I suggest a metal water container, some form of shelter i.e. tarp/ bivvy/ tent and a folding saw of some sort. I would also add a torch/ flashlight, leather gloves and a poncho.
I always carry a small roll of picture hanging wire. It would work great for hanging your cup. It's strong enough to hang just about anything that you would carry. It also works great for lashing if you want to make a tripod for cooking.
I carry a small visegrip, a three corner and flat file, small cold chisel, gerber multitool, 3 different saw blade, and a Cold Steel shovel, minus its handle. In an hour, I can make whatever length and configuration of handle I want for the shovel and then REALLY get some work done. It can become a full length shovel, paddle,/posthole digger/vertical ice chipper, two handed axe (with stone weight) or an adze/hoe/pick/rake shape. Without the handled, the shovel is a skillet, "big knife', prybar, trowel. 1.5 lbs of tools, so I can get a lot done without killing myself and make very little noise for most of the work. Chopping is inefficient, noisy and dangerous. Digging and sawing are much better.
if it's shtf, you need a silenced 22lr rifle. a very lw, take down model, like the Marlin papoose, M70 4 lbs. The AR-7 is a pos. The best set up is a 10.5", skinny barreled, AR-15, 1 in 9" rifling twist, scope option, trigger job, free-float tube, 7.5" of aluminum silencer, CMMG 22lr conversion unit, 60 gr softpoints, 60 gr Aquila subsonic 22 rimfire ammo, A 20 and 30 rd mag of each. One 30 rd mag of mixed 62 gr ball and tracer, for use on moving cars or choppers, cache it one you get to the BOL. one 20 rd mag of match bthp 69 gr for use with the scope, also cached after you get to the BOL. Since you wont come out in daylight, unless forced to do so. the BB gun quiet 22 unit and 223 silencer is your mainstay. You can swap to 223 firing mode in 20 seconds, if need-be. At night, the 25 rd box mag of subsonic 22's is not nearly the handicap that it is in daylight. For it to be BB gun quiet, you have to hold shut the bolt. Then there's no ejectio port noise or flash You can brain men, dogs, deer or hogs with it to 50m, an inflict (eventually-lethal) torso hits with it to 126m.. thats a very long shot in the dark, vs people who have no night sights nor nvd goggles. It'll brain cattle or horses to 20m, temple hits only. The brain lies about 3" above a line drawn between eyeball and ear hole, Youll need pre-buried empty drums for all of the jerky and lots of salt. Make brine, dip the bacon-strips of meat in the brine, to help dry the meat quickly and keep flies from laying eggs in it. hang the strips over branches and cover with bug netting during the sunny day and then make a brush Teepee and smoke it at night. When the jerky strip breaks like a twig, it can be safely stored for later use. 4 lbs of Kevlar vest and groin protector. the most common, most dangerous threat will be a silenced 22lr autorifle. I wrote a book on how to effectively silence one. It sold 1/2 million copies before Paladin Press went out of biz. you can still find used copies of it on Amazon. it shows you how to make a brass-piloted drill bit and counterbore the muzzle for internal threading with a tap. The male threaded stud is on the silencer.
when you pass under a bridge with your raft, it would be safest to get naked, and be hidden under your raft for the 100m before and after your raft passes the bridge. An enemy can be shooting nearly straight down at you during that time period and might be willing to dive off of the bridge to get your stuff Bullets dont penetrate much water and if your face and neck are covered with dark mud, it will be quite hard to pick you out. The looters might of course still have a functional flashlight, but they'll know that turning it on is likely to draw bullets to them especially after they've made noise with their guns. Nothing is perfect, but this method of travel is much better than anything by land. When you get past the bridge, get o the raft, dry off your body and hair with some debris or a towel, don your dry clothing again and youll be ok. By contrast, if you've gotten your clothing wet, you'll still be in big trouble and you can't light a fire to help yourself out.
