Fire Emblem Community: I Need Your Help With a Video!

  • Опубликовано: 13 ноя 2020
  • Hey everyone! Please consider lending your opinion to the video.
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Комментарии • 12

  • @thelonelysong905
    @thelonelysong905 3 года назад +4

    "Don't say, oh, the characters are hot."
    I feel personally attacked.

  • @luciandust2355
    @luciandust2355 3 года назад +5

    Ooh, this is tempting. I’m a 16 y/o girl with ADHD who’s very passionate about Linhardt b/c I find him incredibly relatable (to a point that two of his supports drove me to tears) so could I like. Make a video about Linhardt? Maybe?

    • @Vthepizzaboy
      @Vthepizzaboy  3 года назад +3

      I don't want to make a video dedicated to any one character, but if you feel passionate about I suggest you go for it!

    • @luciandust2355
      @luciandust2355 3 года назад +1

      @@Vthepizzaboy I understand!! I’ll definitely start working on a script, then- I don’t have a usb mic so I’ll probably just send it in text format on Twitter.

  • @luceena6165
    @luceena6165 3 года назад +5

    Okay so here's my opinion:
    I realy enjoyed the game, it was my first "true" FE(Feh don't count) and I think it is for many people too. The new mecanics are realy cool and refreshing, it realy makes you enjoy the game. The characters are realy cool,the musics are AWESOME, and the story and the plot twists are both very good. If you never playes FE before, this is probably one of best way to start this franchise. Honestly, I realy like teaching my students,most of people just makes the lessons automatically, but I think it's satisfiying and when you see one of your student becoming a unit that he was not supposed to be, AND he is op even with his wierd class,it is very fun and makes you proud like you actually teach those kids.
    BUT, IS could make an effort for the backgrounds during a support for example, or the apples from the market place(seriously, they are both ugly).
    There is something I really like about the game that other don't , killing others students during the time skip.
    I know this wierd but like, you get attached to tge students, even if they are not in your class, and in the time skip you have to kill them, and it makes you sad about it,and you feel guilty after they die. But that's what I like, I like this feeling. That's I like this game so much
    Hope I helped you

  • @Vthepizzaboy
    @Vthepizzaboy  3 года назад +1

    IMPORTANT: Submissions are now closed. The video will stay up, and thank you for participating!
    Hey everyone! You can contact me on Twitter, Discord, or join my Discord server, all of which are linked in the description. Thanks!
    Also, I wanted to clarify that you will be included in the video!

