I've always believed Bret, but to say Taker and Austin stand behind Bret and therefore we should curb our doubt is kinda...a weird way to prove Bret's validity. It is certainly nice that he has people behind him who would be considered top dogs in the game, but ultimately kinda flat in this regard.
@@layna-heyhey So, the stance of the so-called Locker Room Leader, “Conscience of the WWE,” and probably most universally respected and admired guy in the business who, to top it all off, was there when it all was happening isn’t enough of a source? In that case, I have some oceanfront swamp land to sell you
@@Redhotshawntexas Not what I said. Never said "Not a good enough source". Btw in this video, Bret is the only source. I replied what I did, thinking about the those names mentioned. I said it is nice to have such names with you, but ultimately, it is Bret's great reputation and loyalty he showed to that company/industry that is undoubtable. Which is stronger than a name drop.
I have always believed Bret’s side of the screw job more because his version has not changed in the 20+ years since it happened. On the WWF side, I’ve heard the Bret screwed Bret version, the McMahon screwed Bret version, the Shawn wasn’t involved version, the Shawn WAS involved version, the Triple H’s idea version, the Vince Russo’s idea version, and finally the Jim Cornette’s idea version. It’s changed so much that the only credible one left is Bret’s version of events imo.
@@markboliek6130 never been proven and he's dead now, neither of us were there when it happened so we'll never know the truth. I'm not one to speak ill of the dead when nothing's ever been proven.
Mobin,why don't you read up on the story.Jimmy Snuka had a history of spousal abuse and for beating up his girlfriends. That's why Buddy Roger's stop riding with him.Read what Irv Muchnick wrote on the subject.Jimmy Snuka was a dirtbag
The best there is, the best there was and the best there will ever will be. Best catchphrase ever. Also one of the best entrance songs ever. When that sound of that guitar wailing pierced my eardrums I always marked out.
Yea Bret got paid, hit Vince, and got his head kicked off by Goldberg. All Shawn did since then was be involved in the angle that brought Mike Tyson to the WWE which by multiple accounts was what do won the Monday night wars, was the person to put over the guy who became the biggest money draw in wrestling history in Stone Colds first championship run, then came back after 4 years from spinal fusion surgery, won the world title in the elimination chamber, moty with angle at mania, another moty at mania with hhh & Benoit, retired the Nature Boy, had 2 of the greatest matches ever back to back at Mania with the undertaker. Got to retire when he wanted and then came back 10+ years later and got paid FAT while showing in a match full of guaranteed hall of famers, that he was still the best worker in the ring at 50 years old after more than a decade off. Yes Shawn's crying... in laughter that you think Bret is the 🐐.
@@JMohler Mate, with all of this essay you wrote, I thought you'd raise some good points but...apparently that's not the case. You do realise that wrestling is scripted right? What decides who wins is not talent nessesarily, rather victors are picked at random selection. I'm a huge fan of Michaels personally and I kinda liked Bret Hart too. Though nonetheless, even I know that Shawn Michaels WASN'T the best guy in the roster when it comes to pure talent. I'd say both were equally talented, but Bret was a better technical wrestler and was pretty impressive on the mic too. There's a reason why Bret's known to be the best there was and ever will be yeah?
Bret Hart's name is synonymous with legend. When I met him in March 1994, he presented himself to be a warm genuine person who sincerely appreciated his fans. From then and having met him this past March, Bret always greets my friends and me with a warm welcoming smile. Because he never said/did anything that made me feel uncomfortable, I've no reason to doubt Bret's credibility. I can't say the same from meeting Shawn Michaels(and other people I know can attest to this); he made me doubt way too much!
Did you know you could pay celebrities to do shoutouts now?¿? I am thinking about buying a Bret Hart shootout for my dad birthday! It's a fucking steal of a deal at 150$. Dont we all wish we could earn 150$ a minute though lmfao!
If he understood the business he wouldnt even think about trying to hold the title past survivor series regardless of being in Montreal or not, the best wrestler maybe ever, but he was a complete mark for himself
Great comment with the unfortunate idiot replies. Too many people concentrate on the finish line of the race and not realise the sacrifices and training that even leads up to the start.
Been a WWF fan (born in Greenwich, Connecticut & still live in Fairfield county) since Wrestlemania One. I am turning 46 in a few weeks and #Bretthehitmanhart through the passage of all that time is number 1 of all time for me. He was eerily correct when he came out with the catch phrase: "Best there is, best there ever was and the best there ever will be". He's the top of the top for me, I think he is a tremendous athlete and performer. The perfect combo on wrestler and character. Thank you for 4 decades of entertainment sir. #BretHart #WWF #WWE #Hartfoundation
I can literally picture everything that Brett Hart is saying. Hes such a great story teller. The detail isnt too much but just enough for you to have a clear picture of the situation👍👏🙏
@@MaynardOwns dude not everything is cloak and mirrors Bret dropped him, hard and told him he would and then did.. love bret to the day I die he gave me so much in this life.. and you cant fake Vince's stink legs and face in the docu after the punch the dude was canucked
One thing that impresses me about Bret: For as bitter as he often comes across since he retired (whether it's justified or not) his ability to retain his memories and speak coherently in great detail down to minute things is really good considering he had to retire from concussions AND suffering a stroke. Just really impressive that he still remembers stuff like this compared to some wrestlers who misremember stuff (Like I listened to Booker T talk about his time in TNA and he seems to completely forget about a year of his time there AND how he lost championships there)
Yes! So true. I’m glad Bret is still around but I’m even more glad that he’s well enough to be able to retell all these great stories! It’s like having a grandfather on the front porch telling you stories, when you you could easily have a grandfather incoherent in a hospital bed, not to sound morbid.
