NHL Draft 2019 Round 1 Jun 21, 2019

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025

Комментарии • 437

  • @are3287
    @are3287 4 года назад +227

    35:55 First pick, player interview 38:42
    42:07 Second pick
    47:52 Third pick
    53:35 Fourth pick
    57:05 Fifth pick, player interview 1:00:05
    1:02:55 Sixth pick, Yzerman interview 1:05:48
    1:08:25 Seventh pick, Dylan's mom 1:10:50
    1:13:53 Eight pick
    1:16:55 Ninth pick, player interview 1:19:40
    1:22:44 Tenth pick, fan reaction 1:22:58, Quinn interview 1:25:48
    1:29:25 Eleventh pick
    1:33:15 Twelth pick
    1:39:30 Thirteenth pick, player interview 1:42:20
    1:45:20 Fourteenth non-caufield pick, player interview 1:48:05
    1:51:51 Fiftèenth pick, player interview 1:54:45, Cole's mom 1:55:40
    1:57:30 Sixteenth pick
    2:00:40 Seventeeth pick, Peyton's hot sister 2:03:20
    2:06:25 Pick eighteenth
    2:10:50 Nineteenth pick
    2:14:05 Twentieth pick
    2:20:20 Twenty-first pick
    2:26:36 Twenty-second pick
    2:30:10 Twenty-third pick
    2:35:55 Twenty-fourth pick
    2:38:53 Twenty-fifth pick
    2:42:17 Twenty-sixth pick
    2:45:40 Twenty-seventh pick
    2:51:31 Twenty-eight pick
    2:54:27 Twenty-ninth pick
    3:01:30 Thirtieth pick
    3:07:05 Thirty-first pick

  • @devin6835
    @devin6835 3 года назад +72

    “None of those guys are close to being a #1 defenseman”
    *laughs in Mo Seider*

    • @postulatesxd
      @postulatesxd Год назад

      pretty shitty 1d

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 Год назад

      Seider was not expecting to get drafted so soon himself.

    • @henneburymarc
      @henneburymarc Год назад

      They were talking about the Blackhawks D, not draft eligibles

  • @danglesnipecelly13
    @danglesnipecelly13 5 лет назад +130

    Cannot wait to see Seider up with the wings! He’s playing great in the AHL this season. Dude is so humble and has a great personality.

    • @lomidou3679
      @lomidou3679 Год назад +2

      boy that comment as aged well! what a steal!

  • @chilltherink39
    @chilltherink39 2 года назад +12

    as a habs fan this draft just keeps getting better to come back and watch

  • @spookbusterstirner5865
    @spookbusterstirner5865 3 года назад +113

    The comparison of Moritz Seider to Brandon Carlo will go down as one of the dumbest player comparisons I think I've ever heard a professional scout make.

    • @thePastafarian88
      @thePastafarian88 2 года назад +5

      I swear they just looked at the heights and hit send without ever watching Carlo play. 2 totally different players

    • @gatesgates7788
      @gatesgates7788 2 года назад +1

      Whoever said that should lose their job. Just goes to show it’s a boys club and not about being good at your job

    • @spookbusterstirner5865
      @spookbusterstirner5865 2 года назад +4

      @@thePastafarian88 In Button's defense, Seider played an ultra-conservative defensive style in his draft year. It fooled a lot of scouts into thinking he didn't have the offense to his game, but it turned out to be a coaching decision. His coach apparently deliberately told him to play that way to get him to focus on developing his defensive game so he could hit his ceiling. Button had never watched him against his own peers, because if he did, he'd have known that the offensive flare was there to blow up like he did after being drafted. The pick blindsided everybody for that reason, because not many people got viewings of him against his peers to see what he could do in the offensive zone. They thought he was going to be nothing more than a stay-at-home defenseman. Handed large swaths of the scouting community a massive L as a result.

    • @kenduffy5397
      @kenduffy5397 2 года назад +3

      Hey is probably the best defenceman I’ve seen play since Potvin in the 80s and Nicklas Lidström in the 90s. (I just looked it up. I didn’t realize they both have won 4 Stanley Cups! I knew Potvin did because I’m an Isles fan but I didn’t know Lidström did too, cool)! Don’t kid yourself! Nicklas Lidström may not have be the Vice President of Hockey operations at the time but he had TREMENDOUS say, respect and influence in the Red Wings organization! (He strongly suggest to Stevie that the need to draft Seider) When one of your best friends is one of the best defenseman to ever play the game and he was also a teammate of yours & you are running the Red Wings organization… Steve Yzerman listened as he did! It’s my humble opinion… well.., actually… I’m right, Moritz Seider (other than maybe Jack Hughes who really should have spent a year if not 2 yrs in the minors. So his body strength and size could catch up with his hockey IQ and his skating abilities. Last season was the first the season that Jack looked physically able to compete, I like Jack Hughes A LOT) was the best player picked (so far) in 2019 NHL Draft! The Rags boy Cock Cocki has been a big bust! You know you’re a B U S T when your a “healthy scratch” in an elimination game 6 during the ESCF’s! Anyways, though I’m a NY Islanders fan, Moritz Seider is my favorite player in the NHL!

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 2 года назад +2

      @@spookbusterstirner5865 Well Seider himself was blindsided by the pick.