where's your sleep/shelter gear? Do you live in Florida? You need several lbs of that sort of gear, or you're going to freeze your ass off the first time it drops below 50F, with wind and rain. That's 3/4 of the year or more. in most of the US.and all year in the mountains. I use both a buttpack and a daypack. 1 and 1.5 lbs, respectively. This lets me empty out the packs, fill them with dry, soft debris and use them as sleeping-pads, normally up in the net-hammock. I had to replace the belt on the buttpack with a much wider, stiffer one. My hip pads are my spare Boxer shorts and T shirt. The pads on my shoulder straps are my spare socks. I HATE every sq inch and every oz of stuff that I have to lug around. I suggest that you blow off the weight of canned food, cause it's mostly water. I use flour tortillas, jerky, granola, powdered milk, Koolaid, non-egg salad dressing, almond butter, jelly (these last three in packets). About 1 lb per day of the above is about 2500 calories. That wont keep you from losing half a lb per day if you're covering a lot of tough terrain and the rate of weight loss CAN be 1 lb per day if it's also cold, wet, windy. I cover everything with a heavy duty 55 gallon drum liner, so nobody can see what I strap onto the outside of my packs, so nothing can get wet or lost.
you're carrying at LEAST 15 lbs of pointless weight, and dont have a shelter/sleep element, which you ARE going to need, the first night that it rains/gets windy. You can easily need to carry a full gallon of water, too and that's 8 lbs, right there. The shelter element can be handled with just 5 lbs, if you know what to take and do. with just a couple of sets of longjohns and your cammies, balaclava, 3 pairs of sock liners, gloves, shemagh, sky mask. The sleep/shelter bivy, its 'envelope" the net hammock, can all be worn as clothing. This gear is lashed to the top of the buttpack and the daypack rides on the gear. This causes the gear to serve as a pack frame.
cant have a fire during a bugout, so dont take food that has to be cooked. the roads will be full of ambushes, so you cant use them, or a 4 wheeled vehicled. All it takes is some 1" lumber or sticks, with 3" nails driven thru them. you wont see those "stop sticks at more than 100m and the ambushers will be in spideholes, 100m on either end of the ambush point. that will give them a lot of time to pour 4 shots per second into your vehicle and you wont be going far on 4 flat tires. they will catch you easily. So your BOL has to be in the woods around your local water source, at most 2 night's hike from your normal AO. You wont make it any further than that. With a year's supply of food scatter-buried there, and a spiderhole, to extend into 10m of tunnel, another spiderhole at the other end, you'll be unfindable, if you go at it correctly. Wear nail sandals whenever you're within 50m of a cache or one of your exits. Always come and go by different approaches, so you dont beat a path. Keep "your" hunk of woods looking like any other and nobody will bother to occupy it . Even if they do, a few people being silently brained every few nights will convince them that they should move-on.
veggie oil is dirt cheap, under $2 per lb if bought in bulk Peanut butter is nearly as cheap and so is powdered milk. The oils have 4000 calories per lb, the other 2 have 2500 calories per lb and a lot of protein. A mix of these 3 things, 3/4 lb per day, with half a lb of diced, boiled, then fried cambium will cut your weight loss to 1/4 lb per day or less, if all you do is hole up in a tunnel. So that 100 lbs of such foods, on a bike, can get you thru 4 months of shtf. If you'll bury a few 20 gallon drums of millet (birdseed) from Wally's, 20 lbs for $13, a $15 block of mineral salts from tractor supply, some corn syrup or molasses, and bring some multititamins. you'll get thru 6 months of shtf, and by then 90% of the population will be dead. by using sheet plastic cold frames, most of the US can grow thngs 3/4 of the year and if you'll use hot rocks, buried in wood ashes, inside those little "greenhouses, you can extend that growing season by 2 more months. That will probably suffice to let you get away with growing root veggies, peanuts and sprouts. The greenhouses wont be nearly as clandestine as plants in the ground, but it might be that shtf kicks off in the winter and 6 months later, 90% of the population being dead, a remote area might be ok, ,for night time gardening
if you dont have a frame, or something to ACT as a frame, on that pack, and hip and shoulder pads, either the pack weight has to be under 20 lbs, or that thing is going to eat your LUNCH in 10 miles or less. You've got to get the weight off of your shoulders and onto your hips and you've got to have something acting as padding between the belt and your hips, or the weight/friction will eat you alive.