We all have a complicated relationship with Vince to some extent. He's hurt a lot of people. Done a lot of stupid things. But he's also made a lot of dreams come true for a lot of people and also gave us years and years of entertainment. I just wish Owen would have been treated better.
Bret Hart one of my all time favorites because he's a stand up guy that tells it like it is. I'm praying for you brother. It's good to see you're still around because 2020 has been a weird year. Road Warrior Animal just passed away last week. Seek Christ while he may be found. Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14
Bret never understood that Vince clearly couldn't stand him and didn't want to deal with him. He says it right here. Vince was happy after he signed. (And if he was the great talent, huge draw, and utter professional that he always claims he was, there's no reason a boss would be happy to see him go)
I think it's mostly for two reasons. One was the 20 year contract Bret had signed and with the WWF being in bad shape financially, Vince may have been relieved to have him off the books. And the other reason was the headache that was the Bret Vs Shawn rivalry. It had come to a point where it seemed one or the other had to leave. Vince chose Shawn because he was younger and because he was more in favor of the content of the attitude era.
Please increase the audio levels for these videos. I have to crank the volume up to max and it still isn't anywhere near the DBs of anything else on youtube.
Cornette has given some interviews on the topic and he said what it came down to was that Shawn was the WWF’s biggest money maker at that time and that Vince bent over backwards to give Shawn whatever he asked for. And when he didn’t, Shawn behaved like a spoiled brat.
@@scooobydoo27 it's POSSIBLE, but I've also heard that the months of Shawn as a champion were the absolute low financially for WWF in the 90's, sure, WCW started to rival them heavily, but they weren't keeping up
@@KurtAngle89 I wasn’t a fan during that period (though I was during the Hogan vs Andre era) and began watching when I was flipping the channels and saw this bald headed guy flipping the bird to the crowd and had to stop and see what was going on. From what I’ve listened to on other podcasts, the years after Hogan began a steady decline in $ for the WWE and the period right before the Attitude Era was the lowest, with Shawn, Diesel and Brett being the top performers at the time. Of the 3, Shawn was the best draw and sold the most merchandise while Brett was great in the ring, he was never over when he was a babyface and had the biggest contract. Whatever it was, from the interviews that I’ve listened to, the Kliq had a lot more pull than anyone in the WWE since Hogan and some of them (Shawn) were even more obnoxious than Hogan. As an aside, Cornette has called HHH the “good influence” of the group. IMHO, this is one of those cases where timing of things just screwed everything up. Imagine if Brett had stayed a little longer in the WWE. Austin and the Rock would become the top babyfaces and McMahon would have no reason to continue to coddle Shawn. And Brett would have made a great heel and perhaps sometimes babyface in feuds with Rock, Austin, and HHH. And how good would a Hart vs Angle match have been? Instead, he made more money in WCW, but Bischoff never understood how to use his talent and spent the money, because Ted let him spend, spend, spend.
Bret seems to be at peace, I’m very glad he’s learned to forgive. Really forgiveness is the quickest way to get back at someone when your not even trying.
The best Ther is the best there was and the best there ever will be ..... I’m 35 years old n grew up watching the hitman .... much respect ✊🏽 Bret u sir are a legend
Bret reminds me of my oldest brother if he was Canadian tough guy, intelligent, and vigor and beyond me just marking out over Bret and his awesome stories of classic wrestling Hogan and Shawn may have drawn my attention but Bret was a man who kept my attention
It's always best to remember Brett come from a big family and I think he's like the middle child? So when you come from a big family you just have a built-in toughness. So he can absolutely respect the person but hate their actions completely. Sometimes it comes off as bitter or mean but that's not the case at all. It's just a dry way of talking he's the type of guy that never truly gets super excited about anything.
7:43 when shawn wont drop the belt to bret, shawn had a history of doing that he walked out on a few occasions on the WWF that time. If you see the infamous ladder match with razor ramon with 2 IC belts is one example because he refused to drop the belt before and came back as still champ to fight the current champion Razor.
Pretty much stopped watching WWF/WWE when Bret left and have never rekindled my taste for it since, Vince McMahon is a sociopath, how many lives have been ruined by his company, disgraceful when you look at the workload, lack of care and facilitation of all kinds of abuses. Bret will always be one of my heroes and deserves all the plaudits and respect in the world.
Jacko same with me. I lost love for wrestling when the screjib happened. And have never got back into it. I did try to. Because I liked stone cold. But I just didn't get the thrill out of it again. Which is a shame as wwf back then is part of my childhood.
