What really helped me with new betta that was inactive and scared of the new environment was cattapa leaves that i put in a jar mixed with hot water, and 2 hours later i poured it in the aquarium. And wow it was like you put new fish inside, basically dark water was something like her natural habitat. We need to stop thinking like humans and start thinking like fish haha
My betta fish stays at top of my bowl and doesn't make movement but he eats food properly I have also wash my bowl and changed water but he doesn't make any change Can anyone guide me for this problem
@@beingsecular2659 ideally your betta should be in a 3-5 gallon tank minimum, heated to 78-80 degrees as Sheila said. bowls are not appropriate long term homes, they really need that horizontal space to move around, if your betta is inactive, it could be from being unhappy in a bowl. bowls also don't really fit a heater and filter properly without it being cramped and they're too small to have a proper nitrogen cycle, which is what processes the ammonia from the pee/poo, you a cycle need for good water quality or the fish will be slowly poisoned in between every water change. you shouldn't be doing 100% water changes unless you absolutely have to and are doing them every other day, which you do need to in an uncycled tank/bowl, but doing so is very stressful on the fish, another reason to avoid bowls and " tanks " below 3 gallons, tho i personally thing a 5 gallon long is the minimum size they should have. poor diet can also effect the fish's activity and health. the ideal diet for a betta is frozen live foods ( at least once a day, sometimes twice if the temp in the tank is 80+ degrees since the temp effects their metabolism) a high quality pellet like northfin bug pro ( its the only pellet i feed ) and avoid any foods like flakes because they have no nutrition and cause digestive problems, as well as any tropical or plant based foods like algae wafers. bettas can't digest plant based foods and it does damage to their organs which will eventually lead to organ failure, which is a big reason why i don't recommend them sharing tanks with snails if you're going to feed algae wafers or snello ( snello can kill them after just a couple meals )
I think some bettas are just happy lounging on plants and waiting for food to come their way. Especially the big finned ones. Also, as they get older they do slow down. Not necessarily a heath problem. Would you agree?
Yes my male Half Moon Delta tail loves to chill on his floating plants or Betta hammock making bubble nests. When it's feeding time though he usually swims over for his food.
Mine rests on the roots of my pothos vines. The first few times I saw him doing this, I thought he was stuck, wiggledmthe plant to set him free & pissed him off but good. It's the only time I've ever seen him flare 😯
Isaac Zamora : oof my betta is 4 years old and he always just stands still, even when I tap on the glass hen doesn’t move :( But a few minutes later he’s moving again! Idk lol 😂
My betta was inactive always sitting in his betta hammock, my guess is he was struggling with his very long fins because it always dragging him down when he attempts swimming upward. When I put lots of plants in his tank he usually swims around tight spots rubbing his fins along then sits on almost all the stems near the surface. Also I think he was old that's why he tends to just chill out all the time.
my betta fish was fine yesterday but today he has started hiding, sitting at the bottom of the tank and just coming up for a drink. I am worried I have fed him to much or he is scared. He is normally a very active fish and loves to come and say hello to me.
most people do not provide any oxygen thinking that the betta will only rely on his special respiratory system , he can indeed breath on the surface but this is usually in case he finds himself with no oxygen in the water... in that case if you provide no filter your betta will stay on the surface, a filter is cleaning your tank but also providing a flow that gives some oxygen .... Of course if the water is too cold it will be the same. if you do not live in a tropical place you need a heater. Finally if you put your betta with other fish he might find himself staying on the corner , he is a territorial fish, usually community tanks end up with casualties as the feeding time is a fight
My betta has been really inactive lately like he stays at the top of the tank all day everyday for a week or two he was active when I first moved him in he’s bigger tank he was active and whatever and he would go in his hide and he liked to stay around his fake plants. So I think he’s just bored with his tank, on Christmas I got a 5 gallon filtered tank *none of his previous tanks had a filter and I feel so bad* and today I went out and bought new gravel new fake plants and a hide and a thing he can swim through that’s pretty cool* I read somewhere that bettas like to swim though things* and I got cleaning things including new food. So when I go back to my moms I’m gonna set up his new tank and put him in and hope that he was bored of his old bad tank if not I’ll have to look into other things I’ll have to try. If you read this all thank you :)
Hi! The pet store I work at has two bettas that went doing good. I looked at them, and did not see ick, fin rot, or bloated belly. Theirs scales look normal, one of them seems to have a Slightly mis shaped back, and the other flops over when he is not swimming, but I can’t tell what’s wrong. Any suggestions?
