Look at all us year 11’s, 5 days before the exam probably done no revision trying to learn! Also scrolling through the comments instead of actually watching the video
I have my biology gcse in exactly a week and I’m so nervous and I’m using this video to try and cram in as much as I can to rejog my memory and hopefully save me lmaooo Who else is with me?! Edit 1: paper 1 is done honestly I thought it went alright now it’s just paper 2 🙄 How do u guys think u did?
How the hell have gcse's come around this fast I was watching this like 2 months ago not worried at all and now my biology exam is less than 2 weeks away oh godd
24 hours and it will be over. Come on year 11’s :) Edit: 5 hours and 7 minutes, best of luck folks :) Edit 2- THAT WENT SO WELL THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO
for those of you who are trying to remember where lipase protease and amylase is produced and used, think of it like this. They are all produced in the pancreas and small intestine as we know, so we can think of it like this. Lipase - Nowhere else Protease - Stomach Amylase - Salivary glands This way u dont have to remember 2 to 3 locations for each, u can just remember 1, cuz u already know all of them are produced in the other 2 locations. And for where they are used, its common sense at this point. Its used in where its produced(besides pancreas obviously) So that leaves us with Lipase - Small intestine Protease - Stomach and small intestine Amylase - Mouth and small intestine (As you can see all of them work in the small intestine so you might as well just delete that as well)
@@annabellelane246 lmaoo for me it was meant to be this week but bc if our year which is year 11 ofc lol we are isolating so we woll have it next week ahhhhh
All the comments are from last year so any current yr 11’s in the same place as me wether it’s mocks or exams you got this !!! I wish us all so much luck 🥰🥰
I literally have my biology paper one mock tomorrow I really hope it helps me figure out what I need to focus on as I’m hoping to be a marine biologist 🥺
shoot!!! if only i could acc watch this video during the exam ... man imma fail ... why did i choose to leave it so late??? primrose i acc cant thank you enough!!!! LIFESAVER LOVE U
Cramming in that revision before 14th of May and then scrolling through the comments as a form of procrastination. I just realized if procrastination was a criminal offence I would be inside for a VERY VERY long time by the frequency that I do it. Good luck to all fellow comrade year 11 students anyway.
We don't even need exams on useless sh*t like this but we need to learn this instead of a relevant skill like changing a tire or taxes but sure this is relevant to ;)
my teacher taught me this: pulmonary artery goes to the lungs because it has the letter L inside the word pulmonary and so does the word "Lungs" aorta pumps blood to the rest of the body because the word aorta has the letter R inside it and so does the word "Rest" of the body
Good luck to everyone like myself sitting the biology exam dont get yourself down think positive you know at lot more than you think believe in yourself I know you will all do awesome even though I don't know any of you 😁 good luckkkkkk!!!!!!!!!
You can be proud, you have officially saved the future of 150 000 Year 11 ! Some of them revised, some of them didn't, but either way this video is extremely helpful, and makes me waaaaay more confident more the coming up exams. Thank you so much !
@@eesajawad2364 Hi! Sorry I took so long to reply. Good luck for you GCSE's ! I'm sure you'll do great :) I got a 7 in Biology... which I was very happy about as I got 5 in my mock :) 3 years later... I survived my A-Levels and I'm now studying law at Uni which is really great. I'm sure you'll do great in your exams!
You are my saving grace I swear! I love watching your videos right before my exams and just sitting with a pen and paper and just scrawling as you talk. I did it for my mocks and it really helped so lets keep our fingers crossed. Thank you so much!!
i've been logged out of my youtube account for days and couldn't be bothered to sign back in but i came across this video and just had to leave a comment! thank you so much for this - i have my exam in two hours and i have forever struggled with science. thank you! you're amazing
Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten yep the exam was SUPER easy!! Everything you covered came up and I was super happy. Thank you once again you’ve saved lives 😂❤️
Honestly, you've saved my life here. After watching this video a couple of times, my mock grades jumped from a 6 to an 8. This is just the thing I needed to help with revision. Thank 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 so 👏🏽 much 👏🏽!
Tamsyn Louise As PrimroseKitten said, you shouldn’t just watch the video but this gave me such a good idea of what to revise. You look through it and it’s easy to see which bits you don’t know. Then you focus more heavily on those! What’s even better is that she has videos for basically everything.
