Prima Donnas and prepetual victims like Jeremy Vine are attracted to cycling as top of the vulnerable user heriarchy (pedestrians don't count to cyclists). Being more manouverable than cars and able to sneak up on them via filtering, lots of opportunities for drama for their tiktok videos..
@@CristiNeagu. I know, one of the disadvantages of dash cams and there cycling equivalents is it does tend to create entitled pricks. Minor errors or even major ones which could be made non events are instead driven or ridden into with no regard to your own safety or that of others.
At least if me and Jeremy vine are being chased by a bear I won't have to go far to escape, he'll more than likely try confronting the bear about his self perceived priority
He'd cycle into the bear's path and scream that he had priority then become a bear snack to the delight of road users throughout the world including cyclists.
I've started cycling to work recently and it's amazing how quickly I feel I've settled into it. I think there's a real epidemic of "gotta get in front" cyclists from what I've seen. I tend to ride in a similar way to how I drive, with the same anticipation and forward thinking of what people might do. I find if you're courteous and thankful to other road users you get that respect back. It amazes me some of the situations other cyclists get themselves into in the name of getting in front of one more car just to stop at a red light, if they even bother stopping
But how would he have got all his likes if he had just kept cycling and missed the car entirely? The car driver was a knob, but JV is doing as much as he can to dramatise everything.
He's not a commuter he's a 'Content creator'. Like many others out there, they're monetising their ride by creating drama, just so they can film it upload it and feed their youtube channel. He's not doing it to instruct, raise awareness or help others, he's just doing it to make himself feel important.
It was amusing in the comments where he said his shouting stopped a collision but refused to answer questions about how continuing on would have prevented the entire after show, including my own that said the driver had expected Jeremy to carry on but instead stopped. The driver should’ve been more aware that Jeremy had stopped and looked target fixated into the turn more than observations…in my opinion. I find the petrosexual comment rather insulting and a form of jealousy, very similar to cyclists being called out for having expensive equipment. A personalised plate can mean so many things other than being into cars…a business for example or supporting your favourite sports team (lots of RAM plates near me for Derby supporters) There was another incident this week with his riding partner for the day who stopped behind a van with the reversing light on and of course, drivers fault completely and not the person stopping behind the van 🤷🏻♂️ I agree there are bad road users out there and some need to be highlighted. This was made into so much more than it was purely for Twitter clicks and further attempts to drive a wedge between vehicles and cycles rather than doing more to improve awareness and sharing the road space safely
I'm disagreeing on personal number plates. In my experience they are a good indicator of drivers who may behave recklessly, or dangerously to other road users, regardless of the reason - like lack SUVs, 10-year old or brand new Audis, and so on. They are a badge of the attention-seeker or the driver with a need to self-justify. There may be some personalised number plate users who have good reasons and work well, but from outside we have to judge them by the 'average' behaviour. In my neck of the woods I have particular problems around these types of vehicles trying to overtake unsafely through the proliferation of badly designed pinch points.
@@mattwardman It certainly used to be that way for me but I find now that the personalised plate isn’t that bad unless it is also customised…that it things like embossed lettering with bad spacing. Things like “MR5 9 LET” or “NA51ER M” always ring alarm bells more than “M1 TEL” for example, especially when they are on black backbround plates or non standard reflective plates 😉 Understand where you are coming from though and in reality I trust nobody on the roads, just a few others I trust less 😁
How many other of Ashley's viewers were shouting DON'T as J V rode towards the inside the Lexus. Clear to us all that the driver was going to do something. So off J V goes into the danger area increasing risk by entering C pillar blind spots. Clearly the Lexus driver made a mistake but it could have been made a non-event by J V holding back. By holding back JV would been on is his way in less time than he used confronting the driver.
By now, it's obvious. Jeremy is actively searching for conflict. He's quite possibly addicted to social media engagement. Sure, that was some poor calls and observations from the driver of the Lexus. And Jeremy does deserve some credit for the horn (did he spot the indicator coming on?). But stopping in front of the Lexus does nothing to help anyone, apart from Jeremy getting a moment on camera for self-promotion online.
Do you cycle a lot? You can't completely focus on indicators for the full journey because you've got to focus on avoiding potholes, debris, drains and people dooring you. If you fix your eyes on indicators right until you've passed the car, you'd never survive a full journey.
@@glenn1534 obviously only for that particular moment of going around the wrong side of a car. The survey for potholes and other potential hazards is done before then.
@glenn1534 did you see any potholes or anything that could have caused an issue at this junction? No,me neither. I did see acar stopped in an area marked "KEEP CLEAR" that started to indicate a left turn before the gallant Mr Vine (I don't want to end up like a certain former footballer) rode past on its left and like our OP I too would be focusing on the silver car and 8ts indicators long before reaching it.
@@neiloflongbeck5705 you say that after watching the video and knowing exactly what happens. It's easy to say what you think he should have done after the event. Cyclists constantly have to look out for things in the road, as well as other dangers. It only takes a slight change in terrain for you to go over your handlebars. There's no way you'd be expecting a driver to be watching the indicators on that car until the last minute, so why do you expect it of a cyclist?
The music, and I use the term loosely, that accompanies the clip is all I need to see/hear. It's a piece intended to sensationalise. If he's not very careful, one day he's going to be front page news, and he'll be drinking his food through a straw. Yes, the Lexus driver was pretty clueless, but ultimately, she did stop and nothing happened until yer man decided to make it happen. On a dashcam channel, he'd be called a dashcam warrior - just someone out for footage, who makes things far worse than they need be.
One thing I commented on originally was the fact that if Jeremy had continued then there would have been no issue and the driver would’ve happily continued the turn behind him I notice rewatching today that the driver appears to be focussing on the road they are turning into rather than making sure the cyclist had in fact cleared (something they expected him to do I strongly suspect) So once again, similar to quite a few other videos, in an attempt to confront a driver he has in fact made the situation more dangerous for himself than the original error by the driver…who in my opinion on this occasion had seen Jeremy and waited for him to go passed, all be it while moving slowly There was a recent video where he claimed a taxi close passed him but it was difficult to tell how close due to his “editing” ability. He moved the 360 camera position continuously throughout the footage and it ended up above his head at the point of the pass, resulting in a heavily distortedimage where his head was the largest thing in the image going from the pavement into the taxi…I now think that was a subconscious metaphore for how large his head gets with the sympathy messages from incidents of his own making
@@smilerbob Good analysis. As you suggest, the only thing bigger than his head is his massive ego. It won't cushion him on the day it all goes wrong though.
Driver should've used their mirrors before turning (and shouldn't stop in a Keep Clear area), but Jeremy should've paid attention to the car's turn signal (not easy to see in the video due to the resolution, but still visible). But Jeremy gets his content, so all's well.
The thing I would not give him flack for is missing the signal or not altering the plan after seeing it. It's quite near to the moment he first starts overlapping, at the very edge of being able to react to it. But he's not necesarily obliged to react to it more than the toot, he'd still got priority. There was not enough time to alter the plan to pass on the right safely, so the fact that he proceeds is not weird.
I have to say the most frustrating design issues, or faults I’d rather say, are tiny indicators in the middle of a full size Ford rear lens, a 23 or 24 plate car, and daytime running lights ( I believe) on some new cars under control of the driver that when failure to switch to side lights or main Beam when dark leaves the vehicle unlit at the rear, so, lights on front, none on rear unless side lights employed.
They will have not expected a bicycle to filter and sneak up on them. They might have looked when Vine wasn't visible. even if in plain sight, you won't see what you not looking for, why do youthink there was an advert THINK BIKE. As an example, on a wide deserted street at night, have been surprised by the occasional pedestrain cross behind me as I passed. Did not see them beforehand as was not expecting them . Now I look for them.