Vince is a good example of someone who thinks you don't have to follow ethics to be a good businessperson. He's made billions of the company and has done incredible things for the world of wrestling, but he made a lot of enemies doing it
"The Excellence of Execution." Bret Hart love the business, a great technical wrestler. He really was very dedicated to the craft. An all time great. Godbless Idol Hitman Bret Hart.
@@azizulhakimtimin4871 that was a BS excuse even at the time. It was more that Vince didn’t want to share that amount of money that he’d agreed to give Bret.
@@Bobbywoodhogan Vince want a new star for his company and Shawn is the guy he see can carried the company to new era not bret. one more thing, Bret and Shawn cant co exist together anymore..u have to pick only one of them and its shawn, tbh its prove to be right on long run. 2 top guy with huge ego will be a disaster for any company.
Sounds to me, looking back at it, that Vince told him all that about losing to Shawn numerous times just to get him to sign with wcw because if you look at what followed after Montreal, Shawn was gone after mania some 5 months later cause of his back. If Bret had stayed, he would've been feuding with McMahon and/or Austin after that.
Shawn was yelling at Vince after the screw job match for screwing Bret, so in a way he was saying “you didn’t have to do that Vince it wasn’t supposed to be like this”
Shawn is and always was a snake. I have mixed feelings about Bret but always respected his work in the ring. Shawn was great in the ring when he wanted to be and only a few were better in those cases. Shawn's politicking and the whole clique aspect was juvenile and was often meant to hurt others and take food off adversaries' table. I will take the side against Shawn in almost every case including the screwjob. We know damn well that Shawn loved Bret getting screwed.
I agree. Shawn to this day sounds like the most insincere pos and Bret always comes off as brutally honest. And I would always prefer an honest prick than a phony.
Listening to Bret Hart how can you not like this guy I mean I've heard him tell his story plenty of times his version of what happened with the Montreal screwdrive and it has been consistent since day one and I think it even takes a bigger person to accept and forgive
Easy, because it is always the same story of him pissing and moaning and never ever taking responsibility for his actions and why he was at fault for what unfolded. Bret screwed Bret and he deserved what happened to him.
What does HHH have to do with the Screw job? He was Shawns bag boy then, no way is he telling vince to screw Bret. That was a Vince decision by himself, no one else. I like Bret as a wrestler, one of the best ever to be in the ring. But he's so bitter about things and can't let things go. Saying "me and Shawn tried to bury the hatchet, though i dunno how genuine it was on his part." Seems like it wasn't all the genuine on your part either. A decade later you're still bitter about it.
The best there is. The best there was. The best there ever was. Childhood hero. I wish he would have kept his Podcast going with his sons. The 10/15 Episodes , actually more were awesome, just too controversial !!
It’s Funny to me, I grew up in western canada... I watched stampede wrestling every week... I met Owen Hart and talked to him for an hour! So anyways, I of course know stu hart’s voice well - he’d still appear on Stampede now and then to do an interview.....but most young fans - or even older fans from other parts of the world would really only know him from impressions!
Two things I never understood about the screw job. One, why the hell didn't Vince pull the belt off Bret before he told him in late September that he couldn't pay Bret his contract and that Bret should go ahead and sign with WCW. WWE had the One Night Only PPV in England on September 20, 1997. Vince told Bret that he couldn't pay his contract on September 25, 1997. 100% Vince should have had Bret drop the belt back to Taker (or someone else) at the One Night Only PPV. Problem solved and the screwjob never happens. Second, Bret has said, and WWE doesn't deny this, that he offered to drop the belt to anyone else. So why not have Bret drop it to whoever and then if WWE was insistent on having the belt on Shawn, have that person drop it to Shawn a week/month later. I never got that.
Bret was a popular draw for Vince and part of it was that Vince was trying to do whatever he could to keep Bret but with a lower paying contract as well, so keeping the title on him would have helped try to convince Bret to stay.
There’s a difference between standing up for yourself because you disagree on a payday and cornering a guy in a room and choking him. Also, if you saw his work and what he brought to the table, considering what Nailz was purportedly paid, he should’ve come back to give Vince his change
sc12100 it’s not a fact of whether or not I agree with how he runs his business. It is his behavior as being a person in a place of power. He has a pretty well documented pattern of abusive behavior toward his employees (and they are employees not independent contractors).
Funny thing is 6 months after the screw job HBK had retired with a back back and wouldnt be seen again until 2002. If Bret had stayed think of the matches we could of had. Bret vs Rock, Bret vs Jericho, Bret vs Eddie, Bret vs Brock, Bret vs Austin, Bret vs HHH and of course Bret vs Vince.
