Noi, în cel Dintâi Război, am ajuns prin moarte noi, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români, am dat sânge şi sudoare pentru România Mare, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Am dat viaţă şi soldaţi, pentru-o patrie de fraţi, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! am dat fapta, am dat zisa, de la Nistru pân-la Tisa. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Dar pe urmă-n patruzeci, anul marii făr’delegi, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! două fiare ne-au muşcat, Ultimatum şi Diktat. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Biata lume nu ştia că-ntr-o zi, la Moscova, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! au semnat un pact neghiob Molotov şi Ribbentrop. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Iar fascismul mondial ne-a luat parte din Ardeal Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! şi lui Horthy i l-a dat, fi-le-ar numele spurcat! Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Stalin, cu teroarea sa, ne-a luat Basarabia Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! şi, cu Hitler în acord, Bucovina de la nord. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Ăi mai mari tâlhari ne-au frânt, ne-au luat ţară şi pământ, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! nimenea n-a auzit plânsul nostru răstignit. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Astfel am intrat şi noi în al doilea război, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! haideţi, dom’ne Mareşal, în Moldova şi-n Ardeal! Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Noi de dor de noi luptam, pentru ţară, pentru neam, pentru vechile hotare, pentru România Mare. Şi-am pierdut şi-am fost răpuşi şi-am fost ocupaţi de ruşi, aliaţii au tăcut, Stalin a făcut ce-a vrut. Şi-am murit de mii de ori, s-avem iarăşi Trei Culori, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! şi-am plătit cât nu se poate sfânta noastră libertate. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Ţara-i mică, vremea-i grea, ce-o mai fi om mai vedea, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! de uitat, nu vom uita ţara noastră cum e ea. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Cât o fi român - român, pruncul va primi la sân Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! adevăru-adevărat despre tot ce s-a-ntâmplat. Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români! Ţine minte, fiul meu, că există Dumnezeu, uite cum a fost şi cum va fi, şi un jurământ te leagă, ţara noastră nu-i întreagă, însă asta doar până-ntr-o zi! Când vei fi şi tu bărbat, să te simţi mereu soldat, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români, pentru vechile hotare, pentru România Mare, Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
After retreat of Roman Empire from Dacia in 256, many come (barbaric people) and many go. But after almost 2000 years we are still here, today we romanians are proud by our latin blood. Ave Italia !
@@koooookiiiiiib12y Learn the definition of ethnicity - language literally is part of it and it being Latin and so most our traditions, culture and identity makes us clearly Latin
Love from Bulgaria, I am hopeful you do not recognize us as ''snakes'' due to the treaty of Craiova, I hope you understand that the majority of that land was Bulgarian with very little Vlachs and that we simply wanted to unite our country into one, just like you. The annexation of Bessarbia, Bucovina and Northern Transylvania, majority Romanian territory (even if they had notable minorities) was unfair to most of the people living there. God damn Communisum for what it has done to us and I hope we have a european future, together!
Cadrilater was always your land, everything under the Danube was always Bulgarian. Just like Transilvania was always Geto-Dacian land even before the Magyar tribes arrived ! We're not going to let the Bruxelles regime dictate us !
no,the treaty was illegal and a type of declaration of war. Romanians have lived in the balkans from a very long time .aromanins istroromanians,etc. and have been killed and persecuted by nations like greece serbia and bulgaria. Spared by noone. ALSo if you weren't snakes then why did you rape romanian women and kill men and stole everything the poor people had. also destroyed religous painting to make romanian people suffer. romania cede the land so it could join the axis. not because they wanted to give your '' rightful land '' back. If they wouldnt have done it, they would have been demolished.
If the Cadrilater îs YOURS, why you needed Stalin and Hitler to BLACKMAIL us? No, that land belongs to Dacia also because Saint Andrew preached the Gospel there together with all Dobroudja, all called Scythia Minor.
Epic song ngl. As a Ukrainian I think the Tchernivtsi and Izmaïl (Budjak) should return to Romania so that their people will be united but imo Transnistria should become Ukraine because it was apart of Ukraine during the Kingdom of Romania 🇺🇦🤝🇲🇩🇷🇴
It's so nice to hear that from Ukrainians... Thanks you so much. I respect a lot people like you. You will always have a friend and an ally in Romania! God save Ukraine! And God save Kingdom of Romania! 🇷🇴🇺🇦
@@KyriosdotTame is not good to say this , but I see your point , we really go into savage mode when is about our land , we still dream to our Basarabia , much love from me ❤❤❤❤❤❤
You should thank God someone stole it before romanians gave it away for free... Seriously now, if a wallet is on the pavement and 10 ppl stop and watch it without touching it can you blame the 11th for picking it up and going about his business?
andreeace4894 cred ca ai o nevoie disperata de o infuzie de intelect daca nu ai observat inca principala caracteristica a romanului. Iepuras, negarea realitati nu schimba realitatea ci doar confirma ineptitudinea celui ce o face. Observarea si recunoasterea realitatii nu este o insulta .... tatueaza-ti asta pe frunte ca ti-se potriveste ca o manusa--> " Mai bine să-ți ții gura închisă și să pari prost decât să o deschizi și să elimini orice îndoială."
