I'd really recommend Lance Hedricks video on this, its called " What To Buy?! Ultimate Guide to Budget Espresso (under $500) " short answer, my reccomendations are proabably what i use, it wasnt too expencive, and im mega happy with it. i use a Sage Bambino / breville Bambino (the names differ depending on where you live.) and a Fellow Opus grinder. alternatevly the Baratza Encore ESP.
I'd like to know the best and affordable coffee setup
I'd really recommend Lance Hedricks video on this, its called " What To Buy?! Ultimate Guide to Budget Espresso (under $500) " short answer, my reccomendations are proabably what i use, it wasnt too expencive, and im mega happy with it. i use a Sage Bambino / breville Bambino (the names differ depending on where you live.) and a Fellow Opus grinder. alternatevly the Baratza Encore ESP.
Please feel free to ask anything! But try to keep it coffee related