Bret Hart was always my favourite wrestler but I don’t think I could have had anything to do with WWE if I believed they where responsible for my brothers death...
he has such a good work ethic about his character and persona and doing the job that he was hired to do The problem that I have was it was clear that something is going to happen and for me if I'm not even under contract with a company at all why would want to do the stupid pay per view because they want me to do this why in the world why stay I could just give the belt and that's it I don't give need to be on television no raw nothing give him their belt and I go to WCW and that's not what he did because he has this strong work ethic
The Best they ever did it.. Whe learn what wrestling is from these guy! After the Screw Job World Wrestling Federation sucks.. After Bret Hart wrestling looks soooii fake... Long live the 90's and the Hart Foundation
Bro it’s crazy when you’re so good at what you do, that you’re almost too professional. I understand where Bret comes from because he absolutely loved what he did as I do. It brings massive amounts of jealousy from people who are great but wish they had the generosity that you have for what you do. You cant tame a genuine heart and they wanted him out because of it. He wasn’t with the skinamax wrestling shit and he got pushed out because of that and because he was so professional.
If you ever doubt Bret and his story, just know Undertaker and Austin both stand behind Bret.
Undertaker and Steve are Bret's friends
I've always believed Bret, but to say Taker and Austin stand behind Bret and therefore we should curb our doubt is kinda...a weird way to prove Bret's validity. It is certainly nice that he has people behind him who would be considered top dogs in the game, but ultimately kinda flat in this regard.
@@layna-heyhey So, the stance of the so-called Locker Room Leader, “Conscience of the WWE,” and probably most universally respected and admired guy in the business who, to top it all off, was there when it all was happening isn’t enough of a source? In that case, I have some oceanfront swamp land to sell you
@@Redhotshawntexas Not what I said. Never said "Not a good enough source". Btw in this video, Bret is the only source. I replied what I did, thinking about the those names mentioned. I said it is nice to have such names with you, but ultimately, it is Bret's great reputation and loyalty he showed to that company/industry that is undoubtable. Which is stronger than a name drop.
@@bearstown19show yet they still say shawn is the best inring performer of alltime lmao
I have always believed Bret’s side of the screw job more because his version has not changed in the 20+ years since it happened. On the WWF side, I’ve heard the Bret screwed Bret version, the McMahon screwed Bret version, the Shawn wasn’t involved version, the Shawn WAS involved version, the Triple H’s idea version, the Vince Russo’s idea version, and finally the Jim Cornette’s idea version. It’s changed so much that the only credible one left is Bret’s version of events imo.
Taker backs up brets version so theres two guys that you know you can trust as they loved the business.
No one's version is accurate; it was a work, and that becomes more obvious as time goes by.
@@65if2007 You really think so?
jacfalle27 but still he stupid for thinking he was too much of himself to not drop the belt AFTER HE SIGNED A WCW CONTRACT
Bret screwed Bret version isn't really a version, just VKM placing blame on him.
The best is Bret quoting, "A lot of men talk about knocking Vince McMahon out, you're the only one to ever do it!" - Jimmy Snuka.
A lot of people talk about beating their girlfriends to death...Jimmy Snuka actually did it...I’m not into glorifying murderers
@@markboliek6130 never been proven and he's dead now, neither of us were there when it happened so we'll never know the truth. I'm not one to speak ill of the dead when nothing's ever been proven.
and Nailz almost killed Vince lol
Mobin Kiadeh it was proven bro check out the dark side of the ring episode 👍🏻
Mobin,why don't you read up on the story.Jimmy Snuka had a history of spousal abuse and for beating up his girlfriends. That's why Buddy Roger's stop riding with him.Read what Irv Muchnick wrote on the subject.Jimmy Snuka was a dirtbag
I loved Bret's matches and am so glad I got to see him live in 1997.
So lucky😢
I love when people refer to it as WWF when they're talking about it when it was called WWF
its the only way it should be named! Vince had the money to fight it but most likely Vince just wanted to change the name
Spooker...than he should have gone all the way and called it WSE...World Sports Entertainment
The federation part wasn’t what Vince hated...it was the wrestling part
@@spookerredmenace3950 He lost the Name to A Panda which is Humiliating.
Definitely a pet peeve I have when they refer to it as WWE during the years it was known as WWF.
Wow, he’s looks good for his age & health. I mean you still can see the left side of his face droop due to the stroke. Glad the see him smiling.
At least someone didn’t lose their smile 🤣
Compare him to Shawn Michaels, Shawn looks like his old brother now.
Shawn lost his hair
The best there is, the best there was and the best there will ever will be. Best catchphrase ever. Also one of the best entrance songs ever. When that sound of that guitar wailing pierced my eardrums I always marked out.
@sneksnekitsasnek lol yea I'm sure you're the coolest.
The glass break from Stone Cold's song was another eardrum killer.
Bret Hart is the goat of professional wrestling. Bret got paid, Knocked out Vince, while Shawn Micheals was crying the whole time.
Yea Bret got paid, hit Vince, and got his head kicked off by Goldberg. All Shawn did since then was be involved in the angle that brought Mike Tyson to the WWE which by multiple accounts was what do won the Monday night wars, was the person to put over the guy who became the biggest money draw in wrestling history in Stone Colds first championship run, then came back after 4 years from spinal fusion surgery, won the world title in the elimination chamber, moty with angle at mania, another moty at mania with hhh & Benoit, retired the Nature Boy, had 2 of the greatest matches ever back to back at Mania with the undertaker. Got to retire when he wanted and then came back 10+ years later and got paid FAT while showing in a match full of guaranteed hall of famers, that he was still the best worker in the ring at 50 years old after more than a decade off. Yes Shawn's crying... in laughter that you think Bret is the 🐐.
