“Politicians are a strange breed of bird. They sing about their noble intentions and charitable hearts, and they roost with the most contemptible and corrupt of creatures.” ― Anthony P. Mauro, Sr.
my channel vid offers intellectual reasons for the highly educated about why we need to vote Reform UK. Actually, besides this consider that any commonwealth citizen, non British, living in the UK can vote in our elections!!! I discovered it today, shocking, so we need all Brits to vote for Farage because such foreigners will vote Labour.
@@DrDanielHoward You're confused, during the Brexit campaign Nigel said we need to get out of the EU to end free movement of EU citizens into the UK, as we have nothing in common with the other Europeans. And he went on to say that any immigrants we do take in should be from the Commonwealth. The man is the head of "Reform" and he is completely full of shite. Anybody voting for him would need to be a half-wit.
@@DrDanielHoward so you’re keen on a Nazi state where people disappear and where people spy on others for the state? Such as the dystopian reality this man could bring about…. Open your eyes wide….. nothing is perfect, but it could be a whole lot worse
@@DrDanielHowardAnd the Muslim Party. That's why we get Sadiq Kahn as mayor of London. The indigenous population has stopped voting. They are becoming more And more disheartened and are gradually giving up. If this trend continues the future looks very bleak indeed ☹️
There's too much to say he said they aren't true. They're actual quotes and video footage and stuff, if she won't listen to this, what will she listen to?
@@MerlynMusicman I started subbing a month before we left the EU to catch all the hilarity that ensued. I wish I subbed before this as I imagine it was much funnier!
For me, the biggest question has always been that of why, from the extensive ranks of people who have failed, multiple times, to win election to parliament, the BBC chose to give him such a massive platform, over so many years. It has always looked, to me, like the most manifest political bias.
It's not just the BBC that gives him a platform. He appears everywhere, even though he has no mandate and no constituency. He gets way more screen time and column inches than actual MPs or cabinet / shadow cabinet ministers.
@@nevg2067 they legally can’t have a bias across the bbc Left wing people think it’s too right wing Right wing people think it’s too left wing Get over it
I honestly think at least at the start he was seen as a comedy figure. His background as a racist was never really brought up. He was just that idiot who looked cartoonish. When serious money began to back him he then became a party leader , and i think under ofcom rules his party had a right to representation. He then managed to motivate the hard of learning/racist vote , and the UK has never been the same since.
I have great admiration for Head Masters in the early 1980s putting pen to paper and writing down all these home truths about certain individuals. This isn't the second head master who has done so and probably won't be the last...
@@declanmcardleJohnson represents everything that is wrong with our political system. However you should remember he only got to be PM because the rest of the sugar show that are supposed to represent us tried to overturn the referendum result. Now we've even got the Lord Prince of Darkness Tony Blair back on the scene... I said when the Covid Pass ID scheme was floated it would only be a matter of time before he came out of the crypt. You don't happen to know where the Sacred Daggers of Megiddo from the film The Omen are now located do you?
Terry Walsh, who was then deputy master at Dulwich (ie. deputy head), says Farage was well known for provoking people, especially left-wing English teachers who had no sense of humour. The former master of Dulwich David Emms, the man who appointed Farage and received Chloe Deakin’s letter, says he has no memory of the meeting or the letter. But he agrees with his former deputy: “It was naughtiness, not racism,” Emms told me on Wednesday. “I didn’t probe too closely into that naughtiness, but the staff were fed up with his cheekiness and rudeness. They wanted me to expel him, but I saw his potential, made him a prefect, and I was proved right.”
@@evolassunglasses4673 Propagated by right-wing client media and publicised by the BBC. He was given a platform and credibility he should never have had. He is nothing more than the prettier face of the BNP who would NEVER have been given such a platform. Without this level of media support, he would have remained what he actually is, a vile right-wing nut-job and grifter.
@@evolassunglasses4673 You think it is an achievement to get racism, islamophobia, xenophobia and misogyny front and centre of political life in the UK? Wow. Just wow.
What surprised my little mind is that Faraged needed a German interpreter for the AfD meeting. Since his ex-wife and children spoke German in the home, I would have thought he'd speak German.
Maybe. I just think its safety in numbers for these self serving vile specimens. They hide behind each other ready to sell one another out at a moments notice.
Nah, it's just a useful dead cat for them to talk about so people forget about Johnson not handing in his phone - that and it plays into their culture war.
Nope theyre just Eugenicists and racists and nigel jumped at the chance to play the part of envoy to the usa gop (the other eugenicists across the pond...that special friendship with the usa they always bang on about). Ukip/maga =putins nazis
“I think we’re going to have to move to an insurance-based system of healthcare”. Already got one, Nige, NATIONAL INSURANCE. As Al Murray would say, “clue’s in the name, for f*ck’s sake”.
Yup they had us all tied up in a pretty little box for sale to the usa market. Ive been a u.s. citizen for 10years with high level healthcare, you still pay upfront for most of it and have to reclaim it. For my spinal surgery we had to pay $4000 up front and the insurance payed the rest, despite having many thousands on credit with them. Its a scam the uk cant afford to be part of. Good for the richest only. Basically means no healthcare for the poor.
Farage was being bankrolled/funded by Arron Banks. Arron Banks is a £billionaire & insurance company owner (among other businesses some in tax havens). . . I wonder why Farage was promoting and pushing for an insurance based health system? "Farage blames the NHS for his Monorchism (one testicle), losing a testicle to cancer. "Nigel Farage has claimed that the “incompetence and negligence of the NHS” almost killed him in his 20s after a tumour caused his left testicle to swell to the size of a lemon. In an extract from an autobiography published in the Telegraph on Saturday, the Ukip leader recalled how he was “fobbed off by one NHS doctor to the next” for two months after they failed to spot his testicular cancer when he was 21." - The Guardian, Sat 14 Mar 2015 article titled: ''Nigel Farage: NHS 'negligence' over testicular cancer almost killed me'' (Seems Farage and Hitler have that in common as well!) Arron Banks:- Arron Banks is the "co-founder (with Richard Tice) of the Leave.EU campaign. Banks was previously one of the largest donors to the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and helped Nigel Farage's campaign for Britain to leave the EU. . . Banks was the chief executive (CEO) of Southern Rock Insurance Company in 2014. . . Banks also owns Eldon Insurance, whose CEO Elizabeth Bilney was also in charge at Leave.EU." - Wikipedia Farage:- Germany "Farage spoke at a rally for the far-right Alternative for Germany party in advance of the 2017 German federal election, having been personally invited by the party's deputy leader Beatrix von Storch." - Wiki' Ukraine "Farage said on 24 February 2022 that the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine was "A consequence of EU and NATO expansion, which came to a head in 2014. It made no sense to poke the Russian bear with a stick. These are dark days for Europe." His remarks led some commentators to compare him to Lord Haw-Haw, the pro-Hitler broadcaster and propagandist of the 1940s who was subsequently tried and convicted for treason." - Wiki'
The main stream are quiet because this is a fake video and he would sue the ass off them if they reported this fake news. The media are told by their handlers to spread hate about Farage but they know that this information is fake and would expose them for being fake.
