Chess - Pulling out a match I should not have won...

  • Опубликовано: 21 май 2024
  • I was put in check 11 times... My opponent sacked their rook and got a brilliant move from I was outplayed 49.8 to 46.1.
    My opponent had won 8 of the last 10 games which included a draw.
    I replayed this game with my e-Board using Picochess 3.2.
    [Event "Live Chess"]
    [Site ""]
    [Date "2024.05.21"]
    [Round "-"]
    [White "Shuleriss"]
    [Black "Hamilton53"]
    [Result "0-1"]
    [CurrentPosition "rkr5/8/7Q/pp6/8/B7/P1q2PPP/2KR4 w - -"]
    [Timezone "UTC"]
    [ECO "B07"]
    [ECOUrl ""]
    [UTCDate "2024.05.21"]
    [UTCTime "18:56:18"]
    [WhiteElo "661"]
    [BlackElo "665"]
    [TimeControl "1800"]
    [Termination "Hamilton53 won by checkmate"]
    [StartTime "18:56:18"]
    [EndDate "2024.05.21"]
    [EndTime "19:20:29"]
    [Link ""]
    [WhiteUrl ""]
    [WhiteCountry "88"]
    [WhiteTitle ""]
    [BlackUrl ""]
    [BlackCountry "2"]
    [BlackTitle ""]
    1. e4 e5 2. d4 d6 3. d5 Nf6 4. Nc3 c6 5. dxc6 Nxc6 6. Bg5 h6 7. Be3 d5 8. Bb5
    dxe4 9. Qe2 Bd7 10. O-O-O Qc7 11. Qc4 a6 12. Bxc6 Bxc6 13. Nge2 Bd6 14. Ng3 b5
    15. Qe2 Bb4 16. Nf5 Bxc3 17. bxc3 O-O 18. Rd6 Rfd8 19. Rxf6 gxf6 20. Qg4+ Kf8
    21. Bc5+ Ke8 22. Qg8+ Kd7 23. Qxf7+ Kc8 24. Qe6+ Qd7 25. Ne7+ Kb8 26. Nxc6+ Kc7
    27. Qxf6 Qxc6 28. Qxe5+ Kb7 29. Qe7+ Qc7 30. Qxe4+ Kb8 31. Bb4 a5 32. Ba3 Qxc3
    33. Qf4+ Qc7 34. Qxh6 Rc8 35. Rd1 Qxc2# 0-1
  • РазвлеченияРазвлечения

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