@@JMohler Mate, with all of this essay you wrote, I thought you'd raise some good points but...apparently that's not the case. You do realise that wrestling is scripted right? What decides who wins is not talent nessesarily, rather victors are picked at random selection. I'm a huge fan of Michaels personally and I kinda liked Bret Hart too. Though nonetheless, even I know that Shawn Michaels WASN'T the best guy in the roster when it comes to pure talent. I'd say both were equally talented, but Bret was a better technical wrestler and was pretty impressive on the mic too. There's a reason why Bret's known to be the best there was and ever will be yeah?
Incredulous Duckling the whole Hollywood is scripted and??? Talent is able to ACT and follow a script 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
@@cr1m203 yeah,and bret is better at that.
Bret Hart's name is synonymous with legend. When I met him in March 1994, he presented himself to be a warm genuine person who sincerely appreciated his fans. From then and having met him this past March, Bret always greets my friends and me with a warm welcoming smile. Because he never said/did anything that made me feel uncomfortable, I've no reason to doubt Bret's credibility. I can't say the same from meeting Shawn Michaels(and other people I know can attest to this); he made me doubt way too much!
How'd you meet so many people?? I'm so jealous lol
Bret's impersonation of Stu is superb.
All you gotta do is get some beers in Bret's system and he loosens up and cracks a smile more often. Gotta love beer!
he is like that without alcohol...
Bret is awsome. Hands down he understood the business as well as anyone.
Did you know you could pay celebrities to do shoutouts now?¿?
I am thinking about buying a Bret Hart shootout for my dad birthday!
It's a fucking steal of a deal at 150$.
Dont we all wish we could earn 150$ a minute though lmfao!
And yet in some ways he NEVER did.
If he understood the business he wouldnt even think about trying to hold the title past survivor series regardless of being in Montreal or not, the best wrestler maybe ever, but he was a complete mark for himself
Great comment with the unfortunate idiot replies. Too many people concentrate on the finish line of the race and not realise the sacrifices and training that even leads up to the start.
except when it happened to be about him...
Been a WWF fan (born in Greenwich, Connecticut & still live in Fairfield county) since Wrestlemania One. I am turning 46 in a few weeks and #Bretthehitmanhart through the passage of all that time is number 1 of all time for me. He was eerily correct when he came out with the catch phrase: "Best there is, best there ever was and the best there ever will be". He's the top of the top for me, I think he is a tremendous athlete and performer. The perfect combo on wrestler and character. Thank you for 4 decades of entertainment sir. #BretHart #WWF #WWE #Hartfoundation
Bro you we're literally a part of History
@@Cosmicnexus86 wrestling history yes and everybody's a part of History in their own way because everybody's dying and living.
I can literally picture everything that Brett Hart is saying. Hes such a great story teller. The detail isnt too much but just enough for you to have a clear picture of the situation👍👏🙏
Stone Cold only hit the Boss in story line Bret is the one Guy who did it for real .
Unless it was wrestling’s last work before kayfaybe was broke for good
@@MaynardOwns dude not everything is cloak and mirrors Bret dropped him, hard and told him he would and then did.. love bret to the day I die he gave me so much in this life.. and you cant fake Vince's stink legs and face in the docu after the punch the dude was canucked
Yeah because Vince allowed it to happen.
Nailz tried to kill Vince.
It was a work.
8:46 "And I always believed I was right."
100% Bret Hart right there.
Great Stuff, good to hear all this Details from Bret Hart. ;-)
I miss the old days. Bret was a damn good wrestler. One of my faves. Top ten all time.
Best of all time.
Top one I do believe. I’m not sure how people disagree..
And Owen was a bit Better without taking things too seriously.
Bret is the best to ever do it hands down!!! Man I miss those days!!! RIP Owen
My Daughter lives in BC Vancouver Canada. Keep safe in the pandemic Bret. Kind wishes Chris.
One thing that impresses me about Bret:
For as bitter as he often comes across since he retired (whether it's justified or not) his ability to retain his memories and speak coherently in great detail down to minute things is really good considering he had to retire from concussions AND suffering a stroke.
Just really impressive that he still remembers stuff like this compared to some wrestlers who misremember stuff (Like I listened to Booker T talk about his time in TNA and he seems to completely forget about a year of his time there AND how he lost championships there)
Yes! So true. I’m glad Bret is still around but I’m even more glad that he’s well enough to be able to retell all these great stories! It’s like having a grandfather on the front porch telling you stories, when you you could easily have a grandfather incoherent in a hospital bed, not to sound morbid.
If I recall correctly, Bret kept tape diaries.
Before he wrote his book, he went back and listened to all of his tapes.
Just realized I was in the crowd when Bret won his first WWF championship. I was 7 years old.
S0M 0G0 if you just realized this then you’re lying
You were in history
Bretts era was the golden age, at least for me being 43 years young.
Same age as you. Respect!