you can't be out and about in daylight if shtf, You can't make noise and you can't have a light at night. Fires will have to be 2 ft down in a Dakota fire pit.with the bivy and its envelope around the vent hole. This keeps the light going no where but straight up. Doing those earier things will get you sniped. All it takes is one kid with a single shot 22 to cause your (eventual)death. and he can do so from 125m If hes camoed, using cover and holding still, he'll detect you a long time before you notice him.
if you want to be able to run and gun with your BOB, better hold the weight to 45 lbs, and youll need to be VERY fit in order to do so with that much weight. Youll need at least 8 lbs of food and water, 10 lbs of clothing, pack and sleep shelter gear, 20 lbs of guns, ammo night vision ,armor, silencer, scope option, solar charger, batteries, counterweight, helmet. That leaves VERY little for everything else. Sou you either have to cache almost everything, or you have to bring the fats in with the bicycle. Fats and oils only keep a year if they are not frozen. In order to keep from having to replace $400 per year of such food, I paid $200 each for a couple of 7 cubic feet chest freezes from wally's and I"ve got a generator and 10 gallons of gas. Once that stuff is frozen solid, it takes a week for it to thaw. and I can freeze is solid again in a few hours. So my gas (and gas taken from my vehicle) can preserve those fats for quite a while. I've got some stuff cached at the BOL, but I"'m going to dig a hole under a shed for me and my food and try to stay there for3-4 months, Once I've eaten most of the canned and dried food here, I'll load, the rest of it on the bicycle which is buried under the other metal shed. and walk bestide it tot he bol, whih is just 10 miles away. I'l'll have to dig big hole for the geerator ad packit wit insula3ton, only run it last atnight and not for long at a tiem Proper caching of 1000 lbs of food, out where coyotes dogs and bears can get at it, at night, showing no ight and leaving no sign, is a major pits
I have competed in world level IPSC pistol championship matches. Once the longarms come out, no pistol is going to amount to a hills of beans, no matter who you are. If shtf, you can't make noise, show a light at night, nor be out and about in daylight. doing those things will get you shot, early-on. It's gong to be hell on earth, not the camping trip that so many consider to be. The cannibalism will become wide-spread at 3-4 months and most will suicide over what they have lost and what they will have to do in order to survive. 6 months into it, 90% will have perished. 99% within a year. So you dont have to stay in your tunnel forever, The Viet Cong lived in tunnels for 30 years. 30 ft down, cause the US was dropping 500 lb bombs on the 70 sq mile area where it was known that they had their tunnels. Read "The tunnels of CuChi" and search YT for vids about them.
where you gonna bugout TO? if it's shtf, you need a year's supply of food scatter-buried there and you'll need to dig a 10m long tunnel post shtf, and stay in it for a year, while the 99% die off. Then, using night vision, you can tend hidden plots of root veggies, peanuts and sprouts. The game and fish will be gone in 2 months. The cannibalism will start in-earnest by day 90. if it's shtf, you're going to need 20 lbs of armor, silenced autorifle, night vision, subsonic ammo OPTION, solar charger, batteries, helmet, counterweight for the NVD goggles. Just having a noisy pistol is not going to cut it. You can put 100 lbs on a mountain bicycle and walk beside it.
I suggest a metal water container, some form of shelter i.e. tarp/ bivvy/ tent and a folding saw of some sort. I would also add a torch/ flashlight, leather gloves and a poncho.
