There's a creepy bad ending not mentioned in here, and one I experienced while playing it today. I got to hard Venom and battled Star Wolf, I had Slippy, Peppy, Falco, all there with me. One by one they all got gunned down during the fight, and I survived as the last one left. I went in against Andross and did what I had to do, then came out and of course not a single one of my teammates was waiting for me to congratulate me. So Fox is left looking all around the depths of space for his dad in silence. No banter, no dialogue, no one asking him what's wrong and him replying with nothing's wrong, not even Fox speaking aloud to himself. Just a long, awkward silence before he finally flies away alone. I'd say that should qualify.
Here's my interpretation of the 2 endings: Bad ending: Star Fox Team tries to avoid Andross' main space forces in Area 6 by attacking Bolse and entering Venom on airspace. However, Andross' noticed the attack and had enough time to prepare a cyborg clone and ultimately escapes to terrorize the Lylat system once again. Good ending: Star Fox Team got cocky because of their numerous sucesses in difficult missions. They are crazy enough to take on his defense forces and despite heavy resistance, they made it directly to Andross' hideout. Andross didn't suspected their bravery and was unprepared thus he faced his ultimate demise.
I was thinking the bad ending he put little resistance on one assuming the starfox fleet would take the easier route to his floating face clone so they would assume they won but would be taken by surprise in the future. To be completely honest, i dont think either is andross. If the developers were smart they would make another game where both were clones and andross was just a normal sized scientist with an actual BODY that goes on to create new advancements in his tech that completely outguns star Fox's team forcing the team to set out in search of rare resources to make the ultimate weapon to finally, once and for all defeat the real andross. Also considering peppy doesnt actually know about james mcclouds fate but assumed. It would be cool if fox was prisoner to andross, like his ship was caught and Andross just made it his prison cell. As well as james used the mad scientists advances to make a holi of his ship to guide his son out of certain death last game. Also technically you only defeated one boss so the other boss (the easy boss) should be reinvented with new weapons and tactics as a bodyguard of andross. Also they should make it to where between missions there is either conversations you can have or stuff you can build for new advancements of your ship. Obviously some customization considering Fox's wealth after the first war that you would be able to intermittently change whenever you please. Slippy becomes a better pilot and can actually hold his own, on top of that actually grew up a little bit so his voice doesnt sound like a girl. Peppy got old and took over the main ship which i currently forgot the name of (big fox?) While someone new took his place and had to prove his worth throughout the game. Preferable a loveable/laughable character that gamers would enjoy but the main character choose to hate until the end. New methods of fighting, not just tank and ship. Maybe a speed boat, or mech suit. The ability to choose between which one instead of being forced into it. Descriptions of the planets surface so you know what vehicle to use. More than one alternate ending like the original star fox game, but a couple more (if possible) training area that is more like a skirmish so fox and his team can train, giving the gamer the feel of fox preparing before the second war just incase something happened. More cutscenes just just these five second ones. And if not that. Make a fucking movie because im dying for more starfox
You know, now that i think about it, why not get a female fox as the replacement so theres a certain love aspect in the game. Maybe make her sweet but mean. Have a few missions after you save james so you can get to know the dad better and he can make wisecracks about fox and the newbie getting close, maybe talk about fox's mother
It’s strange you’d mention that, in the Nintendo Switch version of Starlink, Slippy asks if the Equinox has “Corniarian money”. Guess that’s the term until we find out what they use...
12:40 When I was playing this game on this part of the mission, I got a Rare Message from Peppy saying that he killed one but later realizing it was one of our allies. So funny. "I got one, wait! That was one of ours!" - Peppy
@@starentertainment-n4l But there is one thing that this and Star Wars has in common. The Judas in each situation becomes a robot. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, then loses his limbs, burns alive and is a robot. Pigma tries to make a profit, is assimulated with the Aparoids, fuses with a ship
My father died when i was 6 so you can imagine how the good ending hit me not much actually its weird because when i face a situation similar it makes me very apathetic, contrary what you'd think and i don't know if its just me or anyone is like that.
Personally I don't dislike Slippy. I found him to be a rather enjoyable character. His voice never got on my nerves and I could easily see someone inexperienced trying to be a hero in this situation.
I always thought it was creepy how if you die in Andros's layer nobody can hear fox scream but you. Also, the escape with James has to be one of the most epic moments ever in a video game!
One of my all-time favourites too :) People hate Slippy because he's always whining for you to get these guys off him- whether by RNG or intent, he is the worst pilot on the team, more skilled as an engineer (hey, he built the Blue Marine, a submarine that somehow carries infinite torpedoes!) than a pilot.
Americans frankly could not give a damn about people's merits and just care about what's happening in front of them. And Slippy screws up a lot in front of people.
"Americans frankly could not give a damn about people's merits and just care about what's happening in front of them." That's actually a good point. Doesn't change quite a bit of the bullshit people pull though.
WhiteFangofWhoa Because Slippy isn't a stereotypical engineering nerd and easily would seem to lie about how feminine he sounds. I've no problem with gays, only if they lie about it.
Hey, here's a detail for ya... In the true ending where you follow Fox's father, after Fox says "Nothing... Nothing's wrong", around the 40:30 mark, you can see a falling/flying star in the distance. It's a little hard to see in this video, but it's there. This falling star ONLY appears in the ending where James appear. Hinting/Signifying that is his father, probably his spirit, flying off. Isn't that interesting?
