My mom had post partum psychosis with me. I have genetic pyrolle disorder, recovered from alcoholism. Mthfr. My poor mom suffered her whole life! Thank you!
Thank you my daughter went into psychosis right before she turned 13. Just had her serum copper level checked by her functional medicine doctor she was at 370mcg/L.
I got the copper IUD in January 2021. It seemed great, but over the last year and a half, my ADHD medication stopped working no matter how much my doctor raised the dose. Dozens of other issues have popped up. It's been so hard just to function at work and home. I didn't think anything of my IUD until I read an article about low zinc impacting ADHD, and it pulled a tiny memory from the back of my brain of reading someone say that people with the copper IUD need to keep an eye on that. I think that my mental and physical health decline began from this IUD. It really did creep up on me. I'm getting it removed in 5 days, and I am praying that it helps. I really thought something was seriously wrong with my brain, but everything that has happened really makes sense for what I've learned about copper. Anyway, this was a great podcast.
I think I heard you say that it's the unbound copper that's the main issue. I've heard that natural vitamin C will activate copper and put it to use where as ascorbic acid does the reverse because it's missing things natural vitamin C doesn't have. Also, natural vitamin A assist with copper usage as well. This has me wondering if the problem isn't sometimes, a lack of whole foods to activate the minerals that we need and have already stored.
Makes no wonder as my grandfather had traites but lived out of his garden never drove etc etc always wore cotton clothes head very little problems unlike his mother my mother myself and uncle is it modern living affecting the Asperger's making more symptoms for us along with stress
Hi. Really interesting point. We will treat for high serum copper and/or high percent free (unbound copper). The protocols that I have used, given my training with the Walsh Research Institute, include ascorbic acid. To help raise ceruloplasmin (which binds copper - which would then make less free and unbound) we would use ascorbic acid and vitamin A. The doses that we use and find that are necessary (for these nutrients and others in the protocol) exceed what could be obtained from food, especially for those with a seeming genetic component to their vulnerability. Still I agree, with your point of the importance of a whole foods diet for nutrients, but also to support a healthier microbiome (which also impacts these nutrient imbalances in a number of ways).
My grandfather and mother growing up drank raw jersey cows milk would this have absorbed copper.MY son is taking after myself exactly if the copper drops will the picky eating ie beige diet improve seams it's part if the ADHD Asperger's thankyou for your reply.fighting to get a little better do you recommend hair and blood copper test together 😊
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072But didn't studies show that ascorbic acid actually breaks the bond between copper and ceruloplasmin? So it actually gets the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve? That's what I hear from Morley Robbins anyways.
@@Leo-pv9zi ceruloplasmin is a very sophisticated carrier protein.. i think it takes a decent amount of ascorbic acid to dammage ceruloplasmin.. the trick i think is to spread it out over the day.. microdosing 100 to 200 mcg per meal with a couple mg of copper. And at this point i am not entirely sure vitamin A is required for ceruloplasmin.. it has been shown to increase ceruloplasmin but we dont know if this is just a result of A's toxicity.. My research on vitamin A is still ongoing.. im reaching out to people in the community to hopefully have more discussions on the topic.
Copper toxicity is technically possible but i think id prefer to refer to it as copper dysregulation and or general toxicity leading to high blood copper. Copper itself is not appearing to be toxic in the medical literature that is looking at things in the context of other toxicities being present. Copper is simply appearing in areas where the body wants to put it to work. If you have some of the other trace minerals example zinc molybdenum selenium iodine and electrolytes like potassium. So instead of calling it copper toxicity why dont we just call it what it is, either one of those other trace mineral deficiencies or an electrolyte. And like i said other toxins impair the function of copper and its ability to be incorporated into carrier proteins... examples: lead cadmium mercury and other non heavy metal toxins like fluoride, mold and excess omega 6 all impair, block or excessively mobilize copper.
When zinc starts disappearing from the body, copper starts to rule and it isn't good.... everything goes out of whack. 8:1 zinc : copper = a living hell when this occurs out ratio
If stress, Fructose, glyphosate, high blood sugar levels , citric acid, and heavy metals effect, remove and disable copper more than others (some by orders of magnitude) it seems like we should understand and support bioavialable copper and the nessasary vitamins like whole food vitamin C, B-vitamins, and Retinol (real vit A). I've been taking copper, and the above mentioned copper cofactor loading vitamins + magnesium glycinate and my back, tendons, ligaments, sleep, energy, MCAS symptoms, tinnitus, and high tempature heat tolerance have all improved in just two weeks. I am going to continue with the " root cause protocol " because it's helping me. I've had to learn to distress and forgive as this is an essential part of balancing the body mind and soul.
You completely misunderstood it there is mention of copper toxicity in literature and it is of elemental copper. Where it gets deposited in the tissues. Chelation is one of the way to get rid of it.
Would you consider having Morey Robbins on your show? It would be interesting to have you both share your views about copper and the nessasary cofactors needed to load it where it belongs much like calcium needs d3, good magnesium, and vit. K2mk7 to load it into the bones where it is supposed to be stored and utilized.
Thank you..yes. I obviously spelled Morely Robbins name incorrectly, as well. Thank you for the suggestion. This is timely, as I'm considering starting to do more conversations and interviews.