@@RenAiguThat was the *third* thing Vine missed though! The vehicle *before* that was also indicating left, and he undertook that. And the vehicle *before that* was an incredibly tight squeeze that the vehicle would have had to wander left by only millimetres left to squeeze the bike. That was literally Vine’s third dangerous move inside two seconds. Man’s a lunatic. I didn’t know he was infamous for this sort of stuff, but I do now.
I would like to call Vine exactly what he is, but he might a. Start crying in front of a judge b. Sue me. Truly nauseating person who is the epitome of an entitled lefty
One thing is clear from the way this is edited and the terms used, Jeremy is doing everything he can to exacerbate the "Us vs Them" mentality of both motorists and cyclists. I know that the overwhelming majority of all people do not look down on others for thier choice of transportation. This is why I do not employ terms like "pedalphile" as easily as Jeremy employs the term "petrolsexual".
I drive cars, and ride motorbikes at an advanced level , bicycles and currently a recumbent trike, at one time even drove 2000 miles on a rod legal mobility scooter . Have very few issues with car drivers, infact ,constantly assess their driving and find them very considerate, a bit too carefull though, and know exactly what they are doing behind me due to mirrors. It is not what mode of trasnport you use but how you ride or drive that matters including how considerate you are to other road users that matters, which is reciprocated.
Jeremy wasn't the best here, I get it, another decent opportunity to call him out, that is fair. A few points in his defence this time though 1. A car turning into the right hand side of a two lane road is a lot less expected. 2. Drivers from Kensington have a reputation for a reason, they do not like cyclists there. 3. "Sorry mate I didn't see you" wave vs "Hands up if you need lessons" carry a very similar tone. I know you say one having an anti-driver sentiment makes it different, but I think this is more of a rationalisation. If you are against Jeremy making fun of drivers doing this then recognise the flaw and stop doing it yourself.
Saw a video of JV recently where he challenged himself to a short test of the theory test, he did pretty poorly and made himself look absolutely stupid... Any wonder these things keep happening to him!
Vine seems completely insufferable, and in the few clips I've seen (mostly via this channel) he's always trying to make situations worse as a means of reprimanding poor driving. I'm glad I don't consume any of the media he headlines.
At work, we'll listen to Radio 2 just to have something on in the background. Jeremy is almost always insufferable to the point where I just tune him out at this point. His idea of good debate is often to get the two most conflicting views to a topic. He then gets people calling in where he will put words in their mouth and will regularly counter their points with arguments that are utterly insane and that no one is saying.
0:27 the car wasn't moving, had gone way further forward than you'd expect someone turning left to go, it would be very reasonable to expect it would be safe to pass them, especially since they should be giving way and looking where they're going.
No, no, no. People who have stopped in the wrong places, at wrong angles like this woman did are _exactly_ the people you should be expecting to do something strange and unpredictable. Most drivers give off a lot of cues as to what they're going to do, where they're heading and so on and are eminently predictable. The ones who make you go "What _are_ they up to?" are the ones who are unpredictable and one needs to be super cautious around.
@@flemit35 Assumptions are one of the things that they paint the top of slippery slopes with. Making an assumption that another road user is going to do the right thing, and acting on it, is, I find, a quick way to get into trouble.
He cut out the bit that followed. I am guesing that she got out and they had a handbag fight, he got owned and she made him eat his underpants. He ommited the footage as embarassed.
I'm not too sure why naming the "SMIDSY wave" is worse than the "hands up if you need lessons" snarks that Ashley commonly makes in his videos, which is after all highlighting the very same phenomenon.
@@AshleyNeal-JustCycling So, it's ok for motorists to make such comments, but cyclists are expected to suffer in silence? That strikes me as bit of a double standard. Also, I'd like to point out that drivers are in no imminent danger of becoming a hated minority outgroup, the way cyclists are, so anti-driver rhetoric (if that's what this even was, rather than just anti-*bad*-driver) simply doesn't have the same negative impact that anti-cyclist rhetoric does.
The thing i find fascinating is that you could clear up all these filtering incidents very easily by simply not allowing cyclists to filter down the left at junctions. But no-one seems willing to contemplate that idea.
You're right. Likewise the incidents could be avoided by banning cars from the roads. But another option is to demand competency from all road users so the highway can be used effectively for its intended purpose.
Technically its not against the law but passing at any junction is not advisable. Cars filter down the left lane at junctions in queuing traffic and get in to similar conflicts too. I have often been shouted at or had attempts at blocking me by drivers sitting in queues for passing on the offside - I can only they don't like the "dominant" position. Cyclists can't win.
When I first got a dash cam many, many years ago, I suffered from dashcamitis…it is a well known condition where the dash cammer is always in the right even when doing the wrong thing. Luckily that didn’t last long for me and I soon realised that having a dash cam isn’t going to save you from others doing wrong, only I can save me from that Unfortunately for some, dashcamitis also increases the feeling of self importance and invincibility and those people can never see wrong in their own actions, only fault from others and the gratification that comes from showing the world how they have been wronged. As I have said elsewhere, the car driver shouldn’t have continued going forward once Jeremy had stopped but I honestly believe they expected him to continue passed. It didn’t help that the driver didn’t look as they were checking the road they were turning into but even more reason to not confront everyone and attempt to make a scene for social media clicks
He does see to put himself in the daftest of positions. Personally I would not have 'filtered' down such a narrow strip at the start of the footage, never mind what followed. Oh well.
That car was clearly positioned to the left so I would of passed it on the outside not the inside... But he wants footage so he puts himself in danger to get it.. funny though how he can close pass cars and put himself in bad positions but its everybody else's fault, never his..
Not a crap cyclist. Every incident is intentional. He can spot potential drama and content for his channel a mile off. Now if he put his observational skills to good use, could be an excelent cyclist like Ashley wants to be.
It did indicate left but way too late for anyone to reasonable stop in time and the onus is on the car changing lane to mirror, signal, maneovre (of however you spell that stupid french word!!!). The lexus clearly didn't check the mirror and just signalled and went for it. I would have probably gone to the right of the silver car... But mostly because they looked distracted and I would have suspected them of being on their phone and you get better views from the driver side :D I think Ashley does a good job on road safety but he puts way way too much onus on the other drivers to avoid the idiot to the extent that it sometimes feels the fault lies not with the person that causes the accident but the innocent drivers that get caught up in the incident due to an inability to predict the future and prevent the accident caused by the other person having repercussions. Clearly it's good to plan for people being idiots but fault still lies with the person that creates an accident. It would be like saying in the Rust incident the armourer wasn't at fault and the cinematographer should have ducked? Okay, perhaps too soon.....
The driver was indicating left as Jeremy was going passed the coach, the signal was then cancelled before being applied once more Combine that with the position and the gap…some alarm bells should be ringing about filtering on the right and not the left IMO
@@JustSomeVideos0 I question whether the signal was too late, rather Vine was a tad too inattentive or aggressive in wanting to get past. He could easily have avoided the incident. I would have.?
But doing the sensible thing and holding back would have meant Vine had nothing to post so would have defeated the object. He is IMO just an annoying self appointed narcissist.
Q: if when a motor vehicle passes a pedal cycle there is a requirement to leave 1.5m gap (or 2m at high speeds), and this is vital for safety.. why do cyclists feel the need to "filter" through much narrower gaps?
As someone who recently won a court case after being called a "bike nonce" on social media, you'd think he'd know better than to insult others. He's a bellend - and he can sue me if he wants!!