  • @victorsalazar1273
    @victorsalazar1273 5 лет назад +117

    I died laughing when the crowd cheered when the commissioner left for a second

    • @synjackzz7484
      @synjackzz7484 5 лет назад +2

      Victor Salazar same

    • @elianjuarez5910
      @elianjuarez5910 4 года назад +1

      synjackzz jini

    • @elianjuarez5910
      @elianjuarez5910 4 года назад

      synjackzz jimena jimena jk night jiggle it jkjni

    • @elianjuarez5910
      @elianjuarez5910 4 года назад

      hup j

    • @jasonouten4692
      @jasonouten4692 4 года назад

      @@elianjuarez5910 ouo0o7o0m97v97oomo0oooo7momouoo0m7om7v0o70omoum79omo900um797omg7h97o7om0m77o7umom7ovou07omom0o7v7om09mo9mommoom0o0om0m7om7mo0o7vo97mum0vm7o7770o97mom7oomg0om9m0m9 ou0m0oomo0o7m7vmvmv07o7o7m9o7omou07o0o7moomh0m7mmu0mougm0m7m7o0om70om97m0om77moo0o0uouuo07mom7voumouov9h070m7hoom07om7m7v7m7m0ouo07o7om7o7v9ouo0uom7o7o0o7o70o7ov7mm0o7om7o770ommuom7ov0m7om7o77m7mmumoumv7oo7m9m7om0o7o0omom7o70o0mo97mouuum7m7o97777797m7vomuom097ov0m77m77mmv7o7o0m7vo0ou0om7ovm70m70oo77m7m9o7h7omovmummovo7o7moo7m7o7o70mom0o07o70om7o70o0mo97mouuum7m7o97777797m7vomuom097ov0m77m77mmv7o7o0m7vo0ou0om7ovm70m70oo77m7m9o7h7omovmummovo7o7moo7m7o7o70mom0o07o70ov77om7oumouom07ouo0o07m97777797m7vomuom097ov0m77m77mmv7o7o0m7vo0ou0om7ovm70m70oo77m7m9o7h7omovmummovo7o7moo7m7o7o70mom0o07o70ov77om7oumouom07ouo0o07mom7o7mo0ovomuom097ov0m77m77mmv7o7o0m7vo0ou0om7ovm70m70oo77m7m9o7h7omovmummovo7o7moo7m7o7o70mom0o07o70ov77om7oumouom07ouo0o07mom7o7mo0om7o77om0oum0omououmoum0hm77o77o77mmom7m079o7m797777ov7moum07m0o7v7vo70m7vo07o7omo07o77m9oho0omgo7mou07m797mmoum70oo7om0o07o7om7om77ovomouom9o7moo7o7m9m9mv7079m7m0oovvm70m70oo77m7m9o7h7omovmummovo7o7moo7m7o7o70mom0o07o70ov77om7oumouom07ouo0o07mom7o7mo0om7o77om0oum0omououmoum0hm77o77o77m7ovo770v70uoo07ov0omouh779o9om7o7mhoummom7omo0oum7omg0mou0omg0o7o0o7o7o7o7mouo70o07omoummou0omg0om70mouoo0o7omo0omou0om7o7o0mvo0m97om7m77o7m9o7om7o77o9m9v00m07mhoummom7omo0oum7omg0mou0omg0o7o0o7o7o7o7mouo70o07omoummou0omg0om70mouoo0o7omo0omou0om7o7o0mvo0m97om7m77o7m9o7om7o77o9m9v00m0oooom99vm07vm7omg0mou0omg0o7o0o7o7o7o7mouo70o07omoummou0omg0om70mouoo0o7omo0omou0om7o7o0mvo0m97om7m77o7m9o7om7o77o9m9v00m0oooom99vm07vmv7m9m7v7709ov07m07momu9oo7om7oo7mm0mo0v7o0om0om77mvommou97o7m7om77o7h79mmuv07o707o0m7m7o7o7om7moo7mouo7mvo97mom7m0mm0o00mo0m70om70o7vom077o7o7om7o77muh7moummoum770mv7o0om0om77mvommou97o7m7om77o7h79mmuv07o707o0m7m7o7o7om7moo7mouo7mvo97mom7m0mm0o00mo0m70om70o7vom077o7o7om7o77muh7moummoum770m7mmov977ougm7moo7o7mom77o7h79mmuv07o707o0m7m7o7o7om7moo7mouo7mvo97mom7m0mm0o00mo0m70om70o7vom077o7o7om7o77muh7moummoum770m7mmov977ougm7moo7o7mom7o77o7707m007o7om7m7o7o7om7moo7mouo7mvo97mom7m0mm0o00mo0m70om70o7vom077o7o7om7o77muh7moummoum770m7mmov977ougm7moo7o7mom7o77o7707m0m707o7omo007m7m7mvo97mom7m0mm0o00mo0m70om70o7vom077o7o7om7o77muh7moummoum770m7mmov977ougm7moo7o7mom7o77o7707m0m707o7omo007m7omouomou9m0m0om09om7om07o7om7mmouo0m7omo0o0o0o77om9om0700mmomouom7vo7m0moum0o0o7uom07mouom77o79o7vmmmum707u0omouo7o7vo7o0o07om0om7oo7mmo0ov0o7oo0m770om7o7omom0700mmomouom7vo7m0moum0o0o7uom07mouom77o79o7vmmmum707u0omouo7o7vo7o0o07om0om7oo7mmo0ov0o7oo0