Orvis Pursell Farms - Possibly my favourite shooting facility!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @manatoa1
    @manatoa1 Год назад +127

    No one is doing this kind of content better than TGS.

    • @Kodiak-Outdoors
      @Kodiak-Outdoors Год назад +5

      Seriously the quality, the info and the passion really shine!

    • @lifeshort
      @lifeshort Год назад +1

      100% this

  • @Kodiak-Outdoors
    @Kodiak-Outdoors Год назад +23

    Chuck is a national treasure man, he has so much knowledge and just wants to share it. I love that Johnny and Chuck just have such a deep passion for shooting and bird hunting. It's amazing and I'm so glad Johnny had a good time here!

  • @BirminghamBoxlock
    @BirminghamBoxlock Год назад +14

    Just returned to the UK from my first trip to the Southern States. I have to say that Alabama is the most beautiful place and the people are as friendly as I’ve met anywhere. Johnny is right, it felt like home. Southern hospitality is no myth. Can’t wait to return….. great video by the way.

    • @Kodiak-Outdoors
      @Kodiak-Outdoors Год назад +2

      Glad you had a great trip and you glad you got to experience this part of the States!

    • @BirminghamBoxlock
      @BirminghamBoxlock Год назад +1

      @@Kodiak-Outdoors thanks very much, I certainly enjoyed Alabama but I know there’s a lot more of it to see so I will be back!

    • @Kodiak-Outdoors
      @Kodiak-Outdoors Год назад +2

      @@BirminghamBoxlock always welcome here brother and I hope you have many more advantages here!

    • @BirminghamBoxlock
      @BirminghamBoxlock Год назад

      @@Kodiak-Outdoors Thank you my friend. Roll on the next visit. 🤝

  • @Bamagolfer35226
    @Bamagolfer35226 Год назад +5

    Shot there several times living in the area worked with chuck on my shooting he is the best always makes it fun

  • @masonstrength6417
    @masonstrength6417 Год назад +6

    I’ve known Chuck Baker since I was a young buck, I had the privilege to work here in my younger years and learned how to truly shoot a shotgun and more about becoming a man and doing the right thing. Makes me happy to see some light shined on him because he truly deserves it, he’s also got the best one liners😂😂😂

    • @Ned.1274
      @Ned.1274 Год назад

      Chuck came across as a real genuinely nice guy in this vid

  • @karlsailor
    @karlsailor Год назад +11

    Always makes my morning when a new TGS video pops up!

  • @spacecandygames7575
    @spacecandygames7575 Год назад +41

    As an Alabamian I feel like we’re very underrated in most areas. Some of the best shooting and fishing in the country, some of the friendliest people, some of the best hidden foods. Admittedly Birmingham needs help but even then everybody seems pretty friendly.

    • @jameswalbridge6081
      @jameswalbridge6081 Год назад +4

      Interesting you have a Birmingham also with a similar trend

    • @spacecandygames7575
      @spacecandygames7575 Год назад +1

      @@jameswalbridge6081 yea I’m. From
      Birmingham lol and lost a lot of friebds to gunfire

    • @tylerhand6759
      @tylerhand6759 Год назад

      Huntsville isn't far behind, just give it 30-40 years

    • @the45er
      @the45er Год назад +3

      Here’s a Texan giving a shout out to Alabama! Great state with great people! Loved the gentleman giving Jonny shooting lessons. Head to head my money’s on Jonny!

  • @stu748r
    @stu748r Год назад +9

    I'm guessing that a traditional small bore side by side would be a good choice for Alabama Quail.

  • @willwieboldt7357
    @willwieboldt7357 Год назад +8

    I had a smile on my face the whole video listening to you’re proper English clash with his southern draw. I had the subtitles on, I love it.