Dragalaso.Ai probleme la gulie. Te bagi un seama și pe urma te întrebi de ce iti iau oamenii neamu la ..rand. vezi-ti de treaba si nu mai provoca oamenii. Daca nu esti capabila sa accepti o opinie diferită meri in m*m* si canta la alta masa ca suntem satui de *zdr* toante cu gura mare si super sensibile. Mă doare direct la 10 m de carioca de conturile tale ... Vezi-ti de treaba sau accepta consecintele. Apropos in raspunsul meu am fost gingaș asa ca nu forța nota sa vezi cum arata un raspuns asa cum meriti. Panaramă.
It literally breaks my heart ot see the word "ocroteste" translated as "spare". Please correct it, it means "protect", and the song should be called "God, potect the Romanians". Source: I'm Romanian))) P.S: There's also little changes and corrections that could be done to improve the translation as well, here's the full list (in case you care): During the First World War, We became through death ourselves, God, protect the Romanians! We gave blood and sweat For Greater Romania! God, protect the Romanians! We gave our life and soldiers For a homeland of brothers God, protect the Romanians! We gave deeds, we gave words From the Dniester to the Tisza! God, protect the Romanians! But then, in the 40', The year of big lawlessness God, protect the Romanians! Two Great Beasts bit us: Ultimatum and Diktat God, protect the Romanians! The poor world didn't know That one day in Moscow God, protect the Romanians! An idiotic pact was signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop God, protect the Romanians! So, the Great Fascism Stole a part of Transilvania God, protect the Romanians! And gave it to Horty, Curse his filthy name! God, protect the Romanians! Stalin and his Great Terror Took our Bessarabia God, protect the Romanians! And, with Hitler's approval The North of Bucovina God, protect the Romanians! The big thieves hurt us then, They took our country and our land God, protect the Romanians! No one heard Our crucified cry God, protect the Romanians! Thus, we entered the second World War God, protect the Romanians! Come on, Mr. Marshall In Moldova and Transilvania! God, protect the Romanians! We fought for the nostalgia of us, For our country, for our nation God, protect the Romanians! For the old borders, For the Greater Romania! God, protect the Romanians! And we lost and were repressed, We were occupied by russians God, protect the Romanians! The Allies kept quiet Stalin did what he wanted God, protect the Romanians! And we died thousands of times To have three colors once again God, protect the Romanians! And we paid more than it's possible For our sacred freedom God, protect the Romanians! The country's small, times are hard What happens next, we shall see God, protect the Romanians! We will never forget Our country as it is! God, protect the Romanians! While the romanian remains romanian, The child will be always told God, protect the Romanians! The real truth ABout everything that happened God, protect the Romanians! Remember, my son That God does exist God, protect the Romanians! And a vow bonds you Our country isn't whole Until one day... When you'll become a man as well, Always feel like a soldier God, protect the Romanians! For the old borders! For the Greater Romania! God, protect the Romanians! For the old borders! For the Greater Romania! God, protect the Romanians! P.S.S: Still, great job indeed with the video and the sync!
The translation is wrong: The meaning of the words are „God, protect the romanians”, not „God, spare the romanians”. „Spare” has a totally different meaning. The idea was good, though.
Thank you all for getting this video to 100k views! I honestly didn't expect this failed summer project to reach the numbers it did but I'm very happy it did. To answer some repetitive comments on this video and on the other one: The translation is not 100% verbatim because I translated it without Google translate to convey the same meaning in English that it has in Romanian. I probably won't be making any more videos anytime soon because of University, so don't expect anything. And lastly, I do not own anything in these videos. All I wanted was to make my own variations of songs I like in a style I enjoy and to have the original songs reach more people. If someone wants to use anything from my videos, you have my permission to do whatever you want. That's all, thank you again and seeya! - Vodkaman
It was USSR not Russia, so no need to be sorry to Romania, but we romanians in Moldova are sadly being threatned to be taken by Russia and kremlin region
With love, to all Bulgarians...In the memory of September 7, 1940. Craiova. The day and place when you succeded your best achievement. To turn ALL your neighbours against you, including here the ones who helped you gain your independece from the Turks, where even the Russians couldn't... Thanks for helping us to decide who should we support in the future! If we had some doubts before about this matter, now everything became clear!! 🇷🇴🇷🇸🤜🤜🤜🤜🇧🇬
@@historiamilitaris5161Yes, we are! And we should never let this legacy die, but endure over years, dacades and even centuries! Long live the Entente!🇷🇴🇷🇴🇨🇵🇨🇵🇬🇧🇬🇧🇮🇹🇮🇹🇷🇸🇷🇸🇬🇷🇬🇷🇨🇿🇨🇿
@@historiamilitaris5161 I'm glad we could help you! As I said, you are part of the great Entente family! Our country does not abandon its allies! My paternal great-grandfather fought in your country, and then returned on foot to Romania. Unfortunately, we ended the war with some territories occupied by our neighbors. Even today, we have not reunified all our lands and this upsets us a lot. But we are still with you, and I hope that our countries will always be able to rely on mutual support! Long live the Entente!🤗🤗
@tinaa___08 you don't have to include vlahi, that's the name the germanic gave to us, cuz that's their word for "foreigner" or smt like that, we are not vlahs anymore Also tf you mean Serbs killed romanians, when, how long ago, and does it even matter For example, germans killed romanians in ww1 and other wars before that, does it matter anymore? No, completely different government and other factors makes it that it dose not matter
Romania got that land after it helped the other Balkan countries contain Bulgarian expansion during the 2nd Balkan war. It was never ours and it didn't contain many Romanian people compared to Basarabia and North Transilvania.