I've heard this story 1001 times. Wish people would ask him about other things
We all have a complicated relationship with Vince to some extent. He's hurt a lot of people. Done a lot of stupid things. But he's also made a lot of dreams come true for a lot of people and also gave us years and years of entertainment. I just wish Owen would have been treated better.
Bret Hart one of my all time favorites because he's a stand up guy that tells it like it is. I'm praying for you brother. It's good to see you're still around because 2020 has been a weird year. Road Warrior Animal just passed away last week.
Seek Christ while he may be found.
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14
Bret's stories are always so Funny haha
Bret never understood that Vince clearly couldn't stand him and didn't want to deal with him. He says it right here. Vince was happy after he signed. (And if he was the great talent, huge draw, and utter professional that he always claims he was, there's no reason a boss would be happy to see him go)
I think it's mostly for two reasons. One was the 20 year contract Bret had signed and with the WWF being in bad shape financially, Vince may have been relieved to have him off the books. And the other reason was the headache that was the Bret Vs Shawn rivalry. It had come to a point where it seemed one or the other had to leave. Vince chose Shawn because he was younger and because he was more in favor of the content of the attitude era.
Plus Shawn was the better wrestler/entertainer@@GameTime-yj6qv
Omg 🤣
Gotta love the hitman!
The excellence of execution!
Should call himself Bret the "Spitman" Hart 😂
The question was “How was it seeing your boss singing and dancing?” And somehow he got to the screwjob and Shawn 🤣
Please increase the audio levels for these videos. I have to crank the volume up to max and it still isn't anywhere near the DBs of anything else on youtube.
I still just don't get why they just didn't have Undertaker win at Survivor Series instead of Micheals.
Cornette has given some interviews on the topic and he said what it came down to was that Shawn was the WWF’s biggest money maker at that time and that Vince bent over backwards to give Shawn whatever he asked for. And when he didn’t, Shawn behaved like a spoiled brat.
@@scooobydoo27 it's POSSIBLE, but I've also heard that the months of Shawn as a champion were the absolute low financially for WWF in the 90's, sure, WCW started to rival them heavily, but they weren't keeping up
@@KurtAngle89 I wasn’t a fan during that period (though I was during the Hogan vs Andre era) and began watching when I was flipping the channels and saw this bald headed guy flipping the bird to the crowd and had to stop and see what was going on. From what I’ve listened to on other podcasts, the years after Hogan began a steady decline in $ for the WWE and the period right before the Attitude Era was the lowest, with Shawn, Diesel and Brett being the top performers at the time. Of the 3, Shawn was the best draw and sold the most merchandise while Brett was great in the ring, he was never over when he was a babyface and had the biggest contract.
Whatever it was, from the interviews that I’ve listened to, the Kliq had a lot more pull than anyone in the WWE since Hogan and some of them (Shawn) were even more obnoxious than Hogan. As an aside, Cornette has called HHH the “good influence” of the group.
IMHO, this is one of those cases where timing of things just screwed everything up. Imagine if Brett had stayed a little longer in the WWE. Austin and the Rock would become the top babyfaces and McMahon would have no reason to continue to coddle Shawn. And Brett would have made a great heel and perhaps sometimes babyface in feuds with Rock, Austin, and HHH. And how good would a Hart vs Angle match have been? Instead, he made more money in WCW, but Bischoff never understood how to use his talent and spent the money, because Ted let him spend, spend, spend.
@Damien Jones I think Road Warrior Animal is the one that’s on record saying something to that effect.
Bret is a man of principle you have to respect that.
i love seeing bret smile
Bret seems to be at peace, I’m very glad he’s learned to forgive. Really forgiveness is the quickest way to get back at someone when your not even trying.
Being screwed gave him the most publicity he could ever imagine. Also allowed him to write a book to make money.
The best Ther is the best there was and the best there ever will be ..... I’m 35 years old n grew up watching the hitman .... much respect ✊🏽 Bret u sir are a legend
He in my opinion is ten times the wrestling memory that will live on than all the rest even hogan bret is a legend
Bret reminds me of my oldest brother if he was Canadian tough guy, intelligent, and vigor and beyond me just marking out over Bret and his awesome stories of classic wrestling Hogan and Shawn may have drawn my attention but Bret was a man who kept my attention
I love this guy. One of my childhood heros.
It's always best to remember Brett come from a big family and I think he's like the middle child? So when you come from a big family you just have a built-in toughness. So he can absolutely respect the person but hate their actions completely.
Sometimes it comes off as bitter or mean but that's not the case at all. It's just a dry way of talking he's the type of guy that never truly gets super excited about anything.
This was the best WORK since the Kaufman-Lawler feud. 20+ Years later fans are STILL talking about it!!!!!
7:43 when shawn wont drop the belt to bret, shawn had a history of doing that he walked out on a few occasions on the WWF that time. If you see the infamous ladder match with razor ramon with 2 IC belts is one example because he refused to drop the belt before and came back as still champ to fight the current champion Razor.
Everyone's stories change except Bret's
Many wrestlers would come and go but no one will ever replace Bret . End of the story . Hit brets music.