As soon as I saw that vehicle straddling lanes in a 'Keep Clear' section, I'd have stayed well away. Probably dismounted and walked up, my first thought would be that there was some obstruction blocking their way. Stuffing yourself into congestion isn't a solution for anything.
Many things I would not do that Jeremy does but TBH Ash, anyone can analyse footage after the fact. I bet you I could the same of your driving let alone your sissy cycling.
The silver car driver was clueless and wrong. They are turning left into the oncoming lane of the side road. It looks like she changed her mind and instead of going straight, decided to turn left, even though she’d gone past the turn.
@@glenn1534At the angle she was at, the wing mirrors would not have seen JV. Hence turning very slowly and looking very shoulder. Hadn’t allowed for fast cyclist looking for trouble.
@@tomburton8239 She's in a city with a lot of cyclists. If there's a blind spot and she's making a maneuver without indicating, she should at least take a look over her shoulder to check she's not going to hit anyone.
I think one needs to be more observant of everything around them especially when unsure of where they are and one needs to stop being eager for clickbait after the correction has been made and an apology given
The car had passed point where she should have turned. She was at the same level of bad driving as those who cut the turning when turning right or cross the hatched area when turning off a motorway or cut across lanes on a roundabout. All three are as dangerous. If you have missed your turning go on and find a different route. That car must have a built in Sat Nav so no excuse for not being able to find an alternative route.
He seems to have a real knack for putting himself in the way of motor vehicles (either in front or behind) and then stopping, just waiting to get run over…
An example of how much of a plonker JV is. Sorry JV, but it's true. Another incident where after dealing with the initial issue, he could have just carried on, got out of that drivers' way and made it a non-incident and gone about the remainder of his journey. There was absolutely no need for all the stupid other aspects to the video - it was only for clicks and attention because he is acting like a self-entitled (beep).
The car has stopped in a keep clear box. No indication of turning left. Turns after the preemptive horn sound. No awareness of a cyclist on the left. Easily should’ve been seen in the left mirror.
In his video it shows him or at least the the camera looking at the indicator so he continued to approach the car on the left. He fabricated the whole incident by being unaware of his surroundings
The thing about these Jeremy Vine videos, they often have a valid message but unfortunately because of the way the videos are edited with unnecessary graphics, messages and drama queen reactions the important messages are lost. I agree with Ashley that the large space in front of the car should ring alarm bells, add in the road on the left... I don't know what was going on with the messages about the lady driver at the end, almost certainly had nothing to do with the incident I suspect.
My step dad said to me years ago, pain is a good teacher. I learned the hard way when i was 19, filtered through traffic on my motorbike, got hit side on and leg broken. Since then i have been super aware of risk in city conditions, pain was a good teacher to me. Going back to Jeremy's van incident clip where the van backed into him after going the wrong way and JV went into its blind spot, you would think he would learn not to enter risk with pain being a good teacher. Maybe these days they make better idiots than years ago when my step dad told me that phrase lol And i am pretty confident he has edited that to be in his favour, if the words said were in his favour he would leave them in and not edit them out.
I don’t understand why he continued seeing that silver car just hanging out there like that to filter on the inside with a junction there, with it being more over to the left just filter on the right were the driver is sat, give a quick beep of the horn to get drivers attention and country with caution. They way he stopped like the purpose of the camera is to get footage of issues, I just bought a cam mainly so i can analyze my own riding and any issues was there something that I can do better next time.
Considering he has just successfully sued someone for calling him a bike nonce, calling random people petrosexuals seems like a bit of an asshole move.
@AshleyNeal-JustCycling exactly, he has raised the issue of calling people names and them done the same to somebody else. It's risky, and not something I ever intend to do!
In this case they are as bad as each other. The driver should have checked mirrors and given way to the cyclist as per the new rules of the Highway code. Jeremy should have continued his journey. He nearly made It a non-event but couldn't resist making it an event. I do think drivers should have to pass a theory test periodically to keep their licence so they have to re read the Highway code and any changes as well as reinforcing the rules they already know
I don't see any problems with the SMIDSY label - it's a term in use amongst motorcycle trainers for around 20 years which has been adopted by cyclists. If it has suddenly become 'unacceptable' I'd tend to read that as indicating a prejudice rather than a problem with the term itself. There's even a RUclips video by a Motorcycle Trainer from 2008 called "Crash Course - The SMIDSY". He even identifies a "look at me" manoeuvre called SIAM (SMIDSY Identification and Avoidance Manoeuvre" or SMIDSY Weave. Way back in 2004, the DFT had a research project around what they call "Look But Did Not See" accidents. SMIDSY seems better. My view is that the best mitigation for this is 1 - Better driver training / continuing education, and 2 - Presumed Liability in Civil cases.
At 3:26 we can see the Lexus disappearing down the side road Kensington Court. So it seems that, just before the JV encounter, she was pausing before turning left. Any competent cyclist would have spotted this, and held back. BUT not JV: he’s in the business of looking for incidents, amplifying any opportunity, and shouting about it.
Aside from the fact that Jeremy rode here in a way that made things worse, i think you're unfair to criticise his stereotyping of the driver based on their car and their wave given how often you stereotype Audi drivers and make the "hands up if you need lessons" joke (both of which are fine by me)
I have to disagree with you slightly on this one Ashley. I don't think you can anticipate that someone who has gone past the turning is going to turn into on-coming traffic abruptly. However, I am really enjoying your videos, keep it up! :)
A word that Mr. Vine has tried to make up as a slur, but he unfortunately doesn't have the education to realise that it would suggest someone who is sexually attracted to rocks. What can you expect from someone who works in television, a misbegotten word that's "Half Greek and half Latin". The word he's looking for, if he must invent one, is oleosexual, the oleo- prefix meaning related to oil.
He has more incidents than I've had hot dinners. The car was in a strange place compared to all the other traffic. First question is why and do I need to be aware of them more. I would trust my 6 year old nice more on the road than I do Jeremy. He all about creating problems rarther than fix him. It's nothing to do with car vs bike nonsense
Ashley seems to be projecting some omniscience that he probably wouldn't have had if he was in this same situation. The car was not in a position to turn, it was in the wrong position, facing the wrong lane. While there is always some inherent degree of uncertainty, the fact is that cars are often in positions like this and never decide to flick on the indicator and turn just as the cyclist is going past.
The car was signalling so the cycle warrior should have held back and not think "I have right of way therefore I will proceed and put my life in danger for clicks"
Cyclist failed to anticipate the potential risk from the silver car which potentially appeared to be ‘dithering or lost’. The silver car indicated just before the cyclist undertook; the cyclist should have anticipated this appeared not to. The cyclist chose to ignore the indication and still continued, thus placing himself in danger. Neither were exemplary, although the cyclist was willing to broadcast his own failings on RUclips.
Jeremy Vine clearly loves these little incidents, but this is the driving that should be given drivers a bad name if we're intent on generalizations. To stop in the keep clear at a junction, figure out where you're going and then abruptly turn using the wrong side of the road is the danger in this clip and all too common. It's even the classic 'incidcate as I turn' approach... That all said, I don't like Vine's approach to any of this and would like his video editing software to be uninstalled.
As for the video there were errors made by the driver and JV could have just made it a non event and carried on but just wanted to feed his ego. I agree with Ashley about this clip
Just Vine looking for content as usual, his followers will no doubt be keyboard bashing in support of him, little did he realise it’s provided content for our favourite roads analyst who actually knows what he’s talking about.