Huh. Well it turns out that in Star Fox 1, if you unlock "The Awesome Black Hole", Pepper will say it's where James disappeared! Could the star be James? if so, How did James get out of the Black Hole?
What if the protagonist's father is evil himself? Would he kill himself? If that happened, The Lego Ninjago Movie would have lasted for about 20 minutes.
That's a good question. In a lot of stories where the father, mother or both parents die, it has the kind of character that it's strong, brave, etc. And not only happens with parents, but with friends, siblings, etc. The common revenge of "I'll hurt/kill everyone you love, so you'll feel destroyed". Either the Villain's family or the Hero's family.
There was so much genius in this game. Not only did you really only lose when you died, but incomplete victories kept you coming back and trying. That they let you continue under damaged conditions made it feel like a real adventure too. It didn't just end when you didn't meet all of the objectives perfectly.
This isn't commonly known, but Mechbeth does technically have a grim mini-ending in a way. Basically what happens to get it is to wait out the boss battle and the train conductor (who's supposed to be a baboon btw) will say "You're taking too long, time to end this!" and then insta-kills you.
Wow. I never noticed that Great Fox's wing actually stays gone if it gets hit by a missile. Nice attention to detail there. Then again, I only played that mission once EVER. lol And I have to agree: the Star Wolf fight on Venom is EASILY the hardest fight in the game.
Star Wolf on Venom in the Normal mode is not that bad. Try it on Expert. I only beat it once and when I did, Falco, Peppy and Slippy were all gunned down.
On Sector X I once tried downing Slippy myself to avoid him getting knocked to Tirania but even if you kill him during the Sector X stage, he miraculously repairs his ship in time to get hit (I remember him having some line to explain his return and everything)
3DS version, I somehow bugged the game in Sector Z. I failed to destroy the missile, it hit Great Fox...I was two missiles my confusion when the triumphant music started. Great Fox's sparking model turns towards Area 6 and the game displays "Mission Accomplished." THE FUCK?
CybeastID happened to me as well on the n64 version. the only difference i noticed in sector 6 is that great fox doesn't provide back up fire on the 5 missiles
What, in my case in BOTH versions if 1 missile is not destroyed I always ended in Bolse, but instead I choose to waste a live to try again Sector Z, maybe as you say, it got glitched, bugged or whatever, I wonder how the glitch can be triggered...
I accidentally glitched the game on the 3DS version where I entered a boss but the health bar never showed up and I couldn’t kill them. I don’t exactly remember tho.
I had the exact opposite happen to me when I first played Sector Z on expert mode. I destroyed every missile, but one of them got just a biiiiit close. I destroyed it, but it regardless triggered the failure scene. It's best not to question these things sometimes.
14:19 Actually yes, the Karina level ending changed quite a bit depending on ships being destroyed. If you end the level without shooting down a single allied ship, Bill will say "I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox" and Fox will reply "You owe me one." and for every Cornerian ship shot down (be it by you or the enemies), there will be one less Cornerian ship flying behind you when you finish the level.
40:31 - Also, it's really hard to spot, but there's a _very_ faint purple spark that can be seen going across the background stars, implying that it really is James. (look at between the top fin and upper-left wing of the Great Fox)
I love how shamelessly Katina is just ripping off Independence Day. • Enemy ships are pretty much just the same as the alien ships from the movie. • Enemy Mothership has a Hyper Death Beam Spire in it's middle. • Fox's friend's first name is Bill, last name might possibly be Pullman.
First time I saw Independence Day, the first scene with the fighters I ran downstairs, grabbed my SF64 Player's Guide, and ran back to show my parents the near-identical ships
I find it odd that these are even considered "Mission Complete", because it's literally more like a complete failure of the mission... Star Fox doesn't manage to protect the allied base in Fichina and it gets completely destroyed, and Star Fox also completely fails to assist the allied fighters on Katina, getting them all killed
"Mission complete" is worse then "Accomplished", because there is no objective anymore. "Mission failed" would be too negative for the audience, so they made it just finish instead of kicking your ass literally saying "You failed. the base exploded and everyone died, great job".
Why I watch whoisthisgit? Good storytelling Good narrative Funny jokes Little to no grammar or spelling errors and a message about Lub Lub at the end of every video. Simple as that.
I remember the first time I played Sector Z. I ended up soft locking the game. I got down to the last set of missiles with one remaining. And immediately it triggered the cutscene that shows the missile about to hit the Great Fox. But I had done enough damage that the missile blew up after the cutscene triggered. As a result: The camera was stuck on Great Fox with enemies still flying around it, and music still playing. About a minute later; the codec conversation playing where Rob said "Great Fox is Ok", after that was done, the end level score screen showed. Then went back to the shot of the Great Fox on the side, still standing still. And the game was stuck from there. No response from the controller, but action kept happing in the background. It was so surreal.
Can we take a minute to talk about Andross' laugh in the 3DS version? Because it's shit. It's a literal "HAHAHA!", and turns the bad ending from something ominous to just, pure disappointment.
I love General Pepper's reaction when you get above 70000 credits while you are looking at the ending payment. Normally he will go: "This is one steep bill, but it's worth it." If you get above 70000 credits he will go: "WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAT?"
Git's content is always awesome and funny. I played this so much as a kid and found out all the different routes on my own! I feel like I accomplished something big🤣
Line for leaving no allies dead, Bill: "I'm glad were on the same team, Fox!" Fox: "You owe me one!" lolz, hardly worth the careful accuracy in all the chaos but makes you feel like an ace!