My family grew up on well water brownish red in colour and my mother was born severely autistic with eyeproblems that required surgery, my grandmother became demented, grandfather commited suicide and my aunts suffering from alzheimers and my cousin from schizophrenia. I was born with extremely low energy and turns out I have Graves disease. I took a heavy metal test and I have 11,8 grams of copper in me and understand we are supposed to have 0,3mg normally. Ive tried all kinds of diets and *nothing* works. What do I do? Im desperate. Vitamin D 5000IUs a day has helped 80% but the rest...
You might consider looking at the Walsh Research Institute website. There is a resource page that lists doctors around the country and globe, trained in evaluating and treating nutrient imbalances, such as copper toxicity. The treatment is a specific nutrient protocol. Normally it is assessed in conjunction with other factor's, such as methylation, zinc deficiency and pyrrole disorder...all of which can co-occur with high copper.
@@Vixinaful It does look like there are a number of the doctors listed in Europe (at the start of the lists) who provide telehealth to people in other countries. They will be familiar with testing options in Europe.
Thank you Dr. Snyder this was very helpful. I have recently got my Copper RBC tested and it came back high, is this test enough or do I have to do the tests mentioned in the video?
You're welcome. I don't use copper RBC to assess copper, but rather use the serum copper and ceruloplasmin as I mention in this podcast. As far as what you need will depend on who you are working with. I'm speaking to the approach those of us trained by the Walsh Research Institute. It sounds like you are finding your answers. Thank you for commenting.
I'm really sensitive to any zinc supplement, whenever I take it, I'm always nervous and having detox like symptoms like heavy head feeling and stuff like that, how likely that, that's a copper overload?
It could be copper being mobilized, but zinc is a strong antioxidant. Metals being mobilized or even mold toxins could cause symptoms. Typically I have people start out slow and build it up (based on what their level shows) over one month, however, I have seen people (and myself) who have had to go even slower than that.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Thanks for response, how slow like 5mg per day? I take 15mg, I’m almost sure I’m deficient I never eat oysters and rarely eat red meat
I have consumed water from copper bottle which was oxidized for few weeks. Do you think i should take Penicillamine to chelate it since it was not bio available but elemental copper?
I´m unable to give treatment recommendations here. You might inquire with the manufacturer and discuss with your doctor. Normally, if I am concerned about high copper, I check through blood tests and use targeted nutrients to bring git down. I don´t have experience with Penicillamine, which is used more in Wilsonś as opposed to Copper overload.
Help, my son has had his hair tested showing high copper (3.5) and low zinc (12). I am working with a naturopath, trying to give him minerals (zinc, calcium, manganese, B2) which he's been on for about 3 weeks now. How long does it take? I am not seeing any improvement at all. He is moody, irritable, angry, abusive, screen obsessed, defiant, lethargic. Help - this is ruining our family!
I'm sorry your son and family are struggling. I rely on plasma zinc and serum copper instead of hair testing for these trace metals. When I start someone on zinc, I build it up over 3-4 weeks. If someone has high copper and the zinc is started to high or too fast, the zinc could move the copper too quickly and worsen the high copper symptoms. I don't know if this is the case for your son. Aside from high copper, I am also usually considering if pyrroles are high (which can also cause high anger and mood swings) and methylation imbalances (undermethylation can contribute to obsessions and defiance). Most people have more than one brain related nutrient imbalance contributing to their brain symptoms. I have other podcasts (and blogposts on these) in case they might be helpful.
Please explain the relationship between swimming pools and copper toxicity. We’ve been treating my daughter for Pyros for a long time. Recently my husband stopped giving her zinc because he didn’t realize it was supposed to be in there. We’ve had behavioral issues which has made us go back to focusing on pyrolles What does chlorine do?
The main concern when it comes to swimming pools and copper is that some algaecides contain copper. If someone has problems regulating copper and spends a lot of time with this exposure, this may impact their copper levels. Thank you for your question.
How would I know if I have high or low Copper please? Apparently normal lab tests are no accurate! I have Salicylate allergies too and metals! I’m on Zinc 50mg Nocte! And magnesium! And Vit c liposomal and Folate from the Metagenics Glycogenics! Take 2 ! I’m on HRT oral. No hysterectomy. Have MTHFR 667 T and Cytochrome p450. Take SSRI! Thank you kindly.
Typically we check a serum copper and ceruloplasmin - a protein that binds copper and allows us to calculate a percent free copper and a copper index. When we look at copper values, we are looking at all 3 of these measures. As with many of the labs we (those of us who use Walsh protocols) use, there are optimal ranges which differ from the ranges provided by labs. When we check copper, we are also checking plasma zinc levels, given the relationship between zinc and copper. Zinc is necessary to regulate zinc. HRT and other forms of added estrogen such as birth control can make copper levels go up in some women.
My zinc is 15 mg paired with 3mg of copper .. I’m not sure if I want to continue taking it or not I guess the zinc will stop the copper from going to high An only eat 2-3 mg of copper at most daily
Thanks for the nice information. In the podcast, you mentioned that copper is high in shellfish, but at the same time shellfish is also quiet rich in zinc. In that sense, is it still not advised to get zinc from a shellfish? Thanks!