Mainstream leave him alone? Quite the contrary, they seem to give him an absolutely massive platform. He’s on everything. The media lap him up thinking it’s great telly etc, but it’s making it look like he’s more popular and influential than he actually is.
And yet, the Tories policies make the BNP look like boy scouts. It's not looking good when the Tories are trying to out Fas the BNP. Worse still is Keir Starmer thinks mimicking 80's/90's Tory policy is the way forward. Nowhere in this reality do I see things improving. Pain awaits us before we see the youth of today rise up against them after decades of bad neo-liberal polucy.
There needed to be a mention of how many times he's appeared on Question Time over the years. Question Time definitely helped elevate him where his lies and half-truths were left unchallenged.
@@ellydavis2066 Yes they DO. You actually think the tories are "conservative" when they campaigned for remain, love migration & recognize LGBTQ rights. This has been going on long before Nigel brought us Brexit
Brilliant. But with a fascist King and Conservative government, little can be done. I just wish the poor and underprivileged who vote for the right would just open their eyes and not the tabloids … Please never give up your excellent work. LBDs rock….
Talk about deluded. Charlie-boy is well in with the gIobaIist WEF and its neo-Marxist aims of imposing muIticuIturaIism, abolition of nation state, and The Great Replacement.
As ever, people such as yourself always bandy words like 'hate' and 'hateful', without justifying such accusations. Furthermore, he is at liberty to hate who he wishes, just as you are.
@CrankCase08 So you didn’t watch a single minute of the video you muppet. Fascists are curiously vocal about “free speech” as long as it’s hate speech and as long as it isn’t directed at themselves. Until they are in power of course.
He's the ultimate 'grifter' politician, and a total 'chancer'. Now he's at it again - using the people of Clacton. He thrives off their sorrows, and hardship, thereby cementing their bitterness. If he doesn't get the Clacton seat, then he'll drop the people there, like a stone....and will probably never set foot in the town again. But even if he does win (though still unlikely), he'll prove such a poor MP, that in four or five years time, will lose his seat - ironically, to Labour.
@Bedmoments Nigel is a grifter. The European parliament said so, the people said so, even his teachers said so. If you can't see through his bullshit, should've gone to specsavers mf
Because of what it ends up doing. He wants private healthcare. Unemployed only got 16 weeks to get a job or sanctioned. Like the sound of this? A lie that he'd put the tax threshold down to 20 grand. Unaffordable.
He speaks as if he is for the British people but people fought and died against fascism and people like him.Let’s face it what has Farage ever done for ‘his’ country but spread hate. He has never, ever spoken about the benefits of migrants has he. Has he visited a doctor, needed surgery or needed care and support for relatives. I sometimes wonder what we would have done without immigration Of course there are criminal activities in immigration but if the Tories had put together a way of dealing with immigration properly and fairly it wouldn’t be like this. I personally think it was deliberate on their part, after all it gave them someone to blame for everything that had gone wrong since they were in power. Shocking really. 9:59 9:59
I am a pro European and was devasted with Brexit. I went to see him with Brexit friends at Gateshead Sage Centre when he was touring with his save Brexit bus out of interest. It was a horrible but fascinating night. He came on last and whipped the crowd up into a frenzy of UJ waving Rule Britannia singing. So many ironies. The Sage Centre was partially funded by EU grants. North East England working class voters who supported this conman have all been shafted. His 'save Brexit' march to London which started on a Sunderland beach on a foul day was an insult to the Jarrow March. He didnt do the march which entertained me immensely.I got an e-mail from 'him' inviting me to a bitcoin sales event in Amsterdam a couple of years ago ££££. Everything he said that night at The Sage was either a lie or twisted half truth!
How illuminating and how gullible and stupid we are to take this dangerous cretin seriously. But of course, he is catnip to the lying and cynical hacks who purport to write objective pieces for the overwhelmingly foreign-owned UK National press. Looks like you can fool the people all the time - with key exceptions that is.
"The Sage Centre was partially funded by EU grants." never ceases to amaze me how supporters of the EU cannot see a lie when its in their face. How can the EU of funded ANYTHING in the UK when we paid so much more into it than we ever got out? This is the trickery that is socialism as a business. Not sure the less politically astute amongst us will ever stop buying into these nonsense narratives. SO GLAD to be out of the EU!
Love it when people who hate state interference and promote the right of private individuals and companies, like banks, being able to freely express their opinions go absolutely bonkers when they do just that but they're the 'wrong' end of it. Karma.
How have they done just that? so to you the free rights of banks/companies means dropping a customer because of political discrimination? if thats your defintion of free rights I hate to think what your other definitions are you tipsy turvy divvy.
Well ,Hitler did it Unfortunately he spouts the same divide and rule rhetoric that goes down well with the public in these financially difficult times. Let's hope we don't witness history repeating itself.
@@keifer7813 Of course he will, he is already in them. the UK Patriot that changed the entire outlook on European dictator politics. He is Unique in UK politics, he turned the entire system on its head and never stepped anywhere near Westminster to do it. You misinformed Traitors hate us Patriotic voters because er showed the extreme flaws in the system you supported..
This is an excellent piece of work, never knew he was so bad. Why hasn’t the BBC and/or other networks presented coverage like this? Makes you wonder 💭. Thank you! Keep up the good work.
Hey, @ledbydonkeys - we could do with an updated version of this to warn voters about the most recent goings on. This man should be nowhere near politics
Some years ago a punk band from (I think) Portsmouth had a song called "Nigel is a Nazi" - they produced stickers bearing the title. A friend (now sadly deceased) took great pleasure in walking past the local UKIP office at night and sticking one on the window. He took pleasure watching them remove said sticker the next morning, only to return later that night to repeat the process! I think he might have ordered more copies of the sticker from the band.
How the BBC and US Republicans can take this man seriously is anyone's guess, when he was beaten by a man in a dolphin suit in a Parliamentary election and has never won a Parliamentary election in his life, out of about 9 goes.
From an American's point of view, Farage checks all the boxes for a Republican (racist, self serving, greedy, liar, morally bankrupt), so it's no surprise to me they love him.
That piece of excrement in human form makes me puke. Thank you for compiling this catalogue of his vileness. I've shared it to my facebook account as it needs to be seen by as many people as possible.
@@John-d5y2d LOL! How equally amusing to hear from this dud ex-politician's No 1 fan. Politics might be complex, but spotting a gaslighting, racist, faux-patriotic, posturing grifter tends to be fairly straightforward.