"Complete" means that you finished the mission not that you succesfully won "failed" means when you can't go any further besides you can retry the mission if you want ( even though it costs you a ship)
There's a good reason why I always go to Macbeth after Zoness. Well, technically three good reasons: 1. Sector Z is just a bad level. 2. You actually can get a better score if you trip the last searchlight right before the seabase but destroy every single searchlight before it. Untriggered searchlights are worth an extra hit, but triggering them spawns extra enemies at the seabase for you to kill. 3. Continuing the score run route, Macbeth is a better level for scoring in general.
I'm left wondering why SZ couldn't be more competently designed. It thinks to just spam Invader IIIs in general. Really, there should have been some Shogun Troopers here and there, so that there's some other interesting stuff to fight and permit approaching 150 points without retardation involving the Copperheads.
I didn't know that when playing Sector X & Slippy had already been gone he will just show up again right before the battle with the boss robot. It's too bad it isn't possible to go to Karina & Zoness in the same path, otherwise you could have both Bill & Kat flying with you during the ending, can you imagine a more triumphant looking ending, especially if you're defeated the true Andross at the end of the game? Also I personally think Andross is more threatening sounding in the original N64 version than the 3DS version
This game is a MASTERPIECE. Everything from the gameplay to the music, it's truly a game I remember fondly. My brother and I would always compete to see who could get the high score!😀😁
Yes, you're right. The no-friendlies down ending for Katina is satisfying in its own right but rather troublesome to get… and what about the medal along with this ending? SHEER HELL. Bill: I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox. Fox: You owe me one. --- THAT'S RIGHT! That's what you get! Look at you, ship all banged up! WHO'S THE MAN, HUH? WHO'S THE MAN? Victory for America! --- But you DO know about there being a softlock glitch on Venom II, right? If you're in a certain position ring when the trigger activates to send you into the cutscene for entering the bunker base, then you'll just be stuck circling and flying around the area, never to enter… yeah, THAT REALLY SUCKS and may as well be a bad ending, too.
Ik I'm so late but... I came up with a theory as a kid, I always thought that andross never really killed Fox's father James McCloud but he imprisoned him or that James did manage to escape behind Peppy after pigma betrayed them, however he kept it a secret and didn't tell his son or anyone else and we don't know the reason (all that assuming he was alive) however some people managed prpvetthat he was alive: 1- If you are left behind by James McCloud when he escapes the tunnel and you don't he will still fly around waiting for you 2-(STARFOX ZERO SPOILERS) After you defeat andross and start the escape andross is still following you and want you to perish with him after a while James Appears and tells you "You have to make it back to your friends Fox", then Fox says "Dad!", then andross says "Curse you James McCloud WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD?!" It can't be that both you and andross had the same illusion and after andross * EXPLODES * James says "You've become so strong Fox" it means James somehow escaped and Survived too
No one I know was playing this game besides me. I sucked at this game I was always on the easy route even when I completed the game. I’ve never seen a lot of this stuff. The Independence Day ship the extra boss in the first level I’m awestruck. Thanks for the upload
How about **sad** good or bad endings? It doesn't really fit the style but Sniper Elite 3 is a great example. You've finally got company by your side, Brauer, and just as you start to develop a friendship, he dies. You bury your last and only friend in the battlefield. It fucked me up, even though I'm someone who doesn't get connected to video game characters easily.
I like how in Sector Z, you basically unable to go to Area 6 if Great Fox is hit, because in that level, the Great Fox covers you from missile fire and from enemy warships (unless you ignore Rob and go for points like everyone does anyways).
I remember figuring all this out as a kid without any online guides or anything. Just by playing the game and missions over and over again. Replayability was very important back in the day without DLC to keep players invested. The game had to full at launch.
Creepy Bad Endings # 65:видео.html
So how come James McCloud has a normal name, but his son is named Fox? That's like your dad being named Bill and him naming you Human.
His original name was apparently Fox McCloud Sr.
Archer Bennington Not everyone has an species-themed name. For instance, Bill Grey and Dash Bowman (from that other game).
Guy and lady are names
That made me laugh more than it should have
Archer Bennington 'Fox' is a cool name. Maybe a very good, basic name too.
My father died recently, he used to translate the dialogue to me when i was a kid. I feel his presence when James appears and guide Fox to safety.
Thats so sad man..
I hope you feel better
That's really sad, man. You have my deepest condolences
Sorry for your loss
Tulio Caio dos Anjos sorry for your loss. May your dad Rest In Peace
I love how james mcclouds model is just fox with sunglasses
Xylon73 of course
Ikr he has swag
The Cooler Fox
ssh ssh sssshhhh.....don't ruin it...
His ears are also taller, and he has a nick in the side of one of them.
There's a creepy bad ending not mentioned in here, and one I experienced while playing it today. I got to hard Venom and battled Star Wolf, I had Slippy, Peppy, Falco, all there with me. One by one they all got gunned down during the fight, and I survived as the last one left. I went in against Andross and did what I had to do, then came out and of course not a single one of my teammates was waiting for me to congratulate me. So Fox is left looking all around the depths of space for his dad in silence. No banter, no dialogue, no one asking him what's wrong and him replying with nothing's wrong, not even Fox speaking aloud to himself. Just a long, awkward silence before he finally flies away alone.
I'd say that should qualify.
I didn't even know this was possible
billny33 What about the scene, where Fox is walking to General Pepper? His friends were behind him alive and well.
