Your mindset, characterized by discipline and commitment, is a valuable lifetime lesson. I strongly believe that Ethiopia would greatly benefit from embracing this kind of mentality, as our major gap lies in the absence of strong mentalities, critical thinking, and positive attitudes. Many of our challenges can be attributed to this gap. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the impact you have made, and I consider myself fortunate to be part of your generation, Doctor. Thank you for everything you have done.
What a dedication! Thank you so much, Mehret! It is sad that such a life changing podcasts have not got much views. Ironically, young people are spending their enormous time watching useless Facebook reels. Each episode worths tens of thousands. Many thanks for the entire crew
It's perplexing how this individual commands serious attention from people, It's evident that he still maintains a very close association with and serves as an advisor to Abiy, a malevolent force that has led the nation into a state of war, bloodshed, and overall chaos ever since assuming power. The constant presence with him suggests a strong affiliation. Sir, Before offering advice to others, it might be worthwhile for you to reflect on where you stand at this defining moment of history for our country. Actions speak louder to me than mere words, the whole purpose of this channel seems to be driven by financial motives to gather bucks from RUclips, unless there is a shift towards aligning with the morally right side of history. Being involved with a regime labeled as fascist while projecting oneself as a mentor for developing a positive mindset seems contradictory. It's essential to make informed choices or perhaps consider refraining from making public statements and trying to educate others while still dining and rubbing shoulders with a fascist that brings nothing but misery to our country.
100 days i can't believe that i did it this is for the first time that i meet my goals thanks doc that was really great you this is life changing lesson Thank you for this remarkable lessons you are real teacher for my life god send you for me 💯💯🙏🙏🎉🎉🎊🎊
🌈Dr. Miheret I just don't know how to put into words how deeply I feel about the entire lecture. Nothing at all; every session was incredible and impactful. I couldn't put into words how I felt when I saw a rainbow in the sky; if we interpret it positively and put it into practice, it's a timely message. With gratitude 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dear Dr mehret ,you have been a great help in setting a new standard of perspective of life ;hope you will continue to do so,greatful for the time and effort that u have put on many of us! God bless u and all what's yours!
dear Dr. Mihret Debebe i'm read your books those are yatekolafebet qulf and lelasaw. I'm appriciated the way you give therapy which mean that therapy by reading . Im expect from you more, please you have write many books as the way you wrote your books
Just for your information I tried too listens all the session, we( me and my wife) started to follow your session after pour wedding date. Thank you I dear dr.
Dr.Meheret I want to say you thank you so much your thoughts are impactful am listening all the episodes even I share to others in my way during different workshops I learned a lot together we bring a mind set change keep it up kudos for the last day
i have said it many time to my friends you are my personality mentor and i am so grateful for that i believe you will come up to another mind blowing segment in the coming days thank you for ur service Dr. meheret
`®Reposted because it was accidentally deleted .. apologies
Big Respect & Love for you Dr !
When you back to live program ?
No issues, Dear Doc!
Thank you Dr Mihret! It just reiterates your point!
ዶክተር ዘንድሮ መቼም መርጦ ለሚያዳምጥ ዩቲዩብ ማለት ዩኒቨርሲቲ ነዉ ወይም ከዚያም በላይ እንደ አንተ አይነቱን ሰዉ በዚህ ፕላት ፍርም ማግኘት ምንኛ መታደል ነው በርታልን ኑርልን!❤
"እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ::"
"ፀጋውንም ያብዛልህ::"
"መቶ የጥበብ ቀናትን አስጀምሮ በሰላም ያስጨረሰን እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን::"
"ስለ ድንቅ ምክሮችህና ለከፈልከን የጥበብ ሃሰቦችህ እጅግ በጣም እናመሰግናለን::"🙏
"ዶክተር ምህረት."