I normally stay off this type of video, as the comments turn into a bear-pit, but I can give you a bit of background here. Kensington & Chelsea is a notorious black hole in decent quality mobility infrastructure in London - they have refused to have "Cycling Superhighways" in the Borough, so people travelling safely suddenly get dumped back into the 1990s when they enter K&C. IMO It's like a 3rd World Gin Palace district inserted into London. On Kensington High Street a semi-protected mobility lane carrying ~3000 people per day was taken out "to reduce congestion", replaced 2 years later by advisory painted lanes, which are now occupied by illegally parked cars and the traffic and the cyclists are forced into a single lane as we see here; this undermines safety for no benefit. The replacement "scheme" is nowhere near prescribed quality standards. The solution to this will either be for K&C to start taking road safety seriously, or for Kensington High Street to become a TFL controlled route. On the stereotypes "Kensington driver" seems OK to me, as the place is full of rich visitors, expats and diplomats who are used to LH driving and behave as if they are entitled to do whatever they like in their oversized motors. " Not sure about "petrosexual" here; I'd more associate that with footy-motor-flag types on twitter defending lawbreakers, who I call "Pfaffers" - the kind who are drive-by abusers or who say people who cannot dismount and walk should not be allowed to cycle. Yes, there is a similar randomly-confrontational tendency in some parts of the cycle-lobby, which I work to undermine. In my experience I find personalised number plates to be another red flag to identify wrapped-up-in-a-bubble driver alongside SUVs, Audi, dark windows, Dukes of Hazzard exhaust, ok-at-me low profile tyres and so on. Nigel Havers is an old school ignorant self-admitted hater of cyclists, who lives in K&C + Wiltshire, often quoted in places like the Mail, Telegraph & Spectator saying things like "all cyclists go through red lights; no motorists do" and 'cyclists don't pay for roads'. After being caught drink-driving home from the pub decades ago he maintained it was acceptable behaviour and 'I felt victimised by the police'" - which imo sums up the man. I'm relatively relaxed about brief confrontations where it can be done safely; in the absence of continuing education for drivers and higher standards someone has to start the job of addressing reckless driving. It is also necessary imo to keep these questions on the public agenda; if we don't they will just be unaddressed. When we get our traffic police back to 2000 levels, and government addressing road safety, I may adjust my view. Opinions are, of course, my own. The data I quote is sound.
Got to be honest the clues of a left turn ( or something odd ) coming up are everywhere , how could you not see them. or is a case i know something is about to happen so i will make it into publicity for me. I will go with the latter. I feel sorry for those that share the road with him.
wow, 100% victim blaming here. The car is stationary in an area where it should not have stopped, no indication until vine starts to filter on the inside, which is legal. Then, the silver car does one indication and starts to move. (Here you should listen to your own advice about indicating does not give you the right to make the manoeuvre), vine then gives a warning toot so as to make the silver car driver aware that the cyclist is there, after all the car (previously at standstill) now starts to move across the line of direction of the cyclist (you comments here normally refer to change of lane, change of direction etc). The inattentive driver never the less, moves off and into the cyclist, having not checked, only indicated once, and ignored a toot. The driver did not stop until vine had stopped. Now I agree that vine should have carried on, the rest is on vine. But stop the victim blaming, vine did nothing wrong but stop after a close call, personally I would have stopped further up to make sure I got the plate of the idiot driver.
As a cyclist, I would advise, don't pass on a junction like that. However, its such a low speed incident to be completely unmemorable. To make such a long video out of it with so much post production is ridiculous. If this is the worst you have to deal with as a cyclist you should be thankful.
Jeremy Vine brake checks a turning Lexus for no reason other than to make a clip to share on social media. We can see the front of the car while it's zoomed in, and then the car moves forwards and turns before stopping "2mm" away from his rear pannier because he's stopped in the way for no reason, as we see when the camera is panned back around to look at Jeremy and he's facing right for no reason and there's literally nothing in the road that would have caused him to stop.
I mean they are past their side of the junction turning onto the wrong side of the road flashing their indicators 1/2 a cycle and didn't have their wheels turned
Vine seems to want to create some mickey mouse entertainment for adults?? Very bizarre. I see 5 year olds cycling with better observation and reaction.
Ahh, those Kensington based, personalised numberplate clad Lexus drivers. I find myself cursing at them all the time. Especially up here in Northumberland.
I don't know what's more nauseating, Jeremy Vine's riding or his editing.
Just Jeremy.
Trying to be down with the kids with the edge music.
it is almost brain rot 😂
Why not both?
Everything about Vine is nauseating.
It's Jeremy Vine. He's never been known to let any situation continue when he can deliberately make it worse.
He does like picking on women
What is Vines problem with cyclists that he is so intent on giving us a bad name?
Prima Donnas and prepetual victims like Jeremy Vine are attracted to cycling as top of the vulnerable user heriarchy (pedestrians don't count to cyclists). Being more manouverable than cars and able to sneak up on them via filtering, lots of opportunities for drama for their tiktok videos..
It's not just him. You need to realise that there's a lot of cyclists who like his attitude. That agree with the crap he pulls in traffic.
@@CristiNeagu. I know, one of the disadvantages of dash cams and there cycling equivalents is it does tend to create entitled pricks. Minor errors or even major ones which could be made non events are instead driven or ridden into with no regard to your own safety or that of others.
A non event turned into a mini series, about time he grew up ....
At least if me and Jeremy vine are being chased by a bear I won't have to go far to escape, he'll more than likely try confronting the bear about his self perceived priority
He'd cycle into the bear's path and scream that he had priority then become a bear snack to the delight of road users throughout the world including cyclists.
@@DemiGod.. haha yeah he definitely would
I've started cycling to work recently and it's amazing how quickly I feel I've settled into it. I think there's a real epidemic of "gotta get in front" cyclists from what I've seen. I tend to ride in a similar way to how I drive, with the same anticipation and forward thinking of what people might do. I find if you're courteous and thankful to other road users you get that respect back. It amazes me some of the situations other cyclists get themselves into in the name of getting in front of one more car just to stop at a red light, if they even bother stopping
Creative editing does not paint the full picture.....
What does he NOT want us to see?
Leaving it there.
Jeremy Vine is the equivalent of a footballer dramatically falling down during a tackle in order to be awarded a sympathetic penalty.
Brilliantly put mate lmao
Nailed it fella,Bravo.
What a HUGE BELL END! the Police need to speak to this PRATT on a bicycle!
Vine is such a plant pot.
His overblown editing certainly withers on the vine for me.
Haha, I love this
OK thats insta added to my insult lexicon! ... You absolute plant pot ... love it !
poor jeremy had to try for quite some time before he managed to manufacture a close call.
“Oh no, someone endangering my life! Let me sit in front of them instead of avoid it!”
Self-preservation clearly isn’t a thing.
But how would he have got all his likes if he had just kept cycling and missed the car entirely?
The car driver was a knob, but JV is doing as much as he can to dramatise everything.
He's not a commuter he's a 'Content creator'. Like many others out there, they're monetising their ride by creating drama, just so they can film it upload it and feed their youtube channel. He's not doing it to instruct, raise awareness or help others, he's just doing it to make himself feel important.
and make money
hes commuting to his job: avoidable situations on the road!
Can't believe we almost lost Jeremy Vine during such a horrific incident. What if it was fatal, who would do the swingometer then!?
What if she didnt see him delibertley blocking her car? Could have been nasty.
I like the way the wide angle camera has distorted his head to look smaller than it actually is 😂
It was amusing in the comments where he said his shouting stopped a collision but refused to answer questions about how continuing on would have prevented the entire after show, including my own that said the driver had expected Jeremy to carry on but instead stopped. The driver should’ve been more aware that Jeremy had stopped and looked target fixated into the turn more than observations…in my opinion.