@@mikaelabowen5781 your writing flows quite nicely..almost poetic in its shape..middle management from a working-class family, the first member of which to go to university where a 3rd was achieved. Generationally inculcated, by casual osmosis in to left leaning politics in the home followed by more determined nonsense at the red brick uni..whereupon the only good things were finally expunged..good things like love of ones country, respect for one's national history and viewing one's people as sacred. These things replaced by the vileness of feminism and postmodernism. A perfect example I suppose of the work of the Frankfurt school..those degenerates who, so many years ago, planted their poisonous seeds, which have now come to fruition for the mid-wit to consume in a self-righteous frenzied orgy of self-inflicted corruption
Believe because he paid off his mortgage, he wasn't a viable option for Coutts. The question is, how has he received such sums to pay this off suddenly?
This is great reporting, even if some of the info may (for whatever reason) be inaccurate, I still learned more than I ever have from mainstream media from the video evidence alone. Thank you.
@@Albert_O_Balsam I assume with ANY reporting now that some of this it is wrong. However I looked up some of it and everytime it proved true based on the sources I found. I’m more inclined to believe everything because they even pulled up Farage’s views on the NHS which i have been struggling to find for years now because I remember him saying we need to private public health care and somehow he removed that clip from existence.
@@Albert_O_BalsamHow could someone say they learned so much from this and then say "even if some of it is wrong" . This makes no sense as the video is totally fake.
@@truthseeker7794 because of the video evidence it provides…the video evidence can’t be fake. You can literally see him saying some the statements. However regarding some of the reports of him stealing money from funds, that is potentially not confirmed otherwise he’d have been sued…not to say he didn’t but likely not enough proof. His views on the NHS and other past views are there in video, that’s my point.
The truth about losing the Coutts bank account was (which has been repeated multiple times by many people elsewhere, including Coutts bank themselves), is that his balance fell below the minimum required balance for the bank of £1 million. He was offered another account at a sister institution in the same banking group. But that doesn't make for a good publicity stunt does it?
Four days later and both couttes and the BBC have apologised for their misinformation when he was forced to release the document specifying why the bank booted him. In the document it said clearly that he met the criteria. You can’t fool everyone with your misinformation
Actually confirmed to have not been the case. His Political opinions were definitely the reason his account was suspended. The BBC has even apologised, for how they have handled and reported this story.
What he was really pissed off about is the loss of prestige in being able to slap his Coutts card on the bar in front of his peers and impress shop assistants , the Coutts card is widely known to open doors and is seen as an endorsement of your financial wealth.
What he and us for that matter should be concerned about is the banks cancelling individuals at will, based on their politics, failure to comply with woke their values or any other damn thing they like. An attack on rights and freedoms, on free speech, on our very democracy.
Because it's fake and Farage would sue their ass off. The media are told to spread hate about him by their handlers but they have nothing on him. I challenge you to prove any of things in this video but you won't be able to.
Nigel Frapp-arage is just a grifter, self proclaimed hero of the working arse. One lady owner, full national service history and low mileage credibility
If his lips are moving we know that no truth is coming out. This group of facist around the world are so dangerous and yet people ignore that and just love the slogans. He as a privilege and rich man has managed to convince ordinary people that he is one of them. Worse is sadly yet to come.
To all the comments saying that this is not a true depiction of farage's history I say, If farage thinks it's untrue in any way, let him sue in court. BET HE DOESN'T 😂😂
@@longarrearstomakegood Oh please. Are you crying? I've already got a job. So no idea what you are going on about. Is it an overseas savings account? 😂
and let us not forget that Fromage was offerred a bank account with Natwest when he no longer met the criteria for Coutts. Sadly, man of the people Fuhrage didn't want to bank with an ordinary bank
I have no admiration for Mr Farage’s views on life , But in a free world he should be allowed to have them , One of the things that disgusted me was when he instructed his fellow MEPs in his party to turn their backs on a small group of young musicians playing to the representatives of 28+ nations in Brussels ! It was unnecessary and cruel ,
What actual evidence is there? It's speculation. He 'supposedly' did this, and 'allegedly' said that. No concrete proof. It's just typical Leftist Ad Hominem.
Because it has been edited into 5 second clips to suit the posters intentions of bringing negativity into the voting as Reform have been doing so well. There are plenty of MP's with dirt in their past!
Thank you for this posting. Why is this not all over the media. ? Why is he given airtime all over media ? Why is he on Question time multiple times and the Green party not once ? The media have a lot of questions to answer. Thank you again for posting.
The media hate him and would never show this because it's totally fake news and he would sue the ass off them. I challenge you to prove any of this. You won't be able to. Fake video.
Manipulative, nasty, deceitful and hypocritcial - not a great combination... in the old days that would of been enough to see him doomed to rot in Hell but now-a-days we must do it all ourselves ! 🙂 As an aside, I recall alot of youngsters who had crude & naive views at age15, say, but most of them left that unpleasantness behind when they grew up...
Wow, and here I was he is at worst a clown, even though dangerous. He seems to tick all the boxes of the dark triad: machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. He just doesn’t care who he ends up hurting, as long as people are paying attention and he fulfils whatever sick goal he is trying to achieve.
They forgot the most important piece of Farage history, when he appeared in Newcastle in May of 2019, and a man pummelled him with a Five Guys Milkshake.
@@davidnavarro4821 while it was certainly assault, let's not down play the hatred people have for this man. So much so that someone in the North wasted a £6 milkshake just to toss it at him.
He's not racist. The left are racist, positive discrimination is racist. The left are anti semitic as well though they would throw the term around onto others.
A greasy Spiv, in 1942 he’d have been selling stockings in the twilight. He’d have been on the wrong side at Cable street. May he never know peace in this lifetime.
“Politicians are a strange breed of bird. They sing about their noble intentions and charitable hearts, and they roost with the most contemptible and corrupt of creatures.”
― Anthony P. Mauro, Sr.
my channel vid offers intellectual reasons for the highly educated about why we need to vote Reform UK. Actually, besides this consider that any commonwealth citizen, non British, living in the UK can vote in our elections!!! I discovered it today, shocking, so we need all Brits to vote for Farage because such foreigners will vote Labour.
@@DrDanielHoward You're confused, during the Brexit campaign Nigel said we need to get out of the EU to end free movement of EU citizens into the UK, as we have nothing in common with the other Europeans. And he went on to say that any immigrants we do take in should be from the Commonwealth. The man is the head of "Reform" and he is completely full of shite. Anybody voting for him would need to be a half-wit.
@@DrDanielHoward so you’re keen on a Nazi state where people disappear and where people spy on others for the state? Such as the dystopian reality this man could bring about…. Open your eyes wide….. nothing is perfect, but it could be a whole lot worse
@@DrDanielHowardAnd the Muslim Party. That's why we get Sadiq Kahn as mayor of London. The indigenous population has stopped voting. They are becoming more And more disheartened and are gradually giving up. If this trend continues the future looks very bleak indeed ☹️
Sent this to my mum who thinks he's actually "a nice guy" and her response was "He said that those stories aren't true". Lost cause
There's too much to say he said they aren't true. They're actual quotes and video footage and stuff, if she won't listen to this, what will she listen to?