Revising for my mocks, and your voice is so calming! Makes me feel like everything will be okay. Good luck to anyone studying for mocks or actual GCSEs!
@Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten I just want to say a massive thank you. I find revision really difficult and have a tendency to procrastinate, so when I found there were high quality biology explanations that didn’t make me want to bang my head against a wall I knew I hit the jackpot. Anyway, thank you very much for giving me a fighting chance tomorrow. Best of luck to all other GCSE students, I hope we’re all happy on results day.
I don't usually comment on video's, but I have just gotten my mock grades back and I got a grade 9 in biology and just wanted to thank you because this video helped me so much.
thank you! although quick note: I've been told the examiners don't accept saying energy is PRODUCED in the mitochondria as energy cannot be made, instead it is RELEASED from respiration
Guys just a random tip, if you write in the exam that 'energy is produced' by the mitochondria, you will not get the mark, always say that 'energy is released' by the mitochondria through respiration. My science teacher marks GCSE papers for AQA, so she told us about how many times she had to give 0 marks to questions where students said that energy is produced in the mitochondria. It's like thinking about the basic law of conservation of energy in physics where energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one energy store to another. Please be careful and I wish you all the best of luck!!!!
I have my biology exam 6 days from now, and looking at my revision guide had me worrying because there's way too much content to go over. You're a life saver, thanks ❤️
Hi Iqra, this covers both the content for combined science and separate science at both foundation and higher tier. If you're not sure which bit is which then I suggest you get my FREE revision guide from my website www.primrosekitten.com/collections which has everything clearly laid out for you
13 days now. its kind of mad how fast this year has been. I guess my brain cant get used to the fact pf them beiing so soon. good luck to you for the exam and have a great day :)
00:00 Introduction
00:28 Plant Cell Structure
01:20 Animal Cell Structure
01:53 Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells
02:11 Bacterial Cells
02:47 Specialisation of Cells
03:57 Microscopy and Magnification
04:36 DNA Structure
05:07 Mitosis
05:42 Stem Cells
06:57 Diffusion
08:18 Osmosis
08:51 Active Transport
09:22 Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems
10:03 Digestive System
10:54 Digestive Enzymes
12:32 Enzyme Structure and Conditions
14:19 Respiratory System
15:05 The Heart
17:35 Veins, Arteries and Capillaries
18:36 Components of the Blood
19:19 Cardiovascular Disease
21:06 Break and Thank Yous
21:28 Health
22:09 Epidemiological Studies
23:16 Cancer
25:22 Leaf Structure
25:46 Xylem and Phloem
26:21 Transpiration Factors
28:07 Pathogens
29:28 Measles
31:02 HIV
32:48 TMV
33:31 Salmonella
34:34 Gonorrhea
36:00 Rose Black Spot
36:46 Malaria
37:46 Protection from Pathogens
39:01 Vaccinations
41:23 Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance
43:08 Break
43:22 Drugs
44:16 Penicillin
45:22 Aspirin
45:45 Digitalis
46:02 Aphids
46:36 Photosynthesis, Limiting Factors and Starch
51:13 Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
54:20 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast
55:01 Metabolic Rate
56:37 End of 9-1 Combined Science Content
56:57 Bacteria Division
57:34 Uncontaminated Bacteria Culture Experiment
58:47 Effect of Antibiotics and Antiseptics Experiment
59:50 Monoclonal Antibodies
01:00:55 Plant Disease Identification
01:02:45 Outro
You're welcome :)
You 🌟
There’s a special place in Heaven for you.
Bookloverlolly I
Thank you so much
where my current year 11s at? you'll do great!! xx
yeah, we got this
good luck everyone reading this, we're gonna do great.
You too!
we're all in this together
I got paper 1 in 3 days
Who's else is cramming revision for biology, 14th May
Pro Gamer HD yh brudda
my g you know
Look at all us year 11’s, 5 days before the exam probably done no revision trying to learn! Also scrolling through the comments instead of actually watching the video
this comment could not be any more truthful hahahaha
so me atm
Oh gosh really relatable right now
Wow, I'm scared that you just described my life in a sentence ;-).
why was the majority of higher tier about plants? am i aspiring to become a gardener
I hate plants 😓
@@slamwall9057 I hate animals and humans, but love plants.
Sarah A. Why animals wtf 😂
@@saraha.1336 its the opposite for me haha, I kive learning about humans and diseases, plants are aight but animals? hell nah.
