, and Years. (Genesis 1:14) Ain't no seven day week in the Heavens
People are so programmed to work that they believe the first day is Monday. They have been programmed; that's why it is called the "weekend." Long ago, we stopped living as God commanded us to and started listening to what the ruling class want.
On The Vatican website they claim that the pope is the power of god and they say their proof of that is that they changed the sabbath day of rest to Sunday. He’s Calle the vicar of Christ and this Latin word vicar translated to English means replacement or replace. So it says that the pope replaces Jesus…
The Sabbath is for Saturn, or Satan. Jews have been worshiping Satan for a long time. There was a war involving the Romans where they moved to worship the Sun instead of Saturn. This is why the Muslims walk around the hexagon of Saturn but it's seen as a black cube.
The idea of the number 13 becoming bad luck began at dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, when scores of French Knights Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offences in the Order. Then they were put to death.
13=4 In China, it means death. It is a stagnant energy. 3 is an energy that is creative and fun. Route 66 (A 3) in the U.S. was so popular that the freeway was put in and changed to I-40. The cities along previous Route 66 basically died. If 40 was changed back to 66, it would probably come alive.
All days are equal "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind." Rom.14,5
Julio Augustus Caesar added the months of July and August… Sept=7, Octo =8, Nove=9, and Deca=10 The Romans perverted and censored parts of the Bible for Imperial purposes… The Ethiopian Bible has 88 books and Jesus Christ is still our only way of Salvation
@@ThegreatIAm444 I recommend you do as well starting with the Gospel of John chapter 1… God created real man, man did not create REAL god(s)… There are 88 books in the Ethiopian Bible and only 66 in the European King James Version… I also have to say science is constantly trying to disprove God and failing, perhaps an interested mind like yours would explore the Book of Enoch, in the Ethiopian Bible but not the KJV, it explains what science cannot… Also why is time marked BC and AD 🤔, Why are there 7 days in a week 🤔, Why do you know the difference between right and wrong 🤔 Where does morality come from 🤔
@addicted2fishing119 Jesus still never existed, adam and eve, Moses, Noah never existed. The Roman empire along with the man-made Roman catholic church created God and Jesus with a phony religion.
I have been researching this topic for years now glad to see that people are waking up and asking questions about well why is so much hidden and why are we finding out about this now either way good work
@@bite-sizedshorts9635 I have been reading history and have been looking at the calendar all my life it's just that is it the right information remember history is written but the people who win not by the people by lose and may be right or could be right history is shaped by the person in control and who is most successful so the person who did not win will never get to tell their story or if they do it's decades later or centuries in this case but most people have are already been told a story so many times the don't believe any thing else that's not thinking it's called programming most people now a days don't think or don't know how hence why it's so easy to tell people they don't research again I always thought there was always more to it but again that's just me and fee people like me
Its not a secret that 13 months were used in the past. In a great movie called The 13th Warrior, when the muslim poet is hanging out with a group of Vikings and the oracle says they need 13 warriors, one warrior for each day of the month. After seeing that years ago I looked it up and its not a secret. Awesome that you got ahold of an old bible like that, very interesting.
Yes that Muslim you refer to was a Moore ancient people who still carried the traditions of Egypt that why he was black but that’s another story . The important part was the Egyptians who invented the calendar had a luner and solar calendar and it had 13 months in it . Romas later changed it to just the lunar calendar and 12 months not 13 . A lot of movies are based on the calendar look for 12 or 13 it’s always the clue 😉
@@ShaneMclane-PrivateEye in the movie it was Vikings but I’m talking about actual history . Yes the movie is just a movie but they used a bit of real history mixed with a lot of holly wood to make it. But you are right who cares it just a movie that used 13 ….
But the sun wasn't considered the center of our solar system by the church, they rallied against that. And they didn't conceded until like 1820's right? Know what im saying?
Thanks for showing the actual page, I screen copied so I could show more people....in case they didn't know, not everyone out in the world knows this(for real)❤
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
17:26 peasants prayers being answered would be bad news for Kings Emperors and popes. That's why they did everything they could to distance the masses from god. They went so far as to alter the very meaning of Prayer and remove the description of how to pray from the bible. It used to say you pray not with words but by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Showing the Gratitude and appreciation for your prayer being answered before it is is what is meant by faith. If you can't show the gratitude and appreciation for it before it happens, do you really have faith that God is going to make it happen? One of the things that they did leave in was that having faith is a requirement for God answering your prayers.
I'm Scottish and we sang in primary school age 5-6 in the 80s.. 'Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday too, 1234567 days, each day different tand, every day new.'
When I was little I always perceived Sunday as the first day of the week. I also always thought it weird that the first of the year was in the middle of a season…
My understanding is that April 1st is the real New Years Day. The beginning of the cycle, when everything starts growing. As observed in the past,, they changed it to January 1st and those that didn't follow... we're called April Fools... ridiculed if you didn't follow their new plan. Just like these day, ridiculed if you go against the grain.
Not too unreasonable that new years day should be in the middle of a season. What is strange is, why wasn't it on Dac. 22, or 23rtd when the days start to become longer, rahter than a bit more than a week later?
@@StagedWorld-eb5roman that’s wild and makes sense April fools the day people play pranks a little lies when in reality we are all the fools for playing along like some 🐑 with these pagan holidays .
The reason Rome changed the calendar is that people wouldn't know what day is sabbath (Saterday) because it is Gods seal(Eseg 20:20).Sunday is the mark of the beast and when sunday laws get enforced people keeping the true sabbath of the Creator will not be able to buy and sell.
No they didn't. Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar because the older calendar had an intermediary 13th month, where up to 23 days were added to fit with the seasons, and that was often used by politicians to extend their term. It was inefficient and stupid, so Caesar wanted to introduce a new calendar, without that 13 month. It had nothing to do with any Sabbath, back then Christianity was just a small jewish sect, and Caesar and the Romans couldn't give a flying fuck about Jewish holidays.
God Bless you, thankyou for information. I'm a Protestant, been raised from birth to know Saturday is the Sabbath & Sunday the start of the week. What is brilliant is exactly what you share. ❤
I went to public school in the 90’s and graduated HS in 2005. This was still taught at that point. If you younger generations are not learning the basics of life either you’re not paying attention or if the schools have stopped teaching truth, it has happened within the last 18 years.
They stopped teaching a lot of things in public schools. You wouldn’t know unless you had kids that were communicative or you realized the world is going downhill fast (intentionally).
A lot of people don't even call them schools anymore. They're government indoctrination camps. Less free thinking and more rules to follow, to set you up to suit corporate interests.
@@somethingappropriate admittedly, the only thing I know about schools anymore is that they keep stealing more and more money from my taxes every single year. I’m not even sure what they do with all those extra dollars. As for the world going to hell, I may be a willingly antisocial hermit in my old age, but even I can see that. I’m not sure of your belief in the truths stated in the Bible, but I fully expect to have to bear witness to the full unleashing of the antichrist on this Earth within my natural lifetime on this planet. Perhaps God will prove me wrong, but I just don’t see people waking up to the folly of their ways anytime soon.
Exactly, and when they don't understand these very basic things it lends to discrediting everything they say. Hard to believe any research was done. Embarrassing to say the least. Even his laptop calendar shows Sunday as the first day of the week.
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Thank you for sharing the passage about the Christmas tree!!! How horrible that everyone practice is it unknowingly as I had my whole life! Thank you and God bless you!! Keep sharing things not everyone knows everything :)
@@dfacedagameyea but all that is within thought! Your thoughts dictate that. It’s what you end up believing. This is why we have to reconnect with our true self and purify our thoughts. Your thoughts become ideas and those ideas if outside truth and reality become the true idols this is where everyone split off and created ideology which in turn become cults
I've always known that Christmas was a pagan holiday. My parents weren't traditional Christians. I was also raised under the tutelage that holidays were just days that favored corporations and their blessed profit margins.
@@crptniteYeah paganism is kind of treated as a really bad negative thing isn't it? Probably a Christian way of converting people away from it back on the day. No money in Paganism compared to say a big Church. ❤
Thanks for revealing this stunning information... that I learned in school about 50 years ago. Sunday has always been the first day of the week, because the Sabbath is Saturday. 😮 And they didn't use the Gregoria calendar, just like some countries in Africa still have 13 months today. 😂
I always knew Sunday was the first day and the Seventh day was Saturday. At 14:32 about the Springtime birth. I heard that the word for resurrection was actually reincarnation or Rebirth.
Wow now that is very interesting. I never thought of that. I believe in reincarnation, but not allot of people do and when it says Jesus died and rose again, officious he did, he reincarnated 🤔🧐🤪
Cost....we are told to consider the cost and if you want to see for yourself the spiritual meaning....talk to God and pray " show me the truth God, no matter what the cost" and go read the original meaning of the very same scriptures that you already know. God bless you brother, @@belmordok3661
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future: "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! ! The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar. In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple. When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace. The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS. Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor. These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy. Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people. Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year. Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection. Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem. As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation. Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's. The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies. Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD. The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire. However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest. Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" ! Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves ! Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same. Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god. The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total ! I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031. The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers". When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet." They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west. Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN. Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall". That's how I perceive these future Biblical events. Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off". These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host..... The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text: The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ? So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031. There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset ! John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost. All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
If you look at our Calancers, it starts with Sunday as the First day of the week. and ends on Sabbath the 7th day of the week. The Spanish Orthodox Catholic Church, adjusted the months and time so they could ship great finds from different countries and ship items year round. Then they changed the Sabbath Saturday, to Sunday, so people would break Gods Sabbath law, and worship on Sunday to worship the Sun God. All so they could get men too work on the Sabbath days and make them rich. This is a grave sin against God, for He said, "Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy for rest of your body and rejunivation of your soul.❤😊
This could explain why it seems the seasons are shifting. For example I am in my 50's. I remember when I was 5 or 6, my birth month of April was much warmer than it is now. If the calendar is misaligned, it could certainly explain why it's colder in April now.
I agree I live in New Mexico it snows in May now and if it’s a 13 month calendar the how old are we If a person is 50 they gain 13 extra months x50 = 16.66 years makes them 34 or Opposite makes them 66 I’m confused
I've learned a number of things throughout the years. 1) the first month being March has to do with the Israeli calendar year. Also, it could fluctuate because the Israeli calendar was based on the lunar cycle. 2) Sunday is still the first day of the week in many calendar systems. If Monday is shown as the first day of the week on your calendar you're using a business calendar system because Monday through Friday are business days. In business calendars it makes sense to put Saturday and Sunday at the end of the week due to the purpose of usage. The standard calendar will still have Sunday as the first day of the week. 3) the reason many churches celebrate on Sunday has to do with both the Sabbath being on Saturday, so the early Christians were probably visiting the local synigogue and it's traditionally believed that most of Jesus' appearances after the crucifixion was on Sunday. This is not new knowledge. This is just knowledge that people tend to not look into.
ian, you have serveral good points, but the attempted change of God's holy 7th day Sabbath to Sunday was done by the Roman Catholic Church, and is the mark of her supposed authority over the words of God. The early Christians kept the 7th day holy, as the Bible clearly shows: Acts 13:44 And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. etc.