I'm so sorry. I just had a Betta fish pass away a few hours ago to a fungal infection. I've been noticing that my other Betta has been inactive too so hope it's not to late
@@bluelily71 well he was getting really inactive and was turning really white. I had no idea what it was untill after both of their passing. They were super inactive and the fins we're turning white, might have been overfeeding. I feed them once every two days, and did water changes recently but idk.
My betta fish has swim batter and I feel like I’ve done every I did an Epsom salt bath, faster him for three days and fed him peas after and repeated that. There has been no change and I’m rly worried
I just got Three Bettas, The male seems very active, the pink/blue Female seems also very active. But the Red Female is just sitting at the top of the tank :(
I have always found males to be less problematic, but it's just personal preference. As for the most hardy, definitely Plakat. They are closest to the wild type, and because of their short fins, they are not as prone to rips in the fins and subsequently fin rot. They also do not struggle to swim because of the weight and length of their fins.
I agree with Denise. Plakat bettas usually have a lot less issues. As for male and female it’s really down to personal preference. I have both and the all live happily with other fish.
We didn’t have algae in the tank and we didn’t do anything to control it. Now we have changed the tanks up to smaller ones we are finding we get more algae. Not sure how I will deal with it.
Hello , I have a beta from two years and so, I don’t know what happen but he did not swim anymore,he stay in the bottom of the tank,I try every procedure but still don’t feel well,I don’t know what to do anymore...? Thank you
My betta is very lethargic, he stays on the surface and has labored breathing. The parameters are perfect. His fins are clamped but no raised scales. He's also not eating at all. He's not bloated. I did a round of Kanaplex. I also tried dipping him in Methylene blue for 10 sec. Please I need your advice ASAP THANKS
Is he swimming weird? If so I think he has swim bladder disease. Maybe search it up for some advice as I'm not an expert. Hope it gets better as mine died from it.
My betta fish is pretty active! He is a curious little guy! I mean hes in a 2.5 fish tank and he seems generally happy he explores and swims alot! I have live plants in his tank as well! His light is pretty bright so I put a yellow piece of paper to make it a bit darker so the light isn't stressing him out much!!! I'm think of putting him in a bigger fish tank! Beacause he is pretty curious! But hes got a heater and a filter, live plants!!! idk I think hes happy I mean hes active alot so I'm taking that as a happy batta!!! I hardly see him resting!!! He comes rushing to his glass when he sees me!!!!
I got a betta 3 days ago that is in 3 gallon tank. It has a heater, good lighting, real pants…. I’ve checked the level pf the water and everything is fine. He still is very inactive. He was a little bloated yesterday but today he seems better but still very inactive and staying in top of the tank. I don’t know if I should be worried or let him do his thing. His behaviour doesn’t seem right to me :/
Unfortunately, our opal betta, Haupia, suddenly died after we bought him from Petco 3 weeks earlier. We have strong and seemed very healthy in his 10 gallon planted tank. We live in a tropical climate, so his water is the p[erfect temperature him him, 80-82 degrees. I did add a couple tiny juliette corydoras a week before he died. They stayed on the bottom of the tank, and he was very curious about them. The water parameters were perfect. The only thing I can think is that they may have had some diseases? I made a huge mistake by not quarantining the corys before putting them into his tank. What are your thoughts?
Why my betta fish inactive everytime after I do water change? My betta swim from below to the top of the tank to breath the air, then floating before drifting and sinking again to the tank floor?
Love of Pets 2 is definitely on the younger side. Bettas can live several years with good care. However, their genetics play a big roll too unfortunately.
The pet store will test water for you for free. Just put it in a water bottle and they can test for both nitrates and ammonia. Unfortunately, Test kits are out of my budget. Part of my challenge is trying to do this hobby on the cheap. Anybody can throw money at a problem and it’s just a companies way to get your $$$$. Think of nature and use it to cure the problem. I do appreciate your content👍
Hi Sheila, great video. I have a very aggressive female Koi Betta I recently got. She's in my 20gal community tank. It's planted with drift wood and with hiding places. CO2 in use. She likes to chase my fancy tail guppies and my 3 other female Bettas I have. She will nibble on the tails of all of them. I want to move her into a 1.5 tank but she is really pretty and hate to move her because she will be alone til I get other fish that she wont bother. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with an aggressive female Betta? Thanks.
Females living together is not a good idea. I would take her out and as she is aggressive towards the other fish I wouldn’t add any other fish to her new tank especially if it’s only a 1.5 gallon. Bettas do not mind living alone.
Just set up my tank dividers (thank you so much they are PERFECT!) but now my bettas are all laying on the bottom very lethargic Is this normal when moving them to a new tank? They were all in separate 5gallon tanks before this and I just set up a 20 long into 5 gallon sections for them yesterday
Hello, please email us at gciinc@hotmail.com to discuss. This can be normal behavior but it can depend on several factors such as 5 sections in a 20 gallon long is not recommended. How is the tank set up, heavily planted? Was it cycled before adding the fish etc. Please email us so we can troubleshoot for you.