Mahyar Amou Fox's team don't die, they leave when their ship's shield runs out. They are on the Great Fox in that cutscene the OP mentioned.
billny33 damn
When millions of innocent people die and you are partially the cause of it
You damn sorry shadow the hedgehog reference
Don't get so down Bond
@@marlinpiana9193 this came out way before Shadow started cursing.
@@marlinpiana9193 what
@@Autokendo17 mate
When I was a kid my brother made me get this game instead of superman 64. He was right .
Dear god.......he just saved your life and probably your love for games........that game is hideous.
He did it for better
Never doubt his wisdom
Remember to thank him with a SNES and a copy of starfox/Starwing
Here's my interpretation of the 2 endings:
Bad ending: Star Fox Team tries to avoid Andross' main space forces in Area 6 by attacking Bolse and entering Venom on airspace. However, Andross' noticed the attack and had enough time to prepare a cyborg clone and ultimately escapes to terrorize the Lylat system once again.
Good ending: Star Fox Team got cocky because of their numerous sucesses in difficult missions. They are crazy enough to take on his defense forces and despite heavy resistance, they made it directly to Andross' hideout. Andross didn't suspected their bravery and was unprepared thus he faced his ultimate demise.
Imagine if his clone has a metal skull like the face of andross in the snes starfox
I was thinking the bad ending he put little resistance on one assuming the starfox fleet would take the easier route to his floating face clone so they would assume they won but would be taken by surprise in the future.
To be completely honest, i dont think either is andross. If the developers were smart they would make another game where both were clones and andross was just a normal sized scientist with an actual BODY that goes on to create new advancements in his tech that completely outguns star Fox's team forcing the team to set out in search of rare resources to make the ultimate weapon to finally, once and for all defeat the real andross. Also considering peppy doesnt actually know about james mcclouds fate but assumed. It would be cool if fox was prisoner to andross, like his ship was caught and Andross just made it his prison cell. As well as james used the mad scientists advances to make a holi of his ship to guide his son out of certain death last game. Also technically you only defeated one boss so the other boss (the easy boss) should be reinvented with new weapons and tactics as a bodyguard of andross. Also they should make it to where between missions there is either conversations you can have or stuff you can build for new advancements of your ship. Obviously some customization considering Fox's wealth after the first war that you would be able to intermittently change whenever you please. Slippy becomes a better pilot and can actually hold his own, on top of that actually grew up a little bit so his voice doesnt sound like a girl. Peppy got old and took over the main ship which i currently forgot the name of (big fox?) While someone new took his place and had to prove his worth throughout the game. Preferable a loveable/laughable character that gamers would enjoy but the main character choose to hate until the end. New methods of fighting, not just tank and ship. Maybe a speed boat, or mech suit. The ability to choose between which one instead of being forced into it. Descriptions of the planets surface so you know what vehicle to use. More than one alternate ending like the original star fox game, but a couple more (if possible) training area that is more like a skirmish so fox and his team can train, giving the gamer the feel of fox preparing before the second war just incase something happened. More cutscenes just just these five second ones.
And if not that. Make a fucking movie because im dying for more starfox
You know, now that i think about it, why not get a female fox as the replacement so theres a certain love aspect in the game. Maybe make her sweet but mean. Have a few missions after you save james so you can get to know the dad better and he can make wisecracks about fox and the newbie getting close, maybe talk about fox's mother
The former is the corward ending
@@alexthegreat3078 Have you watched A Fox In Space? Episode 2 is about to come out
If Star Fox charged $65920 (or whatever currency), the unit price is...
Goddamnit Nintendo
It's $640 per ship killed, so if you defeated like 2800 ships, that's $1.8M roughly. That's how much Star Fox is gettin' paid.
It’s strange you’d mention that, in the Nintendo Switch version of Starlink, Slippy asks if the Equinox has “Corniarian money”. Guess that’s the term until we find out what they use...
@@FirebrandXVI so that's why they have the drip
@@FirebrandXVI That's an ok price for killing almost 3000 people
@@christpierreno the enemies you kill are mostly just un piloted drones
Andrew: "We'll make sure you never reach Andross!"
Fox: *looks at Melee tier list* "We'll just see about that, Star Wolf."
Hata hata tuiya!
"Stick noises" HEA! KME ONH! FIRE!!! " refleccion shield"
Wave dash spam lasers
When I was playing this game on this part of the mission, I got a Rare Message from Peppy saying that he killed one but later realizing it was one of our allies.
So funny.
"I got one, wait!
That was one of ours!"
- Peppy
Hey, hey! You are not the only one, I got that too.
Damnit Peppy!
I got that one too
"Sector Z... compared to this, I'd gladly call Titania my wife."
I now pronounce you man and planet.
You may kiss the bride.
Plasma “You may now kiss the sand.”
Trent Stines Anakin: I don’t like sand
@@starentertainment-n4l But there is one thing that this and Star Wars has in common. The Judas in each situation becomes a robot. Anakin becomes Darth Vader, then loses his limbs, burns alive and is a robot. Pigma tries to make a profit, is assimulated with the Aparoids, fuses with a ship
A manet
Watching this video, it makes me realize something about Starfox 64. For an N64 game, its got a generous amount of content.
Something about starfox 64
@@AlesMsay TERMINAL?!!!?
@@whyudoit4009 no but lonk be in termina
Expert mode....
Star Fox 64 on episode 64. Pretty nice timing.
Subway Footlong I wonder what it's gonna be for episode 69
@Squidtastic * You think?