@@FakenameStevens Links?
@@AaronOwenSmith Why not look for links yourself. If I can find stuff at nearly 70!
@@janetmalcolm6191 There arnt any , you lied
@@AaronOwenSmithCrazy answer. Look deeper. Maybe you are unable to.
I spend money to buy the “Private Eye “ publication. The art of war is to know your enemy. A £2.50 well spent.
Subscribed for decades but haven't had the spirit to open a copy since before Brexit it's too depressing. Still want to support them though
private eye and readers digest
@@judeflynn9223 readers digest do people still buy thier crap ĺol
@@MerlynMusicman I started subbing a month before we left the EU to catch all the hilarity that ensued. I wish I subbed before this as I imagine it was much funnier!
For me, the biggest question has always been that of why, from the extensive ranks of people who have failed, multiple times, to win election to parliament, the BBC chose to give him such a massive platform, over so many years. It has always looked, to me, like the most manifest political bias.
Because they can platform anyone from any political stance as they legally have to have no bias over the whole bbc
It's not just the BBC that gives him a platform. He appears everywhere, even though he has no mandate and no constituency. He gets way more screen time and column inches than actual MPs or cabinet / shadow cabinet ministers.
@@Alphoricwhat they are supposed to do and what they actually do are polar opposites!
@@nevg2067 they legally can’t have a bias across the bbc
Left wing people think it’s too right wing
Right wing people think it’s too left wing
Get over it
I honestly think at least at the start he was seen as a comedy figure.
His background as a racist was never really brought up.
He was just that idiot who looked cartoonish.
When serious money began to back him he then became a party leader , and i think under ofcom rules his party had a right to representation.
He then managed to motivate the hard of learning/racist vote , and the UK has never been the same since.
This needs to appear on National TV around the time of the next General Election Campaign. Man of the people my a*se..
So right!
@@daydays12No,far right !!😊
I have great admiration for Head Masters in the early 1980s putting pen to paper and writing down all these home truths about certain individuals. This isn't the second head master who has done so and probably won't be the last...
Take it you weren't educated by the Christian Brothers then Comrade?
@@stewie7338 It's got nothing to do with that. It's a reference to Johnson's Head Master calling him out too.
@@declanmcardleJohnson represents everything that is wrong with our political system. However you should remember he only got to be PM because the rest of the sugar show that are supposed to represent us tried to overturn the referendum result. Now we've even got the Lord Prince of Darkness Tony Blair back on the scene... I said when the Covid Pass ID scheme was floated it would only be a matter of time before he came out of the crypt. You don't happen to know where the Sacred Daggers of Megiddo from the film The Omen are now located do you?
Terry Walsh, who was then deputy master at Dulwich (ie. deputy head), says Farage was well known for provoking people, especially left-wing English teachers who had no sense of humour.
The former master of Dulwich David Emms, the man who appointed Farage and received Chloe Deakin’s letter, says he has no memory of the meeting or the letter. But he agrees with his former deputy: “It was naughtiness, not racism,” Emms told me on Wednesday. “I didn’t probe too closely into that naughtiness, but the staff were fed up with his cheekiness and rudeness. They wanted me to expel him, but I saw his potential, made him a prefect, and I was proved right.”
@@MashLimit lol ok
He keeps saying he's leaving Britain, why doesn't he keep to his word and just go and take his right wing goons with him?
When did he say that?
Surely he's done enough by now for Putin that he can be rewarded with a Russian residence visa. Although he'll have to change banks again.
When he first started whinging about his bank account
Who wants him?
Good question, but he admires both Trump & Putin, either are welcome to him
One thing to add, the only election he won personally was UKIP leader, he was elected to the European Parliament as a list member.
Our fate was sealed when that selfish grifter became a MEP.
Leading a 3rd party to 4 million votes is a massive achievement.
@@evolassunglasses4673 Propagated by right-wing client media and publicised by the BBC. He was given a platform and credibility he should never have had. He is nothing more than the prettier face of the BNP who would NEVER have been given such a platform. Without this level of media support, he would have remained what he actually is, a vile right-wing nut-job and grifter.
@@evolassunglasses4673 You think it is an achievement to get racism, islamophobia, xenophobia and misogyny front and centre of political life in the UK?
Just wow.
@@martinburnreally? It was bad he called out the EU?
No wonder he does not like the British Prime Minister being Hindu, British, African, Indian.
It all makes sense now. Thank you for this video.
What surprised my little mind is that Faraged needed a German interpreter for the AfD meeting. Since his ex-wife and children spoke German in the home, I would have thought he'd speak German.
The man makes my skin crawl, the way certain politicians are defending him makes one wonder if he has something incriminating on them
I just think its safety in numbers for these self serving vile specimens.
They hide behind each other ready to sell one another out at a moments notice.
Nah, it's just a useful dead cat for them to talk about so people forget about Johnson not handing in his phone - that and it plays into their culture war.
I thought that earlier today when all the sycophantic, free-market, pro-deregulation Tories rushed to defend him and condemn a posh bank 🤷🏼♀️
Speaker at right wing extremist wing of Republican Party in US conference last year
Nope theyre just Eugenicists and racists and nigel jumped at the chance to play the part of envoy to the usa gop (the other eugenicists across the pond...that special friendship with the usa they always bang on about).
Ukip/maga =putins nazis
As much as I don't enjoy seeing Farage's face, I'm glad this upload has worked.
Toad face
Tanned skin
Black bulgy eyes
Must have got a Jamaican Grandpa 😜
I don't think so 😅
“I think we’re going to have to move to an insurance-based system of healthcare”.
Already got one, Nige, NATIONAL INSURANCE. As Al Murray would say, “clue’s in the name, for f*ck’s sake”.
He said that within a day or so of the Referendum - as in, with Brexit he knew EXACTLY what he thought he was voting for…..
How very true 😃👍
Yup they had us all tied up in a pretty little box for sale to the usa market.
Ive been a u.s. citizen for 10years with high level healthcare, you still pay upfront for most of it and have to reclaim it. For my spinal surgery we had to pay $4000 up front and the insurance payed the rest, despite having many thousands on credit with them. Its a scam the uk cant afford to be part of. Good for the richest only. Basically means no healthcare for the poor.
Farage was being bankrolled/funded by Arron Banks. Arron Banks is a £billionaire & insurance company owner (among other businesses some in tax havens). . . I wonder why Farage was promoting and pushing for an insurance based health system?
"Farage blames the NHS for his Monorchism (one testicle), losing a testicle to cancer.
"Nigel Farage has claimed that the “incompetence and negligence of the NHS” almost killed him in his 20s after a tumour caused his left testicle to swell to the size of a lemon.
In an extract from an autobiography published in the Telegraph on Saturday, the Ukip leader recalled how he was “fobbed off by one NHS doctor to the next” for two months after they failed to spot his testicular cancer when he was 21." - The Guardian, Sat 14 Mar 2015 article titled: ''Nigel Farage: NHS 'negligence' over testicular cancer almost killed me''
(Seems Farage and Hitler have that in common as well!)