I find the petrosexual comment rather insulting and a form of jealousy, very similar to cyclists being called out for having expensive equipment. A personalised plate can mean so many things other than being into cars…a business for example or supporting your favourite sports team (lots of RAM plates near me for Derby supporters)
There was another incident this week with his riding partner for the day who stopped behind a van with the reversing light on and of course, drivers fault completely and not the person stopping behind the van 🤷🏻♂️
I agree there are bad road users out there and some need to be highlighted. This was made into so much more than it was purely for Twitter clicks and further attempts to drive a wedge between vehicles and cycles rather than doing more to improve awareness and sharing the road space safely
@@smilerbob you found the petrosexual comment insulting? Really??
I'm disagreeing on personal number plates.
In my experience they are a good indicator of drivers who may behave recklessly, or dangerously to other road users, regardless of the reason - like lack SUVs, 10-year old or brand new Audis, and so on.
They are a badge of the attention-seeker or the driver with a need to self-justify.
There may be some personalised number plate users who have good reasons and work well, but from outside we have to judge them by the 'average' behaviour.
In my neck of the woods I have particular problems around these types of vehicles trying to overtake unsafely through the proliferation of badly designed pinch points.
@@mattwardman It certainly used to be that way for me but I find now that the personalised plate isn’t that bad unless it is also customised…that it things like embossed lettering with bad spacing.
Things like “MR5 9 LET” or “NA51ER M” always ring alarm bells more than “M1 TEL” for example, especially when they are on black backbround plates or non standard reflective plates 😉
Understand where you are coming from though and in reality I trust nobody on the roads, just a few others I trust less 😁
@@smilerbob you found the PS comment insulting? Didn't realise being a driver was a protected characteristic
@@philipreid2542 I think you could be getting confused between being insulted and being offended 😉
How many other of Ashley's viewers were shouting DON'T as J V rode towards the inside the Lexus. Clear to us all that the driver was going to do something. So off J V goes into the danger area increasing risk by entering C pillar blind spots. Clearly the Lexus driver made a mistake but it could have been made a non-event by J V holding back. By holding back JV would been on is his way in less time than he used confronting the driver.
Is stopping a car with your bicycle detaining them against their will not a crime?
By now, it's obvious. Jeremy is actively searching for conflict. He's quite possibly addicted to social media engagement.
Sure, that was some poor calls and observations from the driver of the Lexus. And Jeremy does deserve some credit for the horn (did he spot the indicator coming on?). But stopping in front of the Lexus does nothing to help anyone, apart from Jeremy getting a moment on camera for self-promotion online.
After this video I'm no longer watching anything on this guy I care nothing for how immature he is on things.
Don’t think Jezzer was in school on the day they did the cycling proficiency test. Once again putting himself into a dangerous position on the road.
What a world we could live in if Jeremy Vine held Conservative politicians to the same robust confrontation as someone making a mistake in a car.
difference between a bicycle and a car though you absolute unit
@@KentRoads I'm sorry, I don't speak stella drinking top gear twat, can you rephrase?
@@KentRoads And there's a huge difference between making sense and your comment.
Explain to me what you're even on about? No fucking idea.
My eyes were fixed on the indicator. On the first flash I'd have stopped... Never gonna win if a car turns into you.
Do you cycle a lot? You can't completely focus on indicators for the full journey because you've got to focus on avoiding potholes, debris, drains and people dooring you.
If you fix your eyes on indicators right until you've passed the car, you'd never survive a full journey.
@@glenn1534 obviously only for that particular moment of going around the wrong side of a car. The survey for potholes and other potential hazards is done before then.
@glenn1534 did you see any potholes or anything that could have caused an issue at this junction? No,me neither. I did see acar stopped in an area marked "KEEP CLEAR" that started to indicate a left turn before the gallant Mr Vine (I don't want to end up like a certain former footballer) rode past on its left and like our OP I too would be focusing on the silver car and 8ts indicators long before reaching it.
@@neiloflongbeck5705 you say that after watching the video and knowing exactly what happens. It's easy to say what you think he should have done after the event.
Cyclists constantly have to look out for things in the road, as well as other dangers. It only takes a slight change in terrain for you to go over your handlebars.
There's no way you'd be expecting a driver to be watching the indicators on that car until the last minute, so why do you expect it of a cyclist?
@@DW-indeed The survey for hazards can't just be stopped,once you've got further up the road, you've got to survey further ahead.
The music, and I use the term loosely, that accompanies the clip is all I need to see/hear. It's a piece intended to sensationalise. If he's not very careful, one day he's going to be front page news, and he'll be drinking his food through a straw.
Yes, the Lexus driver was pretty clueless, but ultimately, she did stop and nothing happened until yer man decided to make it happen. On a dashcam channel, he'd be called a dashcam warrior - just someone out for footage, who makes things far worse than they need be.
One thing I commented on originally was the fact that if Jeremy had continued then there would have been no issue and the driver would’ve happily continued the turn behind him
I notice rewatching today that the driver appears to be focussing on the road they are turning into rather than making sure the cyclist had in fact cleared (something they expected him to do I strongly suspect)
So once again, similar to quite a few other videos, in an attempt to confront a driver he has in fact made the situation more dangerous for himself than the original error by the driver…who in my opinion on this occasion had seen Jeremy and waited for him to go passed, all be it while moving slowly
There was a recent video where he claimed a taxi close passed him but it was difficult to tell how close due to his “editing” ability. He moved the 360 camera position continuously throughout the footage and it ended up above his head at the point of the pass, resulting in a heavily distortedimage where his head was the largest thing in the image going from the pavement into the taxi…I now think that was a subconscious metaphore for how large his head gets with the sympathy messages from incidents of his own making
@@smilerbob Good analysis. As you suggest, the only thing bigger than his head is his massive ego. It won't cushion him on the day it all goes wrong though.
Jeremy Vine and the likes are creating more tension between cyclists and motorists that anything or anybody else.
Driver should've used their mirrors before turning (and shouldn't stop in a Keep Clear area), but Jeremy should've paid attention to the car's turn signal (not easy to see in the video due to the resolution, but still visible). But Jeremy gets his content, so all's well.
The thing I would not give him flack for is missing the signal or not altering the plan after seeing it. It's quite near to the moment he first starts overlapping, at the very edge of being able to react to it. But he's not necesarily obliged to react to it more than the toot, he'd still got priority. There was not enough time to alter the plan to pass on the right safely, so the fact that he proceeds is not weird.
@@jeohist you mean the turn signal just before they turned? Doesn't count
I have to say the most frustrating design issues, or faults I’d rather say, are tiny indicators in the middle of a full size Ford rear lens, a 23 or 24 plate car, and daytime running lights ( I believe) on some new cars under control of the driver that when failure to switch to side lights or main Beam when dark leaves the vehicle unlit at the rear, so, lights on front, none on rear unless side lights employed.
They will have not expected a bicycle to filter and sneak up on them. They might have looked when Vine wasn't visible. even if in plain sight, you won't see what you not looking for, why do youthink there was an advert THINK BIKE. As an example, on a wide deserted street at night, have been surprised by the occasional pedestrain cross behind me as I passed. Did not see them beforehand as was not expecting them . Now I look for them.
@@RenAiguThat was the *third* thing Vine missed though! The vehicle *before* that was also indicating left, and he undertook that. And the vehicle *before that* was an incredibly tight squeeze that the vehicle would have had to wander left by only millimetres left to squeeze the bike. That was literally Vine’s third dangerous move inside two seconds. Man’s a lunatic.
I didn’t know he was infamous for this sort of stuff, but I do now.
I would like to call Vine exactly what he is, but he might a. Start crying in front of a judge b. Sue me. Truly nauseating person who is the epitome of an entitled lefty
Vine is certainly not left wing. He is a right wing bellend
One thing is clear from the way this is edited and the terms used, Jeremy is doing everything he can to exacerbate the "Us vs Them" mentality of both motorists and cyclists.