>Don't ever give up, my son.
>You've become so strong, Fox.
I wasn't prepared for these feels. (;﹏;)
"Hello papa"
Doesn't Peppy echo Jame's words "never give up, trust your instincts" as well?
@@parkerbeck2335 Terminal Montage lol
Fox: "say your prayers andross!"
Also fox: slams into slippy
Slippy: "what do you think your doing fox?!"
This is 100% Slippy’s fault. The rear-ender is always at fault
24:09 Why does that Hit + 50 make me laugh? It feels so out of place.
"I can't stop it!"
Hit + 50
Eclipse XD
DecliningShip 420 "I can't stop them from getting a higher score!" XD
It seemed a pretty dramatic scene To me
The life of a pilot is worth 50, apparently.
just watched that part and yeah, it was great
I also noted that it says "Mission Complete" instead of "Mission Accomplished" if you fail.
It's only really a "Mission Failed" if nobody is left to complete the mission, to be fair. They still completed the mission, just not very well.
@@deffdefying4803 "complete" and "accomplished" mean 2 different things
"Dang...." "Don't be so down, Fox.' You can just feel the emotion from these characters.
Pretty nonchalant for what I assume was meant to be a small indoor city getting vaporized
I love how an entire pyramid is destroyed and all fox has to say is ; Dang
Dbb3 Animation studios thug life
"Don't be so down Fox!"
Bro it's very likely his best bud just got obliterated, he can be down all he wants
To be fair he’s not paid to care lol only paid to kill
"I'd gladly call Titania my wife"
Into redheads, eh?
It was a shotgun wedding, with a toad holding the weapon.
+Zoruad when I saw that line I immediately thought of THAT Titania, was confused for 10 seconds, then realized he was talking about the planet.
Whoa... almost made me think of THAT Titania from the Fire Emblem series...
That line and your comment made me think of Erza "Titania" Scarlet.
*-No I didn't know of the Titania from Fire Emblem-*
whoisthisgit Was said weapon a bazooka?
My father died when i was 6 so you can imagine how the good ending hit me
not much actually its weird because when i face a situation similar it makes me very apathetic, contrary what you'd think and i don't know if its just me or anyone is like that.
Personally I don't dislike Slippy. I found him to be a rather enjoyable character. His voice never got on my nerves and I could easily see someone inexperienced trying to be a hero in this situation.
Filthy Liar I i know
Filthy Liar yeah, but it was just stupid, ya know? And considering that can set you completely off course, it can make people considerably angry.
Her voice is too high pitched in a deadly space ship battle that just makes me suffer xd
@@InoueMizuhashi her ???
Like a Hero in training
I always thought it was creepy how if you die in Andros's layer nobody can hear fox scream but you.
Also, the escape with James has to be one of the most epic moments ever in a video game!
Yeah but the escape is kinda cliché
@@iotashcr9005Cliché doesn't mean bad, just cliché.
"So many lives lost"
Fox: Dang
One of my all-time favourites too :)
People hate Slippy because he's always whining for you to get these guys off him- whether by RNG or intent, he is the worst pilot on the team, more skilled as an engineer (hey, he built the Blue Marine, a submarine that somehow carries infinite torpedoes!) than a pilot.
Americans frankly could not give a damn about people's merits and just care about what's happening in front of them.
And Slippy screws up a lot in front of people.
"Americans frankly could not give a damn about people's merits and just care about what's happening in front of them."
That's actually a good point. Doesn't change quite a bit of the bullshit people pull though.
ROB would probably be a better pilot
WhiteFangofWhoa and say you the hp of the bosses
WhiteFangofWhoa Because Slippy isn't a stereotypical engineering nerd and easily would seem to lie about how feminine he sounds. I've no problem with gays, only if they lie about it.
Hey, here's a detail for ya...
In the true ending where you follow Fox's father, after Fox says "Nothing... Nothing's wrong", around the 40:30 mark, you can see a falling/flying star in the distance. It's a little hard to see in this video, but it's there.
This falling star ONLY appears in the ending where James appear. Hinting/Signifying that is his father, probably his spirit, flying off.
Isn't that interesting?
Wow, that's a good eye! (For people who can't see it, it follows the top left wing of the great fox)
Petronia wow
That's intresting...I wonder what that means...
Huh. Well it turns out that in Star Fox 1, if you unlock "The Awesome Black Hole", Pepper will say it's where James disappeared! Could the star be James? if so, How did James get out of the Black Hole?
I watched the bit at 0.25 speed and did not see a Falling Star though.
Hard to see, but it's there.
How to end game: Show the characters get paid for their work.
There is nothing more statisfying than getting paid for a good job
Damn straight. You did the job, you kicked some ass, won the war and yes, killed the enemy leader, on top of that: YOU GOT PAID.
What is about the main villans always Killing the main characters father?
Lukas Grönholm good way to start a story
What if the protagonist's father is evil himself? Would he kill himself? If that happened, The Lego Ninjago Movie would have lasted for about 20 minutes.
Star Fox movie by Disney Confirmed???
Didn't he sacrifice himself to allow Peppy to escape, though?
That's a good question.
In a lot of stories where the father, mother or both parents die, it has the kind of character that it's strong, brave, etc.
And not only happens with parents, but with friends, siblings, etc.
The common revenge of "I'll hurt/kill everyone you love, so you'll feel destroyed".
Either the Villain's family or the Hero's family.