I have my biology exam tomorrow. I know NOTHING. Pray for me
Update: did it, knew nothing. No need to pray, the damage is done..
we got this video, we'll be fine
@@josephporcheron195 I believe in us 😂
Ellie Kira same
Same😂😂 this videowill save my lfe ngl
Night before gang where you at? (I've been waiting a while before I could finally comment this lol good luck for tomorrow everyone)
Isabelle Amelia thank you! I wish you the best of luck :)
Too right
Good luck everyone, smash it
You taught me in one hour what 4 teachers couldn't teach me in 2 years
Sameee, my teacher is just...
who's watching this because they have mocks soon and has done no revision
I have mine tomorrow 🥴
@@hetsywoody5558 same
Literally me rn, mocks in 3 weeks and I haven't even started revising 💀
@@hetsywoody5558 mine is today, im doing triple.
sooon !! you mean tommorow
How're my covid class of 2021 brothers and sisters doing revising for mocks last minute?
Edit: actual ‘exams’ are this month oh god
Got my bio mock tomorrow🥴
Anyone one else trying to prepare for the biology exam next week??
Edit: It's tomorrow! good luck guys🤞
Deanna Anderson haven’t even started to revise😂
Yeah boi
You call that cramming
that’s revision this is cramming
As if it’s actually biology paper 1 tomorrow, what a joke. You’re an absolute lifesaver I stg
good luck to everyone doing their bio exam tomorrow !!
Good luck Vipère fingers crossed!!
Last min squad where you at ?? Bio paper 1 tomorrow
yes mate
here haha
14th of May squad WYA
100% gunna fail science, good job dont have yo resit it😂
Meg Kee am revising science like I don’t know I’m failing. Send me away😩
Here and dying
good luck to everyone else who's here the night before the bio exam desperately trying to revise last minute!
Hi Summer BB, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
Best of luck to you too, I hope we alll thrash our expected grades
angels walk among us - here i am 17 hours before my exam, doing old spec past papers and crying when i come across this, thank you thank you THANK YOU
Lollipop Lou same...but how am i meant to remember all this !?!?
we can do this guys! it's gonna be _super_ fine
Procrastination club?
InfiniteDeaths26 Gaming so not ready😑
eG Jokah sameeee..
Here I am, the night before my exam, trying to learn the past 5 years of my science lessons in 63 minutes...
shyalouise your not alone lol
shyalouise probs bc in the end it means nothing to us because its all just words
Taro lol literally
shyalouise random but ure well pretty x 😂
Elsa and Anna aww thanks so much ❤️❤️
Good luck everyone! We're gonna smash it!
hi Ben, good luck in your exam!!
I hope so... Im literally panicking
@@Sofiaandponies same so stressed right now cannot deal
im finishing off the spec then waking up in the morning to watch this video to cram any last bits i forgot and hopefully i do good in my exams.
Best of luck to all of you!
I have my biology gcse in exactly a week and I’m so nervous and I’m using this video to try and cram in as much as I can to rejog my memory and hopefully save me lmaooo
Who else is with me?!
Edit 1: paper 1 is done honestly I thought it went alright now it’s just paper 2 🙄
How do u guys think u did?
just fail and lower
the grade boundaries it will do everyone else well
@@funkoozy210 Ouch thats mean of you, really mean.
But true
Come on we got this
Good luck to everyone who are starting their GCSES
How did it go guys?
Got this tomorrow hope this helps
Adam Mellor got it too not too worried tho
Praise this woman for saving my exams last minute 👏👏
TRW same here bro ahaha
What did you get tho
What did you get in GCSEs?
Last minute squad where you at
Chronicledlegacy yea boiii
Chronicledlegacy Here.
we can do this!!!
it took me 4 hours to write every single note down neatly from this video and it was so worth it. this was a lifesaver. thank you !!!!
just remember to do plenty of exam practice questions for tomorrow as technique can really trip ppl up sometimes
@@jessssnake 😭
Good luck to everyone doing their exams this year ❤ We can do this 🌹
EDIT: How did yall do?
well its getting harder and the grade boundaries are higher but we can do it
hell yes. only a month left of school. i have my first one this monday
@@09WigginsL do you have computer science?