m770om7om7ov707o79o7o7o7o7ouom7v7om7o77o7777o77o777mvo7mouom7m7o9o7movo7mouom7om7vmo0omum9o7h7mm7m0m77770m9v77om79mv0o7o7mvo70om7vo7o0moumouo7o0o7v70o7om0om7omg0o0o7omoumougom7o7mouom7m7o9o7movo7mouom7om7vmo0omum9o7h7mm7m0m77770m9v77om79mv0o7o7mvo70om7vo7o0moumouo7o0o7v70o7om0om7omg0o0o7omoumougom7o7o7o7o77om7o77om77m7o7ommovo77o79o7om77o77omouo7mmom707o0m7o7vo70oom997vomomomo0omo0mo07777om79moo7m07om77777v7oo77homoumouo7v7om7mom7om77mom7om7vo70vom70momo0o7m7ov7m7mo9o7vmou0om70mo0o0oo7o0omuo7om77v77m7o7o7vm777m0o77omomg7oo07om07mouo70o7omo0m77m0oom00o7vom7o7o7m0o7mo0om07om7o7omom7oomo9o7vmou0om70mo0o0oo7o0omuo7om77v77m7o7o7vm777m0o77omomg7oo07om07mouo70o7omo0m77m0oom00o7vom7o7o7m0o7mo0om07om7o7omouo0o7mouo7m7mouo77o0m9o7m7omhoum07mmom7vomom7o7o7vv7o77m0oom00o7vom7o7o7m0o7mo0om07om7o7omouo0o7mouo7m7mouo77o0m9o7m7omhoum07mmom7vomom7o7o7vv7om0vm70o7o77o7mv7omougmm7hohoh0ho07o7oo0om7m0v77o97m0o07mo0o7v7m7m07om77mm77moo7o0ouom7o7o7mo0mv7v7omomou0mmmov0o7o0o07o0o7o09m7m707moom0v77o79oom0m7omo0mo07mouo7moo7omov7o7v0o77mom7o97om7o7om7om7om7om7o7mv0o7mou77oom7m07om0o7om097mooom7m0om7voumo0mvo0ov07o097omg7o7om7vomouom7v7o7om7o7om0m7o7o7o7om7mvmom7m7m7mv7moomoumoumoo7m70m7om7mouo7o7mvm77mo0oom77v7mvo07om797o0m7om7mou7o797007mv9om0omouom9o7om7omu7om7vov7vm07voo0vo7m7o7mom7070m7om977m7omoo7o7mvm77mo0oo77vo97omou07oo7oo7m7m7omuo7o7o7o7omouom7mouom7moumvo77mmv9moomh07o7mmom77mm7m07o0u9o7om7o79mmoum7m0mvo7o0mo0o0m7o07mou90m77mm9omoo7o7om79mmv9om9mvo7o7homouom7mom7mou7m9o7o7mmu7o79m0mmv07mmmom77oo7m7om7o7vm0m7ovm9ommmmmvo7m7o07o7m9mvo7o7om7mou7m9o7o7mmu7o79m0mmv07mmmom77oo7m7om7o7vm0m7ovm9ommmmmvo7m7o07moomgom0om0vmv7v9omoum7vo0vmoummom0mvm97moomm7oo7v7momo0o797mo0o7v0voov0ummvomgmouomo0o7uomgo7mvoumom0o7om7v0m90momouo0om7mm0ommum7o7om0hmm9mm7ou9vv9moo7mom7ouo7mmvmomhouovmmommouoo7oo7omgmv77m97vo7o7momo0mmvomgmouomo0o7uomgo7mvoumom0o7om7v0m90momouo0om7mm0ommum7o7om0hmm9mm7ou9vv9moo7mom7ouo7mmvmomhouovmmommouoo7oo7omgmv77m97vo7o7momgomovmomoumomgouo7ovvumoumom7o7mhouo7hmvmmm97omgo0oomoo07om07mmuo7mo0m7om9o70mumovmo0o7o0o0o77mouo7om7mvmmmumoo7mom7momgm7ovm7ommouov7mougmoov7oo7mv7umoumouom7u0o0mmo0mo0o0o0o0mouo7o0uo0mouomm0o07mov07mmm7mouovv7v0o07om0o0mouom7m0v770mvmv77mo07m7mvo07mom0mmvmvm7mmoo7om0o79oom7om0o0muo07ovm0m0m70m7o0ooom97mom7mmom7o79mv9u70o0m9o9m70mouuo7vuovmmm90momum7mmom7vmo0mm7m70v7mvo7mo0omg0om9vomuoumovomumm07m0m0o7ouom7hm0mvmo0v9o7o0om0oumv7vov7momumum79mou9omgumoum7mv7m7v07m0o7mo9om7v0um7ooom0vmommmo0mummv7om7oumho97mv09o0moumv7om7om0vo9m7o77o0mo0mo0movomoomo0vmouom07hom7vom7o0vv7v79o0mm77vouo0m9o7m9m7o7mv70ovmv9voom7voommoo9mv7mvm777mouommoov7vomoum0h97mumm77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yi in .8. . n in ni. no. nnnmm6m77m7mv7o77muo7vm9omv0vo0mh7mvmvo77mom7omoumgc9k9.vmom0mo0vuom7mom7mou7m9o7o7mmu7o79m0mmv07mmmom77oo7m7om7o7vm0m7ovm9ommmmmom7o7vm0m7ovm77oo70mmv07mooom0m7mmmh70m0m7mommuom0uomom7o7o7vmoum0o0ouo77v07omuomh7m7mo9mouo7mom7oom7m0o7momg0o7o0om0o77mo07mvo7moumv7o7o790o7o0moumoum9moum7m0mvo7o0mo0o0m7o07mou90m77mm9omoo7o7om79mmv9om9mvo7o7homouom7mom7mou7moo7o7om79mmou90m77mo7o0mm9o7om7omu7om7vov7vm07voo0vo7m7o7mom7070m7om977m7omoo77vo97mm7o7moumouo7h9m7o7o7o