Romania has never been an expansionist country, it has not waged battles of conquest but only of defense since ancient times (being at the center of 3 powers: Russian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian), therefore it had no desire to borders other than those in which there were Romanians and Romanian land. Southern Dobrogea was only an ambition in which there were only 6000 Romanians, predominantly Bulgarians and Turks/Tatars.
@@iamtag not even an ambition, it was punishment to Bulgaria for waging a war with it's own allies during the first Balkan war. It made perfect sense for them to get it back eventually.
De fapt Romania a fost ocupata de fronturile 3 si 4 Ucrainiene din armata sovietica. Faradelegile facute in Romania atunci nu au fost facute de rusi ci de ucrainieni.
În al doilia război balcanic Noi ca Români am făcut o greșeală ca am anexat Cadrilaterul,Recunostem ca el aparține Bulgariei,cum cred ca si Bulgari recunosc ca Basarabia și Bucovina de nord aparțin României,sincere salutari din România pentru frați noștri Bulgari
Cadrilaterul avea o populatie majoritar turca in 1940. Daca Bulgaria avea senzatia ca acest teritoriu i se cuvine, atunci trebuia organizat referendum, iar populatia sa decida in ce tara vor sa ramana, nu sa dea fuga la Hitler sa-l roage sa-i ajute sa ne ia o parte din teritoriul national. Turcii majoritari acceptasera administratia romaneasca, si preferau Romania in defavoarea Bulgariei, din simplul fapt ca noi tratam mai bine minoritatile si dezvoltasem economic zona mult mai mult decat bulgarimea. Eu nu sunt de acord cu afirmatia conform careia Cadrilaterul ar apartine Bulgariei si sub nicio forma bulgarii nu sunt fratii nostri.
@@radaniculescu6761 Dacă cineva îți intra cu forța in casa și nu mai pleacă din casa ta asta înseamnă că acea casa nu mai e a ta? asa sa întâmplat cu Bulgaria a fost pașalc turcesc asta nu înseamnă că teritorii care locuiesc populatie tucrca nu ii aparține, știm foarte bine ca marile imperi practicau aducerea de coloniști pe noile posesiuni
@@vasilespac8095 Bun. Daca mergem pe principiul asta, inseamna ca tracii latinizati de cucerirea romana, stramosii nostri, au locuit pe acele teritorii inainte de venirea proto-bulgarilor din stepele pontice. Deci bulgarii sunt primii care au intrat cu forta in casa altcuiva.🤔
@@stratonikisporcia8630ardeal is a Celtic word for country or land. Celts used to inhabit these lands with us Romanians and we had a slight influence from them such as this word .
@@BalkanVlach what about you stopped the ''we borrowed everything from others'' false slogan? Ce-ar fi sa te opresti cu lozinca de tipul ''am imprumutat totul de la altii''
Ocroteste-i se traduce cu protect, not spare. God protects, is not the bad guy to spare. Ocroteste-i translates as protect, not spare. God protects, is not the bad guy to spare.
0:57 It’s “ultima tu și dictat” not “ultimatum și dictat” Therefore in English it should be “last one you even dictated” ( the last one is communism) not “ultimatum and diktat”
@@jan_Soje Same for me for communism. I hate it and still like some red choir songs like Katyusha. I think if you seek God He will respond to you. Thanks to God our country is religious, We still have strong morals in contrast to Western European nations, even if the EU doesn’t like it and try to push its agenda on us God bless you
This is NOT the map of ROMANIA!!!That part with Hungary flag is ROMANIAN'S too !!! Don't make such confusions because it hearts our People!!!ROMANIA is ONE and INDIVIZIBLE Country! Try to document first and than writes about it!!!
Noi, în cel Dintâi Război,
am ajuns prin moarte noi,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români,
am dat sânge şi sudoare
pentru România Mare,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Am dat viaţă şi soldaţi,
pentru-o patrie de fraţi,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
am dat fapta, am dat zisa,
de la Nistru pân-la Tisa.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Dar pe urmă-n patruzeci,
anul marii făr’delegi,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
două fiare ne-au muşcat,
Ultimatum şi Diktat.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Biata lume nu ştia
că-ntr-o zi, la Moscova,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
au semnat un pact neghiob
Molotov şi Ribbentrop.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Iar fascismul mondial
ne-a luat parte din Ardeal
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
şi lui Horthy i l-a dat,
fi-le-ar numele spurcat!