Hello! I am getting a Betta soon and I am wondering if one corner sponge filter in your store would be good for a 15 gallon tank with a Betta fish and bottom feeder or algae eater? Any answers will help thank you!
Please consider the size of the algae eater if you're going that route. Smallest species of pleco (algae eater) needs a minimum of 20g long while larger species such as the common pleco need tanks 75g+. If you want something the eats algae, I would recommend a snail. Bottom feeders like cory cats need to be in groups, I would go for pygmy species as the other species are larger and would do better in 20g or more. Cory cats do not eat algae so, would require their own diet. Just some extra info for you 👍
Francis Rodriguez thank you for the info, I was considering getting a snail instead, but I was not sure if they stay in the water or just escape? I would definitely if I was getting a pleco or other, I would feed the fish it’s own diet though. Thank you🙂
I want to get a guppy tank with cherry shrimp but I don't know what to feed guppies. Can you tell me what you feed them? I plan on buying the shrimp from your store.
We feed our guppies, Hikari guppy food, frozen daphnia, Repashy gel food. When they have babies you will need to grind the food into a fine powder and also feed baby brine shrimp. Guppies are really easy to care for. The shrimp will eat all those foods too along with wafer.
Hey I'M sorry but I have a question and I can't seem to find the answer for it. I have a betta that has fin rot, I ve tried treating him with aquarium salt and baktopur and nothing has worked. He seems to be looking worse and I can't find any antibiotics where I live in Romania. Anything I could do? Thank you very much.
I would really appreciate if you'd reply to me because I am very worried. My Betta is inactive but the temperature of water is fine (23-25°C) and I use special subtances that balance the quantity of toxic substances from water. He eats well and he reacts to me when I talk to him but he only swims like two rounds of tank and then he just stops and stares at the freaking plant like it's a wonder or something. He stays both, up and down. I took him from a 300 ml plastic cup from the store. He is 2 cm long and he stays in a 5-6 litres bowl. You can't see him but I assure you he has enough space. I have another Betta that is perfectly fine in exact the same conditions.
My betta is not as active as he was in the summer! He is just sitting at the bottom of his tank. He only goes up to get air and then sinks back down. I’m really concerned. I changed his water, but still at the bottom.any suggestions?
I have a beutiful betta male ,today he starting acting weird he stays on top of the tank hiding behind a plan inactive for like about a minute and then he moves fast and then stays still again. why hes doing that?anybody please I'm kinda scare sometimes I think hes dead
Mine got inactive when I put a planter on one of the corners of my tank he hides behind it and won’t come out . All my neon tetras are that are with him are all thriving.
AngeDIY sadly he died... I found a twig outside and I WASHED it and then me not noticing the water got green... then I put my betta in and the green mist was a cleaning detergent so that was a sad day...
Hi, my Betta fish doesn't eat, and she's sleeping all the times. So how to fix it? I'm scared if she sick. But my Betta fish sleep like little weird, i was laughing at it 😅 but i really need to know, if she sick or not.. By the way thx for the video, my Betta fish name "Wolly" 😄
:( My betta is inactive because of the tempature and when i ask my parents for a heater they cut me off and say "No! wanna talk about a fire hazord? its like a curling iron in the water" and- yes it is but fire and water huh? sence when can water catch flame -_-
Hello, i have a question. My betta is not eating. Ive seen lots of videos. How many days does it need to get used to new environment. Bcus lots of videos says bettas need time to get used to the new environment and to eat...
@@Lifewithpets72 thanks for answering i will have to get one that is not see through i have two bettas one that's is very active and the other one that just like to be in his little house.
My betta fish stays at top of my bowl and doesn't make movement but he eats food properly I have also wash my bowl and changed water but he doesn't make any change Can anyone guide me for this problem
Hmm...might be swim bladder disease. I suggest cutting a pea into quarters. With a little water stick the one quarter onto the underside of the spoon and feed your betta that. Then let him fast for two or three days. Pea usually helps with swim bladder disease. But if it doesn't. Get unscented Epsom Salts. You'll be needing at least 2 containers. Maybe 3. In container 3, put in clean water. You might need to clean the tank as well. In container 2, take some water from the tank and put in some epsom salts and make sure it's completely dissolved. In container One put in some water from his tank. Move your fish from the tank into container one. Slowly add some of the epsom salt water into container one. When you think enough has been added and your betta is used to the epsom salts, move him into container 2. It is important your fish is only in container two for a maximum of ten minutes. If left in too long, epsom salts can do more harm than good. Take the betta fish out and put him in container 3. While in container 3, put the container in the tank and let it float so the betta can acclimate and get used to the temperature and stuff that's inside the tank. Once acclimated, return your betta to the tank. Depending on how sick your betta is, you might need to repeat this process once every day until your fish starts to improve. I remember seeing a video once of a person who used epsom salts to cure dropsy and it worked. So I'm telling you what I remembered from that video. I hope this helps you.