@@Ethan-wf7oi Ict. Dont like it that much but oh well
@@09WigginsL neither do I, but we got to do it unfortunately
How the hell have gcse's come around this fast I was watching this like 2 months ago not worried at all and now my biology exam is less than 2 weeks away oh godd
Jacobluck0.o same
Only just started revising ooops
24 hours and it will be over. Come on year 11’s :)
Edit: 5 hours and 7 minutes, best of luck folks :)
The nightmare has only begun...
ZABBAS paper 2 is 2 hours and 15 minutes, PRAY
@@Somerandomdelk My hand will die...thats if i dont die of shock from whatever question i get!
ZABBAS as long as it’s not tissue or the emigree it’s good
@@Somerandomdelk Yep. Or my last duchess. That would be the worst one.
for those of you who are trying to remember where lipase protease and amylase is produced and used, think of it like this.
They are all produced in the pancreas and small intestine as we know,
so we can think of it like this.
Lipase - Nowhere else
Protease - Stomach
Amylase - Salivary glands
This way u dont have to remember 2 to 3 locations for each, u can just remember 1, cuz u already know all of them are produced in the other 2 locations.
And for where they are used, its common sense at this point.
Its used in where its produced(besides pancreas obviously)
So that leaves us with
Lipase - Small intestine
Protease - Stomach and small intestine
Amylase - Mouth and small intestine
(As you can see all of them work in the small intestine so you might as well just delete that as well)
That’s acc so good thanks
absolute saviour, can’t be the only one cramming for tomorrow :/ good luck everyone
Hi graceisabella, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
I think it’s too late to start
How did you do
Who here tryna cram 2 years worth of biology in 1 hour💀
Ydd Matt ME 🙋🏼♂️
@@annabellelane246 lmaoo for me it was meant to be this week but bc if our year which is year 11 ofc lol we are isolating so we woll have it next week ahhhhh
@@infinity_sh4816 Dude I'm year 11 and my mocks are now in TWO WEEKS .... IM GOING TO CRY
@@annabellelane246 dww, english, geography, business and history well thats all ive done they are easy! But i know for sure i will still fail💀
To everyone doing last minute revision, don’t be afraid to do terribly so that you can lower the grade boundaries for the rest of us. Thanks…
😂😂yeah I hope the grade boundaries are low
shut up
no worries mate
@@louocc how did your exams go
@@itsmeaminah lets say i lowered the grade boundaries
All the comments are from last year so any current yr 11’s in the same place as me wether it’s mocks or exams you got this !!! I wish us all so much luck 🥰🥰
You got this!
I literally have my biology paper one mock tomorrow I really hope it helps me figure out what I need to focus on as I’m hoping to be a marine biologist 🥺
thankyou ;]
shoot!!! if only i could acc watch this video during the exam ... man imma fail ... why did i choose to leave it so late??? primrose i acc cant thank you enough!!!! LIFESAVER LOVE U
Hi simran, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
simran sisodia did you pass
Got a mock exam on Biology today, watching this so I can cram as much info into my brain for the mock 🥲 good luck to future yr 11s!
how did it go?
how did it go
@@phxx4331 went alright but i could've done better, i'd advise to watch this a week in advance
@@realyiel me reading this the night before my year 11 bio mock
i’ve got a mock tomorrow too 🥲
when she said i was doing a fantastic job i felt so appreciated im-
to everyone upset abt not starting earlier.. ur revising now, aren't you? so many people aren't. keep pushing, it's never too late
Good luck chlo, I really hope you get all the questions you want!
Thanks I’m gonna aim high and hopefully achieve. I pray we all do well
@@dantom8919 we 100% will :D
thanks i was this close to giving up lol
@@Primrose_Kitten thank u sm :) it was okay actually
Stop reading the comments, do revision 😂
fuck u saved my life I was fully about to go into a circle where I wont stop reading comments lol gl
damn...caught again
who else is here for gcse biology 2019!!!
Don't think this video is that good
Woop woop
Damui me fella
didnt age well
Cramming in that revision before 14th of May and then scrolling through the comments as a form of procrastination. I just realized if procrastination was a criminal offence I would be inside for a VERY VERY long time by the frequency that I do it. Good luck to all fellow comrade year 11 students anyway.
I am the person who tells u STOP and go back to the vid the comments may be funny but ur test aint so i suggest u go back
thank you so much! you have taught me more in 1 hour than my teacher in 2 years!