  • @lordmanshaft1112
    @lordmanshaft1112 5 лет назад +38

    Gary strutting out with the sedins in tow was straight outta Monday Night Raw

  • @ryanjohnson5843
    @ryanjohnson5843 4 года назад +258

    Who else is bored and is watching this because they can’t watch anything else

    • @delaneyquinn5728
      @delaneyquinn5728 4 года назад +10

      lol im watching because i find it so interesting still haha

    • @delaneyquinn5728
      @delaneyquinn5728 4 года назад +3

      @Diego Garzón especially for the US!

    • @zolabooi9236
      @zolabooi9236 4 года назад +2

      I dont even know the first thing about hockey

    • @sminhas
      @sminhas 4 года назад +2

      @@delaneyquinn5728 just watching cause im brored

    • @lordmanshaft1112
      @lordmanshaft1112 4 года назад +3

      Content is content bro

  • @92deviner
    @92deviner 3 года назад +43

    Craig Button comparing Seider to Brandon Carlo is hilarious

    • @HughHarding46
      @HughHarding46 2 года назад

      Is it just me or is Button's a complete moron?

    • @evanpetro4622
      @evanpetro4622 2 года назад +5

      Don't dare disrespect the goat brandon carlo

    • @jasonkemppainen4731
      @jasonkemppainen4731 Год назад

      Who is Carlie again? 3 years later

  • @22lapd
    @22lapd 2 года назад +8

    Here to rewatch every team passing on Caufield!

  • @punasher
    @punasher 2 года назад +14

    When I first saw that detroit chose seider, I was thinking what on earth are they doing. I'm pretty sure lots of other people thought the same thing. Now, this guy has proven to have been the best player from this draft because he is a demon on the ice. In a good way, of course.

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 2 года назад +1

      Most Red Wings fans were already defending this pick before he played a game, as if they knew he was going to be great. I responded saying if he was so good, considering Seider was not projected to go so high, they could have traded down drafted him, or waited until the sixth round.

    • @xlama2000
      @xlama2000 7 месяцев назад +1

      He isn't the best player in the draft... top 5 most likely

    • @videogamenoob100
      @videogamenoob100 7 месяцев назад


  • @allanc4388
    @allanc4388 5 лет назад +8

    Thanks so much for this! This is the best coverage of the Draft by Far, awesome production value....

  • @thePastafarian88
    @thePastafarian88 2 года назад +6

    "I've been watching Trevor Zegras for the last 8 years" says Pierre about an 18 year old. I think that's the most Pierre McGuire thing I have ever heard him say. Like imagine being a teenager and having a 55 year old man tell the world he's been watching you since you were 10.

    • @postulatesxd
      @postulatesxd Год назад +3

      2011 Brick Tournament is what he refers all the usa guys who were first rounders here played in that tourney

  • @hjn4002
    @hjn4002 5 лет назад +280

    Imagine if Martin Brodeur trolled and picked Kakko

  • @jayk6448
    @jayk6448 5 лет назад +150

    if caufield can score 40+ goals , montreal stole at #15

    • @Fekigee
      @Fekigee 5 лет назад +24

      Even a regular 30-35 goal scorer is a steal at 15 in my opinion. It makes a real difference on a team when you have that type of production regularly!

    • @nhlvan
      @nhlvan 5 лет назад +5

      If [insert player] scores a lot of goals, [team] stole at #[pick]
      Apply that to everyone past the top 5. Not really unique to Caufield

    • @YankeeFoxtrotHotel
      @YankeeFoxtrotHotel 5 лет назад +21

      @@nhlvan The point being that Caufield's ceiling is that of an elite goal scorer. The same cannot be said of picks 6-14.

    • @bibgiblett3577
      @bibgiblett3577 5 лет назад +4

      Almost every forward drafted up to pick 34 ceiling is that of an elite goal scorer.

    • @charliegath6125
      @charliegath6125 5 лет назад

      Bib Giblett sure

  • @Weekend658
    @Weekend658 3 года назад +8

    I’m 6’0-6’1 and I was told as a forward coming to tryout for the Charlotte checkers that my size might be problem. I couldn’t imagine how special of a player cole is for 5’7. I mean I’ve literally smashed a player 3 feet in the air who was 5’10 and I’ve had a 6’5 250 lb defensemen toss me like an air balloon. I cannot imagine that guys grit and stability.

    • @Hockey.savant
      @Hockey.savant 2 года назад +1

      You sound like a guy who has never played hockey, pretending to be a hockey player. What league were you playing in before your AHL tryout?

    • @Weekend658
      @Weekend658 2 года назад +1

      @@Hockey.savant I played select 15’s. I skipped junior B because my brother was playing for team USA at the time. I played hockey in Wilmington North Carolina and went under the radar until I played in a Greensboro North Carolina Coliseum tournament. I really wasn’t good at hockey until about 19 years old whereas my brother was ready for the NHL at 17. We grew up with Tommy Fritsche & I was taught by Eric Lindros how to skate at age 3. Pretty special childhood. All thanks to God.

  • @maples8237
    @maples8237 5 лет назад +34

    Mannheim is proud💙❤

  • @ms.felonystrutter2472
    @ms.felonystrutter2472 4 года назад +6

    12 games left for the Devils 2019-20, it has been a crazy season, our Coach and Shero fired, we have 3 number one picks for the 2020 draft. It has been a learning season for Jack but he s coming along well and I am SO PROUD that he is a Devil He is AMAZInG on and off the ice. He was not supposed to light the world o fire but you can see all the talent there just takes timte to grow. Jack has hit about 15 posts. Jack will be a STAR and Kappo has had the same knd of season

    • @sani_elise
      @sani_elise 4 года назад

      kakko or kaapo not kappo 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @EthanTCarts
      @EthanTCarts Год назад +1

      coming back to this after jacks 99 point season😌

  • @sethsteener
    @sethsteener 4 года назад +3

    They thought Dach wouldn’t be in the League his first year. Sure enough, he is. And while his performance isn’t incredible, if he develops over the summer of 2020, he’s gonna be an incredible player in the 2020-21 season and going forward. Excited to see what is to come for Dacher!