Thank you for this great question. We are usually using supplemental zinc when someone has copper overload as opposed to relying on food sources. The doses we use relatively high. The amount of zinc in shellfish would be insufficient to bring high levels of copper down, but the amount of copper would add to the overall load.
I'm not familiar with an association, but mold toxicity can contribute to what look like high copper symptoms (and neurological symptoms) and can even contribute to high copper.
You're welcome. I don't use hair to test zinc levels. However, one reason someone may have problems tolerating zinc is that it can mobilize copper and cause high copper symptoms. Normally, if someone does have high copper, we start zinc low and slow and dose it based on their plasma zinc level. Zinc also plays a role in heavy metal detoxification. Separately, if someone has mast cell activation and is highly sensitive, starting too much zinc too soon could trigger symptoms, including panic. I hope something here is helpful. Thank you for your question.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Thank you for your reply, it's very helpful. The hair result showed copper as normal, but zinc was very low. Every time I supplement zinc with 22 mg, I feel like I have too much light in my head, disorientation, panic attack. This is very strange because most information confirms the good effects of zinc for humans. I think I'll start taking 10mg for a month and see how I feel. Thank you
Because copper naturally goes up (and would be expected to be high) during pregnancy, those of us who are Walsh-trained are not typically checking copper levels during pregnacy. This link with "normal" ranges during pregnancy should be helpful -
@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 @courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 I see. thank you so much. But the doctor said mine is 184 ug/ dl and I was put on the range of elivated. I don't know why.
Hiw do you explain the copious amount of healing stories of people taking copper? And the fact that most people can excrete excess copper easily - which makes it basically non-toxic as opposed to iron which accumulates.
Hi. Thank you this question. I don't think everyone is susceptible to copper overload. Those who are likely have a predisposition related to a genetic variant impacting the functioning of metallothionein (which regulate copper) or have high toxicity that is overwhelming the functioning of MTs. We see these individuals with high copper get worse with additional copper, but that doesn't mean everyone gets worse from copper. There is a lot of biochemical diversity. This podcast is about those who are vulnerable to copper overload.
No doubt genetic disorders are a concern. But it is rare. People who take copper actuqlly often get worse as a healing crisis, cause copper availability can set in motion many detox enzymes and energy availability. So reports are: You get detox symptoms, but many health issues improve. Typical detox. Also shows that many actually NEED copper.
DHALab shares the Walsh/Pheiffer optimal ranges on its website in its sample report As far as the optimal %free copper and copper index, I don't think the Walsh Research Institute shares those outside the professional training programs.
Thank you for asking this. I don't tend to see as much copper deficiency in those with brain symptoms, though it is certainly possible. With high copper high anxiety, high volatility, insomnia and hyperactivity can all be prominent. I wouldn't expect to see those as much with low copper. High copper could cause low dopamine and high noepiphrine while low copper could cause the reverse.
I've watched a video that Copper is very good voor us and start taking 1 year ago 2mg per day. Now Im in shok. Please help me! Im in The Netherlands. How can I treat myself?
Copper can be helpful for some. Not everyone is susceptible to developing high copper. The way we check is through testing (mentioned in the video). I can't advise people how to treat themselves, but also you may not need treatment for high copper. If you are wanting to see someone who is knowledgeable, you could visit the Walsh Research Institute practitioner list, where they have some doctor who work internationally. Thank you for commenting.
I got toxic copper overload in my brain. I was just in the hospital found out I had Addison’s disease not only that, but that out I had an overload of toxic copper in my brain they gave me the doctor gave me a prescription, and it had high copper in it. He gave it to me for seizures and it gave me a seizure and almost killed me. I had to scream for them to get it out of me to turn it off. They cancel that prescription. The only thing I will take is Quarter zone for my adrenals I got to go see the doctor Thursday overload toxic copper is a killer
@@lucioink_ have you found any solution? I too have consumed excess copper and have a lot of health problems. I have heard Penicillamine is a successful therapy to chelate copper out of body.
The information presented here is not universally accepted by any stretch. Correlation does not imply causation. So my question is this… Can you provide any science that too much dietary copper is causing mental issues.
Hi. Thank you for commenting. Re: research studies, I'll share a link below that connects to a number of them. Not everyone is susceptible to high copper. Until there is greater recognition of the diversity of our biochemical vulnerabilities, this topic will not be universally accepted. The best I can do is rely on the research, the database on levels from the Walsh Research Institute (of 30,000 people with brain symptoms), and my daily experience treating people with high copper and seeing their brain symptoms improve as their copper comes into the optimal range. I'm not sure about your distinction of "dietary.," as I don't think there is a more direct source than ingesting copper. Thank you for your comment and question. Here is the link:
Thank you for this. In my experience (seeing people with brain symptoms) and checking copper levels on everyone I see, I find relatively high copper levels to be much more common. When looking at data for the global population, which can include cases of significant malnutrition, copper deficiency is at about 25%. In that case, the copper deficiency would likely be more common globally. Thank you again.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 how many forms of copper the bioactive copper is no way toxic the body biome can Regulate very effectively but if the biome is out of synchronization there's a problem then... a matter of fact ... iron could be a more of a problem than copper ,,,,iron is much more oxidative
@@13thbiospherethe problem that people don't seem to understand is that ingesting more copper can contribute to accumulating more bio unavailable copper. Certain people do have problems with consuming a lot of copper, we don't share the exact same metabolic capacity of course. When i take a copper supplement I get many of the symptoms she mentioned here and then once again there are the women with the iud sharing nearly the exact same symptoms all of them clear symptoms of copper toxicity. If you like ingesting large amounts of copper and you do fine that's great but randomly suggesting majority of people have a copper deficiency when in fact there is no evidence backing this up. People demonize iron because it can become a pro oxidant well guess what it's the same with copper. People suffering with ingesting large amounts of copper is a reality for everyone who has experienced it once again if you do fine with copper that's great.