@@earlysda Synagogue on Saturday, Christian gathering on Sunday. The Roman Catholic Church decided that the worship should be only on Sunday. The reason could be control but it also could be to minimize the burden on the people. Or it could be because most of the Christians they were dealing with were not of Jewish origin and often didn't have a synagogue close enough. It's more than just a simple power play by the church.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Daniel 7:25
As far as December 25 th... Although the date of Christ’s birth is not given to us in Scripture, there is documented evidence that December 25 was already of some significance to Christians prior to 354. One example can be found in the writings of Hippolytus of Rome, who explains in his Commentary on the book of Daniel (c. 204) that the Lord’s birth was believed to have occurred on that day. … But we know one thing for sure: the evidence that this day held a special significance to Christians predates the proof of a supposed celebration of Sol Invictus or other pagan deities on that day. Nor was the Christians’ choice of a date so close to the winter solstice done to mimic pagan festivals. The various pagan religions all had festivals spanning the calendar. Whatever month the early Christians might have otherwise chosen would still place Christmas near some pagan celebration, and oppositional theorists would still be making the same claims.-Jon Sorensen3
Amazing video. May I add that the new month begins with the new moon. It is a day of worship, and day 1 of the new month. Worship days are day 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 (so every 7 days). These are our sabbaths. Most of the High Holy Days are in the 1st and 7th months of the year. The new year starts at the new moon near the vernal equinox. There's more to learn. This is just a starting point for anyone like me who is interested in learning the true ways of The Most High.
Just on this topic, for me, each new month, day 1 of the new month starts every 1st quarter of the moon. It is explained properly in the book of Enoch on the luminaries and one can compare it in the book of Joshua with the march around Jericho, Noah and the flood in the book of Genesis, Ezekiel lying on his right and left side for 430 days, the two great lights were created on day 4. Have you ever wondered why? There are clues everywhere in the Scriptures. The Most High is not the author of confusion. He would not make us wonder when the new moon (month) is, because it is at a time when everyone in the world can see it clearly to worship Him. Some people believe it's every full moon in this case, but I do not believe that a month should start when the moon is waning. So again, for me today 11-09-2024 in the pagan calendar is the beginning of the month, then counting 6 days of work then rest on day 7 and so on until the next 1st quarter. My resting days are on wednesdays of pagan week this month. I also believe it is the beginning of the new year as most of the events in the bible reflects it happening in Africa, therefore I follow the common seasons in the South of Africa, where rainy seasons stop by pagan month of March, which again matches when the rain stopped during the flood on the 7th month in the days of Noah when the ark settled on Mount Ararat. This also matches the Day of Atonement followed by the Feast of Tabernacles in those days. For your research, there was an 8th day calendar in history. The bible speaks about the 8th day in few passages too. Also, The Creator would have not called light DAY in Genesis if it starts at sunset. He is not the author of confusion. Notice, darkness was first which indicates there was no moon. Then there was light, then evening came, then morning came, day one. 6 days of work, not 6 nights of work. On the first Sabbath, the two great lights are present, as well as all His creatures are resting and worshipping, that is when the Sun gives its 7th portion of light to the Moon during the full moon, during the day. The first day of the month is a sign the Most High has given in order to start our counting of the days, that's why it is a High Sabbath, treated as a Sabbath but not a Sabbath of rest after 6 days of work. The lights in the firmament of the heaven are for signs, for seasons, and for days, and for years as it is written in Genesis 1 :14. The Most High gave us His creation to be observed to know what time it is, what day are we in, what season we are in and so on. May we all be guided to the only truth of The only Creator of the heavens and the earth, The Most High, The Holy One of Israel, The only Mighty One. May He gives us His Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding when we seek Him with all our hearts. And so be it!
This isn't news. I have been taught this at church since I was a child. The calendar was a lunar calendar. Christ was born at the beginning of the year. Spring is a symbol of rebirth and Christ was also killed at the same time of year as he was born. April 6th. He rose again and was reborn. Thus, everything testifies of Christ.
We don't celebrate Christmas in our house because of the Jeremiah 10: 1-5 . Most people are fast to say that it specifically only refers to carving little idols out of wood, but that isn't what is stated in the kjv. That is what most people had up until the last twenty years or so. So why wouldn't that mean exactly what it sounds like?
Re: Why we don't celebrate Christmas in our house Jer 10:1-5 Matt 5:28 Jesus says if you look at someone with lust you have already committed adultery in your heart. Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Rev 21:8 all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Btw have you ever told a lie; even a fib? Yup People need the Lord
I'm confused by the comments under yours so I'm going to ignore them lol. I've been really struggling with celebrating Christmas this year because I've always loved Christmas. I've been in prayer about it. It reminds me of my dad as it was his favorite holiday and he has now passed. However, I don't want to ever exist outside of the will of my Father. Sigh...
@@toastEDmrshmello09 Christmas is a celebration of renewal and hope. Seriously sorry for your loss. May he RIP. And may you find peace. The dead aren't dead... Pray for him on Christmas day. His soul will love it
@@toastEDmrshmello09 Re: I don't want to exist outside the will of my Father Jesus says if you have seen me you have seen the Father. Jesus only ask of us one thing if we love him John 14:15 Jesus says If ye love me, keep my commandments. People need the Lord!
I'm 73 and not a religious calendar follower but since I could comprehend a "week", Sunday was always the first day.
I'm 73 also and always remember Sunday being the first day of the week too.
I am 18 and i remember Sunday being the first day too
I'm 30 and as Brazilians we have the Portuguese names of days such as Domingo (Sunday), Segunda (Monday) based on Latin (influenced by the Catholic church): dies dominicus (Lord's day), dies secunda (Second day). So it's easy to understand that Sunday would be the first day of the week, even if you don't feel like it.
That's how its depicted on every calendar I have ever seen in the United States of America.
Sunday has always been the first day of the week. I have no idea why he said this. The first day kf the work week is Monday.
YES! I've been telling people this for some time now, and I have never seen this information. Think about it, OCT means 8 and DEC means 10! So, the month of January and February are months of dormancy, you can't plant or harvest during these months. Thus, the beginning of Spring always signified the beginning of a new year . . . for planting and celebrating the return of the sun, of life. Plus, there are 52 weeks in a year, when divided by 4 you get 13 months. So, the question we should ask is where is my extra month of pay! 😂
This makes so much sense I was told recently that the New year was the end of march but either way it's better than January
exactly, & what we are actually celebrating on January 1st, is the worship of the Greek God Janus
Amen 😀😀😀
The real calendar to work off is the seasons because the seasons also represent your entire life.
Spring is the season of bloom which also represents your first 20 years of life
Summer are the stages for your next 20 years it’s your peak
Autumn is when we start to decline this next 20 years we start to get older our body doesn’t cooperate like it used to we get white hair etc. plants prepare for winter shed leaves etc
Winter is the last stage of that 20 years we become old, fragile. The trees might look dead but when spring comes back they come back to life just like we never really die
The rabbit hole is much more elaborate than you think! July and August are representative of Julius and Augustus Ceaser.
Even most calendars show that Sunday is the first day of the week. Some things are right in our faces and we still don't see it!
Also the lie that the earth spins. All celestial bodies move in the sky above the earth.
In Vietnam the vietnamese people call Sunday is the first day of the week
“ Chủ nhật “ Ngày đầu tuần ‘= first day of the week
I know that’s right. Everyone is always in a rush and juggling everyday life that we don’t pay attention to what is right in our faces. I have been guilty of this too
The best way to hide something, is in plain sight. They know this, and rub our faces in it daily. The characters that are non players believe all lies. Characters that are players learn all truth. Welcome to the Matrix. Your entire life is a lie. Everything you know, meaning all Earthly knowledge, is lies. We live in these avatars, and we think these are real bodies, but they are not. To know your true power, it's doesn't take a pill of and certain red color. It takes seeking The Creator of you and this Matrix. Understand, not all that appear human are real. Most everyone we meet and know are fake, robots essentially, in the Matrix.
Wakey, wakey Neo.
Once they get they get the masses to agree, it becomes a reality. It's a Spell on the world messing up our synchronicity. It's broken now tho
It makes sense when you look at the root of some of the months from a Latin perspective. [Septem]ber is 7, [Octo]ber is 8, [Novem]ber is 9, [Decem]ber is 10.
march would be the 13th month!
@@martinemjt no, march is the first month. When you start from March as shown in the video then you can see how September is the seventh month etc. January and February are 11th and 12 months with valentine's day and pancake being a purification ritual for the match start of the year
What is the name of the 13th month? I've been searching a long time now, still no answer even in this bible!??
@@DaanVanAschSol between June and July
@@tkfromtheusa8910 Not true : That's the Kodak calendar. It's an experiment, not an ancient one!
I have been observing the Saturday Sabbath for 20 years. I'm a Christian, but never was happy with "organized" religion, so started studying on my own. The Holy Bible is a great guide to live by, but there are other documents that were taken out of it long ago, like the Book of Enoch, Book of Jasher, Jubilees, etc. Study diligently and learn to discern the true Word from the lies of men.
can u give me a list of all the books you know? pls
@@mailvoor698I have this:
The term "books left out of the Bible" refers to various writings that are not included in the canonical texts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) or the New Testament. These writings are often referred to as apocryphal or deuterocanonical texts. The specific books left out can vary depending on different religious traditions. Here are some examples:
1. Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament: These include books such as Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, and additional sections added to the books of Esther and Daniel.
2. Pseudepigraphal Books: These are a group of Jewish writings that emerged in the period between the Old and New Testaments. Examples include the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs.
3. Gnostic Gospels: These are a collection of early Christian texts associated with Gnosticism, a diverse religious movement. Examples include the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and the Gospel of Judas.
It's important to note that the inclusion or exclusion of these books varies between different Christian denominations and Jewish traditions, and the canonicity of these texts differs depending on the religious perspective.
@@mailvoor698 Start with the ones I already listed, but a few others are "The Lost Books of the Bible and The Forgotten Books of Eden" "The Other Bible" is another one with ancient scriptures and texts. "The Companion Bible by E. W. Bullinger is an awesome study tool as well.
Those books were never a part of the Holy Scriptures which is why they weren't included in the Biblical Canon.
According to scripture Christians were meeting on the first day of the week 300 years before Constantine was born.
Sunday has always been the first day of the week. It's the idea of the workweek that makes people think differently
Slavery had blinded people
Exactly, always has been. Just look at any calendar ever made; 🤦♂️
The Bible people forgot to talk to the calendar people.
This is the day that the lord sat to rest on the (last) day of the week, the seventh day.(Saturday) the day of rest.
My workweek begins on Sunday.
Sunday IS the first day of the week. I've always known that to be true and accepted. Kids have been dumbed down, brainwashed so severely today that what was up is now down, etc.
Mon means ONE in latin. So, MONday = 1 day. The phonics says two's day. Sun day is for resting in the sun (for energy & vitamin D) and grounding. The truth is never in plain sight while always being in plain sight in this dimension.
@@TracyO888speaking of Truth being in plain sight humans are always looking for a God what if we're standing on it 🤔
@@TracyO888they also say Monday is Moonday , Wednesday is supreme being day Thursday thors day etc
Sunday is the first day of the week right now. Sunday is the first day of the week on our current Calendar. The Hebrew 13 month Calendar cannot be compared to the Solar Calendar year which is the standard year for centuries.
Why would anyone say Sunday is not the first day of the week? Doesn't male any sense to say that. Sunday is the first day of the week.