  • @nonoririko2056
    @nonoririko2056 Год назад +3

    HIs delivery of instructions is so clear and precise

  • @JTEllis
    @JTEllis Год назад +4

    Glad you enjoyed your stay in Alabama. You were in great quail hunting country, besides Orvis Pursell Farms, there are two other great quail hunting preserves within 50 miles of there. 5 Star Plantation and Selwood Farms. Come back anytime!

  • @grahamsimpkins1540
    @grahamsimpkins1540 Год назад +15

    What a fantastic set up.
    This channel just keep getting better & Better
    Great film as alway TGS !!

  • @FeckArseIndustries
    @FeckArseIndustries Год назад +11

    Lads, it's time to return the hospitality and get these amazing, warm and friendly Americans from your US visits over to UK. Wonderful individuals, a credit to the USA and well overdue a British experience well worth filming. Get 'em over here for the season and treat them to a UK game shoot in all its glory. You never know, Longthorne might help out??

  • @LXDDLE10
    @LXDDLE10 Год назад +15

    Johnny, so glad you had a great time in Alabama. You were certainly in good hands. Thanks to you and Sasha for such a great video.

  • @06barcafan10
    @06barcafan10 Год назад +1

    Y’all can’t beat that part of bama for the food, the hunting, and the genuinely good people. Nope, no sir….you nailed it. Murica!

  • @lz_377
    @lz_377 Год назад +6

    These videos are put together so well. Another great watch.

  • @richardflagg3084
    @richardflagg3084 Год назад +16

    It really only takes a few fire ant bites to have a healthy respect for those little bastards. Sasha obviously got it pretty good. Those bites will still itch/burn days later. Thanks again for some fantastic content here in the States. And yes, Southeast BBQ is better than Texas. You'll have better Brisket more often in Texas, but ribs, pork, and chicken are better in the Southeast.

    • @stevetodd693
      @stevetodd693 Год назад +3

      The main factor is where you are, if you’re in Texas, Texas barbecue is better. If you’re in Alabama, Alabama barbecue is better,,,,no real controversy.

  • @joeltowle2737
    @joeltowle2737 Год назад +1

    Looks like a great time.

    @BAKERAW9 Год назад +2

    Ya'll come back!! Great video. In my backyard and glad to know you had fun.

  • @WarEagleBrett
    @WarEagleBrett Год назад +4

    Glad you came to Alabama to enjoy our little slice of paradise. I always say Alabama is a hidden gem among the other states because of its diversity and variety of outdoor activities. Next time you stop by maybe you can experience our states favorite activity, tailgating before the game.

  • @amandacraddock5117
    @amandacraddock5117 Год назад +2

    I think I had nearly as much fun watching this as Jonny had making it!

  • @levischenk9224
    @levischenk9224 Год назад +1

    Thank you for another great film. Yours are the only videos I can count on my wife sitting and watching with me. Always enjoyable!

  • @hytekrednekbama4400
    @hytekrednekbama4400 Год назад

    Shooting guns, and eating barbeque! Add having a beer with friends and you have an awesome Alabama day! I live in Bama, and I am grateful for that. Great video!

  • @darellkettley6622
    @darellkettley6622 Год назад +2

    That looked one amazing trip!!👌👏

  • @orvh5223
    @orvh5223 7 дней назад

    wow .. what a great location. We (Mrs & me) were on a once in a lifetime/ bucket list trip and passed nearby. Unfortunately missed this one ! thanks for the great video.

  • @keithrobel
    @keithrobel Год назад +1

    Did this trip last year…the experience was as good as it looks in this video…Chuck Baker is the man!

  • @joeltowle2737
    @joeltowle2737 3 месяца назад

    This is absolutely Awesome!

  • @DFox-ud3gx
    @DFox-ud3gx Год назад +1

    I had a enjoyable time watching this one a beautiful place

  • @barrybrooks6235
    @barrybrooks6235 Год назад +1

    Johnny, welcome to upland quail hunting! I hunt in upstate SC, and recently acquired a French Brittany. Nothing like seeing these dogs work. Glad you are having fun in the states!