@@13thbiosphere Hi. From a brain health standpoint, the biggest problem with high copper is from a neurotransmitter standpoint. It is a cofactor in the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine. With high levels, there can be decreased dopamine activity and increased norepinephrine activity, fitting with the symptoms that we see.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 distinguishing between the different forms of copper you don't go into that... We're talking between sub optimal and optimal In the case of psychiatric problems that's a thousand fold complicated subject and I don't dismiss the possibility of inorganic copper types being a problem. particularly for an individual who cannot Regulate properly That's probably because of overload of sugar and refined foods which disrupt the microbiome.... I wonder how many people on an optimal diet have copper overload
I prefer the research done by Morley Robbins where people are more likely to have a shortage of Copper and excess iron. His research also shows that Copper is essential to the proper functioning of the human body, and that iron is more likely the cause of problems.
Personally I have seen great benefits from copper supplention with my animals horses cattle, goats, I also take copper and since taking I feel amazing so for me I feel as though copper is a benefit, I have seen great benefits with using copper so I'm not agreeable here..
Thank you for commenting. Are you referring to memory and learning? I see copper as having more "fuel" to anxiety and anger than copper deficiency, but I welcome your further thoughts on this.
Thank you for your question. I apologize for any confusion my title may have created, but Copper Toxicity is not the same thing as Wilson's disease. Copper toxicity is fairly common. Aside from symptoms described in the video, there will be high serum copper levels and/or a high copper index (the amount of unbound copper is elevated). In Wilson's disease, serum copper levels (and ceruloplasmin levels) are typically low, because the copper is being sequestered in the liver and the brain. This is not the case with copper toxicity, as I am describing it. Treatment for copper toxicity is fairly straightforward (using specific nutrients) and medications such as penicillamine are not used or needed. Thank you again.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 thank you for the answer. You were very generous. I have a sneaking suspicion, yet I hope this does not reveal Wilson, do you know if the kaiser fliessher rings define the diagnosis, other than liver biopsy ? No rush. I get my eyes checked this week. It’s been a long and winding road.
@@Thatsbannanas-d8c I have referred a number of people for a slit lamp exam to check for Kaiser Fleisher rings (because I was wanting to start them on copper for low copper and needed to first assure, to the best of my ability that they didn't have Wilson's....I also have them do a 24 hour urine copper). To date, I have not had any one found to have KF rings or who went on to be diagnosed with Wilson's. A liver biopsy is the most definitive way to make the diagnosis. Per the NIH - "KF rings are not specific to Wilson disease alone, they are also seen in other chronic cholestatic disorders such as primary biliary cholangitis." Best to you on your healing journey.
Can’t you see KF rings by just normal looking into a patients eyes? I recently had a practitioner say she could tell my liver was struggling by my eyes. When I thought about that later I looked and noticed rings, mostly golden colored.
I had my daughter go through a hair analysis test and it showed high copper. She went through a clinical depression and psychosis.
I hope she's doing well now.
Give her citrate magnesium supplement. Minerals... water. Iodine supplement. ( lugols)
My mom had post partum psychosis with me. I have genetic pyrolle disorder, recovered from alcoholism. Mthfr. My poor mom suffered her whole life! Thank you!
You're welcome. Thank you for commenting.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072o ok
Thank you so much Dr. Snyder.
Thank you!
Thank you my daughter went into psychosis right before she turned 13. Just had her serum copper level checked by her functional medicine doctor she was at 370mcg/L.
You're welcome. I hope your daughter is starting to get benefit from treatment. Thank you for commenting.
I got the copper IUD in January 2021. It seemed great, but over the last year and a half, my ADHD medication stopped working no matter how much my doctor raised the dose. Dozens of other issues have popped up. It's been so hard just to function at work and home. I didn't think anything of my IUD until I read an article about low zinc impacting ADHD, and it pulled a tiny memory from the back of my brain of reading someone say that people with the copper IUD need to keep an eye on that.
I think that my mental and physical health decline began from this IUD. It really did creep up on me.
I'm getting it removed in 5 days, and I am praying that it helps. I really thought something was seriously wrong with my brain, but everything that has happened really makes sense for what I've learned about copper.
Anyway, this was a great podcast.
Thank you. Best to you as you figure this out.
I think I heard you say that it's the unbound copper that's the main issue. I've heard that natural vitamin C will activate copper and put it to use where as ascorbic acid does the reverse because it's missing things natural vitamin C doesn't have. Also, natural vitamin A assist with copper usage as well.
This has me wondering if the problem isn't sometimes, a lack of whole foods to activate the minerals that we need and have already stored.