My daughter in Kindergarten knows that Sunday is the first day of the week lol kids are not dumbed down parents and adults are
I share this with family. It just makes sense the beginning of the year would be the beginning of when things come alive from the winter
Yes and it's right there in Exodus: "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house" (Exodus 12:2-3). You may be interested in a Sabbath channel I found 'follow the lamb today' that shows His true Feasts and the prophetic significance to them, be blessed.
4 weeks in each month. 52 weeks in a year. 52 divided by 4 is 13. Each month with days 29 30 and 31 added together is 28. The 13th month was spread across the whole year. Peace love and joy to all.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
So correct ❤🥇🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Yes and no . Originally the 13th month only had 5 days in it . That’s a historical fact .
Not only that spring starts in march and personally i was always taught sunday was the first day so i dunno where he getting the sunday not being first of the week from also im curious what bible this is. And christmas wasnt celebrated as Christmas until the 1900s lmao
If we still had a 13 month calendar, each month would comprise 28 days. 13 months would add up to 364 days and New Year’s Day would be the 365th day. Every fortnight would be the exact halfway point for each month and if Sunday was the starting point for the week Friday the 13th would occur every month the night before every fortnight, or midpoint of each month. Every 3 months (84 days) plus one week would add up to 91 days, with the 91st day marking a seasonal shift and corresponding festival event. Coincidentally ordinary playing cards mirror this 13 month system. If you count the Ace as the number One and then add the number cards to 10, the Jack becomes 11, the Queen 12 and the King 13. If you then add up the total of the four suits you get the number 52, which corresponds to the 52 weeks of the year. This is probably why they are still used in divination today.
Cool! I use playing cards as clarifiers and never made this connection. Should prove useful, Thanks!
This is an amazing synopsis. The Christians of the time demonize the #13 because they interpret it as sign of death. However the #13 represents change and growth. It can be a rebirth, which is good. However the church and it's politics were powerful, so it may have be motivation to change the calendar. The number 13 is has been feared and misinterpreted. It's a harmless number. If you believe it to bring you bad luck it will.
I've read the 13 month calendar consisted of 28 days giving us a 364 days in a year.
The Bible clearly talks about the Moonths, and how the first month is March/April. Reading it for ourselves, instead of how the pope tells you too, reveals sooo much
I have felt for a very long time that centuries ago when Catholics had complete control of religious beliefs & put together the Bible we have now, that much was omitted, much was changed to suit "THEIR" belief system, forcing everyone to accept it!
I do believe in the books of the Bible, but just how much of the disciples words were changed?? I'm not saying this earlier version was absolute. I believe the truth lies somewhere in between & its up to each of us or their respective ministers or both to pray to God directly for the absolute truth!!
Exactly and why would winter when trees and bushes and plants start to die be the first month of the year world is just demonic
April like abrir in Spanish means to open
@@tbickleo The first month of the year was moved to January in the US around 1933. It's not January in some other parts of the world. People are ignorant.
0:16 Sunday has always been the first day
I feel more rested on Friday and Saturday than Sunday. Sunday always felt like a working day for me.
I remember a job I have worked at. I had a Sunday through Thursday schedule and I’m telling you the weeks went by so smoothly and I realize Saturday is a very restful day as well now I work on Saturdays and it’s not bad but I want to get to a point where I have those days off. Also, Friday always felt more like a weekend day to me than Sunday. And I realize because the sabbath in the Bible is actually from Friday sundown to Saturday.
hm not me. sunday always felt like the absolute chillest chill day ever. almost like the world stops, or at least slows down for a moment.
While I agree that Monday dosen't feel like a work day but more like a break day, Sunday also feels like a break day way more then a work day, I think Tuesday would make way more sense purely from a vibes perspective to be the first day of the week (unless we would change the idea that break days should be last and work days first, then yes, if break days are first then Sunday being first makes sense)
Is psychological my dude - Friday you feel more rested because is the end of the working/school day, so you are anticipating the weekend. Sunday sucks because is the day before Monday.
Makes sense why people say Gods timing is always different but is always on time.
There have been 1,676 casualties from school shootings since 2000. God's timing was off for those kids.
That’s actually a great observation. Thank you. Be blessed!
@@dogdays7120 well, that’s because God that we are thinking and have been taught isn’t real. So your right, can’t blame God or the devil or whoever but rotten ass people. People are mind controlling people driving them nuts so there is I believe another entity controlling this “evil. Just not what we’ve been taught in this bibles. The Bible had been made to look a certain way for control. Control on a major level.
God doesn't use a calendar. Each day is simply a day and each season simply a season; it's always today. We're the ones that make the distinctions.
@@dogdays7120 Or maybe they prayed to not have to go to school anymore. 🤯
I’ve always had the natural urge to rest and relax on Saturday and then begin taking care of business again on Sunday. Since I was a child I always believed that the actual first day of the week was Sunday but we didn’t go back to school or work until the second day of the week. I always looked at the calendar and saw Sunday as the first day and Saturday as the last day… just as it is on a calendar still today.
That’s how we were taught, too. Sunday is a day of action for the sun provides all life, ergo its the first day of the week. Saturday is the day of Saturn, Lord of the Rings, and the furthest planet of antiquity. Perhaps Saturn’s Day got changed form the 7th day of the week to the 6th upon discovery of the hexagon at its pole?
The guy in the video either lives in some foreign country or is lying about never seeing a calendar with Sunday as the first day. I have read actual books, not just the internet, and have only found one place that ever stated that Monday was the first day of the week. That was in a history book written about 800 years ago in England. One time in over 60 years of reading and research.
I would like to make. Lot of corrections o this video . At the time that these ones are referring to the traditions of those pagan roots and the story of Nimrod et al there was no such thing as a December 25th
also Easter has nothing to do with Passover, Easter itself is pagan so it can not be considered as a correct alignment for the Passover.
And another thing of significant importance is that the calendar STILL list Sunday as the first day of the week and . Saturday was a day of Rest NOT worship during the times that The LORD set this up with the Jews.
The word in Hebrew for worship is Avodai , incidentally it is the same Word for WORSHIP. This The LORD’s Commandment was to WORSHIP for six days and on The Seventh day Rest. Because when we TRUELY worship THE LORD ,It drains us physically because of the Overwhelming Power of HIS PRESENCE!
It is SOOOO satanic for this modern day society to think that OUR LORD should only be worshipped on ONE DAY of the week. When THE LORD GOD should be Worshipped EVERYDAY! And rest on The seventh day.
This is the REAL deception which everyone seems to not understand!
And NOBODY knows the day of Christ Birth. But however according to the Jewish scholars it was most likely in September, which means Christ was conceived in December, which is Truly the Day HE entered into this realm into the womb of Mary.
Also it seems that a lot of people are starting to come against Christmas sooo Vehemently. Which gives me pause to think and say the uprising against Christmas MUST be satanic.
I mean like just like they took prayers out of school now they have taken Christmas out of the schools as well. And out of many retail stores , even in the business world , it has suddenly become Taboo to even say Merry Christmas! Anytime something gets so persecuted by the secular world then red flags goes up for me. This is a sign of satanic meddling !
And lastly Please don’t take the Christ out of Christmas. Keep it as a celebration that Christ came into the World to die for our sins. Remember to sanctify that day unto THE LORD! The Bible says in Colossians 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an HOLYDAY/HOLIDAY,”
ITS NEVER WRONG to celebrate Christ! Now the ultimate celebration of Christ is to fulfill Acts2:38 and your eyes will be opened to TRUTH!
May you receive the Truth , my prayers are with you because I really do care.
@@bite-sizedshorts9635 Every windows machine calander is Sunday day 1, he is a liar or a idiot... maybe both.
Wait - I’ve was taught that Sunday is the first day of the week. I’m 56 years old and have always thought that everyone considers Sunday to be the first day of the week.
Sunday has ALWAYS been the first day of the week!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!!
It was like a song!
Or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the Sabbath, IF you're following God's commandments. The 4th commandment says to "remember the sabbath and keep it holy." Sabbath was dictated to be a day of rest for mankind, as when God rested on the 7th day.
@garyreneker6226 the Sabbath day was given to the Jews, not the Gentiles. Paul said not to let anyone judge you in Sabbath days, we do not have to keep Sabbath or any of the other Sabbath days. The church was meeting on the first day of the week in the New Testament.
Happy days
@@daniellineberry8879 and yet..does the bible not say that on the seventh day God rested..and that's why it was the Sabbath... so that would making Saturday the day of rest..like the Jewish faith..
@daniellineberry8879 It kills me when I hear people say that the sabbath was given only to the Jews. Well so was all of the ten commandments. People pick and choose the commands they want to follow because they do not want to truly honor the Creator and make any sacrifices. Everything was given to them first because they were suppose to show who he was to the rest of the Pagan nations. Given to them first does not mean given to them only. The disciples honored the sabbath. Please show where you think they assembled on the first day and not the seventh.
We need to mathematically figure out where we are and resume the old ways no matter who it bothers!!!
I agree. The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it.
It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
And that also includes the lie that the earth spins. All celestial bodies move in the sky above the earth.
@@allsouls5997you need to study navigation
@@allsouls5997, I agree I listen a lot people speak about living in this fallen world but very few speak of the flat earth and the firmament we live under. The people who are running this world know of it.
@@allsouls5997 It makes you wonder why it’s hidden from us. Then you realize why, and know your living in the lie. Then everyone who doesn’t know believes that your a nut job which brings us to a verse I connected with. (I’m only quoting the new living translation in order for most to comprehend.)
John 15:18-21
“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the one who sent me.
The calendar shown is the Hebrew year, which is a traditional lunar year used to compute the date of Passover and other Jewish holidays. It is included in the Bible as reference information because many passages refer to these festivals.
People in the US and Europe in 1775 did not use this calendar. They used the same calendar we do today.
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it.
It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it.
It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
The music thing is something almost NO ONE knows anything about, let alone the switch in instrument frequencies that happened. Music has power, it's not just for entertainment. Music and frequency have LONG been weaponized against humanity. @JohnnyNoPockets
@@noktumwhatever753Precisely. Yet no one questions it.
If someone born on March 29......where would it be on a 13 month calendar?
Saturday in Spanish is "Sabado". Sabado = Sabbath.
Most all calendars show Sunday as the first day. Open the calendar on your phone. Look at any printed calendar.
Wow thank you for sharing my video!! I would love to share more from my 1775 Bible! Last night I read parts of mark and Matthew! Some questions there.. thank you again. After being live 1,790 days in a row at 10pm it’s nice that someone shared something! 🙌🏼 also just dropped the 1793 Confession of Faith.
#1 Look at Isaiah chapter 11, verse six. What lies down with the lamb? The lion right? Nope now bibles says the wolf.
#2 Revelations. The fourth horseman was Pestilence? Nope, now it is CONQUEST!
What does your bible show?
Thankyous Kindly Sir 😎 for your dillegent attributes of truth scriptorily
You might find more truth with "A Rood Awakening"!!!
Thank you for sharing your old Bible. Is it written in old English or Hebrew and Greek?
I assume it's old English about the same time as the king James Version which should be closest to the original.
I have always believed in the seven day week as taught from the beginning of time of creation.
The LORD created all things in six days and He rested on the seventh day Saturday the Sabbath, which is the day of worship.
The seven days week has been kept til today.
Man or Roman Catholic changed the day of worship from 7th day Saturday to the first day Sunday which was named after the Sun god,
names of other weekdays also was named after other gods, like Sun day Moon-day Monday
Saturn Saturn-day
I can't remember all the gods but it was many.