  • @ANONYMOUS-fi6up
    @ANONYMOUS-fi6up 4 года назад +52

    Seiders reaction though. Gonna be a great top 4 defenceman

    • @rolandkennedy80
      @rolandkennedy80 4 года назад +1

      They should have traded down and still got him

    • @kylehenning6646
      @kylehenning6646 4 года назад

      Roland Kennedy was the time to get get off work and and get my stuff to you get

    • @kylehenning6646
      @kylehenning6646 4 года назад

      Roland Kennedy was the time yyrtt I uruiutu o

    • @kylehenning6646
      @kylehenning6646 4 года назад

      Roland Kennedy was tryin m

    • @ROCKETS2965
      @ROCKETS2965 4 года назад +5

      @@rolandkennedy80 Except they knew Holland was gonna take him if they did...

  • @adamjanks4966
    @adamjanks4966 4 года назад +12

    I love how that compares Cole to Messi 😂

  • @mattycanz
    @mattycanz 5 лет назад +2

    Bless for posting this I was in Hong Kong during the draft

  • @connorscorner9739
    @connorscorner9739 4 года назад +4

    Now this makes me pumped up for this upcoming draft. Gonna be a good one whenever it is!

  • @matta1528
    @matta1528 5 лет назад +14

    As a Wings fan, idk who's face was more surprised... mine or Seider's. Fucking hilarious tho. I laugh everytime i re-watch the clip.

  • @AndreInThe416
    @AndreInThe416 2 года назад +9

    Just 3 years later, this draft is looking good.

  • @deeshmond
    @deeshmond 5 лет назад +15

    46:52 Bobby Mac called it again 🐐

  • @ROCKETS2965
    @ROCKETS2965 3 года назад +13

    It's hilarious listening to Button drool over Broberg and make excuses for his lack of offense while basically running down Seider two picks earlier.
    Two years later, it's clear who the better defender is.

    • @spookbusterstirner5865
      @spookbusterstirner5865 3 года назад +1

      One was widely regarded as the best overall defenseman in the entire SHL, and the other was actually getting his minutes cut over the course of the season as his coach lost confidence in him. Having tuned in to SHL games almost daily this season, it wasn't even close.

    • @itscoleman85
      @itscoleman85 7 месяцев назад

      Broberg, more playoff and finals goals and assists than seider

    • @ROCKETS2965
      @ROCKETS2965 7 месяцев назад

      @@itscoleman85 And Kirk Maltby has four more Cups than McDavid. You got a point that *isn't* dumb?

    • @itscoleman85
      @itscoleman85 7 месяцев назад

      @@ROCKETS2965 cups are a team award. im talking about individual playoff stats. how many playoff points does that dude have compared to mcdavid

    • @ROCKETS2965
      @ROCKETS2965 7 месяцев назад

      @@itscoleman85 And making the Finals is a team effort, dipshit.
      Thanks for walking into that.

  • @bigboy2328
    @bigboy2328 5 лет назад +28

    At 53:05 man on the right is picking his nose on live television

    • @nowey3189
      @nowey3189 5 лет назад

      alfie 🥰

    • @harrymann6479
      @harrymann6479 4 года назад +3

      thats professional hockey player alfie turcotte mining for nasal gold to you

  • @dereklasker5350
    @dereklasker5350 5 лет назад +37

    So did Pierre forget that Kakko was from Finland and that draisaitl is German

  • @OldSkoolF
    @OldSkoolF 5 лет назад

    Sabres picks for the last 6 years have all been awesome. Jack, Casey & Rasmus have put Buffalo on top.

    • @Heliummannenn
      @Heliummannenn 5 лет назад +2

      Casey? Eeeeh

    • @rbrucerye
      @rbrucerye 2 года назад

      Nylander?: No, Casey?: No, Reinhart: Got traded but was a good player unfortunately Buffalo didn't take Draisaitl and Reinhart didn't really become the sort of player Buffalo thought he could. Cozens?: Zegras looks like he will be the better player.

  • @matt13r1
    @matt13r1 2 года назад +4

    Jack Hughes is the best player out of this class

  • @SwaggyDawggy
    @SwaggyDawggy 10 месяцев назад +3

    Who else fell asleep and this autoplayed? My battery is at 3% lol

  • @Shady19720
    @Shady19720 2 года назад +5

    Yzerman is the 🐐 seider is turning out pretty dam good let's go redwings

  • @johnbrowne3950
    @johnbrowne3950 5 лет назад +12

    As a Bruins fan I love how Canuck fans boo every time the Bruins name comes up.

    • @mattycanz
      @mattycanz 5 лет назад +1


    • @morpeur
      @morpeur 4 года назад +1

      Me Saint-Louis

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 4 года назад

      Imagine if the BoSox lost the 2004 World Series to the Cards. That's what 2011 was like.

    • @ethanmurphy3563
      @ethanmurphy3563 3 года назад +1

      Nucks fans are crybaby’s lol

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 3 года назад

      @@ethanmurphy3563 That's easy for you to say. Try being in their shoes, never winning, coming close a couple times and always falling short.
      If you're a Boston fan, remember the 2007 Superbowl, when the Patriots were having a season of the ages? That was a season they were going to make history, and dramatically cap it off with the Vince Lombardi. Winning that trophy was a foregone conclusion of foregone conclusions.
      Or the 2004 Red Sox, except this time, imagine the Sox lost to the Cards in the World Series, despite pulling off the greatest single series upset in baseball history against the darned Yankees.
      This was what it was like for Vancouver. The year after hosting the Olympics, they have their best season ever, land their best chance to win the Cup, and their star player is a gold medal Olympian, also set to be the first goaltender in the Triple Gold Club. They beat down their biggest nemesis, surge off to the finals, and then someone beats them. You can't imagine a bigger letdown than that.