You know what version I believe? It doesn't matter what you believe
- The Rock
Between him and Undertaker, just such down to earth badass guys
I'm from Dublin Ireland and when I was a kid OWEN and BRET where my Guy's was so sad when he left because I did not get W,C,W here in IRELAND
You didn't miss anything unfortunately. Had the hottest star and fell completely flat as a plate of piss with him
I'm from Dublin myself they showed wcw on that channel bravo on sky digital every Friday evening
I love this man seriously!.❤
Pretty much stopped watching WWF/WWE when Bret left and have never rekindled my taste for it since, Vince McMahon is a sociopath, how many lives have been ruined by his company, disgraceful when you look at the workload, lack of care and facilitation of all kinds of abuses. Bret will always be one of my heroes and deserves all the plaudits and respect in the world.
Jacko same with me. I lost love for wrestling when the screjib happened. And have never got back into it. I did try to. Because I liked stone cold. But I just didn't get the thrill out of it again. Which is a shame as wwf back then is part of my childhood.
Vince is a good example of someone who thinks you don't have to follow ethics to be a good businessperson. He's made billions of the company and has done incredible things for the world of wrestling, but he made a lot of enemies doing it
"The Excellence of Execution." Bret Hart love the business, a great technical wrestler. He really was very dedicated to the craft. An all time great. Godbless Idol Hitman Bret Hart.
When Vince could have kept Bret it baffles me why he didn’t, Shawn was a headache Bret was a company man.
Bret salary is high and wwf at that time cant afford his salary. so thats why vince let him go
@@azizulhakimtimin4871 that was a BS excuse even at the time. It was more that Vince didn’t want to share that amount of money that he’d agreed to give Bret.
@@Bobbywoodhogan Vince want a new star for his company and Shawn is the guy he see can carried the company to new era not bret. one more thing, Bret and Shawn cant co exist together anymore..u have to pick only one of them and its shawn, tbh its prove to be right on long run. 2 top guy with huge ego will be a disaster for any company.
The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be - #Hitman #Legend
Sounds to me, looking back at it, that Vince told him all that about losing to Shawn numerous times just to get him to sign with wcw because if you look at what followed after Montreal, Shawn was gone after mania some 5 months later cause of his back.
If Bret had stayed, he would've been feuding with McMahon and/or Austin after that.
Watch the documentary "Wrestling With Shadows" and see the truth.
I respect the hell out of this guy.
where can you find this whole interview....
Cool! I am reading his book at this time....
Shawn was yelling at Vince after the screw job match for screwing Bret, so in a way he was saying “you didn’t have to do that Vince it wasn’t supposed to be like this”
Why do people not ask bret about his match with Razor Ramon on ppv for the heavyweight title? I thought it was a good match
I agree and there match at king of the ring was good
Thank You Bret...
I love Bret very much! 😍😍😍😍
Shawn is and always was a snake. I have mixed feelings about Bret but always respected his work in the ring. Shawn was great in the ring when he wanted to be and only a few were better in those cases. Shawn's politicking and the whole clique aspect was juvenile and was often meant to hurt others and take food off adversaries' table. I will take the side against Shawn in almost every case including the screwjob. We know damn well that Shawn loved Bret getting screwed.
Man from nearly everything I’ve heard 90s Shawn was completely different to Shawn when he returned
@@FLAMEOHOTMAN15 That's probaly because he got what he wanted in screwing Bret Hart.
You're absolutely spot on it with that analysis imo.
I agree. Shawn to this day sounds like the most insincere pos and Bret always comes off as brutally honest. And I would always prefer an honest prick than a phony.
Shawn had great matches as well but it’s crazy how much better brets matches have aged compared to shawns
Listening to Bret Hart how can you not like this guy I mean I've heard him tell his story plenty of times his version of what happened with the Montreal screwdrive and it has been consistent since day one and I think it even takes a bigger person to accept and forgive
Easy, because it is always the same story of him pissing and moaning and never ever taking responsibility for his actions and why he was at fault for what unfolded. Bret screwed Bret and he deserved what happened to him.
Happy Birthday to the Hitman Bret Hart !!!!
What does HHH have to do with the Screw job? He was Shawns bag boy then, no way is he telling vince to screw Bret. That was a Vince decision by himself, no one else. I like Bret as a wrestler, one of the best ever to be in the ring. But he's so bitter about things and can't let things go. Saying "me and Shawn tried to bury the hatchet, though i dunno how genuine it was on his part." Seems like it wasn't all the genuine on your part either. A decade later you're still bitter about it.
The best of best. I Iove you who is best wrestwsler bret hart hit man 더 베스트 오브 베스트^^^♡
Bret is class through and through. Great wrestler Great person and a Great story teller inside and outside the ring.
Bret Hart one of the greatest of all time. He definitely always worked so hard and did so well
He’s looking and sounding a lot better than in previous years. Obviously he had the stroke. But, he seems like he’s himself fully again
The best there is. The best there was. The best there ever was. Childhood hero. I wish he would have kept his Podcast going with his sons. The 10/15 Episodes , actually more were awesome, just too controversial !!
It’s Funny to me, I grew up in western canada... I watched stampede wrestling every week... I met Owen Hart and talked to him for an hour! So anyways, I of course know stu hart’s voice well - he’d still appear on Stampede now and then to do an interview.....but most young fans - or even older fans from other parts of the world would really only know him from impressions!