I have a 10 gal split tank (with one of your dividers, which is so awesome!) and one of my bettas just started laying at the bottom all the time. he had one cloudy eye for a couple days, then the other eye got cloudy. that seemed to go away on its own, but hes still being lazy which is unusual. the other betta is fine and acting normal. my temp is low, thanks to the air conditioner. i have a preset heater. should i buy one to raise the temp myself?
I have two bettas in the same 10gal tank with one of your dividers. one betta is fine, he moves around alot and hes very curious. the other one is lethargic.. just hangs out in the bottom and lays on the decor. he doesnt come up for food right away. its a shame hes my large mustard gas betta, which i've always wanted.
I'm getting a Betta this weekend. I've done all the research, and my tank is almost done cycling. I have is excited!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new Betta.
How long do you have to cycle your tank?
@@Yoyog-ql2cw It took me two weeks using API quick start and a little tea bag of fish food on the filter intake.
@@kirin1230 oh, thx for telling me
Cookie how’s it doing now?
What really helped me with new betta that was inactive and scared of the new environment was cattapa leaves that i put in a jar mixed with hot water, and 2 hours later i poured it in the aquarium. And wow it was like you put new fish inside, basically dark water was something like her natural habitat. We need to stop thinking like humans and start thinking like fish haha
I have lots of betta. Some are active some are not. I guess that's their own individual personality.
Sir I need ur help!?
My betta fish stays at top of my bowl and doesn't make movement but he eats food properly
I have also wash my bowl and changed water but he doesn't make any change
Can anyone guide me for this problem
@@beingsecular2659 two things. First your betta might be too old already. Second, it's a sign of sickness. Put Indian almond leaf inside the tank.
@@beingsecular2659 ideally your betta should be in a 3-5 gallon tank minimum, heated to 78-80 degrees as Sheila said. bowls are not appropriate long term homes, they really need that horizontal space to move around, if your betta is inactive, it could be from being unhappy in a bowl. bowls also don't really fit a heater and filter properly without it being cramped and they're too small to have a proper nitrogen cycle, which is what processes the ammonia from the pee/poo, you a cycle need for good water quality or the fish will be slowly poisoned in between every water change. you shouldn't be doing 100% water changes unless you absolutely have to and are doing them every other day, which you do need to in an uncycled tank/bowl, but doing so is very stressful on the fish, another reason to avoid bowls and " tanks " below 3 gallons, tho i personally thing a 5 gallon long is the minimum size they should have. poor diet can also effect the fish's activity and health. the ideal diet for a betta is frozen live foods ( at least once a day, sometimes twice if the temp in the tank is 80+ degrees since the temp effects their metabolism) a high quality pellet like northfin bug pro ( its the only pellet i feed ) and avoid any foods like flakes because they have no nutrition and cause digestive problems, as well as any tropical or plant based foods like algae wafers. bettas can't digest plant based foods and it does damage to their organs which will eventually lead to organ failure, which is a big reason why i don't recommend them sharing tanks with snails if you're going to feed algae wafers or snello ( snello can kill them after just a couple meals )
@@StarlightBettas 😊Thank you for suggestion mam 🙏
I think some bettas are just happy lounging on plants and waiting for food to come their way. Especially the big finned ones. Also, as they get older they do slow down. Not necessarily a heath problem. Would you agree?
Yes my male Half Moon Delta tail loves to chill on his floating plants or Betta hammock making bubble nests. When it's feeding time though he usually swims over for his food.
Mine rests on the roots of my pothos vines. The first few times I saw him doing this, I thought he was stuck, wiggledmthe plant to set him free & pissed him off but good. It's the only time I've ever seen him flare 😯
Waters Rising I don’t know if my bets is eating. I’ve had him for 2 days.
I bought a betta two days back and he is always at the top of the tank why!!
Me to mine just sits at the top
i hate when he does that because sometimes i think he’s dead :(
Omg me too 🥺
Same lol then I tap on the glass and he runs away. I think he doesn't like me. But it's only half an inch. So it's a can't. Hopefully it gets better.