I know that the overwhelming majority of all people do not look down on others for thier choice of transportation. This is why I do not employ terms like "pedalphile" as easily as Jeremy employs the term "petrolsexual".
I drive cars, and ride motorbikes at an advanced level , bicycles and currently a recumbent trike, at one time even drove 2000 miles on a rod legal mobility scooter . Have very few issues with car drivers, infact ,constantly assess their driving and find them very considerate, a bit too carefull though, and know exactly what they are doing behind me due to mirrors. It is not what mode of trasnport you use but how you ride or drive that matters including how considerate you are to other road users that matters, which is reciprocated.
@@DemiGod.. 100% 👍
@@DemiGod..weird . I've had drivers do sudden u turns in front of me, close pass me and even turn with no indication .
Jeremy’s self entitlement and road rage shining through as usual…
Remarkable image of a belllend
Nowadays people have to make a choice.
Either be the main character of their own social media content, or, live their life. Jeremy made his choice.
He was told he is smarter than everyone else. They lied.
Jeremy wasn't the best here, I get it, another decent opportunity to call him out, that is fair. A few points in his defence this time though
1. A car turning into the right hand side of a two lane road is a lot less expected.
2. Drivers from Kensington have a reputation for a reason, they do not like cyclists there.
3. "Sorry mate I didn't see you" wave vs "Hands up if you need lessons" carry a very similar tone. I know you say one having an anti-driver sentiment makes it different, but I think this is more of a rationalisation. If you are against Jeremy making fun of drivers doing this then recognise the flaw and stop doing it yourself.
I've stopped this 40 seconds in and I already know what Ashley is going to say 😊
Saw a video of JV recently where he challenged himself to a short test of the theory test, he did pretty poorly and made himself look absolutely stupid... Any wonder these things keep happening to him!
Vine seems completely insufferable, and in the few clips I've seen (mostly via this channel) he's always trying to make situations worse as a means of reprimanding poor driving. I'm glad I don't consume any of the media he headlines.
At work, we'll listen to Radio 2 just to have something on in the background. Jeremy is almost always insufferable to the point where I just tune him out at this point. His idea of good debate is often to get the two most conflicting views to a topic. He then gets people calling in where he will put words in their mouth and will regularly counter their points with arguments that are utterly insane and that no one is saying.
He is a person who pays particular attention to bad scenarios and loves to be in them .
The bit where hes edited when he bloked the driver it wouldn't surprise me if there'd been an argument 'caused by his passive aggressiveness' he uses
0:27 the car wasn't moving, had gone way further forward than you'd expect someone turning left to go, it would be very reasonable to expect it would be safe to pass them, especially since they should be giving way and looking where they're going.
No, no, no. People who have stopped in the wrong places, at wrong angles like this woman did are _exactly_ the people you should be expecting to do something strange and unpredictable. Most drivers give off a lot of cues as to what they're going to do, where they're heading and so on and are eminently predictable. The ones who make you go "What _are_ they up to?" are the ones who are unpredictable and one needs to be super cautious around.
@@ianmason. I'd assume they've stopped to give way to you as they're meant to.
@@flemit35 Assumptions are one of the things that they paint the top of slippery slopes with. Making an assumption that another road user is going to do the right thing, and acting on it, is, I find, a quick way to get into trouble.
She shouldn't be driving .
I don't know what the issue was. He literally stopped to get hit. And then had an argument. Absolutely video for clicks, like and attention.
He cut out the bit that followed. I am guesing that she got out and they had a handbag fight, he got owned and she made him eat his underpants. He ommited the footage as embarassed.
Her lack of awareness (and his to be fair) .
I'm not too sure why naming the "SMIDSY wave" is worse than the "hands up if you need lessons" snarks that Ashley commonly makes in his videos, which is after all highlighting the very same phenomenon.
I was about to make this exact point!
The anti motorist rhetoric is the thing that makes it massively different.
@@AshleyNeal-JustCycling won't somebody think of the poor motorists! It's crushing to have your inadequate driving skills called out 😭.
@@AshleyNeal-JustCycling So, it's ok for motorists to make such comments, but cyclists are expected to suffer in silence? That strikes me as bit of a double standard.
Also, I'd like to point out that drivers are in no imminent danger of becoming a hated minority outgroup, the way cyclists are, so anti-driver rhetoric (if that's what this even was, rather than just anti-*bad*-driver) simply doesn't have the same negative impact that anti-cyclist rhetoric does.
It’s not hard to understand the anti motorist agenda creates more anti cyclist views and vice versa. This needs to stop from both sides.
The thing i find fascinating is that you could clear up all these filtering incidents very easily by simply not allowing cyclists to filter down the left at junctions. But no-one seems willing to contemplate that idea.
You're right. Likewise the incidents could be avoided by banning cars from the roads. But another option is to demand competency from all road users so the highway can be used effectively for its intended purpose.
Technically its not against the law but passing at any junction is not advisable. Cars filter down the left lane at junctions in queuing traffic and get in to similar conflicts too. I have often been shouted at or had attempts at blocking me by drivers sitting in queues for passing on the offside - I can only they don't like the "dominant" position. Cyclists can't win.
When I first got a dash cam many, many years ago, I suffered from dashcamitis…it is a well known condition where the dash cammer is always in the right even when doing the wrong thing. Luckily that didn’t last long for me and I soon realised that having a dash cam isn’t going to save you from others doing wrong, only I can save me from that
Unfortunately for some, dashcamitis also increases the feeling of self importance and invincibility and those people can never see wrong in their own actions, only fault from others and the gratification that comes from showing the world how they have been wronged.
As I have said elsewhere, the car driver shouldn’t have continued going forward once Jeremy had stopped but I honestly believe they expected him to continue passed. It didn’t help that the driver didn’t look as they were checking the road they were turning into but even more reason to not confront everyone and attempt to make a scene for social media clicks
He does see to put himself in the daftest of positions. Personally I would not have 'filtered' down such a narrow strip at the start of the footage, never mind what followed. Oh well.
That car was clearly positioned to the left so I would of passed it on the outside not the inside...
But he wants footage so he puts himself in danger to get it.. funny though how he can close pass cars and put himself in bad positions but its everybody else's fault, never his..
Vine is confrontational at every opportunity for his social media. He's a crap interviewer, a crap presenter, and from his videos, a crap cyclist.
Not a crap cyclist. Every incident is intentional. He can spot potential drama and content for his channel a mile off.
Now if he put his observational skills to good use, could be an excelent cyclist like Ashley wants to be.
Jeremy Vine is a professional Victim. He absolutely Loves to tell people off.
Particularluy women and people with kids in their car, or taxi drivers that could lose their jobs.
Cabbies are bell ends .
Did I notice that the silver car indicated left ? Or did I imagine it. Personally, I’d have held back avoiding the incident.
It did indicate left but way too late for anyone to reasonable stop in time and the onus is on the car changing lane to mirror, signal, maneovre (of however you spell that stupid french word!!!). The lexus clearly didn't check the mirror and just signalled and went for it. I would have probably gone to the right of the silver car... But mostly because they looked distracted and I would have suspected them of being on their phone and you get better views from the driver side :D I think Ashley does a good job on road safety but he puts way way too much onus on the other drivers to avoid the idiot to the extent that it sometimes feels the fault lies not with the person that causes the accident but the innocent drivers that get caught up in the incident due to an inability to predict the future and prevent the accident caused by the other person having repercussions. Clearly it's good to plan for people being idiots but fault still lies with the person that creates an accident. It would be like saying in the Rust incident the armourer wasn't at fault and the cinematographer should have ducked? Okay, perhaps too soon.....