Makes no wonder as my grandfather had traites but lived out of his garden never drove etc etc always wore cotton clothes head very little problems unlike his mother my mother myself and uncle is it modern living affecting the Asperger's making more symptoms for us along with stress
Hi. Really interesting point. We will treat for high serum copper and/or high percent free (unbound copper). The protocols that I have used, given my training with the Walsh Research Institute, include ascorbic acid. To help raise ceruloplasmin (which binds copper - which would then make less free and unbound) we would use ascorbic acid and vitamin A. The doses that we use and find that are necessary (for these nutrients and others in the protocol) exceed what could be obtained from food, especially for those with a seeming genetic component to their vulnerability. Still I agree, with your point of the importance of a whole foods diet for nutrients, but also to support a healthier microbiome (which also impacts these nutrient imbalances in a number of ways).
My grandfather and mother growing up drank raw jersey cows milk would this have absorbed copper.MY son is taking after myself exactly if the copper drops will the picky eating ie beige diet improve seams it's part if the ADHD Asperger's thankyou for your reply.fighting to get a little better do you recommend hair and blood copper test together 😊
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072But didn't studies show that ascorbic acid actually breaks the bond between copper and ceruloplasmin? So it actually gets the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve?
That's what I hear from Morley Robbins anyways.
@@Leo-pv9zi ceruloplasmin is a very sophisticated carrier protein.. i think it takes a decent amount of ascorbic acid to dammage ceruloplasmin.. the trick i think is to spread it out over the day.. microdosing 100 to 200 mcg per meal with a couple mg of copper. And at this point i am not entirely sure vitamin A is required for ceruloplasmin.. it has been shown to increase ceruloplasmin but we dont know if this is just a result of A's toxicity.. My research on vitamin A is still ongoing.. im reaching out to people in the community to hopefully have more discussions on the topic.
Copper toxicity is technically possible but i think id prefer to refer to it as copper dysregulation and or general toxicity leading to high blood copper. Copper itself is not appearing to be toxic in the medical literature that is looking at things in the context of other toxicities being present. Copper is simply appearing in areas where the body wants to put it to work. If you have some of the other trace minerals example zinc molybdenum selenium iodine and electrolytes like potassium. So instead of calling it copper toxicity why dont we just call it what it is, either one of those other trace mineral deficiencies or an electrolyte. And like i said other toxins impair the function of copper and its ability to be incorporated into carrier proteins... examples: lead cadmium mercury and other non heavy metal toxins like fluoride, mold and excess omega 6 all impair, block or excessively mobilize copper.
This is an excellent comment!! I think you are spot on!!
Yes, finally someone who understands this thank you mineral chief
When zinc starts disappearing from the body, copper starts to rule and it isn't good.... everything goes out of whack. 8:1 zinc : copper = a living hell when this occurs out ratio
If stress, Fructose, glyphosate, high blood sugar levels , citric acid, and heavy metals effect, remove and disable copper more than others (some by orders of magnitude) it seems like we should understand and support bioavialable copper and the nessasary vitamins like whole food vitamin C, B-vitamins, and Retinol (real vit A). I've been taking copper, and the above mentioned copper cofactor loading vitamins + magnesium glycinate and my back, tendons, ligaments, sleep, energy, MCAS symptoms, tinnitus, and high tempature heat tolerance have all improved in just two weeks. I am going to continue with the " root cause protocol " because it's helping me. I've had to learn to distress and forgive as this is an essential part of balancing the body mind and soul.
You completely misunderstood it there is mention of copper toxicity in literature and it is of elemental copper. Where it gets deposited in the tissues. Chelation is one of the way to get rid of it.
Would you consider having Morey Robbins on your show? It would be interesting to have you both share your views about copper and the nessasary cofactors needed to load it where it belongs much like calcium needs d3, good magnesium, and vit. K2mk7 to load it into the bones where it is supposed to be stored and utilized.
Thank you..yes. I obviously spelled Morely Robbins name incorrectly, as well. Thank you for the suggestion. This is timely, as I'm considering starting to do more conversations and interviews.
My family grew up on well water brownish red in colour and my mother was born severely autistic with eyeproblems that required surgery, my grandmother became demented, grandfather commited suicide and my aunts suffering from alzheimers and my cousin from schizophrenia. I was born with extremely low energy and turns out I have Graves disease.
I took a heavy metal test and I have 11,8 grams of copper in me and understand we are supposed to have 0,3mg normally.
Ive tried all kinds of diets and *nothing* works. What do I do? Im desperate. Vitamin D 5000IUs a day has helped 80% but the rest...
You might consider looking at the Walsh Research Institute website. There is a resource page that lists doctors around the country and globe, trained in evaluating and treating nutrient imbalances, such as copper toxicity. The treatment is a specific nutrient protocol. Normally it is assessed in conjunction with other factor's, such as methylation, zinc deficiency and pyrrole disorder...all of which can co-occur with high copper.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 There werent any in Sweden. :/
@@Vixinaful It does look like there are a number of the doctors listed in Europe (at the start of the lists) who provide telehealth to people in other countries. They will be familiar with testing options in Europe.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Interesting, I'll check it out. :)
I think Dr James Greenblatt used zinc to treat a young child with copper toxicity. The starting dose was 15mg and then slowly increased.