Arron Banks:-
Arron Banks is the "co-founder (with Richard Tice) of the Leave.EU campaign. Banks was previously one of the largest donors to the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and helped Nigel Farage's campaign for Britain to leave the EU. . . Banks was the chief executive (CEO) of Southern Rock Insurance Company in 2014. . . Banks also owns Eldon Insurance, whose CEO Elizabeth Bilney was also in charge at Leave.EU." - Wikipedia
"Farage spoke at a rally for the far-right Alternative for Germany party in advance of the 2017 German federal election, having been personally invited by the party's deputy leader Beatrix von Storch." - Wiki'
"Farage said on 24 February 2022 that the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine was "A consequence of EU and NATO expansion, which came to a head in 2014. It made no sense to poke the Russian bear with a stick. These are dark days for Europe." His remarks led some commentators to compare him to Lord Haw-Haw, the pro-Hitler broadcaster and propagandist of the 1940s who was subsequently tried and convicted for treason." - Wiki'
The Lab Gov were the first to break the ring-fenced money (also pensions pot) and spend the lot. So we are always trying to catch up.
A truly nasty piece of work. Do everything to stop this person from destroying our country.
I fear it may be to late.If,which is a distinct possibility, that Farage is the next prime minister it will be Starmer's fault.
I fear it may be too late.If,which is a distinct possibility, Farage is the next prime minister it will be Starmer's fault.
This ahould be shared everywhere a dangerous man indeed. People believed hislies with brexit dont let him con you again
Exactly. The UK citizens did not benefit from leaving the EU. The same low wages etc.
He lasted about 2 minutes in Scotland. If he stayed any longer he would've got the Glasgow send off and his coat sold in a pub.
He stole that coat from Arthur Daley.
well scotland not known for brains
😂 Scotland really is a bastion of hope sometimes. May us English take inspiration and reclaim our dignity.
@@judeflynn9223 Are you joking? The list of inventions and engineering feats originating from Scotland would take hours to read.
So does a bag of smack.
You can see why FSB saw him as an easy target .
Not really. I suggest you justify the assertion.
@@CrankCase08 Anyone with a pair of eyes and an open mind can see it, looks like you're in trouble mate.
@@135Ops What are you going on about?
Why is it left to LBD to out this creature, Mainstream media pretty much leave him alone, tells you everything doesn't it? Well done LBD!
Murdochstream Media
The main stream are quiet because this is a fake video and he would sue the ass off them if they reported this fake news. The media are told by their handlers to spread hate about Farage but they know that this information is fake and would expose them for being fake.
Mainstream leave him alone? Quite the contrary, they seem to give him an absolutely massive platform. He’s on everything. The media lap him up thinking it’s great telly etc, but it’s making it look like he’s more popular and influential than he actually is.
Nigel Farage must be one, if not the greatest grifter, in the UK
He's worse than a grifter, genuinely makes me sick how many people idolise him. I keep getting my comments deleted when I try to fact check him
We are doomed unfortunately... people already 😍😍😍
There‘s this other guy… Ritchi or so. He made millions from the banking crisis he and his folks incited and for which the people paid via austerity.
If by greatest grifter you mean most successful. Name another politician in the last 20 years who has achieved what they set out to do.
@@_Titanium_ well he is the best according to the TIK TOK dense
A disingenuous elite pretending to fight elites.
Holy crap, how bad do you have to be to make GOVE shudder??
And for Enoch to tell you to do one...
@@ChrisHall1607 Farage having a following proves there are severe deficits in education in this country.
And yet, the Tories policies make the BNP look like boy scouts.
It's not looking good when the Tories are trying to out Fas the BNP.
Worse still is Keir Starmer thinks mimicking 80's/90's Tory policy is the way forward.
Nowhere in this reality do I see things improving. Pain awaits us before we see the youth of today rise up against them after decades of bad neo-liberal polucy.
@@jpross68 who?
@@jpross68 Farage, the pound shop Mosley!
Grifter. Lovely word. Probably invented for Farage. Fabulous summary of his many 'achievements'. Thank you.
Liar 🤥 & money-making virtuoso💰
Led by Donkeys, you’re great. Hold a mirror up and show them for who they are. It’s just a shame you’re not able to get this on adverts on TV.
Most of it is FAKE. AI has been used a lot.
There needed to be a mention of how many times he's appeared on Question Time over the years. Question Time definitely helped elevate him where his lies and half-truths were left unchallenged.
Make sure you add his appearance that it was always him vs 3 other lefties.
@@problemofcommons775BS, saying something doesn't make it true.
@@garyboyle695exactly. You said it. You say something. So by your logic, what you say, isn't true 😂😉
@@problemofcommons775 He wasn't. Who the other guests were has no impact on the number of times he was given a platform on the programme.
Yes they DO.
You actually think the tories are "conservative" when they campaigned for remain, love migration & recognize LGBTQ rights. This has been going on long before Nigel brought us Brexit
He’s a man who had one sole purpose and now acts like he’s still relevant.
Brilliant. But with a fascist King and Conservative government, little can be done. I just wish the poor and underprivileged who vote for the right would just open their eyes and not the tabloids … Please never give up your excellent work. LBDs rock….
Educate on eugenics. Even with their bull minded hatred they will see they have no place amongst those they idolize.
" fascist " XD
Talk about deluded. Charlie-boy is well in with the gIobaIist WEF and its neo-Marxist aims of imposing muIticuIturaIism, abolition of nation state, and The Great Replacement.
Incredible piece. Thankyou LBD
Brilliantly executed portrayal of essential facts. Thank you
And still largely non-guilty 🤑
Your feelings are not facts.
@@Lukex29 Fabrications Ha Ha Ha Not a single piece of evidence yet 🎭
@@Lukex29 what are you talking about? I said nothing about my feelings 🤣
You won't find these facts anywhere because this video is totally fake.
Anyone else finds it hilarious that even Enoch Powell didn't want to do anything with him? 😂
Says a lot for him doesn't it. Even that filthy creature despised him
And he was born in 64.
I thought he was around 70.
Hes only 59
Doing a deal with the devil has its costs
@@smcl8419 Are you speaking from experience?
It's hilarious that you believe this fake news
He chooses his friends very well. Thank you for exposing this hateful creature
Bet this channel won't expose the creatures that are actually ruleling and ruining the country.
Fake video.
As ever, people such as yourself always bandy words like 'hate' and 'hateful', without justifying such accusations. Furthermore, he is at liberty to hate who he wishes, just as you are.
So you didn’t watch a single minute of the video you muppet. Fascists are curiously vocal about “free speech” as long as it’s hate speech and as long as it isn’t directed at themselves. Until they are in power of course.
perhaps what the bbc should have shown before inviting him to newsnight
The BBC the national standard of integrity and high standards.