This video got me excited and happy to see the truth behind the calendar work week Sunday through Saturday and the r
Do you have a channel we can suscribe ?
I have to go offline but I will be back here to watch this video again. And it's my first time here but I just suscribed and will be back
🌊 ALoHa 🌺
Yes please share , because this video he talked too much and didn't show much content. He focused too much on Sunday and 13 months , what about the books of the Bible etc...
This is why I do not celebrate the Holidays or even New Years, for that matter. I’ve always questioned about everythin’ they taught us in School, but what really struck me was how they celebrated the “New Year” durin’ WINTER!!!
THE COLDEST SEASON, WHEN ALL THE BIRDS HAVE MIGRATED, and the TREES Lose their leaves and Hibernate, and same goes with other Animals and Insects.
And I always knew that Saturday was the Sabbath day, ever since my oldest brother, who has a degree in Historical Studies told me that Saturday is actually the Day of Rest and not Sunday.
There is a story that from Dec.25th and the 31st is when the world is to end and if we make it past that we get a "New Year". Thats one of the many stories told.
Bro what calendar are you done seen that shows Monday as the first day of the week???😂😂😂
Every calendar that has ever been printed starts with Sunday 😂😂😂😂
The day of rest simply means to stop from your regular daily activities to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Praise the Lord and remember to rest in his promises. It's not about nothing else than that. Now the spiritual aspect is to rest in the sabbath meaning your whole life will be in the sabbath day because your total reliance on God is in the sabbath. Forget about what precise day and focus on the meaning of the sabbath. It literally means rest. We are to rest in the Lord. Rest doesn't mean sleep so know the difference. Remember David worked on the sabbath and the LORD declared him faultless. So you must know that merely not working and following a list of rules will NOT bring you to God and in his Divine favor (as many pharisees and sadduccees teach and do)
Yeah, don't do holidays or birthdays or any of that. It's all ritualistic tradition, something anyone with some critical thinking would realize is a bad thing.
Quit taking yourself so seriously. People celebrate new years just to go have a good time. If you're getting your panties in a bunch about what month we arbitrarily decided should be the first month then I gotta imagine you've never had too many real issues in life. Because that's not anything to worry about
Everything we’ve been tough has been a lie 😩 it’s hard reprogramming our minds to the Truth in a world where Good is Bad and Bad is Good
That's because we're too busy looking at what the people say and not what was already written in the Bible from the very beginning. Even the Jews kept the timing but we brushed them off into the background.
@@DaNinja60 the origin terms for Jew are Yahudi, I’m not knocking the Bible or what anyone believes but Facts Vs Belief people want beliefs,The Bible keeps people separated in a belief system only thing that will reprogram the mind is learning Ourselves,we are to busy following instead of actually taking accountability and responsibility doing the works.
@@A_Valentino Trust me. God knows who one is praying to and he is not worried about politically correct terms when it comes to who was sacrificed for our sins.
@@DaNinja60 I don’t trust people that say trust me… I agree our creator all mighty doesn’t care about color of skins,governments etc and knows our hearts so we’ll see the kingdom ,has no form we can put in ,but until then is God government ordinance department, it’s still slaves here and children are dying younger and younger ,we are at war etc I watched those children play in their graves ,Those children wasn’t praying before they knew they was going to be bombed and I hate the violence .. You have to do more than just pray
@@A_Valentino Then you have trust issues friend. I move as he sees fit. God speed.
Hold up, when did Sunday STOP being the first day of the week? Is this a Mandela effect?
No but stouffers stove top stuffing is
Sunday has always been the first day of the week. We were taught that in school way back in the 1900s.
Until Colonial eras
Because we were taught doesnt mean was true 😅
@@CuzmicTarotthat is what the machine wants you to believe, just like when people act like Steven Candy they call being real while if you act like Django you're a hater, and a sell out at least according too the KKK and their political party..
All the calendars I have all show SUNDAY AS THE 1ST DAY OF THE WEEK. monday has NEVER BEEN & nor has anyone ever thought it was the 1st day. Saturday has ALWAYS BEEN THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK.😅😊😂, & It has been proven NIMROD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DEC. 25. people started repeating this lie, & now it's ramped in the churches. There is a scalar, that went through all the old text all over the world. & proved Christmas has nothing to do with NIMROD. I believe it was thought up by Muslims who want the church to stop celebrating Jesus Period. It became real popular about 20 + yrs ago. & just gets more & more popular. That is like the Christmas tree. Now we find out, God Himself actually celebrated a fir tree, in the northpole area. Very interesting. When you see the supernatural tree all lit up with natural God made lighting. Its beautiful. Colors of the North pole. Wow just beautiful.
@@CuzmicTarotwhat we were told about our History is all a LIE. Did they tell you Indians had electricity? I bet not. Look up Mud Floods, giants, tge railroad was already here. They just had to dig it out. The Irish were the 1st imported slaves. All Indian tribes enslaved pall kinds of people etc..
As far as Sunday being the first day of the week, I thought that was common knowledge to everyone thought we don't follow it.
It is. Only the confused ever thought it was anything else. They usually remain confused.
My time card starts with Sunday 😳
Yep. I’m an American married to a Lithuanian with 2 stepsons who are British. I’ll add to that by saying I am Christian my husband was an atheist. Yet we all know that Sunday is the 1st day of the week. It is taught in school as the 1st day of the week still. My teenage and grade school stepsons would say the same thing. This is not profound new knowledge. My family is clearly different countries, cultures, races, beliefs but we all agree on what day begins the week because that is how it’s been taught globally.
Our calendars start the week on Sunday.
It's because saturday is the sabbath or day God rested.
In school we were taught that Sunday is the FIRST day of the week regardless of what stationary callendars depicted in some form or another.
I think people confuse with Monday being first working day. Not the same thing but some people need to be spoon-fed some common sense.
In Greek the days are named after their position in the weekcircle. Monday is Deftera (Deutera) which means the second. Sunday is Kyriaki, the day of the Lord. You can name the days as you like, that does not change anything. You can also make the week start at Wednesday it has always been made up by humans. I won't even refer to any of the things he says about astrology etc. So what is the point of this video?
Yeah we were taught that too. 😅 lol this guy must have forgotten it from looking at calendars
I would like to make. Lot of corrections o this video . At the time that these ones are referring to the traditions of those pagan roots and the story of Nimrod et al there was no such thing as a December 25th
also Easter has nothing to do with Passover, Easter itself is pagan so it can not be considered as a correct alignment for the Passover.
And another thing of significant importance is that the calendar STILL list Sunday as the first day of the week and . Saturday was a day of Rest NOT worship during the times that The LORD set this up with the Jews.
The word in Hebrew for worship is Avodai , incidentally it is the same Word for WORSHIP. This The LORD’s Commandment was to WORSHIP for six days and on The Seventh day Rest. Because when we TRUELY worship THE LORD ,It drains us physically because of the Overwhelming Power of HIS PRESENCE!
It is SOOOO satanic for this modern day society to think that OUR LORD should only be worshipped on ONE DAY of the week. When THE LORD GOD should be Worshipped EVERYDAY! And rest on The seventh day.
This is the REAL deception which everyone seems to not understand!
And NOBODY knows the day of Christ Birth. But however according to the Jewish scholars it was most likely in September, which means Christ was conceived in December, which is Truly the Day HE entered into this realm into the womb of Mary.
Also it seems that a lot of people are starting to come against Christmas sooo Vehemently. Which gives me pause to think and say the uprising against Christmas MUST be satanic.
I mean like just like they took prayers out of school now they have taken Christmas out of the schools as well. And out of many retail stores , even in the business world , it has suddenly become Taboo to even say Merry Christmas! Anytime something gets so persecuted by the secular world then red flags goes up for me. This is a sign of satanic meddling !
And lastly Please don’t take the Christ out of Christmas. Keep it as a celebration that Christ came into the World to die for our sins. Remember to sanctify that day unto THE LORD! The Bible says in Colossians 2:16 “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an HOLYDAY/HOLIDAY,”
ITS NEVER WRONG to celebrate Christ! Now the ultimate celebration of Christ is to fulfill Acts2:38 and your eyes will be opened to TRUTH!
May you receive the Truth , my prayers are with you because I really do care.
I was too - no surprises there!
We’ve truly been manipulated to believe a lie! Luke 8:17 is a powerful promise!💥🙏💥
Here in India we consider Sunday as the first day of the month...also our new year starts in March
What year is it in India ?
Thanks my friend, didn't know this nugget
Vikram Samvant Hindu (Sanatan ) Calendar starts after Diwali. And first month is called "Kaartak" which falls on October-November by tithi. And Currently we are in VikramSamvat year 2080
Extra nugget: Most of the world was still Islam in that time. See books or videos of David Ewing Jr. So logical they used the moon calendar and the original Arabic words and NUMMER’s!
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
If we only knew the mammoth amount of false information we have been chained to, we would be new creatures indeed.
Perfectly put! The exact reason I question everything. From earth being a globe, or being a plain where water always finding it's level indicating it's shape. Fake moon landing. 911 being a inside job to usher in patriot act, nsa and tsa. Evolution teaching precious children we evolved from nothing and we're our own gods. Pretriblation rapture lie. 2 thessalonians itself says clearly. That day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed. It goes on and on.
Jesus already let us know. He is the only one who can make us new creatures
I can see why we have a human race aren’t advancing we’re trapped in so much chaos and confusion
I grew up catholic and we celebrated on Sunday, but in college my roommate was a 7th day Adventist where they celebrated god/prayer on Saturdays, not Sundays. Always made perfect sense to me since I grew up knowing the week started on Sunday, so Saturday is the 7th day. As a child I was taught and referenced that Sunday was the first day of the week, so when did it start to get taught differently? Or does the 40 hour work week just make people forget that Sunday is the start of the week? It has always come across as purposeful deception that most of Christianity deliberately celebrates god on the wrong day.
Yes exactly!
@HarlemFingerboards Your intuition is correct, it's most definitely a purposeful deception, by the arch deceiver himself.
After Christ, the first age of intense Christian persecution kicked off in AD 64.
This occurred when Emperor Nero put out a death decree on Christians for being "responsible" for the great fire of Rome, which utterly destroyed 10 of it's 14 districts.
The violence towards them continued until the AD 311 Edict of Serdica, which encouraged the "toleration" of Christians, followed by the AD 313 Edict of Milan, which gave them some religious liberties and legal status.
This change of tactics only happened because the Roman rulers saw that the more Christians were martyred, the more people saw the truth of walking in Christ's footsteps and sprang up in resistance themselves.
Unfortunately, the tolerance ended in AD 380 when, with the Edict of Thessalonica, the Romans successfully aligned with or more "hijacked" the true faith, mushed it all together with paganism, then condemned all other creeds of Christians.
Hastily, the persecutions were reinstated, resulting in the death of tens of million of Christians over the following centuries, possibly even hundreds of millions of souls were lost by some historians estimates.
And born was the Catholic church, the most subtle wolf in a sheep's clothing, ever.
Introducing such thing as:
Praying to the dead...
Paying money for sins... (indulgences)
Having a man make intercession for us unto God, instead of us praying directly to Christ our Saviour for forgiveness...
Changing of the Holy Sabbath to Sunday, their day of pagan sun worship or "most venerable day of the sun", as Constantine himself put it...
Banning of the Bible...