What do you think of Penicillamine for chelation of excess copper? Is it be sufficient ?
What should be NCC%? If it is 19- 20% does it cause the problem such as anger and anxiety? Cu : Zn is 1.2
Thank you Dr. Snyder this was very helpful. I have recently got my Copper RBC tested and it came back high, is this test enough or do I have to do the tests mentioned in the video?
You're welcome. I don't use copper RBC to assess copper, but rather use the serum copper and ceruloplasmin as I mention in this podcast. As far as what you need will depend on who you are working with. I'm speaking to the approach those of us trained by the Walsh Research Institute. It sounds like you are finding your answers. Thank you for commenting.
I'm really sensitive to any zinc supplement, whenever I take it, I'm always nervous and having detox like symptoms like heavy head feeling and stuff like that, how likely that, that's a copper overload?
thats my symptoms right now, among many other things
It could be copper being mobilized, but zinc is a strong antioxidant. Metals being mobilized or even mold toxins could cause symptoms. Typically I have people start out slow and build it up (based on what their level shows) over one month, however, I have seen people (and myself) who have had to go even slower than that.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Thanks for response, how slow like 5mg per day? I take 15mg, I’m almost sure I’m deficient I never eat oysters and rarely eat red meat
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 can you overdose on zinc or not
I have consumed water from copper bottle which was oxidized for few weeks. Do you think i should take Penicillamine to chelate it since it was not bio available but elemental copper?
I´m unable to give treatment recommendations here. You might inquire with the manufacturer and discuss with your doctor. Normally, if I am concerned about high copper, I check through blood tests and use targeted nutrients to bring git down. I don´t have experience with Penicillamine, which is used more in Wilsonś as opposed to Copper overload.
How can I work with you? I am suffering so badly after the copper iud (I am a woman despite my business profile photo)
Please see my website for information. I'm sorry you are suffering.
Help, my son has had his hair tested showing high copper (3.5) and low zinc (12). I am working with a naturopath, trying to give him minerals (zinc, calcium, manganese, B2) which he's been on for about 3 weeks now. How long does it take? I am not seeing any improvement at all. He is moody, irritable, angry, abusive, screen obsessed, defiant, lethargic. Help - this is ruining our family!
I'm sorry your son and family are struggling. I rely on plasma zinc and serum copper instead of hair testing for these trace metals. When I start someone on zinc, I build it up over 3-4 weeks. If someone has high copper and the zinc is started to high or too fast, the zinc could move the copper too quickly and worsen the high copper symptoms. I don't know if this is the case for your son. Aside from high copper, I am also usually considering if pyrroles are high (which can also cause high anger and mood swings) and methylation imbalances (undermethylation can contribute to obsessions and defiance). Most people have more than one brain related nutrient imbalance contributing to their brain symptoms. I have other podcasts (and blogposts on these) in case they might be helpful.
Look for good shilajit resin online❤
So informative! I just subscribed to your podcast❤
I'm glad you found it informative. Thank you for commenting.
Please explain the relationship between swimming pools and copper toxicity. We’ve been treating my daughter for Pyros for a long time. Recently my husband stopped giving her zinc because he didn’t realize it was supposed to be in there. We’ve had behavioral issues which has made us go back to focusing on pyrolles
What does chlorine do?
The main concern when it comes to swimming pools and copper is that some algaecides contain copper. If someone has problems regulating copper and spends a lot of time with this exposure, this may impact their copper levels. Thank you for your question.
How would I know if I have high or low Copper please? Apparently normal lab tests are no accurate! I have Salicylate allergies too and metals!
I’m on Zinc 50mg Nocte! And magnesium! And Vit c liposomal and Folate from the Metagenics Glycogenics! Take 2 !
I’m on HRT oral. No hysterectomy. Have MTHFR 667 T and Cytochrome p450. Take SSRI! Thank you kindly.
Typically we check a serum copper and ceruloplasmin - a protein that binds copper and allows us to calculate a percent free copper and a copper index. When we look at copper values, we are looking at all 3 of these measures. As with many of the labs we (those of us who use Walsh protocols) use, there are optimal ranges which differ from the ranges provided by labs. When we check copper, we are also checking plasma zinc levels, given the relationship between zinc and copper. Zinc is necessary to regulate zinc. HRT and other forms of added estrogen such as birth control can make copper levels go up in some women.
How are you ?
HTMA is the best bet. the walsh protocol wasn't helpful for me
Excellent focussed information.
Thank you.
My zinc is 15 mg paired with 3mg of copper .. I’m not sure if I want to continue taking it or not
I guess the zinc will stop the copper from going to high
An only eat 2-3 mg of copper at most daily
This is so helpful!! Thank you!!
Thanks for the nice information. In the podcast, you mentioned that copper is high in shellfish, but at the same time shellfish is also quiet rich in zinc. In that sense, is it still not advised to get zinc from a shellfish? Thanks!
Thank you for this great question. We are usually using supplemental zinc when someone has copper overload as opposed to relying on food sources. The doses we use relatively high. The amount of zinc in shellfish would be insufficient to bring high levels of copper down, but the amount of copper would add to the overall load.
Great podcast. Thank you 🙏🏼
Thank you, Robert.