" His old headmaster recounts rudeness rather than racism."
Yeah, right !!
Questionable about potentially how racist a headteacher in a fee paying school in the 1980s might be..just saying...may have his own "lens"...
Precisely! and then only an opinion, look at some of the opinions on here.
Friend of the family perhaps
This echoes a recent Black Mirror episode where a Conservative candidate reframes covert racism as a polite form of the actual ideology.
@@mostly_obtuse There is certainly covert racism going on. Very often from the very people protesting against it.
He should be charged with treason.
Because he is a russian operative just like plenty other fascists in the west.
Cry more
He's the ultimate 'grifter' politician, and a total 'chancer'. Now he's at it again - using the people of Clacton. He thrives off their sorrows, and hardship, thereby cementing their bitterness.
If he doesn't get the Clacton seat, then he'll drop the people there, like a stone....and will probably never set foot in the town again.
But even if he does win (though still unlikely), he'll prove such a poor MP, that in four or five years time, will lose his seat - ironically, to Labour.
If Nigel Farage was a grifter what on earth would that make the rest of them 😂 you lefties are truly pathetic.
@Bedmoments Nigel is a grifter. The European parliament said so, the people said so, even his teachers said so. If you can't see through his bullshit, should've gone to specsavers mf
He'll drop them like a stone, win or lose. Some of the unthinking will probably vote for him though.
Sadly, there is every chance that he will win this time.
@@flashylite I really hope so.
0;00 July 1963: what a great advert for Durex.
Yes....that and TRUMP too
An utterly appalling human being. The very worst of us. I fear that many don’t see him for what he is.
Well can't argue with your reasoning - no wait, he opposes so much of what is going wrong in our society how terrible.
@@Roskellan I don’t think we’re going to agree.
Coutt’s had him right: a xenophobic, racist grifter
I fear that they do and agree with him.
What a thoroughly unpleasant man.
Why don’t they ever admit to being a fascist !
Because of what it ends up doing. He wants private healthcare. Unemployed only got 16 weeks to get a job or sanctioned. Like the sound of this? A lie that he'd put the tax threshold down to 20 grand. Unaffordable.
He speaks as if he is for the British people but people fought and died against fascism and people like him.Let’s face it what has Farage ever done for ‘his’ country but spread hate. He has never, ever spoken about the benefits of migrants has he. Has he visited a doctor, needed surgery or needed care and support for relatives. I sometimes wonder what we would have done without immigration Of course there are criminal activities in immigration but if the Tories had put together a way of dealing with immigration properly and fairly it wouldn’t be like this. I personally think it was deliberate on their part, after all it gave them someone to blame for everything that had gone wrong since they were in power. Shocking really. 9:59 9:59
They know saying you are a Fascist will hopefully do nothing so says he is not. Look who he rubs shoulders with. Says it all.
I am a pro European and was devasted with Brexit. I went to see him with Brexit friends at Gateshead Sage Centre when he was touring with his save Brexit bus out of interest. It was a horrible but fascinating night. He came on last and whipped the crowd up into a frenzy of UJ waving Rule Britannia singing. So many ironies. The Sage Centre was partially funded by EU grants. North East England working class voters who supported this conman have all been shafted. His 'save Brexit' march to London which started on a Sunderland beach on a foul day was an insult to the Jarrow March. He didnt do the march which entertained me immensely.I got an e-mail from 'him' inviting me to a bitcoin sales event in Amsterdam a couple of years ago ££££. Everything he said that night at The Sage was either a lie or twisted half truth!
How illuminating and how gullible and stupid we are to take this dangerous cretin seriously. But of course, he is catnip to the lying and cynical hacks who purport to write objective pieces for the overwhelmingly foreign-owned UK National press. Looks like you can fool the people all the time - with key exceptions that is.
"The Sage Centre was partially funded by EU grants." never ceases to amaze me how supporters of the EU cannot see a lie when its in their face. How can the EU of funded ANYTHING in the UK when we paid so much more into it than we ever got out? This is the trickery that is socialism as a business. Not sure the less politically astute amongst us will ever stop buying into these nonsense narratives. SO GLAD to be out of the EU!
So the EU just gave us some free money? That’s so cool!
@@sn4831 What did the Romans give us :):):):)
As if you care about the memory of the Jarrow Marchers. Open borders negatively affects the working class and the Welfare State.
Love it when people who hate state interference and promote the right of private individuals and companies, like banks, being able to freely express their opinions go absolutely bonkers when they do just that but they're the 'wrong' end of it. Karma.
more like Klarna for him now..
@@ollid124 Do Wonga offer mortgages?
How have they done just that? so to you the free rights of banks/companies means dropping a customer because of political discrimination? if thats your defintion of free rights I hate to think what your other definitions are you tipsy turvy divvy.
Just Stop Oil where’s their bank account and where’s yours ?
@@jimsouthlondon7061 Why? Are you planning to make a deposit or a donation? That is very civil minded of you Jimso. Well done.
Depressing how such a disgusting man can influence so many people.
It's depressing to realise just how many can be influenced by such an abhorrent creature.
Education requires a reboot.
Well ,Hitler did it Unfortunately he spouts the same divide and rule rhetoric that goes down well with the public in these financially difficult times. Let's hope we don't witness history repeating itself.
@@noramartin96was thinking the same, it's a case of knowing your history so you are not fooled.
A "creature" just because you don't agree with him? At least he never lost an election when it was under proportional representation.
@@Dylanesque What an arrogant snot you are! There's nothing wrong with the British wanting their ancient homeland back.
Rotten man. Hopefully his name finds its correct place in the history books. People like him seem to avoid justice in their lifetimes.
What "justice" is that, and for what? Far too many people vote for such comments without even applying any critical thinking.
Like toxic tony for war crimes and treason
Hopefully he DOESN'T make it in the history books. Why give him that satisfaction?
@@keifer7813 Of course he will, he is already in them. the UK Patriot that changed the entire outlook on European dictator politics. He is Unique in UK politics, he turned the entire system on its head and never stepped anywhere near Westminster to do it. You misinformed Traitors hate us Patriotic voters because er showed the extreme flaws in the system you supported..
Tony Blair ?
This is an excellent piece of work, never knew he was so bad. Why hasn’t the BBC and/or other networks presented coverage like this? Makes you wonder 💭. Thank you! Keep up the good work.
Hmmmm... indeed... it's almost as if
@@purplerisc It's almost as if you stopped before the end of your sen
This video has been proven to be fake many times over.
Hey, @ledbydonkeys - we could do with an updated version of this to warn voters about the most recent goings on. This man should be nowhere near politics
He's got even more form than BoZo.
He hasnt aged well. Must be all that internal bitterness. What a creature.
I see the bitterness here for sure.
@@RoskellanYou are the only one defending the indefensible here. How about a new brain transplant. Agreed? 👀
Great video, you forgot all his links to Arron Banks, Steve Bannon and all the other digital rightwing operatives. Good to have this here though.