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Stalin, cu teroarea sa,
ne-a luat Basarabia
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
şi, cu Hitler în acord,
Bucovina de la nord.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Ăi mai mari tâlhari ne-au frânt,
ne-au luat ţară şi pământ,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
nimenea n-a auzit
plânsul nostru răstignit.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Astfel am intrat şi noi
în al doilea război,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
haideţi, dom’ne Mareşal,
în Moldova şi-n Ardeal!
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Noi de dor de noi luptam,
pentru ţară, pentru neam,
pentru vechile hotare,
pentru România Mare.
Şi-am pierdut şi-am fost răpuşi
şi-am fost ocupaţi de ruşi,
aliaţii au tăcut,
Stalin a făcut ce-a vrut.
Şi-am murit de mii de ori,
s-avem iarăşi Trei Culori,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
şi-am plătit cât nu se poate
sfânta noastră libertate.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Ţara-i mică, vremea-i grea,
ce-o mai fi om mai vedea,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
de uitat, nu vom uita
ţara noastră cum e ea.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Cât o fi român - român,
pruncul va primi la sân
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
despre tot ce s-a-ntâmplat.
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Ţine minte, fiul meu,
că există Dumnezeu,
uite cum a fost şi cum va fi,
şi un jurământ te leagă,
ţara noastră nu-i întreagă,
însă asta doar până-ntr-o zi!
Când vei fi şi tu bărbat,
să te simţi mereu soldat,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români,
pentru vechile hotare,
pentru România Mare,
Doamne, ocroteşte-i pe români!
Cineva nostalgic din 2024?
habarnam c se intampla aici da ceva ciudat se intampla si parca am picat de retardat in toata povestea asta cu care nu am nici o treaba ...
@@webdesign-l6f XD
Nu esti Roman daca nu stii ce inseamna stema asta
Cam majoritatea. Suntem in prag de război, spiritul naționalist si iredentist pluteste in aer. Melodiile de genul ne ung pe suflet.
Love from Italy to my Latin brothers ❤️❤️❤️
After retreat of Roman Empire from Dacia in 256, many come (barbaric people) and many go.
But after almost 2000 years we are still here, today we romanians are proud by our latin blood.
Ave Italia !
romanians aren t latin,we only have a latin language
@@koooookiiiiiib12y Learn the definition of ethnicity - language literally is part of it and it being Latin and so most our traditions, culture and identity makes us clearly Latin
"The Allies kept quiet Stalin did what he wanted" that line goes incredibly hard
It really does, my country was a victim of it as well.
Hey, where you from?? @@cafekaskada9290
That is actually true
@@cafekaskada9290i think you are polish
And that would be true too
We were too busy becoming American vassal states
Love Romania from Chernivtsi
Thanks from Romania
Ukraine is an artificial country and nation
Si noi va iubim enorm, dragii nostri frati din Cernauti🙏💔
Cernauti și buceag pământ românesc 🇷🇴🤜🇺🇦💩💩
Cernauti pământ românesc
Long life RomaniA 🇷🇴 from Germany 🇩🇪 🫡🇷🇴
@@donbach7950 ✋✋✋
@ i love Romania. We stand agaist Hungarian Fashism
love to romania from the united states, te salut
much love from Bulgaria! We are brothers and always will be!
Listening this from Serbia with my Romanian brothers on discord. Much love to our Romanian brothers
Doamne ocroteste Romania si Serbia !!
Într-o zi sper să vedem Yugoslavia unită
A noastră îi unirea, ai noștri sunt frații, Trăiască România, trăiască în veci trei culori
Love from Bulgaria, I am hopeful you do not recognize us as ''snakes'' due to the treaty of Craiova, I hope you understand that the majority of that land was Bulgarian with very little Vlachs and that we simply wanted to unite our country into one, just like you. The annexation of Bessarbia, Bucovina and Northern Transylvania, majority Romanian territory (even if they had notable minorities) was unfair to most of the people living there. God damn Communisum for what it has done to us and I hope we have a european future, together!
Cadrilater was always your land, everything under the Danube was always Bulgarian. Just like Transilvania was always Geto-Dacian land even before the Magyar tribes arrived !
We're not going to let the Bruxelles regime dictate us !
Don't worry, we don't want territories that aren't ours. We just want Bessarabia and Bucovina. We wish our Bulgarian brothers all the best.
no,the treaty was illegal and a type of declaration of war. Romanians have lived in the balkans from a very long time .aromanins istroromanians,etc. and have been killed and persecuted by nations like greece serbia and bulgaria. Spared by noone. ALSo if you weren't snakes then why did you rape romanian women and kill men and stole everything the poor people had. also destroyed religous painting to make romanian people suffer. romania cede the land so it could join the axis. not because they wanted to give your '' rightful land '' back. If they wouldnt have done it, they would have been demolished.
If the Cadrilater îs YOURS, why you needed Stalin and Hitler to BLACKMAIL us? No, that land belongs to Dacia also because Saint Andrew preached the Gospel there together with all Dobroudja, all called Scythia Minor.