That's a good idea.
I always carry a small roll of picture hanging wire. It would work great for hanging your cup. It's strong enough to hang just about anything that you would carry. It also works great for lashing if you want to make a tripod for cooking.
Hey man, have a +1 from a fellow small gun tuber. Good video.
I carry a small visegrip, a three corner and flat file, small cold chisel, gerber multitool, 3 different saw blade, and a Cold Steel shovel, minus its handle. In an hour, I can make whatever length and configuration of handle I want for the shovel and then REALLY get some work done. It can become a full length shovel, paddle,/posthole digger/vertical ice chipper, two handed axe (with stone weight) or an adze/hoe/pick/rake shape. Without the handled, the shovel is a skillet, "big knife', prybar, trowel. 1.5 lbs of tools, so I can get a lot done without killing myself and make very little noise for most of the work. Chopping is inefficient, noisy and dangerous. Digging and sawing are much better.
if it's shtf, you need a silenced 22lr rifle. a very lw, take down model, like the Marlin papoose, M70 4 lbs. The AR-7 is a pos. The best set up is a 10.5", skinny barreled, AR-15, 1 in 9" rifling twist, scope option, trigger job, free-float tube, 7.5" of aluminum silencer, CMMG 22lr conversion unit, 60 gr softpoints, 60 gr Aquila subsonic 22 rimfire ammo, A 20 and 30 rd mag of each.
One 30 rd mag of mixed 62 gr ball and tracer, for use on moving cars or choppers, cache it one you get to the BOL. one 20 rd mag of match bthp 69 gr for use with the scope, also cached after you get to the BOL. Since you wont come out in daylight, unless forced to do so. the BB gun quiet 22 unit and 223 silencer is your mainstay. You can swap to 223 firing mode in 20 seconds, if need-be.
At night, the 25 rd box mag of subsonic 22's is not nearly the handicap that it is in daylight. For it to be BB gun quiet, you have to hold shut the bolt. Then there's no ejectio port noise or flash You can brain men, dogs, deer or hogs with it to 50m, an inflict (eventually-lethal) torso hits with it to 126m.. thats a very long shot in the dark, vs people who have no night sights nor nvd goggles. It'll brain cattle or horses to 20m, temple hits only. The brain lies about 3" above a line drawn between eyeball and ear hole,
Youll need pre-buried empty drums for all of the jerky and lots of salt. Make brine, dip the bacon-strips of meat in the brine, to help dry the meat quickly and keep flies from laying eggs in it. hang the strips over branches and cover with bug netting during the sunny day and then make a brush Teepee and smoke it at night. When the jerky strip breaks like a twig, it can be safely stored for later use.
4 lbs of Kevlar vest and groin protector. the most common, most dangerous threat will be a silenced 22lr autorifle. I wrote a book on how to effectively silence one. It sold 1/2 million copies before Paladin Press went out of biz. you can still find used copies of it on Amazon. it shows you how to make a brass-piloted drill bit and counterbore the muzzle for internal threading with a tap. The male threaded stud is on the silencer.
when you pass under a bridge with your raft, it would be safest to get naked, and be hidden under your raft for the 100m before and after your raft passes the bridge. An enemy can be shooting nearly straight down at you during that time period and might be willing to dive off of the bridge to get your stuff Bullets dont penetrate much water and if your face and neck are covered with dark mud, it will be quite hard to pick you out. The looters might of course still have a functional flashlight, but they'll know that turning it on is likely to draw bullets to them especially after they've made noise with their guns. Nothing is perfect, but this method of travel is much better than anything by land. When you get past the bridge, get o the raft, dry off your body and hair with some debris or a towel, don your dry clothing again and youll be ok. By contrast, if you've gotten your clothing wet, you'll still be in big trouble and you can't light a fire to help yourself out.
where's your sleep/shelter gear? Do you live in Florida? You need several lbs of that sort of gear, or you're going to freeze your ass off the first time it drops below 50F, with wind and rain. That's 3/4 of the year or more. in most of the US.and all year in the mountains.