The Church literally banned anyone, other than an elect few within, from having it's own divine book of scripture.
This way they could teach the Word of God as they willed it, not how the common folk would interpret it if they were able read for themselves.
And then to cap it all off, along came the "Christian" crusades, followed by the dark ages under the Churches oppressive rule.
Through the papal system, with the first pope being established in AD 538, the world suffered right through until the French revolution in 1798, when the pope was disposed from power.
Time, times, and half a time - In Biblical prophesy, a time is one year (a year was 360 days at that time), and times was representative of two years.
So 1+2+0.5 = 3.5 years and 3.5 x 360 = 1,260 days.
In prophecy a prophetic "day" stands for an actual year.
This time period perfectly lines up with the 1,260 prophetic years of the beasts reign in the Bible, or "time, times, and half a time", with 1798 being the date of the beasts "deadly wound"
Unfortunately, we know that deadly wound is to be healed, and the whole world will marvel at the beast.
Rev 13:12 "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."
The very title "Vicar of Christ" literally means "In place of Christ" or "Substitute of Christ".
Why would Jesus need a substitute, or even a representative? He is still very much alive!!
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
And, Matthew 23:9 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
The Bible also tells us that Jesus alone is the Head of the Church, no man could ever fill that divine role.
The Roman Church was, and still is founded on the mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors" or simply "tradition"
This is exactly what Jesus repetitively warned us to stay away from, the "traditions of men".
Saturday is most definitely still the true Sabbath, I'd recommend looking into COP28, it looks like an enforced Sunday law is headed it's way to all of us in the near future.
They are trying to pass it off as a climate change agenda (ie. to give the planet one days break every week)
However, the driving documents behind it all were written by Francis,
Just look at all the terrible things the church has been approving of lately, in the so called name of bringing "unity" to the congregation.
In the Words of Jesus Christ, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Mat 10:34)
"Sword" is symbolically used in the Bible for the Word of God, which Christ most definitely brought into our troubled world.
Christ came to divide Christians from the world's filthy ways, and for them to spread the message, not for them to integrate themselves in the filth.
I've found that Amazing Word Ministries is a good place to learn about the worlds current events, search for the channel if you're keen to learn.
One can't celebrate God on a "wrong day". That's nonsense.
Yes you can worship any day, but Saturday is Sabbath to rest from all work.
From Old Testament to knew it changed because God rose from the dead on Sunday.
What is so confusing about Sunday being the first day of the week? Has nobody EVER looked at a calendar? Just because you don't do shit on Sunday, doesn't mean Monday is the first day of the week.
We were taught in school that the week started on Sunday and that there had been 13 months. Jews still observe the sabbath on Saturday.
Not just the Jews do this! ☝️👍
Seventh Day Adventists observe the Jewish Sabbath as well: Sunset on Friday to Sunset on Saturdays.
13 is when you worship the moon and not the sun.
oh, you mean Saturn day?
Christians do also
Always wondered about October. Which means eight in Latin. But if March is first then the eighth is
October. This solves that riddle of why we have a month named eight being the tenth month.
Sept 7 Oct 8 Nov 9 Dec 10
There’s no riddle, only lies
The Gregorian calender was imposed under threat of death for not using it.
It was imposed to add 1,000 years to the official timeline. To make it appear those in control have been for longer than they really have been. To make them seem impossible to topple. See?
September 7th
October 8th
November 9th
December 10th
You are right , 8 is octo in Latin which is short for October! Crazy
our current calendars do show "Sunday" as "first day of the week", but we are programed that the first day is Monday, for the first day of the work week. that's why we all think Sunday is the 7th when in reality it is the 1st! "Saturday is Sabbath!" i didn't know about 13 months and march being the first. thank you for this message! we all need to hear it!
I had never heard of Sunday NOT being the 1st day of the week. It's how I learned the progression of days. Think of the poem "Sunday's child is full of grace...". However I was a young adult 40 years ago when I learned that the year began in Mar and that there were actually 13 months of 28 days each.
Really? How does the version you learnt end, then? It seems like, the version I've always heard begins with "Monday's child is fair of face, *Tuesday*'s child is full of grace..." and ends with "But the child that is born on the Sabbath day, Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay" - not that I was used to that being in any way set in stone, I was always used to it being a matter of taste whether you called Sunday the first or the last day of the week.
@@wizwhat8186 I can't find my version of that poem anywhere so either I remembered wrong or it's the Mandela effect or I'm just old lol. But still, Sunday being first has always been true for me and how I learned the progression of days of the week.
Mother goose put monday first
All ur calendars have Sunday at the start of the week so what's not to understand?
Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII both messed with the Western calendar and Constantine the Bastard (called "the Great" by the Catholic Church, which was also created by him) moved worship to Sundays....there were 54 'Gospels' when the Council of Nicaea started: only 4 after Constantine got through with them.
Constantine the Great was son of Constantius the Pale (sp., Chlorus?) and a barmaid along the main road between Rome and Britannia (Roman generals "knew" how to spend their idle time (having a female daughter, good- or bad-looking were greatly preferred by innkeepers during the good Roman times!).
By the way, Constatine's forced changes to Christianitywere not even partially implemented until the 1st Council of Constantinople...the bishops went back to their flocks and basically ignored Constantine's desires for the church.
Constantine placed Jesus back in Heaven and thus made himself God's chosen representative on earth!
Outside of religion, Sunday has always been the first day of the week lol.
said by a typical zealot....
Yea that’s what I was always taught lol
Yup. Monday is the start of the business week (mon-fri)
We were always TAUGHT to think this way. They've lied to us about most everything, or perverted the truth.
In Ethiopia we have 13 months and sunday is called ehud(ahadu) which means "first" abd saturday is called kidame(kedamit) which means the first sabbath. We have a different christmas which is in january and we have a different calender
What yr ate you in. Honest question I promise. If it was never changed since the beginning then the yr has to be different right?
And you also have the lion of Judah
Yall are doing it correctly
According to the Abrahamic calender we are in about the year 5600
Thailand is celebrating their New year at 13. Of April Till 15 of April. They call it Songkran.
Yes in the Lunar calendar there were 13 months. Veadar was the 13th but was an interclary month and was added 7 times in 19 years as a second Adar the last month.
1. Nisan March/April
2. Iyyar April/May
3. Sivan May/June
4.Tammuz June/July
5. AB July/August
6. Elul August/ Sept
7. Tishri Sept/ October
8. Heshvan Oct/Nov
9. Chislev Nov/ Dec
10. Tebeth Dec/Jan
11. Shebat Jan/ Feb
12. Adar Feb/March
13. Veadar March every few years according to the lunar eqinox there was an adjustment by adding Veadar. Jesus died on Nisan 14th at 33 & 6 months old. His birth would thus fall in Tishri somewhere in the first part of October. There is no exact date for his birth because 1st Century Christians and Israelites did not celebrate pagan birthdays. The Romans did. That's when John the Baptizer (Jesus cousin) had his head cut off at Herod's birthday. Matthew 14
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
That is false Jewish beliefs.
Luke Chapter 1 describes timing events that show He was born in the 3rd month which would be the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost.
He died on the 15th of the month of the Abib as He observed Passover the day before which is the 14th. The year was 31 AD.
So interesting....please share with me where you get your info from? Thanks..
@@lisaking4291 Jacob didn't change his own name.
Israel is a people, descendants of Jacob of the Hebrews, originally the 12 tribes which were in covenant by faith and now of any believer by faith that is in covenant.
'Jews' sometimes refers to the people of Judaea during the time of the house of Judah in Jerusalem, which only represents two of the tribes.
Today it more often and more accurately would refer to Gentile converts to Juda-ism that are not bloodline at all, let alone Semitic.
This confusion feeds much of the error that is taught about what Scripture teaches.
The birthright was always promised to Jacob. He didn't need to scam Esau for it (that was his mom's idea).
No Christ was born in the month of Passover the answer is in Luke 2:21… not in fall… spring represents life and that’s why April in Hebrew customs is the New year for us…
13 moons & 28 days on all turtle shells. This
equals 364 days, plus one day of rest. All
indigenous people around the world knew the
wisdom of the turtle and followed a 13month
calendar; after all, there are 13 mooncycles in a
year & 27-29 days per cycle.
Yes we do- pretty amazing stuff.
Women's cycle is also 28 days.
• The books of Enoch, Jubilees and other texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls describe a calendar that consists of 364 days:
Enoch 71:42 - ... The year is precisely three hundred and sixty-four days
Enoch 81:7 - So that the year is completed in three hundred and sixty-four days
Jubilees 6:32 - And command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning- three hundred and sixty-four days, and these will constitute a complete year ...
Jubilees 6:38 - For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayst testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new moons and seasons and sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh.
Compositions of David, 11Q5, col. 27 line 2-7 - "And David, son of Jesse, is wise, and a light like the light of the sun, and a scribe, and discerning, and perfect in all his ways before God and men. And YHWH gives to him a discerning and enlightened spirit. And he writes psalms, three thousand and six hundred; and songs to sing before the altar for the perpetual offering of every day, for all the days of the year: three hundred and sixty-four"
• When one looks to the moon's phases to determine the start of a month or year, they will find that the lunar year is only 354 days long:
"A lunar year of 12 synodic months (12 cycles of lunar phases) is about 354 days long."
- Encyclopedia Britannica
• The Book of Jubilees makes note of this 10 day difference and has this to say about making observations of the moon to determine the biblical calendar:
Jubilees 6:36-37 - For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon - how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb the order, and make an abominable day the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy; for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbaths and feasts and jubilees.
The modern world is built upon lies…technology ARTIFICIAL disinformation that disconnects humanity from nature
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
You would actually be surprised about how many people are unaware of this so this information needs to be continually sent out thank you to the people who released this video😇🙏
My favorite part about both the 1775 bible and this video is the fact that the word PALESTINE, which they hide, is all over it.
The land of 'Israel' does not exist. The bible outlines all the inhabitants of Palestine going back thousands of years BC....
Free Palestine!
You knew already?
What are you talking about? His reasoning is complete speculation even fantasy, and why would he assume that March as the first month would be in the season of January? Besides Sunday has always been the first day of the week so he's trippin' on that one o.0
@@themagicdragon2011 i was in israel many years ago..
and when i was there the israelis had a new years party somewhere in the year
i was confused as my new year party would be on december 30th to begining january as usual
but i was told as i was there a whole year i learned alot
their months is not the same as the rest of the world
and the chinese also has different months
so please go do some real homework
@@themagicdragon2011 Ever think about "sept" 7, "oct" 8, "nove" 9 and "dec" 10? It is a very interesting subject. Take care.
Very well done!!! Thank you
Christmas really disturbs me more and more every year. When I dig deep into the past of this holiday,…it disgusts me. I haven’t put up a tree or given gifts in about 6 years now.
Same!! It teaches happiness through receiving, when Jesus's message(whether he was real or not) was all about giving!!
We were deceived!
Been 30 years since I celebrated Dec 25th.
@@hotrox2112from nothingness comes everything. The space between notes makes the music
Christianity is a lie lol.
Every calendar I’ve ever seen shows Sunday as the first day and I’ve always considered it to be.
Idk what they are talking about I had to look at my calendar just to make sure that I wasn’t going crazy. Yeah, Sunday is the first day.
Some calendars are printed now, with Monday as the first day of the week. So annoying!