  • @Hiya8partyz
    @Hiya8partyz 3 года назад +1

    I don't have much to say about Three Houses, but here goes:
    Three Houses was actually my first FE, and first exposure to the series besides Smash. From that perspective, as a blind player, I really loved the game. The map design seemed awesome, the monastery, the customization, the characters and story, it was all completely amazing.
    But now that I've had more time to look at the game, as well as having played through it around 5 times and currently doing a BL maddening run, AND having played other FE games, I do have some gripes with this game. I won't go into too much detail into things that Three Houses is known for (like the monastery and map design, since those points are talked about often enough that I'm quite sure you sort of get it) and such.
    Storywise and characterwise, it's pretty good. Sure, the story is a bit slow at times, but it's pretty good. I wouldn't say it's the best in the series, it's probably one of the more mediocre in my opinion, though when it comes to liking story it varies from person to person. The characters are also very nice. I think they're good examples of anime characters that aren't far too one-note like Fates and Awakening has (though Awakening and Fates does have it's good characters, my favorite among them have to be Nyx or Support Xander) and there are plenty of characters that aren't that anime, such as Ingrid and Ashe (imo at least). Over all, Three Houses has a pretty good story and a very good cast that is fleshed out.
    But the gameplay? Uh oh.
    The map design is....well it's there. Sort of. Three Houses has very, very, very bland and boring map design. I think Three Houses bland map design is part of the reason why fliers are so good in the game. I understand why it turn out as bland as it is due to the zoom in feature where you can walk your characters around, since then you'd have to model trees, grass, and a lot of tiles. In future FE's, they should remove that zoom in entirely. No one plays the game that way, and it'll also save some time with the modelling.
    Oh, speaking of models, the graphics SUCK.
    Of course, it's much better than the 3DS games in the graphics department, but for a Switch title that has games like BOTW and Mario Odyssey? Yeah....
    The animations aren't that good either. Echoes and even Fates and Awakening had much, much, MIUCH better animations. That's a little bit sad, since those are 3DS titles.
    Anyway, back to the matter at hand about the gameplay, *ahem*
    I do like the insane customization and control you have over your characters. Three Houses is truly the picture perfect example of a sand-box FE. No matter which class you are, you can use any weapon as long as you have the weapon rank for it, with the exception of magic since you have to be in a class that allows magic in the first place. Budding talents and boons and banes in a learning path definitely help to figure out which class path you should send your students on though, so players that don't really like customizing all too much can still have their characters in a set class, or in their default class of sorts (i.e Bernadetta uses bows, Ingrid a Peg. Knight, etc.). I still think Fates is better in some ways, since in Three Houses you have to grind weapon rank for unlocking a certain class for a class mastery skill without items such as Arm Scrolls available for you to quickly raise it makes grinding for it very tedious. Of course, there IS the knowledge gem, but the earliest time you can get it is around Chapter 8. Sure that is still quite early, but taking on the paralogue that early, especially on Maddening mode, sucks. A lot. If you miss that paralogue that provides the gem, you have to do the side mission in Chapter 11 (protecting all of the crest stones) in order to get one if you missed it or want another one. It isn't too hard most of the time, but what matters is the time you unlock it. And yeah, it does make the grinding process faster, but to me it doesn't change the fact that it is hella tedious.
    I think gambits are fine, but I think they need to get nerfs since you can break the game very easily without even trying with them, Stride being the most common one.
    I do like combat arts a lot and they are a welcome addition, especially in Maddening where your hit rates are absolute crap. My only hope is that they don't start making combat arts a regular part of the series, since while I do like them, I don't think they belong in every game.
    With all of this Maddening talk and such, I suppose now is a good time to mention Three Houses and it's difficutlies. Normal and Hard may as well be Easy and Normal. Hard mode is just so, so, SO easy. I could play it with my brain turned off and I'd still complete the game without any characters dying and barely any Divine Pulses used. However, Maddening on the other hand is just way too hard, or at least, is an absurd difficulty jump from the snoozefest that was Hard mode. Basically, it's like Awakening. Hard mode is a snoozefest, but Lunatic/Maddening is too hard to play fast, at least in the early game.
    And Divine Pulse? I like it, but I don't like it in Three Houses. It was fine in Echoes since Echoes involves mass hordes of enemies charging at you, and with enemy types like witches Mila's Turnwheel is pretty nice to have. The difference between Echoes and Three Houses though was how it was put into the game. In Echoes, it feels like a quality of life feature. Because of the way Echoes gameplay turns out to be, having the Turnwheel prevents restarts over a witch killing your squishy units or your mages draining too much of their health from their spells. Well, I'll put it more like this way. Mila's Turnwheel felt like it was added AFTER they established the gameplay. In Three Houses though, it feels like the gameplay and maps were designed with Divine Pulse in mind. The only reason Maddening feels like it's even remotely fair is because of Divine Pulse. Otherwise, it would be a miserable slog and turtlefest. Even on lower difficulties, it's still there. Three Houses is a game that punishes on enemy phase, so you can still get your characters killed in those difficulties, even if Normal and Hard is really easy. If they ever add another Divine Pulse or Turnwheel, I hope the design the maps and gameplay first before slapping a Turnwheel or something on it.
    The monastery is tedious. Pretty self-explanatory.
    Over all, I really like Three Houses. It's a good game, even if I don't like it as much as say RD or Genealogy. It's an ambitious game in FE that is quite the black sheep. So yeah, I respect it a lot for taking risks. Good game.

  • @XplodMonky
    @XplodMonky 3 года назад

    I'll definitely make a short video about the game. I have one issue with the game that really shouldn't be an issue but is.

  • @hansgretl1787
    @hansgretl1787 3 года назад

    I love this game.
    I love the voice acting, that makes all these characters feel so real, almost as real as Shadows of Valentia characters.
    I love the characters themselves, how they all have relationships with each other and build an identity for each of the houses. Special praise goes to the Blue Lions, one of the best casts of characters I've ever seen for how many hardships they face, yet grow closer because of them.
    I love the timeskip, the impact it has on most of the characters and the new designs. Marianne and Bernadetta especially show how they've grown over the five years through their designs alone.
    I love the lore and worldbuilding. Everything in this world is connected to something. Whenever the game refers to some kind of historical event or structure you can bet that somewhere else in the game, it's explained or at least mentioned.
    I love the Divine Pulse and how much it encourages me to play higher difficulties. In other Fire Emblem games the choice seemingly comes down to "barely challenging" or "time wastingly difficult". While Divine Pulse may not be the perfect solution, it is the biggest reason Three Houses is my most played Fire Emblem game.
    Most of all, I love the music, esoecially the map themes. All of them are nice pieces to listen to in isolation. However, in the context of the game, these songs get an entirely new meaning. From Fodlan Winds wonder at this new world to Chasing Daybreak's intensity and even God Shattering Star's bad assery.
    This game means a lot to me. It has problems, sure, but I care more about what a game does than what it doesn't. And Three Houses sure does a lot of things, and does even more of them right.

    • @hansgretl1787
      @hansgretl1787 3 года назад

      Second to last paragraph, there's a typo. I meant "especially", not "esoecially". Hope that's not too confusing.

  • @Keyanlux_Deluxe
    @Keyanlux_Deluxe 3 года назад

    Bench every one until time skip