The driver was indicating left as Jeremy was going passed the coach, the signal was then cancelled before being applied once more
Combine that with the position and the gap…some alarm bells should be ringing about filtering on the right and not the left IMO
@@JustSomeVideos0 I question whether the signal was too late, rather Vine was a tad too inattentive or aggressive in wanting to get past. He could easily have avoided the incident. I would have.?
But doing the sensible thing and holding back would have meant Vine had nothing to post so would have defeated the object. He is IMO just an annoying self appointed narcissist.
Q: if when a motor vehicle passes a pedal cycle there is a requirement to leave 1.5m gap (or 2m at high speeds), and this is vital for safety.. why do cyclists feel the need to "filter" through much narrower gaps?
As someone who recently won a court case after being called a "bike nonce" on social media, you'd think he'd know better than to insult others.
He's a bellend - and he can sue me if he wants!!
As soon as I saw that vehicle straddling lanes in a 'Keep Clear' section, I'd have stayed well away. Probably dismounted and walked up, my first thought would be that there was some obstruction blocking their way. Stuffing yourself into congestion isn't a solution for anything.
Many things I would not do that Jeremy does but TBH Ash, anyone can analyse footage after the fact. I bet you I could the same of your driving let alone your sissy cycling.
The silver car driver was clueless and wrong. They are turning left into the oncoming lane of the side road. It looks like she changed her mind and instead of going straight, decided to turn left, even though she’d gone past the turn.
Seems like they didn't check their mirrors before turning, too.
Yep, that might have caught me out too.
@@glenn1534At the angle she was at, the wing mirrors would not have seen JV. Hence turning very slowly and looking very shoulder. Hadn’t allowed for fast cyclist looking for trouble.
@@tomburton8239 She's in a city with a lot of cyclists. If there's a blind spot and she's making a maneuver without indicating, she should at least take a look over her shoulder to check she's not going to hit anyone.
That's not really the point of the video
I think one needs to be more observant of everything around them especially when unsure of where they are and one needs to stop being eager for clickbait after the correction has been made and an apology given
The car had passed point where she should have turned. She was at the same level of bad driving as those who cut the turning when turning right or cross the hatched area when turning off a motorway or cut across lanes on a roundabout. All three are as dangerous. If you have missed your turning go on and find a different route. That car must have a built in Sat Nav so no excuse for not being able to find an alternative route.
Too right, Cellophane👍🏼
Filter more carefully, particularly in busy areas, to avoid risk if somebody makes a mistake. Easy.
He seems to have a real knack for putting himself in the way of motor vehicles (either in front or behind) and then stopping, just waiting to get run over…
An example of how much of a plonker JV is. Sorry JV, but it's true. Another incident where after dealing with the initial issue, he could have just carried on, got out of that drivers' way and made it a non-incident and gone about the remainder of his journey. There was absolutely no need for all the stupid other aspects to the video - it was only for clicks and attention because he is acting like a self-entitled (beep).
If you slow the clip down to half speed you can see the Lexus is actually indicating left before Jeramy undertakes the car
Joey Barton had it right about this bloke
His videos are more heavily edited than that scene in Taken 2
Or Bourne Ultimatum
Obviously mr vine is excellent reading from an autucue hence his c5 and radio 2 shows .Its a pity he cant read the road in front of him .
The car has stopped in a keep clear box. No indication of turning left. Turns after the preemptive horn sound. No awareness of a cyclist on the left. Easily should’ve been seen in the left mirror.
In his video it shows him or at least the the camera looking at the indicator so he continued to approach the car on the left. He fabricated the whole incident by being unaware of his surroundings
The thing about these Jeremy Vine videos, they often have a valid message but unfortunately because of the way the videos are edited with unnecessary graphics, messages and drama queen reactions the important messages are lost.
I agree with Ashley that the large space in front of the car should ring alarm bells, add in the road on the left...
I don't know what was going on with the messages about the lady driver at the end, almost certainly had nothing to do with the incident I suspect.
He knew she was turning left, it was obvious to even a pea brain like Jeremy.
am I mistaken or was the car indicating left? I think so.
He causes confrontation where it was not necessary
I love the way the helmit cam accentuates his already extremely big head
I love your critic on Vine, he is a toss pot.
Its sadly going to give him more viewers and making how he acts worse.
Jeremy Vine lives rent-free in Ashley's head 😅
What ever you think Tom. If you can’t work out I do this to stop other cyclists copying his idiotic behaviour, you are as deluded as him.
My step dad said to me years ago, pain is a good teacher.
I learned the hard way when i was 19, filtered through traffic on my motorbike, got hit side on and leg broken. Since then i have been super aware of risk in city conditions, pain was a good teacher to me.
Going back to Jeremy's van incident clip where the van backed into him after going the wrong way and JV went into its blind spot, you would think he would learn not to enter risk with pain being a good teacher.
Maybe these days they make better idiots than years ago when my step dad told me that phrase lol
And i am pretty confident he has edited that to be in his favour, if the words said were in his favour he would leave them in and not edit them out.
I don’t understand why he continued seeing that silver car just hanging out there like that to filter on the inside with a junction there, with it being more over to the left just filter on the right were the driver is sat, give a quick beep of the horn to get drivers attention and country with caution.
They way he stopped like the purpose of the camera is to get footage of issues, I just bought a cam mainly so i can analyze my own riding and any issues was there something that I can do better next time.
Considering he has just successfully sued someone for calling him a bike nonce, calling random people petrosexuals seems like a bit of an asshole move.
Be careful.
@AshleyNeal-JustCycling exactly, he has raised the issue of calling people names and them done the same to somebody else. It's risky, and not something I ever intend to do!
This is interesting
Barton repeatedly accused Vine of being a paedophile. It's really not the same.
In this case they are as bad as each other. The driver should have checked mirrors and given way to the cyclist as per the new rules of the Highway code. Jeremy should have continued his journey. He nearly made It a non-event but couldn't resist making it an event.
I do think drivers should have to pass a theory test periodically to keep their licence so they have to re read the Highway code and any changes as well as reinforcing the rules they already know
So he cycles around the front of the car, cutting it up at the last minute... then has a problem. Sausage
I don't see any problems with the SMIDSY label - it's a term in use amongst motorcycle trainers for around 20 years which has been adopted by cyclists. If it has suddenly become 'unacceptable' I'd tend to read that as indicating a prejudice rather than a problem with the term itself.
There's even a RUclips video by a Motorcycle Trainer from 2008 called "Crash Course - The SMIDSY". He even identifies a "look at me" manoeuvre called SIAM (SMIDSY Identification and Avoidance Manoeuvre" or SMIDSY Weave.
Way back in 2004, the DFT had a research project around what they call "Look But Did Not See" accidents. SMIDSY seems better.
My view is that the best mitigation for this is 1 - Better driver training / continuing education, and 2 - Presumed Liability in Civil cases.
I don't mind it either, but just not in the anti-motorist BS at the end.
Yeah, he's just looking for confrontation so he has something to upload. He could have just beeped his horn and continued on cycling. Problem solved.
There was a great video referencing the cycle lane, Kensington and cycling through London last week by Evan Edinger. Far more interesting than Jeremy.
At 3:26 we can see the Lexus disappearing down the side road Kensington Court. So it seems that, just before the JV encounter, she was pausing before turning left. Any competent cyclist would have spotted this, and held back. BUT not JV: he’s in the business of looking for incidents, amplifying any opportunity, and shouting about it.
She'd gone past the turn, she turned into the oncoming lane! That's somewhat unexpected.