++ That discredits him to me. I knew that and Sunday is the first day on all my calanders up to 2023.
when my computer is on "dutch" which is in the Netherlands monday is first. If i put the settings on english, sunday becomes first.. Hmmm I do still need to watch the video (which I will) but scrolled to the comments quickly
I've always thought of Sunday as the first day so the thought of Monday as the first day confuses me. I heard him talk about Christmas and the winter solstice. In Australia, Christmas is in Summer so we use pools and have barbecues at Christmas time. It is usually so hot on Christmas Day.
If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine. ✨💖🌟
Thank you for the kind words.
The origin of the word luck , is from Luc , , like the word for money is lucre. The love of filthy lucre is the root of all evil . The name Luc ifer, is based in luc, IT depicts an evil source , Luck is a word implying deception , lies , evil ,dishonesty, , More enlightenment or wisdom is necessary ? Hmm ❤
@@angelashort1331 You should check out the 1539 Great Bible. It's Olde English,(moreso than the KJV) and therefore slightly difficult to read, especially since 'u' and 'v' are reversed. However, it is the oldest English Bible I've found. It states "or coueteousnes of money is the rote of all euyll: whych whyll some lusted after, they erred from the fayth, & tanglyd them selues with many sorowes." Money itself is not evil, coveting is. 😊
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
17:04 No they changed the calendar, and then made the powerful numbers such as 13 superstitious
When I was a kid, we were taught in public school that Sunday was technically the first day of the week. Were also taught that the four odd months 9-12, were from an older calendar used by the Romans.
I've been drawn/pointed toward the same type of knowledge these past months.Keep up the good work, brother.
Holy Spirit working in you... praise God, thank you Jesus
It's interesting that March is the first month because deca means 10, as in "decade" (10 years), decahedron (10 sides). So December being the tenth month kinda makes sense.
Excelente point
As instructed to Moses when he was told this is the beginning of months there was several conditions involved. First that being the abib of the barley harvest and second the new moon. This first fruits of the barley has to take place before the new moon. On the 14th day of the 1st month is Passover and on the 15th of the first month is when the wave offering of the first fruits of the barley takes place. With that in mind the first month could start in March or April. Generally April is the first month, but if the barley is abib early ( March ) in some years there could be 1 additional month if the following year the barley is abib in April. Today Traditionalists use wild barley, not that harvested due to all the advanced means of planting, irrigating etc. hope this is helpful
Ps. Just in case you are nor aware, the 15th day of the 1st month is the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
December got its name from the Latin word decem (meaning ten) because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the calendar of Romulus c.
sept - 7
oct - 8
nov(è) - 9
Dec - 10
always wondered why months didn't coincide with the numbers
This person saw how much the people I've helped love me (and even pointed it out to me) and tried to use that to his own advantage, but I caught that sooo quick. The moment I felt the energy was off, I cut him off and I told my mentors about it. They were so angry because he tried to take advantage of my kindness and generosity, they also have much more experience and power than he does in our industry, so he's cooked if they ever do decide to tell the world who he really is, but they are good people, so they're sparing him and just letting the universe deal with him. You know the divine doesn't play when you try to sabotage the path of someone who feels so much love when helping to lead others towards their life's purpose.
I wholeheartedly believe as humans start remembering and using intuitive sense,the foundations of lies will crumble.
Virtually every law,rule or belief is manmade or determined by relativity and profitability.
The understanding that God exists and that God is love who created us is seen in nature. Also, your statement sounds somewhat contradictory. If you believe all beliefs are invalid then your statement would have no value.
I’m so confused by the beginning of this video. There are people that do not know Sunday is the first day of the week? When we learn the days of the week as children, we always start with Sunday. Heck, you can even ask Siri what day the week begins in and it says Sunday.
In U.K. we start at Monday, even when learning days of week we start Mon
@@Kellycreatori know same ireland but if you live like sunday up early like its start and use fri eve to sat eve day off etc it works better
I'm from Finland and I've never heard about sunday being the first day!
In my heart I have always known but at school it is Monday that is taught to be the first day of the week. (Southeast asia)
In Romania, the "laic" week starts with Monday and the religious week starts with Sunday.
I love the way you presented and delivered this information, really well written and narrated, thank you so much, and extremely interesting, I look forward to your next presentation.
As far as December 25th
The modern [Christian] has many fronts to defend, one of them being the so-called “pagan roots” of Christmas. Around Christmastime, you are likely to hear the objection that Christmas is a Christo-pagan holiday, a mash-up of pagan beliefs and Christian celebration.
The person who maintains Christmas’s “pagan roots” has to ask himself the following questions: (1) After centuries of the Church being persecuted for not observing pagan holidays, where is the proof of influence? (2) Who influenced whom? Did Christianity influence pagans to begin to adopt a more public and concrete celebration, or did Christians “Christianize” a pagan event? Neither scenario is a problem for the Christian, because the Church has the ability to Christianize people and celebrations alike.
Shawn McAfee
To be honest, I always thought of it as the Lord rested after he worked, so I honor the day of rest after I work. Week starts on Sundays so… made sense to me that Saturday would be the day I rest. So I’ve taken that day off from work no matter what for the last few years trying to focus on my walk with Him.
Yes, go watch bearindependent. He follows this closely
me too 💪 Sundays i start the week
honestly god needed rest? my god doesn't get tried or need rest
@@tupactipit wasn’t meant for Him, but for us 🙏🏼
@@kunire3716 god got tried us?
All holidays are weird so I just don't celebrate any of them 😕
None asks why they celebrate it but just start celebrating it because everyone is doing it
@@Owen-sx4jj exactly 💯
It’s getting even more commercial it’s obvious it’s just about business but kids need a fairytale
@@liabeachy don't disrespect fairytales/mythology. Most of which are probably oral history.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well..
*This video is in line with how the months were named:*
*January: named after Janus, the god of doors and gates*
*February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins*
*March: named after Mars, the god of war*
*April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)*
*May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants*
*June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno*
*July: named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.*
*August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.*
*September: from septem, Latin for “seven”*
*October: from octo, Latin for “eight”*
*November: from novem, Latin for “nine”*
*December: from decem, Latin for “ten”*
Right but that’s actually a sun to say the months and days because they are of other “Gods” or deities
Any idea what year it was when Jesus was born?
@@tessa2671 The point is his day of birth is celebrated and remembered. I could care less if he was born in the middle of Summer!!
@@frank4731He was born in September.
@@tessa2671 thank you! That's the first answer I got that didn't have a B.C. at the end.
The earth does not circle the sun. The heavens revolve around the plane of the earth.
Joshua 10:12-14
Habakkuk 3:11
Jasher 88:63-65
A nice follow-up video would be about The Farmers Almanac and an explanation of how it's based on numerology.
April first was New Year’s Day . When it was changed to January they mocked the April-is-new -year folks by calling them “April fools”. Also the months sept through dec. are seven through ten which leaves Jan. through march to count thirteen months…
Wow so that's how April fools came to be?
now that makes a lot of sense
What is the name of the missing 13th month? And where does it belong?
@@Jack__________ Yeah. Every image in the video of that page from the1775 Bible cuts off that part of the page. Why is that? Looks like it starts with an F.
I am 75, Sunday was always the first day of the week.
This confirms all of my Suspicions. Big up Bishop Tomi with the knowledge too.
Oh my God yes, finally.
Ive always noticed this but:
Both moon and menstruation cycles are in 28 days - 13 months in a year
Also numbers in Portuguese (and Spanish too more or less):
7, 8, 9, 10:
Sete, oito, nove, dez
Septe(mber), octo(ber), nove(mber), dec(ember)
And then I thought. Wait so this means March is 1st?
And of course it is. The spring equinox is a very important day both in religion and agriculture.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well...
We use a solar calendar. Those 13 months were for the Jewish calendar, which is a lunar calendar. The pope changed the calendar, taking out days to keep it aligned with the sun.
@@bite-sizedshorts9635 No, its all wrong and we deserve a 13 month job payment and an extra 1 month vacation
March = Mars?
Sunday has ALWAYS been the first day of the week...Ive known that since i was a small child...The Sabbath is the day of rest, the last day of Creation made for man to REST!
Let there be Lights in the Heavens to divide Day from Night, and let them be for Signs and for Seasons, Days, and Years.
(Genesis 1:14) Ain't no seven day week in the Heavens
No Saturday nor Sunday mentioned in Scripture. The Sabbath is lunar. Read Exodus and count the days for yourself.
People are so programmed to work that they believe the first day is Monday. They have been programmed; that's why it is called the "weekend." Long ago, we stopped living as God commanded us to and started listening to what the ruling class want.
On The Vatican website they claim that the pope is the power of god and they say their proof of that is that they changed the sabbath day of rest to Sunday.
He’s Calle the vicar of Christ and this Latin word vicar translated to English means replacement or replace. So it says that the pope replaces Jesus…
The Sabbath is for Saturn, or Satan. Jews have been worshiping Satan for a long time. There was a war involving the Romans where they moved to worship the Sun instead of Saturn. This is why the Muslims walk around the hexagon of Saturn but it's seen as a black cube.
The idea of the number 13 becoming bad luck began at dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307, when scores of French Knights Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, later to be tortured in locations such as the tower at Chinon, into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offences in the Order. Then they were put to death.
The number 13 has great significance....they don't want to honest to the people.
I started seeing the 13 a couple months ago. I see triple numbers all the time. Especially 333.
Good. Templar were a masonic sect, they may use Christian imagery, but they're a secret society of satanists.
13=4 In China, it means death. It is a stagnant energy. 3 is an energy that is creative and fun. Route 66 (A 3) in the U.S. was so popular that the freeway was put in and changed to I-40. The cities along previous Route 66 basically died. If 40 was changed back to 66, it would probably come alive.
The king owed the knights big money. Unfortunately the same very old story.
All days are equal
"One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind." Rom.14,5
Julio Augustus Caesar added the months of July and August…
Sept=7, Octo =8, Nove=9, and Deca=10
The Romans perverted and censored parts of the Bible for Imperial purposes…
The Ethiopian Bible has 88 books and Jesus Christ is still our only way of Salvation
No! He also gave you Horus (Jesus). Read up
@@ThegreatIAm444 I recommend you do as well starting with the Gospel of John chapter 1…
God created real man, man did not create REAL god(s)…
There are 88 books in the Ethiopian Bible and only 66 in the European King James Version…
I also have to say science is constantly trying to disprove God and failing, perhaps an interested mind like yours would explore the Book of Enoch, in the Ethiopian Bible but not the KJV, it explains what science cannot…
Also why is time marked BC and AD 🤔,
Why are there 7 days in a week 🤔,
Why do you know the difference between right and wrong 🤔
Where does morality come from 🤔
Jesus never existed.
@@tonyrhineheimer6556 guess you’ll find out when you die
@addicted2fishing119 Jesus still never existed, adam and eve, Moses, Noah never existed. The Roman empire along with the man-made Roman catholic church created God and Jesus with a phony religion.
I have been researching this topic for years now glad to see that people are waking up and asking questions about well why is so much hidden and why are we finding out about this now either way good work
The calendars and days were not hidden. You just somehow missed seeing a single wall calendar your entire life and missed reading history books.