Epic song ngl. As a Ukrainian I think the Tchernivtsi and Izmaïl (Budjak) should return to Romania so that their people will be united but imo Transnistria should become Ukraine because it was apart of Ukraine during the Kingdom of Romania 🇺🇦🤝🇲🇩🇷🇴
Well you definitely lose in that deal but if you're okay with it 🤷
Really what about romanians being persecuted by your nation you are the same a urss even worser
@@alexandrupetrescu-qp7km you are a fool & don't represent the will of Romanians !
It's so nice to hear that from Ukrainians... Thanks you so much. I respect a lot people like you. You will always have a friend and an ally in Romania! God save Ukraine! And God save Kingdom of Romania! 🇷🇴🇺🇦
And yes, Romania doesn't want Transnistria, for sure! It is Ukrainian land!
I'm so glad I'm romanian🇹🇩
Doamne ai grijă de poporul român ortodox de aici și de pretutindeni!!Adu-i Doamne pe toți acasă să fim iarăși România Mare!!!
"Ocrotește-i" would more accurately be translated as "protect"
or.. if you feel wild, if you go to old Slavic, it means to tame / to calm down .. which might suggest we were total savages at one point? :)))))
@Kyriosdot what do you try to prove here, redditor?
@@KyriosdotTame is not good to say this , but I see your point , we really go into savage mode when is about our land , we still dream to our Basarabia , much love from me ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@countydude8654 just trying to do a joke i guess :))
Traiasca Romania! From Ukraine.
Gib bucovina and buceag back
@@alexandrupetrescu-qp7km Our government don't want give them back to romania. But they are imbeciles.
Return Bukovina and Budjak. They belong to Romania
As long as Romanians have minority rights
@@9_9876no they don't
I can’t do nothing about this because I live in for years in USA so I’m a refugee just like you in Bulgaria !❤
This song is sad and historical.
It shows the history of Romania and how it was stolen and destroyed in the past.
Stay strong Romania!
You should thank God someone stole it before romanians gave it away for free... Seriously now, if a wallet is on the pavement and 10 ppl stop and watch it without touching it can you blame the 11th for picking it up and going about his business?
andreeace4894 cred ca ai o nevoie disperata de o infuzie de intelect daca nu ai observat inca principala caracteristica a romanului. Iepuras, negarea realitati nu schimba realitatea ci doar confirma ineptitudinea celui ce o face. Observarea si recunoasterea realitatii nu este o insulta .... tatueaza-ti asta pe frunte ca ti-se potriveste ca o manusa--> " Mai bine să-ți ții gura închisă și să pari prost decât să o deschizi și să elimini orice îndoială."
andreeace4894 panaramă
Dragalaso.Ai probleme la gulie. Te bagi un seama și pe urma te întrebi de ce iti iau oamenii neamu la ..rand. vezi-ti de treaba si nu mai provoca oamenii. Daca nu esti capabila sa accepti o opinie diferită meri in m*m* si canta la alta masa ca suntem satui de *zdr* toante cu gura mare si super sensibile. Mă doare direct la 10 m de carioca de conturile tale ... Vezi-ti de treaba sau accepta consecintele. Apropos in raspunsul meu am fost gingaș asa ca nu forța nota sa vezi cum arata un raspuns asa cum meriti. Panaramă.
andreeace4894😂 vai de capu tau! 😂?bleamba ?
This is a nice, catchy tune!
Trăiască România Mare, Trăiască Serbia Mare. Suntem frați până la capăt🇷🇸❤️🇷🇴
Živela Srbija 🇷🇴❤️🔥🇷🇸☦️💪
We love Serbia too from Romania 🇷🇴
Kosovo Je Srbija
From Transylvania❤❤❤
Doamne ajută ca să ne recuperam teritoriile pierdute
Traiasca Romania Mare!!! Asa sa ne ajute Dumnezeu!!
Iubește România! de la frații tăi din Occident!
Timoc, pământ românesc
@@9_9876 hai gata sau vrei sa zici ca muscopole și tot Balcanii sunt pământ românesc
@@alexandrupetrescu-qp7km ar fi bine da 👍
God spare the Romanians! 🇹🇳 ❤️ 🇷🇴
It literally breaks my heart ot see the word "ocroteste" translated as "spare".
Please correct it, it means "protect", and the song should be called "God, potect the Romanians".
Source: I'm Romanian)))
P.S: There's also little changes and corrections that could be done to improve the translation as well, here's the full list (in case you care):
During the First World War,
We became through death ourselves,
God, protect the Romanians!
We gave blood and sweat
For Greater Romania!
God, protect the Romanians!
We gave our life and soldiers
For a homeland of brothers
God, protect the Romanians!
We gave deeds, we gave words
From the Dniester to the Tisza!
God, protect the Romanians!
But then, in the 40',
The year of big lawlessness
God, protect the Romanians!
Two Great Beasts bit us:
Ultimatum and Diktat
God, protect the Romanians!
The poor world didn't know
That one day in Moscow
God, protect the Romanians!