I use both a buttpack and a daypack. 1 and 1.5 lbs, respectively. This lets me empty out the packs, fill them with dry, soft debris and use them as sleeping-pads, normally up in the net-hammock. I had to replace the belt on the buttpack with a much wider, stiffer one. My hip pads are my spare Boxer shorts and T shirt. The pads on my shoulder straps are my spare socks. I HATE every sq inch and every oz of stuff that I have to lug around.
I suggest that you blow off the weight of canned food, cause it's mostly water. I use flour tortillas, jerky, granola, powdered milk, Koolaid, non-egg salad dressing, almond butter, jelly (these last three in packets). About 1 lb per day of the above is about 2500 calories. That wont keep you from losing half a lb per day if you're covering a lot of tough terrain and the rate of weight loss CAN be 1 lb per day if it's also cold, wet, windy.
I cover everything with a heavy duty 55 gallon drum liner, so nobody can see what I strap onto the outside of my packs, so nothing can get wet or lost.
you're carrying at LEAST 15 lbs of pointless weight, and dont have a shelter/sleep element, which you ARE going to need, the first night that it rains/gets windy. You can easily need to carry a full gallon of water, too and that's 8 lbs, right there. The shelter element can be handled with just 5 lbs, if you know what to take and do. with just a couple of sets of longjohns and your cammies, balaclava, 3 pairs of sock liners, gloves, shemagh, sky mask. The sleep/shelter bivy, its 'envelope" the net hammock, can all be worn as clothing. This gear is lashed to the top of the buttpack and the daypack rides on the gear. This causes the gear to serve as a pack frame.
cant have a fire during a bugout, so dont take food that has to be cooked. the roads will be full of ambushes, so you cant use them, or a 4 wheeled vehicled. All it takes is some 1" lumber or sticks, with 3" nails driven thru them. you wont see those "stop sticks at more than 100m and the ambushers will be in spideholes, 100m on either end of the ambush point. that will give them a lot of time to pour 4 shots per second into your vehicle and you wont be going far on 4 flat tires. they will catch you easily. So your BOL has to be in the woods around your local water source, at most 2 night's hike from your normal AO. You wont make it any further than that. With a year's supply of food scatter-buried there, and a spiderhole, to extend into 10m of tunnel, another spiderhole at the other end, you'll be unfindable, if you go at it correctly. Wear nail sandals whenever you're within 50m of a cache or one of your exits. Always come and go by different approaches, so you dont beat a path. Keep "your" hunk of woods looking like any other and nobody will bother to occupy it . Even if they do, a few people being silently brained every few nights will convince them that they should move-on.
veggie oil is dirt cheap, under $2 per lb if bought in bulk Peanut butter is nearly as cheap and so is powdered milk. The oils have 4000 calories per lb, the other 2 have 2500 calories per lb and a lot of protein. A mix of these 3 things, 3/4 lb per day, with half a lb of diced, boiled, then fried cambium will cut your weight loss to 1/4 lb per day or less, if all you do is hole up in a tunnel. So that 100 lbs of such foods, on a bike, can get you thru 4 months of shtf. If you'll bury a few 20 gallon drums of millet (birdseed) from Wally's, 20 lbs for $13, a $15 block of mineral salts from tractor supply, some corn syrup or molasses, and bring some multititamins. you'll get thru 6 months of shtf, and by then 90% of the population will be dead. by using sheet plastic cold frames, most of the US can grow thngs 3/4 of the year and if you'll use hot rocks, buried in wood ashes, inside those little "greenhouses, you can extend that growing season by 2 more months. That will probably suffice to let you get away with growing root veggies, peanuts and sprouts. The greenhouses wont be nearly as clandestine as plants in the ground, but it might be that shtf kicks off in the winter and 6 months later, 90% of the population being dead, a remote area might be ok, ,for night time gardening
if you dont have a frame, or something to ACT as a frame, on that pack, and hip and shoulder pads, either the pack weight has to be under 20 lbs, or that thing is going to eat your LUNCH in 10 miles or less. You've got to get the weight off of your shoulders and onto your hips and you've got to have something acting as padding between the belt and your hips, or the weight/friction will eat you alive.