ጊዜ ኖሮት ፕሮግራሞቹን ለሚከታተል በራሱ ላይ የሚገነዘበው ለውጥ ያመጣልና ጥሩ ቆይታ ነበር፤ ከ50 ጀምሮ ሳላቋርጥ ተከታትያለሁ በግሌ ጠቅሞኛል። ጥበብን እየጨመርኩ እንደመጣሁ ተገንዝቤያለሁ። በምከውናቸዎ ተግባሮች የአተገባበር ሒደቴ ለውጦቼ የዚህ ፕሮግራም ውጤት አለበት። ከነበርኩበት መሻሻል አይቻለሁ። አንዳንድ ታሪኮች ደጋግሜ አዳምጥና አጠገቤም የአሉ ሰዎች ከፍቼ አስደምጥ ነበርና አመሰግናለሁ። ከ1-49 ያልተከታተልኳቸው በርጋታ አዳምጣለሁ ብዬ አስባለሁ። ስለሁሉም አመሰግናለሁ 🎉🎉🎉🎉
ዶክተር የረዳህ እግዚአብሔር ይባረክ !!
100 ቀናትን የጠበቀህ የጠበቀን ስሙ
ብሩክ ይሁን ።በቀረልህ ዘመን ብዙ እንድሰራ
ጸጋና ኃይልን ይስጥህ ።
ዶክተር ምሕረት 100 ጥበብ 100 ቀን ተከታትያለሁ እጅግ ብዙ ተጠቅሚያለሁ እንደአንተ ለ😂ትውልድ የሚያሰቡና የሚሰሩ ጥቂት ቢሆኑም አግዚአቢሕር ያብዛልን አጀግ በጣም ተጠቅሚአለሁ አግዚአቤሕር ይሰጥልኘ ።😊
ዶ/ር ምህረት ደበበ እጅግ አመሰግናለሁ በጣም እወድሃለሁ
እናመሰግናለን ዶርየ እግዚአብሔር ኣምላክ ይባርክህ🥰
Your mindset, characterized by discipline and commitment, is a valuable lifetime lesson. I strongly believe that Ethiopia would greatly benefit from embracing this kind of mentality, as our major gap lies in the absence of strong mentalities, critical thinking, and positive attitudes. Many of our challenges can be attributed to this gap. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the impact you have made, and I consider myself fortunate to be part of your generation, Doctor. Thank you for everything you have done.
3 wer 10 qen mejmerrya genzeb betam save aregalewu sra jemrelilwu gezech werqi endehone b3wer temryalewu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
አንደንድ ሰው ከራሱ የሚበልጥ ሰዉን መስማ ት አይወድም። ምቀኝነት ያጠቀዋል።አንተ ግን እውቀትህን ማካፈልህን ቀጥል።Thak U!!
አስገራሚ ነው🙏እንደ ኤሊዋ እንዳትሉኝ እንጂ መቶኛውን አሁን ጨርሻለሁ በዚህ መርሀግብር ስለተሳተፍሁ እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ስለሰጠን እግዚአብሔርን አመሰግናለሁ ዶክተር ጥሩ ጊዜ እንደነበረ ለመግለጽ እፈልጋለሁ እንደዚህ አይነት ተከታታይነት ያላቸው ስራወች ተጽዕኖአቸውም ቀላል አይሆኑም ሙሉ በሙሉ በሂወቴ መልመድ ምፈልጋቸው መልእክቶች ነበሩ እና አንዳንዴ ዋጋ የለውም ይሄ አቋሜ ብየ ልጥለው የነበረውንም እንደገና በሂወቴ አጠንክሬ እንድወስደው ረድቶኛል እጅግ አመሰግናለሁ #እናት እንደመሆኔ ብዙ ጊዜ ኪችን ምግብ በማበስልበት ጊዜ ስለሆነ ማዳምጠው አንዴ ፈጠን አንዴ ዘግየት ብየ የመጨረስ ነገር ነበረ የነበረኝና ዛሬም ዘግይቼ ጨርሻለሁ መቶኛውም ድንቅ ማጠቃለያ ነበረ እድሜ ይስጥልኝ🙏🙏🙏
ዶክተር ምህረት እጂግ እናመሰግናለን፥፥
ላደረከው ሁሉ እናመሰግናለን፥፥
ዶክተር በጣም አመሰግናለው.. ትህትናህ አቀራረብህ ይቅር ባይነትህ ልቤን ገዝቶኛል የሰው ልጅ ለውጥን ሲያስብ መጀመሪያ ማይንድ ሴት ላይ መስራት እንዳለበት አድርገህ እያስተማርከን ነዉ ለምትሰጠን ጊዜ ሃሳቦች ምክሮች ሁሉ ፈጣሪ ይመንዳህ ሕይወቴን ቀይረሀዋል ነገሮችን ማይበት ምልከታ እንድቀይር አድርገሀኛል...