Isaac Zamora : oof my betta is 4 years old and he always just stands still, even when I tap on the glass hen doesn’t move :( But a few minutes later he’s moving again! Idk lol 😂
Same :(
My betta was inactive always sitting in his betta hammock, my guess is he was struggling with his very long fins because it always dragging him down when he attempts swimming upward. When I put lots of plants in his tank he usually swims around tight spots rubbing his fins along then sits on almost all the stems near the surface. Also I think he was old that's why he tends to just chill out all the time.
@HowTwoPro how can we cure that? My betta too stays down in the tank and doesn't swim and eat much
my betta fish was fine yesterday but today he has started hiding, sitting at the bottom of the tank and just coming up for a drink. I am worried I have fed him to much or he is scared. He is normally a very active fish and loves to come and say hello to me.
Same! My fish temp is good but he is just staying in the bottom and doesn’t eat he only moves to different spots to hude
@@alieen3221 same bro… did you find a fix?
@@Project.99w210 no my aunt who has a bunch of bettas took him in!
Thank you so Much. I tried upped temp to 80*, moved filter to corner of tank, and floating Moss Ball to cut down light. My Betta is active again.
I faced the same problem last week, so what i did was i added a heater in the tank & added some aquarium salt ,now its fine
Good to hear!
most people do not provide any oxygen thinking that the betta will only rely on his special respiratory system , he can indeed breath on the surface but this is usually in case he finds himself with no oxygen in the water... in that case if you provide no filter your betta will stay on the surface, a filter is cleaning your tank but also providing a flow that gives some oxygen .... Of course if the water is too cold it will be the same. if you do not live in a tropical place you need a heater. Finally if you put your betta with other fish he might find himself staying on the corner , he is a territorial fish, usually community tanks end up with casualties as the feeding time is a fight
My betta has been really inactive lately like he stays at the top of the tank all day everyday for a week or two he was active when I first moved him in he’s bigger tank he was active and whatever and he would go in his hide and he liked to stay around his fake plants. So I think he’s just bored with his tank, on Christmas I got a 5 gallon filtered tank *none of his previous tanks had a filter and I feel so bad* and today I went out and bought new gravel new fake plants and a hide and a thing he can swim through that’s pretty cool* I read somewhere that bettas like to swim though things* and I got cleaning things including new food. So when I go back to my moms I’m gonna set up his new tank and put him in and hope that he was bored of his old bad tank if not I’ll have to look into other things I’ll have to try. If you read this all thank you :)
Hi! The pet store I work at has two bettas that went doing good. I looked at them, and did not see ick, fin rot, or bloated belly. Theirs scales look normal, one of them seems to have a Slightly mis shaped back, and the other flops over when he is not swimming, but I can’t tell what’s wrong. Any suggestions?
Really helpful and informative😁
Im still really amazed bu the size of that sword behind you🌾
Thank you so much for the information great learning video for me
Thank you.
This is very helpful thank you
Thank you.
I'd love for you to do a video on treatment of a sick betta
I placed my Betta in a new tank. It’s kinda inactive at the moment, but I do wonder about the fish feed I’ve been giving them 🤔
I saw my one doing that and was worried so i took care of him and fed him but he passed away yesterday 😢
I'm so sorry. I just had a Betta fish pass away a few hours ago to a fungal infection. I've been noticing that my other Betta has been inactive too so hope it's not to late
@@cameronkrupp7874 what are the symptoms if the betta had fungal infection?
@@bluelily71 well he was getting really inactive and was turning really white. I had no idea what it was untill after both of their passing. They were super inactive and the fins we're turning white, might have been overfeeding. I feed them once every two days, and did water changes recently but idk.
i just got a new betta and I am worried he’s not eating and getting ready exercise. is he okay?
I got one last month. And i never see him eat once. He use to be alot more active but he sleeps all day now.
My betta fish has swim batter and I feel like I’ve done every I did an Epsom salt bath, faster him for three days and fed him peas after and repeated that. There has been no change and I’m rly worried
0 dislikes wow, you did a good job👍
omg zach herron !
@@tochoa35 Ikr he’s cute 🥴✋🏻
I just got Three Bettas, The male seems very active, the pink/blue Female seems also very active. But the Red Female is just sitting at the top of the tank :(
Hey Sheila , i am getting a betta fish in a week , which one i should go for male or female , also tell me which tail type is most hardy ..
U can buy both & keep them separate & for the species u can buy halfmoon or double tail as they add beauty both on your eyes as well as tank
I have always found males to be less problematic, but it's just personal preference. As for the most hardy, definitely Plakat. They are closest to the wild type, and because of their short fins, they are not as prone to rips in the fins and subsequently fin rot. They also do not struggle to swim because of the weight and length of their fins.