@@bite-sizedshorts9635 I have been reading history and have been looking at the calendar all my life it's just that is it the right information remember history is written but the people who win not by the people by lose and may be right or could be right history is shaped by the person in control and who is most successful so the person who did not win will never get to tell their story or if they do it's decades later or centuries in this case but most people have are already been told a story so many times the don't believe any thing else that's not thinking it's called programming most people now a days don't think or don't know how hence why it's so easy to tell people they don't research again I always thought there was always more to it but again that's just me and fee people like me
Its not a secret that 13 months were used in the past. In a great movie called The 13th Warrior, when the muslim poet is hanging out with a group of Vikings and the oracle says they need 13 warriors, one warrior for each day of the month. After seeing that years ago I looked it up and its not a secret. Awesome that you got ahold of an old bible like that, very interesting.
Yes that Muslim you refer to was a Moore ancient people who still carried the traditions of Egypt that why he was black but that’s another story . The important part was the Egyptians who invented the calendar had a luner and solar calendar and it had 13 months in it . Romas later changed it to just the lunar calendar and 12 months not 13 . A lot of movies are based on the calendar look for 12 or 13 it’s always the clue 😉
@@ShaneMclane-PrivateEye in the movie it was Vikings but I’m talking about actual history . Yes the movie is just a movie but they used a bit of real history mixed with a lot of holly wood to make it. But you are right who cares it just a movie that used 13 ….
What an awesome movie!👍🇦🇺
If someone born on March 29......where would it be on a 13 month calendar?
@@booblam6919 I just been asking myself so if the calendar we follow is a lie does that mean my birthday date is a lie !
But the sun wasn't considered the center of our solar system by the church, they rallied against that. And they didn't conceded until like 1820's right? Know what im saying?
Thanks for showing the actual page, I screen copied so I could show more people....in case they didn't know, not everyone out in the world knows this(for real)❤
Most don't ...
Screenshotted as well to share w fam.
You might want to look up what intercalary means before you start sharing that with people.
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
17:26 peasants prayers being answered would be bad news for Kings Emperors and popes. That's why they did everything they could to distance the masses from god. They went so far as to alter the very meaning of Prayer and remove the description of how to pray from the bible. It used to say you pray not with words but by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Showing the Gratitude and appreciation for your prayer being answered before it is is what is meant by faith. If you can't show the gratitude and appreciation for it before it happens, do you really have faith that God is going to make it happen? One of the things that they did leave in was that having faith is a requirement for God answering your prayers.
octo - 8 - October
nova - 9 - November
deci - 10 - December
If someone born on March 29......where would it be on a 13 month calendar?
That explains it all...short and sweet.
I'm Scottish and we sang in primary school age 5-6 in the 80s.. 'Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday too, 1234567 days, each day different tand, every day new.'
When I was little I always perceived Sunday as the first day of the week. I also always thought it weird that the first of the year was in the middle of a season…
My understanding is that April 1st is the real New Years Day. The beginning of the cycle, when everything starts growing. As observed in the past,, they changed it to January 1st and those that didn't follow... we're called April Fools... ridiculed if you didn't follow their new plan. Just like these day, ridiculed if you go against the grain.
Not too unreasonable that new years day should be in the middle of a season. What is strange is, why wasn't it on Dac. 22, or 23rtd when the days start to become longer, rahter than a bit more than a week later?
@@StagedWorld-eb5roman that’s wild and makes sense April fools the day people play pranks a little lies when in reality we are all the fools for playing along like some 🐑 with these pagan holidays .
0:38 FINALLY!!! Someone found the truth of what I've been telling people since I was little! Thank you man...
lol it's common knowledge dude
The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance
Whats that?
@@hirenvaland101 It's a scam
Did you make a comment on Ancient Magic referencing this book? If so I’m going to look for the book this is not a coincidence
The reason Rome changed the calendar is that people wouldn't know what day is sabbath (Saterday) because it is Gods seal(Eseg 20:20).Sunday is the mark of the beast and when sunday laws get enforced people keeping the true sabbath of the Creator will not be able to buy and sell.
No they didn't. Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar because the older calendar had an intermediary 13th month, where up to 23 days were added to fit with the seasons, and that was often used by politicians to extend their term. It was inefficient and stupid, so Caesar wanted to introduce a new calendar, without that 13 month. It had nothing to do with any Sabbath, back then Christianity was just a small jewish sect, and Caesar and the Romans couldn't give a flying fuck about Jewish holidays.
God Bless you, thankyou for information. I'm a Protestant, been raised from birth to know Saturday is the Sabbath & Sunday the start of the week. What is brilliant is exactly what you share. ❤
I went to public school in the 90’s and graduated HS in 2005. This was still taught at that point. If you younger generations are not learning the basics of life either you’re not paying attention or if the schools have stopped teaching truth, it has happened within the last 18 years.
They stopped teaching a lot of things in public schools. You wouldn’t know unless you had kids that were communicative or you realized the world is going downhill fast (intentionally).
A lot of people don't even call them schools anymore. They're government indoctrination camps. Less free thinking and more rules to follow, to set you up to suit corporate interests.
@@somethingappropriate admittedly, the only thing I know about schools anymore is that they keep stealing more and more money from my taxes every single year. I’m not even sure what they do with all those extra dollars.
As for the world going to hell, I may be a willingly antisocial hermit in my old age, but even I can see that. I’m not sure of your belief in the truths stated in the Bible, but I fully expect to have to bear witness to the full unleashing of the antichrist on this Earth within my natural lifetime on this planet. Perhaps God will prove me wrong, but I just don’t see people waking up to the folly of their ways anytime soon.
Exactly, and when they don't understand these very basic things it lends to discrediting everything they say. Hard to believe any research was done. Embarrassing to say the least. Even his laptop calendar shows Sunday as the first day of the week.
Public schools have stopped teaching truth.
Of course!
Saturday is the sabbath day, and then sept/7 oct/8 nov/9 and deci/10.
It’s been there all along but few possess such powers of observation.
Every calendar I have ever seen in my entire life show Sunday as the 1st day of the month.
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Unless you’re a preterist, this has not yet happened
Sunday has always been the first day of the week. When did it change?!
Thank you for sharing the passage about the Christmas tree!!! How horrible that everyone practice is it unknowingly as I had my whole life! Thank you and God bless you!! Keep sharing things not everyone knows everything :)
that verse is not about Christmas trees but it talks about cutting trees down from the forest and dressing them and carving them into IDOLS !
@@dfacedagameyea but all that is within thought! Your thoughts dictate that. It’s what you end up believing. This is why we have to reconnect with our true self and purify our thoughts. Your thoughts become ideas and those ideas if outside truth and reality become the true idols this is where everyone split off and created ideology which in turn become cults
I've always known that Christmas was a pagan holiday. My parents weren't traditional Christians. I was also raised under the tutelage that holidays were just days that favored corporations and their blessed profit margins.
@@ilovebutterstuffi mean, pagan just means of the Earth and the Earth is our Mother, so...
@@crptniteYeah paganism is kind of treated as a really bad negative thing isn't it? Probably a Christian way of converting people away from it back on the day. No money in Paganism compared to say a big Church. ❤
It’s called SUNday bc it’s the beginning of the week, ie sunrise…wtf? The months part is correct, but when did this day change thing happen?
Thanks for revealing this stunning information... that I learned in school about 50 years ago. Sunday has always been the first day of the week, because the Sabbath is Saturday. 😮 And they didn't use the Gregoria calendar, just like some countries in Africa still have 13 months today. 😂
Give yourself a pat on the back.
I was taught the days of the week by learning a song in Sunday school. The song starts with Sunday and ends with Saturday.
I always knew Sunday was the first day and the Seventh day was Saturday. At 14:32 about the Springtime birth. I heard that the word for resurrection was actually reincarnation or Rebirth.
yes, resurrection is when the Christ within you...rises from the tomb of ignorance....that is the spiritual meaning..
Wow now that is very interesting. I never thought of that. I believe in reincarnation, but not allot of people do and when it says Jesus died and rose again, officious he did, he reincarnated 🤔🧐🤪
@@K-NectingDots And where's that spiritual meaning and how much does it costs?
Cost....we are told to consider the cost and if you want to see for yourself the spiritual meaning....talk to God and pray " show me the truth God, no matter what the cost" and go read the original meaning of the very same scriptures that you already know. God bless you brother, @@belmordok3661
Yet He said, prophesying for the distant future:
"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day" ! ! !
The Sadducee Temple priests officiated the weekly Sabbaths and High Days at the time of Christ, who never contested their solar calendar.
In 66AD the Pharisee Anti-Roman (Anti-Fasse/ANTIFA) Zealot rebels, seized control of the Temple.
When contested for control, 20000 Judean 'Jewish' Edomites assisted the Zealots and murdered most of the Sadducee aristocracy, priests and hundreds of the Jerusalem populace.
The ANTIFA Zealot rebels then appointed their own accursed lunar calendar high priest, who was the last to be seen standing in the Holy Place when THREE AND A HALF YEARS later, the prince of the Roman Empire arrived and desolated Jerusalem, Judea and the Jews in 70 AD - culminating in the taking of Masada another THREE AND A HALF YEARS AFTERWARDS.
Most of the Christians, remembering Christ's words, escaped to Jordan between the two sieges of Jerusalem - the first siege by General Gallus who then strangely withdrew from Judea, and the second by "prince" Titus son of the new Emperor.
These SEVEN YEARS are the fulfillment of Daniels prophesy.
Surviving Pharisees continued to enforce their lunar calendar 'sabbaths and high days' in the Synagogues, which they controlled - hiding the Sadducee Temple calendar from the people.
Constantine managed to establish the Resurrection day as Sunday in 30 AD on their Julian calendar, which actually overlapped the Biblical weekly Sabbath THAT year.
Unable to establish the Biblical calendar, Constantine changed Sunday to the first day of his new Roman week, in honour of the Resurrection.
Later Constantine's son Constantius ll, knowing the Pharisee's lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar to be Babylonian and Canaanite, forbade them from signaling the start of their lunar months across the Empire from Jerusalem.
As a concequence, Hillel ll was forced to choose a Roman day for their weekly 'sabbath', and he chose Saturday - the seventh day of Constantine's NEW Roman week. The rest of their lunar calendar they kept by Rabbinical calculation.
Thus the true Biblical Temple calendar was lost until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll's.
The Dead Sea Scroll's solar calendar, corrected to the Sadducee 19th Abib Omer Wave Sheaf, is the correct Biblical calendar, revealing the weekly Sabbaths and High Days - which is why the Zionist State of Israel suppressed them for 40 years before they were leaked out on micro fish copies.
Saturday was only chosen as the Jewish 'sabbath' by Heliel II about 300 years after Christ. He standadised the Jewish calendar. Even before that, the weekly 'sabbath' they kept was the Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' that the Pharisees introduced and enforced in the Synagogues, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD.
The true weekly Sabbath was already hidden by the Pharisees in favour of the Babylonian lunar interpretation of the Biblical calendar. Knowing this, Constantine's son forbade them from signaling their pagan lunar calendar observations across the Roman Empire.
However Constantine himself was unable to determine the true Biblical weekly Sabbath, but he was able to determine that Christ was resurrected in that year on the Roman solar calendars "Sunday". Therefore, in honour of the resurrection he changed Sunday to the first day of his NEW Roman week, and also made Sunday the day of rest.
Without Roman authority to signal their Babylonian lunar 'sabbath' across the empire, Hillel II and other anti-Christ Jews were forced to choose a Roman weekday as their "new sabbath" and he chose the seventh day of Constantine's new Roman week - i.e. "Saturday" !