Can some of this mimic or cause mytonic dystrophy? I have all the other symptoms and there was previously concern about subclinical lead poisoning.
I'm not familiar with an association, but mold toxicity can contribute to what look like high copper symptoms (and neurological symptoms) and can even contribute to high copper.
Thank you for the podcast. I have low zinc in the hair analysis, but when I take supplements, I have more panic attacks. Why is that?
You're welcome. I don't use hair to test zinc levels. However, one reason someone may have problems tolerating zinc is that it can mobilize copper and cause high copper symptoms. Normally, if someone does have high copper, we start zinc low and slow and dose it based on their plasma zinc level. Zinc also plays a role in heavy metal detoxification. Separately, if someone has mast cell activation and is highly sensitive, starting too much zinc too soon could trigger symptoms, including panic. I hope something here is helpful. Thank you for your question.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Thank you for your reply, it's very helpful. The hair result showed copper as normal, but zinc was very low. Every time I supplement zinc with 22 mg, I feel like I have too much light in my head, disorientation, panic attack. This is very strange because most information confirms the good effects of zinc for humans. I think I'll start taking 10mg for a month and see how I feel. Thank you
So what does elivated copper serum indicate during pregnancy? And what is the normal range?
Because copper naturally goes up (and would be expected to be high) during pregnancy, those of us who are Walsh-trained are not typically checking copper levels during pregnacy. This link with "normal" ranges during pregnancy should be helpful -
@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 @courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 I see. thank you so much. But the doctor said mine is 184 ug/ dl and I was put on the range of elivated. I don't know why.
@@shalom744 184 would be considered elevated if someone is not pregnant.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 no, I am expecting
Hiw do you explain the copious amount of healing stories of people taking copper? And the fact that most people can excrete excess copper easily - which makes it basically non-toxic as opposed to iron which accumulates.
Hi. Thank you this question. I don't think everyone is susceptible to copper overload. Those who are likely have a predisposition related to a genetic variant impacting the functioning of metallothionein (which regulate copper) or have high toxicity that is overwhelming the functioning of MTs. We see these individuals with high copper get worse with additional copper, but that doesn't mean everyone gets worse from copper. There is a lot of biochemical diversity. This podcast is about those who are vulnerable to copper overload.
No doubt genetic disorders are a concern. But it is rare.
People who take copper actuqlly often get worse as a healing crisis, cause copper availability can set in motion many detox enzymes and energy availability. So reports are: You get detox symptoms, but many health issues improve. Typical detox. Also shows that many actually NEED copper.
Where can I find optimum copper and zinc levels and cu/zn ratio? What does high mean exactly?
DHALab shares the Walsh/Pheiffer optimal ranges on its website in its sample report As far as the optimal %free copper and copper index, I don't think the Walsh Research Institute shares those outside the professional training programs.
Is Walsh protocol something only doctors can get trained in?
What about copper DEFICIENCY? It seems like the symptoms are very similar?
Thank you for asking this. I don't tend to see as much copper deficiency in those with brain symptoms, though it is certainly possible. With high copper high anxiety, high volatility, insomnia and hyperactivity can all be prominent. I wouldn't expect to see those as much with low copper. High copper could cause low dopamine and high noepiphrine while low copper could cause the reverse.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 What are the symptoms of the opposite then? high dopamine low norepinephrine?
Why no one is mentioning fasting ? Probiotica might also regulate the microbiome and having an alkaline body
Thank you, soo informative!
Thank you!
I've watched a video that Copper is very good voor us and start taking 1 year ago 2mg per day. Now Im in shok. Please help me! Im in The Netherlands. How can I treat myself?
Copper can be helpful for some. Not everyone is susceptible to developing high copper. The way we check is through testing (mentioned in the video). I can't advise people how to treat themselves, but also you may not need treatment for high copper. If you are wanting to see someone who is knowledgeable, you could visit the Walsh Research Institute practitioner list, where they have some doctor who work internationally. Thank you for commenting.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 Thank you for your answer!
I got toxic copper overload in my brain. I was just in the hospital found out I had Addison’s disease not only that, but that out I had an overload of toxic copper in my brain they gave me the doctor gave me a prescription, and it had high copper in it. He gave it to me for seizures and it gave me a seizure and almost killed me. I had to scream for them to get it out of me to turn it off. They cancel that prescription. The only thing I will take is Quarter zone for my adrenals I got to go see the doctor Thursday overload toxic copper is a killer
Thank you for commenting on your experience. I'm sorry you have struggled with this.
how u are ? i have alll signs off copper overload and pitulitary gland problem too
@@lucioink_ have you found any solution? I too have consumed excess copper and have a lot of health problems. I have heard Penicillamine is a successful therapy to chelate copper out of body.
Very interesting; thank you
Thank you.
I doubt shes every heard of Moley Robbins and his research. High in the blood low in the tissues.
Hi. "She" / I have heard of Moley Robbins and his research. Thank you for commenting.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 It looks like I misspelled it. It's Morley Robbins.
Who says Morley Robbins has all the right answers?
The information presented here is not universally accepted by any stretch. Correlation does not imply causation. So my question is this…
Can you provide any science that too much dietary copper is causing mental issues.