Denise Pollitt thank you very much
I agree with Denise. Plakat bettas usually have a lot less issues. As for male and female it’s really down to personal preference. I have both and the all live happily with other fish.
Thanks for the video! ❤🙂
how did u control algae in your aquarium? especially for the ones near window
We didn’t have algae in the tank and we didn’t do anything to control it. Now we have changed the tanks up to smaller ones we are finding we get more algae. Not sure how I will deal with it.
Would Turing your tank into a black water tank help?
Yes, possibly.
Lifewithpets I’ll try it
Hello , I have a beta from two years and so, I don’t know what happen but he did not swim anymore,he stay in the bottom of the tank,I try every procedure but still don’t feel well,I don’t know what to do anymore...? Thank you
My betta is very lethargic, he stays on the surface and has labored breathing. The parameters are perfect. His fins are clamped but no raised scales. He's also not eating at all. He's not bloated. I did a round of Kanaplex. I also tried dipping him in Methylene blue for 10 sec. Please I need your advice ASAP THANKS
Is he swimming weird? If so I think he has swim bladder disease. Maybe search it up for some advice as I'm not an expert. Hope it gets better as mine died from it.
My betta fish is pretty active! He is a curious little guy! I mean hes in a 2.5 fish tank and he seems generally happy he explores and swims alot! I have live plants in his tank as well! His light is pretty bright so I put a yellow piece of paper to make it a bit darker so the light isn't stressing him out much!!! I'm think of putting him in a bigger fish tank! Beacause he is pretty curious! But hes got a heater and a filter, live plants!!! idk I think hes happy I mean hes active alot so I'm taking that as a happy batta!!! I hardly see him resting!!! He comes rushing to his glass when he sees me!!!!
2:32 what fish is this? I want it!!
i think thats either a rancho or orandu goldfish. they are expensive fully grown but cool fish
My betta is just on the top of the tank and don't want to swim, may i know what is wrong with her? It was given to me yesterday
I bought a Betta 2 days ago. He is consistently hiding and doesn't even comes out to eat. What should i do?
My betta is doing the same :( did you see any improvements?
@@herklopik If you still need help, Betta hide while new as it is a new surrounding for them
I got a betta 3 days ago that is in 3 gallon tank.
It has a heater, good lighting, real pants….
I’ve checked the level pf the water and everything is fine.
He still is very inactive. He was a little bloated yesterday but today he seems better but still very inactive and staying in top of the tank. I don’t know if I should be worried or let him do his thing.
His behaviour doesn’t seem right to me :/
2:30 is that a real fish???
Yes! He’s a Lemon head Oranda Goldfish.
@@Lifewithpets72 that's the silliest, weirdest, cutest thing I've ever seen lol.
Unfortunately, our opal betta, Haupia, suddenly died after we bought him from Petco 3 weeks earlier. We have strong and seemed very healthy in his 10 gallon planted tank. We live in a tropical climate, so his water is the p[erfect temperature him him, 80-82 degrees. I did add a couple tiny juliette corydoras a week before he died. They stayed on the bottom of the tank, and he was very curious about them. The water parameters were perfect. The only thing I can think is that they may have had some diseases? I made a huge mistake by not quarantining the corys before putting them into his tank. What are your thoughts?
Why my betta fish inactive everytime after I do water change? My betta swim from below to the top of the tank to breath the air, then floating before drifting and sinking again to the tank floor?
Mine does that too
Great tips! What age do you consider bettas to be old? I have one that is 2 and he is slowing down.
Love of Pets 2 is definitely on the younger side. Bettas can live several years with good care. However, their genetics play a big roll too unfortunately.
It varies greatly. Bettas can live 4-5 years but sadly they rarely do due to over breeding.
@@Lifewithpets72 thanks, I am hoping he lives for a few more years as I love him so much.
The pet store will test water for you for free. Just put it in a water bottle and they can test for both nitrates and ammonia. Unfortunately, Test kits are out of my budget. Part of my challenge is trying to do this hobby on the cheap. Anybody can throw money at a problem and it’s just a companies way to get your $$$$. Think of nature and use it to cure the problem. I do appreciate your content👍
Hi Sheila, great video.
I have a very aggressive female Koi Betta I recently got. She's in my 20gal community tank. It's planted with drift wood and with hiding places. CO2 in use. She likes to chase my fancy tail guppies and my 3 other female Bettas I have. She will nibble on the tails of all of them. I want to move her into a 1.5 tank but she is really pretty and hate to move her because she will be alone til I get other fish that she wont bother. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with an aggressive female Betta? Thanks.