Rabbi 'Sages' don't tell you all this and most Rabbis don't even know this themselves !
Karaite Jews today still keep the Babylonial lunar calendar and many Christians have been seduced into doing the same.
Jericho was an ancient lunar calendar observation city dedicated to and named after their moon god.
The Bible called Jericho the "accursed city" and Joshua was commanded to totally destroy it and its inhabitants after marching around it once for six consecutive days, and seven times on the seventh day - i.e. 13 times in total !
I think that, as opposed to the Second Advent and the "Marriage of the Lamb" that nobody knows when, the preceding "great and dreadful day of the Lord" can actually be established as the 20th March 2031.
The world will feel that ominous consuming fire approaching and will run around trying to hide, while Christians enter into their inner prayer "chambers".
When the Christians come out, there will be no OTHER flesh and blood survivers - who will be burnt up and trodden "as ash under their feet."
They will mourn for their friends and relatives who weren't "saved", but SOMETIME afterwards will witness the return of Christ coming from east to west.
Raising their eyes they will be transformed in an instant, allowing them to rise up and meet His RETURN.
Thereafter, they will be consoled when He "wipes the tears" from their eyes and takes care of them like as "calves of the stall".
That's how I perceive these future Biblical events.
Don't the dead in Christ rise "first" - a great multitude ? Then those living Christians that are "left" come safely out of their prayer chambers - AFTER the "wrath", to "tread upon the ashes of the wicked who have been removed from the earth" - "The righteous shall NEVER be removed but the wicked shall be cut off".
These "saved" righteous remnant "lift up their eyes", and are then "changed in the twinkling of an eye", and able to rise up and meet Christ returning with this great host.....
The chronology in the Septuagint is a few hundred years longer than in the Masoretic Text:
The imminent millennial reign of Christ on earth coincides with Yahweh's 2nd 'day' of rest - "and His rest shall be glorious" because His Son is ruling on earth for that 1000-year-day. Will we qualify to enter into that glorious "day" of rest ?
So if Yahweh's first "day" of rest was ALSO a thousand-year-day, in which Adam died at 930 years old "in the same day" he sinned, and Adam was also made near the end of the previous 6th 'day', then we are currently near the end of the 13th thousand-year-day which actually ends on the "great and dreadful day of the Lord" on the 20th March 2031.
There is no doubt that Christ spent three full nights and three full days in the tomb, but how long did He hang on the tree/stake/cross ?
Surely even in death Yahshua fulfilled every law of His Father ! i.e. Christ could not have been left on the cross overnight for nearly 12 hours before a “morning start of day”, or 18 hours before a “mid- day start of day” !
The day therefore does indeed start at sunset !
John 19:31 supports the view that Christ was crucified and died on the afternoon of the 14th Abib preparation day, was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb at eventide/sunset demarcating the days. The 15th Abib Passover High Day Sabbath then commenced at sunset.
Christ had to be off the cross by sunset. He was in the tomb for three full nights and three full days before His 4th day resurrection - as Lord of the Sabbath Day on the next WEEKLY Sabbath, which was the “First of the Sabbaths” after the Passover, initiating the Feast of Weeks count to Pentecost.
All the DSS's WEEKLY Sabbaths are correct and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles with it's Last Great Day. However the Dead Sea Scrolls does differ with the Sadducee Temple Priest's Feasts if Weeks by starting one week after the Temple's Feast of Weeks. Zachariah, John the Baptist's father officiated in the Temple, so that Feast of Weeks is the correct one for this reason and other reasons as well.
If you look at our Calancers, it starts with Sunday as the First day of the week.
and ends on Sabbath the 7th day of the week.
The Spanish Orthodox Catholic Church, adjusted the months and time so they could ship great finds from different countries and ship items year round.
Then they changed the Sabbath Saturday, to Sunday, so people would break Gods Sabbath law, and worship on Sunday to worship the Sun God.
All so they could get men too work on the Sabbath days and make them rich.
This is a grave sin against God, for He said, "Remember the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy for rest of your body and rejunivation of your soul.❤😊
This could explain why it seems the seasons are shifting. For example I am in my 50's. I remember when I was 5 or 6, my birth month of April was much warmer than it is now. If the calendar is misaligned, it could certainly explain why it's colder in April now.
I'm in my 40s born in April and I definitely agree ,as a kid I remember it was always nice and warm by my birthday not now though
It's also staying warmer later into the year.
I agree I live in New Mexico it snows in May now and if it’s a 13 month calendar the how old are we If a person is 50 they gain 13 extra months x50 = 16.66 years makes them 34 or Opposite makes them 66 I’m confused
@@justlearning6371 13 months makes no difference to your age as there are still the same number of days in each year
No my dude, is the climate that is changing, it has nothing to do with the calendar, we've been using it for 2000 years.
I've learned a number of things throughout the years.
1) the first month being March has to do with the Israeli calendar year. Also, it could fluctuate because the Israeli calendar was based on the lunar cycle.
2) Sunday is still the first day of the week in many calendar systems. If Monday is shown as the first day of the week on your calendar you're using a business calendar system because Monday through Friday are business days. In business calendars it makes sense to put Saturday and Sunday at the end of the week due to the purpose of usage. The standard calendar will still have Sunday as the first day of the week.
3) the reason many churches celebrate on Sunday has to do with both the Sabbath being on Saturday, so the early Christians were probably visiting the local synigogue and it's traditionally believed that most of Jesus' appearances after the crucifixion was on Sunday.
This is not new knowledge. This is just knowledge that people tend to not look into.
Thanks for sharing that info. 🐱
yep common knowledge. Hebrew lunar calendar.
ian, you have serveral good points, but the attempted change of God's holy 7th day Sabbath to Sunday was done by the Roman Catholic Church, and is the mark of her supposed authority over the words of God. The early Christians kept the 7th day holy, as the Bible clearly shows: Acts 13:44 And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. etc.
@@earlysda Synagogue on Saturday, Christian gathering on Sunday. The Roman Catholic Church decided that the worship should be only on Sunday. The reason could be control but it also could be to minimize the burden on the people. Or it could be because most of the Christians they were dealing with were not of Jewish origin and often didn't have a synagogue close enough. It's more than just a simple power play by the church.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Daniel 7:25
Loadedwith solidinfo
As far as December 25 th...
Although the date of Christ’s birth is not given to us in Scripture, there is documented evidence that December 25 was already of some significance to Christians prior to 354. One example can be found in the writings of Hippolytus of Rome, who explains in his Commentary on the book of Daniel (c. 204) that the Lord’s birth was believed to have occurred on that day. …
But we know one thing for sure: the evidence that this day held a special significance to Christians predates the proof of a supposed celebration of Sol Invictus or other pagan deities on that day.
Nor was the Christians’ choice of a date so close to the winter solstice done to mimic pagan festivals. The various pagan religions all had festivals spanning the calendar. Whatever month the early Christians might have otherwise chosen would still place Christmas near some pagan celebration, and oppositional theorists would still be making the same claims.-Jon Sorensen3
Wow. No wonder, I have always felt exhausted when it reached January and February, then I got refreshed with new energy again when March was coming.
america was discoverd in 1776 ,
The months inbetween Nov-march are the worst months imo.
Thanks for getting this information out to everyone 💚
Amazing video. May I add that the new month begins with the new moon. It is a day of worship, and day 1 of the new month. Worship days are day 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 (so every 7 days). These are our sabbaths. Most of the High Holy Days are in the 1st and 7th months of the year. The new year starts at the new moon near the vernal equinox. There's more to learn. This is just a starting point for anyone like me who is interested in learning the true ways of The Most High.
Just on this topic, for me, each new month, day 1 of the new month starts every 1st quarter of the moon. It is explained properly in the book of Enoch on the luminaries and one can compare it in the book of Joshua with the march around Jericho, Noah and the flood in the book of Genesis, Ezekiel lying on his right and left side for 430 days, the two great lights were created on day 4. Have you ever wondered why? There are clues everywhere in the Scriptures. The Most High is not the author of confusion. He would not make us wonder when the new moon (month) is, because it is at a time when everyone in the world can see it clearly to worship Him. Some people believe it's every full moon in this case, but I do not believe that a month should start when the moon is waning. So again, for me today 11-09-2024 in the pagan calendar is the beginning of the month, then counting 6 days of work then rest on day 7 and so on until the next 1st quarter. My resting days are on wednesdays of pagan week this month. I also believe it is the beginning of the new year as most of the events in the bible reflects it happening in Africa, therefore I follow the common seasons in the South of Africa, where rainy seasons stop by pagan month of March, which again matches when the rain stopped during the flood on the 7th month in the days of Noah when the ark settled on Mount Ararat. This also matches the Day of Atonement followed by the Feast of Tabernacles in those days. For your research, there was an 8th day calendar in history. The bible speaks about the 8th day in few passages too. Also, The Creator would have not called light DAY in Genesis if it starts at sunset. He is not the author of confusion. Notice, darkness was first which indicates there was no moon. Then there was light, then evening came, then morning came, day one. 6 days of work, not 6 nights of work. On the first Sabbath, the two great lights are present, as well as all His creatures are resting and worshipping, that is when the Sun gives its 7th portion of light to the Moon during the full moon, during the day. The first day of the month is a sign the Most High has given in order to start our counting of the days, that's why it is a High Sabbath, treated as a Sabbath but not a Sabbath of rest after 6 days of work. The lights in the firmament of the heaven are for signs, for seasons, and for days, and for years as it is written in Genesis 1 :14. The Most High gave us His creation to be observed to know what time it is, what day are we in, what season we are in and so on. May we all be guided to the only truth of The only Creator of the heavens and the earth, The Most High, The Holy One of Israel, The only Mighty One. May He gives us His Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding when we seek Him with all our hearts. And so be it!
This isn't news. I have been taught this at church since I was a child. The calendar was a lunar calendar. Christ was born at the beginning of the year. Spring is a symbol of rebirth and Christ was also killed at the same time of year as he was born. April 6th. He rose again and was reborn. Thus, everything testifies of Christ.
We don't celebrate Christmas in our house because of the Jeremiah 10: 1-5 . Most people are fast to say that it specifically only refers to carving little idols out of wood, but that isn't what is stated in the kjv. That is what most people had up until the last twenty years or so. So why wouldn't that mean exactly what it sounds like?
Re: Why we don't celebrate Christmas in our house Jer 10:1-5
Matt 5:28 Jesus says if you look at someone with lust you have already committed adultery in your heart.
Have you ever looked at someone with lust?
Rev 21:8 all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Btw have you ever told a lie; even a fib? Yup People need the Lord
Yet you have a profile picture...
I'm confused by the comments under yours so I'm going to ignore them lol. I've been really struggling with celebrating Christmas this year because I've always loved Christmas. I've been in prayer about it. It reminds me of my dad as it was his favorite holiday and he has now passed. However, I don't want to ever exist outside of the will of my Father. Sigh...
@@toastEDmrshmello09 Christmas is a celebration of renewal and hope.
Seriously sorry for your loss. May he RIP.
And may you find peace.
The dead aren't dead... Pray for him on Christmas day. His soul will love it
@@toastEDmrshmello09 Re: I don't want to exist outside the will of my Father
Jesus says if you have seen me you have seen the Father.
Jesus only ask of us one thing if we love him
John 14:15 Jesus says If ye love me, keep my commandments.
People need the Lord!