Anyone else think N64 games are oddly creepy but fun?
some are like zelda, or super mario 64 (should have replied 1 year ago)
Nintendo was going through a... phase.
Zelda Majora’s mask
*Kirby 64 intensifies*
Can indeed confirm, Bill's line is different. Says something like 'I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox.'
There was so much genius in this game. Not only did you really only lose when you died, but incomplete victories kept you coming back and trying. That they let you continue under damaged conditions made it feel like a real adventure too. It didn't just end when you didn't meet all of the objectives perfectly.
Hold on I expected this vid to be like 8 minutes maximum but I check the time and it's 42 MINUTES! WTF?
I guess this is why I'm subbed.
Tigercat5 I just noticed it was 42 minutes after reading this. Damn, time flew.
That's creepy bad endings for you.
I got caught off too lol
Its when Star Fox forgot to shine.
Clorox Hammer you'll never know if you don't go
you'll never *MULTISHINE* if you don't short-hop
Used SHINE in Melee.
Ness took mortal damage!
Clorox Hammer
I'll just settle for a triple shine, thanks
Though that may be because I'm using SSF2 Falco instead of Melee Fox
GD/TF2 how is that a good thing?
His name aint Star Fox bro.
I have a feeling Slippy is voiced by the same person who voiced Tails from early 3D Sonic games.
You actually could be *right*
Watch out! You're gonna crash! AAHH!
It sounds like Emil from Nier to me
Supah Don't worry, Slippy's here.
This isn't commonly known, but Mechbeth does technically have a grim mini-ending in a way. Basically what happens to get it is to wait out the boss battle and the train conductor (who's supposed to be a baboon btw) will say "You're taking too long, time to end this!" and then insta-kills you.
Actually, he tries a kamikaze train suicide and fails miserably. Doesn't kill you, but does a HUGE fucking chunk on your Shield Gauge.
@@FirebrandXVI Nah, if you are too late, he succeeds.
Hes a baboon I thought he was a duck
@@FirebrandXVI another honkai enjoyer hello
its true been there done that
Wow. I never noticed that Great Fox's wing actually stays gone if it gets hit by a missile. Nice attention to detail there. Then again, I only played that mission once EVER. lol And I have to agree: the Star Wolf fight on Venom is EASILY the hardest fight in the game.
Star Wolf on Venom in the Normal mode is not that bad. Try it on Expert. I only beat it once and when I did, Falco, Peppy and Slippy were all gunned down.
I solo'd it.
On Sector X I once tried downing Slippy myself to avoid him getting knocked to Tirania but even if you kill him during the Sector X stage, he miraculously repairs his ship in time to get hit (I remember him having some line to explain his return and everything)
3DS version, I somehow bugged the game in Sector Z. I failed to destroy the missile, it hit Great Fox...I was two missiles my confusion when the triumphant music started. Great Fox's sparking model turns towards Area 6 and the game displays "Mission Accomplished." THE FUCK?
CybeastID happened to me as well on the n64 version. the only difference i noticed in sector 6 is that great fox doesn't provide back up fire on the 5 missiles
What, in my case in BOTH versions if 1 missile is not destroyed I always ended in Bolse, but instead I choose to waste a live to try again Sector Z, maybe as you say, it got glitched, bugged or whatever, I wonder how the glitch can be triggered...
I accidentally glitched the game on the 3DS version where I entered a boss but the health bar never showed up and I couldn’t kill them. I don’t exactly remember tho.
CybeastID I destroyed the missiles in my game!
I had the exact opposite happen to me when I first played Sector Z on expert mode.
I destroyed every missile, but one of them got just a biiiiit close. I destroyed it, but it regardless triggered the failure scene.
It's best not to question these things sometimes.
Every fucking game in Star Fox is literally just a remake or a retelling. If it isn't, it's hated.
Prince Kazuya *COUGH COUGH* star fox zero *COUGH COUGH*
(Not that I hate it myself)
Sonicbrine star fox zero is just star fox 2, but modern.
I kinda liked star fox adventures for GameCube.
More accurate description: If it's not 64 or the original, it's hated.
I don't see people hating so much on Assault, more like that it's been shit remakes since. (besides Command...we don't talk about Command.)
@whoisthisgit The line Bill says if Fox (you) doesn't kill any of the enemy ships is...
"I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox."
SoraMaxSakuraba Allied
Rare as hell, but why the heck not?
I got it once on 3ds, I didn't notice the difference
14:19 Actually yes, the Karina level ending changed quite a bit depending on ships being destroyed. If you end the level without shooting down a single allied ship, Bill will say "I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox" and Fox will reply "You owe me one." and for every Cornerian ship shot down (be it by you or the enemies), there will be one less Cornerian ship flying behind you when you finish the level.
They're not Cornerian.
They're Arwings
@@Earl_Black The allied ships on Katrina are clearly not Arwings lol.
40:31 - Also, it's really hard to spot, but there's a _very_ faint purple spark that can be seen going across the background stars, implying that it really is James. (look at between the top fin and upper-left wing of the Great Fox)
I saw it! (For anyone else, it’s near the top of the screen.)
I dont see it. Only see the stars
Let me guess, Creepy Bad Endings #69 is going to be about games based on pornography.
i would like that
A dirty joke would make sense, but dedicating a whole episode to the joke? Not so much.
Monster Girl Quest?
TheJediSonic lol
"Sector Z...compared to this, I'd gladly call Titania my wife. Heck, there's already a ring around that planet."
That's really clever. Nice.