Hi. Thank you for commenting. Re: research studies, I'll share a link below that connects to a number of them. Not everyone is susceptible to high copper. Until there is greater recognition of the diversity of our biochemical vulnerabilities, this topic will not be universally accepted. The best I can do is rely on the research, the database on levels from the Walsh Research Institute (of 30,000 people with brain symptoms), and my daily experience treating people with high copper and seeing their brain symptoms improve as their copper comes into the optimal range. I'm not sure about your distinction of "dietary.," as I don't think there is a more direct source than ingesting copper. Thank you for your comment and question. Here is the link:
Copper deficiency is as serious problem as copper overload.... probably more common is a copper deficiency, all minerals Regulate each other
Thank you for this. In my experience (seeing people with brain symptoms) and checking copper levels on everyone I see, I find relatively high copper levels to be much more common. When looking at data for the global population, which can include cases of significant malnutrition, copper deficiency is at about 25%. In that case, the copper deficiency would likely be more common globally. Thank you again.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 how many forms of copper the bioactive copper is no way toxic the body biome can Regulate very effectively but if the biome is out of synchronization there's a problem then... a matter of fact ... iron could be a more of a problem than copper ,,,,iron is much more oxidative
@@13thbiospherethe problem that people don't seem to understand is that ingesting more copper can contribute to accumulating more bio unavailable copper. Certain people do have problems with consuming a lot of copper, we don't share the exact same metabolic capacity of course. When i take a copper supplement I get many of the symptoms she mentioned here and then once again there are the women with the iud sharing nearly the exact same symptoms all of them clear symptoms of copper toxicity. If you like ingesting large amounts of copper and you do fine that's great but randomly suggesting majority of people have a copper deficiency when in fact there is no evidence backing this up. People demonize iron because it can become a pro oxidant well guess what it's the same with copper. People suffering with ingesting large amounts of copper is a reality for everyone who has experienced it once again if you do fine with copper that's great.
@@13thbiosphere Hi. From a brain health standpoint, the biggest problem with high copper is from a neurotransmitter standpoint. It is a cofactor in the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine. With high levels, there can be decreased dopamine activity and increased norepinephrine activity, fitting with the symptoms that we see.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 distinguishing between the different forms of copper you don't go into that... We're talking between sub optimal and optimal In the case of psychiatric problems that's a thousand fold complicated subject and I don't dismiss the possibility of inorganic copper types being a problem. particularly for an individual who cannot Regulate properly That's probably because of overload of sugar and refined foods which disrupt the microbiome.... I wonder how many people on an optimal diet have copper overload
It’s more like iron overload…. Ferretin.. unless you don’t eat any iron.. lol
Free copper index.
Tired but wired from birth
Thank you for commenting.
I prefer the research done by Morley Robbins where people are more likely to have a shortage of Copper and excess iron. His research also shows that Copper is essential to the proper functioning of the human body, and that iron is more likely the cause of problems.
Personally I have seen great benefits from copper supplention with my animals horses cattle, goats, I also take copper and since taking I feel amazing so for me I feel as though copper is a benefit, I have seen great benefits with using copper so I'm not agreeable here..
The symptoms for copper overload sound like the symptoms for copper deficiency.
Thank you for commenting. Are you referring to memory and learning? I see copper as having more "fuel" to anxiety and anger than copper deficiency, but I welcome your further thoughts on this.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 yeah poverty leads to anger
Quite different. Extremely rare to be deficient in's everywhere...whereas zinc isnt. The symptoms are quite different
you are wrong
Can a person have copper overload, (brain, liver, eyes) and NOT have Wilson disease ?
And why does no body want to treat with pennacillimide ?
Thank you for your question. I apologize for any confusion my title may have created, but Copper Toxicity is not the same thing as Wilson's disease. Copper toxicity is fairly common. Aside from symptoms described in the video, there will be high serum copper levels and/or a high copper index (the amount of unbound copper is elevated). In Wilson's disease, serum copper levels (and ceruloplasmin levels) are typically low, because the copper is being sequestered in the liver and the brain. This is not the case with copper toxicity, as I am describing it. Treatment for copper toxicity is fairly straightforward (using specific nutrients) and medications such as penicillamine are not used or needed. Thank you again.
@@courtneysnydermd-holisticp3072 thank you for the answer.
You were very generous.
I have a sneaking suspicion, yet I hope this does not reveal Wilson, do you know if the kaiser fliessher rings define the diagnosis, other than liver biopsy ?
No rush. I get my eyes checked this week.
It’s been a long and winding road.
@@Thatsbannanas-d8c I have referred a number of people for a slit lamp exam to check for Kaiser Fleisher rings (because I was wanting to start them on copper for low copper and needed to first assure, to the best of my ability that they didn't have Wilson's....I also have them do a 24 hour urine copper). To date, I have not had any one found to have KF rings or who went on to be diagnosed with Wilson's. A liver biopsy is the most definitive way to make the diagnosis. Per the NIH - "KF rings are not specific to Wilson disease alone, they are also seen in other chronic cholestatic disorders such as primary biliary cholangitis." Best to you on your healing journey.
Can’t you see KF rings by just normal looking into a patients eyes? I recently had a practitioner say she could tell my liver was struggling by my eyes. When I thought about that later I looked and noticed rings, mostly golden colored.