After Churchill met Enoch Powell, he told his PPS
"Under no circumstsnces is that LUNATIC to be allowed into No.10 as long as I am Prime Minister!"
Churchill was a bigger racist than powell so he must have had other reasons
Churchill hated blacks lol, said they were worse then indians.
Churchill was a traitor to the British people. He served himself and transatlantic financier sponsors. No one else.
@@vincentvangogh8092totally true
Some years ago a punk band from (I think) Portsmouth had a song called "Nigel is a Nazi" - they produced stickers bearing the title. A friend (now sadly deceased) took great pleasure in walking past the local UKIP office at night and sticking one on the window. He took pleasure watching them remove said sticker the next morning, only to return later that night to repeat the process! I think he might have ordered more copies of the sticker from the band.
Yet when right wingers make stickers from memes, they go to Prison . Sounds fascist to me.
How the BBC and US Republicans can take this man seriously is anyone's guess, when he was beaten by a man in a dolphin suit in a Parliamentary election and has never won a Parliamentary election in his life, out of about 9 goes.
Ukip got 4 million votes even without PR.
@@evolassunglasses4673 That was once. They tried again, they failed. It meant nothing as it led to nothing
From an American's point of view, Farage checks all the boxes for a Republican (racist, self serving, greedy, liar, morally bankrupt), so it's no surprise to me they love him.
BBC is corrupt
@@evolassunglasses4673 2 million more than the Scottish N a zi Party.
That piece of excrement in human form makes me puke. Thank you for compiling this catalogue of his vileness. I've shared it to my facebook account as it needs to be seen by as many people as possible.
I'm sure he misses your support, you sound really charming.
@@Roskellan Oh he never had an atom of my support, but how lucky for him that he evidently has yours - which makes me think you're deeply uncharming.
Your silly immature opinion is, I suppose, quite amusing..utterly wrong of course..politics is difficult for ladies
@@John-d5y2d LOL! How equally amusing to hear from this dud ex-politician's No 1 fan. Politics might be complex, but spotting a gaslighting, racist, faux-patriotic, posturing grifter tends to be fairly straightforward.
@@mikaelabowen5781 your writing flows quite nicely..almost poetic in its shape..middle management from a working-class family, the first member of which to go to university where a 3rd was achieved.
Generationally inculcated, by casual osmosis in to left leaning politics in the home followed by more determined nonsense at the red brick uni..whereupon the only good things were finally expunged..good things like love of ones country, respect for one's national history and viewing one's people as sacred.
These things replaced by the vileness of feminism and postmodernism.
A perfect example I suppose of the work of the Frankfurt school..those degenerates who, so many years ago, planted their poisonous seeds, which have now come to fruition for the mid-wit to consume in a self-righteous frenzied orgy of self-inflicted corruption
Believe because he paid off his mortgage, he wasn't a viable option for Coutts.
The question is, how has he received such sums to pay this off suddenly?
Seeing as he was an MEP, they earn above £100K a year not including paid expenses.
The same way that every other politician does it.
@@WhateverMan35 and the uk still has to cough up his mep pension!
Through being employed. You should try it.
he is the most DISGUSTING politician in the UK
No, that honour belongs to george galloway
Nah thats sunak
This is great reporting, even if some of the info may (for whatever reason) be inaccurate, I still learned more than I ever have from mainstream media from the video evidence alone. Thank you.
Which parts are wrong?, I ask from a position of intrigue and not to attack you.
@@Albert_O_Balsam I assume with ANY reporting now that some of this it is wrong. However I looked up some of it and everytime it proved true based on the sources I found.
I’m more inclined to believe everything because they even pulled up Farage’s views on the NHS which i have been struggling to find for years now because I remember him saying we need to private public health care and somehow he removed that clip from existence.
@@Albert_O_BalsamHow could someone say they learned so much from this and then say "even if some of it is wrong" . This makes no sense as the video is totally fake.
How can it be great reporting if some of it is wrong. You do know it's a fake video.
@@truthseeker7794 because of the video evidence it provides…the video evidence can’t be fake. You can literally see him saying some the statements.
However regarding some of the reports of him stealing money from funds, that is potentially not confirmed otherwise he’d have been sued…not to say he didn’t but likely not enough proof. His views on the NHS and other past views are there in video, that’s my point.
The truth about losing the Coutts bank account was (which has been repeated multiple times by many people elsewhere, including Coutts bank themselves), is that his balance fell below the minimum required balance for the bank of £1 million.
He was offered another account at a sister institution in the same banking group. But that doesn't make for a good publicity stunt does it?
Four days later and both couttes and the BBC have apologised for their misinformation when he was forced to release the document specifying why the bank booted him. In the document it said clearly that he met the criteria.
You can’t fool everyone with your misinformation
Also he knew 2 months in advance it was going to happen but waited until it was closed for maximum drama and publicity
@@Trylobyte good, he dethroned a scummy banker what’s the issue here?
Actually confirmed to have not been the case. His Political opinions were definitely the reason his account was suspended. The BBC has even apologised, for how they have handled and reported this story.
@@gloriousrevolutionary2306 Ok, do you have a source for that?
What he was really pissed off about is the loss of prestige in being able to slap his Coutts card on the bar in front of his peers and impress shop assistants , the Coutts card is widely known to open doors and is seen as an endorsement of your financial wealth.
Used to see them all the time as I worked in an affluent area of London, always arrogant w*nk*rs!
What he and us for that matter should be concerned about is the banks cancelling individuals at will, based on their politics, failure to comply with woke their values or any other damn thing they like. An attack on rights and freedoms, on free speech, on our very democracy.
The Trademark of an utter c**
Coutts is the private bank of politicians
Why isn’t this on the news, anywhere? ..
Because it's fake and Farage would sue their ass off. The media are told to spread hate about him by their handlers but they have nothing on him. I challenge you to prove any of things in this video but you won't be able to.
Because its bullshite
@@bobhas1 You wish, but it isn't.
@@bobhas1 it's true. Cope.
@@bobhas1all easily verifiable
My mummy says you hate foreigners was the perfect statement, even a 5 year old can see how loathsome he was
You mean the people who statistically commit more violent and se*ual crimes?
What a totally useless comment. May aswell say "I hate Nigel Farage" 🤤
No , I suspect that her mother is just another emotional lefty , use your vote if you don’t like him .
"Can see" or kid is being told by "mummy" what to "see"... Your Iq levels are in single digits...
@@DaBawski Are you purposefully making these dumb comments?
Nigel Frapp-arage is just a grifter, self proclaimed hero of the working arse. One lady owner, full national service history and low mileage credibility
NF rage was big in the 70s. 1:03 Reminded me of father Ted after being asked " i hear you're a racist now father?"
NF. National Front or Nigel Farage?
@@pipster1891 it was his school nickname NF rage.
'Down with that sort of thing !'
@@pipster1891 It's a play on words dumbo...