  • @brjgallant1
    @brjgallant1 4 года назад +3

    "Bowen Byram will play next year in the National Hockey League" - Pierre McGuire.
    Damn it!

    • @murphymoerf
      @murphymoerf 4 года назад

      Well to be fair, the others agreed with him. And they all also didn't expect Dach to play, so.... 😅

  • @trevormichaud8701
    @trevormichaud8701 5 лет назад +17

    2:42:07 Who is this man?? what a savage!!!!

  • @maxblax123
    @maxblax123 5 лет назад +160

    Player comparable: lionel messi... wtf

    • @nuwenese
      @nuwenese 5 лет назад +10

      That's NBC and NHL for ya

    • @alex-dj9bx
      @alex-dj9bx 5 лет назад +24

      They just compared that Messi is 5'7 and he scored a lot of goals .... like Caufield

    • @henneburymarc
      @henneburymarc 5 лет назад +17

      @@alex-dj9bx We know, but it's weird. Say Debrincat like a normal person.

    • @tuanminh1620
      @tuanminh1620 5 лет назад

      when was that

    • @H3wJd0nG
      @H3wJd0nG 5 лет назад

      He said ovie

  • @danielclarkebouchardofficial
    @danielclarkebouchardofficial 5 лет назад +44

    Can you do rounds 2-7 please?

  • @dodu8281
    @dodu8281 5 лет назад +42

    yeah my motthherfucking canadiens. we havent had elite offensive scorer for decades.... hopefully this guy will pan out

    • @Brice3333
      @Brice3333 5 лет назад +1

      I don't really see it. I think he will be a bust. But who knows Hockey is so hard to predict who will pan out and who won't.

    • @cloudsopowera6248
      @cloudsopowera6248 5 лет назад

      @@Brice3333 Daigle was projected to be a Franchise player....and look...so much for "no one remembering whos picked with the 2nd pick"

    • @Brice3333
      @Brice3333 5 лет назад +1

      @La Chèvre Autiste
      I just don't think his game is strong enough at the NHL level. He also had Boldy and Jack Hughes playing with him this year, not to mention how stacked that Team USA was. I just think the players around him made him look better than what he is.

    • @kennybegeske8824
      @kennybegeske8824 5 лет назад

      Go Blackhawks

    • @kennybegeske8824
      @kennybegeske8824 5 лет назад

      Chicago will sue New Jersey ass

  • @italian1ist
    @italian1ist 4 года назад +6

    Is it just me or did Cam York look disappointed to be going to Philly?
    1:45:25 and 1:48:00

    • @fevzikamalov965
      @fevzikamalov965 4 года назад

      from my experience of viewing various draftee reactions, it's probably just nerves/character. Some are thrilled, some are calm/worried/anxious. They sit there watching teams pass on them and just want to get called/drafted to mentally get settled about where they will be going. Players likely looked at the mock drafts/lists and if called later than the predicted models, could easily get anxious. They are still 18 too. Evan Bouchard's reaction was one of the worst that I can recall but he's like that even in his games i.e ice-cold, in a way, lacking enthusiasm but he was happy to be drafted by the Oilers. It's still every kid's dream to be drafted into the NHL.

  • @kw9377
    @kw9377 5 лет назад

    Nice to see the US channel point of view.. pretty crazy to see the draft was sold out in minutes. Don’t remember the last time a draft was sold out..

  • @icepuckvisionary
    @icepuckvisionary 5 лет назад +7

    Zegras the steal of the draft

  • @maxlacloche4329
    @maxlacloche4329 3 года назад +33

    I'm here after Caufield's two OT goals

    • @devonbouchard8943
      @devonbouchard8943 3 года назад +5

      I'm here during Caufields dominant playoffs

    • @jaskarancumo8266
      @jaskarancumo8266 3 года назад +1

      @@devonbouchard8943 same here

    • @devonbouchard8943
      @devonbouchard8943 3 года назад +2

      @@jaskarancumo8266 Caufield is the best player out of the draft

    • @jaskarancumo8266
      @jaskarancumo8266 3 года назад +1

      @@devonbouchard8943 yeah, but we haven’t seen some of the rookies play a game yet. But I still do expect cole caufield to be the best in the draft.

    • @devonbouchard8943
      @devonbouchard8943 3 года назад

      @@jaskarancumo8266 I figured it'll be Caufield, Hughes at an easy number too cause started to show his upside this year Podkolzin is gonna be up there for sure

  • @zfouleur2904
    @zfouleur2904 5 лет назад +3

    It finally feels like my panthers are going somewhere after watching for a decade. ☺

  • @voltigeur1862
    @voltigeur1862 5 лет назад +45

    Habs fans 1:50:59 you're welcome

  • @diannaa.a
    @diannaa.a 4 года назад

    i’ve never seen hockey in my life but i’ve always been interested in the game but i never got a chance to play it or see the game because my family is a soccer family so there’s always soccer on and i live in LA so there’s no snow what’s so ever but that won’t stop me from liking the game and hopefully i can catch a game or play it and honestly quarantine is a great opportunity for that. :)

    • @trentcruise3084
      @trentcruise3084 4 года назад +1

      @Dianna X don"t feel bad about that.Queen Elizabeth 11 never got to play Hockey as well.She was to busy slapping Charles around every time he messed up.

  • @LegoGBlok
    @LegoGBlok 4 года назад +7

    Cole Caufield 2014-2015 -> 2019-2020: 364 goals 230 assists, 594 points in 373 games - Who's the steal of the 2019 Draft????.....