Who else is watching the night before exam!! I guarantee some one is watching at this very moment.
same man same goodluck tho
Good luck guys
Think there are quite a few watching it! I'm so nervous!! Hope you all do good tomorrow guys :)
Hahah same boys
Exam a week today? Yes.
Done no revision? Yes.
Am completely screwed?
Your not lad
y do i relate to all of this?! :(
Me too bud
Hotel? Trivago!
Watching this the night before the exam! Good luck everyone!
Who else is last minute preparing for biology 14th May (2019)?
me lmao
How’s it going
Mabom Mustard Ahah I did like 2 hours on Seneca then I got distracted by prank videos
@@mabommustard949 fammmm i am so sacred today i did terrible in my rs exam
Lmakslsks I fucking forgot what advent and reconciliation meant 💀💀💀
The next generation of gcse students getting ready to spew their brains out onto some pieces of paper never to remember any of it ever again...
that's me in 6 days lol
The truth
We don't even need exams on useless sh*t like this but we need to learn this instead of a relevant skill like changing a tire or taxes but sure this is relevant to ;)
TMCG3 its stupid gcses are actually so dumb
Alright lads.....where is my last minute revision squad at?
Good luck tomorrow everyone 🍀🤞🏻
How did it go!?
@@amyseal9623 ha lol horribly
@@gracecallaghan5577 I'm sure it wasn't that bad
My test is in an hour :)
Update: I did the first biology exam and this video saved my life CHEERS
my teacher taught me this:
pulmonary artery goes to the lungs because it has the letter L inside the word pulmonary and so does the word "Lungs"
aorta pumps blood to the rest of the body because the word aorta has the letter R inside it and so does the word "Rest" of the body
London is Pakistan
Hello Mate Pakistan is Africa
This is the most useful video I’ve seen - why did I only find it the night before my exam 😂
Good luck Emilie I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
If everyone does bad..... The boundaries will go lower.... So if I get 5marks...... I'll get a level 5!!!
Emilie Howes omg this is so me😂😂
Saad Yasin it wont be that low, but hoping for low grade boundaries
Literally me... LOL
You’re about to get a whole lot more views at about 3am from some desperate year 11s
And year tens now haha this is peak
Omg that is literally me now, I’ve done no revision whatsoever lmao
@@croissanella6521 lmao i have a nazi germany paper tomorow and i havent reviesed wish me luck 😕
@@croissanella6521 watching this on the morning of my exam 😳 got maths and history as well which is fun 😂😅
Maya I had maths too phah hope ya did well pal
good luck to everyone on Tuesday hopefully we all do well :)
Good luck to you too!
Everyone else talking about how they need a 8 or 9 while I’m here doin last minute revision fighting for a 4 😂 , good luck everyone
I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you, good luck Cheddar Plays!!
Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten Yh cheers , thanks for this video too
Xoukio isn’t it funny how nobody comes back on to respond lol
Sounds like me, trying to get a 4 cause I’m too dumb😵
Cheddar Plays 5 for me
Good luck to everyone like myself sitting the biology exam dont get yourself down think positive you know at lot more than you think believe in yourself I know you will all do awesome even though I don't know any of you 😁 good luckkkkkk!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Jasmine I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
Thank you! Also thank you for this video!!
just sub to everyone and ill smoke weed for everyone GOOD LUCK SASAGEYO
You can be proud, you have officially saved the future of 150 000 Year 11 ! Some of them revised, some of them didn't, but either way this video is extremely helpful, and makes me waaaaay more confident more the coming up exams. Thank you so much !
How did you do its been 3 years im in year 10 now watching this vid before my mocks !!!
@@eesajawad2364 Hi! Sorry I took so long to reply. Good luck for you GCSE's ! I'm sure you'll do great :) I got a 7 in Biology... which I was very happy about as I got 5 in my mock :) 3 years later... I survived my A-Levels and I'm now studying law at Uni which is really great. I'm sure you'll do great in your exams!
Can we appreciate for a moment that we have this free supply of education provided? Thank you so much for this it’s very useful!
3 days left guys good luck👍👍
Unknown Player ikr
Aye, good luck to everyone 👍🏻
Bro in doing higher tier science. I'm fucked fam
Who else is watching this video in the lame attempt to save ur grades after doing no revision whatsoever 😭?
Hasan Rahmani ha me
Meeee possibly haha
It’s just all peak tbh
I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for this. So so useful.