Females living together is not a good idea. I would take her out and as she is aggressive towards the other fish I wouldn’t add any other fish to her new tank especially if it’s only a 1.5 gallon. Bettas do not mind living alone.
@@Lifewithpets72 Opps, I meant 2.5 gal tanks.
2.5 is still pretty small
Pls do a vidio on the treatmens
Just set up my tank dividers (thank you so much they are PERFECT!) but now my bettas are all laying on the bottom very lethargic
Is this normal when moving them to a new tank? They were all in separate 5gallon tanks before this and I just set up a 20 long into 5 gallon sections for them yesterday
Hello, please email us at gciinc@hotmail.com to discuss. This can be normal behavior but it can depend on several factors such as 5 sections in a 20 gallon long is not recommended. How is the tank set up, heavily planted? Was it cycled before adding the fish etc. Please email us so we can troubleshoot for you.
I keep getting scared cause I think he’s dead and I try to move around in front of him but he doesn’t move sometimes
Hello! I am getting a Betta soon and I am wondering if one corner sponge filter in your store would be good for a 15 gallon tank with a Betta fish and bottom feeder or algae eater? Any answers will help thank you!
Hi, I would use two in a 15 gallon. We use one in a 10 gallon and 2 in a 20 gallon long.
Lifewithpets Ok thank you!
Please consider the size of the algae eater if you're going that route. Smallest species of pleco (algae eater) needs a minimum of 20g long while larger species such as the common pleco need tanks 75g+.
If you want something the eats algae, I would recommend a snail.
Bottom feeders like cory cats need to be in groups, I would go for pygmy species as the other species are larger and would do better in 20g or more. Cory cats do not eat algae so, would require their own diet. Just some extra info for you 👍
Francis Rodriguez thank you for the info, I was considering getting a snail instead, but I was not sure if they stay in the water or just escape? I would definitely if I was getting a pleco or other, I would feed the fish it’s own diet though. Thank you🙂
I want to get a guppy tank with cherry shrimp but I don't know what to feed guppies. Can you tell me what you feed them? I plan on buying the shrimp from your store.
We feed our guppies, Hikari guppy food, frozen daphnia, Repashy gel food. When they have babies you will need to grind the food into a fine powder and also feed baby brine shrimp. Guppies are really easy to care for. The shrimp will eat all those foods too along with wafer.
@@Lifewithpets72 do you feed them repashy salient green or community plus
Jason FarAway We use both, I also add in mini bloodworms to the mix.
Dude is my betta broken? He only moves those two little fins near his gills to swim and not his tail ☹️ he looks like he is lagging weird and worrying
Hey I'M sorry but I have a question and I can't seem to find the answer for it. I have a betta that has fin rot, I ve tried treating him with aquarium salt and baktopur and nothing has worked. He seems to be looking worse and I can't find any antibiotics where I live in Romania. Anything I could do? Thank you very much.
I did a video on this recently called Fin Rot Vs Fin biting. I’d recommend checking that out for more information.
I would really appreciate if you'd reply to me because I am very worried. My Betta is inactive but the temperature of water is fine (23-25°C) and I use special subtances that balance the quantity of toxic substances from water. He eats well and he reacts to me when I talk to him but he only swims like two rounds of tank and then he just stops and stares at the freaking plant like it's a wonder or something. He stays both, up and down. I took him from a 300 ml plastic cup from the store. He is 2 cm long and he stays in a 5-6 litres bowl. You can't see him but I assure you he has enough space. I have another Betta that is perfectly fine in exact the same conditions.
I know I’m late but maybe he had an illness?
My betta is not as active as he was in the summer! He is just sitting at the bottom of his tank. He only goes up to get air and then sinks back down. I’m really concerned. I changed his water, but still at the bottom.any suggestions?
Do you have a heater in the tank?
@@Lifewithpets72 I don't I checked the temp with a thermometer and it hasn't dropped.
I have a beutiful betta male ,today he starting acting weird he stays on top of the tank hiding behind a plan inactive for like about a minute and then he moves fast and then stays still again. why hes doing that?anybody please I'm kinda scare sometimes I think hes dead
My Betta died....
Mine got inactive when I put a planter on one of the corners of my tank he hides behind it and won’t come out . All my neon tetras are that are with him are all thriving.
It’s possible the Neons are nipping at him. Bettas often don’t do well with them.
Very nice video
Thank you.
Help me please my veiltail betta fish just stays in one part of the tank not moving
Literally so does mine...
Mines too I feel worried
My betta is not eating food what I can do please suggest me😳
Where can I buy that test kit?
Desihre M You can find it on Amazon.