ልጄ በጉዳይህ ሁሉ ጌታ ይቅደምልህ።በዕድሜ እና በ ጤና አብዝቶ ይባርክህ!!!!!!!በመጽሐፍ መልክ መውጣቱ እጅግ አስፈላጊ ነው እና እነኚህ ዕንቁ የሆኑ ትምህርቶችህን ለትውልድ እንዲተላለፍ በርታልን።እንደ ሀዲስ አለማየሁ ተረት ተረት የመሠረት አይነት የጌታ ፈቃድ ይሁን!!!!!!!!!
Thank you 🙏 Dr Mehret. Yemigerm gize neber. You are a blessing for nation 🎉.
በየቀኑ መንገድ እየሄድኩ እሰማህ ነበር ዶር ምህረት። በጣም ተመችቶኝ። ነበር።ደጋግሜ እሰማዋለሁ። ኬክብቻ? ኧረ ሌላም ይገባሃል። አመሰግናለሁ ብዙዙዙ ቁም ነገሮችን በነጻ ሸምቻለሁ። You are such a cool, calm amd colected person. Absolutely wonderful wisdom.. II look foward.for.more.from you. .May Gpd.bless your beautiful.mind Keep up.the great job!!🙏🙏
Enzihn Temhrtoch Be Metsehaf Andlay Magenet Yemnchlibetn huneta Betamechachlien Tru Nw Docterye.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
ድንቅ መልክት! ባብዛኛው ቀናት ተከታትዬዋለሁ። አቀራረቡም ቢሆን እጅግ አደንቀዋለሁ ። Be blessed !!!
በርታ ዶ/ር ምህረት በዝግጅትህ ብዙ ጠቃሚ እውቀቶችን አግኝቻለሁ ማር የማይጥማት እንሰሳ ተረት አትዘንጋው ያልጣማቸውን ችግራቸውን ብትረዳላቸው መልካም ነው
ሀላፊነት የሚሰማህ ለወገንህ ያለህን እያካፈልክ ስለሆነ ደስ ይበልህ
እንዳስተማርከን አንዳንድ አስተያየት ሰጭዎች የላኩልህ ያላቸውን ነው ያለውን የሰጠ ይባል የለ
ወንድሜ የእውቀት ብርሃን እያበራህ ነውና በርታ ከልብ ምስጋናዬ ይድረስህ።
Thank You Dr. You are a blessing for our country!!!
Doc.በጣም አመሰግናለሁ በግሌ:: አንድን ነገር ጀምሮ በትጋት መጨረስ ትልቅ ቁርጠኝነት እንደሚጠይቅ እረዳለሁ::በዛሬው ዝግጅትህ ጥሩ ማጠቃለያ ሀሳብ ነው ያካፈልከን::ፊትህ ትንሽ የደከመህ ትመስላለህ(no offense):: ተባረክ
እግ/ር ይባርክህ ዶ/ር ምህርት🙏
ዶ/ር ምህረትሻ ቃላት የለኝም ትልቅ ክብር 😍😍😍
በጣም እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር ምህረት!