The Name And Face Of WWF New Generation Era!
I guess Corny's Stu Hart impression is pretty good if it sounds like Bret's.
Brets side of the story had never changed, each retelling is consistanf with the previous telling
Two things I never understood about the screw job. One, why the hell didn't Vince pull the belt off Bret before he told him in late September that he couldn't pay Bret his contract and that Bret should go ahead and sign with WCW. WWE had the One Night Only PPV in England on September 20, 1997. Vince told Bret that he couldn't pay his contract on September 25, 1997. 100% Vince should have had Bret drop the belt back to Taker (or someone else) at the One Night Only PPV. Problem solved and the screwjob never happens. Second, Bret has said, and WWE doesn't deny this, that he offered to drop the belt to anyone else. So why not have Bret drop it to whoever and then if WWE was insistent on having the belt on Shawn, have that person drop it to Shawn a week/month later. I never got that.
Bret was a popular draw for Vince and part of it was that Vince was trying to do whatever he could to keep Bret but with a lower paying contract as well, so keeping the title on him would have helped try to convince Bret to stay.
Does anyone know why the Bret had to drop to HBK?
Vince sure didn't have any respect for "Nailz" when he stood up to him.
Nailz immediately called the cops then cried "rape"!
There’s a difference between standing up for yourself because you disagree on a payday and cornering a guy in a room and choking him. Also, if you saw his work and what he brought to the table, considering what Nailz was purportedly paid, he should’ve come back to give Vince his change
Vince is a bully. Just like all bullies when they’re defeated, they wilt.
Vince owns a billion dollar company. Whether you agree with him or not, its his company.
sc12100 it’s not a fact of whether or not I agree with how he runs his business. It is his behavior as being a person in a place of power. He has a pretty well documented pattern of abusive behavior toward his employees (and they are employees not independent contractors).
I totally agree every word Bret is saying. Period.
Brets impression of his dad cracks.
I never understood why the rest of the Hart family distanced themselves from Owen Hart's family, including Bret.
Probably because it was the other way around.
Learn about Martha
Its cuz of martha
because wrestling killed owen and the hart family are wrestlers, so i guess it brings pain
Because most of the Hart Family are conniving pieces of trash.They even tried to use Owen's death to get jobs with Mcmahon
Bret sounds just like his dad when he did that impression of him.
Brett always thinks that he is the right one though and never wrong.
Because he is telling the truth. It isn’t what he thinks, it’s what actually happened
The Harts the most inspirational wrestling family ever each with a gold heart and loved by everyone world wide.
The mic levels could have been better.
The best that was, the best that is, AND THE BEST THAT WILL EVER BE✊✊✊👍👍👍
Bret (whom i love) never wants to toot his own horn...but, TOOT TOOT
Bret is great, but he's a bit too self obsessed
tripple H probably talked in vinces ear to get brett off to get his boy shawn to the top
Triple H screwed himself with the curtain call so they went with Brett and Austin.
Funny thing is 6 months after the screw job HBK had retired with a back back and wouldnt be seen again until 2002. If Bret had stayed think of the matches we could of had. Bret vs Rock, Bret vs Jericho, Bret vs Eddie, Bret vs Brock, Bret vs Austin, Bret vs HHH and of course Bret vs Vince.
Yea I never thought of that
Vs Benoit, vs Regal, vs ANGLE.
Vince bet on the wrong horse, but it didn’t matter because he had Dwayne and Steve.
I love hearing the stories about stu and his reactions to modern wrestling. I just wish there were more.
Bret Hart was always my favourite wrestler but I don’t think I could have had anything to do with WWE if I believed they where responsible for my brothers death...
Brett will go to the grave with the pain of what Vince and Shawn did to him gheesh 😔😔😔
bret drinking a beer.. nice
he has such a good work ethic about his character and persona and doing the job that he was hired to do
The problem that I have was it was clear that something is going to happen and for me if I'm not even under contract with a company at all why would want to do the stupid pay per view because they want me to do this why in the world why stay I could just give the belt and that's it I don't give need to be on television no raw nothing give him their belt and I go to WCW and that's not what he did because he has this strong work ethic
He's got a "work" ethic, all right. He displayed it in Montreal and ever since Montreal.
The Best they ever did it.. Whe learn what wrestling is from these guy! After the Screw Job World Wrestling Federation sucks.. After Bret Hart wrestling looks soooii fake... Long live the 90's and the Hart Foundation
no it didn't
Yes it did
I’m completely convinced that “the screw job” was and still is a work and that the whole thing was Bret’s idea
Man what a legend
Bro it’s crazy when you’re so good at what you do, that you’re almost too professional. I understand where Bret comes from because he absolutely loved what he did as I do. It brings massive amounts of jealousy from people who are great but wish they had the generosity that you have for what you do. You cant tame a genuine heart and they wanted him out because of it. He wasn’t with the skinamax wrestling shit and he got pushed out because of that and because he was so professional.
By spitting on vince and knocking him out backstage, he pushed vince over the edge.