  • @MrPellington
    @MrPellington Год назад +1

    Johnny, Orvis at Pursell Farms is one my favorites for shooting clays. They keep it challenging and in proper working order at all times. The two gentlemen in the video, Chuck Baker and Ty Sockwell (one of the dog handlers on the quail shoot) have taught me more about shooting moving targets with a shotgun than anyone! The next time you are in the Birmingham area you should try and have a subscriber shoot. I would sign up!

  • @stevetodd693
    @stevetodd693 Год назад +1

    That is great that you fit right in, glad you enjoyed yourself.

  • @JRock3091
    @JRock3091 Год назад +3

    You're Guide/Instructor is as southern as it gets. That guy needs his own show or RUclips channel.

  • @grob25
    @grob25 Год назад

    Thank you for speaking so highly of my home, the southeast. Alabama has always been a southern charm.

  • @500lbGuerrilla
    @500lbGuerrilla Год назад

    As an exclusively lever action cowboy gun owner and lover, I am so ready to get into shooting clays and getting myself one of these over under beauties. I love the heritage of it all. Your channel is brilliant!

  • @barrysands6647
    @barrysands6647 Год назад +1

    Continue to look forward to your videos. They keep getting better all the time. This was very enjoyable

  • @walterwinstanley8502
    @walterwinstanley8502 Год назад +3

    Everything about this was simply something else. So enjoyable and fascinating. What a guy “Chuck” is and boy can he shoot, as you did too Jonny. Great entertainment.

  • @micu6778
    @micu6778 Год назад +1

    Outstanding ! Brilliant video !

  • @garrytener8784
    @garrytener8784 Год назад +1

    Best video yet. Thanks guys!

  • @ManzanitaRecords
    @ManzanitaRecords Год назад +2

    such a great video! the pace, the music, the color grade, the cinematography. Bravo!!

  • @mattcosgrove8254
    @mattcosgrove8254 Год назад

    Orvis does it perfectly! What a treat.

  • @olliemain5231
    @olliemain5231 Год назад +1

    This is hands down the best shooting video on RUclips - no question about it!!! Time to book some flights to Alabama! Thank you to the TGS Team for this sublime video

  • @Hughmungus2269
    @Hughmungus2269 7 месяцев назад

    Love your videos! I’m watching from Texas. As you say in the UK, cheers, and keep up the fantastic work!

  • @SldgeHammr
    @SldgeHammr 2 месяца назад +1

    1:35 true bbq enjoyers don’t discriminate.

    • @tgsoutdoors
      @tgsoutdoors  2 месяца назад +1

      I’ve since learned it’s all about the establishment.

  • @hillbillyscholar8126
    @hillbillyscholar8126 Год назад +1

    Glad to see you had a great time and felt at home while doing it. Cheers!

  • @NE-land-sea
    @NE-land-sea 10 месяцев назад

    I had the pleasure to gow up in a little town in vermont that has an original Orvis store .. my great uncle used to make bamboo fly rods for them. Love Orvis and its products

  • @Happy-wb8gi
    @Happy-wb8gi Год назад

    Reminds me of Sardinia, going around with my uncle hunting and chilling.

  • @kensims3119
    @kensims3119 Год назад

    I'm fortunate to work there. And see Chuck all the time.

  • @G78.
    @G78. Год назад +2

    I’ve never been too the states but Alabama would be top of the list the people seem to be very friendly then you add in the hunting and fishing just perfect great video Jonny 👍👍👍

  • @Blondejam
    @Blondejam Год назад +1

    A really lovely vid. Those dogs are great! Such a wonderful place to shoot by the looks and the grounds look immaculate. Well done all. Keep up the good work!!!