An idiotic pact was signed by
Molotov and Ribbentrop
God, protect the Romanians!
So, the Great Fascism
Stole a part of Transilvania
God, protect the Romanians!
And gave it to Horty,
Curse his filthy name!
God, protect the Romanians!
Stalin and his Great Terror
Took our Bessarabia
God, protect the Romanians!
And, with Hitler's approval
The North of Bucovina
God, protect the Romanians!
The big thieves hurt us then,
They took our country and our land
God, protect the Romanians!
No one heard
Our crucified cry
God, protect the Romanians!
Thus, we entered the second World War
God, protect the Romanians!
Come on, Mr. Marshall
In Moldova and Transilvania!
God, protect the Romanians!
We fought for the nostalgia of us,
For our country, for our nation
God, protect the Romanians!
For the old borders,
For the Greater Romania!
God, protect the Romanians!
And we lost and were repressed,
We were occupied by russians
God, protect the Romanians!
The Allies kept quiet
Stalin did what he wanted
God, protect the Romanians!
And we died thousands of times
To have three colors once again
God, protect the Romanians!
And we paid more than it's possible
For our sacred freedom
God, protect the Romanians!
The country's small, times are hard
What happens next, we shall see
God, protect the Romanians!
We will never forget
Our country as it is!
God, protect the Romanians!
While the romanian remains romanian,
The child will be always told
God, protect the Romanians!
The real truth
ABout everything that happened
God, protect the Romanians!
Remember, my son
That God does exist
God, protect the Romanians!
And a vow bonds you
Our country isn't whole
Until one day...
When you'll become a man as well,
Always feel like a soldier
God, protect the Romanians!
For the old borders!
For the Greater Romania!
God, protect the Romanians!
For the old borders!
For the Greater Romania!
God, protect the Romanians!
P.S.S: Still, great job indeed with the video and the sync!
Spare = miluieste / ocroteste / ai grija de
Spare se utilizeaza mai mult ca "scapa-i", in opinia mea, "protect" s-ar potrivi mai mult.
Spare = miluieste in prim plan. a scapa pe cineva = save someone / escape them / bail them.@@shadowsandsignals
@@shadowsandsignals asa este, a ocroti inseamna a proteja si nu a milui!
Romania was the poland of the balkans.
Romania is not in the balkan
@@gooddude1445 huh
@@gooddude1445 technically yes
@@gooddude1445 it has both a balkan culture and dobrogea takes part in the balkan peninsula.
The translation is wrong: The meaning of the words are „God, protect the romanians”, not „God, spare the romanians”. „Spare” has a totally different meaning. The idea was good, though.
Spare means to let smeone live i think
Thank you all for getting this video to 100k views!
I honestly didn't expect this failed summer project to reach the numbers it did but I'm very happy it did.
To answer some repetitive comments on this video and on the other one: The translation is not 100% verbatim because I translated it without Google translate to convey the same meaning in English that it has in Romanian.
I probably won't be making any more videos anytime soon because of University, so don't expect anything.
And lastly, I do not own anything in these videos. All I wanted was to make my own variations of songs I like in a style I enjoy and to have the original songs reach more people. If someone wants to use anything from my videos, you have my permission to do whatever you want.
That's all, thank you again and seeya!
- Vodkaman
We're sorry.
what for? i'm sorry
In the ww1 Russia was ally of Romania communism just destroyd all
Doesn't matter💀
@@EduardPatlagean You don't matter.
It was USSR not Russia, so no need to be sorry to Romania, but we romanians in Moldova are sadly being threatned to be taken by Russia and kremlin region
Petru România mare 🇷🇴❤️
With love, to all Bulgarians...In the memory of September 7, 1940. Craiova. The day and place when you succeded your best achievement. To turn ALL your neighbours against you, including here the ones who helped you gain your independece from the Turks, where even the Russians couldn't... Thanks for helping us to decide who should we support in the future! If we had some doubts before about this matter, now everything became clear!!
Legacy of the Little Entente
@@historiamilitaris5161Yes, we are! And we should never let this legacy die, but endure over years, dacades and even centuries! Long live the Entente!🇷🇴🇷🇴🇨🇵🇨🇵🇬🇧🇬🇧🇮🇹🇮🇹🇷🇸🇷🇸🇬🇷🇬🇷🇨🇿🇨🇿
@@radaniculescu6761 My country was liberated by soldiers of King Michael I. We will never forget their sacrifice!
@@historiamilitaris5161 I'm glad we could help you! As I said, you are part of the great Entente family! Our country does not abandon its allies! My paternal great-grandfather fought in your country, and then returned on foot to Romania. Unfortunately, we ended the war with some territories occupied by our neighbors. Even today, we have not reunified all our lands and this upsets us a lot. But we are still with you, and I hope that our countries will always be able to rely on mutual support! Long live the Entente!🤗🤗
The Greater Romania was my grandparents home until 1940 Bulgaria, hungary and the soviet union takes some parts from my country
🇷🇴🇲🇩🇷🇸 Name a better trio
România, Basarabia și TIMOC. Nu avem nimic cu sârbi
Bucovina și cadrilater ce zici mizerie turca
Serbia kill***d Romanians(Vlahi) so no
And Bulgaria
@tinaa___08 you don't have to include vlahi, that's the name the germanic gave to us, cuz that's their word for "foreigner" or smt like that, we are not vlahs anymore
Also tf you mean Serbs killed romanians, when, how long ago, and does it even matter
For example, germans killed romanians in ww1 and other wars before that, does it matter anymore? No, completely different government and other factors makes it that it dose not matter
La Multi Ani Romania!