100! Woah! We did it. I concentrate on my self for the last 99 days. You change my thoughts by heaps . Thank you
ምን ምንአይነት ተዝቆ የማያልቅ ሀብት ነው የሠጠህ ዶክተርዬ ስላንተ እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ሀገሬ እንዲህ አይነት ፈርጦት አሉአት እግዚአብሔር ይባርክክ፡፡
Incredibly remarkable 100 days!!!
You are outstanding Dr Mehret. Much respect to you. And I look forward to your upcoming solid works.
ምንም መጥፎ ነገረ የለውም እናመሰግናለን ቅ ሚካኤል ይጠብቅህ።ለመሪዎቻችን ልቦና ይሰጥልን።ሰላም ሰላም ሰላም
አመሰግናለሁ ከልብ, ከልብ. ብዙ ተመክሬበታሁ,ተምሬበታለሁ! ተባረክ ወንድሜ ፀጋው ይብዛልህ ዘመንህ ይባረክ
ይህ 100 ፕሮግራም ከልብ ከእዳመጡት የትውልድን የኑሮ የስብእና ለውጥ 360 ዲግሪ ለለውጥ የሚነሳሳ በድርጊት ለመለወጥብ የሚብረታታ መልክት ነው:
እኔ በበኩሌ ከስራዬ ጫናከሰዎች ጋር እብሮ መስራትን እንዲሁምቭ ማስራትን እብሮ በስላም በፍቅር ተረጋግቶ ለመስራት የምሰራው ከብዙ ዜጋዎች ጋር ስለሆነ በራስ መተማመኔን ከፍ እድርጎልኛልብ እቅምሆኖኛል :: እመስግናለሁብ😊😊😊😊
አነተ የተባረክ ነህ 😊😊😊
በጣም ከፍያለ ምስጋና አለኝ ዶክተር ይህ ልዩ ትምህርት በበዛ ክፋት እና ተንኮል አእምሮአቸውን ሎክ ላደረጉት በተለይ በአሁን ሰዓትም የኢትዮጵያ መሪ ነኝ ብለው ሕዝብ እና ሐገርን አደጋ ላይ ለጣሉት ሁሉ ይሁንልን ።
Dr mehert በጣም ነው ማደንቅህ የምወድህ በርታልን ፈጣሪ ካንተጋር ይሁን
What a dedication! Thank you so much, Mehret! It is sad that such a life changing podcasts have not got much views. Ironically, young people are spending their enormous time watching useless Facebook reels. Each episode worths tens of thousands. Many thanks for the entire crew
በመቶ ቀን ብዙ አውቀናል ደስ የሚልና ጊዜ ነበር በአዲስ ትመጣለህ ብዩ አስባለው ለነበረን መልካም ጊዜ አመሰግናለው ቅዱስ አምላካችን የበለጠ ጥበብን ይስጥህ ዶክተር
For 100 days congratulations 🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉
ስለ በጎ ስጦታዎችህ ከልቤ አመሰግናለው❤🙏🏿
በእውነት የሚገርም የጥበብ ስንቅ!!! ዶክተር ምህረት እጅግ አድርገን እናመሰግናለን በ 100 ቀን በጣም ወሳኝ አስተማሪ የጥበብ ሃሳቦችን አስተማርከን ከተጣበበ ጊዜ ይህንን ሳታቋርጥ ስላካፈልከን ከልብ እናመሰግንሃለን ደግሞም እንወድሃለን ጌታ አብዝቶ ይባርክህ በእወነት ከዚህ በላይ ለበረከት ሁን!!!