Daniel Van Grudgings biology tommorow good luck my friend
Dan McGreevy how did u do?
Higher trilogy Biology GCSE has just been the hardest test I've every done. Thanks for the help, any marks I managed to somehow get are thanks to you.
Your views are ready for an annual spike again! Good luck tomorrow everyone, you’re going to do great
You are my saving grace I swear! I love watching your videos right before my exams and just sitting with a pen and paper and just scrawling as you talk. I did it for my mocks and it really helped so lets keep our fingers crossed. Thank you so much!!
Good luck Fran I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
Thank you! Never stop making videos they are amazing. Do you think you'll ever make a-level ones as I want to do a-level biology next year?
anyone else doing last minute revision before biology paper 1 tomorrow...
Hi mark, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten thank you!! :) x
how did it go?
mark tuan 8 months later this is true for me (in yr 10)
Seen people here from 5 years ago doing the exact same thing, cramming everything in 1 day before the exam.
i've been logged out of my youtube account for days and couldn't be bothered to sign back in but i came across this video and just had to leave a comment! thank you so much for this - i have my exam in two hours and i have forever struggled with science. thank you! you're amazing
Good luck Sakina X, please come back and tell me how you get on!!
Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten yep the exam was SUPER easy!! Everything you covered came up and I was super happy. Thank you once again you’ve saved lives 😂❤️
7 Days till My exams and Still haven’t revised, hopefully this vid will save my ass
ur peng init
wag1 piffting
actually same!!
At least im not alone :(
Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And thank you for saving my mocks (and hopefully my gcses)
I'm really hoping questions you love come up, good luck THE RULER OF BEES
I have the exam tomorrow. Amazing video and good luck to everyone!
Hi Jasper Kyriakoudis, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
same bro
I have to go bed in exactly 1hr 3 mins- Perfect
That’s 5 seconds of pure knowledge you’re missing out on
Good luck on Tuesday everyone!
I Hope we all pass WHO acttualy try. Good luck
anyone else scared for Biology’s exam on 15th of May 2018😭
Sel Bieber me !11
me yikes
yep this saves me though
Sel Bieber 🙋🏽♀️Feel like I don’t know anything
Sel Bieber biology is fine it's physics and chemistry I'm fucked for
To all Year 11’s here: Good luck for tomorrow, hope we can all smash it and get the grades that we want.
last minute revision ! thank you soooo much x
the test is tomorrow
how did this happen
Anyone else didn’t revise till last day till gcses
One day before the exam this is mad(good luck guys)
a life saver! this is helping me so much for tomorrow, i was struggling so much. thank you! regretting last minute revision rn arghhhh
I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you, good luck thicc tae!!
thicc tae good luck
Same here. 😂
I’m laughing so much, I’m also worried for this paper
Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten thank you so much!!
i swear to god your going to get me through these exams, thank you so much
ignore this lmao
03:57 Microscopy and Magnification
04:36 DNA Structure
10:03 Digestive System
10:54 Digestive Enzymes
17:35 Veins, Arteries and Capillaries
18:36 Components of the Blood
19:19 Cardiovascular Disease
22:09 Epidemiological Studies
25:22 Leaf Structure
26:21 Transpiration Factors
41:23 Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance
46:02 Aphids
54:20 Anaerobic Respiration in Yeast
55:01 Metabolic Rate
The way this video was made when i was doing my sats and now im doing my GCSEs
Honestly, you've saved my life here. After watching this video a couple of times, my mock grades jumped from a 6 to an 8. This is just the thing I needed to help with revision. Thank 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 so 👏🏽 much 👏🏽!
Jake Davies omg did it actually my life might be saved I’m struggling to get everything revised at the moment because it’s taking forever
Tamsyn Louise As PrimroseKitten said, you shouldn’t just watch the video but this gave me such a good idea of what to revise. You look through it and it’s easy to see which bits you don’t know. Then you focus more heavily on those! What’s even better is that she has videos for basically everything.
Jake Davies yeh I’m going to do that but I just don’t think I can do everything in 18 days
Tamsyn Louise I’m sure that, if you use your time effectively and plan out your day, you can do it! Good luck!
Jake Davies how the hell im scraping a 4
you are actually the best science teacher ever. I have learned more in this video then I have with my teachers since I started in y7
Hi Abdiassis, good luck for tomorrow, I hope all the good questions come up for you!