    • @marknieuwejaar1075
      @marknieuwejaar1075 4 года назад


    • @JHockeyFan
      @JHockeyFan 4 года назад +1

      Caufield played on an all-star team. It’ll be much tougher in the NHL

    • @jonathangrenier4498
      @jonathangrenier4498 4 года назад

      @@JHockeyFan he had 1.0ppg in his first years in the NCAA thats really good just to compare Poehling didnt even had that in his senior year.

    • @JHockeyFan
      @JHockeyFan 4 года назад

      @@jonathangrenier4498 NHL is much much tougher than NCAA. Obviously.

    • @davidpinlac3129
      @davidpinlac3129 3 года назад +1

      @@JHockeyFan nice

  • @ledsabbazepplath3889
    @ledsabbazepplath3889 2 года назад +5

    Kent Hughes spotted at 1:57:53

  • @timomastosalo
    @timomastosalo 5 лет назад +9

    Zibanejad can help Kakko to adapt to Rangers not because he's Swede, but because he speaks Finnish - his mother is Finnish.

  • @montanastranger
    @montanastranger 3 года назад +5

    Stevie Y is teachin. Everyone grab yo pencils.

  • @ericscottstevens
    @ericscottstevens 2 года назад +1

    Colorado had a chance to add Seider. Scary.

  • @francisbibeau2543
    @francisbibeau2543 5 лет назад +4

    can you do round 2

  • @michaelchoosefood
    @michaelchoosefood 4 года назад +1

    Vancouver Canucks Fans: Boooooooo
    Gary Bettman: I admire the emotion and the passion!

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 3 года назад

      He likes being booed, feels respected.

  • @momo777777777777777
    @momo777777777777777 3 года назад +2

    1:38:35 truer words have never been spoken

  • @SportDogg2008
    @SportDogg2008 5 лет назад

    NTDP is the best (USHL) team that produces its players for the NHL!

  • @ildesastre1886
    @ildesastre1886 5 лет назад +5

    Merci mon Marc

  • @masontoleary
    @masontoleary 4 года назад +17

    1:03:02 I love that reaction!

    • @willpolo6441
      @willpolo6441 4 года назад +1

      Even he was surprised😅

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 4 года назад +2

      True. However, the Red Wings fans were quick to get behind him, defending picking him over Broberg.

    • @murphymoerf
      @murphymoerf 4 года назад

      @@broadstreet21 It's still a bit early to tell, but man does he look good now. As of right now, Stevie Y made a fantastic pick for us. The sky is the limit for Mo 👍 I might actually get his jersey if he performs in the NHL like he does in the AHL

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 3 года назад

      @@murphymoerf If he was going to be that good, Hakan Andersson could pick him in the sixth round.

  • @znoabrams9260
    @znoabrams9260 4 года назад +1

    Who is watching in 2020 when there is corona

  • @bison8745
    @bison8745 2 года назад

    Something i noticed about these players while watching these drafts,their sisters are all cute af

  • @kennybegeske8824
    @kennybegeske8824 5 лет назад +7

    Go Blackhawks

  • @itspapaghost6989
    @itspapaghost6989 3 года назад

    sakic was smart not to just throw byram right into the nhl he wanted him to polish up some of the weaker aspects of his game and not rush him hopefully next season is gonna be back to normal so all these upcoming prospects can get a real season in

  • @robjk8876
    @robjk8876 5 лет назад +5

    I wish I could have watched this over Sportsnet. I wish NHL would let TSN have the rights, I kept falling a sleep during it live cause the commentary was god awful on Sportsnet

    • @JHockeyFan
      @JHockeyFan 4 года назад

      NBC isn’t great. They have no real insiders and have to outsource their draft coverage to TSN guys.

    • @robjk8876
      @robjk8876 4 года назад

      Jonathan Z still better then Sportsnet. Sportsnet people seem whiny too me

  • @marcgallant525
    @marcgallant525 4 года назад +1

    1:01:45 it said that veleno went in 2017 but he went in 2018

  • @jamendailey7372
    @jamendailey7372 4 года назад +3

    I want to see the hughes brothers on the same team

    • @s.p.8508
      @s.p.8508 4 года назад +1

      Jamen Dailey Luke Hughes is still a possibility for either team

    • @Trinimac345
      @Trinimac345 3 года назад

      Well I'm glad they got him

  • @francisbibeau2543
    @francisbibeau2543 5 лет назад +5

    nhl draft 2019 round 2-7

  • @Prisonmike27
    @Prisonmike27 5 лет назад

    Question, have no idea about draft, to be in the draft you have to sign up or be preselected? I mean, if i was an amateur player, can i get selected in the draf if i sign up??? Or how its works the draft? In my country we dont have this .

    • @bigboy8743
      @bigboy8743 4 года назад +1

      X-Wing It’s...... complicated when you put it like that.

  • @joshwinters6214
    @joshwinters6214 4 года назад

    After covid waiting for the new playoffs. Excited to see my Avalanche!!!!

  • @MarkusHagen-to9ow
    @MarkusHagen-to9ow 12 дней назад

    32:39 love that background song so col

  • @marknieuwejaar1075
    @marknieuwejaar1075 4 года назад +1

    Gorgeous city...

  • @xjoevincentcastro
    @xjoevincentcastro 3 года назад +1

    who’s the rocket sitting behind Podkolzin? lmao

  • @ReelHatMan
    @ReelHatMan 2 года назад +1

    cole caufield is a top 3 in most redraft

  • @kennybegeske8824
    @kennybegeske8824 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for bring back 65 shaw

  • @broadstreet21
    @broadstreet21 5 лет назад +1

    What a rough year for the Bruins... like losing the Stanley Cup was not enough, they get booed at the draft. Never mind their management were from BC.