ዶ/ር ,በጣም አመሰግናለሁ። ብዙ አትርፌበታለሁ ባስተማርከን የጥበብ ሀሳቦች። “ እግዚሐብሄር በአንድም በሌላም ይናገራል ; እንዲል.. “ እኛ ያገኘነው ዕውቀት ና ጥበብ በኑሮዋችንና በህይወታችን ላይ በፍሬ የሚገለፅ መልካም ለውጥ እንዲያመጣና በዙሪያችን ላይ ላሉትትም ብርሃን እንዲሆን ተግተን መስራት አለብን።
ማታ እንገናኛለን….መልካም ውሎ።
Dr anten yeseten geta yimesgen tsega yibzalih 🙌🥰♥️
አንተ በሩክ ሰው የሚክትለውን ፕሮግራም ለመካፈ ጎጉቼ ነው የምተብቅው ❤️
የድርሰት አቅምህ በጣም የሚደነቅ ስለሆነ የተለየ መፅሀፍ ልታደርገው እንደምትችል አልጠራጠርም። በርታ ዶክተር።
እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ በህይወትህ ዘመን ሁሉ የምታካፍለው መልካም ነገር አያሳጣህ ተባረክ !
እስጀምሮያስጨረስን እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን❤
መፅሃፎ ይጭፃፍ ምክንያቱም እባባል እለ ሞኝ እና ወረቀት የያዘውን እይለቅም: ለትውልድ መሻገር ስላልበትብይፃፍ
እኛምየማንበብ እቅማችንን እናሳድጋለን
ይቻላልብይፃፍልን እግዚአብሔር ይርዳችሁ
It's perplexing how this individual commands serious attention from people, It's evident that he still maintains a very close association with and serves as an advisor to Abiy, a malevolent force that has led the nation into a state of war, bloodshed, and overall chaos ever since assuming power. The constant presence with him suggests a strong affiliation. Sir, Before offering advice to others, it might be worthwhile for you to reflect on where you stand at this defining moment of history for our country. Actions speak louder to me than mere words, the whole purpose of this channel seems to be driven by financial motives to gather bucks from RUclips, unless there is a shift towards aligning with the morally right side of history. Being involved with a regime labeled as fascist while projecting oneself as a mentor for developing a positive mindset seems contradictory. It's essential to make informed choices or perhaps consider refraining from making public statements and trying to educate others while still dining and rubbing shoulders with a fascist that brings nothing but misery to our country.
ሳላመሰግንህ አላልፍም ተባረክ ስጀመር የሚያልቅ አልመሰለኝም ነበር ዛሬ ሳይ ደስ አለኝ ተባረክ
Lol, me too!🎉
Its great idea great wisdom for my life Tank you a lot doctor
እግዚያብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ እራሴን እንዳይ ስላደረከኝ ቶሎ ፈራጅ እንዳልሆን ስላገዝከኝ ብዙ ትምህርት እንድማር ስላደረከኝ እጅጉን አመሰግናለው አመሰግናለው
100 days i can't believe that i did it
this is for the first time that i meet my goals thanks doc that was really great you this is life changing lesson
Thank you for this remarkable lessons you are real teacher for my life god send you for me 💯💯🙏🙏🎉🎉🎊🎊
ዶክተር ያቀርብከው ትምህርት ለእኔ በግሌ ጠቅሞኛል።እግዚአብሄር ይስጥልኝ። ይሄንን የመቶ ቀን ትምህርት በመፅሐፍ መልክ የተባለውን ሀሳብ በጣም እደግፋለሁ ።በርታ!!
תודה ❤
ዶክተር እናመሰግናለን እድሜይስጥልን
"አስተውሎ የሚራመድ እሩቅ መንገድ ይጓዛል"
mastewal .......''astewilo yemiramed eruk meniged yigwazal''................ as we are blessed thanku so much!
Dr. Miheret , I thank God for helping you to finished as you said . The wisdoms you shared us are very useful!!! Well done!! God bless you! !!! 👏👏👏
ዶ/ር በጣም ተጠቅሜያየለሁ።
ሰላም ዶ/ር ወደኋላ ቀርቼ ነበር ነገር ዛሬ ተምሬ ጨርሻለሁ እግዚአብሔር ጤና ይስጥህ።
Thank you Dr. for your hard work. I have learned a lot of things during these 100 days of wisdom.👏👏👏
ውድ ጊዜህን ሰውተህ ስላስተማርከን እናመሰግናለን።
May God Bless you in every good Godly things. Thank you Dr.