As an Instructor if I made such a song and dance about such an avoidable thing I’d never get any work done.
Aside from the fact that Jeremy rode here in a way that made things worse, i think you're unfair to criticise his stereotyping of the driver based on their car and their wave given how often you stereotype Audi drivers and make the "hands up if you need lessons" joke (both of which are fine by me)
I have to disagree with you slightly on this one Ashley. I don't think you can anticipate that someone who has gone past the turning is going to turn into on-coming traffic abruptly. However, I am really enjoying your videos, keep it up! :)
Is Jeremy Vine on "MeChube"? He certainly should be, based on footage GV has shot and Ashley has reposted.
Seems like another bit of London nonsense but what on earth is a petrosexual?
A word that Mr. Vine has tried to make up as a slur, but he unfortunately doesn't have the education to realise that it would suggest someone who is sexually attracted to rocks. What can you expect from someone who works in television, a misbegotten word that's "Half Greek and half Latin". The word he's looking for, if he must invent one, is oleosexual, the oleo- prefix meaning related to oil.
He has more incidents than I've had hot dinners. The car was in a strange place compared to all the other traffic. First question is why and do I need to be aware of them more. I would trust my 6 year old nice more on the road than I do Jeremy. He all about creating problems rarther than fix him. It's nothing to do with car vs bike nonsense
Interesting point. Would he have blocked the front of say, a bakfiets if it had attempted the same manoeuvre as the Lexus?
Ashley seems to be projecting some omniscience that he probably wouldn't have had if he was in this same situation.
The car was not in a position to turn, it was in the wrong position, facing the wrong lane. While there is always some inherent degree of uncertainty, the fact is that cars are often in positions like this and never decide to flick on the indicator and turn just as the cyclist is going past.
The car was signalling so the cycle warrior should have held back and not think "I have right of way therefore I will proceed and put my life in danger for clicks"
The fisheye lens makes Jeremy's head *look* massive.
Or does it?
She has already started indicating before he undertakes, just did it for content obviously
Cyclist failed to anticipate the potential risk from the silver car which potentially appeared to be ‘dithering or lost’.
The silver car indicated just before the cyclist undertook; the cyclist should have anticipated this appeared not to.
The cyclist chose to ignore the indication and still continued, thus placing himself in danger.
Neither were exemplary, although the cyclist was willing to broadcast his own failings on RUclips.
Are cyclists permitted to undertake on the left if there is no marked cycle lane? Or is it that overtaking must be on the right is correct?
Jeremy Vine clearly loves these little incidents, but this is the driving that should be given drivers a bad name if we're intent on generalizations. To stop in the keep clear at a junction, figure out where you're going and then abruptly turn using the wrong side of the road is the danger in this clip and all too common. It's even the classic 'incidcate as I turn' approach...
That all said, I don't like Vine's approach to any of this and would like his video editing software to be uninstalled.
Now, I like myself a good wordplay, but that's about the only thing I like in Mr. Vine's clip.
As for the video there were errors made by the driver and JV could have just made it a non event and carried on but just wanted to feed his ego. I agree with Ashley about this clip
Just Vine looking for content as usual, his followers will no doubt be keyboard bashing in support of him, little did he realise it’s provided content for our favourite roads analyst who actually knows what he’s talking about.
I normally stay off this type of video, as the comments turn into a bear-pit, but I can give you a bit of background here.
Kensington & Chelsea is a notorious black hole in decent quality mobility infrastructure in London - they have refused to have "Cycling Superhighways" in the Borough, so people travelling safely suddenly get dumped back into the 1990s when they enter K&C. IMO It's like a 3rd World Gin Palace district inserted into London. On Kensington High Street a semi-protected mobility lane carrying ~3000 people per day was taken out "to reduce congestion", replaced 2 years later by advisory painted lanes, which are now occupied by illegally parked cars and the traffic and the cyclists are forced into a single lane as we see here; this undermines safety for no benefit. The replacement "scheme" is nowhere near prescribed quality standards.
The solution to this will either be for K&C to start taking road safety seriously, or for Kensington High Street to become a TFL controlled route.
On the stereotypes "Kensington driver" seems OK to me, as the place is full of rich visitors, expats and diplomats who are used to LH driving and behave as if they are entitled to do whatever they like in their oversized motors. " Not sure about "petrosexual" here; I'd more associate that with footy-motor-flag types on twitter defending lawbreakers, who I call "Pfaffers" - the kind who are drive-by abusers or who say people who cannot dismount and walk should not be allowed to cycle. Yes, there is a similar randomly-confrontational tendency in some parts of the cycle-lobby, which I work to undermine.
In my experience I find personalised number plates to be another red flag to identify wrapped-up-in-a-bubble driver alongside SUVs, Audi, dark windows, Dukes of Hazzard exhaust, ok-at-me low profile tyres and so on.
Nigel Havers is an old school ignorant self-admitted hater of cyclists, who lives in K&C + Wiltshire, often quoted in places like the Mail, Telegraph & Spectator saying things like "all cyclists go through red lights; no motorists do" and 'cyclists don't pay for roads'. After being caught drink-driving home from the pub decades ago he maintained it was acceptable behaviour and 'I felt victimised by the police'" - which imo sums up the man.
I'm relatively relaxed about brief confrontations where it can be done safely; in the absence of continuing education for drivers and higher standards someone has to start the job of addressing reckless driving. It is also necessary imo to keep these questions on the public agenda; if we don't they will just be unaddressed. When we get our traffic police back to 2000 levels, and government addressing road safety, I may adjust my view.
Opinions are, of course, my own. The data I quote is sound.
So stereotypes are followed. What stereotype does Jeremy create?
Got to be honest the clues of a left turn ( or something odd ) coming up are everywhere , how could you not see them. or is a case i know something is about to happen so i will make it into publicity for me. I will go with the latter. I feel sorry for those that share the road with him.
wow, 100% victim blaming here.
The car is stationary in an area where it should not have stopped, no indication until vine starts to filter on the inside, which is legal.
Then, the silver car does one indication and starts to move. (Here you should listen to your own advice about indicating does not give you the right to make the manoeuvre), vine then gives a warning toot so as to make the silver car driver aware that the cyclist is there, after all the car (previously at standstill) now starts to move across the line of direction of the cyclist (you comments here normally refer to change of lane, change of direction etc).
The inattentive driver never the less, moves off and into the cyclist, having not checked, only indicated once, and ignored a toot.
The driver did not stop until vine had stopped.
Now I agree that vine should have carried on, the rest is on vine.
But stop the victim blaming, vine did nothing wrong but stop after a close call, personally I would have stopped further up to make sure I got the plate of the idiot driver.
As a cyclist, I would advise, don't pass on a junction like that. However, its such a low speed incident to be completely unmemorable. To make such a long video out of it with so much post production is ridiculous. If this is the worst you have to deal with as a cyclist you should be thankful.
Jeremy Vine brake checks a turning Lexus for no reason other than to make a clip to share on social media.
We can see the front of the car while it's zoomed in, and then the car moves forwards and turns before stopping "2mm" away from his rear pannier because he's stopped in the way for no reason, as we see when the camera is panned back around to look at Jeremy and he's facing right for no reason and there's literally nothing in the road that would have caused him to stop.
I mean they are past their side of the junction turning onto the wrong side of the road flashing their indicators 1/2 a cycle and didn't have their wheels turned
Vine seems to want to create some mickey mouse entertainment for adults?? Very bizarre.
I see 5 year olds cycling with better observation and reaction.
Ahh, those Kensington based, personalised numberplate clad Lexus drivers. I find myself cursing at them all the time. Especially up here in Northumberland.