How can Brits see this despicable excuse of a human still in public life pretending nothing is wrong!
I know. We need a proper right wing leader
Because a lot of people agree with some things he says
Not many agree with everything he says
I’m sure you have had some bad ideas aswell
@@wodens-hitman1552 More like the Austrian painter. National Socialism is the way.
@TejasNarvekar Brit's don't choose who they see in public life, just like Yanks don't choose Trump you really should think harder.
If his lips are moving we know that no truth is coming out. This group of facist around the world are so dangerous and yet people ignore that and just love the slogans. He as a privilege and rich man has managed to convince ordinary people that he is one of them. Worse is sadly yet to come.
Farage, the final of the 4 Horsemen of British Political Apocalypse, joining Rees-Mogg, Johnson and Murdoch
To all the comments saying that this is not a true depiction of farage's history I say,
If farage thinks it's untrue in any way, let him sue in court.
He would not stoop to people like you lick his boots.
Nige, the Brexiteers hero.
Oh a new voter. Let me serve you a pint while I empty your pockets 👻
@@spaliverpool71 stop whinging 😆 my savings are stacking up with interest. Get a job and save some money 😉
@@longarrearstomakegood Oh please. Are you crying? I've already got a job. So no idea what you are going on about. Is it an overseas savings account? 😂
and let us not forget that Fromage was offerred a bank account with Natwest when he no longer met the criteria for Coutts. Sadly, man of the people Fuhrage didn't want to bank with an ordinary bank
This has been exposed as bullshit, but your indoctrination will not allow you to acknowledge that.
Now the question is, how DID he become an MEP?
He ticked all the boxes ☑️
Because we were never that into Europe. Nigel Garage was the best we could offer.
This is the garbage our country produces at these expensive private schools
Yep, sad innit. Farage, Cameron, Blair, Johnson, Truss et al. The mind boggles.
Wowsers.....why is this not on news night 😱
From the first minute I was waiting for the dolphin...
3:44 - happy dance time 😁
As FRANKIE BOYLE says a frog trying to escape from a scrotum
Frankie Boyle is crazy :)))))
I couldn't imagine myself watching a 10 minute long video on this loathsome pos on any other channel.
Please keep the hits coming!
Nigel: “Erm, not necessarily racist things.”
“Well it depends how you describe it.”
Me: 😂🤦🏽♂️🎤
This is merely a ringing recomnendation for Reform Ltd. groupies.
He's a Stephen Graham character without the charm or likeability.
Yup, that’s the Britain I’m starting to recognise, even Starmer is on the way … sinkhole.
If a fart was a person.
Farage would follow through eveytime!
@@JohnHollyoak-vx6pn Farage would be the follow through everytime.
He would be a wet fart
It would be Sadiq Khan?
@@avacyn2000 Did you come up with that all on your own?
Great job LBD !!!!! Always knew he was, is & will always be a revolting person !!!!!!
I have no admiration for Mr Farage’s views on life , But in a free world he should be allowed to have them , One of the things that disgusted me was when he instructed his fellow MEPs in his party to turn their backs on a small group of young musicians playing to the representatives of 28+ nations in Brussels ! It was unnecessary and cruel ,
Why has this not had More Views.
UK Voters should be Forced to watch this.
I SO agree! What an awful fellow this Farage is.
😂 some of his voters in Clackton probably wouldn’t understand most of the content. But this should be made common knowledge but sadly won’t be.
What actual evidence is there? It's speculation. He 'supposedly' did this, and 'allegedly' said that. No concrete proof. It's just typical Leftist Ad Hominem.
Because it has been edited into 5 second clips to suit the posters intentions of bringing negativity into the voting as Reform have been doing so well. There are plenty of MP's with dirt in their past!
You left out his relationship with Aaron Banks 😢
I’ve just spent ten minutes on the bog spraying it with diarrhoea. A perfect accompaniment to this video. Thanks
Sorry mate, I feel terrible laughing at your misfortune, but that post had a real grim beauty to it. It is indeed a fitting accompaniment to Farage!
You did a Farage
Thank you for this posting. Why is this not all over the media. ? Why is he given airtime all over media ? Why is he on Question time multiple times and the Green party not once ? The media have a lot of questions to answer. Thank you again for posting.
The media hate him and would never show this because it's totally fake news and he would sue the ass off them. I challenge you to prove any of this. You won't be able to. Fake video.
Why don’t you do one of these on Kier Starmer, and his political activity in his 20s?
Like Oswald Mosely, he'll run out of curtain to hide behind.
Weak comment. Try harder.
@@Stiffytheenlightened Like hitler, he'll shoot himself in the foot, and then the head 😂
The epitomy of lil angerland and one of the sources of its well earned derision.
Manipulative, nasty, deceitful and hypocritcial - not a great combination... in the old days that would of been enough to see him doomed to rot in Hell but now-a-days we must do it all ourselves ! 🙂 As an aside, I recall alot of youngsters who had crude & naive views at age15, say, but most of them left that unpleasantness behind when they grew up...
Wow, and here I was he is at worst a clown, even though dangerous. He seems to tick all the boxes of the dark triad: machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. He just doesn’t care who he ends up hurting, as long as people are paying attention and he fulfils whatever sick goal he is trying to achieve.
He portrays himself as a hero though, a true patriot. Proof is that he still goes to the Post Office for his dole cheque 🏜️
He's got where he is because, unlike most of his knuckle-dragging accomplices, he makes sure not to let the mask slip too often.
even is a little boy he looks like a smarmy little
Oswald Mosley 2.0.
And equally beloved of the Daily Mail!
If only! We could do with someone like him now.
Mosley was right. He prophesied the disaster we are now witnessing across Europe. Hence the recent EU Elections!
In his defence.......theres no defence is there?
Plenty of context and the existentialist survival mode UK is now in.
They forgot the most important piece of Farage history, when he appeared in Newcastle in May of 2019, and a man pummelled him with a Five Guys Milkshake.
The man pled guilty for common assault and sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work.
@@davidnavarro4821 while it was certainly assault, let's not down play the hatred people have for this man. So much so that someone in the North wasted a £6 milkshake just to toss it at him.
@@davidnavarro4821 I'd give him 150 hours paid work to do it again, this time with a bucket of piss.
How do you know it was a man? You are transphobic.
@@Cutter8888Not wasted -money well spent!
This is clearly extremely biased, I don’t actually like Nigel but I understand fair journalism.
Thank you Peter Scott 👌
Yep. Glad this is out as a reminder.
And he claims he’s not racist 😂
He's not racist. The left are racist, positive discrimination is racist. The left are anti semitic as well though they would throw the term around onto others.
And at least a prominent historic idol of his was somewhat more honest and open about his true ideologies than he is.
A greasy Spiv, in 1942 he’d have been selling stockings in the twilight. He’d have been on the wrong side at Cable street. May he never know peace in this lifetime.
Ghastly man, please don’t vote for him
❤ Farage