🌈Dr. Miheret
I just don't know how to put into words how deeply I feel about the entire lecture.
Nothing at all; every session was incredible and impactful.
I couldn't put into words how I felt when I saw a rainbow in the sky;
if we interpret it positively and put it into practice, it's a timely message.
With gratitude
best of best doc ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This is how discipline and hard work come together as a result of success.Thank you Doc.
God bless Dr love u
Thank u for your advice and wisdom u shared.
Dear Dr mehret ,you have been a great help in setting a new standard of perspective of life ;hope you will continue to do so,greatful for the time and effort that u have put on many of us! God bless u and all what's yours!
ዶክተረ በ ጣም አመሰግናለሁ በትነሹም ቢሆን እራሴን እዳውቅ እረድቶኛል ፖሮግራምህ
100 days we all this together much love & respect Doc🎉🎉 congratulations
Thank you so much Doctor for your hard work I learn a lot and will watch it when it’s needed very helpful
በጣም እናመሰግናለን። ወንድሜ ትንሽቀን እረፍት አድርግ ፊትህላይ ድካም ይታያል። ለሕዝብ ቃል ገብቶ መፈጸም ቀላል ሀላፊነት አይደለም እረፍትም አይሰጥም። አሁን ተወጥተኸዋል አሁን ለራስህ ትንሽም ቢሆን ግዜ ስጥ።
ተባረክ ዶክተር
Free education
አባት እውቀት ዶከተርዬ በሚልዮን ብር የማናገኘውን እውቀት ነው ይሰጡን እረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን ❤❤❤
ጌታ እየሱስ ይባርክህ Doctor!
We had a great time for the last 100 days.thank you Dr God bless you
ማነው እንደኔ መቶውንም ምንም ሳያመልጠው የተከታተለ 😎
Lol, 👌
እናመሰግናለን Dr ተባረክ
Wonderful view and insight giving teaching ❤❤❤❤ keep it up Doctor
Reposted 😮
Anyway I have been working on my life because of the positive influences of your incredible teaching ❤❤❤❤
Love you Dr.!!!
100 የተለያየ ሃሳቦችን ኣንስቶ መንጋገር እና መምከር ቀላል ኣይደለም፡ በበኩሌ ብዙ ተምሬበታለው በጣም ደስ ይላላ። እንዳንተ ኣይነቱን ያብዛላን posetiv+
አመሰግናለሁ ዶክተር 🙏
dear Dr. Mihret Debebe i'm read your books those are yatekolafebet qulf and lelasaw. I'm appriciated the way you give therapy which mean that therapy by reading . Im expect from you more, please you have write many books as the way you wrote your books
ما شاء الله تبارك الله شكرا يا دكتور ❤
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks !!!!!!!
100 ቀን መልካም ጊዜ ነበረ አውንም ሌላ አዲስ ነገር እንጠብቃለን እናመሰግናለን
አመስግናለሁ እድሜ ይስጥልኝ
betam new mwedh doc ena geta tsegawn yabizalih bzu aginchebetalew
እግዘብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ
Thank You Doc... you are saving the generation.. God bless you🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for your time share 100 time
Thank you for all, i got alot.
You are best Dr
Thank you Dr.
ስለ ሁሉ መልእክትህን አመሰግናለሁ።
Just for your information I tried too listens all the session, we( me and my wife) started to follow your session after pour wedding date. Thank you I dear dr.
Betam tebarek ❤❤❤❤
Enamesegnalen tebarek 🙏🙏🙏
You are a role model on discipline and diligent for most of us. I am proud of you Dr.Mihiret.
Dr.Meheret I want to say you thank you so much your thoughts are impactful am listening all the episodes even I share to others in my way during different workshops I learned a lot together we bring a mind set change keep it up kudos for the last day
Thank you.🎉
i have said it many time to my friends you are my personality mentor and i am so grateful for that
i believe you will come up to another mind blowing segment in the coming days
thank you for ur service Dr. meheret
እናመሠግናለን ዱክተር ❤❤🙏