"So many good people died as a result of this war"
Fox: Dang!
I love how shamelessly Katina is just ripping off Independence Day.
• Enemy ships are pretty much just the same as the alien ships from the movie.
• Enemy Mothership has a Hyper Death Beam Spire in it's middle.
• Fox's friend's first name is Bill, last name might possibly be Pullman.
First time I saw Independence Day, the first scene with the fighters I ran downstairs, grabbed my SF64 Player's Guide, and ran back to show my parents the near-identical ships
40:57 I was really hoping to see Foxs dads face appear, but that ending is still way more satisfying! nice job on the video!
Andrew's blood-curdling scream always made me have a laughing fit when I was a kid lol
I find it odd that these are even considered "Mission Complete", because it's literally more like a complete failure of the mission... Star Fox doesn't manage to protect the allied base in Fichina and it gets completely destroyed, and Star Fox also completely fails to assist the allied fighters on Katina, getting them all killed
Hugo Hikari Complete doesn't necessarily mean success. Complete only means that the mission is done. Not necessarily done spectacularly.
The game means 'complete' in the sense that you complete your exams, whether or not you did well.
Mission Complete! failed.
mission complete, not mission accomplished
"Mission complete" is worse then "Accomplished", because there is no objective anymore.
"Mission failed" would be too negative for the audience, so they made it just finish instead of kicking your ass literally saying "You failed. the base exploded and everyone died, great job".
How about a new serie called "Best/worst allies ever"?
basically recalling how many times you team up with AI, but you would be better off doing it alone
Lmao, not all the times
Ludwing best Allie number #1 the 3-13 archer
Caton Snyder Don't forget the Javalin Cavalier in Echoes DLC
Blake Blast never forget jav cav
Why I watch whoisthisgit?
Good storytelling
Good narrative
Funny jokes
Little to no grammar or spelling errors
and a message about Lub Lub at the end of every video.
Simple as that.
Emperor Giygas my friend sans and I will get you just not for that. We agree completely
@@FriskDrinksBrisk "mY fReiNd sAnS" 🤓🤓🤓
I remember the first time I played Sector Z. I ended up soft locking the game.
I got down to the last set of missiles with one remaining. And immediately it triggered the cutscene that shows the missile about to hit the Great Fox. But I had done enough damage that the missile blew up after the cutscene triggered. As a result: The camera was stuck on Great Fox with enemies still flying around it, and music still playing. About a minute later; the codec conversation playing where Rob said "Great Fox is Ok", after that was done, the end level score screen showed. Then went back to the shot of the Great Fox on the side, still standing still. And the game was stuck from there. No response from the controller, but action kept happing in the background.
It was so surreal.
Can we take a minute to talk about Andross' laugh in the 3DS version?
Because it's shit. It's a literal "HAHAHA!", and turns the bad ending from something ominous to just, pure disappointment.
I love General Pepper's reaction when you get above 70000 credits while you are looking at the ending payment.
Normally he will go: "This is one steep bill, but it's worth it."
If you get above 70000 credits he will go: "WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAT?"
This is irrelevant to this entire channel but I have to say it:
The more mature a channel is the more kids there are on it
RUclips logic.
The sad truth
I guess that's why Spiderman X Elsa videos get so many views.
What are you talking about?
Imagine porn channels.
Except for fortnite....
"Destroy what? He's craaazy."
Falco intensifies
Slippy get back here!
Vote for who you want to see in the next Mortal Kombat Finishers video here:
whoisthisgit Falco: "Gee, I've been saved by Fox. How swell."
james pond
Voted our boy Roy. I'm sorry, I just like the intent with him.
Mewtwo because first Psychic type in Mortal Kombat was Kenshi
Tails. I wanna see him use debug mode on other characters.
Git's content is always awesome and funny.
I played this so much as a kid and found out all the different routes on my own! I feel like I accomplished something big🤣
When I figured out that there was an alternate end boss, my mind was blown.
Love this game.
Playing this game for decades. DECADES!
Found out some month ago. I absolutely freaked out
Fox McCloud: Dang!
Line for leaving no allies dead, Bill: "I'm glad were on the same team, Fox!" Fox: "You owe me one!" lolz, hardly worth the careful accuracy in all the chaos but makes you feel like an ace!
That scene with foxes father is so touching. It was his ghost watching from beyond
no only in the bad ending hes ded which is why he says he will feel true pain
in the good ending
That last shot of Great Fox flying into the sunset with the music made me tear up. I love this game to bits. Thank you so much for making this video.
38:00 now thats what i call a G A L A X Y B R A I N
Falco would've said that
36:10 Right at the being of the stage Slippy crashes into Fox and blames him for that. Screw you Slippy!
Slippy being Slippy
27:28 Great Fox is Missing a wing
"Complete" means that you finished the mission not that you succesfully won "failed" means when you can't go any further besides you can retry the mission if you want ( even though it costs you a ship)
I like how even though the series is for bad endings, you also show the good ending
15:12 "Fuck! GET OUT OF HERE NOW"
Same crap as gay luigi
Don't you mean "gay Bowser"?
Actually, you're thinking of Hotel Mario's intro cutscene. The full quote is this: "Nice of the princess to invite us over to a picnic, eh, Luigi?"
There's a good reason why I always go to Macbeth after Zoness.
Well, technically three good reasons:
1. Sector Z is just a bad level.
2. You actually can get a better score if you trip the last searchlight right before the seabase but destroy every single searchlight before it. Untriggered searchlights are worth an extra hit, but triggering them spawns extra enemies at the seabase for you to kill.