Ow shit abdi its mabz
Abdiassis Mohamad haha go one hard lad lol sick guy
yes abdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
who's just watching this in prep for Tuesday??
yh g im so fucked
Spencer Hewins me
me :]
me hahahahahahah shitting one for it
Spencer Hewins me
Good luck everyone
Revising for my mocks, and your voice is so calming! Makes me feel like everything will be okay. Good luck to anyone studying for mocks or actual GCSEs!
Last minute revision squad where you at?
2 days till Biology paper 1!
Good luck
we're hereeee!!
eliecid huertas rodriguez
Good luck
Got my GCSE Biology test tomorrow so just cramming this into my info hopefully this should help me.
Update:exam is in a couple hours, I’m screwed.
How did it go??
Yesss lifesaver over hereeeeee!!!!!!!Thank you soooo much! Biology tomorrow and I think I’m gonna be okay now
Good luck Jae, please come back and tell me how you get on!!
I’ve got my exams coming up did this acc help you ??
@Science and Maths by Primrose Kitten I just want to say a massive thank you. I find revision really difficult and have a tendency to procrastinate, so when I found there were high quality biology explanations that didn’t make me want to bang my head against a wall I knew I hit the jackpot. Anyway, thank you very much for giving me a fighting chance tomorrow. Best of luck to all other GCSE students, I hope we’re all happy on results day.
Watches at 2x speed
Official hackerman
@@hetsywoody5558 4x and its 15 minutes
i'm literally doing the same ahah thanks for the tip XD
I don't usually comment on video's, but I have just gotten my mock grades back and I got a grade 9 in biology and just wanted to thank you because this video helped me so much.
how??? help pls I have my exam soon
@@justsomeone5660 same 😭😭
@@safiah9661 mock or the final bio GCSE?
@@justsomeone5660 mock soon, I did my first set of mocks just a couple of weeks ago. Now we have a series 2 in March. I’m in year 11 too
@@safiah9661 oh ur good to go then 😭 I've got my final iGCSE in Jan (I'm doing Edexcel that's y)
2 days until the biology exam and I'm so scared I'm gonna forget everything 😩 good luck everyone!
My GCSE Biology Paper 1 is in 26 days and I've found this so helpful for revising, the timestamps are amazing because it helps me to break it down.
good luck with revision we can do it!
nearly there
Hold up. This vid was made before corona, and she edited the title for 2023 revision? How can we trust her?
@@DJreeik content pre-covid is still the same
thank you! although quick note: I've been told the examiners don't accept saying energy is PRODUCED in the mitochondria as energy cannot be made, instead it is RELEASED from respiration
if only you were my science teacher good luck to everyone you all will pass insha'allah;)
Day of the exam and I'm revising....great
Good luck generic carrots, please come back and tell me how you get on!!
how did you do?
generic carrots did u pass?
Guys just a random tip, if you write in the exam that 'energy is produced' by the mitochondria, you will not get the mark, always say that 'energy is released' by the mitochondria through respiration.
My science teacher marks GCSE papers for AQA, so she told us about how many times she had to give 0 marks to questions where students said that energy is produced in the mitochondria.
It's like thinking about the basic law of conservation of energy in physics where energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one energy store to another.
Please be careful and I wish you all the best of luck!!!!
I have my biology exam 6 days from now, and looking at my revision guide had me worrying because there's way too much content to go over. You're a life saver, thanks ❤️
i feel your pain same here
Potato and Beans squad🙌
You guys gonna be writing this on paper or is it tooo late
night before squad where you at?
yeppp. is this higher or foundation ?
Iqra Javeid higher
Hi Iqra, this covers both the content for combined science and separate science at both foundation and higher tier. If you're not sure which bit is which then I suggest you get my FREE revision guide from my website www.primrosekitten.com/collections which has everything clearly laid out for you
I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you, good luck s u c c!!
First biology exam is in 16 days! Thank you so much this is very helpful
13 days now. its kind of mad how fast this year has been. I guess my brain cant get used to the fact pf them beiing so soon. good luck to you for the exam and have a great day :)
i have mine on the 15th of may sooooo u give me topics yes ok thank yooouu
8 days now T_T
I’m so nervous 😬
7 days!!! :(
Every year 11 that wished you’d listened in year 10, where you at?