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 5 лет назад

      Meanwhile, they manage to applaud Joe Sakic and the Avalanche at 53:23, never mind that they were the Nucks' top rival, beat them twice in the playoffs en route to both Colorado Stanley Cups.

    • @broadstreet21
      @broadstreet21 5 лет назад

      @Francis So was Cam Neely.

  • @jake_lacroix5417
    @jake_lacroix5417 4 года назад +2

    I hate fans who boo teams that are 10x better than theres

    • @are3287
      @are3287 4 года назад +1


    • @bigboy8743
      @bigboy8743 4 года назад +1

      Are you beat me to it lmao.

  • @xdOreoMilk
    @xdOreoMilk 5 лет назад

    I came here from spoderman liked playlist

  • @RUmlas
    @RUmlas 4 года назад +1

    Hahaha sabres and botty. Didn't even give the generic "Congrats to the cup champions/thanks to the city of Vancouver for the hospitality." they just went right to the point.

  • @broadstreet21
    @broadstreet21 2 года назад

    2:58:27 - "You can't believe how popular the St. Louis Blues are here in Vancouver." Yup, the Canuck fans would rival the Blues fans on pride in the Blues' Cup win.

  • @celluloidtherapy5003
    @celluloidtherapy5003 2 года назад +1

    Hughes, has shades of Gretzky.

  • @WillyTung
    @WillyTung 5 лет назад +8

    Hughes' dad looks like Josh Brolin.

  • @Suaynon
    @Suaynon 5 лет назад +2

    where is Kathryn Tappen??

  • @gaara3482
    @gaara3482 5 лет назад

    I’m so happy we got jack Hughes

  • @ChristianH3742
    @ChristianH3742 4 года назад

    Bro, why did the keep showing Kaliyev? All it did was make me sad man.

  • @Stoshilman
    @Stoshilman 5 лет назад

    Put up rounds 2-7, please.

  • @oldsrocket8841
    @oldsrocket8841 5 лет назад +2

    Caufield to Montreal!!! Hockey Gods work in mysterious ways. Go Habs!

  • @JHockeyFan
    @JHockeyFan Год назад +1

    I and many others overrated Podkolzin. I wish they gave him his full DY in the MHL to allow him to try to dominate that league instead of bounce around leagues. He was only dominant in the Hlinka Gretzky and thus we overrated him

  • @user-hf8es5lr9m
    @user-hf8es5lr9m 3 года назад +2

    Where are the bums who laughed at me for saying Zegras was the steal of the draft GO DUCKS

  • @LucaC27
    @LucaC27 3 года назад +5

    Brandon Carlo 💀

  • @JHockeyFan
    @JHockeyFan 5 лет назад

    NBC is brutal trying to focus all in on US players drafted. Can’t wait till this year where it’s mostly Canadians and Europeans in Round 1 and Round 2.

    • @danielblohm7485
      @danielblohm7485 4 года назад

      Hmm a US channel focus in US players. I wounder what Sportsnet focus in, or finnish TV

    • @JHockeyFan
      @JHockeyFan 4 года назад

      Daniel Blohm It’s annoying. Even as someone in the States, we know the Canadians and Europeans are much better.

  • @broadstreet21
    @broadstreet21 5 лет назад +3

    Since Bettman's feud with Nenshi, I'd actually changed my views toward him.

  • @RRaquello
    @RRaquello 2 года назад

    1:36:14 Sickman doesn't look too impressed.

  • @marcallrd9755
    @marcallrd9755 3 года назад +3


  • @Rorschachqp
    @Rorschachqp 4 года назад +1

    This will be known as the LA Kings draft.

    • @obey2dmax
      @obey2dmax 4 года назад +1

      I give Kings A on '19 Draft. Turcotte is given, but Bjornfot, Kaliyev and Fagemo are fit to LAK's system and its needs right now. I am more stoked about Fagemo. Kaliyev is born to score. The wild card is Bjornfot.

    • @keloonpa58.62
      @keloonpa58.62 Год назад


  • @user-dk6bp5dr5d
    @user-dk6bp5dr5d 4 года назад

    I was positive Edmonton would of selected caufield or spencer knight

  • @kennybegeske8824
    @kennybegeske8824 5 лет назад

    40 and 65 with the blackhawks

  • @dizzydalek1627
    @dizzydalek1627 5 лет назад

    Nice. Thank you for this!

  • @pauljmorton
    @pauljmorton 5 лет назад +2

    What does "Nth overall" mean?

    • @mr.schloopka1124
      @mr.schloopka1124 4 года назад

      1st pick in 1st round is 1st overall
      2nd pick in 1st round is 2nd overall
      31st pick in 1st round is 31st overall
      1st pick in 2nd round is 32nd overall
      10th pick in 2nd round is 41st overall

    • @pauljmorton
      @pauljmorton 4 года назад

      @@mr.schloopka1124 Oooh, I see. Thanks :D

  • @charliebowen5071
    @charliebowen5071 2 года назад

    I’m a stupid English man… but my intrigue is peaked….. so how does this draft thing actually work?

    • @JordanK14
      @JordanK14 2 года назад

      So unlike football where you have a youth system and your players develop from a young age in your system, in north american sports the teams draft the rights to the top amateur players.

  • @cvsantana74
    @cvsantana74 4 года назад


  • @CharetteOfficial
    @CharetteOfficial 5 лет назад +3

    Dylan Cozen's mom looks like Céline Dion?

    • @moobeeshk925
      @moobeeshk925 4 года назад

      Nah you been smoking that gud gud.. Or maybe go to your local doctor and get your eyes checked out...

  • @hovercrip1820
    @hovercrip1820 5 лет назад

    Anybody notice that caufeilds parents did not look happy to be selected by Montreal