  • @benwhitehead8218
    @benwhitehead8218 Год назад +1

    Awesome video again sasha and big Jc . Epic shooting 😊

  • @patmcdermott8547
    @patmcdermott8547 Год назад +2

    Great video, looks like a fantastic time! Since I really enjoy the channel, I will assume that your having been raised on steak and kidney pie, and beans on toast has blunted your appreciation of truly superb Texas barbecue!

  • @fieldsportswithspeed
    @fieldsportswithspeed Год назад

    Love it!! 😍

  • @danhill6333
    @danhill6333 Год назад +1

    Another great video and another place to put on the list. 👍👍

  • @edwatson7487
    @edwatson7487 Год назад +1

    Best shown yet

    @HVACKABOOM Год назад

    I was lucky enough to visit many years back. If I were ever to move to the USA it would be there.

  • @josephgittos3787
    @josephgittos3787 Год назад +1

    Great filming once again but surely helps with the fantastic location, the range and the great host , keep up with the great work you and the team are doing.

  • @rolytech212
    @rolytech212 6 месяцев назад

    I had a Britney, he passed @ 10 1/2 years old and now I have a GSP. Both great dogs for quail hunting. And yes I have my dogs inside the house. But I only own one @ a time 😎

  • @romeoalphafoxtrot9517
    @romeoalphafoxtrot9517 Год назад

    Great video!
    I can't wait for you to go out West to Arizona and hunt all 3 species of Quail
    they have there. You would love it!

  • @chadnolte9134
    @chadnolte9134 Год назад

    Alway great to see you experiencing what Southeastern U.S. has to offer. It gives me more appreciation for how luck I am to live here. Alabama is a wonderful outdoorsman state full of great people. I have hunted there several times and always look forward to the next opportunity.

  • @JamesJones-cx5pk
    @JamesJones-cx5pk Год назад

    I'm glad you are enjoying this incredible country. I hereby claim you an honorary Mississippian. If you block out all of the noise and b/s, its easy to get along here.👍👍

  • @starfruitscuba5338
    @starfruitscuba5338 Год назад +2

    Not a single video that disappoints!

  • @Twistedoff2
    @Twistedoff2 Год назад

    There are some really great places to hunt and shoot birds in the US but Alabama is unique. The BBQ is really good too!

  • @nolandenton1224
    @nolandenton1224 Год назад

    This is my favorite course in the entire Southeast - really thankful I live in Alabama and can be at Pursell Farms in just a couple hours’ drive. Glad you got to enjoy it. And you are correct: Southeastern BBQ is better than Texas BBQ…..

  • @davidbetts480
    @davidbetts480 Год назад

    Hello TGS, Johnny totally awesome video.

  • @tigea9078
    @tigea9078 Год назад

    Welcome to Bama! Welcome to the south.

  • @glenns7139
    @glenns7139 Год назад +1

    Am up for a visit definitely. Usual top quality production. Brilliant video. Keep it up Johnny. 👍👍🍻

  • @stirlingshirah1513
    @stirlingshirah1513 Год назад

    Wish I knew you guys were in town. Pursell is amazing! Hope you had a chance to check out Selwood and Auburn Oaks as well. We’re blessed to have some amazing places down here in Alabama!

  • @Redlegwar
    @Redlegwar Год назад

    This was great! Thanks for sharing!

  • @garywoodard1362
    @garywoodard1362 Год назад

    Would have love to have know you were coming. I would have enjoyed chatting with you.

  • @jerseyrock1969
    @jerseyrock1969 Год назад

    Great place, Great people and Great food defo my sort of place.

  • @forddude1976
    @forddude1976 Год назад

    Well think they is a reason to visit the USA. Beautiful ground looks great fun

  • @m444ss
    @m444ss Год назад

    Wow, that looked like such fun

  • @baker23232
    @baker23232 Год назад

    Looks stunning! Sign me up

  • @kevinyoung1447
    @kevinyoung1447 Год назад

    Looks like a great fun time! I’m from North Carolina and looks like tons of fun! I love sporting clays although I don’t do it nowhere near enough. Thank you for the content Johnny, I really appreciate it! Keep up the good work brother!