My new Half moon is refusing to do anything
Oof my 4 year old betta doesn’t move a lot it makes me think he’s dead sometimes ☹️
AngeDIY sadly he died... I found a twig outside and I WASHED it and then me not noticing the water got green... then I put my betta in and the green mist was a cleaning detergent so that was a sad day...
Giorno Giovanna : I feel u my brothers betta died last year 😔
@@aidancanionero7785 you are stupid asf 🤣
Hi, my Betta fish doesn't eat, and she's sleeping all the times. So how to fix it? I'm scared if she sick. But my Betta fish sleep like little weird, i was laughing at it 😅 but i really need to know, if she sick or not.. By the way thx for the video, my Betta fish name "Wolly" 😄
well i have a question cause my betta is slowing down and i have 2 weaks with her i think ima nead a heater cause i dont dictect any diseases
Betta fish need a heater. They need consistent temperatures of 78-82f.
@@Lifewithpets72 oh ok tank you
My betta fish is always leaning on the glass not moving all day and only moves for food.
Mine is doing the same. I have kept aquariums for over 20 yes, but it is my first betta. I believe a lot of my fish's problems is his very long fins.
My betta fish doesnt move until i put food in her tank
:( My betta is inactive because of the tempature and when i ask my parents for a heater they cut me off and say "No! wanna talk about a fire hazord? its like a curling iron in the water" and- yes it is but fire and water huh? sence when can water catch flame -_-
Maybe you can warming the water by putting hot water in a bottle and let it float in the tank.
My betta fish is hiding behind the filter I only got it yesterday I'm just wondering
My betta fish hides behind the filter too..I got a new tank , he loved it 2 days later he's behind that filter... Did you find anything out as to why.
Hello, i have a question. My betta is not eating. Ive seen lots of videos. How many days does it need to get used to new environment. Bcus lots of videos says bettas need time to get used to the new environment and to eat...
Is it true that is not good for bettas to be together in a divided acuarium?? Please help i have a 10 gallon 🥺🥺🥺
Bettas can be in a divided tank as long as the divider is strong sturdy and they cannot see through it all the time.
@@Lifewithpets72 thanks for answering i will have to get one that is not see through i have two bettas one that's is very active and the other one that just like to be in his little house.
My betta fish stays at top of my bowl and doesn't make movement but he eats food properly
I have also wash my bowl and changed water but he doesn't make any change
Can anyone guide me for this problem
Mine also acts like that..pls guide us regarding this
step 1: stop using a bowl
My betta has a little bulge at the end of this body and his tummy is little bloated, please help me
Hmm...might be swim bladder disease. I suggest cutting a pea into quarters. With a little water stick the one quarter onto the underside of the spoon and feed your betta that. Then let him fast for two or three days. Pea usually helps with swim bladder disease.
But if it doesn't. Get unscented Epsom Salts. You'll be needing at least 2 containers. Maybe 3. In container 3, put in clean water. You might need to clean the tank as well. In container 2, take some water from the tank and put in some epsom salts and make sure it's completely dissolved. In container One put in some water from his tank. Move your fish from the tank into container one. Slowly add some of the epsom salt water into container one. When you think enough has been added and your betta is used to the epsom salts, move him into container 2. It is important your fish is only in container two for a maximum of ten minutes. If left in too long, epsom salts can do more harm than good. Take the betta fish out and put him in container 3. While in container 3, put the container in the tank and let it float so the betta can acclimate and get used to the temperature and stuff that's inside the tank. Once acclimated, return your betta to the tank. Depending on how sick your betta is, you might need to repeat this process once every day until your fish starts to improve.
I remember seeing a video once of a person who used epsom salts to cure dropsy and it worked. So I'm telling you what I remembered from that video. I hope this helps you.
My fish is so inactive
I have two anubis and one big hide and a floating log. 2 most balls. Is that okay?
What kind of fish was that yellow showed a little over half way through
their lazy buggers
I'm gonna bring my back to the store I don't like lazy 🐟 😬🙁
I have a 10 gal split tank (with one of your dividers, which is so awesome!) and one of my bettas just started laying at the bottom all the time. he had one cloudy eye for a couple days, then the other eye got cloudy. that seemed to go away on its own, but hes still being lazy which is unusual. the other betta is fine and acting normal. my temp is low, thanks to the air conditioner. i have a preset heater. should i buy one to raise the temp myself?
If the temperature is below 78f it can make a big difference to their health. I’d recommend a heater that can keep the tank at a consistent 78-80f.
I have two bettas in the same 10gal tank with one of your dividers. one betta is fine, he moves around alot and hes very curious. the other one is lethargic.. just hangs out in the bottom and lays on the decor. he doesnt come up for food right away. its a shame hes my large mustard gas betta, which i've always wanted.