you can't be out and about in daylight if shtf, You can't make noise and you can't have a light at night. Fires will have to be 2 ft down in a Dakota fire pit.with the bivy and its envelope around the vent hole. This keeps the light going no where but straight up. Doing those earier things will get you sniped. All it takes is one kid with a single shot 22 to cause your (eventual)death. and he can do so from 125m If hes camoed, using cover and holding still, he'll detect you a long time before you notice him.
Will Forte, where ya been?
if you want to be able to run and gun with your BOB, better hold the weight to 45 lbs, and youll need to be VERY fit in order to do so with that much weight. Youll need at least 8 lbs of food and water, 10 lbs of clothing, pack and sleep shelter gear, 20 lbs of guns, ammo night vision ,armor, silencer, scope option, solar charger, batteries, counterweight, helmet. That leaves VERY little for everything else. Sou you either have to cache almost everything, or you have to bring the fats in with the bicycle. Fats and oils only keep a year if they are not frozen. In order to keep from having to replace $400 per year of such food, I paid $200 each for a couple of 7 cubic feet chest freezes from wally's and I"ve got a generator and 10 gallons of gas. Once that stuff is frozen solid, it takes a week for it to thaw. and I can freeze is solid again in a few hours. So my gas (and gas taken from my vehicle) can preserve those fats for quite a while. I've got some stuff cached at the BOL, but I"'m going to dig a hole under a shed for me and my food and try to stay there for3-4 months, Once I've eaten most of the canned and dried food here, I'll load, the rest of it on the bicycle which is buried under the other metal shed. and walk bestide it tot he bol, whih is just 10 miles away. I'l'll have to dig big hole for the geerator ad packit wit insula3ton, only run it last atnight and not for long at a tiem Proper caching of 1000 lbs of food, out where coyotes dogs and bears can get at it, at night, showing no ight and leaving no sign, is a major pits
I don't think you need a bug out bag because you're already living out of the city. What you need is a get home bag in case your vehicle breaks down.
Both woud use about the same gear regardless.
I have competed in world level IPSC pistol championship matches. Once the longarms come out, no pistol is going to amount to a hills of beans, no matter who you are. If shtf, you can't make noise, show a light at night, nor be out and about in daylight. doing those things will get you shot, early-on. It's gong to be hell on earth, not the camping trip that so many consider to be. The cannibalism will become wide-spread at 3-4 months and most will suicide over what they have lost and what they will have to do in order to survive. 6 months into it, 90% will have perished. 99% within a year. So you dont have to stay in your tunnel forever, The Viet Cong lived in tunnels for 30 years. 30 ft down, cause the US was dropping 500 lb bombs on the 70 sq mile area where it was known that they had their tunnels. Read "The tunnels of CuChi" and search YT for vids about them.
where you gonna bugout TO? if it's shtf, you need a year's supply of food scatter-buried there and you'll need to dig a 10m long tunnel post shtf, and stay in it for a year, while the 99% die off. Then, using night vision, you can tend hidden plots of root veggies, peanuts and sprouts. The game and fish will be gone in 2 months. The cannibalism will start in-earnest by day 90. if it's shtf, you're going to need 20 lbs of armor, silenced autorifle, night vision, subsonic ammo OPTION, solar charger, batteries, helmet, counterweight for the NVD goggles. Just having a noisy pistol is not going to cut it. You can put 100 lbs on a mountain bicycle and walk beside it.