  • @In_con_ceivable
    @In_con_ceivable Год назад

    What a great place, great time and awesome video…now that would be a great guys trip. 👍🏻

  • @hambonelouis
    @hambonelouis Год назад

    Your videos make me want to go shoot, and I bet that’s your intent. Well done. Glad you’re enjoying the States.

  • @donscott6130
    @donscott6130 Год назад

    After watching this, I'll be scheduling a trip!

  • @robw9986
    @robw9986 Год назад +3

    Always like to see the dogs working. Beautiful Brittanys.

  • @ianj7724
    @ianj7724 Год назад

    Looks great fun and a really nice place. It's a great video guys.

  • @Trshane1
    @Trshane1 Год назад

    Nice job gentlemen

  • @tonyemans4512
    @tonyemans4512 Год назад

    Another piece of brilliant content, great filming by Sasha so smooth. Only complaint it went to quickly but ha ho will watch it a couple of times more 😀

  • @zaildarkuldeep8451
    @zaildarkuldeep8451 Год назад

    Good job

  • @dankruger2890
    @dankruger2890 Год назад

    Good stuff

  • @alfredsmith2322
    @alfredsmith2322 Год назад +1

    I have hunted at Pursell Farms many times. The Pursell family started in fertilizers I believe, and are wonderful people. The Orvis operation is first class. Many more great places to hunt here. Come on back. Great video.

  • @richardsveum8452
    @richardsveum8452 Год назад

    I grew up chasing wild quail, Grouse and Pheasants in Wisconsin and Iowa, there is nothing like it.

  • @simonreinhold_co_uk
    @simonreinhold_co_uk Год назад +1

    Well, I’ve got the hat (thank you again for my present JC) so I guess I’d better come with you next time …

  • @Udeus5
    @Udeus5 Год назад +1

    @tgsoutdoors great video as always. Just curious what ammunition you used and how it compares to Hull. (Any word if Hull is coming to the US?)

  • @willthompson9073
    @willthompson9073 Год назад

    I live in Alabama and have never heard of this place looks like I should check it out

  • @andrewharris4940
    @andrewharris4940 Год назад

    Good work Johnny

  • @tommyleemaddox1033
    @tommyleemaddox1033 Год назад

    Bravo! Now get on Interstate 20 east and come on over to Georgia!

  • @lifeshort
    @lifeshort Год назад

    Some maaahdy faaahn content there! Epic as always

  • @hugohugo7885
    @hugohugo7885 Год назад

    What lens do you have? That video quality is amazing!

  • @nightvan4427
    @nightvan4427 Год назад +1

    I wish as soon as I will be a rich man and I come to visit you❤❤

  • @felixd7818
    @felixd7818 Год назад +2

    I can’t figure out who has the best job. You or the gentleman from Orvis?

  • @kevinmartin7354
    @kevinmartin7354 Год назад +1

    The Southeast is the best part of the U.S. but I might be a bit prejudiced as I am from Ga.

  • @K80Ed
    @K80Ed Год назад +1

    Nice to listen to Jonny before he hit puberty.

  • @stog9821
    @stog9821 Год назад +1

    I enjoy these videos, and Johnny’s got me wanting to go to some of these places. Now that I’m older I can probably afford it. However, he still needs to jump a rattler to get the full experience. I encountered three last year quail hunting in California.

  • @johnsoncozier2152
    @johnsoncozier2152 Год назад

    😍Love it

  • @andymac6974
    @andymac6974 Год назад

    That’s a proper Jeremy beadle beard you’ve got going on there Johnny 😂

  • @chrissywhiskers
    @chrissywhiskers Год назад +1

    Awesome videos guys. The Americans are so spoilt with space aren’t they! Would love to head to this ground one day.