God save the Romanians, not spare.
The only country that I like more than Russia 💙💛❤
Romănia ❤❤🇷🇴
Ce frumos cântec.
România ❤🙏
Didn’t Bulgaria also take a piece of South Dobruja? (Sorry if I spelled it wrong)
They did but the area was full of ethnic bulgarians so thats why I think the song doesnt mention it
it wasn't a national tragedy like Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania.
Romania got that land after it helped the other Balkan countries contain Bulgarian expansion during the 2nd Balkan war. It was never ours and it didn't contain many Romanian people compared to Basarabia and North Transilvania.
Romania has never been an expansionist country, it has not waged battles of conquest but only of defense since ancient times (being at the center of 3 powers: Russian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian), therefore it had no desire to borders other than those in which there were Romanians and Romanian land. Southern Dobrogea was only an ambition in which there were only 6000 Romanians, predominantly Bulgarians and Turks/Tatars.
@@iamtag not even an ambition, it was punishment to Bulgaria for waging a war with it's own allies during the first Balkan war. It made perfect sense for them to get it back eventually.
ROMÂNIA🇹🇩🤩 ❤❤❤
Moldova 🇲🇩🤩❤️❤️
Rusia 🇷🇺🚫🚫🚫😡
De fapt Romania a fost ocupata de fronturile 3 si 4 Ucrainiene din armata sovietica. Faradelegile facute in Romania atunci nu au fost facute de rusi ci de ucrainieni.
ROMÂNIA 🇷🇴 ❤❤❤❤
Moldova 🇲🇩❤️🔥😍❤️🔥❤️🔥😍
Україна 🇺🇦❤❤❤❤❤❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥😘😘🥰🫶
Московія 😒💔🙄💩
@iris6332 , Германский Рейх 🥵🥵🥵🥵😏😏😏😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️✡️✡️🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱🇮🇱.
FROM ROMANIA 🇷🇴 CONCEPT !!! Love me or fuck you !!!
My country history is for sure your reality!!! Check more snake brother “””!!!!
Te iubesc din ungaria.
Tare romania mare💙💛❤️😎🤑👑🐺💯💪👍💙💛❤️
Acest cântec te învață toată istoria eu am studiat și prin cântec o retrăiesc ❤❤❤❤❤
Change Spare with Protect. Spare sounds like God slaughters us all. lol
May Romanian Glory and monarchy return one day!
Finally a man of culture and inteligence! May God bless you! From a Romanian!
It’s not “spare” it’s “protect”
Sună ca “ sus pe malul Nistrului”
da, este cintec simmilar
În al doilia război balcanic Noi ca Români am făcut o greșeală ca am anexat Cadrilaterul,Recunostem ca el aparține Bulgariei,cum cred ca si Bulgari recunosc ca Basarabia și Bucovina de nord aparțin României,sincere salutari din România pentru frați noștri Bulgari
Mai taci cu linsul asta o sa spui ca și turcii am făcut o greșeală ca am luptat cu ei
Amuzant ia zi cat te plateste SRI-u?
Cadrilaterul avea o populatie majoritar turca in 1940. Daca Bulgaria avea senzatia ca acest teritoriu i se cuvine, atunci trebuia organizat referendum, iar populatia sa decida in ce tara vor sa ramana, nu sa dea fuga la Hitler sa-l roage sa-i ajute sa ne ia o parte din teritoriul national. Turcii majoritari acceptasera administratia romaneasca, si preferau Romania in defavoarea Bulgariei, din simplul fapt ca noi tratam mai bine minoritatile si dezvoltasem economic zona mult mai mult decat bulgarimea. Eu nu sunt de acord cu afirmatia conform careia Cadrilaterul ar apartine Bulgariei si sub nicio forma bulgarii nu sunt fratii nostri.
@@radaniculescu6761 Dacă cineva îți intra cu forța in casa și nu mai pleacă din casa ta asta înseamnă că acea casa nu mai e a ta? asa sa întâmplat cu Bulgaria a fost pașalc turcesc asta nu înseamnă că teritorii care locuiesc populatie tucrca nu ii aparține, știm foarte bine ca marile imperi practicau aducerea de coloniști pe noile posesiuni
@@vasilespac8095 Bun. Daca mergem pe principiul asta, inseamna ca tracii latinizati de cucerirea romana, stramosii nostri, au locuit pe acele teritorii inainte de venirea proto-bulgarilor din stepele pontice. Deci bulgarii sunt primii care au intrat cu forta in casa altcuiva.🤔
Triasca România ❤
Ardeal is the name of the intracarpathian region, not the bogus term 'Transylvania', coined up by the Vatican.