3. Continuing the score run route, Macbeth is a better level for scoring in general.
I'm left wondering why SZ couldn't be more competently designed. It thinks to just spam Invader IIIs in general. Really, there should have been some Shogun Troopers here and there, so that there's some other interesting stuff to fight and permit approaching 150 points without retardation involving the Copperheads.
22:12 LOOOOL I've had this game for 20 years and never knew Slippy instantly respawned before the Sector X boss
Star Fox 64 is widely considered the FINEST ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION
I didn't know that when playing Sector X & Slippy had already been gone he will just show up again right before the battle with the boss robot.
It's too bad it isn't possible to go to Karina & Zoness in the same path, otherwise you could have both Bill & Kat flying with you during the ending, can you imagine a more triumphant looking ending, especially if you're defeated the true Andross at the end of the game? Also I personally think Andross is more threatening sounding in the original N64 version than the 3DS version
not true
Peppy was just a head all along!
I saw that too
WOO A CREEPY BAD ENDING! I watch all your series and this one is my favorite, keep up the good work.
This game is a MASTERPIECE. Everything from the gameplay to the music, it's truly a game I remember fondly. My brother and I would always compete to see who could get the high score!😀😁
The bad ending is the canon one because Andross reappears at the end of Adventures, showing the he survived.
No, because in Adventures he's deemed as dead but Andross tries to *resurrect* himself by using Krystal to channel Krazoa power
Step on the gas! Now step on the breaks!
Alright, were here, just sitting in the car. I want you to show me if you can get far.
Horrorgag did you check the mirrors on the right?
Fox: *literally flies past the damaged section of the Great Fox*
Also Fox: *iS eVeRyThInG oK???*
its just like in the old sonic game where if you didnt grab all the emeralds eggman escapes and he continues to enslave animals
Gotta love that even in the credits, slippy is struggling to keep up, slowly falling behind.
I remember when I failed the mission on Katina as a kid and I cried for like 7 fucking minutes because I thought Bill was dead
yooo you cried too? same here
36:10 LMAO you hit slippy accidentally hahahaha
Yes, you're right. The no-friendlies down ending for Katina is satisfying in its own right but rather troublesome to get… and what about the medal along with this ending? SHEER HELL.
Bill: I'm glad we're on the same team, Fox.
Fox: You owe me one.
THAT'S RIGHT! That's what you get!
Look at you, ship all banged up!
Victory for America!
But you DO know about there being a softlock glitch on Venom II, right? If you're in a certain position ring when the trigger activates to send you into the cutscene for entering the bunker base, then you'll just be stuck circling and flying around the area, never to enter… yeah, THAT REALLY SUCKS and may as well be a bad ending, too.
Ik I'm so late but...
I came up with a theory as a kid, I always thought that andross never really killed Fox's father James McCloud but he imprisoned him or that James did manage to escape behind Peppy after pigma betrayed them, however he kept it a secret and didn't tell his son or anyone else and we don't know the reason (all that assuming he was alive) however some people managed prpvetthat he was alive:
1- If you are left behind by James McCloud when he escapes the tunnel and you don't he will still fly around waiting for you
After you defeat andross and start the escape andross is still following you and want you to perish with him after a while James Appears and tells you "You have to make it back to your friends Fox", then Fox says "Dad!", then andross says "Curse you James McCloud WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD?!" It can't be that both you and andross had the same illusion and after andross * EXPLODES * James says "You've become so strong Fox" it means James somehow escaped and Survived too
General Pepper: This is one steep bill...but sometimes, you have to spoil yourself! XP *Paw print*
No one I know was playing this game besides me. I sucked at this game I was always on the easy route even when I completed the game. I’ve never seen a lot of this stuff. The Independence Day ship the extra boss in the first level I’m awestruck. Thanks for the upload
I remember the first time I beat the game I had a good ending and I literally cried at the ending
Mermaid Boy lmao
You got good ending on the first go? Lucky.
***spoilers*** 14:22
thats true, Bill says "Glad we're on the same team" if you don't kill any allys
Te has convertido en uno de mis RUclipsrs favoritos de habla inglesa, el primer video que veo y me tienes suscrito y con like seguro, lo amé
Thanks for posting this video, brought back so many memories...and the hatred of slippy back lol
At the end of the good ending, I was expecting to see a picture of Fox's father.
Peppy:Slippys Dead
Falco NICE!!!!
How about **sad** good or bad endings? It doesn't really fit the style but Sniper Elite 3 is a great example.
You've finally got company by your side, Brauer, and just as you start to develop a friendship, he dies. You bury your last and only friend in the battlefield. It fucked me up, even though I'm someone who doesn't get connected to video game characters easily.
a Meme Addict Play Fire Emblem Fates. Preferably all 3 of them. Those games had me in tears 3/4 through.
I like how in Sector Z, you basically unable to go to Area 6 if Great Fox is hit, because in that level, the Great Fox covers you from missile fire and from enemy warships (unless you ignore Rob and go for points like everyone does anyways).
I feel especially sad because of how desperately Fox seems to look around in search for his father 🥺
Just one quick question: are you gonna bring back crap cartoon?
U smell
This really brings me back, thanks for the video, i can tell you cared a lot about the game
I remember figuring all this out as a kid without any online guides or anything. Just by playing the game and missions over and over again. Replayability was very important back in the day without DLC to keep players invested. The game had to full at launch.