Still better to use the latin name than "Erd*ly"
@@stratonikisporcia8630ardeal is a Celtic word for country or land. Celts used to inhabit these lands with us Romanians and we had a slight influence from them such as this word .
@@stratonikisporcia8630 some butthurt hungaroid here, huh
@@BalkanVlach what about you stopped the ''we borrowed everything from others'' false slogan?
Ce-ar fi sa te opresti cu lozinca de tipul ''am imprumutat totul de la altii''
@@sirius4518 ce să împrumutăm? Așa limbile sunt bă, îți place sau nu Ardeal e un nume celtic care noi folosim.
Poate ar trebui să răsune din nou melodia asta în boxe, când ne așteaptă fascismul...
4:23 Amin!
Where were you when romanians invented rock music
Doamne Ajută să ne luăm pământurile înapoi și să refacem România Mare
În india e romania mare
Ocrotește îi spare??
Edit: nu e mai degrabă protect?
I'll bet they made Andrew Tate listen to this song on repeate for hours
sorry from hungary
Transylvania still ours
@@menace_to_society719 ?
@@menace_to_society719 Nu a fost, nu este și nu va fi a voastră.
Trăiască România Mare!
Do not worry my Magyar friend,IT was all in the past.
The past is in the past now and there are no borders between us (if you're coming by plane or by boat😂)
sa pun pe alaram cantecul asta?
@@nordik28 ori ăsta ori "Fie să renască"
🇷🇴 🤜 🇷🇺 🇭🇺 ♿️
Voi neati dat :))
Tresca romnia
Ocroteste-i se traduce cu protect, not spare. God protects, is not the bad guy to spare. Ocroteste-i translates as protect, not spare. God protects, is not the bad guy to spare.
Timoc e România
@@9_9876 no.Bassarabia is Romania,Kosovo and Timoc is Serbia
It’s “ultima tu și dictat” not “ultimatum și dictat”
Therefore in English it should be “last one you even dictated” ( the last one is communism) not “ultimatum and diktat”
Este corect "ultimatul si dictat". Invata putina istorie. Stie ce este un ultimatum? Stii ce este un dictat?
why are all coments in Romanian🤣?
Maybe because it's a romanian song?
Ma intreb de ce.
Asta trebuia să fie la eurovision
Această traducere nu are greșeală
dadadad ia romania
it's actually god lead the romanians not spare the romanians
Hungary 1918:
Although I’m not Romanian, an atheist and anti-nationalism, I still love this song
rusine sa ti fie
@@emag69420what part of that comment are you shaming me for
@@jan_Soje atheist and anti nationalist
@@emag69420 I see, although I view both nationalism and religion as foolish beliefs, I will respect your opinions
Same for me for communism. I hate it and still like some red choir songs like Katyusha.
I think if you seek God He will respond to you. Thanks to God our country is religious, We still have strong morals in contrast to Western European nations, even if the EU doesn’t like it and try to push its agenda on us
God bless you
No ussr
This is NOT the map of ROMANIA!!!That part with Hungary flag is ROMANIAN'S too !!! Don't make such confusions because it hearts our People!!!ROMANIA is ONE and INDIVIZIBLE Country! Try to document first and than writes about it!!!
De ce furi de la alti?
Am dat credite în descriere și cel de la care m-am inspirat a și comentat, spunând că e ok 👉🏻👉🏻
Poate găsește muzici random
Doamne’nțelepțește-i pe români!
Călin Georgescu presedinte! 🙏
Cretinule ala e ceausescu 2.0 stai dracu acasa nu merge la vot ca esti batut in cap.
Greetings for Romani people
Romani= european gypsy ( indiands ) , Say Români (yes this sound diferent in Romanian) or Romanians in english.
@@leonardigno898 everyone hates us romanians and we hate everyone back
Bravo stalin pentru elibarea basarabiei!!!
Ce vorbești măi
@@moldovanfieldmarshal6313 uniunea sovietica a salvar basarabia de sub jugul romaniei
Ce eliberare? A omorât și a deportat in jurul a 2 milioane de români,a distrus biserici,a cotropit orașe și a schimbat românii cu rușii
Esti bou? stalin a ocupat pamantul Romanesc Basarabia!
Spală putina!
Skill issue tbh
Your life is based on a skill issue
Budapest 1919
Du-te la dracu!
@alexandrupetrescu-qp7km 🇷🇴🔥👑
hulyegyerek xd
@@R24368 It's actually România 😂
1919 ;)
There up, among the stars is the Sirius solar system, or a near alternative the Ural mountain chain, so if you chose.
Hey, do you have Discord? I want to ask you something
@@V24D24ND yep, theonewhohates777
Frumos cantare. Eu mis zimetate Ruman de la America. Tata o fost Ruman de la Yugoslavia.
Nothing is historically yours there
Says the one with the anime pfp😂
@@st3na4yt thats your argument
Nah bro ain't nobody with anime pfp talking about history, go back to your one piss
Dacia, elarn history before you comment